According to the vertical analysis of Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation's statements of financial position for 2013 and 2012:
- Total current assets decreased slightly from 43.84% to 42.35% of total assets in 2013, while non-current assets increased slightly from 56.16% to 57.65% of total assets.
- Total liabilities decreased slightly from 26.44% to 26.26% of total liabilities and equity in 2013.
- The analysis indicates the entity has sufficient assets to pay its current liabilities and is capable of sustaining its financial obligations.
According to the vertical analysis of Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation's statements of financial position for 2013 and 2012:
- Total current assets decreased slightly from 43.84% to 42.35% of total assets in 2013, while non-current assets increased slightly from 56.16% to 57.65% of total assets.
- Total liabilities decreased slightly from 26.44% to 26.26% of total liabilities and equity in 2013.
- The analysis indicates the entity has sufficient assets to pay its current liabilities and is capable of sustaining its financial obligations.
According to the vertical analysis of Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation's statements of financial position for 2013 and 2012:
- Total current assets decreased slightly from 43.84% to 42.35% of total assets in 2013, while non-current assets increased slightly from 56.16% to 57.65% of total assets.
- Total liabilities decreased slightly from 26.44% to 26.26% of total liabilities and equity in 2013.
- The analysis indicates the entity has sufficient assets to pay its current liabilities and is capable of sustaining its financial obligations.
According to the vertical analysis of Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation's statements of financial position for 2013 and 2012:
- Total current assets decreased slightly from 43.84% to 42.35% of total assets in 2013, while non-current assets increased slightly from 56.16% to 57.65% of total assets.
- Total liabilities decreased slightly from 26.44% to 26.26% of total liabilities and equity in 2013.
- The analysis indicates the entity has sufficient assets to pay its current liabilities and is capable of sustaining its financial obligations.
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VERTICAL ANALYSIS December 2013 Percentage December 2012 Percentage ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents P 205,890,655 15.10 P 282,627,393 19.56 Receivables-net 322,009,422 23.62 304,042,397 21.04 Loan Receivable 15,500,000 1.14 15,500,00 1.04 Due from related parties 1,885,100 0.14 2,128,022 0.15 Inventories 13,582,447 1 14,560,701 1.01 Prepaid expenses and other Current assets 18,482,934 1.36 14,671,313 1.02 Total Current Assets 577,350,558 42.35 633,529,826 43.84 Non Current Assets Property and equipment-net 647,640,324 47.51 670,837,987 46.42 Investment In Income 48,467,138 3.56 47,856,099 3.31 Deferred tax assets-net 5,571,856 0.41 5,571,856 0.62 Other noncurrent assets 84,095,791 6.17 84,095,791 5.82 Total Non Current Assets 785,775,109 57.65 811,719,476 56.16 Total ASSETS P 1,363,125,667 100 P1,445,249,302 100 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses P 77,567,689 5.64 P 81,778,891 5.66 Due to related parties 2,115,421 0.16 6,843,486 0.47 Income tax payable -- -- 14,731,884 1.02 Other current liabilities 227,186,550 16.67 224,095,289 15.51 Total Current Liabilities 306,869,660 22.52 327,449,550 22.66 Non Current Liabilities Refundable deposits 29,120,790 2.14 31,231,875 2.16 Accrued retirement benefits Liability 21,914,777 1.6 23,428,474 1.62 Total Non current liabilities 51,035,567 3.74 54,660,349 3.78 Total Liabilities 357,905,227 26.26 382,109,889 26.44 EQUITY Capital stock P 873,182,700 64.06 873,182,700 60.42 Addition pain in capital 14,657,517 1.08 14,657,517 1.01 Remeasurement gains on defined benefit plan 6,085,245 0.44 7,114,234 0.49 Retained earnings: Appropriated 1,630,777,870 119.64 1,488,311,220 102.98 Unappropriated 111,294,978 8.16 168,184,952 11.64 Treasury stock (1,630,777,870) (119.64) (1,488,311,220) (102.98) Total Equity 1,005,220,440 73.74 1,063,139,403 73.56 Total liabilities and equity 1,363,125,667 100 1,445,249,302 GRAND PLAZA HOTEL CORPORATION STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION VERTICAL ANALYSIS
According to the Comparative Statements of
Financial Position of Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation,Vertical Analysis. The total current assets for 2013 is 42.35% of the total assets while in 2012, it is 43.84% of the total assets. Even though there is a decreased of 1.49%. The entity has a sufficient funds to pay its liabilities. The total non-current liabilities for 2013 is 57.65% of the total assets while in 2012, it is 56.16% of the total assets. There is an increased of 1.49%,so the entity has also sufficient funds on assets to pay its obligations or liabilities. On the other hand, the total liabilities for 2013 is 26.26% of the total liabilities and equities, while in the year 2012, it is 26.44% of the total liabilities and equities. There is a decreased of 0.18%. The overall presentation of the analysis express that the entity has a capability to sustain its liabilities.