Racho, Rapha S. Bsarch5B

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3.1 GROUP-1 Structures of simplest, utilization character which are without complication
of design or detail and require a minimum of finish, structural, mechanical and electrical

Parking Structures Bakeries
Printing Plants Farm Structures
Public Markets
Service Garages
Freight Facilities
Simple Loft-type Structure
Industrial Buildings
Manufacturing/Industrial Plants
Packaging and Processing Plants
And other similar utilization type buildings


P 50 Million and less........................................6 percent

Over P 50 Million to P 3,000,000 plus 5 percent
P100 Million .....................................................of excess of P 50 Million
Over P 100 Million to P 5,500,000 plus 4 percent
P200 Million .....................................................of excess of P 100 Million
Over P 200 Million to P 9,500,000 plus 3 percent
P500 Million .....................................................of excess of P 200 Million
Over P 500 Million to P 18,500,000 plus 2 percent
P1 Billion ..........................................................of excess of P 500 Million
Over P 1 Billion ...............................................P 28,500,000 plus 1 percent of excess
of P 1 Billion

3.2 GROUP-2 Structures of moderate complexity of design requiring a moderate

amount of structural, mechanical and electrical design and research.

Art galleries
Nursing Homes
Banks, Exchange and other
Office Buildings
Financial Institutions
Park, Playground and Open-air Bowling Alleys
Recreational Facilities Churches and Religious Facilities
Police Stations
City Halls
Post Offices
College Buildings
Private Clubs Convents, Monasteries and Seminaries
Publishing Plants Correctional and Detention Institutions
Race Tracks
Court Houses
Retail Stores Exhibition Halls and Display Structures
Fire Stations
Shopping Centers Laundries & Cleaning Facilities
Specialty shops Libraries
Supermarkets Motels and Apartels
Welfare Buildings Multi-storey Apartments
And other structures of similar nature or use


P 50 Million and less........................................7 percent
Over P 50 Million to P 3,500,000 plus 6 percent
P100 Million .....................................................of excess of P 50 Million
Over P 100 Million to P 6,500,000 plus 5 percent
P200 Million .....................................................of excess of P 100 Million
Over P 200 Million to P 11,500,000 plus 4 percent
P500 Million .....................................................of excess of P 200 Million
Over P 500 Million to P 23,500,000 plus 3 percent
P1 Billion ..........................................................of excess of P 500 Million
Over P 1 Billion ...............................................P 38,500,000 plus 2 percent of excess
of P 1 Billion
3.3 GROUP-3

DESIGN SERVICES Structures of exceptional character and complexity of design or

requiring comparatively large amounts of structural, mechanical and electrical design
and research.

Atomic Facilities
Medical Office Facilities & Clinics
Mental Institutions
Mortuaries Cold Storage Facilities
Observatories Communication Buildings
Public Health Centers Convention Halls
Research Facilities Gymnasiums
Hospitals and Medical Buildings
Theaters and Similar Facilities
Veterinary Hospitals
And other structures of similar nature or use


P 50 Million and less........................................8 percent
Over P 50 Million to P 4,000,000 plus 7 percent
P100 Million .....................................................of excess of P 50 Million
Over P 100 Million to P 7,500,000 plus 6 percent
P200 Million .....................................................of excess of P 100 Million
Over P 200 Million to P 13,500,000 plus 5 percent
P500 Million .....................................................of excess of P 200 Million
Over P 500 Million to P 28,500,000 plus 4 percent
P1 Billion ..........................................................of excess of P 500 Million
Over P 1 Billion ...............................................P 48,500,000 plus 3 percent of excess
of P 1 Billion

3.4 GROUP-4 Residences (Single Detached or Duplex), small apartment houses and
town houses.
Minimum Basic Fee............................................. 10 Percent of Project Construction

3.5 GROUP-5 Monumental buildings and other facilities requiring consummate

design skill and much precise detailing.

Exposition and Fair Buildings

Specialized decorative buildings
Mausoleums, Memorials,
And structures of similar nature or use

Minimum Basic Fee............................................. 10 percent of Project Construction

3.6 GROUP-6 Repetitive Construction of Buildings

When the design of the Architect is used again for the repetitive construction of similar
structures, without amending the drawing and the specifications, the Architects
fee is computed as follows:

First structure.......................................................Minimum Basic Fee Second

structure ..................................................80% of Basic Fee Third
structure......................................................60% of Basic Fee Succeeding
structure............................................40% of Basic Fee

3.7 GROUP-7 Housing Projects

When the Architect is engaged to undertake a HOUSING PROJECT involving the

construction of several residential units on a single site with the use of one basic plan
and specifications, the MINIMUM FEE chargeable thereunder shall conform with the

First Unit..............................................................10 Percent of the Construction Cost

of one unit as Basic Fee
From two to ten units...........................................Fee of 1 unit plus 60% of Basic Fee
for each additional unit
Eleven units and above........................................Fee for 10 units plus 30% of Basic
Fee for each additional unit
3.8 GROUP-8

Projects involving extensive detail such as furniture design, built-in equipment, special
fittings, screens, counters, interiors and other detailed parts of appurtenances of
buildings or structures and landscaping designs.

Minimum Basic Fee............................................. 15 Percent of Project Construction


3.9 GROUP-9

For alterations and additions of existing structures belonging to Groups 1 to 5

enumerated above, compensation of services should be increased by 50 percent or a
total of 150 percent of the Basic Fee.

3.10 GROUP-10

Where the Architect is engaged to render opinion or give advice, clarifications or

explanation on technical matters pertaining to his profession, the Minimum Fee
chargeable thereunder shall not be less than Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00*) per hour
subject to increase depending on the extent and coverage of service required. When
rendering service as an expert witness, the Architects fee shall not be less than Five
Hundred Pesos (P500.00*) per appearance irrespective of whether the scheduled
hearing took place or not.

* All references to fixed amount shall refer to the value of the Peso as of November

1979. Adjustment of the price shall be made at the time of the contract.
The Owner shall undertake the following acts:
a. provide full information as to his requirements for the Project;
b. when necessary, designate a representative authorized to act on his behalf;
c. promptly examine and render decisions pertaining to documents submitted by the
Architect to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the Architects work; the Owner
shall issue orders to the General Contractor only through the Architect;
d. furnish or direct the Architect to obtain at Owner expense, a certified survey of the
site, giving, as may be required, topographical and/or relocation surveys covering
grades and lines of streets, alleys, easements, encroachments and related information,
boundaries, with dimensions and complete data pertaining to existing buildings,
structures, trees, plants, water bodies, wells, excavations/ pits, etc. and other
improvements and full information as to the available utility/ service lines both public
and private; zoning compliances, clearances, deed/s of restrictions, encumbrances and
annotations to titles, association guidelines and standards, and soil investigations/ tests,
borings and test pits necessary for determining soil and sub-soil conditions;
e. promptly pay for architectural and all other engineering and allied services required
for the Project;
f. pay for the design and consulting services on acoustic, communication, electronic,
and other specialty systems which may be required for the Project;
g. arrange and pay for such legal, auditing, insurance, counseling and other services
as may be required for the Project;
h. pay for all reimbursable expenses incurred in the project as called for in ART 5:
Other Conditions on Services and all taxes including VAT (but not including income
tax) that the Government may impose on the Architect as a result of the services
rendered by the Architect for/ on the Project, whether the services were performed as a
natural person i.e. an individual practitioner or as a juridical entity i.e. as a sole
proprietorship, partnership or corporation; and
i. if the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of anything that may impair the
successful implementation of the Project, he must give prompt written notice to the

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