Flynn Pleads Guilty in Trump-Russia Probe: Senate Oks Tax Bill

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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 XVIII, Edition 92

Flynn pleads guilty in Trump-Russia probe

Retired general cooperating in criminal investigation
By Eric Tucker and Chad Day owed for the past papers make clear
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS year by investiga- that senior Trump
tions, turning transition officials
WASHINGTON Michael Flynn, Flynn into a poten- were fully aware of
the retired general who vigorously tially key govern- Flynns outreach to
campaigned at Donald Trumps side and ment cooperator as Russian officials in
then served as his first national securi- prosecutors exam- the weeks before the
ty adviser, pleaded guilty Friday to ine whether the inauguration.
lying to the FBI about reaching out to Trump campaign The officials were
the Russians on Trumps behalf and and Russia worked not named in court
Jared Kushner together to influ- KT McFarland
said members of the presidents inner papers, but people
circle were intimately involved with ence the 2016 pres- familiar with the case identified two of
and at times directing his contacts. idential election in Trumps favor. them to the Associated Press as Jared
His plea to a single felony count of Fridays developments dont resolve Kushner, the presidents son-in-law,
false statements made him the first the paramount question of possible and former Deputy National Security
official of the Trump White House to be Trump-Russia coordination in the cam- Adviser KT McFarland, now up for an
charged so far in the criminal investi- paign, but they do show that Flynn lied ambassadorship. REUTERS
gation by special counsel Robert to the FBI about multiple conversa- That revelation moves the Russia Former U.S.National Security Adviser Michael Flynn departs U.S.
Mueller. And his action could be an tions last December with the Russian District Court where he plead guilty to lying to the FBI about
ominous sign for a White House shad- ambassador to the United States. Court See FLYNN, Page 8 his contacts with Russias ambassador to the United States.

Senate OKs tax bill

Trump and Republicans near big legislative win
Photos of the evidence includes coins, By AlanFram, Marcy Gordon
numerous watches, rings, earrings, a jewelry and Stephen Ohlemacher
box, necklaces and a large gold-colored skull THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
pendant on a chain.

Arrests following WASHINGTON Republicans pushed a

nearly $1.5 trillion tax bill through the
Senate early Saturday after burst of

Millbrae manhunt eleventh-hour horse trad-

ing, as a party starved all
year for a major legisla-
By Samantha Weigel
tive triumph took a giant
step toward giving
President Donald Trump
Following a multi-hour one of his top priorities
manhunt that started by Christmas.
when a Millbrae woman Big bills are rarely
realized her home was popular. You remember Donald Trump
being broken into and how unpopular
climbed onto the roof to Obamacare was when it passed? Senate
Fernando call police, prosecutors Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,
Lozano announced five people said in an interview, shrugging off polls
have been arrested in showing scant public enthusiasm for the
what they believe is a measure. He said the legislation would
gang-related case. prove to be just what the country needs to
Two days after deputies get growing again.
and K9s flooded the resi- Senate approval came on a 51-49 roll call
dential neighborhood with Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the only
near Arroyo Seco, the lawmaker to cross party lines. The measure
Sheriffs Office focuses its tax reductions on businesses and
announced Friday the higher-earning individuals, gives more
third in a trio of home modest breaks to others and offers the bold-
Ulises Jaimes invasion burglars was est rewrite of the nations tax system since
apprehended. Two sus- 1986.
pects, including one who Republicans touted the package as one
allegedly crashed into that would benefit people of all incomes and
patrol cars while trying ignite the economy. Even an official projec-
to flee, were caught tion of a $1 trillion, 10-year flood of deeper
Wednesday near the crime budget deficits couldnt dissuade GOP sena-
scene. Deputies searched tors from rallying behind the bill.
an East Palo Alto home Obviously Im kind of a dinosaur on the
Dec. 1 and released pho- fiscal issues, said Corker, who battled to
tos of property includ- REUTERS
Gabriel Godoy keep the bill from worsening the govern-
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell leaves the Senate floor during debate over the
See ARRESTS, Page 8 Republican tax reform plan in Washington, D.C. See BILL, Page 20



Thought for the Day

Misery loves company, but
company does not reciprocate.
Addison Mizner, American architect

This Day in History

An artificially created, self-sustaining

1942 nuclear chain reaction was demon-

strated for the first time at the
University of Chicago.
In 1 6 9 7 , Londons St. Pauls Cathedral, designed by Sir
Christopher Wren, was consecrated for use even though the
building was still under construction.
In 1 8 0 4 , Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of the
In 1 8 5 9 , militant abolitionist John Brown was hanged for
his raid on Harpers Ferry the previous October. Artist
Georges-Pierre Seurat was born in Paris.
In 1 9 2 7 , Ford Motor Co. unveiled its Model A automobile
that replaced its Model T.
In 1 9 3 9 , New York Municipal Airport-LaGuardia Field
(later LaGuardia Airport) went into operation as an airliner
from Chicago landed at one minute past midnight.
In 1 9 5 4 , the U.S. Senate passed, 67-22, a resolution con-
demning Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R-Wis., saying he had
acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the REUTERS
Senate into dishonor and disrepute. Wingsuit flyers Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet, known as the Soul Flyers, are seen in mid-air as they catch up and fly into the open
In 1 9 5 7 , the Shippingport Atomic Power Station in door of Pilatus Porter plane, piloted by Philippe Bouvier, after B.A.S.E. jumping off the Jungfrau mountain, 4158 meters, in
Pennsylvania, the first full-scale commercial nuclear facili- Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland.
ty in the U.S., began operations. (The reactor ceased oper-
ating in 1982.) *** Prior to computers, the Rolodex was
In 1 9 6 7 , Cardinal Francis Spellman died in New York at Pyrex is the brand name for heat found in every office. It is a rotating
age 78. resistant glassware introduced by card index with removable cards to
In 1 9 7 0 , the newly created Environmental Protection Corning Incorporated in 1915. Pyrex sort names and phone numbers. The
Agency opened its doors under its first director, William D. expands and contracts less than regu- name Rolodex comes from a combina-
Ruckelshaus. lar glass so it can withstand oven tem- tion of the words rolling and index.
In 1 9 8 2 , in the first operation of its kind, doctors at the peratures. The first Pyrex product was
University of Utah Medical Center implanted a permanent a pie dish that sold for 69 cents. ***
artificial heart in the chest of retired dentist Dr. Barney ***
Borax is a naturally occurring mineral
Clark, who lived 112 days with the device. The first English woman to swim the
that can be used as a general purpose
English Channel was Mercedes
Gleitze (1900-1981). During the 10- cleaner. Large borax deposits was dis-
Birthdays hour swim, Gleitze wore something covered in Death Valley in the 1880s.

ederal Express Corporation was
that soon became popular. Do you It used to be moved by teams of 20
listed on the New York Stock mules from out of the valley to the
know what it was? See answer at end.
Exchange in 1978 with the tick- railways. Borates were a household
er symbol FDX. Federal Express ***
staple when a brand of cleaner called
changed their name to FedEx in 1994. Introduced in 1925, Kleenex was 20 Mule Team Borax was introduced.
*** intended to be a disposable cleansing
The product was, and still is, a laundry
When a local radio DJ in Sterling, tissue for removing cold cream. booster and household cleaner.
Colo. asked people to call in and say However, people soon began using
what their favorite snack was, the the tissue in place of a handkerchief ***
resounding answer was Chex Mix. So and a new product, the facial tissue,
the town proclaimed Chex Mix as its became popular. Ans wer: Gleitze wore a Rolex watch.
Former Sen. Harry Actress Lucy Liu is Singer Nelly official snack. *** It was the first waterproof watch,
Reid, D-Nev., is 78. 49. Furtado is 39. *** The vertical creases between eyebrows called the Oy ster, created in 1926.
are called glabellar lines. To reduce Gleitze had made the historical swim
Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III is 86. Actress The advertising campaign takes a
licking and keeps on ticking was so those wrinkles, and other facial wrin- on the English Channel in October
Cathy Lee Crosby is 73. Movie director Penelope Spheeris is kles, there is a procedure called Botox 1927 but there was no proof. Later that
72. Actor Ron Raines is 68. Country singer John Wesley Ryles popular that by the end of the 1950s,
one out of every three watches sold in Cosmetic. It is an injection directly month, she swam the channel again,
is 67. Actor Keith Szarabajka is 65. Actor Dan Butler is 63. into the facial muscles that reduces amid much publicity. Rolex recog-
the United States was a Timex.
Broadcast journalist Stone Phillips is 63. Actor Dennis *** muscle activity so wrinkles do not nized a great opportunity to showcase
Christopher is 62. Actor Steven Bauer is 61. Country singer Joe Ben Hirsch created Plastone Polish car show.
their new watch, and Rolex earned a
Henry is 57. Rock musician Rick Savage (Def Leppard) is 57. cleaner in 1944 and sold it door to *** reputation for quality.
Actor Brendan Coyle is 54. Rock musician Nate Mendel (Foo door to gas stations. He mixed the Wood-plastic composite is used for
Fighters) is 49. Actress Suzy Nakamura is 49. Actress Rena cleaner in the bathtub and his wife outdoor decks and fences as an alterna-
Sofer is 49. Rock singer Jimi HaHa (Jimmies Chicken Shack) bottled it . After a sales call to Turtle tive to wood decks. Made from recy-
is 49. Rapper Treach (Naughty By Nature) is 47. Actor Joe Lo Creek, Wisconsin, Hirsch changed the cled plastic and sawdust, it is made to
Truglio is 47. International Tennis Hall of Famer Monica Seles product name to Turtle Wax Liquid Car look like wood and withstand weather. Know It All is by Kerry McArdle. It runs in
the weekend edition of the Daily Journal.
is 44. Pop singer Britney Spears is 36. Actress-singer Jana Polish. Today, Turtle Wax is the One of the popular brands of wood- Questions? Comments? Email
Kramer is 34. Actress Yvonne Orji is 34. Actress Daniela Ruah worlds largest manufacturer of car- plastic composite is called Trex. knowitall(at) or call
(roo-ah) is 34. NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers is 34. care products. *** 344-5200 ext. 128.


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Nov. 29 Powerball Fantasy Five
Unscramble these four Jumbles, Saturday : Partly cloudy. A slight chance
one letter to each square, 24 26 28 59 63 16 1 4 9 25 27 of rain. Highs around 60.
to form four ordinary words.
Saturday ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Highs in
LHYYS Dec. 1 Mega Millions Daily Four the lower 60s.
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

Sunday : Partly cloudy. A chance of show-

16 22 40 41 59 8 0 8 9 3 ers in the morning. Highs around 60.
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Mega number
Daily three midday Northwest winds 5 to 15 mph.
All Rights Reserved.
Sunday ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Lows in
Nov. 29 Super Lotto Plus 4 6 4 the upper 40s. Northwest winds 5 to 15 mph...becoming
3 7 26 27 33 6 northeast around 5 mph after midnight.
Daily three evening Mo nday : Sunny. Highs around 60. Northeast winds 5 to
Mega number

0 8 8 10 mph... Becoming northwest 10 to 20 mph in the after-

ALENDH The Daily Derby race winners are Big Ben, No. 4, in Mo nday ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s.
first place; Gold Rush, No. 1, in second place; and Tues day : Partly cloudy. Highs in the lower 60s. Lows
Eureka, No. 7, in third place.The race time was clocked around 50.
at 1:45.83. Tues day ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Highs in the lower 60s.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 3
S.F. defends sanctuary status as backlash mounts Police reports
By Paul Elias and Janie Har sanctuary city policy. by suggesting they are all criminals, and Pace yourself
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Its what led Jose Ines that is not true, he said Friday. A subject was reported for looking
Garcia Zarate to be San Francisco was among the first U.S. stressed and pacing back and forth in
SAN FRANCISCO The attacks on San released from San cities to establish a sanctuary law in 1989 the area near Triton Drive in Foster
Francisco and other cities with similar Franciscos jail despite a as part of a national wave of local policies City, it was reported at 4:36 p. m.
immigration policies began moments after federal request to detain intended to help Central American refugees. Wednesday, Nov. 29.
a jury acquitted a Mexican man of killing a him for deportation sev- Since then, the city consistently has been
woman on a popular pier, some calling for a eral weeks before Kate an early adopter of some of the most immi-
boycott of the city that fiercely defends its Steinle was fatally shot grant-friendly policies nationwide, and it MILLBRAE
reputation as a refuge for all. Jose Garcia in the back in 2015. He takes pride in serving as a safe place for reli- Arres t. A San Carlos man was arrested and
President Donald Trump called the verdict Zarate had been deported five gious and gender minorities, non-English booked into the county jail for being under
a complete travesty of justice, and U.S. times and was wanted for speakers and people in the country illegal- the inuence of a controlled substance,
Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanded a sixth. ly. Hundreds of other cities have similar being in possession of methamphetamine
cities like San Francisco scrap immigration San Francisco is and always will be a immigration policies. and a hypodermic needle, it was reported at
policies that bar cooperation with federal sanctuary city, said Ellen Canale, a spokes- A judge did not allow immigration poli- 8:08 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 22.
deportation efforts. woman for Mayor Ed Lee. tics into the courtroom for Garcia Zarates Sho pl i fti ng . Someone stole $45 worth of
Twitter users turned to the hashtags Sanctuary policies improve public safety trial. items from a store and ed on El Camino
(hash)BoycottSanFrancisco and by allowing immigrants to cooperate with San Francisco Deputy District Attorney Real, it was reported at 2:44 p. m.
(hash)kateswall to demand construction of police without fear, said state Sen. Scott Diana Garcia urged jurors to convict Garcia Wednesday, Nov. 22.
the U.S.-Mexico border wall that Trump has Wiener, a Democratic former San Francisco Zarate of first-degree murder, saying he had Under the i nuence o f a co ntro l l ed
called for. Conservative politicians and supervisor. come to the pier with a gun and a desire to s ubs tance. A San Francisco resident was
celebrities such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah This family has been through hell, but hurt someone. cited and released for being in possession of
Palin and actor James Woods lambasted the there are people, including our president, His attorneys argued that he found a gun a controlled substance and a pipe on Rollins
city as unsafe. who continue to use this tragedy to demo- wrapped in cloth under a chair on the pier Road, it was reported at 11:45 p. m.
City officials vowed to stand behind their nize immigrants and to slander immigrants and it fired when he picked it up. Wednesday, Nov. 22.







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4 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

A year of listening, learning and

discovering shared values

Home for All Exchange

Join a discussion with Home for All, a
community collaborative that promotes
innovative housing and transportation

Tuesday, December 5, 6:30 pm

San Carlos Library, 610 Elm Street

Saturday, December 9, 1:00 pm

Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road

To learn about this project, visit:

New Senior Pastor at

First Presbyterian Church,
Beginning Sunday, December 3, 2017, a
new senior pastor will be leading worship at
Burlingames First Presbyterian Church. The
Reverend Graham Baird earned his Master of
Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary,
and is completing his Doctor of Ministry
at Fuller Theological Seminary. Graham brings an innovative approach to
ministry, and has developed family-based children and youth programs,
built music ministries, and expanded local and international outreach.
Reverend Baird is an engaging and inspiring preacher, and his messages
can be heard at any one of three unique worship services: an intimate
45-minute Chapel service at 8:15am; a contemporary praise band service
at 9:30am; or a traditional choir and organ service at 11:00am.

1500 Easton Drive

Burlingame, CA 94010
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 5
Case dismissed against former deputy Driver in fatal crash pleads not
Local briefs

Judge: Evidence should have been presented to grand jury, election fraud case remains guilty to vehicular manslaughter
By Anna Schuessler ruling that prose- granted his motion to dismiss over A Healdsburg man accused of vehicular manslaughter in a
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF cutors had a duty to strenuous prosecution objection, fatal crash in which he allegedly caused a head-on collision
present the letters, according to prosecutors. on Highway 1 in February pleaded not guilty Thursday,
The case against a former San and said prosecu- Once a write-in candidate for coun- according to San Mateo County prosecutors.
Mateo County sheriffs deputy being tors may consider ty sheriff, Lopez is also being The crash occurred near Pescadero on Feb. 10 when Jazz
charged for allegedly helping to refiling the case or accused of embezzlement, perjury and Orion Hayhurst-Loric, 28, sped up to 70 mph in a 55 mph
smuggle cellphones and prescription appealing the deci- election fraud based on allegations he zone, crossed over the roads double-yellow lines on a blind
drugs into county jail was dismissed sion. used donations from his campaign for curve and ran head-on into opposing traffic, District
Friday after a judge ruled evidence We feel the his own personal use and lied about Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said.
that could have showed he did not judge made a very his city of residence, according to Kevin Archibald, a 49-year-old resident of Redwood City,
Juan Lopez suffered major injuries and was pronounced dead at Stanford
commit the crime should have been serious error in his prosecutors.
presented to a criminal grand jury. ruling, he said. We will assess it Lopez listed his residence as being Hospital.
But District Attorney Steve the coming days. in Redwood City but allegedly was Hayhurst-Loric also suffered major injuries. His car
Wagstaffe said Judge Donald Ayoob is On Dec. 16, 2015, Lopez and two living in Newark when he filed to run caught fire after the crash, and a witness who helped extract
imposing a burden on the prosecu- county jail correctional officers, for sheriff in 2014. He is also being him from the vehicle said that he did not smell like alcohol
tion that the law does not require. He George Ismael and Michael Del accused of misrepresenting his but did appear to be under the influence of methampheta-
said prosecutors informed grand jury Carlo, were accused of providing cell- address on a real estate loan, accord- mine.
members of letters an inmate wrote phones and drugs to inmate Dionicio ing to prosecutors. Another witness at the scene corroborated that account,
recanting his testimony connecting Rafael Lopez Jr., who was also indict- Lopez will next appear in court according to prosecutors.
Juan Pablo Lopez, 54, with a cell- ed along with Leticia Lopez, Amanda Dec. 8 to set a new jury trial date for Hayhurst-Loric is out on $260,000 bail. He returns to
Lopez and Roxanne Ingebretsen, the embezzlement, perjury and elec- court for a preliminary hearing on Feb. 27.
phone involved in the case, and were
according to prosecutors. tion fraud charges and is out of cus- Defense attorney Timothy Palm did not immediately
not required to present them unless
On Nov. 17, the case against Del tody on a $170, 000 bail bond, respond to a request for comment on his clients behalf.
the jury asked to see them. He dis-
agreed with Judge Donald Ayoobs Carlo was dismissed after Ayoob according to prosecutors.
Woman dies on flight to San Francisco
An 83-year-old woman from Spokane, Washington, died
San Carlos after-school aide rearrested on a United Airlines flight from Tel Aviv to San Francisco
International Airport Friday morning, an airport
spokesman said.
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT touched her. An an employee of the district, according
investigation to prosecutors. The womans death on United flight No. 959, which
A 19-year-old after-school aide has began in September Tran met with detectives around 11 arrived in San Francisco at 5:40 a.m. Friday, isnt consid-
been rearrested on felony child and a second victim, a.m. Monday and was arrested at the ered suspicious, SFO spokesman Doug Yakel said.
molestation charges after a 6-year-old a 7-year-old girl, Hall of Justice. He was able to bail out The San Mateo County Coroners Office identified the
was identied as a third victim, accord- came forward and of jail on $300,000 before his rst woman as Marcia Louise OLeary.
ing to the Sheriffs Ofce. said Tran allegedly court appearance, which was scheduled United Airlines officials werent immediately available to
Hoang Tran had been out on bail i n ap p ro p ri at el y for Jan. 3. provide more information on OLearys death.
since he was arrested Monday, Nov. touched her at some However, after allegations he abused
27. On Friday, the Sheriffs Ofce point during the the third child surfaced, he was rear-
San Francisco officer
announced a third victim had come for- Hoang Tran beginning of the rested around 2:30 p. m. Thursday, fatally shoots carjacking suspect
ward since Trans arrest became public. school year, according to the Sheriffs Nov. 30, according to the Sheriffs SAN FRANCISCO A San Francisco police officer fatal-
Tran, an Emerald Hills resident, was Ofce. Ofce. ly shot a carjacking suspect Friday in the citys Bayview
working as an after-school program at Tran was placed on leave from the Ofcials with the school this week neighborhood, an official said.
the Brittan Acres Elementary School school at 2000 Belle Ave. after the rst released a statement indicating they Sgt. Michael Andraychak said the officer fired at least one
in San Carlos when a 6-year-old girl notice and has since been released as were saddened and cooperating with shot at the suspect, who died at a hospital.
told authorities he had inappropriately the investigation. The man was suspected of assaulting a California Lottery
employee and stealing a van that belongs to the agency,
Andraychak said.
California delegation requests $4.4 billion in fire relief Four others in a SUV seen traveling with the stolen van
were detained and are suspected of taking part in the car-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS following the deadliest fires in state his- Gov. Jerry Brown and California jacking. The suspects drove both vehicles to an area of pub-
tory, which killed 44 people and Democrats last month. California lic housing where the shooting happened, he said.
SACRAMENTO The 53 U.S. House destroyed 8,800 structures. Republicans had asked President Donald California Lottery spokesman Russell Lopez confirmed
members from California have joined The delegation sent its letter Friday to Trump to provide aid without specifying the stolen van belongs to the agency and said the employ-
together to request $4.4 billion in feder- leaders of the House Appropriations ee is shaken up but that she was not seriously injured.
an amount.
al aid to recover from Octobers destruc- Committee.
tive wildfires. The states new $4.4 billion request is
Its a rare bipartisan call for action Obituary
down from the $7.4 billion sought by
Glenn Pearman Smith
January 24, 1925 - November 12, 2017
Glenn Pearman Smith went home to the Lord on November
12, 2017. He was born in 1925 to Glenn Allison and Mary
Emerson Smith in Mill City, OR. Glenns family moved to
California during the Depression. In 1942, they moved to
Rosemead, California, where he graduated from El Monte High
School. During WWII, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, 102nd
Infantry (Ozark Division). He was awarded the Bronze Star
Medal for carrying a wounded American Ofcer out of a German mineeld. After
the war, he attended the Military Tribunal at Nuremberg where he witnessed former
Nazi leaders Goering, Keitel, and Hess stand trial for war crimes. Upon returning
to California, he attended Occidental College, graduating summa cum laude and a
Masters Degree from Claremont College. He married Kathleen Hudson in 1949 and
began his career in education as a Junior High School teacher. Then, he accepted a
position at San Francisco State University as Assistant to the President, and later
becoming Vice President of Student Services, during the tumultuous 1960s. In
1973, he became Chancellor-Superintendent of the three community colleges in the
San Mateo County Community College District, retiring as Chancellor Emeritus
in 1991. He also received an Honorary Doctorate from the College of Notre Dame
in Belmont, California.. He was devoted to his community and served in many
capacities: as President of the San Mateo Rotary Club, Board Member and President
of the San Mateo County Mental Health Assoc., Elder at First Presbyterian Church
of Burlingame, Ex-Ofcio Director of the San Mateo County Exposition and Fair
Assoc., Chairman of the San Mateo County Economic Development Assoc., Board
t1rescriptions & Home Member of Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation and President of the Board of
Medical Supplies Delivered the Northern California Presbyterian Homes. In 1999, he and Kathleen moved to
t1IBSNBDJTUTPO%VUZ Rogue Valley Manor in Medford, OR, where he was involved as a President of
29 West 25TH Ave.
(650) 349-1373 (Near El Camino)
the Residential Council and member of the Session at Westminster Church. He is
survived by his wife Kathleen, son Tom, daughter Julie, daughter-in-law Pam Smith,
San Mateo son-in-law Bryan Gahagan and eleven grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His
son Ransom and daughter Millicent pre-deceased him. Memorial services will be on
December 16th at 1:30pm at the Rogue Valley Manor, 1250 Mira Mar Ave., Medford,
OR, 97504. Gifts to the Fairy Godmother Scholarship Foundation are suggested at
the Rogue Valley Manor Foundation.
6 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

he Mi d-
Pe n i n s ul a
Water Di s tri ct
teamed up with the
Former teacher gets five years prison
Ro c k y Rap i ds
Ro b o t i c s team, com-
prised of St.
Belmont resident convicted of sex acts with student
Matthews Epi s co pal By Anna Schuessler September 2015, who called the police.
Day Scho o l students DAILY JOURNAL STAFF she was talking Though Matko denied any illegal
Cay de n Tu, Co l t o n with a student in her conduct and claimed the victims were
Lum, Cy rus Patel and A former female teacher at an East classroom during a making up the story during the trial,
Jo nathan Hag e n, of Palo Alto charter school was sentenced free period and she said she was guilty and sorry when
B o re l Mi ddl e to five years in state prison Friday for showed him her she appeared in court Friday. The sister
Scho o l , to develop a her September conviction of four bare breasts, of one of the victims addressed the
program recommending counts of committing sexual acts on a allowed him to court saying her brother suffers greatly
lawn replacement and water conservation. Visit midpenin- 15-year-old male student in 2015, touch them and then from the incident, adding he still has for more information about the program. according to the San Mateo County Danielle Matko touched him sexual- flashbacks and is less social, accord-
*** District Attorneys Office. ly. On a later occa- ing to prosecutors.
Ro bert Campbel l and Anne Campbel l , of Portola sion, she orally copulated him, prose-
Valley, graduated from the Uni v ers i ty o f Day to n. Though Belmont resident Danielle Prosecutor Sharon Cho alleged
cutors said. Matkos apology was a performance
*** Matko, 35, tearfully apologized for
Though Matkos four convictions and that she had talked about needing
San Go i ty , of San Mateo, Jacy n Schmi dt, of Portola her actions and pleaded for a chance to
stem from those incidents, the jury to give a compelling performance to
Valley and No ah Ro s enfi el d, of Hillsborough, graduated save her mental health and marriage
also considered a charge related to a get a lighter sentence on a call record-
from Carl eto n Co l l eg e. Friday, several family members of one
second act of oral copulation with that ed from jail, according to prosecutors.
*** of the victims upon whom she per-
student as well as one related to a lewd
Os car Ro das -Fal l a, of Foster City, gained admission formed lewd acts spoke on his behalf Judge Jonathan Karesh assigned the
act with the first victim and a second
to Lo y o l a Uni v ers i ty i n Mary l and. about the lasting impact of what she five-year prison sentence Cho request-
15-year-old, according to prosecutors.
*** had done, according to prosecutors. ed, adding that this was child abuse of
Prosecutors allege the latter incident
Si mps o n Uni v ers i ty student Fl o rence Anderberg , On Sept. 27, Matko was convicted of the worst kind involving predatory
occurred in November 2015, when
of Pacifica, traveled to Thai l and during a mission trip. one count of oral copulation on a behavior against very vulnerable vic-
*** both 15-year-olds were in Matkos
minor and three counts of lewd acts classroom. She allegedly removed her tims, according to prosecutors.
Li n ds ay An dre w, of Menlo Park, and Mi k ay l a upon a child after an 11-day jury trial, Matko will receive 137 days credit
Sto v el and, of Foster City, were named to the deans list at blouse and let both victims touch her
according to prosecutors. bare breasts, prosecutors said. for time served, and has been ordered
Del aware Uni v ers i ty . At the time of the incidents in the Prosecutors said the victims told not to have any contact with the vic-
fall of 2015, Matko was teaching at their friends about the incidents and tims and to register as a sex offender.
Class notes is a column dedicated to school news. It is compiled by the Aspire East Palo Alto Phoenix eventually one of the friends reported She will next appear in court Dec. 21
education reporter Austin Walsh. You can contact him at (650) 344- Academy. the allegations to a legal aid lawyer, for receipt of HIV test results, accord-
5200, ext. 105 or at [email protected]. Prosecutors alleged that in ing to prosecutors.

NOW IN 2 LOCATIONS Richard Hall Obituaries parents. She had a

great love of music
2339 OCEAN AVE, S.F. Richard Hall, born June 9, 1950, and enjoyed both
helped family and friends.
4208 OLYMPIC, SAN MATEO died Nov. 28, 2017. singing in the
During his eight years of battling
[email protected] Husband to
esophageal cancer, Rich showed choir at Our Lady of
Barbara Senkir Hall Mt. Carmel Church
Offerings for 47 years, and courage and bravery.
He never gave up and cherished and in the Stanford
t"GUFS4DIPPM5FDI$MBTTFT friend for 60 years.
each moment he had. We are thankful Chorus.
t'BMM8JOUFS$BNQT Father to Christy She is prede-
t.JOFDSBGU#JSUIEBZ and husband Mike for the time we had with Rich but are
also relieved that he is no longer suf- ceased by her hus-
1BSUJFT0QFO1MBZ Knott. Grandfather band Victor Farisato and sister Rose
to Kaity, Mike and fering. He was grateful that so many
Curriculum Ingravallo and is survived by her
wife Flor, Becky, friends and family were able to come
t5ZQJOH and say goodbye during his final week brothers Joseph Buonsante, sister-in-
t1SPHSBNNJOH$PEJOH Zack and Lexi. He law Philomena and Andrew
also leaves behind many devoted at home.
t.JOFDSBGU Celebration of life 11 a.m. to 4 Buonsante, sister-in-law Barbara and
cousins and brothers. her children Victor Farisato, daughter-
Mention this ad for p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, at the Elks
He forged lifelong friendships at in-law Kelley and daughter Lenora
'3&&$-"44 OLPH and Riordan. Firefighter for Lodge, 229 W. 20th Ave. in San
$BMMGPSEFUBJMT Mateo. (Nori) Nelson Desmas, son-in-law
Menlo Park Fire District for 27 years. Joseph Mannion, grandsons Dane,
650.285.3610 He loved the brotherhood of his fire
Esther (Tina) Farisato Victor, Jonathan and Vincent.
XXXUFDISPDLTPSH family and spent his career teaching, A vigil service will be held7 p.m.
supporting, mentoring, playing soft- Esther (Tina) Farisato died Nov. 22, Sunday, Dec. 3, at Crippen &
ball and having fun. 2017, at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood Flynn,400 Woodside Road, Redwood
He taught at the fire academy at City. City and a funeral mass will be 11
College of San Mateo for many years She was 94 years old. a.m. Monday, Dec. 4, at Our Lady of
and helped shape upcoming firefight- She worked for the Redwood City Mt. Carmel,300 Fulton St., Redwood
ers. He volunteered in the Fiesta School District from 1978 to 1992. City. Sign the guestbook at crippen-
Gardens neighborhood, and always She loved working with children and

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THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 7
FDA approves first-of-a-kind Around the nation
test for cancer gene profiling
U.S. regulators have approved a first-of- First baby from a uterus
a-kind test that looks for mutations in hun- transplant in the U.S. born in Dallas
dreds of cancer genes at once, giving a more The first birth as a result of a womb trans-
complete picture of whats driving a plant in the United States has occurred in
patients tumor and aiding efforts to match Texas, a milestone for the U.S. but one
treatments to those flaws. achieved several years ago in Sweden.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration A woman who had been born without a
approved Foundation Medicines test for uterus gave birth to the baby at Baylor
patients with advanced or widely spread University Medical Center in Dallas.
cancers, and the Centers for Medicare and Hospital spokesman Craig Civale con-
Medicaid Services proposed covering it. firmed Friday that the birth had taken place,
The dual decisions, announced late but said no other details are available. The
Thursday, will make tumor-gene profiling hospital did not identify the woman, citing
available to far more cancer patients than her privacy.
the few who get it now, and lead more insur- Baylor has had a study underway for sev-
ers to cover it. eral years to enroll up to 10 women for
Its essentially individualized, precision uterus transplants. In October 2016, the
medicine, said Dr. Kate Goodrich, chief hospital said four women had received
medical officer for the Medicare oversight transplants but that three of the wombs had
REUTERS agency.
Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump participate in the National Christmas Tree Lighting to be removed because of poor blood flow.
Currently, patients may get tested for The hospital would give no further infor-
and Pageant of Peace ceremony. individual genes if a drug is available to tar- mation on how many transplants have been
get those mutations. Its a hit-and-miss
President: Dems will lose voters approach that sometimes means multiple
biopsies and wasted time. In lung cancer
alone, for example, about half a dozen
performed since then. But Time magazine,
which first reported the U.S. babys birth,
says eight have been done in all, and that
another woman is currently pregnant as a
because they are weak on crime
By Catherine Lucey White House spokeswoman Sarah
genes can be checked with individual tests
to see if a particular drug is a good match.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Huckabee Sanders said in a statement that it

is more important now than ever for
Congress to secure our borders and provide
WASHINGTON President Donald
the resources, including more ICE officers,
Trump lashed out Friday after a jury acquit-
needed to deport criminal illegal aliens and
ted a Mexican man in the killing of a
to finally stop sanctuary city policies that
woman on a San Francisco pier, calling the
cause needless loss of innocent life.
verdict disgraceful and suggesting
Trumps attack on a jury verdict continues
Democrats will pay a price for being weak
his longstanding criticism of judges and
on Crime.
court rulings.
Trump launched an aggressive series of He went out after judges and now hes
tweets over the 2015 shooting of Kate going after the jury, said Russell Wheeler,
Steinle, which he often cited during his a fellow at the Brookings Institutions
presidential campaign to push for a wall on Governance Studies Program. He wants to
the Mexican border. Jose Ines Garcia compound it by debates over sanctuary
Zarate, an undocumented Mexican immi- cities and a border wall, but thats separate
grant, was acquitted of murder and from the job of a jury. The job of the jury to
manslaughter charges Thursday. determine the facts of the case.
The president began by calling it a dis- After George Zimmerman was acquitted of
graceful verdict. He then wrote that Garcia second-degree murder for the killing of
Zarate came back and back over the weakly unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin,
protected Obama border, always commit- President Barack Obama spoke in the White
ting crimes and being violent, and yet this House briefing room about a case that
info was not used in court. His exoneration brought up a hard history of racial injustice.
is a complete travesty of justice. BUILD But he urged the public to accept the ver-
THE WALL! dict, saying that once the jury has spoken,
He added that Democrats are so weak on thats how our system works.
Crime that they will pay a big price in the Trump has used the case to push for a bor-
2018 and 2020 Elections. der wall and to criticize San Franciscos
Garcia Zarate had been deported five times sanctuary city policy, which limits local
and was wanted for a sixth deportation when officials from cooperating with federal
Steinle was fatally shot in the back while immigration authorities. During his cam-
walking with her father on the pier. He has paign, he highlighted victims of crimes
called the shooting an accident and his committed by immigrants in the country
lawyers said the case was unfairly politi- illegally, welcoming family members on
cized. stage at events.

Time is running out for lawmakers

mulling intelligence collection bills
By Deb Riechmann manent residents mentioned in intelligence
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reports. Officials with the appropriate secu-
rity clearances can ask for the names to
WASHINGTON The congressional understand the intelligence being con-
clock is running out as a handful of bills are veyed.
batted around Capitol Hill to reauthorize a The GOP wants stricter oversight to pro-
critical foreign intelligence collection pro- tect the privacy of U.S. citizens. Democrats
gram that expires in four weeks. see a political stunt related to GOP claims
The House intelligence committee on that members of President Donald Trumps
Friday passed the latest one 13-8. The vote transition team were improperly unmasked.
split along party lines after harsh The committees chairman, Republican
exchanges across the political aisle. Devin Nunes of California, says this was
Democrats and Republicans agree the law the case. The ranking Democrat, Adam
is invaluable in helping the U.S. track for- Schiff of California, counters that there is
eign spies, terrorists, weapons traffickers no evidence any identities were improperly
and cyber criminals. But some members of revealed. Even if they were, Schiff says, the
Congress and privacy advocates want issue should be addressed in separate legis-
greater protections for the communica- lation.
tions of Americans that are picked up dur- So far, the two can only agree to disagree
ing the collection of the foreign intelli- about that.
gence. The biggest sticking point in the larger
While they support reauthorization, all debate over reauthorizing the surveillance
the Democrats on the House intelligence authority is whether to require the FBI to
committee voted no because it included a get a warrant if it wants to search the intel-
provision about unmasking. Unmasking is ligence database of information that the
the procedure for officials to find out the government lawfully collects on foreigners
identities of American citizens or legal per- abroad.
8 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

jail on felony burglary and misdemeanor Ulises Jaimes and Godoy fled on foot into a evidence from possible other crimes was
resisting arrest charges. wooded area near the house. Lozano instead found, Zuno said.
Its a very dangerous set of individuals got into a vehicle that had been backed into The Sheriffs Office will coordinate with
[and] the Sheriffs Office did outstanding the driveway and took off, according to other local law enforcement departments
Continued from page 1 prosecutors. He allegedly narrowly missed
work to get them all in custody, said and is asking anyone who recognizes the
District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. We are two deputies, sideswiped a patrol car and hit allegedly stolen property to contact them.
ing jewelry, a Social Security card and a very fortunate that nobody was seriously another patrol car that was parked at a near-
handgun believed to be stolen, according Photos of the evidence show a semi-auto-
injured. by intersection. He continued toward Linda matic handgun and three loaded clips, a
to the Sheriffs Office. Vista where he allegedly crashed into a citi-
Two others have also been arrested and Armando Diaz Jaimes, 29, of East Palo Social Security card and what appears to be a
Alto, and Araceli Arroyo Martinez, 25, East zens car and then fled on foot, according to birth certificate from Santa Clara County.
charged as accessories to the crime, accord- prosecutors.
ing to prosecutors. Four appeared in San Palo Alto, were also arrested and charged Other evidence includes coins, numerous
with accessory to burglary for allegedly try- Deputies, police from San Bruno and watches, rings, earrings, a jewelry box,
Mateo County Superior Court Friday where Burlingame, K9 units and a helicopter were
they were appointed to the private defender ing to help Ulises Jaimes flee Wednesdays necklaces and a large gold-colored skull
crime scene, according to prosecutors. dispatched to search for the suspects as res- pendant on a chain.
program. idents were advised to avoid the area. The
Fernando Lozano, 23, of East Palo Alto, The incident began around 1:30 p.m. Nov. search was eventually called off around 6 The four suspects who appeared in court
was charged with residential burglary, two 29, when the victim heard someone kicking p.m. after Ulises Jaimes and Lozano were Friday are expected back Monday with their
felony counts of assault on an officer, in the side door of her home. She hid in what caught, according to prosecutors and appointed attorneys and to enter a plea.
felony hit-and-run and resisting arrest. deputies called a safe location where she deputies. Godoy has been arrested but had not yet
Ulises Jaimes, 27, of Redwood City, was could see the suspects rummaging through Lozano was allegedly caught with the key been charged by the District Attorneys
charged with felony first-degree burglary her property but they couldnt see her. to the car in his possession, and Ulises Office as of Friday evening. Ulises Jaimes
and conspiracy. Both were caught near the Wagstaffe said its believed she was able to Jaimes was found hours later near Skyline and Lozano remain in custody on $500,000
scene Wednesday and appeared in court, hide on her roof after accessing it from a Boulevard. Armando Diaz Jaimes and bail, while Armando Diaz Jaimes and
according to prosecutors. Gabriel Godoy, bedroom. Martinez pulled up in a car and honked their Martinez were booked on $100,000 bail.
22, of East Palo Alto, who was on the lam She was in fear for her life, absolutely, horn, which prompted Ulises Jaimes to Zuno said the investigation is ongoing
for two days, was arrested around 1 p.m. said sheriffs Detective Sal Zuno. emerge from some bushes were hed been and anyone with information is urged to
Friday at the home where evidence of other As deputies arrived, they found Lozano, allegedly hiding, according to prosecutors. contact Detective Joe Cang at (650) 259-
thefts and weapons were located, according Ulises Jaimes and Godoy exiting the home. The sheriffs crime suppression unit found 2417 or [email protected]. Anonymous
to the Sheriffs Office. He was booked into They allegedly ignored orders to stop and Godoy on Friday at a home where further tips can be left at (800) 547-2700.

the Special Counsels Office reflect a deci- Nonetheless, the Russia investigation special counsel, has said Trump asked him
sion I made in the best interests of my fam- has persistently followed Trump the first in a private Oval Office meeting to consider
ily and of our country. year of his presidency, angering the presi- ending the investigation into Flynn.
A former Defense Intelligence Agency dent and repeatedly distracting from his Comey has said he found the encounter so
Continued from page 1 chief, Flynn was a considerably more vocal agenda. Flynns plea came as Republican shocking that he prepared an internal memo
Trump surrogate during the campaign, senators labored to pass a far-reaching tax about it.
investigation deeper into the White House. known for leading rally crowds in Lock her bill, which would be a significant victory Flynn, who was interviewed by the FBI
And, given the direct involvement of the up chants regarding Hillary Clintons use for Trump. days after Trumps inauguration, was forced
transition team in Flynns calls with of a private email server. On Friday, the president ignored to resign on Feb. 13 following news reports
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the plea also Though prosecutors also had investigated reporters shouted questions as he welcomed indicating that the Trump White House had
raises questions about the accuracy of Flynn lobbying work on behalf of the the Libyan prime minister to the White been warned by Obama administration offi-
repeated assertions by the administration Turkish government, the fact that he was House, and aides canceled media access to a cials that he had discussed sanctions with
that Flynn had misled Mike Pence and other permitted to plead guilty to just one count, later meeting between the two. He did Kislyak and was therefore compromised and
officials when he denied having discussed and faces a guideline range of zero to 6 appear briefly at an afternoon White House potentially vulnerable to blackmail.
sanctions with the diplomat. months in prison, suggests that prosecu- holiday reception for the media, where he White House officials including Pence,
Flynn, the longtime soldier, stood quietly tors see him as a valuable tool in their offered seasons greetings and departed who had declared publicly that Flynn never
during his plea hearing except to answer investigation and are granting a degree of without addressing the Mueller investiga- discussed sanctions, said they had been mis-
brief questions from the judge. He accepted leniency in exchange for cooperation. tion. led.
responsibility for his actions in a written White House lawyer Ty Cobb sought to dis- Early on in his administration, Trump had The court case Friday concerns a series of
statement, though he said he had also been tance the plea from Trump himself, saying: taken a particular interest in the status of conversations that Flynn had with Kislyak
subjected to false accusations. He said, My Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge the Flynn investigation. Former FBI during the transition period between the
guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn. Director James Comey, whose firing in May November election and the Jan. 20 inaugu-
precipitated the appointment of Mueller as ration.

Funeral Etiquette Advice: AFFORDABLE

Show Up, Be Brief, Listen HEALTH INSURANCE
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help (be prepared to act if needed).
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MILLBRAE Have approaching the family there are other ways
you ever attended a to show that you care: 1. Attending the
funeral or memorial funeral and signing the Memorial Book will
service and felt ill-at- show the family that you took the time to be
ease, uncomfortable there in support; 2. Dressing appropriately
or awkward when for the funeral will demonstrate your efforts
talking to the family to prepare for this special occasion (dark
of the deceased? colors are no longer a requisite for funerals,
stumbled through your words and
you ever but dressing in a coat, tie, dress or other
attire that youd wear to any special event Thinking about Travel
are considered a way of showing you care);
condolences because you just didnt know
what to say or how to say it? Have you even
decided to not approach the family for fear
3. In certain cases friends are invited to
stand up and offer BRIEF personal feelings.
of saying the wrong thing or making a fool Prior to the funeral write a few key notes
of yourself? If so you are not alone. Many
people in this situation want to provide some
and reflections which will help you organize
your thoughts. Even if there is no
Need a CT scan of
kind of comfort to the immediate family, but
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your tooth?
assuring manner.
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Attorney: Conyers to assess Around the world
Venezuela talks focus on elections, financial crisis

future plans based on health

By Corey Williams
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic Venezuelas
socialist government and its opposition sought Friday to
jumpstart negotiations on resolving the countrys econom-
ic and political crisis, pressured by international sanctions
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and a looming presidential election.
The planned two-day meetings in the Dominican
DETROIT An attorney for Republic are the first formal talks since anti-government
Michigan Rep. John Conyers said on protests collapsed in July with a toll of more than 120 dead
Friday that the con- and thousands detained. Given the scant results of previous
gressman will dis- attempts at dialogue, including talks last year mediated by
cuss in the next few the Vatican, expectations are low.
days whether to But some analysts expressed optimism a deal could be
resign following struck because the cash-strapped administration of
allegations of sexu- President Nicolas Maduro is desperately looking for sup-
al misconduct, but port as it tries to refinance Venezuelas huge foreign debt.
his health will be That will give the opposition a foothold to press their
the paramount fac- demands, analysts said.
tor and not pressure I dont think weve seen the stars align like we have at
John Conyers from Washington this moment, said Geoff Ramsey, a Venezuela researcher at
politicians. the Washington Office on Latin America.
Arnold Reed told a news conference Gunmen attack agriculture
Friday that he will be meeting with REUTERS
doctors to assess the medical progno- Arnold Reed, attorney for U.S. Rep. John Conyers, holds up an image of Conyers institute in Pakistan, killing 12
sis for the 88-year-old Conyers fol- and Marion Brown, one of the two women accusing the congressman of PESHAWAR, Pakistan Islamist militants stormed a
lowing a second round of medical inappropriate behavior, as he addresses the media outside Conyers family home. provincial government complex for agricultural research in
tests. northwest Pakistan on Friday, killing 12 people including
Facing growing calls for his resig- Reed told reporters that he had not ing Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi students and wounding 35 others, police and rescue officials
nation, Conyers returned to Detroit spoken Conyers in two days, allowing and fellow Michigan Rep. Dan said.
from Washington on Tuesday and was his client to rest. Kildee. Republican House Speaker Police and military troops killed three attackers during a
hospitalized the next day. He remains Multiple women have accused Paul Ryan has also urged Conyers to firefight and while clearing the complex in Peshawar, the
there although no details of his condi- Conyers of sexual misconduct includ- step down. capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, they said.
tion have been released. ing inappropriate touching and harass- The House Ethics Committee has The main Taliban militant group, Tehrik-e-Taliban
We will discuss in the next day or so ment. been reviewing the allegations against Pakistan, claimed responsibility saying the place they
what Mr. Conyers plans to do. As you Striking a defiant tone, Reed contin- Conyers, who is the longest-serving attacked was housing a secret intelligence office.
know his health is not the best. Its not ued to stress that Conyers denies he current member of the House. He has Police chief Salahuddin Mahsud of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
what it should be, Reed said. It will sexually-harassed anyone. stepped aside from his post as ranking province said attackers opened fire on the main gate of a
be Congressman John Conyers who A number of fellow Democrats have member of the House Foreign Affairs provincial agricultural department complex, initially
decides what it is he is going to do. called on Conyers to resign, includ- Committee. wounding two guards and two students.


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10 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stocks mostly recoup their losses after slide

By Alex Veiga Mueller is examining possible
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS coordination between Russia and
High: 24,322.06 the Trump campaign to influence
Wall Street took investors on a Low: 23,921.90 the outcome of the 2016 election.
turbulent ride Friday as stock Close: 24,231.59 Flynn is the first official who
indexes veered into a steep slide Change: -40.76 worked in the Trump White House
that knocked 350 points off the to make a guilty plea in the inves-
Dow Jones industrial average
S&P 500: 2642.22 -5.36 The news of Flynns plea came
before the market eventually
clawed back most of its losses. NYSE Index: 12,614.56 -13.23 as investors were keeping an eye
The market stumbled after for- Nasdaq: 6847.59 -26.38 on Washington, where
mer national security adviser NYSE MKT: 2614.10 +6.76 Republicans moved to make major
Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to Russell 2000: 1537.02 -7.12 changes to their proposed tax
lying to the FBI and said he would Wilshire 5000: 27,448.01 -45.37 overhaul package.
cooperate with the probe into Senate Majority Leader Mitch
Russian meddling in the U.S. pres- 10-Yr Bond: 2.36 McConnell said after a closed-
idential election. Oil (per barrel): 56.23 door meeting of Republican sena-
That raised concerns among Gold : 1,279.70 tors that the GOP had the votes to
traders that the White Houses leg- deliver the legislation, which is
islative agenda, including a tax els, said Eric Wiegand, senior lost 26.39 points, or 0.4 percent, out the market just hit an air expected to add $1 trillion to the
overhaul under debate in portfolio manager for Private to 6,847.59. The Russell 2000 pocket, said Phil Orlando, chief nations deficit over 10 years. It
Congress, could be at risk. Those Wealth Management at U.S. Bank. index of smaller-company stocks equity strategist at Federated would also slash the corporate tax
jitters were allayed somewhat by The Standard & Poors 500 gave up 7.12 points, or 0.5 per- Investors. rate, offer more modest cuts for
early afternoon, when Senate index fell 5.36 points, or 0.2 per- cent, to 1,537.02. In pleading guilty Friday to families and individuals and elimi-
Republicans signaled they have cent, to 2,642.22. The index still The indexes, which hit record lying to the FBI about his con- nate several popular deductions.
enough votes to push forward on ended the day with its best week highs earlier this week, had been tacts with the Russian ambassa- The tax bill, in our mind, is
the tax legislation. since mid-September. The Dow little changed before Flynns plea dor, Flynn admitted he followed going through, said Orlando.
Once the Senate did announce Jones industrial average slid deal was announced. directions from a member of This Flynn situation, the Mueller
that they had sufficient votes to 40.76 points, or 0.2 percent, to The losses that we saw right President Donald Trumps transi- investigation, does not derail the
move forward, there was a respite 24,231.59. The Nasdaq composite when the Flynn information came tion team. Special Counsel Robert tax reform, which we think is
and we did come off the lower lev- essentially at hand.

California regulators nix rules Business briefs

Black Friday deals boosted limiting carmaker liability
California regulators have nixed a Fed regulator moves to allow
bigger jumps to stamp prices
U.S. auto sales in November plan to let self-driving car manufac-
turers evade liability for crashes if
the vehicle hasnt been maintained
according to manufacturer specifica-
WASHINGTON Federal regula-
tors are moving to give the U.S.
By Dee-Ann Durbin Postal Service more freedom to
Details about November sales THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
The new rules released this week
raise stamp costs beyond the rate of
inflation. The Postal Regulatory
Subaru brand sales rose 1 percent to percent, but GMC, Chevrolet and Buick saw delete a provision suggested by
DETROIT Black Friday deals General Motors. California Commission announced its deci-
51,721 vehicles. Sales of the recently smaller declines. GMs best-seller, the
revamped Impreza sedan more than Chevrolet Silverado pickup, was up 3 and strong consumer confidence Department of Motor Vehicles sion Friday.
tripled, offsetting declines for the Outback percent. pushed auto sales higher in spokeswoman Jessica Gonzalez The commissions proposal
SUV. Fiat Chrysler sales fell 4 percent to 154,919. November despite waning demand said the change came after a review would allow the beleaguered Postal
Hyundai Motor Co. sales fell 9 percent to Chrysler brand sales jumped 14 percent Service to increase the price of a
55,435 vehicles. Sales of its Tucson SUV on strong sales of the Pacifica minivan, and for post-hurricane replacement of comments on the plan.
were up 51 percent but couldnt offset Alfa Romeo sales rose. But sales fell for the vehicles. John Simpson of the nonprofit first-class stamp by an additional 2
steep declines in car sales. Genesis luxury companys Ram, Jeep, Dodge and Fiat U.S. sales of new cars and trucks advocacy group Consumer percent above the rate of inflation
sales rose slightly. brands.
rose 1 percent to nearly 1.4 mil- Watchdog called the change a to avoid bankruptcy and improve
Toyota Motor Corp. sales fell 3 percent to Volkswagen brand sales were down 1.6 mail and package delivery. The cur-
191,617 even though the revamped Camry percent to 29,207 as a new Tiguan SUV lion, according to Autodata Corp., major victory for consumers.
sedan and the RAV4 small SUV posted started rolling out to dealerships. The rules could have absolved car rent price is 49 cents, so the
a market analysis firm. increase could mean an increase of
record November numbers. Increased truck Ford Motor Co. sales jumped 7 percent makers of accident responsibility if
and SUV sales were offset by steep declines to 210,771 on strong demand for trucks Some analysts initially predict- up to a few cents each year, depend-
ed that November sales would drop a car owner hadnt cleaned his sen-
in car sales. Luxury Lexus sales were down and SUVs. Ford sold 72,769 F-Series ing on rates of inflation.
7 percent. pickups, marking that vehicles best as post-hurricane sales slowed in sors appropriately, said Simpson,
Honda Motor Co. sales rose 8 percent to November since 2001. Luxury Lincoln sales the groups privacy and technology The prospect of higher prices irks
Texas and Florida. mail-order industry, which could
133,156. Sales of the CR-V SUV jumped 25 fell 5.5 percent. director. GM spokeswoman Laura
percent. Luxury Acura sales were up 10 Nissan Motor Co. didnt report its sales due But Black Friday promotions Toole said the automaker appreciat- pay millions more for sending
percent. to a computer problem. Based on which began in early November ed the departments transparency items like prescription drugs and
General Motors Co.s sales fell 3 percent preliminary data, Autodata estimated helped lure buyers to dealer-
to 245,387. Cadillac sales dropped 13 Nissans sales rose 14 percent to 131,138. and added that the company is magazines and pass costs onto
ships. pleased be part of the process. consumers.

<<< Page 13, Warriors

get er done in Orlando
Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017

Padres unsung
Menlo falls in finals
By Nathan Mollat
coaches to take
on former team
By Terry Bernal
CAMPBELL There was one certainty DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
heading into the Central Coast Section
Division V championship game at Had Chris Vasseurs career as a rock n roll
Westmont High School one team was drummer worked out, the Serra Padres would
going to walk away with its schools first- have a completely different look these days.
ever CCS football title. Fortunately, for the world of Padres foot-
Despite playing in its fifth title game in ball, Vasseurs dream of becoming the next
the last nine years, Menlo School came up Dave Grohl went by the
short as undefeated and top-seeded Gilroy wayside. But Serras fifth-
completed its storybook season with 38-21 year defensive coordina-
victory over the Knights. tor has been making
It was a tough game, Menlo head coach excellent music as part of
Mark Newton said. the Vass and Lo Show,
Much like Gilroy did in the semifinals to along with Serra offensive
another Peninsula Athletic League team in coordinator Steven Lo.
Hillsdale, the Mustangs, who actually Vasseur and Lo have
trailed at halftime against Menlo, dominat- been running their respec-
ed the second half as they pulled away for Chris Vasseur tive departments since
their 13-straight win of the season. 2013, when the two
No. 2 Menlo (8-5) certainly didnt do joined the Serra football
itself any favors after the break, as three of coaching staff after work-
the Knights four turnovers came in the sec- ing together for one sea-
ond half. Add in four of Gilroys seven son as assistant coaches at
sacks, and Joseph Barnes rushing for 156 of St. Francis. Now, the tan-
his 230 yards and three of his four touch- dem will be going up
downs in the final two quarters, and the against their former pro-
Knights simply were overwhelmed by the NATHAN MOLLAT/DAILY JOURNAL
gram as rivals Serra and St.
Mustangs. Menlos Matt Flower, left, bats down a pass intended for Gilroys Max Pierce during the Knights Steven Lo Francis square off for the
Big plays and turnovers, it may be 38-21 loss to Gilroy in the CCS Division V championship game. Central Coast Section
cliche, but they mattered a lot in the game, Open Division II championship Saturday
Newton said. Really, those were the differ- hit, which jarred the ball loose. Two plays later, Menlo had the lead. night at Independence High School at 7 p.m.
ence. With possession at the Menlo 39, Gilroy Simbeck picked up six yards on the first The last time St. Francis won a CCS title
Menlos second-half performance was in ground out a 10-play drive, converting a play before hitting Aidan Israelski with a was in 2012, during Vasseur and Los one
stark contrast to how the Knights performed fourth-and-1 at the 30, but stalled out at the shovel pass that the senior turned into an 8- season there. Vass and Lo have since
in the first two quarters as they did a good 13-yard line. The Mustangs had to settle for yard touchdown and a 7-3 lead. found a home at Serra, where they earned a
job containing Gilroys explosive offense a 32-yard field goal and 3-0 lead midway The Menlo defense remained stout the rest second CCS title last season, helping the
while also moving the ball consistently through the first quarter. of the half, forcing Gilroy punts on its next Padres to an Open Division II crown.
themselves. After moving the ball from the 35 to near two possessions, but with 1:33 left in the I love it here, Lo said. This is such a
After Menlo forced the Mustangs to go midfield on their next drive, the Knights half, the Mustangs took a 10-7 lead. great community. [Head coach Patrick
three-and-out on the first series of the game, were forced to punt, but like Gilroy, Menlo Starting from its own 18, Gilroy marched Walsh] is fantastic. The kids are great.
the Mustangs got the ball right back as they got the ball right back when Xavier 72 yards on nine plays for the score. Everyone here is great.
recovered a fumble when Knights quarter- Dickinson fell on a Mustangs fumble at
back Emilio Simbeck was blindsided on a their 14. See MENLO, Page 14 See SERRA, Page 16

Skull Game, shmull game

Half Moon Bay and Terra Nova to hash out 2017 legacy in CCS title game
By Terry Bernal but thats not the Terra Nova team we like to
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF put on the field. Well have a much better
chance Saturday night. Let the kids fly
When Half Moon Bay triumphed in the around and let things land where they may.
rivalry Skull Game 45-7 earlier this sea- Despite Terra Novas historical domi-
son, it marked a precarious loss for Terra nance, Half Moon Bay enters a clear
Nova. favorite. The No. 1 seed, the Cougars are
Not only was it the first time the Cougars not only enjoying an undefeated 12-0 sea-
won the annual showdown since 2014, it son, they have won 15 straight games dat-
also left Terra Nova winless through four ing back to last season with their last loss
Peninsula Athletic League Bay Division coming at the hands of the Tigers in last
games. It wasnt until the final week of years Skull Game.
league play during a slate of games After that, HMB won three straight to
rescheduled from earlier in the season due to repeat as CCS Division V champions.
the North Bay fires the Tigers broke a Theyve got a great run going right now,
four-game losing streak and, by the skin of Adams said. But were definitely a different
their fangs, qualified for the Central Coast team (than the last meeting) right now.
Section playoffs with a slight 17-14 win The difference for Terra Nova has been the
over Burlingame. return of two promising linemen seniors
Now, in a turn of events that seemed Dan Constantine and Derek Franson both
unforeseeable after the Nov. 3 Skull of whom were injured in the Oct. 6 PAL Bay
Game, a rivalry that has long favored Terra Division opener against Aragon. Both
Nova which leads the regular-season returned for the Skull Game but were only
classic with an all-time record of 32-16-5 cleared to practice in the week leading up to
the feud will carry over into the postseason the game, with Franson, a center and defen-
for the first time ever, with the Tigers and sive tackle, not seeing any days of practice
the Cougars meeting Saturday night at and jumping into action against HMB cold,
Sequoia High School for the CCS Open according to Adams.
BECKY RUPPEL Division III championship. Yes they were in the Skull Game but DAILY JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
Quarterback Gavin Tomberlin has totaled 310 They embarrassed us, Terra Nova head they werent themselves, Adams said. Terra Nova quarterback Nate Gordon has
passing yards through Half Moon Bays first coach Tim Adams said. They kicked our passed for a PAL Bay Division-best 257.1 yards
two CCS playoff wins this season. butts fair and square. We took our lumps ... See HMB-TN, Page 15 per game this season.
12 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cardinal just cant break the plane late in Pac-12 title game
By Josh Dubow
USC 31, Stanford 28 Jones finished that drive with an 8-yard run
that made it 31-21 to cap a productive night
when the Cardinal (9-4, stopped just short of the end zone on fourth. where he ran for 140 yards and two touchdowns
SANTA CLARA With the Pac-12 champi- No. 12) drove down the Stanford head coach David Shaw figured at to give USC its first Pac-12 title since 2008.
onship hanging in the balance, Southern field in position to tie worst, Stanford would come out of that situ- Darnold was 17 for 24 for 325 yards with
California delivered a goal-line stand fol- the game or take the lead. ation with a defensive stop and good field TD passes to Pittman and Tyler Vaughns to
lowed by a 99-yard drive that gave the Trojans But facing a third down position on the ensuing drive but those lead the way for USC.
their first conference title in nine years. from the 2, Stanford kept hopes ended when Darnold delivered the The win gives USC a season sweep
Sam Darnolds 54-yard pass to Michael star back Bryce Love on offensive play of the game. against Stanford and will likely send the
Pittman Jr. keyed the long drive after Bryce Love the sideline with his After Ronald Jones gained 1 yard on first Trojans to the Fiesta Bowl. USC still holds
Uchenna Nwosu preserved the lead with the gimpy ankle to rely on down, Darnold dropped back to pass and out hope for a spot in the four-team playoff
defensive stop that led No. 11 USC to a 31-28 short-yardage back Cameron Scarlett quickly was under pressure. He stepped up if there are several upsets in other confer-
victory over No. 14 Stanford on Friday night. instead. Scarlett ran on successive plays, and appeared ready to run before launching a ence title games on Saturday but the chances
The Trojans (11-2, No. 10 CFP) led 24-21 gaining 1 yard on third down and then being pass to Pittman to get USC out of trouble. appear to be remote.

FRIDAY Local sports roundup Fortuna 25-10 to lead 36-17 at halftime.

Mallory North led Menlo (1-0) with 22
points, while Avery Lee added 15.
Boys basketball Heritage 70, Menlo-Atherton 52 an assist for San Mateo (1-0). He opened the
Two strong scoring performances by scoring, converting a Djelani Phillips
Sacred Heart Prep 66, El Camino 56 Menlo-Athertons (0-2) senior tandem of through ball. Hernandez then set up the Woodside Priory 53, Menlo-Atherton 48
Sacred Heart Prep head coach Tony Greer Hoyem and Carly McLanahan wasnt Beacats second goal, feeding Luis Murillo, The Panthers got the better of the Bears in
Martinelli earned his 200th career win as enough to hold off Heritage-Brentwood (2- who buried in the low right corner. the first round of Cardinal Newman Classic
the Gators (1-1) outscored El Camino (0-3) 0) in the Cardinal Newman Classic. Hoyem in Santa Rosa.
in every quarter at home Friday night in the scored a team-high 26 points and Senior post Greer Hoyem led M-A (1-0)
Crusader Classic at Riordan High School. McLanahan knocked down four 3-pointers Girls basketball with 16 points, tying Priorys Ila Lane for
SHP senior Eric DeBrine scored a season- to add 16. Heritage senior Mikaila Wegenke game-high honors. Carly McLanahan and
Carlmont 60, Castilleja 37 10 Ljunggren both added 10 points for the
high 24 points. DeBrine was 3 of 6 from scored a game-high 29 points. All-tournament selection Ashley Bears.
beyond the arc, and added six rebounds and
Trierweiler scored 13 points to lead the
two assists. Boys soccer Scots to a third-place finish in the Fremont-
In addition to Lanes 16, Tatiana Reese
Junior Jai Deshpande added 12 and jun- added 14.
i o r Yi an n i Gardn er 1 0 . Sen i o r Ev en
Woodside 2, El Camino 1 Sunnyvale Thunderbird Classic with the win
Woodside handed the reigning Peninsula over the Gators.
Ni ch o l s g rab b ed a t eam-h i g h ei g h t Carlmont (2-1) built a 29-18 lead at half- San Benito 45, San Mateo 19
Athletic League Ocean Division champion
rebounds, while Gardner and senior Kyle time and outscored the Castilleja 31-19 ion The Bearcats were held to single-digit
El Camino Colts their first loss of the sea-
Schott had seven each. SHP totaled 40 the second half, forcing 24 Gators turnovers scoring in all four quarters as the Balers in
son, as the Wildcats broke a 1-1 tie in the
boards on the night. for the game. the first round of the Lynbrook tournament.
second half. Leo Avila scored El Caminos
lone goal in the first half. In addition to Trierweiler, Catherine Marie Rossi, a senior, and freshman Zoe
Girls basketball Dahlberg also scored 13 points for the Pang each scored 6 points to lead San
Menlo School 72, Urban 48 THURSDAY Scots as they had 11 of 12 players on the Mateo.
Avery Lee scored a game-high 26 points, roster get in the scoring column.
Girls soccer
including four 3-pointers, as Menlo (2-0) Boys soccer
earned its second straight win to start the Menlo School 62, Fortuna 36 Half Moon Bay 3, Harker 0
year at the Marin Catholic Girls Basketball San Mateo 2, Hillsdale 1 The Knights cruised to the victory in the After a scoreless first half, the Cougars
Tournament. Mallory North added 17 points The Bearcats scored twice in the first half first round of the Marin Catholic tourna- scored three times in the second to post a
for the Knights, who advance to the tourney and then held on in the second half for a win ment in Santa Rosa. non-league win over the Eagles.
championship game Saturday at 8 p.m. to over the cross-town rival Knights. Leading 11-7 after one quarter, Menlo Morgan Young, Morgan Day and Rachael
face St. Ignatius-SF. Geovanny Hernandez recorded a goal and pulled away in the second, outscoring Rodroguea all scored for Half Moon Bay.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 13
Warriors 133, Magic 112
Bears having their
Klay nets 27, Dubs rout Magic own QB challenges
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on all cylinders.
Curry matched Draymond Green THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 49ers to grab him. And the results
ORLANDO, Fla. The Warriors with a team-high 10 assists so far have been mixed.
are first in the NBA in so many Thats what we pride ourselves LAKE FOREST, Ill. The In the seven starts since he took
offensive categories you would on, ball movement, getting every- Chicago Bears are piling up losses over for the struggling Mike
think adding another one wouldnt one involved, Curry said. and quarterback Mitchell Trubisky Glennon, Trubisky has shown at
mean much. This one did. Everybody gets touches and we understands what that means. times a strong arm and the ability
The Warriors had 46 assists, the help each other in that way All eyes are to extend plays with his quickness.
most by any team in the NBA this because we are all threats. on him. But against Philadelphia last week,
season, in a 133-112 romp over the Aaron Gordon led Orlando with T h e it was simply rough going.
Orlando Magic on Friday night. 29 points, Evan Fournier had 22, KIM KLEMENT/USA TODAY SPORTS freefalling
Klay Thompson led Golden State and Jonathon Simmons 18. The Draymond Green, middle, and Klay Bears (3-8) Facing the team with the NFLs
with 27 points, Kevin Durant had 25 Magic have lost 10 of their last 11 Thompson defend against Magic bring a four- best record, Trubisky looked like
and Steph Curry 23, but it was the 46 and were playing catchup all night guard Mario Hezonja Friday night game losing an overmatched rookie.
assists on 55 field goals that had the against the defending NBA cham- at Amway Center. streak into He was 17 of 33 for 147 yards
Warriors talking after the game. pion Warriors. The Warriors shot 62.5 percent Sundays game with two interceptions, two sacks
Forty-six assists is insane, Golden State definitely from the field and had so many against the San and two fumbles. Poor footwork
coach Steve Kerr said. Mitchell led to Trubisky overthrowing sev-
impresses you with everything open looks they didnt need to be Francisco
Thats amazing, added Durant, they do, Magic coach Frank Trubisky 49ers. eral receivers and posting a career-
selective about where the shots
who was ejected for arguing with Vogel said. Their passing, their came from. Golden State hit 12 of And Chicagos rookie quarter- low 38.3 passer rating.
4:52 left. Everybody came and cutting, their ability to play off 24 from behind the 3-point line back looks to bounce back from He ranks last among regular quar-
made plays tonight. We moved well each other and their shot-making and 11 of the 13 players had at his worst outing against the team terbacks with a 52.8 percent com-
without the ball and kept clicking facilitates all of that stuff. least one assist. that could have drafted him with the pletion rate and has been sacked 19
No. 2 overall pick. times. The Bears, meanwhile, have
The Bears instead made a bold
Replay puts Sharks over top in Sunrise move by trading up a spot with the
wiped out the good will they were
starting to build.
By Paul Gereffi
Sharks 2, Panthers 1 Ole Miss gets bowl ban, College football
and the puck Panthers and Luongo stopped 30 other penalties in NCAA case ship reductions and recruiting
SUNRISE, Fla. Video replay bounced off shots.
finally worked in favor of the San R o b e r t o The Sharks tied it on the goal by Mississippis football program restrictions. The NCAA on Friday
Jose Sharks. Luongos pads Pavelski. A loose puck bounced has been handed a two-year post- banned the Rebels from the post-
Chris Tierney scored in the third and trickled from behind the net, and Pavelski season ban and other penalties by season for the 2018 season as
period to lift the Sharks over the across the goal swept it in from in front between the the NCAA. well.
Florida Panthers 2-1 on Friday line. post and Luongos skate at 11:20 of The Committee on Infractions The complicated case consisted
night, with San Jose benefiting Chris Tierney The play was the second period. Pavelski is the came down hard on Ole Miss, of 21 alleged violations, includ-
from two goal reviews. reviewed by the 19th American-born player to reach which went 6-6 but had self- ing 15 that were Level I, which the
The last six video reviews had officials because it was unclear if the 300 goals. imposed a bowl ban this year and NCAA considers the most serious.
gone against the Sharks in a seven- puck completely crossed the line. The Panthers challenged hoped to avoid it next season over Matt Luke was recently named
game span from Nov. 16-24, includ- Joe Pavelski scored his 300th Pavelskis goal for goalie interfer- its long-running rules violation Ole Miss head coach after spend-
ing two when the Sharks hosted the goal, and Aaron Dell made 39 saves ence, claiming that Pavelskis skate case that included a charge of lack ing the past season as the interim.
Panthers on Nov. 16. for the Sharks in his second consec- in the crease crossed the goal line of institutional control. The 41-year-old led the Rebels to a
Tierney gave the Sharks a 2-1 lead utive start. San Jose won its third and prevented Luongo from extend- Ole Miss had also self-imposed respectable season, including an
with 12:45 left. Tierney backhanded straight game. ing his leg to the post to block the other punishments in anticipation Egg Bowl win over rival
a rebound from the side of the net Colton Sceviour scored for the shot, but the call stood. of the ruling, including scholar- Mississippi State last week.

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14 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Woods atop leaderboard, but only briefly

By Doug Ferguson one par over his final 12 eighth. Woods was alone in the lead, and the back surgeries in the spring of 2014.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS holes to go along with workers at the white scoreboard to the left of He had played only seven rounds dating to
eight birdies and three the green quickly moved his name to the top as August 2015, and this was his first competi-
NASSAU, Bahamas One of the biggest bogeys. some 100 people that constitutes a large tion in 10 months. He had fusion surgery on
cheers at the Hero World Challenge came from But this week, a holiday gallery this week began cheering. There was his lower back in April.
seeing the name Tiger Woods moved to the top exhibition with an 18- a smattering of Hes back! and even a few Youve got to be anxious doesnt matter
of the leaderboard. man field and no cut, is all mentions about the Masters. who it is, doesnt matter how well hes been in
It just wasnt there for long. about Woods. That much Woods missed it. He was on his way to the the past at handling pressure, Spieth said.
In another impressive showing in his latest was obvious after the 10th tee. By the time he saw a leaderboard, it Its still a new experience for him to have that
comeback from back surgeries, Woods built on Tiger Woods round. was getting crowded at the top with Hoffman little golf. And to come out and play competi-
a solid start with a 31 on the front nine at Hoffman spoke to no making his run, Spieth chipping in for birdie tive golf and work his way into contention,
Albany Golf Club that briefly gave him the more than five reporters about his round, while and setting up another with a tough chip, and thats whats really exceptional.
lead Friday. He stalled on the back nine with a a dozen others were about 30 feet away sur- Fleetwood overcoming a double bogey-bogey Woods didnt make a bogey until a three-putt
pair of bogeys and not enough birdie chances, rounding Joe LaCava, Woods caddie, looking start to his back nine with three straight from 30 feet on the 12th hole. The greens were
and he settled for a 4-under 68. for any additional morsel about his round. birdies. quicker, and thats where he struggled. He had
Successful, Woods said, when asked to Woods delivered plenty on his own. He I saw somewhere on the back nine, I think an eagle attempt from just short of the 15th
describe his round in one word. opened with three birdies in four holes. He there was like five guys at 8 under or something green, about 45 feet away, that he ran 15 feet by
When the second round ended, Woods was made three good pars, one of them having to like that, something weird like that, Woods the hole. He missed that for a three-putt par.
five shots behind Charley Hoffman, who had a chip up the slope from a thin lie on No. 8, and said. He still played the par 5s in 4 under, a five-
63 that might have sent fans into a frenzy if then really raised hopes with his eagle on the A case could be made that his name among shot improvement from the opening round.
they had been watching. par-5 ninth, set up by a 3-wood into the wind them was weird. And he showed his creative side on the par-3
Hoffman made 12 birdies, closing with five from 265 yards. His past is enough to merit legend status in 17th. Facing a long putt over a hump with the
in a row . He was at 12-under 132 and had a Hit up in the air and took something off of this field. Woods has 79 victories on the PGA grain running away from him, Woods chose to
three-shot lead over Jordan Spieth (67) and it and cut it back into the wind, he said. Tour, compared with 81 for the rest of the field. chip it off the putting surface and along the
Tommy Fleetwood (69). Hoffman made only He made the 20-foot putt to reach 8 under. But he hasnt won in more than four years, and fringe to be able to better judge the speed. It
Behind him, Hoffman made bogey on the par-3 this is only his 20th start since the first of four settled 3 feet away for a par.

Simbeck was banged up both his sopho- game 11-of-22 passing for 172 yards and He hit the crease and he was gone,
more and junior years, so they were cautious two touchdowns but also two intercep- Newton said.
with him. tions. In between those Mustangs scores,
We didnt want him taking too many hits The Knights couldnt do anything with Menlo notched its third touchdown of the
Continued from page 11 during the regular season, Newton said. their opening drive of the third quarter, night. Simbeck hit Kevin Chen with back-
But he was anxious to run the ball. while Gilroy drove 62 yards on 13 plays to to-back passes for 9 and 32 yards and then
It was Simbecks arm, however, that gave take the lead for good, with Barnes scoring Simbeck did the rest, running the final 11
But Menlo snatched the momentum back the Knights a 14-10 lead at halftime. With from 2 yards out for a 17-14 lead.
by halftime as the Knights executed the yards on two plays with the score com-
the pocket collapsing around him, Simbeck Menlos next drive ended in the arms of a ing on a 1-yard run around right end.
two-minute offense to perfection as they threw the ball between two defenders and Gilroy defensive back, which gave the
needed just four plays to go 67 yards. The into the arms of Landon Smith in the middle Mustangs the ball at the Knights 44. Nine While disappointed with the loss, Newton
key play was a 42-yard catch and run by of the end zone with 40 seconds left in the plays later, Barnes went in from 2 yards out realized how much he team had to work just
David Schmaier, followed by a 16-yard first half. on the first play of the fourth quarter to up to get into position to win a section title.
scamper from Simbeck, who for the second We were great at halftime, Newton said. the Mustangs lead to 24-14. Injuries ravaged the Knights this season and
week in a row led the Knights in rushing In the second half, however, Gilroy exert- Late in the game, the Mustangs iced it to be one of the final teams standing in CCS
with 57 yards on 23 carries. ed its superiority. The Mustangs defensive with two long Barnes scores. The first went was a tremendous accomplishment.
That was something our offensive coor- line dominated Menlo as it seemed Simbeck for 41 yards with 4:04 left for a 30-14 lead This team dealt with a tremendous
dinator put in for the playoffs, Newton was under pressure nearly every time he and his fifth of the night went for 50 yards amount of adversity, Newton said. Im
said of using Simbecks legs. Newton said dropped back to pass. Simbeck finished the with just under three minutes left. incredibly proud of my boys.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 15
Beleaguered World Cup gets weak opener: Russia-Saudi Arabia
By Rob Harris lower than the hosts. Egypt and Uruguay are have to play great matches. Russia, is in Group C with 1998 champion
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS also in Group A. Spain, which eliminated Portugal in the last France, Australia and Denmark.
Defending champion Germany will play 16 on the way to winning its first World Cup The only group without a former World Cup
MOSCOW Spain and Portugal, the last first against Mexico in Group F and then face in 2010, will open against the European champion is Group H, which is made up of
two European champions, were drawn Friday Sweden and South Korea. Five-time world champions on June 15 in Sochi. Poland, Senegal, Colombia and Japan.
to meet in the first round of the World Cup, champion Brazil is in Group E with Iceland, the country with the smallest pop- Russian President Vladimir Putin opened
one day after Russia opens the tournament in Switzerland, Costa Rica and Serbia. ulation of the 32 World Cup teams, was drawn the draw ceremony at the Kremlin, seven years
one of the easiest groups of the competition. None of us wanted an easy group, Mexico with Argentina, Croatia and Nigeria in Group after landing the hosting rights. Putin urged
The Russians will play their first match at goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa said. If youre D. Another newcomer, Panama, will take on fans to visit and enjoy his big and multi-
Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on June 14 playing the World Cup, you want to face the England, Tunisia and Belgium in Group G. faceted country, a rallying cry which follows
against Saudi Arabia the only team ranked best. And if you want to reach the final, you Peru, the last of the 32 teams to qualify for concerns about racism and hooliganism.

the top for a season-high 188 yards rushing
in last weeks CCS semifinal.
One person not surprised by Terra Novas
postseason run is Half Moon Bay head coach
Continued from page 11 Keith Holden. The sixth-year head coach was
mindful of the Tigers sudden dual-threat
offensive attack, but was certain not to over-
Since Terra Nova has returned Franson and
look quarterback Nate Gordon, who is the
left guard Constantine, senior running back
PAL Bay Division passing leader, averaging
Brandon Auelua has enjoyed the three most
257.1 yards per game.
explosive games of his varsity career.
Against Burlingame, and a pair of CCS play- To prepare for them in two days is a night-
off wins over Aptos and Palma, Auelua has mare, Holden said. They pose a lot of prob-
averaged 152.7 yards rushing per game. lems. Im not surprised.
But Holden has some mojo going for him. MEMBER
Thats a guy that just takes a game over, In a tradition that started at the beginning of
Adams said. I dont know if in the postsea- HMBs back-to-back CCS championship HAS ONLY
son this year theres been a more dominant postseasons, the no-nonsense head coach -An average balance of $25,
00 in a Sterling Eagle Chec
king Acc
Account cycle.
count per statement cycle.
player in CCS. can be seen on the sidelines sporting more
HMBs big-two of quarterback Gavin -One monthly deposit
posit into your Sterling Eagle Checking
dep Check Account.
cking Account.
jewelry than Elvis. It was something that
Tomberlin and running back Chase Hofmann started innocently enough, when he began
have been dominant in their own right. wearing for the Cougars first playoff win in San Mateo 15 E. 4th A
ve 650.685.8303
Tomberlin, through two playoff games, is 2015 the CCS championship ring he earned
18-of-29 passing for 310 yards and four as offensive coordinator with the Cougars in Burlingame 1210 Broadwa
ay 650.685.6430
touchdowns. Not to mention, the left-handed 2005.
dart-thrower hasnt misfired with an intercep- The problem is, Holden kept sporting all Daly City 440 W
estlake Center
nter Dr 650.991.3275
tion in 21 straight games, last getting his jewelry for superstitious reasons, and
picked off Sept. 9, 2016 against Capuchino. while HMB hasnt lost a postseason game
Hofmann has been a grinder, showing since, he has added two more rings to the
more brawn than trailblazing rushing num- repertoire.
bers. Minus his game-high carry last week Weve had a good run, Holden said. I feel
against Live Oak, the senior has logged 44 kind of ridiculous. But its my superstition.


carries, averaging 4.3 yards per. That one What happens if he earns a fourth CCS 
game-high carry though, a 64-yard touch- championship ring Saturday night? dWzWzDD
d  W z Wz    D D D 


down run, bumped up that average to 5.6 Ill deal with that if I have to, Holden &




yards per carry. It also helped put him over said. , 


16 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

current coach Greg Calcagno. also coached together for one sea- passed the 2,500-yard career rushing

SERRA And with Vasseur and Lo head-

ing north to Tom Bradys alma
mater the rest is history.
son of semipro football with the
Central Coast Barnstormers, who
play out of Gilroy High School.
mark in last Saturdays CCS semifi-
nal win over Valley Christian he is
currently sitting on 2,555 career
Girls volleyball
Division II state championship game
Continued from page 11 Vasseurs innovative defense And while Vasseur was innovating rushing yards but has emerged as a No. 3 Sacred Heart Prep (29-8) vs. No. 1 Sierra
stems from Texas Christian Serras three-tiered defense, Lo quick- Canyon (37-7) at Santiago Canyon College-Or-
key defensive played as a free safety, ange, 4 p.m.
Vasseur wasnt so optimistic Universitys famed 4-2-5 system, ly transformed Serra from the wing-T something stemming from his early Football
CCS Open Division II championship game
when he first started showing up at one mimicked at Millsaps. Vasseur offense it utilized for many years to a No. 3 St. Francis (10-2) vs. No. 1 Serra (10-2) at In-
underclassman work in the backfield. dependence High School, 7 p.m.
Serra. It was the offseason follow- soaked up the system during his more pass-intensive spread.
CCS Open Division III championship game
ing 2012, and he had recently struck one year there, then brought it to [Walsh] wanted to go up-tempo Another key two-way player was No. 7 Terra Nova (7-5) vs. No. 1 Half Moon Bay
the West Catholic Athletic League. (12-0) at Sequoia High School, 7 p.m.
up a kinship with Walsh. Vasseur and wanted to start throwing the senior lineman Nio Mafi, who was Boys basketball
[Walsh] wanted to switch defens- ball, Lo said. Wallenberg-SF at Oceana, 4:30 p.m.; Menlo
was known as a man to innovate lost for the season in Serras CCS School at Menlo-Atherton, 7 p.m.
defense strategies, something he es, so he said: Ill pay you to come Serras aerial attack spiked in playoff opener against Mitty. He was Girls basketball
teach defenses to us, Vasseur said. Scotts Valley at Oceana, 1 p.m.; Ygnacio Valley
learned while working on staff for 2013. After a 2012 season in which a central figure in Serras regular-sea- vs. Half Moon Bay at CUSD Event Center, 5:30
Vasseur took up Walshs offer for- the Padres gained 4,538 total yards p.m.; El Camino at Mercy-SF, 6 p.m.; Woodside at
one season at Millsaps College in son win over St. Francis a hotly Washington-Fremont, 6:15 p.m.; Acalanes at
Jackson, Mississippi in 2011. mally when he accepted the defen- but only 647 of those were pass- South City, 6:30 p.m.
sive coordinator position in April contested 31-21 victory but will Boys soccer
I was expecting everyone to ing yards the 2013 Padres Homestead tourament: M-A vs. Homestead, 8
2013. Two days after he was hired, gained 5,749 total yards with be sorely missed against the Lancers a.m.; Hillsdale vs. Wilcox, 9:45 a.m.; Half Moon
start hissing me, Vasseur said. Bay vs. Los Gatos, 11:30 a.m.; Sequoia vs. Gunn,
And they welcomed me. the offensive coordinator job at 2,586 coming by way of the pass. stellar defensive front, including 1:15 p.m.; Half Moon Bay vs. Salinas, 3:30 p.m.
Serra opened up. And Vasseur imme- three Division I commits in senior Burlingame at Palo Alto, 1:15 p.m.; Capuchino at
That welcoming turned in to a for- Serra surpassed both those marks Non-league
mal job offer when Vasseur and Lo diately recommended Lo. last season with 6,034 total offen- linebacker Junior Fehoko, junior Serra, Sacred Heart Prep at Stevenson, 2 p.m.;
Terra Nova vs. Nueva School at Los Prados Park,
resigned from St. Francis with former I called Lo and was like, this is sive yards, including 3,186 pass- outside linebacker Josh Pakola and 3:30 p.m.; American at Carlmont, 6 p.m.
the greatest day ever, Vasseur said. ing yards; each of those marks set Girls soccer
head coach Nick Navarro leaving to senior defensive tackle Tyler Manoa. Fremont-Sunnyvale tournament: Hillsdale vs.
take the job at Tim Tebows alma The Vass and Lo Show started in new all-time program records. Saratoga, 9:50 a.m.; Aragon vs. Crystal Springs,
Theyre a very stout front 11:40 a.m.; San Mateo vs. Gunn, 1:30 p.m.; Mills
mater Nease High School in Ponte 2009, when the two started coach- This year, the simpatico between vs. Mecy-Bgame, 3:20 p.m.; Capuchino vs. Home-
seven, Lo said. Even with Nio, stead, 4 p.m.
Vedra Beach, Florida. Vasseur and Lo ing together at Gilroy High School. Vasseur and Lo is evident in the per- Non-league
each interviewed for the head coach- Serra marks their third high school formance of senior Isiah Kendrick. A its tough moving them. So, it Westmont at Carlmont, 9:45 a.m.; Terra Nova vs.
Sacred Heart Cathedral at Beach Chalet, 11:30
ing job at St. Francis, but it went to assignment together, though they renowned running back who sur- will definitely be a challenge. a.m.

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San Francisco Ballet
Helgi Tomassons staging
of composer Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovskys Nutcracker

Sadies dance
By Priscilla Jin

very new year after winter break is
formal season for high schools
across the Bay Area, when each
school puts on a winter formal dance. Even
more exciting than the dances, however, is
the tradition of asking a date. Each year, the
proposals become more extravagant, with
posters, balloons and serenades. The boys
complain about the exhausting process of
thinking of the perfect way to ask a girl. So
naturally, they look for-
ward to the year when the
roles are reversed during
the Sadie Hawkins Dance.
Sadie Hawkins is a
nickname for a dance in
which female students
invite male students. This
is contrary to the custom
of male students typically
The Disaster Artist is not a spoof or a parody it is a sincerely told (and incidentally very fun and funny) story about two outsiders, Greg
inviting female students
Sestero and Tommy Wiseau, who move to Los Angeles with dreams of stardom and no idea how to realize them. to school dances. Initially, the dances were a

In Disaster Artist, James

female-empowering rite at high school and
college campuses, giving women a chance to
stand up and take who they want, instead of
demurely waiting for a man to ask them. The
popularity of the Sadies dances have waned
since the 1950s, but tradition still continues

Franco finds a masterpiece

in some high school culture.
At my school, the Sadies dance is held
every four years. As underclassmen, my girl-
friends looked forward to our senior year,
when we would ask the guys to the formal
dance. However, many were disappointed to
By Jake Coyle no interest in answering. Thats because Bissell, titled The Disaster Artist about find that this year would not be Sadies. Our
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Disaster Artist isnt really about the inept making of the movie framing class president explained that Sadies was a
Tommy Wiseau. Its about James Franco. the film as a nuttier version of classic cultural custom and would not be officially
Who is Tommy Wiseau? A quick recap for the uninitiated. The Hollywood tales like Sunset Boulevard. endorsed or supported by the school. When
Room ran for two weeks in Los Angeles Franco, himself, reviewed the book, con- the class started protesting, she attributed
Its a question that has long befuddled and
(Wiseau wanted it to qualify for the Oscars) cluding that Wiseau wasnt just a punchline the change to the new gender equity rules
endlessly amused fans of The Room, the
and was roundly panned as a singularly terri- but was an outlandish version of every fum- adopted by all the San Mateo Union High
infamously bad 2003 movie Wiseau direct-
ble movie. But it found a Rocky Horror bling aspirant to Hollywood. In so many School District schools.
ed, self-financed and starred in. Where did
Picture Show-sized cult, with sold-out mid- ways, Tommy cest moi, wrote Franco. California Education Code 220 and district
this billboard-self-promoting, Terminator-
night screenings that continue to run. To be sure, The Disaster Artist, which is policy require that all educational programs
sunglasses-wearing Frozen Caveman
Devotees thrilled to the movies cheesy based on Sestero and Bissells book, will and activities should be conducted without
Lawyer knockoff come from? (He has
filmmaking, its strange, woeful imitation appeal most to fans of The Room. Much discrimination based on actual or perceived
claimed New Orleans but investigation
of Tennessee Williams dialogue (Youre of it plays like a prequel. Our first, immedi- sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and
and his accent suggest Poland.) How old
tearing me apart, Lisa!), its bizarre narra- ately recognizable shot of Tommy (Franco expression. These rules have caused a great
is he? (No one knows but older than he has
tive incongruities (one character announces with a long, jet-black mane) is in silhou- deal of controversy in the past few years.
said.) And where did he get his apparent The administration has altered campus tradi-
having cancer only for it never to be talked ette, as if John Wayne is making his
wealth? (The movie cost $6 million to tions to act in accordance with the gender
of again) and its proliferation of spoons entrance. He and Sestero meet at acting
make, partly because Wiseau insisted on neutral rules. Our homecoming and prom
throughout (which fans bring to throw at class, start reading lines together and are
shooting on both 35mm film and digital.) king and queen are now called homecoming
screenings). soon headed to Los Angeles to make it big.
Its also a question that James Francos I cant say I ever found The Room near- and prom royalty to avoid labeling winners
The Disaster Artist, a comedy about Wiseaus friend and co-star Greg Sestero
Wiseau and the making of The Room, has later wrote the 2013 book, with author Tom See ARTIST, Page 20 See STUDENT, Page 18

Emotions run high in Fool for Love

By Judy Richter Shes jealous of his relationship with
DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT another woman, whom she calls the
Countess (not seen), while he cant stand
Obsession, jealousy and family secrets the idea that she has a date that night with a
all figure into the tumultuous relationship local man, Martin (Joshua Marx).
in Sam Shepards Fool for Love, present- Observing it all from the sidelines while
ed by San Jose Stage Company. he does his own drinking is The Old Man
Its set in a seedy motel on the edge of the (Randall King). Hes embedded in both
Mays and Eddies imaginations as he some-
Mojave Desert where May (Allison F. Rich)
times talks to them and relates stories about
is trying to start a new life. However,
theres a complication when her former
Their true story comes to light when
lover, the dirty and dangerous Eddie (Rob Eddie relates it to Martin while May is out
August), has found her and wants to take her of the room.
back to Wyoming to live in his trailer on a Directed by Kenneth Kelleher, this pro-
ranch. duction lacks some of the emotional power
May is torn, angrily ordering Eddie to seen in Magic Theatres revival of the play
leave, then beseeching him to stay when he earlier this year. The play had premiered in
starts to go. Fueled by tequila, their con- 1983 at the San Francisco company while
frontations are sometimes erotic, some- DAVE LEPORI
times violent. See FOOL, Page 18 Rob August, as Eddie, and Allison F. Rich, as May, in San Jose Stage Companys Fool For Love.

oppose and petition the administra- and many feel violated when district

Continued from page 17

tion. The school always hold their
ground, stating that they were adher-
ing to the new gender neutral policies
officials who are out of touch with stu-
dents are deciding the fate of these tra-
ditions. However, I dont think we
Continued from page 17
and, at the end of every controversy, should be threatened by change;
the divide between the administration instead, I think we should be glad that
by gender. The traditional Powder-Puff and students grows deeper. we dont have to fight for change as Shepard was its playwright in residence.
Bowl, where girls play a football Now, the Sadies Dance is adding a desperately as generations before us. The problem here is that August gives a one-dimensional,
game and the boys cheer them on, has new rift to the divide. Students have In the 1950s, Sadies was the only mostly domineering performance as Eddie, and both he and
been changed to the Homecoming been complaining that the administra- time when a girl felt it was socially Rich as May shout too much in the first scene.
Bowl, allowing any gender to partici- tion is expanding beyond its jurisdic- acceptable to ask a boy to the dance. It Otherwise, May is a sympathetic character, and both
pate. The most controversial change tion by sacrificing yet another student was a tool for woman-empowerment. King as the grizzled Old Man and Marx as the decent but
of all was the cap and gown require- tradition to preserve political correct- However, in the 21st century, girls nave Martin serve the play well.
ments at graduation. Last year, the ness. dont need an administrator to desig- Running about an hour with no intermission, Fool for
administration suspended the custom Personally, I have never understood nate when it is OK for them to ask Love moves at a good clip without losing the plots
that girls wear white and boys wear red the disputes over the new policy. I their own dates. Its unnecessary now, thread.
and instead required that all students find it refreshing that the district is and thats a good thing. Were not for- It will continue at San Jose Stage Company, 490 S. First
wear red caps and gowns. Student acknowledging acceptance of noncon- feiting our traditions for the districts St., San Jose, through Dec. 17. For tickets and information
opposition was so strong that the forming students. Throughout history, PC language; were evolving toward a call (408) 283-7142 or visit
administration had to create time for a culture and people evolve constantly; more tolerant and accepting culture. I
debate assembly in the gym during consequently, outdated policies and think this vision trumps tradition or
lunch, where students came to voice laws are replaced by new ones in customs, so long as we learn to let go
of the old and accept the new.
Ask a Professional
their opinions and the principal accordance to this change. Right now,
attempted to answer their questions. the antithesis is happening. The
The controversy lasted for months. school policies are progressing, but

Every time the school announces a the students are holding on to the Priscilla Jin is a senior at Burlingame High
change to a tradition, there is an past.
School. Student News appears in the week-
end edition. You can email Student News at
If I choose
influx of students who passionately I know tradition is a sensitive area, [email protected].
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2012 MKJ Marketing

By Susan Cohn


Francisco during the 1915 Worlds Fair, San
Francisco Ballets Nutcracker is a gorgeous
combination of dance, music and costume.
Menlo Park Illusionist Marshall Magoons
terrific visual effects come into play as the
mysterious shopkeeper Drosselmeyer, the
bringer of extra-ordinary gifts, makes toys
come to life. And as the music swells, and ***
the Christmas tree grows, and grows, and MITTENS AND MISTLETOE, A WIN-
GROWS, anything seems possible in the TER CIRCUS CABARET. This charm-
fanciful world of wonder that appears ing, small-scale, family-friendly variety
beneath its giant, decorated boughs. To the
show includes acrobatics, juggling, tra-
first time viewer and the holiday regular
peze, slack rope and live music, performed
alike, San Francisco Ballets Nutcracker
by circus artists from the New Pickle
delivers the greatest magic of all the gift
Circus, Teatro Zinzanni and Cirque de
of dreams. Two hours with a 20-minute
intermission. Dec. 13-30. Boheme. Dec. 22-28. Dance Mission
Theatre at 3316 24th St. in San Francisco,
directly across from the 24th Street BART
ETS. San Francisco Ballet performs at the San Francisco Ballet presents Helgi Tomassons staging of composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovskys
station. For tickets ($18 and up) and info
glorious 1932 War Memorial Opera House, Nutcracker at the San Francisco Opera House from Dec. 13-30.
301 Van Ness Ave. Parking at Civic Center v i s i t
Garage on McAllister Street between Larkin seasonal delights. Lovely music will fill the S . F. S KETCHFES T ANNOUNCES
and Polk streets, or at the Performing Arts /3101913 or call (415) 225-7281. air and bright lights will shine the way as LINEUP FOR JANUARY SAN FRAN-
Garage on Grove between Franklin and *** you retreat to a holiday hideaway. The Zoo CIS CO COMEDY FES TIVAL. S. F.
Gough streets. BART lines serve the Civic SMUINS THE CHRISTMAS BALLET. is open 365 days a year. Sketchfest celebrates its 17th Annual San
Center station three blocks away. Tickets Smuin makes the holidays sizzle with The Francisco Comedy Festival Jan. 11-28 with
through the San Francisco Ballet Box Office Christmas Ballet, its annual yuletide cele- *** more than 200 shows featuring top comedic
at (415) 865-2000 or online at bration of dance. The first act, Classical THE PHANTOM UNMAS KED: talents performing in 16 venues across the Christmas, features dancers in brilliant FRANC D AMB ROS IO AT FEIN- city. The 17-day festival will feature major
ets/buytickets.asp. Note: Special events are snow-white ensembles performing time- STEINS AT THE NIKKO. To celebrate comedy stars and the best up-and-coming
scheduled for children at some performanc- honored favorites of the holiday season. 30 years of The Phantom of the Opera on comedians from around the world for non-
es. The Cool Christmas second act delivers a Broadway, Franc DAmbrosio returns to stop entertainment, including sketch,
*** red-hot costume change along with a medley Feinsteins at the Nikko with The Phantom stand-up, alternative comedy, music,
of modern festive numbers, including Unmasked The Songs of Broadway, cele- improv, films, tributes, live podcasts,
Baby, Its Cold Outside, and the iconic brating the finest songs of Broadway. workshops and panel discussions. Venues
Santa Baby. Dec. 14-24. Yerba Buena DAmbrosio is best known as the include Alamo Drafthouse at the New
CISCO SYMPHONY. Hear award-win-
Center Theater. 700 Howard St. (at Third Phantom in Andrew Lloyd Webbers Tony Mission, California Academy of Sciences,
ning novelist Armistead Maupin famed
Street), San Francisco. (415) 912-1899 or Award-winning Musical. Affectionately Castro Theatre, Cobbs Comedy Club, Great
for his Tales of the City book series read known as The Iron Man of the Mask, American Music Hall, Marines Memorial
wickedly funny excerpts from his coming of
*** DAmbrosio was awarded the distinction as Theatre, The Nourse and PianoFight Main
age memoirs, feel the yuletide cheer with
holiday hits from the S.F. Symphony, and SEE THE SAN FRANCISCO ZOO IN the Worlds Longest Running Phantom, Stage. Tickets $15 to $50 at www.sfsketch-
be regaled by a dazzling lineup of guest A WHOLE NEW (HOLIDAY) LIGHT. with over 2,300 performances of the lead
Experience the wonder of the holiday sea- role. Jan. 5 (8 p.m.) and Jan. 6 (8 p.m.).
stars including actor/singer Cheyenne
son and the San Francisco Zoo under beauti- 222 Mason St. near Union Square in
Jackson (American Horror Story, Glee). Susan Cohn is a member of the San Francisco Bay
ful and bright lights. ZooLights 2017 takes Downtown San Francisco. Tickets $30-$60
Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Davies Symphony Hall, Area Theatre Critics Circle and the American
you on a magical trip to a destination like at (866) 663-1063 or
201 Van Ness Ave. , San Francisco. Theatre Critics Association. She may be reached at
no other with Santa Claus, reindeer and *** [email protected].

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some senators hadnt read. He said law- a one-time tax on profits U.S.-based
makers needed to study it and get feed-
back from affected groups.
Democrats took to the Senate floor
corporations are holding overseas and
would require firms to keep paying the
business version of the alternative
Continued from page 1 and social media to mock one page that minimum tax. SATURDAY, DEC. 2 mation or tickets go to
Friends Holiday Sale. Belmont
included changes scrawled in barely Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. who like Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas,
ments accumulated $20 trillion in legible handwriting. Later, they won Corker had been a holdout and has Belmont. All books, CDs, DVDs and The CJMs 2017 Family
IOUs. enough GOP support to kill a provi- sharply attacked Trumps capabilities tapes are 20 percent to 50 percent Gala: Journey to Worlds
off. All proceeds benefit the Belmont Unknown. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The
The Republican-led House approved sion by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., that as president voted for the bill. He Library. For more information call Contemporary Jewish Museum, 736
a similar bill last month in what has would have bestowed a tax break on said hed received commitments from 593-5650. Mission St., San Francisco. Tickets
been a stunningly swift trip through available online. For more informa-
conservative Hillsdale College in party leaders and the administration Gift Drive for North Bay Wildfire tion call (415) 655-7843.
Congress for complex legislation that Michigan. to work with me to restore protec- Victims. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The
impacts the breadth of American socie- The bill hit rough waters after the tions, dismantled by Trump, for young Gatehouse, 555 Ravenswood Ave., Live Music and Sing-Along. 6:30
Menlo Park. Free. For more informa- p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 1655 Mission Road,
ty. The two chambers will now try Joint Taxation panel concluded it immigrants who arrived in the U.S. tion call 321-5026. South San Francisco. No cover
crafting a final compromise to send would worsen federal shortfalls by $1 illegally as children. That seemed charge. For more information or to
Trump. trillion over a decade, even when fac- short of a pledge to actually revive the Advanced Television Station book the band call 544-3623.
Control Room: Skype and Phone
After spending the years first nine toring in economic growth that lower safeguards. Calls. 9 a.m. to noon Midpen Media Oshman Family JCC Presents Bill
months futilely trying to repeal taxes would stimulate. Trump adminis- The Senate bill would drop the high- Center, 900 San Antonio Road, Palo Murray, Jan Vogler and Friends:
Alto. Learn about aux mixes on the New Worlds. 8 p.m. Oshman Family
President Barack Obamas health care tration officials and many Republicans est personal income tax rate from 39.6 audio board, audio patching, feed- JCC, Schultz Cultural Arts Hall, 3921
law, GOP leaders were determined to have insisted the bill would pay for percent to 38.5 percent. The estate tax back problems, advanced Tricaster Fabian Way, Palo Alto. Attendees
move the measure rapidly before oppo- itself by stimulating the economy. But levied on a few thousand of the capabilities and advanced video must be 18 or older. $145-$250. For
routing. For more information call more information call 223-8649.
sition Democrats and lobbying groups the sour projections stiffened resist- nations largest inheritances would be 494-8686.
could blow it up. The party views pas- ance from some deficit-averse narrowed to affect even fewer. SUNDAY, DEC. 3
sage as crucial to retaining its House Republicans. Affordable Health Screenings. 9 Be Rich Holiday Outreach Serve
Deductions for state and local a.m. to noon. 150 San Mateo Road, Day. 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5
and Senate majorities in next years But after bargaining that stretched income taxes, moving expenses and Half Moon Bay. Screenings for cho- p.m. The local community is invited
elections. into Friday, GOP leaders nailed down other items would vanish, the standard lesterol, glucose, diabetes and bone to beautify Garfield Community
density. No appointment necessary. School. There will also be a donation
Democrats derided the bill as a GOP the support they needed in a chamber deduction used by most Americans Prices vary. For more information call presentation to the school at 12:30
gift to its wealthy and business back- they control 52-48. Facing unyielding would nearly double to $12,000 for (805) 473-0431. p.m. For more information call (617)
ers at the expense of lower-earning Democratic opposition, Republicans individuals and $24,000 for couples, 721-8615.
Holidays at the History Museum.
people. They contrasted the bills per- could lose no more than two GOP sen- and the per-child tax credit would grow. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. San Mateo County La Honda Holiday Arts and Crafts
manent reduction in corporate income ators and prevail with a tie-breaking The bill would abolish the History Museum, 2200 Broadway, Faire. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. La Honda Fire
Redwood City. Two free special holi- Station, 8945 La Honda Road, La
tax rates from 35 percent to 20 percent vote from Vice President Mike Pence, Obamacare requirement that most day activities. Tree Treasures, will Honda. For more information call
to smaller individual tax breaks that but ended up not needing it. people buy health coverage or face tax feature childrens craft activities such 747-0129.
would end in 2026. Leaders changes included helping penalties. Industry experts say that as making old-fashioned Christmas
tree ornaments. Also, children can Second Annual Artists Holiday
Congress nonpartisan Joint millions of companies whose owners would weaken the law by easing pres- meet Santa Claus, sit on his lap and Open Studios. Noon to 5 p.m. More
Committee on Taxation has said the pay individual, not corporate, taxes on sure on healthier people to buy cover- receive free photographs. At 1 p.m. than 100 local artists at 11 locations
bills reductions for many families there will be a presentation of the in Fair Oaks, Redwood City and San
their profits by allowing deductions of age, and the nonpartisan San Francisco State University Carlos. Local artists working in a vari-
would be modest and said by 2027, 23 percent, up from 17.4 percent. That Congressional Budget Office has said Handbell Choir, who will perform ety of media, add to their own art
families earning under $75,000 would helped win over Wisconsins Johnson the move would push premiums higher some favorite holiday tunes. For collection. For more information and
more information call (650) 299- for a map of locations visit rwca-
on average face higher, not lower, and Steve Daines of Montana. and leave 13 million additional people 0104.
taxes. People would be allowed to deduct up uninsured.
The bill is removed from the reality to $10, 000 in property taxes, a Hometown Holidays. 10 a.m. to 8 Docent Lecture: Gods in Color. 2
Drilling would be allowed in the p.m. Downtown Redwood City, p.m. to 3 p.m. 1110 Alameda de las
of what the American people need, demand of Sen. Susan Collins of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Redwood City. Free admission. Get in Pulgas. For more information con-
said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Maine. That matched a House provi- Another provision, knocked out the holiday spirit and join the festiv- tact [email protected].
Schumer, D-N. Y. He criticized sion that chambers leaders included to ities as Redwood Citys Downtown
because it violated Senate budget rules, Business Group throws Hometown Ragazzi Boys Chorus Presents Ubi
Republicans for releasing a revised, keep some GOP votes from high-tax would have explicitly let parents buy Holidays, a party to celebrate the Caritas: Where There is Love. 3
479-page bill that no one can absorb states like New York, New Jersey and tax-advantaged 529 college savings holiday season, rain or shine. Guests p.m. 1500 Easton Drive, Burlingame.
can enjoy a parade, live entertain- Holiday concert celebrating the uni-
shortly before the final vote, saying, California. accounts for fetuses, a step they can ment, carnival rides, snow, Santa versal power of love. For more infor-
The Senate is descending to a new low The changes added nearly $300 bil- already take but which anti-abortion Claus photos and more. For more mation or tickets go to
of chicanery. lion to the tax bills costs. To pay for forces wanted to inscribe into law. information visit hometownholi- That 70s Bellydance Show. 7 p.m.
You really dont read this kind of that, leaders reduced the number of There were also breaks for the wine, to 8:30 p.m. Dragon Theatre, 2120
legislation, Sen. Ron Johnson, R- high-earners who must pay the alterna- beer and spirits industries, Alaska Saturday Morning Yarn. 10:30 a.m. Broadway, Redwood City. A dynamic
South San Francisco Main Library, tribute to classic American belly-
Wis., told home-state reporters, asked tive minimum tax, rather than com- Natives and aircraft management 840 W. Orange Ave., South San dance. For more information email
why the Senate was approving a bill pletely erasing it. They also increased firms. Francisco. Free for all ages. For more [email protected] or call
information call 829-3860. 516-7257.

here besides a loose jumble of recre- long been drawn to all things meta, ABC Mouse: Bring Learning Home. MONDAY, DEC. 4
ations and allusions to The Room. and, on that score, The Disaster 10:30 a.m. South San Francisco Main PiYo Live Exercise Series. 6 a.m. to 7
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South a.m. 150 San Mateo Road, Half Moon
(For a testament to the art of failure, Artist is his piece de resistance. San Francisco. Check out an Bay. Combines Pilates with yoga.
see Tim Burtons Ed Wood.) Theres something joyful about the ABCmouse account using a library Cost $15. First class free. For more
Continued from page 17 card. It has over 8,500 educational information call 726-3110.
Yet as a movie about James Franco, Franco brothers playing a fun-house activities for kids. For more informa-
The Disaster Artist is a smash hit. mirror version of their own tion call 829-3860. Coffee Break for LGBTQ 50+. 10:30
ly so funny as others. Wiseau is far Franco populates the film with friends Hollywood arrival, and the films best a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 1010 El Camino
Santa Paws Photos. Noon to 4 p.m. Real, Menlo Park. Learn about activi-
from an outlier in having misbegot- and comedians, from Jason scenes are with Rogens production ties and services for people age 50
Peninsula Humane Society and
ten, even demented delusions of fame. Mantzoukas to Seth Rogen (also a manager, aghast at Tommys incompe- SPCA, 1450 Rollins Road, and older. For more information call
Hes kind of a tragic figure, an immi- Burlingame. Professional photos of 591-0133.
producer). Francos brother, Dave, tence. pets with their owners, which comes
grant trying to hide his past while stars alongside him as Sestero, mak- When Tommy introduces The with a $20 donation. All proceeds South San Francisco Library
making what he hopes will be an all- benefit the animal shelter. For more Volunteer Orientation. 11 a.m. to 5
ing the homoerotic bromance between Room at its premiere, Franco might information call 340-7022. p.m. South San Francisco Library, 840
American movie. the characters an outright lark. Its not as well be speaking for himself. This W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
And large swaths of The Disaster a coincidence that the big-name pro- my move and this my life, he says. Second Annual Artists Holiday For more information call 829-3860.
Artist play off the joke of a hapless Open Studios. Noon to 5 p.m. Open
ducer Tommy awkwardly approaches at OK. Be cool. invitation to the community to visit Kaiser Knitting Group. 1:30 p.m. to
goon trying to cast himself as James a restaurant (and performs Hamlet The Disaster Artist, an A24 over 100 local artists at 11 locations 2:30 p.m. South San Francisco
Dean. As a movie about Wiseau, The in Fair Oaks, Redwood City and San Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South
to) is played by Judd Apatow, who release, is rated R by the Motion Carlos. Chance to meet local artists San Francisco. For more information
Disaster Artist isnt very good. He gave Franco his first break on Freaks Picture Association of America for working in a variety of media, add call 829-3860.
remains a mystery throughout. Aside and Geeks nearly two decades ago. language throughout and some sexu- to their own art collection and shop
for artful gifts for everyone on their Caption Phone for Hearing Loss
from a spot-on, SNL-ready impres- The 39-year-old Franco, who has ality/nudity. Running time: 105 min- holiday list. For more information Class. 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. San Mateo
sion of Wiseau, theres just not much now directed some 18 movies, has utes. Two and a half stars out of four. and for a map of locations visit rwc- Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Federally funded
program that provides free cap-
Make and Take: Parole 2.0. 1 p.m. tioned cellphones to those who are
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5X]SPb\P]hf^aSbPbh^dRP]Qh[X]ZX]V hard of hearing. Registration is
[TccTabd_S^f]bXSTc^bXSTP]SSXPV^]P[[hfaXcX]Vf^aSb to 3:30 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave.,
1 D ? 7 South San Francisco. Celebrate encouraged. For more information
^]PQ[P]ZbWTTc^U_P_TaH^d\Ph^][hdbTTPRW[TccTaQ^g call 522-7490.
F > 8 B ^]RTfXcWX]PbX]V[Tf^aS?[PhfXcWPUaXT]SP]SR^\_PaT Filipino heritage with a parole work-
6 > : 4 f^aSUX]SbRa^bbX]V^dcR^\\^]f^aSb shop. For more information contact
[email protected]. Drawing Circle. 4 p.m. South San
0 6 ;


1>66;4 H>DA1>66;4 Francisco Main Library, 840 W.

?>8=CB20;4 A0C8=6 Letters Home from Stanford by Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
Paper, pencils and erasers provided.
"[TccTab, _^X]c $   ,
 2WP\_ Alison Carpenter Davis Book
Open to all ages and skill levels. For
Signing. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Barnes and
#[TccTab,!_^X]cb    $ ,  4 g_Tac Noble, Hillsdale Shopping Center, 11 more information call 829-3860.
1h3PeXS;7^hcP]S9TUU:]daTZ $[TccTab,"_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo. For
%[TccTab,#_^X]cb "  %,6P\Ta more information call 341-5560. Volunteer Orientation. 5 p.m. 840
W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
&[TccTab,%_^X]cb !  ",A^^ZXT Presentation on information regard-
Magicflutes Flute Orchestra

: A ?
 !, 0\PcTda

'[TccTab, _^X]cb ing library volunteer opportunities.
Annual Winter Concert. 2 p.m. to 4
([TccTab, $_^X]cb   ,
 Cah PVPX]
 p.m. 700 Oddstad Blvd., Pacifica. Cost For more information contact
$12. For more information contact [email protected].
1^VV[T1aPX]1dbcTab1^]db [email protected].

Women in Action Holiday

Boutique. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Miller

0 4 ; ?
FT_dcb_TRXP[QaPX]QdbcX]Vf^aSbX]c^cWTVaXS Bowl-A-Thon and Toy Drive
^U[TccTab2P]h^dUX]ScWT\. Hosted by San Mateo County Ream Hall, Borel Estate Building,
Supervisor David J. Canepa. 2 p.m. 1700 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo.
5X]S0C;40BC58E458B7BC0AC8=6 to 5 p.m. Classic Bowling, 900 King Free. For more information call 954-
F8C7BX]cWTVaXS^U[TccTab Drive, Daly City. Free and family 0848.
friendly. For more information visit



Holiday Concert: A Curious Blend.

2 p.m. to 3 p.m. 1110 Alameda de las
Peninsula Humane Society
Teacher Tea. 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Peninsula Humane Society and
SPCA, 1450 Rollins
Burlingame. Attendees will gain
Pulgas. Performance by mixed gen-
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  insight into finding fun and creative

B 3 = B
der group with varying musical ori-
entations. For more information con- ways to incorporate humane educa-

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  tact [email protected]. tion lessons into classroom curricu-

lum and why it is so important to

1>66;4XbPcaPST\PaZ^U7PbQa^8]R !! &

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  Ragazzi Boys Chorus Presents Ubi
Caritas: Where There is Love. 5
p.m. 1500 Easton Drive, Burlingame.
young community members. RSVP
encouraged. For more information
call 340-7022.
! &7PbQa^8]R3XbcaXQdcTSQhCaXQd]T2^]cT]c0VT]Rh0[[AXVWcbATbTaeTS
0]bfTabc^5aXSPhb1^VV[T1aPX]1dbcTab) Holiday concert celebrating the uni-

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ For more events visit

 C864A :>0;0
 I41A0 7>AB4 versal power of love. For more infor-, click Calendar.
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 21



1 Dusting cloth
43 Told the cops
45 Pottery ovens
21 Blitzers channel
22 Shades
4 Sine non 48 Runners unit 23 Ancient empire
7 Unisex garment 49 Brought back again 24 Tall tale
11 Ms. Hagen 52 Horde 25 Cartoon shrieks
12 Sleeve end 53 Expletive 26 Bead
13 Monday Night Football 54 Luau welcome 29 Nocturnal sound
airer 55 Dick Tracys wife 31 Might
14 Got started (2 wds.) 56 Mr. Gershwin 33 Nephrologists concerns
16 Coup d 57 Hosp. staffer 35 Overly solemn
17 Braid 38 Club stint
18 Grain husk DOWN 40 Troubles, to Hamlet
19 I-90 1 Groove 42 Watchdog breed
GET FUZZY 20 Garden-pond fish 2 On the summit 43 Foals dad
21 Reddish powder 3 Liverpool poky 44 Mendicants cry
24 Seemed bored 4 Cost estimate 46 Canceled
27 Wimple wearer 5 Roswell crasher 47 Trickle
28 Discuss lightly 6 Rudders place 48 Get tangled
30 Flu bug 7 Off course 49 Louis XIV, e.g.
32 Site of a tie 8 Is, to Pedro 50 Teacup handle
34 Black-and-white snack 9 Bridge 51 Racket
36 RV haven 10 Explosive letters
37 Old Asian city 12 Movie reviewer
39 Thin, as clouds 15 Not-so-funny Marx
41 Morse click 18 Arrow launcher
42 A hundred percent 20 Klondike
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you, walk away. Personal and physical changes are stop you from seeing situations honestly. If you avoid could lead to a prosperous investment. Do your
encouraged and will boost your morale. detrimental comments and offer positive affirmation research and proceed.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Bring about ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Change the way you with a couple of suggestions, you will progress further SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Pay more attention to
personal change. Set your game plan in motion, handle your money, and save for something special. much faster. home, family and loved ones. A romantic gesture will
whether it be personal or professional in nature. Taking a day trip or making plans with someone you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Personal improvements will go a long way when trying to appease someone you
Romance is highlighted. love will lead to a brighter future. make you feel and look good. Love and romance are have neglected. Live within your means.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Take time to relax and TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Share your feelings. If highlighted, and dealing with youngsters and loved ones
enjoy life. Make plans with someone you love and take in you dont let others know how you feel, you will lose will enrich your life. A financial gain is within reach. COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
an activity or event that will broaden your horizons. out. Take advantage of an opportunity to help someone VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Handle relationships with
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Keep the peace who has something to offer in return. care. Look at situations honestly and discuss your concerns
and offer positive alternatives and solutions to avoid GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Emotional situations will openly. Change will be necessary if you want to achieve
hurt feelings and emotional distress. A little love or be magnified. Do your best to offer honesty, love and equality and progress. Say no to emotional manipulation.
romance will alleviate anxiety and uncertainty. compassion to whomever you are dealing with today. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Look for an opportunity to
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Choose whom you Your kindness will lead to rewards. capitalize on something that interests you. Educational
22 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

104 Training
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110 Employment 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking The following person is doing business The following person is doing business CASE# 17CIV05352
for ambitious interns who are eager to as: Vault 164, 164 South B Street, SAN as:Lucky Feet, 147 Hazelwood Dr., SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
jump into the business arena with both MATEO, CA 94401. Registered Owner: SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs Dennis Berkowitz, 100 Eucalyptus, Registered Owners: 1)Helen Wang Hau, 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
of the newspaper and media industries. 450 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066 REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
This position will provide valuable ness is conducted by a Limited Partner- 2)Gai Xiang Liu, 1260 El Camino Apt.
experience for your bright future. 950, Millbrae, CA 94030. The business Barbara Levenson
ship. The registrants commenced to TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
Email resume transact business under the FBN on. is conducted by a General Partnership.
[email protected] Petitioner: Barbara Levenson filed a peti-
/s/Dennis Berkowitz/ The registrants commenced to transact tion with this court for a decree changing
This statement was filed with the Asses- business under the FBN on 11-21-2017. name as follows:
[email protected] sor-County Clerk on 11/6/2017. (Publish- /s/ Helen Wang Hao/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
Present Name: Barbara Levenson
127 Elderly care ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
sor-County Clerk on 11/21/17. (Publish-
Proposed Name: Barbara Levenson
11/11/17, 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17). Schweitzer
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
FAMILY RESOURcE 12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17). THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME interested in this matter shall appear be-
gUIDE STATEMENT #275311 fore this court at the hearing indicated
The San Mateo Daily Journals The following person is doing business FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
twice-a-week resource guide for STATEMENT #275721 tition for change of name should not be
as: Kare By Karen, 3369 MARISMA granted. Any person objecting to the
children and families. STREET, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. The following person is doing business
as: Body Empower Coaching, 2721 Isa- name changes described above must file
Every Tuesday & Weekend Registered Owner: Karen Toman, same a written objection that includes the rea-
address. The business is conducted by belle Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94403.
Registered Owner: Kelly A. Green, same sons for the objection at least two court
Look for it in todays paper to an Individual. The registrants com- days before the matter is scheduled to
find information on family address. The business is conducted by
menced to transact business under the an Individual. The registrants com- be heard and must appear at the hearing
resources in the local area, FBN on N/A. menced to transact business under the
to show cause why the petition should
including childcare. /s/Karen Toman/ not be granted. If no written objection is
FBN on N/A. timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/ Kelly A. Green/
sor-County Clerk on 10/13/2017. (Pub- tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
This statement was filed with the Asses- petition shall be held on 1/9/18 at 9 a.m.,
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal, sor-County Clerk on 11/21/17. (Publish- Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, Red-
203 Public Notices 11/11/17, 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17). ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or-
12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17). der to Show Cause shall be published at

FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME least once each week for four successive
STATEMENT #275610 FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME weeks prior to the date set for hearing on
STATEMENT #275519 FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME the petition in the following newspaper of
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business STATEMENT #275780 general circulation:
as: Teaquation + Tonic, 640 Turnbuckle as: Atkinson Recruiting, 914 6th Ave, The following person is doing business San Mateo Daily Journal
Dr, #1615, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Regis- as: Morning Wood, 260 El Camino Real, Filed: 11/28/2017
Registered Owner: Teaquation Lab, LLC, tered Owner: Christopher Atkinson, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
CA. The business is conducted by a Lim- same address. The business is conduct- Owner: FYGO Inc., CA. The business is Judge of the Superior Court
The best career seekers ited Liability Company. The registrants ed by an Individual. The registrants conducted by a Corporation. The regis- Dated: 11/27/2017
(Published 12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17,
commenced to transact business under trants commenced to transact business
read the Daily Journal. commenced to transact business under
the FBN on NA. the FBN on 11/1/17. under the FBN on N/A.
/s/ Monica Kim/
/s/Christopher Atkinson/
/s/Mercedes Mapua/ This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
We will help you recruit qualified, talented This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 11/1/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 11/29/17. (Publish-
sor-County Clerk on 11/9/2017. (Publish- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
individuals to join your company or organization. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 11/11/17, 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17). 12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17). STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF
11/11/17, 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17). NAME STATEMENT 257840
The Daily Journals readership covers a wide FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Name of the person abandoning the use
STATEMENT #275738 of the Fictitious Business Name: Luis Ce-
range of qualifications for all types of positions. FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
The following person is doing business ja. Name of Business: L.C & Sons Build-
The following person is doing business as: 1)Pink Spots 2)Pink, 745 Airport ing Services. Date of original filing: Sept
STATEMENT #275576 as: Seaport Behavioral Health Services, Blvd., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 30, 2013. Address of Principal Place of
For the best value and the best results, The following person is doing business 501 Seaport Court, REDWOOD CITY, 94080. Registered Owner: Rhineaux Me- Business: 1411 Crestwood Dr, SOUTH
recruit from the Daily Journal... as: Buckys, 101 South Blvd, SAN MA- CA 94063. Registered Owner: Shelley dia Corp, CA. The business is conduct- SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. Regis-
TEO, CA 94402. Registered Owner: Hannah Kay Howell, PhD, JD, 1350 ed by a Corporation. The registrants trants: 1) Luis Ceja 2) Marcial Ceja 3)
Duxbury Grill, LLC, CA. The business is Woodland Ave, SAN CARLOS, CA commenced to transact business under Teresa Ceja. The business was conduct-
94070. The business is conducted by an ed by a General Partnership.
contact us for a free consultation conducted by a Limited Liability Compa- Individual. The registrants commenced
the FBN on 9/15/2005.
/s/Luis Ceja/
ny. The registrants commenced to trans- /s/ Kevin Babeaux/
to transact business under the FBN on This statement was filed with the Asses-
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
act business under the FBN on N/A. N/A. sor-County Clerk on 11/27/17. (Publish-
call (650) 344-5200 or /s/Danvers M. Boardman/ /s/Shelley Hannah Kay Howell, PhD, JD/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
County on 9/30/17.
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
This statement was filed with the Asses- 12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17).
Email: [email protected] sor-County Clerk on 11/7/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 11/13/17. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
nal, 11/18/17,
11/25/17, 12/2/17,

ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17, 12/9/17). FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
11/11/17, 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17). STATEMENT #275829
The following person is doing business
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as: 1)Pollard Property Management 2) 210 Lost & Found
STATEMENT #275417 PPM, 772 Walnut Street #13, SAN CAR-
The following person is doing business LOS, CA 94070. Registered Owner: Eliz- LOST cAT. Black and White. Black
as: Alejandras Fitness, 501 Old County abeth Anne Pollard, same address. The patch on right eye. REWARD.

NOW HIRING business is conducted by an Individual. Call (323) 439-7713.

F., BELMONT, CA 94002. Registered
Owner: Alejandra Marin, 1127 Village Dr, The registrants commenced to transact
Apt 6, BELMONT, CA 94002. The busi- business under the FBN on 11-29-17. Books
ness is conducted by an Individual. The /s/ Elizabeth Pollard/
registrants commenced to transact busi- This statement was filed with the Asses- JAMES PATTERSON hardback books.
2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861
/s/Alejandra G. Marin/
sor-County Clerk on 11/30/17. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17). NIchOLAS SPARkS hardback books.
This statement was filed with the Asses- 2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861
sor-County Clerk on 10/24/17. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME QUALITY BOOkS used and rare. World
11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17, 12/9/17). & US History and classic American nov-
Prospecting is a key element of this position. You will develop new business STATEMENT #275831
The following person is doing business
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502
as: Xijax, 276 Lake Dr, SAN BRUNO, CA
and manage the sales cycle from start to finish: FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
94066. Registered Owner: Denis Aki-
v.LOgvINOv, UNUSUAL Journey to the
Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus-
mov, same address. The business is sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695
The following person is doing business
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
gue, 1060 Judson, BELMONT, CA under the FBN on N/A. 294 Baby Stuff
Mateo Babe Ruth Baseball League, CA.
/s/ Kelly A. Green/
This statement was filed with the Asses- FIShER-PRIcE hEALThY Care booster
seat - $5 (650)592-5864.
 OFUXPSLJOHFOHBHFNFOUTPOUIFUBSHFUT The business is conducted by a Corpora-
tion. The registrants commenced to
sor-County Clerk on 12/1/17. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 12/2/17,
transact business under the FBN on n/a. 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17). 296 Appliances
This statement was filed with the Asses- 1960'S AvOcADO Osterizer blender
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME excellent condition $20.00 (650)596-
sor-County Clerk on 11/14/17. (Publish-
The following person is doing business
11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17, 12/9/17). AIR cONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re-
as: Lonergan Partners, 203 Redwood
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235-
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CITY, CA 94065. Registered Owner:
Lonergan Associates Inc., CA. The busi- 0898
The following person is doing business ness is conducted by a Corporation. The AIR cONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000
as: Eyc Rentals, 218 Shaw Rd, SOUTH registrants commenced to transact busi- BTU, Commercial Cool model
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. Regis- ness under the FBN on June 7, 2006. CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces-
To succeed at the Daily Journal, you will need the following: tered Owner: Hospitable Ones, CA. . The /s/ Susan Lonergan/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sories plus remote included.
20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $245 OBO.
business is conducted by a Corporation.
sor-County Clerk on 11/22/17. (Publish- (650)345-1835
business under the FBN on July 2017. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
12/2/17, 12/9/17, 12/16/17, 12/23/17). AIR POT keeps 2.5 liters (84 oz) hot or
/s/Marguerite Falango/
cold all day $19.95 (650)595-3933
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 10/24/17. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
t4USPOHQSFTFOUBUJPOTLJMMT 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17, 12/9/17).


Fictitious Business Name Statements,
as: Hashes & Brews, 811 Cherry Ave, Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered
t&YQFSJFODFJOEJHJUBMTBMFTJTBQMVT Owner: Hash House & Brews, LLC, CA. Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
The business is conducted by a Limited Notice of Public Sales and More.
Liability Company. The registrants com-
menced to transact business under the
To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected] FBN on 10/31/17.
/s/Denis Lappos/
Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 10/31/17. (Publish- Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Email them to: [email protected]
Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula 11/18/17, 11/25/17, 12/2/17, 12/9/17).
24 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

296 Appliances 299 computers 304 Furniture 304 Furniture 310 Misc. For Sale 318 Sports Equipment
cOLEMAN LxE Roadtrip Grill - REcORDABLE cD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- cARPET RUNNER: 16ft.X26 Wide. Col- RETRO hUTch Needs refinishing other- SILk SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for chILDS kIck scooter by razor with hel-
Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, or: floral design. good condition wise good condition. Top detaches from $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in- met $25 obo (650)591-6842
(650)918-9847 (650) 578 9208 $45.00. (650)266-3184 bottom $25. (650)712-9962 formation.
EASTON ALUMINUM bat.33 inches, 30
ELEcTRIc STOvE From Sears 300 Toys cOAT/hAT STAND, solid wood, for your SEWINg STORAgE cabinet, Custom SINk, 33x22 Top mount with faucet, oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
Excellent Condition $225 mountain cabin/house. $25. (650)520- made wood perfect condition $75. $15.00 (650)544-5306
Please Call (650)244-9267 7045 (650)483-1222 gOLF cLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
DOLL hOUSE w/ furniture $50.00 new $90.00 (650)341-8342
joe (650)573-5269 SLR LENS Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6
gOOD MIcROWAvE 1100 watt $40 Da- cOMMODE, gOOD condition. $20 obo. SOFA BED Recliner (double), beige, 76" Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171
gOLF cLUBS, used set with Cart for
ly City (415) 231-4825. LARgE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each Please call (650)745-6309 Good condition. $50 Call (650)952-3466 $50. (650)593-4490
SLR LENS Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
MFg h20LABS Model 300 exc cond Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 SOFABED, vELOUR, tan, Excellent Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. ROLLERBLADES, gOOD condition. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 condition. $75. (808)631-1365. good condition, (650)341-0282.
SUITcASE, gREEN, hard-side, 21x15,
REFRIgERATOR cOMPAcT made by Size 10 $25 OBO. Please call (650)745- SOLID WOOD Entertainment Center- good condition, photo available, $15.
6309 DESk, gD. cond. $99.99 or b.o. ONE DOzEN Official League Diamond
emerson $25.00 good shape joe (650)458-3578 TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In (650)392-4841
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
(650)573-5269 Speakers, Sony 26 Smart T.V.(68.75 in. (650)771-6324.
STAR WARS Celebration 3 Darth Vader X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o SUITcASES (2), BLUE, hard-side,
ROOM hEATER Electric 1320 Watts, Ar- $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 (925)482-5742 24x16 and 26x18. Photo available.
DINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. PINg gOLF Clubs, full set plus bag,
vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5. (650) 756-9516.Daly City. $35 for both. (650)392-4841
302 Antiques good condition, $99 (650)591-9769 San
(650)952-3500 TWIN BED, mattress, box spring, frame Carlos
DININg TABLE (36"x54") and 4 match- $ 50. (650)598-9804. SUITcASES (2), teal, soft-side, 25x17
SEWINg MAchINE-ROYAL XL 6000 hEIRLOOM 1920 hand quilted bed- ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for and 29x19. Like new. Photo available.
USED BEDROOM Furniture, FREE. Call $40 for both. (650)392-4841 PRINcE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. spread. 96" sq. Grandma's Garden pat- $250 .(650)-654-1930. Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
(650)342-8436. tern, 2 scalloped edges. $99. (650)556- (650)573-7381.
TAYLOR-TOT(1947) MY First Ride $20 $55.(650)341-8342
9708 DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for
ShOWTIME ROTISSERIE used once $75. Good condition; good for children. WALL UNIT/ROOM Divider. Simple (415)269-4784
lines. Breaks down for transportation. TOTAL gYM XLS, excellent condition.
$90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave MAhOgANY ANTIQUE Secretary desk, Call (650)678-8585 Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
message. $25.(650)712-9962 leave message UNIDEN hARLEY Davidson Gas Tank
72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 (650)588-0828
elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. DRExEL hEADBOARD $50. (650)589-
SINgER SEWINg Machine. Good condi- 0764 WALNUT chEST, small (4 drawer with
upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 WATER STORAgE TANk, brand new, TOUREDgE REAcTION ii uniflex sys-
tion. $45 obo. San Mateo. Please call REED ORgAN, antique, completely re- 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $225. tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
(650)745-6309 after 5:00 pm. stored, $200 OBO. Call if interested. ENTERTAINMENT cENTER for $50.
Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x (650)771-6324 new $75. Call May (650)349-0430
(650)458-3254. 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
UNITAP STANDARD centerset bath- (650)726-4102 vINTAgE NASh Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
room chrome faucet, complete, $10, TWO ANTIQUE Treadle Sewing Ma- WOODEN BED frame, single or 3/4 size. 311 Musical Instruments ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
(650)595-3933 chine; Singer and the other is in working gLIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- over 100 years Very good condition. $20. 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
condition; Call to discuss pricing. lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. (650)322-9598 chROMATIc hARMONIcA: Horner
vIckS WARM Vaporizer Like New (650)458-3254 The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, WOMANS SkI Boots, Nordica, size 8
$10.00 (650)697-6763 IkEA DRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x (650)278-5776.
15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. 306 housewares $30 (650)592-2047.
WhIRLPOOL WAShER DRYER, GE 303 Electronics IkEA TABLE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. WOMENS RAIchEL ski boots, size 6 ?
Refrigerator all working and in good con- cARPET 10 X 14 Area Rug peach (ny- $ 50. (650)888-5808 .
dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. $ 30. (650)598-9804. ExcELLENT vIOLIN, previously owned,
ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma- lon) good cond. $99 (415)990-6134 first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow
chines never used for small bus. $95 LEAThER SEcTIONAL sofa with otto- sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer. YAMAhA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
297 Bicycles (650)992-4544.
man. Like brand new! $300. cOMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor
Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
(415)751-2416 (650)458-3255
(650) 861-2411.
ADULT BIkES 1 regular and 2 with bal- BLAUPUNkT AM/FM/cD Radio and Re- 20-pieces in original box, never used. FENDER MUSTANg I guitar amplifier 335 Rugs
loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 ceiver with Detachable Face asking LIvINg ROOM Table, good condition. $250 per box (3 boxes available). 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover.
$100. (650)593-4490 $30. (415)231-4825 (650)342-5630 $80. (650)421-5469 ExcELLENT hAND Made Wool Rug 3'
chILDS SchWINN BIcYcLE, BLUE in X 5' $75.00 (650)368-0748.
kINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger LOvE chAIR, velour, tan. $45. cRYSTAL (LEADED glass) lamp $30. FENDER MUSTANg ll guitar amplifier
good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
incl. 64 gig $40 Jeff (650)208-5758 (808)631-1365. Can send picture. (650)464-7860 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover.
NEW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels $130.00 (650)421-5469
335 garden Equipment
MOTOROLA BRAvO MB 520 (android NEW DELUxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- FIREPLAcE cANDELABRA with 5 bat-
$75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave
4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must tery-operated candles $30.00, (415)990- chAIN SAW, 16 ,Craftsmen ,electric,
mes hUgE LUDWIg Drum Set Silver Sparkle
card Belmont (650)595-8855 Sell! (650) 875-8159. 6134 & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian $55. (650)888-5808
Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300
298 collectibles ONkYO Av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame 308 Tools (650)369-8013. 340 camera & Photo Equip.
Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, $30.00 (650) 347-2356
FRAMED LEBRON James painting, Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 PIANO, UPRIghT, in excellent condi- OMEgA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
ANTIQUE IRON Hand Drills. 3 available
25"x21"; $99-will text photo; (650)591- OFFIcE SWIvEL Chair, good condition. at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
9769, San Carlos SAMSUNg FLAT TV 20" $25. (415)231-4825 larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 UPRIghT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi-
OFFIcE TABLE, 24"x48" HD. folding AS NEW Slkillsaw 7 1/4", 3/4 HP, with 6'
tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886.
304 Furniture legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost cord, $19.95, (650)595-3933. 345 Medical Equipment
hUMMELS (2) 1980s $20 ea. Call $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141 YAMAhA AcOUSTIc Guitar, model
(650)344-4756. cORDLESS DRILL 9.6 volt, great condi- hOMEDIcS DUAL Shiatsu Massage
tion, weak battery, $10 (650)595-3933 FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469
ANTIQUE DININg table for six people Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162
LENNOx RED Rose, Unused, hand with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 OFFIcE TYPE 34"X 60" heavy solid
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, wood with formica wood grain top $25
cRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" 312 Pets & Animals WALkINg cANES, wood (1) 36, (2)
ANTIQUE MOhAgANY Bookcase. Four dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
$12.00. (650) 578 9208. (650) 787-9753 32. $5 each.(650)392-4841.
feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. AIRLINE cARRIER for cats, pur. from
ROckWELL ROUTER with 6 blades- Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good ARMchAIR gOOD condition $55.
Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500
very good condition $20 (650)992-8321 (505)228-1480 local. garage Sales
$59 call (650)218-6528 (650)266-3184 asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199. ShOPSMITh MARk V 50th Anniversary
most attachments. $1,500/OBO. ONE kENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
STAR WARS Action figure: Qui-Gon
Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10
BARzILAY REcORD - fine walnut cre- ORNATE MAhOgANY headboard with (650)504-0585 mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. BOUTIQUE SALE
denza, 72 x 14.5H. $100. (650)804- gold trim $60. (650)589-0764 (650)593-2066
Steve (650)518-6614. 3947. Menlo Park. SkILL 7313 3/4 HP belt sander, 4 belts, Dec 1st and 2nd
PINE DOUBLE/QUEEN head/foot board manual, perfect, $29.95. (650)595-3933 PARROT cAgE, Steel, Large - approx
SUPREMES gREATEST Hits, 2 album BEIgE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition with metal frame $35/obo. (650)646- 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best 10am-4pm
set, $10 San Carlos (650)591-9769 (650) 315-2319 8530 vINTAgE cRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa offer. (650)245-4084 Fine Art, Gift and Vintage
1947. $60. (650)245-7517 Items.
USA MILITARY police helmet, with liner, BRAND NEW Japanese Cotton Futton- PORTABLE MASSAgE Table (Sierra PET cARRIER for small dog or cat in ex-
Vietnam era $60 (650)591-9769 San Twin Size 72x40x5-$75 Comfort). Very good condition. $50. vINTAgE ShOPSMITh and BAND cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349-
SAW, good shape. $300/obo. Call 6059 1132 Qortez Ave., Burlingame
Carlos. (650)839-1064. (650)871-1778.
PET TAxI Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux
Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for
$25. Call (650)349-6059.
x-AcTO DELUxE Complete woodcarv-
ing set-new $15 (650)992-8321 PETMATE cOMPASS Dog Crate used
only 1 week $40. (650)872-2244. ESTATE SALES
309 Office Equipment
Make money, make room!
LAPTOP cASE or bag. Black. Like new.
Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564.
316 clothes
5 BOxES male & female square dance
List your upcoming
310 Misc. For Sale clothing. Excellent Condition. As a garage sale,
bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439.
500-600 BIg Band-era 78's--most mint, moving sale,
no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 FAUx FUR Coat Woman's brown multi estate sale,
color in excellent condition 3/4
BESSY SMALL Evening Hand Bag With length $50 (650)692-8012 yard sale,
Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371
gENUINE LADIES Mink Fur Jacket,
rummage sale,
BIFOLD ShUTTERS 2x28x79 $10.00 $75.00 Call: (650)368-0748. clearance sale, or
LADIES SEQUIN dress, blue, size XL, whatever sale you
BOBBY hULL Hockey Game Great pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208
Cont. ,1960s $50 (415)269-4784
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
cAPTEL PhONE Message on its rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
screen. Like new used twice $25 (650) 578-9208 Reach over 83,450 readers
(650)871-8907 from South San Francisco
NEW WITh tags Wool or cotton Men's
pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each to Palo Alto.
cASh REgISTER Parts; Much Skin Not (650)952-3466 in your local newspaper.
Guts $500 (415)269-4784
NIkE AIR shoes, white, size 10, hardly
DOORS FRENch 2x28x79 w/5 lights worn (cost $50) $10, (650)591-9769 San call (650)344-5200
$12.00 (650)544-5306 Carlos
LIONEL chRISTMAS Holiday expan-
PARIS hILTON purse white & silver un-
sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 used, about 12" long x 9" high
LIONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and $23. (650)592-2648
dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 TUxEDO SIzE 40, black, including white
LUggAgE, RED, 21" NEW Samsonite shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189
Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000 WILSON LEAThER Lady Jacket. Small,
like new. $45. (808)863-1136.
NEgRINI FENcINg Epee mask size M WILSON LEAThER, burgundy lady jack-
& France Lames 5 epee blade $95 et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136
318 Sports Equipment
POWERTEL PhONE for hard of hearing.
Like new used 1 month. $20. (650)871- 15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds,
8907 Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
PREMIUM MOvINg blankets good con-
dition $10.00 each (650 ) 504 -6057
BOW FLEx Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid
case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new. $1200 asking $800 Call Michael
$45. (650)328-6709 (650)784-1061.
THEDAILYJOURNAL Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 25

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

379 Open houses 625 classic cars
chEvY 55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
OPEN hOUSE obo. (650)952-4036.
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
LISTINgS chEvY 86 cORvETTE. Automatic.
34 Church of country 46 City west of
93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800
List your Open House obo. (650) 952-4036.
1 Stay in the big 1 Nursed 35 Allergy sufferers Baghdad
in the Daily Journal. cORvETTE 69 350 4-SPEED. 50k
MILES. $18.500. Ill trade it for a Stinson house 2 Zip choice 47 Mercury, e.g.
Reach over 83,450 Beach property. (650)481-5296.
3 Overhaul the 36 Legendary court 48 Bargains beyond
potential home buyers & 10 Beach pretender
FORD 50 4-Door Sedan, Automatic
renters a day, Transmission, 302V8 $1,200. 15 [Yawn] plant figure belief
from South San Francisco (650)346-9586.
16 Many a Studio 4 Old hand 37 Mine carriers 51 Teammate of
to Palo Alto.
in your local newspaper.
MERcEDES 79 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- Ghibli film 5 Dessert 40 As if! Mariano for 19
17 Fund for company 42 Caribbean city years
call (650)344-5200
630 Trucks & SUvs incidentals founded in 1928 with cocotaxis 54 Exploits
FORD 96 F-150 5-spd trans, 6-cylinder 18 Character who 6 Shells from 44 German 55 Small change
470 Rooms 132K miles, $3,700.00 Original owner
(650)340-8841Steve dances on the stands chancellor 58 #16, familiarly
Merkel 60 Booking agent?


hIP hOUSINg TOYOTA 00 Tundra Sr5 in a great beach at Stavros 7 Sequentially
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program shape, 150k miles, 4x4, automatic, V8
Cyl. $1500. Call or text: (209)265-1393 19 Supporting 8 It runs in the
San Mateo County
(650)348-6660 20 Evil skill shower
635 vans 9 Short-lived
22 Talbot Jr. or Sr.
620 Automobiles chEvROLET 06 Mini VAN, new radia-
tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket. on Rectify things
$500. (650)481-5296
23 Obstacles on the 10 Indistinct
Dont lose money
on a trade-in or 640 Motorcycles/Scooters set 11 Noted resident of
consignment! BMW 03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call 25 Confident The Dakota in
(650) 995-0003
response to Manhattan
Sell your vehicle in the hONDA 305 Head, 2 blocks, X-tras.
12 Singer?
Daily Journals $500 (415)269-4784 Your opponent
Auto classifieds. MOTORcYcLE SADDLEBAgS, is ready 13 Pale order
with mounting hardware and other parts
$35. Call (650)670-2888 26 Funeral rite heap 14 Tone down
Just $45 21 Washes out
Well run it 645 Boats 27 Poet Thomas
til you sell it! 29 Baby Blues 24 South Seas
2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
excellend condition. $4,500. Call
baby cover-ups
Reach 83,450 drivers 26 Theyre beaten at
from South SF to MALIBU 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
30 Maranjab Desert
Palo Alto built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
20K obo. (650)851-0878.
28 Intrusive
call (650)344-5200 31 Empty out
[email protected]
SEA RAY 16 FT . I/B. $1,200. Needs 32 Tough guys
[email protected]
Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
670 Auto Service 33 Repertoire
BMW 07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi-
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re- 35 Skeletons
duced $19,995 obo Call (650)520-4650
AA SMOg place?
BMW08 528i. Excellent Condition Complete Repair & Service
101,000 miles-priced to sell $7985 $29.75 plus certificate fee
38 Do maintenance
Bob (650)349-6969.
(most cars) on, as a putting
cADILLAc 02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per- 869 California Drive .
fect condition, like new, cashmere out- Burlingame green
side white inside 4787 miles $13,000.
(415)850-2370 (650) 340-0492 39 Card carrier
chEvROLET 2001 Silverado 2500 in 41 Convene
very good condition, 150k miles, 4x4, en-
gine 8cyl 8.1L automatic. $2000. Call 670 Auto Parts 42 Chill (with)
43 Kate of House of
miles, $3800 (650)481-5296 $5.00. Bob (650)524-0051 Cards
chEvY 10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT BRIDgESTONE ALENzA 235/65R17, 45 Grouses
CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
used less than 10k. (650)593-4490 49 Welding sparks
chEvY hhR 08 - Grey, spunky car
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. FREE: 2 unmounted tires V.G. condition 50 Better
for Toyota, incl Prius 124 Myrtle Burlin- 52 Tar on the ocean
DODgE 99 MAINTENANcE Van, , game (in driveway)
$2,500 OBO Good condition. Call 53 Compete
(650)481-5296 MERcEDES BENz 19 inch AMG Rim
one only for sale $50 (650)814-9737 to 54 Like free-range
arrange pick up.
gOT AN OLDER chickens
cAR, BOAT, OR Rv? PEERLESS TIRE Chains, used a few
56 West of
Do the humane thing. times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20
obo. (650)745-6309
Donate it to the Tinseltown
Humane Society. WhITE STAR Tire Chains, never used.
call 1- 800-943-8412 P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
57 Country album?
LINcOLN 02 Navigator, excellent condi-
59 History buffs
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. 680 Autos Wanted artifacts
Wanted 62-75 chevrolets
Novas, running or not
61 Tearful queen
MAzDA 12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- Parts collection etc. 62 Big brother, often
dition One owner Fully loaded Low So clean out that garage

By D. Scott Nichols and C.C. Burnikel

miles reduced $18,995 obo (650)520- Give me a call 63 First chips

2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Joe 650 342-2483
64 Chaotic places
26 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

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Call Luis (650) 704-9635
Tuesday, December 5, 6:30 pm
Notices San Carlos Library, 610 Elm Street
California law requires that contractors
taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor
Saturday, December 9, 1:00 pm
or materials) be licensed by the Contrac- Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road
tors State License Board. State law also
requires that contractors include their li-
cense number in their advertising. You
can check the status of your licensed
contractor at or 800-
321-CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking
jobs that total less than $500 must state
in their advertisements that they are not
licensed by the Contractors State Li- To learn about this project, visit:
cense Board.
28 Weekend Dec. 2-3, 2017 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Trump denies Tillerson out as secretary of state By Matthew Lee reports of the plan
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS emerged, Trump offered
only tepid support for
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump Tillerson, noting only
on Friday denied he wants to oust Secretary that he was at the White
of State Rex Tillerson, calling reports to House for a previously
that effect fake news, as his top diplomat scheduled meeting.
brushed off speculation that he has lost the The halfhearted back-
confidence of the White House. ing amid the swirl of
As Tillerson went about his normal sched- Donald Trump speculation over
ule of diplomatic activities, including two Tillersons imminent
meetings with Trump, the president said his demise had threatened to impair his effec-
secretary of state is not leaving. tiveness, particularly as he prepares for an
The media has been speculating that I official trip to Europe next week.
fired Rex Tillerson or that he would be leav- On Friday, Tillerson attended two meet-
ing soon - FAKE NEWS! Trump tweeted. ings at the White House with Trump one
Hes not leaving and while we disagree on with Libyas visiting prime minister and
certain subjects, (I call the final shots) we then a lunch with the president and Defense
work well together and America is highly Secretary James Mattis. Before those meet-
respected again! ings, Tillerson told reporters at the State
The tweet was Trumps strongest endorse- Department that speculation he was on his
ment of his top diplomat since senior White way out was laughable.
House officials on Thursday began telling Tillerson aides had said the secretary was
reporters that a plan had been devised to sanguine and remained comfortable in his
REUTERS push Tillerson out and replace him with CIA role despite the turmoil in Trumps national
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speaks with reporters in Washington, D.C. chief Mike Pompeo. Immediately after security team centering on him.

650-322-9288 HOLIDAYS!




UArt Redwood City 2550 El Camino Real


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