Cast of Characters:
Narrator: Terren
Soldier 1: Israel
Soldier 2: Nolan
Rebel 1: Mitchell
Rebel 2: Ethan I
Pope: Griffin
Justin: I believe you all know that I havent been doing well recently, you may have all
Justin: My healers have looked into this sickness and have found out that in a few
Justin: I have tried to be the best emperor I can be, and I am disappointed in myself that
I have come to the conclusion that I need to pick my successor, and I would like to
announce that my nephew Justinian is to be the new ruler of the Byzantine empire
Narrator:(camera is viewing the people at Justins funeral as she speaks) (Wait at least
5 seconds before talking) Emperor Justin died August first, 527 C.E. he was 77 years
Constantinoples church altar, without any tourists in the image, [No people at all
would be great]) the only people on the scene should be the Priest, who is holding the
crown and Justinian, who is kneeling, we should film this scene from different angle
Narrator: Emperor Justinian was proclaimed emperor 528 C.E. although many citizens
of the Byzantine empire dismissed him as just a new average ruler, he was not.
Even though he was considered one of the best Byzantine emperors today, during his
Pope: (Closes book in hand and holds out palm at justinian, angle for this scene) I now
Justinian: I know. Maybe you can do something to change their mind about us being
Theodora: LIke what? If I tell them something they will not listen.
Theodora: Your right. I will just tell them something they will not be able to not listen.
Theodora: I will tell them that starting soon Women will have more rights!
Theodora: You hear me! I will make my mark and stand up for women
Justinian: That is a good idea!
Theodora: Good day people I have announcement to make. ( there are some whisper) I
am going to change the law so women have more rights. ( the whispering stops) That is
Narrator: The women of the Byzantine empire really liked that idea however the some of
Scene 3: Conquering former Western Roman lands to return the glory of the fallen
Scene starts in Justinians throne room Justinian is at the throne, Theodora is besides
Narrator: General Belisarius, was Justinians most trusted military leader of all, while
Justinian was a strong leader when it came to policies and decisions, Belisarius knew
how to control the battlefield. (Pauses) Justinian was ambitious, he wanted to prove that
he was a powerful leader, One of his main amibitions was to reclaim the western roman
Narrator: Belisarius conquered almost all of Italy then he went to the outreaches of
North Africa and even went as far as Spain (pauses) Belisarius is possibly the most
Scene switches to a snowy area Belisarius is standing with two soldier running towards
Soldier 2: But their army sir, its nearly three times the size of our own
Belisarius: (looks at him for a moment) We have a plan, Vitiges may be a powerful king
but he abuses his power and that is his flaw, now will you always fight for your
Soldier 2: Of course sir but
Scene darkens Belisarius is no longer in the picture, soldier 1 and soldier 2 clash
weapons with the same actor as rebel 2 playing a gothic soldier, will have same
Narrator: Belisarius defeated King Vitiges who had a much more powerful force than his
own, and when the conquerings were finished he returned to Constantinople. (Pauses)
Unfortunately Theodora was right, the citizens were angry, and now they were more
Rebel 1: Justinian thinks he can do whatever he wants, well I say its time for revolution!
Narrator: The Nika riots started off with a chariot race, the blues and greens chariot
teams were always a favorite of the people in the audience, however as the game went
on the audience began to notice something (pauses) many of the fans of the greens
and blues, began yelling, not cheering for the chariot teams but rather throwing insults
at Justinian, and soon insults became violence when the rebels began to strike.
Rebels 1 and 2 arrive on stage and head for Justinian with swords drawn Theodora and
Theodora: No Im afraid, theyre still going on, the rebels are getting more violent, some
of our men are injured and some may or may not be dead
Justinian: (stands up) Thats it then we need to evacuate, we cant stay here
Constantinople is lost
going to help.
Theodora: (pauses for quite awhile) This is not what your uncle wouldve wanted
(leaves scene)
Narrator: Theodora eventually did convince Justinian to stay during the Nika riots, he
managed to put down the rebels but afterwards Constantinople was in ruins, From that
Scene 5 : justinian 1 ordering the creation of a code of law code of justinian from 529 to
Justinian: This empire need something to help the law because the law is a mess.
Justinian: I dont know, Maybe something like a code to right done the law.
Narrator: After a long time of writing down all the rules the code was finally finished.
When he shared the new way of the law the people finally liked something he did, many
The end