Linear Algebra Syllabus
Linear Algebra Syllabus
Linear Algebra Syllabus
UC Berkeley School of Information
This course is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge in linear algebra
that is needed for the Master of Data Science (MIDS). It covers mathematical
prerequisites that will appear in later courses, including Machine Learning and
advanced electives.
This is one of two self-paced bridge courses that students may take to supplement
their technical preparation in the early stages of the MIDS curriculum. A companion
course, Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms, surveys programming
techniques, algorithm development, core data structures used in computer science,
and a selection of special topics relevant to data science.
Course Format
The course is divided into four units, which are self-paced. Students can complete the
material in any amount of time. Each unit has approximately two hours of
asynchronous material, and the course does not include live discussion sections.
The course will include a set of exercises to accompany some lecture segments.
These exercises are optional, but students who are interested in fully grasping the
material will find them useful. There are no exams, graders, or required assignments
for this course.
The course is self-contained and requires no textbook. Some portions of the course
track the presentation from Sheldon Axlers Linear Algebra Done Right. This text is
not required.
A previous course in calculus is recommended. Students who have had prior exposure
to more advanced mathematics may better understand passing references, but the core
content of the course is sufficiently self-contained that no prior exposure to advanced
mathematics is necessary.
What Is a Function?
What Is a Linear Function?
Affine Functions as Linear Functions
Operations on Real Vectors
Summations and Applications
Vectors as Single-Valued Linear Functions
Operations on Real Matrices
The Matrix-Vector Product
Matrices as Linear Functions
Composition of Linear Functions
The Matrix Product
Linear Systems
Types of Linear Systems
Solving Linear Systems by Direct Methods
Gaussian Elimination With Backward Substitution
Elementary Matrices
LU Factorization
Matrix Inverses
Iterative Solution Methods