Circuit Analysis Lab

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Circuit Analysis Laboratory Manual

Prepared by: Dr. Uma Balaji 7/2015

Revised by Dr. Jeffrey N Denenberg 7/2016, 8/2017
List of Experiments

0. Notes

1. Resistance Color Code and Tolerance and Ohms Law

2. Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws

3. Superposition Theorem

4. Thevenins and Nortons Theorem

5. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

6. Multisim Activity on Transient Analysis

7. Oscilloscope

8. Op-amp Circuits

9. AC analysis of Series RC Circuits

10. RC Low pass Filter

Laboratory Experiment Notes

1. You can easily finish your work during the scheduled lab time if you spend some time before the
lab to:
a. Read and understand the laboratory notes
b. Practice the theoretical analysis required using the nominal component values so that
you can easily redo the calculations using the measured component values to eliminate
component tolerances as a source of experimental error.
c. Set up your circuit simulations (Multisim, LTSpice, or other simulation tool) using the
nominal values and confirm that you obtain the same results as calculated. You can
easily edit your simulation to use the measured component values when performing the
experimental procedure.
2. The lab (Bannow 133) is available (except for times that classes are meeting) for any follow0up
work. Your Stagcard will provide access.
3. There are two lab instructors (Cavello / Denenberg) and your Professor (Balagi) that can assist
you in understanding these experiments. Upper class and graduate EE students often can be
found in the lab on weekday afternoons/evenings and they can also answer questions.
4. There will be times when the laboratory schedule gets ahead of the lecture class schedule. Do
not let this be a concern as your lab instructor will go over the relevant theory as required at the
start of each lab session.
Laboratory Experiment 1: Resistor Color Code and Tolerance and Ohms Law

Objective: To become familiar with the resistor color code and the use of an ohmmeter to measure
resistance and to verify Ohms Law


Digital Multimeter (DMM)

Resistors: 100, 1k, 2.2k, 10k, 68k, 100k, 330k, 1M


1. The color code (look it up on the Internet) on each resistor defines the nominal value about
which the tolerance is defined. The nominal value is that value of resistance that the resistor
would have if its tolerance were 0 percent. Use the color code to determine the nominal value
in each case and record them (smallest value first) in Table 1.

2. Record the tolerance. Using the tolerance and the resulting theoretical maximum and minimum
values for each resistor can be calculated.

3. Using the DMM (note that it has specified accuracy as well, look it up on the Internet. Also
check the zero by shorting the leads. If there is some residual resistance, this can noticeably
affect low resistance readings.), measure and record the measured value of each resistor.
Calculate the percentage deviation:
Error = (Nominal value - Measured Value) X 100 / Nominal Value
and record it. Check to see whether or not this value falls within the tolerance specification and
record it. Be sure not to touch probes with your fingers when measuring resistance, since
readings will be affected by body resistance!

Table 1: (suggestion: use Excel to create in this table and paste it into your report)

Nominal value Tolerance Measured value % Deviation Meet Spec?

Ohms Law

1. Measure the resistance of your 1k resistor using a Multimeter.

2. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1 using 1k for the resistor.

3. Adjust the Elvis variable power supply to 2V by measuring using a DMM (The Elvis virtual DVM is
available). Measure the current through the resistor as shown using a second DMM (be careful
not to blow the internal fuse). Record in Table 2 (again, using Excel to record data and do
calculations is a better approach)

+ A -

Vdc R1
1k V

4. Adjust the power supply voltage in steps of 2V up to 12V and repeat step 3. Record in Table 2.

5. Reverse the polarity of power supply and repeat steps 3 and 4. Record in Table 2.

4. Plot I against V. What does the slope represent? Use your spreadsheets linear regression
analysis to get the best linear equation that represents your data.

5. Determine the resistance from the graph. How does it compare to the measured resistance.

6. Submit results and conclusions in your lab report.

Table 1:

Nominal value Measured value

Table 2: R1=1k

V in Volts I in mA
Laboratory 2: Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws
Objective: The objective of this experiment is to understand series, parallel combination of resistors
and verify Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws


DC Power Supply

Digital Multimeter (DMM)

Resistors: 4.7k, 2k, 2.7K, 1k, 3.3K


1. Measure the individual resistances. Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuits shown in
Figure 1 using measured values of resistances (show your work!).
2. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 1.
3. Measure the equivalent resistances. Record in Table 1. (Again use a spreadsheet like Excel)
4. Repeat steps 1- 4 for the circuit in Figure 2.
5. Explain the difference in values in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1

1k 2.7k
R7 R9
Req 1k 3.3k

Figure 2

1k 2.7k
Req R7 R9
1k 3.3k

Table 1.

Figure Number Theoretical Req Measured Req % Deviation


Introduction In this section of our second laboratory, two of the most important laws used to analyze
circuits will be experimentally verified. Kirchhoff's Current Law states that the sum of all the currents
entering a node is zero. A common mistake in applying this law is to not carefully show the direction of
each current entering the node. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law states that the sum of all the voltages around a
circuit loop must equal to zero. When applying this law, be sure to indicate the polarity of the voltage
across each circuit element using + and - signs. Experimental results will be compared with those using
hand calculations, MATLAB, and Multisim.

R1 1 R 2
Ia 2

+ Va - - Vb + Ib Ic

10 V. R R Vc
3 4 -


Figure 3. Circuit for Voltage and Current Measurements

Theoretical Calculations

1. Let R1 = 2K, R2 = 4.7K, R3 = 1K, and R4 = 3.3K.

2. Measure the four resistors. Record them on the circuit. Use the measured* resistor values to
calculate the voltages across resistors and currents in the circuit. Solve for unknown node voltages
V1 and V2 and voltages Va, Vb, Vc by hand (show your work!). While doing so make sure to note the
polarity of voltages marked in the circuit. Note: although not marked the node voltages V1 and V2
are considered positive with respect to the reference. Solve for unknown currents Ia, Ib, Ic making
sure to observe the current directions marked in the circuit.
*Using measured values removes resistor tolerances as a source of error in the experiment.
This is an important concept that you should apply to all hands-on engineering activities.


Construct a Multisim simulation of the circuit in Figure 1 using the measured values of the four resistors.
Run the simulation so as to determine the currents and voltages indicated in Figure 3.
Laboratory Experiment

1. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 3.

2. Use the Multimeter to measure the indicated three currents (be careful not to blow the DVM fuse)
along the directions marked in the circuit and five voltages with polarity shown in the circuit and
record in Table 2 and Table 3.

3. Compare (calculate the percent differences) the results of Step 2 with those obtained from the
theoretical calculations of Step 2 of the Theoretical Calculations and the Simulation section above.

4. Using the measured values of the three currents verify Kirchhoff's Current Law at node 2. Use your
measured values of the source voltage, Va, Vb, and Vc to verify Kirchhoff's Voltage Law. Also, verify
the voltage across resistors Va, Vb, and Vc in terms of the node voltages V1 and V2.

5. Submit a report with results and conclusions

Note: if you have percent errors in excess of your instrumentation tolerances, you have made
mistakes in performing the laboratory.

Table 2:
Va Vb Vc V1 V2 KVL

Va Vb Vc V1 V2 KVL

Va Vb Vc V1 V2 KVL

Note: The calculated and simulated results should be within round-off errors
and the measured values should be within equipment tolerances.

Table 3:
Ia Ib Ic KCL at node 2

Ia Ib Ic KCL at node 2
Ia Ib Ic KCL at node 2
Laboratory Experiment 3: Superposition Theorem
Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the principle of superposition.


DC Power Supply

Digital Multimeter (DMM)

Resistors: 2.2k, 1 k, 3.3K

Note: Measure each resistor and use these values in all of the following steps.
This eliminates resistor tolerances as a source of experimental error.


1. Theoretically solve each of the networks of Figures 1 through 3 for the voltages across each of
the resistors using any method of analysis known to you. Mark a polarity reference of your
choice. ( Note: For Figure 3 do not use superposition principle to determine the voltages but use
any method of analysis known to you with both sources present in the analysis) Record the
calculated values in the Table 1. Confirm that superposition is validated theoretically.
2. Set up network in Figure 1. *Note: if using Elvis, measure the 15 volt supply voltage and adjust
your calculations/simulations to use this value to eliminate that source of error.
3. Measure the voltages across each of the resistor. Record in Table 1.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for network in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
5. Verify the principle of superposition with measured voltages. Will the principle of superposition
apply for currents through each of the resistors? Explain and verify this with Multisim.
6. Using voltages across each of the resistors in networks of Figures 1 2 and 3 determine the power
dissipated in each of the resistor. Record in Table 2. Is the principle of superposition valid for
power? Explain.
* You should always try to reduce sources of error in all experimental procedures.

Table 1
E1 alone Present (Figure 1) E2 alone Present(Figure 2) E1 and E2 Present (Figure 3)
Calculated Measured Calculated Measured Calculated Measured

Table 2.
E1 alone Present (Figure 1) E2 alone Present(Figure 2) E1 and E2 Present (Figure 3)
Calculated Measured Calculated Measured Calculated Measured
Figure 1

R1 R2
1k 3.3k


Figure 2

R1 R2
1k 3.3k

15 V

Figure 3

R1 R2
1k 3.3k

V1 V2
8V 15 V
Laboratory Experiment 4: Thevenins and Nortons Theorem
Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the Thevenins and Nortons equivalent
circuit experimentally and theoretically for a simple network.


DC Power Supply

Digital Multimeter (DMM)

Resistors: 2.2k, 1 k, 3.3K, 4.7k, 6.8k


1. Measure your actual source voltage and resistor vales and use the results in all subsequent
2. Theoretically solve for the Thevenins equivalent circuit (VTH in series with RTH) of Figure 1
between terminals a and b. Record it in the Table 1. Solve for Nortons current and record it in
Table 1. Make sure to mention units for values recorded.
R1 R3
1k 3.3k
10Vdc R2

Figure 1.

3. Set up the circuit and measure the voltage between terminals a and b. What is this voltage
called? Record it in Table 1.
4. Measure the current through the terminals a and b when using the current meter to short a to
b.. What is this current? Record it in Table 1.
5. Remove the voltage source and replace with a short circuit. Measure the resistance between the
two terminals a and b with a Multimeter. What is this resistance called? Record it in Table 1.
6. From your measurements in step 2 and step 3 calculate the Thevenins equivalent resistance
and record it in Table 1.
7. Repeat this experiment using Multisim simulations
8. Calculate the percent error between the theoretical, simulated and measured values.
Table 1

Theory Simulated Measured Percent


9. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for Figure 2. Record theoretical and measured data in Table 2.

R1 R3
3.3k 4.7k

V1 a

R2 R4
6.8k 2.2k

Table 2

Theory Simulated Measured Percent

Laboratory Experiment 5: Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to verify the Maximum Power Theorem.


DC Power Supply

Digital Multimeter (DMM)

Resistors: 2.2k, 1 k, 3.3K, 10k Pot

Procedure: (remember to measure all component values and source voltages and use those values in all
of the simulations/calculations)

1. Theoretically solve for the Thevenins equivalent circuit (VTH in series with RTH) of Figure 1
between terminals a and b. Draw the Thevenins equivalent circuit.
Figure 1
R1 R3
1k 3.3k
10Vdc R2

2. Assemble the circuit in Figure 1.

3. Connect between the terminals a and b a 10Kohm potentiometer Or alternatively a set of
known resistor values) which will be varied to achieve the desired Load resistance.
4. Set the potentiometer resistance to 1K. Measure the current through the load and voltage
across the load. Record the measurements in Table 1. Calculate the power dissipated in load.
5. Vary its resistance from 1Kohm to 8Kohm in steps of 1Kohms. While varying the resistance make
sure to remove the potentiometer from the circuit. Adjust to achieve the desired value by
reading the resistance on DMM. Understand why the potentiometer should be removed from
the circuit in order to adjust its value. For each setting repeat the measurements in step 4 and
record in Table 1.
6. Assemble the Thevenins equivalent circuit of Figure 1. Repeat the step 3-5 and record the
measurement in Table 2.
7. Compare measured values of the two circuits. Comment on it in results and conclusions section.
8. Plot the power dissipated in load as a function of load resistance. At what value of load
resistance is the power dissipated in the load resistance maximum? Using the best polynomial
curve fit function of your spreadsheet aids in this estimation. Comment on it in results and
conclusions section.
Table 1

Load Resistance Voltage Current Power

Table 2

Load Resistance Voltage Current Power

Laboratory Experiment 6: Multisim Activity on Transient Analysis
Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to verify the Transient behavior of RC and RL networks
using Multisim.

1. Assemble the following circuit in Multisim.


V1 C1
12 V 100F

2. On the Analysis tab (on menu), select transient analysis.

3. A transient analysis window as below will pop up. Change the Initial Conditions to Set to Zero.
Keep the Start time to 0s. Change the End time to 10 times the time constant (RC) of the
circuit above i.e. 100s. Check maximum number of time points and leave at 100. The analysis
will be done at 100 points over 100s which means the circuit simulation is done every second.
Click on Output tab and select the voltage so as to read the voltage across capacitor C1 and add
it to the output. It will appear on the empty column on the right side when add has been
selected (Note: From view netlist tab of Multisim it can be verified that the node voltage
selected indeed is the capacitor voltage)

4. Click Simulate on the transient analysis window.

5. A graph will appear with voltage as a function of time. The window of graph will be on a black
background. Invert the graph background to white. Copy the graph and paste on a word
document to prepare a report.

6. Once again on the Analysis tab (on menu), select transient analysis. Click on Output tab and
Remove the selected voltage. Then Add I(R1)

7. Once again, click Simulate on the transient analysis window. Determine the value of the time
constant of the circuit analytically (RC) and verify it from simulation.

8. A graph will appear with current as a function of time. This concludes transient analysis of the
above circuit. Copy the inverted graph and paste on a word document to prepare a report.

9. Assemble the following circuit in Multisim. Obtain the Thevenins equivalent circuit to the left of
the capacitor. From the Thevenins equivalent circuit determine the time constant of the circuit.
You need NOT put the switch shown in figure. Just connect a wire in place of switch.
Simulating transient analysis takes care of the switch. Repeat steps 2 to 8 and copy the graph
on a word document to prepare a report.
TCLOSE = 0 R1 R2
1 2
100k 47k

10Vdc R3
100k C1

10. Assemble the circuit below. Repeat steps 2 to 8 and copy the graph on a word document to
prepare a report. Note the time constant for the circuit below is 0.15ms. The END time of the
analysis is 10 times the time constant.

12 V

11. Give title to each of the graph. Write Conclusion and submit the document.
Laboratory Experiment 7: The Oscilloscope
Objective: This experiment introduces period, frequency and RMS and phase measurements using
oscilloscope .

Function Generator
DC Power Supply
Digital Multimeter (DMM)


A supplementary material on oscilloscope will be provided and the instructor will explain' the operation
and use of the oscilloscope and the function generator.
1. Adjust the zero-reference line to the middle of the screen (halfway up from the bottom of the
screen) by moving the vertical position control. The zero level is now set to middle of the screen.
Do not move the vertical position control after this because it is important the zero reference
line is in the middle of the screen while making measurement of the period.

2. Set CHANNEL 1 to the AC coupling mode and connect the scope to the function generator. Set
the function generator to 200Hz sinusoidal waveform. Adjust the function generator so that 4
Volts peak to peak is observed on the oscilloscope. Observe the positive half of waveform above
the zero level and negative half below the zero level. Amplitude is not important parameter of
measurement for this part.

3. Determine the period of waveform by measuring the length of one full cycle of the waveform
and multiplying the length with the horizontal sensitivity set on the oscilloscope. In order to
measure the length of one cycle move the horizontal shift position so that one of the zero
crossing (positive slope)of the waveform close to the left end of screen is aligned with a vertical
thick line(second one say) on the left side of the screen. Then, count the number of divisions to
the next zero crossing (positive slope) to obtain the length of a cycle.

Period= Length of cycle in division X Time/Division setting on Oscilloscope.

Frequency = 1/T

4. Record the observation in Table 1. For the period make sure that you write the unit of period
with the prefix milli or micro as necessary.
5. Repeat the period and frequency measurement for various frequency settings on the function
generator as per Table 1. For each setting MAKE SURE that you adjust the time per division
setting of the oscilloscope so that you observe one cycle clearly on the oscilloscope. For best
results the Time/Division setting should be such that only about one to two cycles of the
waveform are observed on the screen of the oscilloscope. Note that whenever the frequency
setting on the function generator is changed the peak to peak amplitude also changes meaning
that the function generator does not produce a constant voltage with changing frequency.
Since amplitude is not a parameter of importance in this measurement it may be adjusted to
about 4V peak to peak so that the waveform is observed clearly in a 1 Volt/Div scale.

6. Change the function generator setting so as to output Triangular wave.

7. Repeat period and frequency measurement for this waveform using oscilloscope using the steps
outlined above and record the observations in Table 2.

8. Change the function generator setting so as to output Square wave.

9. Repeat period and frequency measurement for this waveform using oscilloscope using the steps
outlined above and record the observations in Table 3.


Frequency Time/Division Number of Period= Frequency= 1/T
setting (Function Setting Divisions per Time/Div X in Hz
Generator) in Hz cycle Number of Div
per cycle



Frequency Time/Division Number of Period= Frequency= 1/T
setting (Function Setting Divisions per Time/Div X in Hz
Generator) in Hz cycle Number of Div
per cycle

Frequency Time/Division Number of Period= Frequency= 1/T
setting (Function Setting Divisions per Time/Div X in Hz
Generator) in Hz cycle Number of Div
per cycle




1. Set the function generator to output 1KHz frequency of sinusoidal wave.

2. Set CHANNEL 1 to the AC coupling mode and connect the scope to the function generator. Also
connect a digital multimeter across the function generator and set it to measure RMS.

3. Set the vertical sensitivity and horizontal sensitivity on oscilloscope appropriately to observe the
waveform clearly for each amplitude level of Table 4.

4. Derive the RMS of a sine wave with amplitude A using integral calculus.

5. Determine the RMS of the waveform from digital multimeter and record it in Table 4. Also
record the calculated RMS value for the sine wave from the amplitude observed on the

6. Derive the RMS of a Triangular wave with amplitude A using integral calculus.

7. Repeat RMS measurement using the same set up for Triangular waveform of frequency 1 KHz
and record the observations in TABLE 5.

8. Derive the RMS of a Square wave with amplitude A using integral calculus.

9. Repeat RMS measurement using the same set up for Square waveform of frequency 1 KHz and
record the observations in TABLE 6.

F=1KHz Sine Wave Calculated RMS value in Volts= Measured RMS value in Volts
Amplitude in Volts Amplitude / 2


F=1KHz Sine Wave Calculated RMS value in Volts= Measured RMS value in Volts
Amplitude in Volts Amplitude / 3


F=1KHz Sine Wave Calculated RMS value in Volts= Measured RMS value in Volts
Amplitude in Volts Amplitude


1. Set the function generator to output sine wave of 2V amplitude in High Z mode .Also, set it to
have a 2V DC offset.
2. Set the zero-reference level of Channel 1 to middle of the screen. Set the vertical sensitivity to 2
Volt/Div and horizontal sensitivity to 0.5ms/Div.
3. Set the DC power supply to 2V using a DMM across it.
4. Set the oscilloscope to AC coupling mode and adjust the function generator to read 2V
amplitude (4V peak to peak) and 1KHz. Copy the waveform in Figure 1.
5. Change the channel 1 to DC coupling mode and observe the waveform.
6. Copy the waveform on to Figure 2. Explain the difference.
Laboratory Experiment 8: Operational Amplifier Circuits
Objective: The objective of the experiment is to understand the application of the operational amplifier
integrated circuit as an inverting and a non-inverting amplifier.


DC Power supply

Function generator


IC 741, Resistors as required

Operational Amplifier Basics

An operation amplifier can be used to perform many tasks including signal amplification, summation,
integration, differentiation and filtering. This laboratory examines how to construct an inverting and a
non-inverting amplifier for a required gain. For the purpose of analysis, the ideal model of operation
amplifier (op-amp) is used. An ideal op-amp is an amplifier with infinite open loop gain and infinite input
resistance and zero output resistance. For practical purposes, the ideal model works very well and is
often used in designing amplifiers.

The LM 741 op-amp that will be used in this experiment is an eight pin device. Figure 1 shows the
schematic symbol and how the pins are labeled.


3 7 1 NC NC 8
V+ +
6 2 V_ +Vcc 7
2 3 V+ Vout 6
4 4 5
-Vcc NC

LM 741 Schematic Symbol LM 741 Pin Numbers (top view)

Figure 1 LM 741 Operational Amplifier Device Schematic and Labels

Circuits that include an op-amp can often be designed using two rules based on the ideal model.

1. The first rule is that the currents into pins 2 and 3 are negligibly small and can be approximated
to be zero for design purposes meaning that input resistance is infinite.
2. Vout = K(V+ - V-) where K is large in practice. While the value of K is typically between 25000 and
50000, its exact value is often not needed. The value of Vout cannot be greater than the supply
voltage +Vcc or less than the supply voltage -Vcc. Since Vout is limited by the supply voltage Vcc, the
expression for Vout implies thatV+ - V-is small and can be approximated to be zero for design
purposes. This means K which is the open loop gain is infinite. Thus, the second rule usually
assumed for op-amp design is that V+ = V-.

For this experiment two dc supplies are required as shown in Figure 2.


15 v.
3 7
V+ +
2 _ Vout reference or ground
V_ _
15 v.


Figure 2 Power Supply Connections and Reference Definition

We also see that Vout is measured relative to the common point between the two power supplies.
Although the connections between the integrated circuit and the power supplies are often omitted (See
Figure 3) while drawing the circuit of inverting or non-inverting amplifier, but the integrated circuit will
not work without them.

Pin 2 of the op-amp is referred to as the inverting input and Pin 3 is referred to as the non-inverting

Analysis of the inverting and non-inverting amplifier is presented below.

Inverting Amplifier Basics

Figure 3 shows the basic op-amp circuit, the inverting amplifier.



V_ 2 -
V+ 3
+ Vout
0.5 V peak
f =1KHz

Figure 3 Inverting Amplifier Circuit

Write the node equation at the inverting input terminal of the op-amp. Refer to rule 1 which states that
current into Pin 2 is zero.

V AB V V Vout

R2 R1

Refer to rule 2 which states that V+ = V- and from Figure 3 it is clear that V+=0. Applying rule 2 leads to V-
=0. So the above equation simplifies to

Vout R
1 which is the gain of the inverting amplifier.

For sinusoidal input to the amplifier, a negative gain indicates that the phase of the output is 180
degrees relative to that of the input.

Non-Inverting Amplifier Basics

Figure 4 shows the basic op-amp circuit, the non-inverting amplifier.



V_ 2 -
V+ 3
+ Vout

0.5 V peak
f =1KHz

Figure 4 Non-inverting Amplifier Circuit

Write the node equation at the inverting input terminal of the op-amp. Refer to rule 1 which states that
current into Pin 2 is zero.

0 V V Vout

R2 R1

Refer to rule 2 which states that V+ = V- and from Figure 4 it is clear that V+=VAB. Applying rule 2 leads to
V-=VAB. The above equation simplifies to

V AB V AB Vout

R2 R1

Vout R
1 1 which is the gain of the non-inverting amplifier.

Procedure - Inverting Amplifier

1. Build the power supply circuit shown in Figure 2. Set the supply voltage to 15V as shown.
2. Build the inverting amplifier circuit shown in Figure 3.
3. Set the function generator to output a sine wave of amplitude 0.5V and frequency of 1 KHz.
4. Use the scope to measure the amplitude of Vout and VAB and record in Table 1.
5. Also measure the phase angle of Vout relative to VAB and record in Table 1.
6. Calculate the magnitude of the experimental gain Vout/ VAB.
7. Compare the measurement values with the theoretical values.
8. Increase the amplitude of the function generator from 0.5V in steps of 0.2 V up to 1.1V and repeat
steps 4 to 7.
9. Observe what happens as you increase further in steps of 0.1 for a few more times and state what
happens and why does it occur.
10. Assuming you have only three resistors of values 1K, 3.3K and 4.7K given to you, how would you
construct an inverting amplifier with the magnitude of gain equal to 8.
Procedure Non-inverting Amplifier

1. Build the power supply circuit shown in Figure 2. Set the supply voltage to 15V as shown.
2. Build the non- inverting amplifier circuit shown in Figure 4.
3. Set the function generator to output a sine wave of amplitude 0.5V and frequency of 1 KHz.
4. Use the scope to measure the amplitude of Vout and VAB and record in Table 2.
5. Also measure the phase angle of Vout relative to VAB and record in Table 2.
6. Calculate the magnitude of the experimental gain Vout/ VAB.
7. Compare the measurement values with the theoretical values.
8. Increase the amplitude of the function generator from 0.5V in steps of 0.2V up to 1.1V and
repeat steps 4 to 7.
9. Observe what happens as you increase further in steps of 0.1 for a few more times and state
what happens and why does it occur.
10. Assuming that three resistors of values 1K, 3.3K and 2.2K are given to you, how would you
construct a non-inverting amplifier with the magnitude of gain equal to 6.5.

Table 1

Amplitude of VAB Amplitude of Phase angle of Theoretical Measured

in volts Vout in volts Vout relative to magnitude of magnitude of
VAB Vout/ VAB Vout/ VAB
Table 2

Amplitude of VAB Amplitude of Phase angle of Theoretical Measured

in volts Vout in volts Vout relative to magnitude of magnitude of
VAB Vout/ VAB Vout/ VAB
Laboratory 9: AC analysis of RC Circuit
Objective: To understand voltage current relationship in RC circuit for sinusoidal excitation

Introduction The first part of this experiment illustrates how to experimentally determine the value of
a capacitor. The rule for combining capacitors in series will be experimentally verified in the second part
of the experiment. In addition, the phase angle between voltage signals will be measured using an
oscilloscope. This angle will be compared with calculations using phasors.

Experimental Determination of Capacitance

Note: Save your capacitor from this experiment to use it again in Laboratory 10 as you will have
obtained a measurement of its actual value.

1. After constructing the circuit shown in Figure 1, adjust the function generator so that the voltage at
node A relative to node C (reference) is given by:
VAC(t)= 4 sin(t) volts

Frequency = 2KHz

Set the function generator to output in High Z mode so that amplitude of VAC(t) is indeed 4V .
Assume phase angle of source is zero as it is used as the reference.

A R = 10K ohm B


V (t)
gen C = 0.1 uF

2. Use the scope to find the peak voltage across the capacitor.

3. Observe both VAC and VBC on the oscilloscope. Are they in time phase? Measure the phase difference
between them. Use this information to determine the phase angle of the current through the circuit.
From the observation on oscilloscope what will you conclude about the sum of peak voltages across
each element of the loop. Will the sum of peak voltages around the loop satisfy KVL? Do NOT
measure to conclude this.

4. Use mulitimeter to determine the rms voltage across R. Determine the rms current through the
resistor and hence through the series circuit. Determine the peak current value and the current
phasor using the information obtained from step 3. Determine the voltage phasor across R. Use the
multimeter to determine the rms voltage across the capacitor. Determine the peak voltage (VBC) to
rms voltage ratio across the capacitor. Does it validate theory? Determine voltage phasors across C.
Verify KVL with phasor values voltage across all the elements in the circuit.

5. Calculate the magnitude of the capacitor impedance, Zc using measurements from Step 4.

6. Calculate the capacitance C using the expression, C .
2f Z c

7. Measure the value of C using the capacitance meter in the lab. Using the capacitance meter value of
C as the reference, calculate the % error of the nominal value of C, and the % error of the value of C
obtained from Step 6.

8. Record all the measured values and calculated values. Record the voltage and current phasors and
the verification of KVL. Submit a report with results and conclusions.

Series Capacitors in a Circuit

1. Construct the circuit in Figure 2. Set the function generator in High Z mode to give
VAD(t)= 4sin(t) volts and Frequency = 2KHz

R = 10K ohm C1 =Series

0.33 uF Capacitor Cir


V (t) .
gen C2 = 0.1 uF

2. Measure the rms value of VBD using multimeter and the rms current through the capacitors.
3. Using measurements in step 2. Determine the impedance of equivalent capacitance of two
capacitors in series which is |ZCEQ|. Find the equivalent capacitance of the two capacitors in series
from |ZCEQ|.
4. Compare with the theoretical value of the equivalent capacitance.
Laboratory Experiment 10: RC FILTERS

The objective of this experiment is to study the frequency response of simple LOW PASS and HIGH PASS
RC filters and determine the cut-off frequency experimentally. Both amplitude and phase measurements
are made and both the response of the two filters will be plotted on a semi-log graph.


Function Generator


1. Set up the circuit shown in the figure below with R1 value of 8.2K and C1 value of 0.01F. The
output voltage is measured across the capacitor.

2. At each frequency calculate the magnitude of voltage gain |Vo / Vi| and the phase angle () between
the input voltage and the output voltage using the formulae below. Record these values in the data

Vo 1

Vi f

tan 1
3. Adjust the input sinusoidal signal voltage at the input to the filter as10 Volts peak to peak. Set the
function generator in High Z mode for the output.

4. Vary the frequency of the input from 100 Hz to 10KHz in steps listed in the Table 1. For every
frequency make sure the input voltage is 10 Volts peak to peak.

5. At each frequency measure the output voltage (Vo) across the capacitor and the phase angle
difference () between the output Vo and the input VI and record these values in Table 1.

6. Plot a graph of the voltage gain vs. frequency for both calculated data and measured data on the
same graph. Determine the measured cut-off frequency from the graph as the frequency
corresponding to a gain of 0.707on the experimental curve. Make sure you use a semi-log graph
paper with frequency on the log axis or use Microsoft Excel to plot with x-axis in logarithmic scale

7. Plot a graph of the phase angle vs. frequency for both calculated data and measured data on the
same graph. Observe what happens to the phase angle at the cut-off frequency. Use a semi-log
graph paper with frequency plotted on log axis or use Microsoft Excel to plotwith x-axis in
logarithmic scale.

8. Compare the theoretical and measured graphs.


Input Voltage at all Frequency = 10Vp-p

Calculated Cut-off Frequency fc =

Frequency Hz Calculated Calculated Measured Measured Measured

Voltage Gain Phase Angle Output Voltage Voltage Gain Phase
|Vo / Vi| in Volts |Vo / Vi| Angle

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