Renk Manual

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The manual discusses slide bearings produced by RENK including different types, materials, lubrication, temperatures, mounting, and protection.

Some of the types discussed include types M, E, ZM, SC, SN, HG, WG, DN for various applications like turbines, motors, and rolling mills.

Factors like temperature, viscosity, and application are considered when selecting a viscosity class of lubricating oil according to the manual.

Manual for the application

of RENK Slide Bearings


1. Types of bearing 4
7. Heat dissipation, cooling 19
2. Basic principles 7 7.1 Radiation and convection (natural cooling) 19
2.1 Hydrodynamic lubrication 7 7.2 Forcedair convection cooling 19
2.2 Slide bearing calculation 8 7.3 Water cooling 20
2.3 Hydrostatic jacking device 8 7.4 Finned housing surface 20
2.4 Minimum speeds 10 7.5 External oil supply 20
7.6 Installation of the oil supply system 21
3. Shafts and thrust collars 10 7.7 Pipelines 21
3.1 Material and hardness 10 7.8 Oil pumps 22
3.2 Manufacturing process 11 7.9 Coolers, oil filters 23
3.3 Tolerances of form and position, 7.10 Fittings and monitoring gauges 23
surface quality 11
3.4 Dimensions, bearing clearances 14 8. Protection against external influences 23
3.5 Determination of coldstate bearing clearance 8.1 Heat of radiation 23
in case of heat transfer into the bearing 8.2 Heat transfer through the shaft 23
through the shaft 14 8.3 Cold 23
8.4 Weather protection 25
4. Whitemetals 15
9. Shaft seals 25
5. Lubrication 16 9.1 General 25
5.1 General 16 9.2 Negative pressures 25
5.2 Definition of viscosity 16 9.3 Types 25
5.3 Viscosity/temperature (V/T) reaction
of lubricating oils 16 10. Mounting of slide bearings on steel structures
5.4 Selection of viscosity classes of lubricating oils 16 (frames, motor shields, brackets) 28

6. Bearing temperatures 18 11. Assembly and initial starting 29

6.1 Admissible bearing temperatures 18
6.2 Alarm and shutdown temperatures 18 12. Corrosion and transport protection
6.3 Temperature measurements 18 of slide bearings 30

RENK AG Werk Hannover

Copying of the text in whole or part with permission of the publishers only.

Figure 1 Slide Bearing SCNLB

RENK Slide Bearings are high quality machine parts manufactured on uptodate machine tools. The designs
are in accordance with the latest technological knowledge applied in conjunction with many years of practical

The purpose of this publication is to inform project planners, designers and fitters of the contribution to assure
that the RENK Slide Bearings give efficient and reliable service from the very beginning.

In addition to these guidelines, the Instructions for Installation, Operation and Maintenance, which we issue
for all our standard bearings, describe all those details which have to be observed on account of design

1. Types of Bearing Housings EG and ER: footmounted, main dimensions to DIN
31690 (fig. 4).
The workshops of RENK Hannover are equipped for the series
production of complete slide bearings with housings and ready
toinstall bearing shells and thrust bearings. Also the production
of slide bearings to customers drawings, large bearings and
special bearings for practically all engineering applications is an
area in which RENK has many years of experience.
Some of the bestknown types of bearing for horizontal and ver
tical machines are briefly described below. According to the
type and size of the bearing, the bearing shells consist of cast
iron, cast steel or steel body with highgrade white metal lining.

1.1 Slide Bearing with Housings for Horizontal Shafts

1.1.1 Type M

Figure 4 Slide bearing type ER (with loose oil ring)

Housing EF: flangemounted (fig. 5).
Dimensions to DIN 31 693.

Figure 2 Slide bearing type M

Slide bearing in accordance with DIN 118 with natural cooling,
water cooling or circulating oil lubrication, tilting twocomponent
bearing shell (cast iron body).
For normal loads and uniform operation on transmissions, small
fans, etc.
Diameter range: 50 to 180 mm.

1.1.2 Type I

Figure 5 Slide bearing type EF (with loose oil ring)

Housing EM: centrally flangemounted (fig. 6).
Dimensions to DIN 31 694.

Figure 3 Slide bearing type I

Slide bearing with natural cooling, water cooling or circulating
oil lubrication, spherically seated twocomponent shell (cast iron
or cast steel body). For high loads and intermittent operation,
e.g. on crushers and tube mill drives.
Diameter range: 100 to 520 mm.

1.1.1 Type E
Slide bearings of most modern conception with many variations
to the unit composed system, with natural cooling, water cool
ing or cooling by circulated oil.
Spherically seated twocomponent shell (steel body).
Diameter range: 60 to 1250 mm. Figure 6 Slide bearing type EM (with loose oil ring)

Slide bearings type E are particularly suitable for electrical and 1.1.6 ROTRIX type
turbo machines. The unitcomposed system, however, assures
almost universal application throughout the engineering indus Trunnion bearing for tube mills with hydrostatic shaft jacking
try. and hydrostatic jacking of the 120bearing shell in a spherical
1.1.3 Type SN Twocomponent bearing shell (cast steel body).
Diameter range: 1250 to 2400 mm.

Figure 7 Slide bearing type SN

Propeller shaft bearing with natural cooling, water cooling or cir

culated oil lubrication, spherically seated twocomponent bear
ing shell (steel body).
Available as intermediate bearing (with bottom 180 shell) and
aftermost bearing (with bottom and top shell 360).
Diameter range: 140 to 900 mm. Figure 9 Slide bearing ROTRIX type

1.1.7 Type SH
1.1.5 Type DN Trunnion bearing for tube mills with tilting 180 bearing shell
Marine thrust block with natural cooling, water cooling or circu with optional hydrostatic jacking.
lating oil lubrication. The thrust is taken by tilting RS pads (see Twocomponent bearing shell (steel body).
1.4) and the shaft weight by one or two journal bearings. Diameter range: 400 to 1000 mm.
Twocomponent bearing shell (steel body).
Diameter range: 140 to 850 mm.

Figure 8 Slide bearing type DN Figure 10 Slide bearing type SH

1.2 Slide Bearing with Housing for Vertical Shafts 1.3.2 Type EV

1.2.1 Type VD Vertical insert bearing for electric and turbo machines.

Figure 11 Slide bearing type VD

Figure 14 Slide bearing type EVE
Vertical thrust bearing main thrust directed downwards limit
ed speed range with RD thrust pads (see 1.4) for small or As thrust bearing for one or two directions of thrust, with RD
shorttime upward loads with white metal shoulder, 360 guide pads (see 1.4) combined with a guide bearing of adjustable tilt
bearing, for natural cooling, water cooling or circulating oil lubri ing segments.
Diameter range of shafts: 70 to 500 mm.
Diameter range of shafts: 70 to 315 mm.
1.3.3 Type EVF
1.2.2 Type VF
Guide bearing as above, but without RD pads.
Diameter range of shafts: 70 to 500 mm.

Figure 12 Slide bearing type VF

Figure 15 Slide bearing type EVF
Vertical guide bearing, execution as above, but without thrust
part. 1.4 RD and RS thrust bearings
Diameter range of shafts: 70 to 315 mm.
RD and RS thrust bearings are a logical improvement of the
1.3 Insert Slide Bearing segment type bearings. They replace in all fields the conven
tional segments.
1.3.1 Type G
Bearing shell for gear boxes or similar types of application, act
ing as nonlocating or locating bearing; different shapes (adapt
ed to the type of application) of radial part (cylindrical, 2lobe or
4lobe bore) and of thrust part (shoulders with taper lands, tilt
ing pads).
Diameter range. 40 to 750 mm.

Figure 16 RD thrust bearing

RD thrust pads are cup springsupported in the carrier (fig. 16),
RS thrust pads are pivotsupported on the carrier (fig. 17).

Figure 13 Bearing shell type G Figure 17 RS thrust bearing

2. Basic Principles

2.1 Hydrodynamic Lubrication

RENK slide bearings usually operate on the reliable principle of
hydrodynamic lubrication. When the design and manufacturing
conditions permit this type of lubrication, the slide bearings will
fullfil all the requirements expected of them.

centre of shaft

centre of
bearing Figure 20 plain cylindrical bore

pressure in
the oilfilm

oil film pressure

Figure 21 twolobe bore (lemon shape)

Figure 18 Pressure buildup in a plain cylindrical bearing
It should be noted that in plain cylindrical bearings (fig. 18) only,
buildup of a carrying oil wedge is made possible by the clear
ance between bearing shell and shaft in eccentrical position
(converging film). In thrust bearings the pressure buildup is
made possible due to the clearance between shaft and bearing
shell bore. As regards journal bearings with two or fourlobe
bores (fig. 21 and 22) or tilting pads (fig. 23) as well as thrust
bearings with taper lands or pivoting thrust pads, it is achieved
by design.

pressure distribution
in sliding direction
Figure 22 fourlobe bore

oil inlet oil outlet

contours of
equal oilfilm
Figure 23 journal tilting pads
In the case of electrical machines, fans, compressors, turbines
and gearboxes a preliminary choice can be made by means of
a simple criteria table (table 1). In many cases, the final decision
Figure 22 Pressure buildup at a tilting pad
can only be made on the basis of a vibration calculation taking
When selecting the type of radial bearing, either plain cylindrical ionto account the elasticity and damping values, shaft geome
bore (fig. 23), twolobe (fig. 24), fourlobe (fig. 25) or radial tilting try, loads and mass moments of inertia as well as the character
segments (fig. 26), various factors have to be considered. istics of the foundation. Experiences gained with machines of
the same or similar type are also of value.

Bearing type cylindrical twolobe fourlobe tilting pads

Designation C Y V K

Type of radial bearing for electrical machines, fans, compressors and turbines

Peripheral speed U [m/s] 0 . . . 30 25 . . . 75 25 . . . 125 15 . . . 150

Specific load p [N/mm2] 0,1 . . . 4 0,1 . . . 3 0...2 0...2

Type of radial bearing for gear boxes

Peripheral speed U [m/s] 0 . . . 35 28 . . . 63 45 . . . 100 63 . . . 160

Specific load p [N/mm2] 0,1 . . . 5 0,1 . . . 4 0...3 0...3

Table 1 Selection of radial bearings

In the case of slide bearings with nonstatic load or a migrating In each case the values of actual surface quality and accuracy
load vector other additional criteria must also be taken into of form have to be checked. Furthermore, the viscosity of the
account. lubricant, compatibility of materials, duration and number of
starts/stops and other parameters influence the selection of the
Initially, the type of thrust bearings is selected according to the admissible minimum oil film thickness.
load which occurs:

1.) Smaller axial loads can be absorbed by plain whitemetal

faces on the shoulders of the bearing shell (locating bear Shaft diameter D Sliding velocity of shaft U
ing). The specific load must not exceed 0,25 N/mm2. or. or
mean sliding mean sliding velocity of thrust part Um
diameter of
2.) Medium axial loads can be absorbed by taper land sections thrust part Dm
incorporated in the whitemetal lined faces of the shells.
These taper land sections can be machined for one or both [mm] [m/s]
directions of rotation. In normal cases, the specific load
... 0,3 > 0,3...3 > 3...10 > 10...30 > 30
should not exceed 2 N/mm2 as this type of bearing is highly
sensitive to edge loading and metal contact can occur at 24 ... 63 3 4 6 8 10
high loads because of small lubricant film thickness.
> 63 ... 160 4 5 8 11 14
3.) High axial loads can be absorbed by tilting pads (preferably > 160 ... 400 5 7 10 13 16
RD (RS) thrust pads. With this type of bearing, the specific
load can be increased to 6 N/mm2 during operation accord > 400 ... 1000 7 9 12 15 18
ing to size and operating conditions. > 1000 ... 2500 9 12 15 18 21

The starting load should not exceed 2,0 ... 2,5 N/mm2 either in > 2500 12 15 18 21 24
the case of journal or thrust bearings as otherwise the working
surfaces may wear and high initial torques may occur. Table 2 Minimum admissible oil film thickness h0 in m for
continuous operation

2.2 Slide Bearing Calculation

In the planning stage already, each of the bearings to be sup
plied by us will be selected or checked on the basis of hydrody
namicthermic computer calculations, if customers state operat 2.3 Hydrostatic jacking
ing conditions. The values as for instance speed, load and load
direction, oil viscosity and ambient temperature are basic fig Within the range of application of RENK Slide Bearings there are
ures for the calculation of the operational behaviour. We there cases for which supplementary hydrostatic jacking systems are
fore strongly recommend to complete in detail our form Enquiry recommended (e.g. frequent starts under high startup load,
for Slide Bearings. operation at low speed or very long rundown periods).

The safe operation of a slide bearing is indicated by bearing Arrangement of the Lubricating Pockets in the Journal Bearing
temperature and minimum oil film thickness. Admissible bearing
temperatures are given in Section 6. Minimum oil film thickness The lubricating pockets are machined in that area of the lower
es for continuous operation are shown in table 2. The values in half of the bearing shell, where the shaft owing to the startup
that table refer to shafts and thrust collars respectively, manu load tends to get into contact with the bearing shell (fig. 241).
factured with a degree of accuracy of 5 (h0 < 10 m) or 10 (10 The dimensions of the pocket, which is placed on the imaginary
m h0 < 20 m) as per DIN 31 699. line of contact, are determined by the bearing geometry and the
radial load.

wedge gets wider as the shaft is further lifted, the pressure
depending on the bearing geometry and the oil throughput,
since the effectivly loadcarrying surface is increased. The con
stant pump pressure for holding (up) the shaft should be adjust
ed to 10 MPa. Approximate values for the oil throughput
required are given in table 3. For the critical operating mode, the
minimum viscosity of the lubricating oil at normal operating tem
perature has to be taken into account. The lubricating pockets
have to be designed according to the loads to maintain a con
stant pressure of 10 MPa.

Figure 241 Lubricating pocket in a journal bearing

Shaft dia. ~ V [l/min]
D [mm] 20 mPa s (cP)* 50 mPa s (cP)*
2 1,6

80 ...90 0,25

100 ... 110 0,5

125 ... 140 0,75

160 ... 180 1,25 0,5

200 ... 225 2,5 1

250 ... 335 5 2

Figure 242 Execution with two lubricating pockets 400 ... 500 3
As regards bearings with oil discs, where the radial working sur 500 ... 630 3,5
faces are vertically split, both halves have lubricating pockets in
order to allow parallel lifting of the shaft. In special cases, e.g. 630 ... 800 4
for the fourlobe bearing, where the shaft gets into contact with 800 ... 1250 5
the bearing shell in two areas, we alternatively recommend an
arrangement consisting of two lubricating pockets in peripherial *corresponds at ISO VG 46 ISO VG 150
direction which are situated under the respective line of contact e.g. 60C to:
(fig. 243).
Table 3 Oil throughput for highpressure pump

Oil Supply for Hydrostatic Oil

The hydrostatic lifting unit mainly consists of Emotor, high pres

sure pump, oil tank and supply line. In case there are several
lubricating pockets, oil supply lines for each of the pockets have
to be installed. A misalignment of the shaft or an uneven load
distribution might be sufficient to result in essentially higher oil
throughput of the lubricating pocket with the wider oil wedge.
Figure 243 Arrangement of the Lubricating Pockets in For that reason, oil supply for two lubricating pockets has to be
the FourLobeBearing done either by two separate or one pump with a ratio control
Hydrostatic lifting cannot be compared with stationary hydro
static film flubrication. Therefore the stability of the shaft posi In the case of test runs with a smaller load, the calculated pres
tion during lifting and holding is limited when operating the sure will not occur (to be considered if switching monitors are
machine at low speed. In cases where lateral loads or other dis incorporated in the pressure pipe). Initial starting torques (due to
turbances occur, the shaft may get unbalanced and displaced, contact of solid masses) are considerably reduced particularly
which might result in wear. In these cases, it is possible to with heavy specific loads at rest. This is the case in trunnion
install two pockets which are situated symmetrically to the con bearings for tube mills and thrust bearings for vertical asynchro
tact line of shaft and bearing shell (fig. 242). It must be noted, nous motors.
however, that in this case, as well as for the fourlobe bearing,
the highpressure pump unit has to be designed in such a way
as to guarantee independant oil supply for the two lubricating A friction coeffizient of 0 = 0,1 ... 0,25 should be used to calcu
pockets. late the starting torques for bearings without a hydrostatic jack
ing system. This friction coefficient varies considerably and may
Output and Constant Supply Pressure exceed a value of 0 = 0,25 in individual cases, e.g. because of
poor surface quality and also negligent assembly work.
The highpressure pumps for hydrostatic lifting units are con
stant volume systems, i.e. they supply a defined oil throughput.
The maximum load carrying capacity of the system is deter The hydrostatic jacking device also prevents damage to the
mined by the maximum pump pressure, which is usually limited sliding surfaces during a prolonged slowdown time at a speed
to 20 MPa ( = 200 bar ). The maximum pump pressure occurs below the transitional speed. Transitional speed means that
during the starting process, due to the oil wedge being narrow number of revolutions when the region of hydrodynamic lubrica
when the bearing is still at rest. The beginning of the shaft lifting tion is left and mixedfilm lubrication with metaltometal con
thus involves a remarkable pressure surge. As soon as the oil tact begins.

The high pressure pump unit for the hydrostatic jacking should of selflubricated bearings a sufficient oil supply is still assured.
be designed in accordance with table 3. In such cases a pickup ring or a circulation pump may be nec
essary. To limit the effects eventually caused by mixedfilm
When selecting the pump it can be taken into account the lubrication, oils with MoS2 additives may be chosen. Please
quantity may deviate from the value given in the table by always consult RENK in this respect.
25%. Because of the pressure surge occuring at startup the
pump unit has to be designed for approx. 200 bar. For circulating oil lubrication the values indicated are based on
an oil inlet temperature of 40C.
Depending on service conditions and bearing geometry, a pres If lubricating oils of viscosity ISO VG 68 will be used, the curve
sure of p = (2.4 6) (N/mm2) in the oil pocket will adjust during of the next lower specific load has to be selected ( e.g. at exist
operation ( p = specific load). ing p = 2,2 N/mm2, , refer to p = 2,0 N/mm2 ).

Slowingdown of machines, particularly of those with selfcon If lubricating oils of viscosity ISO VG 32 will be used, the curve
tained lubrication, is often critical due to the fact that oil at of the next higher specific load has to be selected ( e.g. at exist
operating temperature with a lower viscosity than in cold state ing p = 2,2 N/mm2 , refer to p = 2,5 N/mm2 ).
is used for lubrication. Examples for machines with long slow
down times are blowers which are continuously turned by the
stack flue and turbine generator sets which must be turned in
order to avoid any heat distortion of the rotor. 3. Shafts and Thrust Collars
As often shafts and thrust collars are not supplied by RENK
2.4 Minimum Speeds Werk Hannover we hereafter give details on their manufacture
as well as a list of requirements which have to be met in order
Frequently, slidebearing supported machines or machine sets to assure safe operation of the bearings. Requirements with
are operated at turning speeds for a longer period, in order to regard to geometry and surface quality of slide bearings are by
assure cooling without any distortion to the rotor. This applies to no means lower to those applying to antifriction bearings.
steam turbines, tube mills and hotgas fans. In case there exists
no hydrostatic jacking device, a sufficient oil film thickness must 3.1 Material and Hardness
be assured by maintaining a certain minimum speed nmin .
The best material for the purpose is carbon steel (e.g. E295/ St
502, E335 / St 602 to DIN EN 10025 / DIN 17100; C 45 to DIN
From graph fig. 25 minimum speeds for oil viscosity ISO VG 46 EN 100832). Constructional steel qualities (e.g. S235JR / St 37
and ambient temperatures = 40C in function of shaft diameter 2, S355JO / St 523 to DIN EN 10025 / DIN 17100) should not
D and specific load p can directly be read. The minimum thick be used.
ness thus obtained is approx. 3...4 m. A condition for safe
operation at such a thin oil film thickness is excellent machining Several highalloy steel qualities allow hydrodynamic operation
of the shaft, i.e. surface quality and tolerances of form, degree only, if white metal, viscosity of oil and specific load are chosen
of accuracy 5 to DIN 31 699, in order to assure continuous in accordance. It is recommended to consult RENK Werk
operation without wear after a certain runningin period. If nmin is Hannover in any case.
required to be < 10/min, it must always be checked that in case

nmin Figure 25

Oil viscosity ISO VG 46

Ambient temperature = 40C


ISO VG 32 D = 200 mm
ISO VG 46 p = 2,2 N/mm2
oil ISO VG 46
ambient temperature = 40C
Nmin = 27,5/min

If lubricating oil ISO VG 46

will be used instead of
Nmin becomes = 31/min

With the use of ISO VG 68

Nmin becomes = 24/min

Minimum speed nmin = f (p, D) Shaft dia. (mm)

3.2 Manufacturing Process 3.3 Tolerances of form and position, surface quality
The most favourable method for making the radial bearing sur The tolerances of form and position for the radial part should at
faces is by circular grinding. Special care must be taken to least conform to degree of accuracy 10 and for the thrust part
avoid spiral machining grooves at the seal areas after the finish to degree 20 as per DIN 31 699.
grinding (fig. 26). Spiral grooves would create a pumping effect
in the seal of the bearing which could lead to oil leaks. The recommended values are given below:

t1 = Roundness (circularity),
permitted deviation 0,006 mm

t2 = Straightness
permitted deviation 0,010 mm

t3 = Parallelism
permitted deviation 0,02 mm

t4 = Runout (axial)
permitted deviation 0,012 mm

t5 = Flatness
permitted deviation 0,012 mm

t6 = Runout (radial)
Figure 26 Shaft seal with improper machining grooves permitted deviation 0,01 mm
(no indication in DIN standards)
Thrust collars can be forged on or machined from the solid or
fitted separately. For shrunkon collars the finish machining The former tolerance for cylindricity is no longer indicated, as it
should be carried out together with the shaft. is not possible to check it with normal measuring means. It has
been splitted in tolerance of roundness, straightness and paral
With separately manufactured collars which are not finished
machined on the shaft, the shaft shoulder must be manufac
tured with utmost care. The machining of the flat collar faces on Measuring methods and means are indicated in standard DIN
a surface grinding machine should not be carried out in the lon 316 70, part 8.
gitudinal direction because there would be the danger of grind
ing groove formation which, as they would partly be at right The surface roughness may be maximum Ra = 0,63 m in con
angels to the running direction, could have a damaging influ trary to DIN 316 99).
ence (fig. 27). Here flat grinding on the rotating collar is recom

wrong right
A Shaft for journal bearing B Shaft with two solid collars for
journal/thrust bearing loads in
both directions
Figure 27 Working surface of collars

In order to achieve very good working surfaces, separate collars

can be lapped on a level plane or an a lapping machine with the
aid of an appropriate paste.

It is essential that checking for flatness is carried out with a hair

line straight edge and with a micrometer gauge for true running
(fig. 28).

C Shaft with solid collar for journal/ D Shaft with solid collar for journal/
thrust bearing loads in both direc thrust bearing loads in one direc
tions tion

Figure 28 Checking the collars Figure 29 Form and position tolerances

Extract from the RENKStandard 124.31
Sleeve Bearing Fits
This Standard is in conformity with DIN 31 698, Issue April 1979

1. Scope 7. Tolerance Fields

This standard applies to slide bearings for general engineering 7.1 Size
applicatins and to a mean relative clearance of m = 0,56 to
3,15 . The size of the tolerance fileds is chosen in such a way that in
the case of the same mean relative bearing clearance m a
It does not apply to slide bearing shells and bushes which, by more or less the same maximum deviation form the relative
virtue of their particular nature, are not measured across the bearing clearances is not exceeded within a tolerance field,
diameter but across the wall thickness and which suffer dimen from the minimum to the maximum nominal dimension range.
sional changes as the result of compression. The downward limit is governded by economic production
The tolerance field for the shaft is 1 IT (basic tolerance in accor
2. Range of Application dance with DIN 7151) smaller than the tolerance field for the
Preferably, this standard is applied in the case of rotating corresponding bearing bore.
machine parts and shafting; it can be applied accordingly for
other ranges of applications.
7.2 Position
The position of the tolerance field in relation to the zero line is
3. Aim determined by the mean relative bearing clearance m.
This standard was prepared because with the ISO dimensions
according to DIN 7160 and DIN 7161, it is not possible to form
any clearance fits, which, based on the requirements of slide 7.3 Number
bearing technology, meet the mean relative bearing clearance
which is practically the same in all nominal dimension ranges. On tolerance field is formed for each of the following m values:
0,56; 0,8; 1,12; 1,32; 1,6; 1,9; 2,24; 3,15

4. Further Valid Standards

DIN 7161 ISO dimensions for internal dimensions 7.4 Symbols
(bores), for nominal dimensions from
The symbol for the relative bearing clearance is .
1 to 500 mm
Taking into account the limitations fo computer printers and
DIN 7172 part 2 (draft standard) ISO tolerances and
typewriters, PSI is used instead of the Greek letter .
ISO dimensions for linear dimensions from
500 to 3150 mm; permissible deviations.

8. Nominal Dimension Ranges

5. Classification of Fits The nominal dimension ranges are more closly graduated than
in DIN 7160 and DIN 7172 part 2 (draft standard) so that the
basic bore
maximum deviation from the mean relative bearing clearances
Tolerance field H for bearing bore in accordance with DIN 7161 m is kept within narrower limits.
and DIN 7172 part 2 (draft standard). The tolerance field for the
shaft corresponds to the mean relative bearing clearance m .
9. Dimensions
6. Mean Relative Bearing Clearance The shaft dimenions are contained in the table 4 on page 13.
The mean relative bearing clearance m in of a nominal
dimension range is obtained from: 10. Minimum and Maximum Clearances
Sm The minimum and maximum clearance between shaft and bear
m =
Dm ing bore which is necessary for calculating the slide bearings is
contained in the table 4 on page 13 together with the shaft
where: dimensions.
Sm is the mean absolute bearing clearance in m
maximum clearance + minimum clearance 11. Example
2 Shaft fit 200 mm for a mean bearing clearance
Dm is the arithmetic mean of the nominal dimension range in m = 1,12 : 200 PSI 1,12

Nominal shaft Permissible deviations of the shaft 1) Maximum/minimum clearance between shaft dia. 2) 3)
range in m and bearing bore in m
[mm] for m in for m in

over up to 0,56 0,8 1,12 1,32 1,6 1,9 2,24 3,15 0,56 0,8 1,12 1,32 1,6 1,9 2,24 3,15
 15  23  29  37  45  51  76 30 38 44 52 60 73 98
25 30  17  29  35  43  51  60  85 15 23 29 37 45 51 76
 17  27  34  43  48  59  89 35 45 52 61 75 86 116
30 35  24  34  41  50  59  70  100 17 27 34 43 48 59 89
 12  21  33  36  47  58  71  105 30 39 51 63 74 85 98 132
35 40  19  28  40  47  58  69  82  116 12 21 33 36 47 58 71 105
 14  25  34  43  55  67  82  120 31 43 61 70 82 94 109 147
40 45  21  32  45  54  66  78  93  131 14 25 34 43 55 67 82 120
 18  25  40  50  63  77  93  136 36 52 67 76 90 104 120 163
45 50  25  36  51  60  74  88  104  147 18 25 40 49 63 77 93 136
 19  26  43  53  68  84  102  149 40 58 75 85 100 116 144 181
50 55  27  39  56  66  81  97  115  162 19 26 43 53 68 84 102 149
 22  30  48  60  76  93  113  165 43 62 80 92 108 125 145 197
55 60  30  43  61  73  89  106  126  178 22 30 48 60 76 93 113 165
 20  36  57  70  80  99  121  180 53 68 90 102 129 148 170 229
60 70  33  49  70  83  99  118  140  199 20 36 57 70 80 99 121 180
 26  44  60  75  96  118  144  212 58 76 109 124 145 167 193 261
70 80  39  57  79  94  115  137  163  231 26 44 60 75 96 118 144 212
 29  50  67  84  108  133  162  239 66 87 124 141 165 190 219 296
80 90  44  65  89  106  130  155  184  261 29 50 67 84 108 133 162 239
 35  58  78  97  124  152  184  271 72 95 135 154 181 209 241 328
90 100  50  73  100  119  146  174  206  293 35 58 78 97 124 152 184 271
 40  56  89  110  140  171  207  302 77 113 146 167 197 228 264 359
100 110  55  78  111  132  162  193  229  324 40 56 89 110 140 171 207 302
 36  64  100  122  156  190  229  334 93 121 157 180 213 247 286 391
110 120  60  86  122  145  178  212  251  356 36 64 100 122 156 190 229 334
 40  72  113  139  176  215  259  377 105 137 178 204 241 280 324 442
120 140  65  97  138  164  201  240  284  402 40 72 113 139 176 215 259 377
 52  88  136  166  208  253  304  440 117 153 201 231 273 318 369 505
140 160  77  113  161  191  233  278  329  465 52 88 136 166 208 253 304 440
 63  104  158  192  240  291  348  503 128 179 223 257 305 356 413 568
160 180  88  129  183  217  265  316  373  528 63 104 158 192 240 291 348 503
 69  115  175  213  267  324  388  561 144 190 250 288 342 399 463 636
180 200  98  144  204  242  296  353  417  590 69 115 175 213 267 324 388 581
 82  133  201  243  303  366  439  632 157 208 276 318 378 441 514 707
200 225  111  162  230  272  332  395  468  661 82 133 201 243 303 366 439 632
 96  153  229  276  343  414  495  711 171 228 304 351 418 489 570 786
225 250  125  182  258  305  372  443  524  740 96 153 229 276 343 414 495 711
 106  170  255  308  382  462  552  793 190 254 339 392 466 546 636 877
250 280  138  202  287  340  414  494  584  825 106 170 255 308 382 462 552 793
 125  196  291  351  434  523  624  895 209 280 375 435 518 607 708 979
280 315  157  228  323  383  466  555  656  927 125 196 291 351 434 523 624 895
 141  222  329  396  490  590  704  1009 234 315 422 489 583 683 799 1102
315 355  177  258  365  432  526  626  740  1045 141 222 329 396 490 590 704 1009
 164  256  376  452  558  671  799  1143 258 349 469 545 651 764 892 1236
355 400  201  292  412  488  594  707  835  1179 165 256 376 452 558 671 799 1143
 187  289  425  510  629  756  901  1287 290 392 528 613 732 859 1004 1390
400 450  227  329  465  550  669  796  941  1327 187 289 425 510 629 756 901 1287
 215  329  481  576  709  851  1013  1445 318 432 584 679 812 954 1116 1548
450 500  255  369  520  616  749  891  1053  1485 215 329 481 576 709 851 1013 1445
 240  367  537  643  791  950  1130  1613 354 481 651 757 905 1064 1244 1727
500 560  284  411  581  687  835  994  1174  1657 240 367 537 643 791 950 1130 1613
 276  419  609  728  895  1074  1276  1852 390 533 723 842 1009 1188 1390 1966
560 630  320  463  653  772  939  1118  1320  1896 276 419 609 728 895 1074 1276 1852
 310  471  685  819  1007  1208  1436  2046 440 601 815 949 1137 1338 1566 2176
630 710  360  521  735  869  1057  1258  1486  2096 310 471 685 819 1007 1208 1436 2046
 358  539  781  932  1143  1370  1626  2313 488 669 911 1062 1273 1500 1756 2443
710 800  408  589  831  982  1193  1420  1676  2363 358 539 781 932 1143 1370 1626 2313
 403  607  879  1049  1287  1542  1831  2605 549 753 1025 1195 1433 1688 1977 2751
800 900  459  663  935  1105  1343  1598  1887  2661 403 607 879 1049 1287 1542 1831 2605
 459  687  991  1181  1447  1732  2055  2920 605 833 1137 1327 1593 1878 2201 3066
900 1000  515  743  1047  1237  1503  1788  2111  2976 459 687 991 1181 1447 1732 2055 2920
 508  763  1102  1314  1611  1929  2289  3254 679 934 1273 1485 1782 2100 2460 3425
1000 1120  574  829  1168  1380  1677  1995  2355  3320 508 765 1102 1314 1611 1929 2289 3254
 578  863  1242  1479  1811  2166  2569  3647 749 1034 1413 1650 1982 2337 2740 3818
1120 1250  644  929  1308  1545  1877  2232  2635  3713 578 863 1242 1479 1811 2166 2569 3647

1) The permissible deviations of shaft dimensions correspond to IT 4 2) The maximum and minimum clearance for the shaft/bearing bore fit
above the graduation line, IT 5 between the graduation lines and corresponds to IT 4/H 5 above the graduation line, IT 5/H6 between
IT 6 below the graduation line. the graduation lines and IT 6/H7 below the graduation line.

Table 4

If the form and position tolerances cannot be maintained due to high shaft temperature within the bearing in case of heat
the large dimensions of the journal or due to manufacturing transfer through the shaft
problems RENK Werk Hannover should be consulted regarding
wider tolerances which they may be able to allow in the special considerable elastic deformation through loading of the
case under consideration. bearing
particularly high or low viscosity lubricants
In case of extreme operating conditions (high degree of bearing
utilization), the bearing manufacturer may possibly require thermal deformation or greatly varying expansion of journals
degree of accuracy 5 (DIN 316 99). and bearing shells

The fitter is the last specialist to see shaft surfaces before shafts limitation of the inclination of gear shafts.
are fitted into the bearing. He should therefore pay very careful For bearings with selfcontained lubrication (oil ring), with natu
attention to surfaces being clean, smooth and even, true to ral or water cooling, a relative bearing clearance of m = 1,9
dimensions and undamaged. Any necessary retouching work is recommended when the bearing is installed at 2pole electric
should be carried out during this assembly stage, though it may machines.
involve expenses and some delay. Nevertheless it could be
much more costeffective than a dismantling for trouble caused 3.5 Determination of ColdState Bearing Clearance in Case
by overlooked or ignored defects during processoperation.
of Heat Transfer into the Bearing through the Shaft
3.4 Dimensions, Bearing Clearances Any external heat transferred into the bearing through the shaft
changes to a certain extent the operating conditions compared
In the case of M and I type slide bearings, the shafts are princi with the calculation basics. An adaptation by reducing the shaft
pally made according to the basic shaft system with tolerance diameter is required.
fields h6 and h8 in accordance with DIN 7160. The necessary
bearing clearance is achieved by the tolerance field of the bore. The calculation method described hereafter has to be used:
Please observe the existing literature in this respect. These 1. determine mean bearing clearance m according to table 5.
types of bearings are used as secondary bearings and are nor m = f (D, v and shape of bore)
mally not subject to high demands.
2. determine absolute minimum and maximum clearance
As far as the other types are concerned, the bearing bores are according to DIN 31 698, table 4.
made according to the basic bore system specified in DIN 7161,
with tolerance field H. The bearing clearance is included in the 3. determine decrease of clearance caused by thermal expan
shaft tolerance. The shaft tolerances for eight different relative sion of the shaft:
bearing clearances m can be obtained from DIN 31 698 (pages s = f (D and shaft temperature)
12 and 13). assuming a mean bearing shell temperature of 75C.
In way of the bearings, the expected shaft temperature due
In case of normal operating conditions the recommendations as to heat transfer during operation must not exceed:
per table 5 apply for the selection of the mean bearing clear
ance m in function of the peripheral speed v and the bore a) 80C with natural cooling
b) 100C with water cooling
This table does not take into account any extraordinary factors
c) 150C with circulating oil
such as, for example:

nominal m [] for v [m/s]

Shape of bore diameter
[mm] ... 3 > 3 ... 10 > 10 ... 25 > 25 .. 50 > 50 ... 125

... 100 1,32 1,6 1,9 2,24

plain cyclindrical bore > 100 ... 250 1,12 1,32 1,6 1,9

> 250 ... 500 1,12 1,12 1,32 1,6

> 500 0,8 1,12 1,32 1,32

... 100 1,6 1,9 1,9

twolobe bore > 100 ... 250 1,32 1,6 1,9

> 250 1,12 1,32 1,6

fourlobe bore 1,32 1,6 1,9

... 100 0,8 1,12 1,12 1,32

journal tilting pads with > 100 ... 250 0,8 0,8 1,12 1,12

adjustable bearing clearance (EV) > 250 ... 500 0,56 0,8 0,8 1,12

> 500 0,56 0,56 0,8 0,8

... 100 1,32 1,6 1,9 1,9

journal tilting pads with > 100 ... 250 1,32 1,6 1,6 1,9

fixed bearing clearance > 250 ... 500 1,12 1,32 1,6 1,9

> 500 1,12 1,32 1,6 1,6

The table shows bearings with twolobe bores the mean vertical relative clearance.
Normally a clearance ratio of = hor / vert 2 ... 2,75 is selected.
Table 5 Selection of mean bearing clearance

4. The reduction of clearance s allows together with bearing clearance by two stages is necessary to compensate
DIN 31 698 the determination of the required coldstate for the effect of heat transfer through the shaft in way of the
bearing clearance which may result one, two or three stages bearing.
higher. Permissible deviations of the shaft min.  171 max.  193 per
This coldstate bearing clearance represents the basis for the table 4.
selection of the shaft dimension.
Example 4. Whitemetals
bearing bore diameter: D = 110 mm For the running surfaces of the slide RENK use mainly high per
expected shaft temperature in way of the bearing: 130C centage tin alloys, in special cases lead alloys, according to the
T = (130 75) K = 55 K, 1 = 11,1 . 106 ( ) works standards.
mm . K
N = 1500 min , v = 8,6 m/s
1 The following three alloys are used:
1. mean bearing clearance m per table 5 RENKmetal therm 89 Tinbased whitemetal, leadfree and
1,32 low in heavy metals
2. bearing clearance during operation and therefore basis for RENKmetal therm V80 Tinbased whitemetal, leadfree, with
bearing calculation: hardening and tempering alloying
Smin = 110 mm, Smax = 167 mm per table 4 constituents
3. S = D . T . 1 RENKmetal therm V6 Leadbased whitemetal with
hardening and tempering alloying
= 110 . 55 . 11,1 . 106 mm
= 0,0671 mm
Several factors have to be taken into account when choosing
= 67 m the whitemetal.
When manufacturing the shaft, the diameter has to be reduced
First of all the maximum admissible temperature has to be taken
by this figure.
into account. In the case of whitemetals therm V6 and therm
Smin (kalt) = 110 + 67 = 177 m
V80 with lower softening points of 240C and 235C , respec
Smax (kalt) = 167 + 67 = 234 m
tively, the peak temperature in the whitemetal must not exceed
The above calculated values for Smin (kalt) and Smax (kalt) corre 150C. Higher temperatures would lead to plastic deformation
spond to approx. m = 1,9 , i.e. an increase of the coldstate of the whitemetal even with small loads.

Name RENKmetal RENKmetal RENKmetal

therm 89 therm V80 therm V6

Chemical composition in percentage [%]

Alloying constituents Sn 88 ... 90 79 .. 81 5 ... 7
Pb 73 ... 79
Sb 7 ... 8 11 ... 13 14 ... 16
Cu 3 ... 4 5 ... 6 0,8 ... 1,2
As 0,1 0,4 ... 0,6 0,3 ... 0,8
Cd 1,0 ... 1,4 0,6 ... 1,2
Ni 0,2 ... 0,4 0,2 ... 0,5
Admissible additives Bi 0,08 0,08
Pb 0,06 0,06
Fe 0,01 0,01 0,01
Al 0,005 0,005 0,005
Zn 0,005 0,005 0,005
other together 0,02 0,02 0,02
Technological properties
Density [kg/dm3] 7,3 7,34 9,84
Modulus of elasticity E [N/mm2] 56500 52500 29900
Poisson number [] 0,33 0,33 0,44
0,2%crushing yield point Rd0.2 [N/mm2] at 20C 47 80 46
50C 44 73 43
100C 27 48 26
Compressive / upsetting strength RdSch [N/mm2] at 20C 48 70 46
60C 38 56 36
100C 28 38 24
Impact fatigue strength very high medium low
Brinell hardness HB 10/250/180 at 20C 22 35 25
50C 17 27 21
100C 11 17 14
Coefficient of linear expansion 1 [106 K1] 23,9 20,2 24,7
Melting temperature [C] 233 .. 360 235 ... 390 240 ... 400
Casting temperature [C] 460 520 520

Table 6 Whitemetals, composition and physical properties

The peak temperatures specified are not the admissible bear attain the theoretical values in practical working, the oil must be
ing temperatures specified in regulations and guidelines. These of the viscosity prescribed by us. The viscosity is given for each
are usually considerably lower and refer to the socalled mean of the different versions in the acknowledgement of order or in
bearing temperature or to measurement of the oil sump tem the instructions of assembly, operation and maintenance sup
perature only. plied.
One advantage of the tin based whitemetals therm V 80 is the We strongly recommend to follow our suggestions without
higher fatigue strength. Die hchste Dauerschlagbiegefestigkeit exception and keep informed all those responsible for the initial
erreicht der Lagerwerkstoff therm 89. startup and those in subsequent daytoday charge of the
Other criteria which have to be taken into account in individual
cases are hardness, crusing yield point, compressive strength If additivetreated and synthetic oils are used, please ensure
and upsetting strength. that these will not attack the whitemetal used (see acknowl
edgement of order) and that they will not coke if heated by
immersion heaters.

5.2 Definition of Viscosity

German Standards Specifications (DIN 1342) define viscosity as
Viscosity is the property of the flowing (mainly fluid or
gaseous) medium of being able to take up the stress in any
deformation, the stress being related to the deformation
speed. The stress can also be regarded as the cause of a
deformation speed.
5. Lubrication
5.1 General 5.3 Viscosity/Temperature (V/T) Reaction of Lubricating Oil
RENK slide bearings for horizontal shafts can be operated as The behaviour viscosity/temperature cannot be defined by sim
self lubricating bearings by means of oil rings of oil discs also ple regularities. It can be shown best in the form of graphs. In
with additional circulating oil if necessary or with circulating oil the Niemann V/T graph and DIN 51 519 (fig. 30) the dynamic
lubrication alone. viscosities of usual lubricants are entered in relation to the tem
Oil discs are fitted to the shaft for up to 17,5 m/s peripheral
speed at their outer diameter and oil rings are fitted for up to From the graph it will be seen that the viscosity decreases con
approx. 20 m/s These rings/discs are also often fitted as a pre siderably as the temperature rises.
caution against failure of an external circulating oil supply;
because with them the plant can be brought to a stop without
fear of damage. 5.4 Selection of Viscosity Classes of Lubricating Oils
For emergency operation of bearings with lubrication by circu As a general recommendation for the selection fo the ISO class
lating oil, oil rings may be used for a peripheral shaft speed up of viscosity (ISO VG) the following table 7 was made up. The
to 26 m/s, oil discs up to a peripheral speed of 20 m/s at the table does not take into account any unusual influences or
discs outer diameter. It must be observed that in such a case, requirements, such as
oil rings serve as a protection for the radial part only. Thrust
bearings subjected to heavy loads require a special emergency high shaft temperature by heat transfer into the bearing
oil supply. high oil inlet temperature
Generally any branded mineral oil of low foaming tendency and operation at turning speeds for long periods
good resistance to ageing can be used for lubrication purpose
provided that it has the viscosity prescribed by RENK Hannover. especially high or low ambient temperatures
If for any reason it is necessary to use an oil of different viscosi low power losses, in order to operate the bearing with self
ty, RENK Werk Hannover should be informed because if the contained lubrcation also at higher speeds
deviation in viscosity is considerable the bearing would have to
be redesigned to different calculations. In critical cases or reasons of standardisation or in compliance
with users requests other oil viscosities may be chosen. In each
In the design calculation of RENK slide bearings a certain oper case it is necessary to confirm the selection with a bearing cal
ating temperature is taken as the basis. Therefore in order to culation.

[N/mm2] for v [m/s] =
... 3 > 3 ... 10 > 10 ... 25 > 25 ... 50 > 50 ...

... 1,25 68 46 46 32 32

> 1,25 ... 2,5 100 68 46 46 32

> 2,5 150 100 68 46 46

Table 7 v = sliding velocity of the shaft or mean sliding velocity of the collar

For selflubricated Ebearings (with loose oil ring) with natural or water cooling, lubricating oil ISO VG 32 is recommended for the
use with 2pole electric motors.

E mm2/s (cSt)

for = 900 kg/m3

= 0,9 kg/m3
Viscosity in mPa .s (cP)

Temperature in C
Figure 30 Viscositytemperaturegraph for mineral oils
(with reference to G. Niemann and DIN 51 519)

6. Bearing Temperatures Needle thermometers, where the expansion of the liq
uid pressurises a Bourdon tube and where the expansion is
6.1 Admissible Bearing Temperatures transmitted to the shaft of the thermometer by means of a pin
Considering the operating life of lubricating oils and the heat ion.
resistance of white metals we make the following suggestions Where a heat sensor and display unit are fitted separately, they
for admissible temperatures of our bearings: are linked by means of a capillary tube. This must never be
opened up, since it forms an integral part of the system.
a) measurements with standard thermoprobes in the oil flow or
respectively in the oil bath:

Tlim = 80C 6.3.2 Measurement using Electrical Thermometers

b) measurement with standard thermoprobes in the loaded Thermocouples, as the name indicates, are elements,
zone of the bearing shell: where the soldered junction of two wires made from different
materials produces a voltage, the magnitude of which depends
Tlim = 90C on the temperature, where this voltage can be read using a volt
meter calibrated in temperature units.
c) measurements with goodquality thermoprobes which are
carefully built in and have metallic contact for certain with The advantage of thermocouples is that they are very small and
the bearing shell in the loaded zone: that they are suitable for very high temperatures; their disadvan
tage is the larger measuring error compared with resistance
Tlim = 110C thermometers and the need to use socalled compensated
leads between thermocouples and measuring instruments,
d) precise measurements with resistance thermometers (possi
which must be made from the same materials as the thermo
bly also with thermocouples or other measuring instruments)
couple itself, since the junctions would otherwise represent
in approx. 1...3 mm distance from the bond compound sur
another thermocouple in itself. Compensate leads can only be
face steel/whitemetal in the zone of maximum temperature:
avoided if a measuring transducer is fitted directly to the ther
Tlim = 125C mocouple. Thermocouples age and change their measuring
characteristics. This ageing cannot be predicted.
If, due to hydrodynamic calculation, the peak temperatures are
to be expected higher than 125C bearing metals and lubricat Resistance thermometers are frequently used, and for this rea
ing oils should be carefully selected. In that case for bearings son they will be dealt with in detail here.
with high loadings and high speeds temperatures of up to
Since these are electrical or electronic methods, the description
Tlim = 150C which follows which is not intended to be scientifically accu
may be allowed. rate is meant for easy understanding and relates specifically to
the Pt 100 sensors in use in Europe.
If Installation or Survey Instructions or specific guidelines state
maximum admissibe temperatures the relevant measuring The principle of temperature measuring using resistance ther
points have to be considered. mometers is based on the measurement of the electrical resist
Extremely low admissible bearing temperatures as sometimes ance of a measuring resistance in the temperature sensor. The
required often result from measurements in the oil sump or at electrical resistance is a function of temperature i.e. the tem
the oil outlet and cannot be compared with the temperatures peraturedependent change of the electrical resistance of the
taken in the loaded zone of the bearing. conductor (measuring resistor) is used for the determination of
the temperature.

Materials with a large temperature coefficient are used for a

6.2 Alarm and ShutDown Temperatures measuring resistor. In addition great care is taken to ensure that
the materials do not age in the temperature range in which they
Basis for the initial setting of alarm and shutdown temperatures
are used. For this reason platinum (Pt 100) is mainly used. 100
is the calculated operating temperature. However this calcula
means that this measuring resistance has a resistance of 100
tion of operating temperature must take into consideration the
Ohms () at a temperature of 0C.
highest possible site ambient, and/or oil inlet temperature, as
well as the maximum speed and relevant loadings.
In accordance with DIN 43760 there must be a resistance ratio
The alarm temperature should be set 10 K higher than the cal of R100/R0 = 1,385, i.e. at 100C the resistance is 138,5 Ohms.
culated bearing temperature and the shutdowntemperature
approx. 20 K higher. The characteristics curve of the measuring resistance is defined
If, after startup of the machine, the actual bearing temperatures in accordance with the equation:
are considerably higher than those calculated (e.g. by heat
transfer to the bearings), the measured values will serve as the RT = 100 (1 + 3,90802 . 103 T 0,580195 . 106 . T2)
new basis for setting the alarm and shutdown temperatures,
this however, only after having consulted RENK. The values where RT [] is the resistance at temperature T [C].
should be rounded off to figures ending in 5s or 10s.
For the display unit it is also possible to provide a digital display
with LED (illuminated) or LCD (dark).

6.3 Temperature Measurements A more elaborate version of the display is the regulator (fig. 31).
Generally the following types of temperature measurement are A regulator (generally an electronic unit) can be designed as a
used in engineering: single, two or three point regulator. It is then possible to use
these points as switching points. They actuate a limit switch
6.3.1 Measurements Using LiquidFilled Thermometers once the set temperature has been reached. This contact can Bar and angle thermometers facilitating direct reading be used for any signalling and regulating purpose.
of the liquid column along a linear scale.

Some regulators are also provided with an output to which a
temperature chart recorder can be connected.

It is possible to have a 2, 3 or 4wire circuit between the tem

perature sensor and the display or regulator, in accordance with
the circuit diagrams given on our type sheets.

To be able to use our standard thermoprobes the 3 and 4wire

circuit should begin in the connecting head. With the sensor
lengths usually used in slide bearings a difference of approx.
0,1 K results directly at the measuring resistor which represents
a figure below the measuring accuracy of the instrument. Figure 32 Resistance thermometer Pt 100 flexible

Measured value/Set point display

Switch position indicator
Figure 33 Screwin type resistance thermometer Pt 100

Figure 34 Sheathed resistance thermometer Pt 100

7. Heat Dissipation, Cooling

Selector for changeover from
measured value to set point
Set point adjuster 7.1 Radiation and Convection (Natural Cooling)
In many cases radiation and convection will be sufficient to limit
the bearing temperature.
Figure 31 Regulator with digital display The temperature of the ambient air must be taken into account
in the design stage. In most cases it will be impossible to pro
tect the bearing from the ambient temperature. The ambient
temperature has a direct influence on the heatup of the bear

Our scope of supply merely consists of the heat sensor which is 7.2. ForcedAir Convection Cooling
supplied in the form of a flexible Pt 100 unit according to type
specification RH 1016 (fig. 32), as a screwin type resistance Forced air convection cooling is a better form of cooling. It is
thermometer in accordance with type sheet RH 1015 (fig. 33) induced by the speedup of air movement over the bearing
and as a sheathed resistance thermometer in accordance with housing by means of fans on the shaft or by separately installed
type sheet RH 1036 (fig. 34). blowers. Care must however be taken to see that no oil is
drawn out of the seals by vacuum action. (Special seals or pro
These resistance thermometers are products which are manu tections are available. See the section on Seals.)
factured specifically for our application by wellknown German If, in the case of slide bearings with natural cooling or forced
manufacturers. For this reason they are generally more suitable convection cooling, the atmospheric temperature increases by
for the temperature measurement with slide bearings than stan Tamb , then the bearing temperature will also increase at the
dard products. same time.

Display and regulating instruments do not normally form part of The temperature rise TB in the slide bearing can be roughly
our scope of supply, since they are generally installed in a con estimated with the aid of the approximation formula
trol panel which is central for the entire installation. However we TB = 0,7 . Tamb
shall be pleased to supply such units to special order.

7.3 Water Cooling 7.5 External Oil Supply
In cases of higher peripheral speeds where the oil supply by
means of oil rings/discs is still sufficient, but the heat generated An external oil supply (lubrication by oil circulation from an
in the bearing or transferred through the shaft can no longer be external system) is necessary when ring/disc lubrication lf the
dissipated through the housing surface, water cooling can be bearing cannot function any more due to exceeding the admis
used. sible peripheral speed or when great frictions losses and/or heat
transfer through the shaft are demanding external oil cooling. In
Two kinds of water cooling have proved to be very efficient: general bearings should always be connected to oil supply sys
Water cooling through cooling channels cast in the base and tems where a system is already installed and contains oil suit
enclosed by a plate (Series Slide Bearings Type M and I) or able for the bearing. in such cases, the oil rings/discs some
cooling coils of smooth or finned tubing inserted into the oil times may replace standby pumps.
sump (Series Slide Bearings Type E , EV, SN, DN and VD [fig.
35]). Gear bearing shells are always supplied with oil from the oil cir
culating system of the gear box. Ensure compatibility of the
mostly highalloyed oils with the whitemetal. The precalculated
oil quantity required by the bearing must be available.

Depending on the particular requirements, oilsupplying systems

can be extremely varied in design (fig. 37). In principle such a
system consists of an oil container capable of taking at least 5
times the throughput of the pump in one minute. To calculate
the volume of the container it must also be taken into consider
ation that, depending on the length and cross section of the
piping system, a more or less large quantity of oil is in circula
tion, and this must be accommodated in the container when the
plant is stopped. Even when the plant is working there must still
be an adequate quantity in the container as the recycled oil
mostly carries air with it which must be separated before the oil
is recirculated. A point to watch is that any coating applied with
in the container should be oilproof. Epoxy resinbased two pack
paints have proved their suitability for this purpose.

Figure 35 Bearing with water cooling Varnish dissolved in oil can cause damage!
The discharge of the water should be pressureless. The cooling According to the working requirements one or several pump
circuit must be drainable. units (i.e. pumps with their motors coupled to them) are mount
If seawater is to be used the materials for the cooling coils must ed to the container.
be special for the purpose such as CuZn20AAlF40 or
CuNi10Fe. The channels cast in the base of the bearing are not For simple systems in which operation can be stopped on
seawater resistant. pump failure without a prolonged slowdown time or in which
during slowdown the oil supply is assured by oil rings/discs,
CuNi30Fe, stainless steel or titanium are special materials used one pump unit would be sufficient.
for certain specific applications.
The speed of water should not exceed 1,5 m/s in order to avoid For systems with prologend rundown times and those installed
damage by cavitation particularly in pipe bends, customers in plants which require to be in continuous operation and which
must fit the corresponding control valves. have no rings/discs to keep the lubrication going, a second
pump is provided as standby.
7.4 Finned Housing Surface
Where the safety requirements are stringent (e.g. for mine venti
The finning on the housing surface (fig. 36) is advantageous for lators) a third pump unit is installed.
backing up the two forms of cooling described.
The main pump unit which ensures the oil supply during normal
operation is supplied with electrical power from the mains. The
second pump (and, where applicable, the third), as standby,
must be driven by a source of energy which is independent of
the mains (emergency 3phase current, DC, compressed air).

If, during operation, the oil supply is assured by a shaftdriven

pump, care must be taken that the motordriven startup pump
does not switch off until the shaftdriven pump delivers an ade
quate quantitiy of oil of the required pressure.

The exclusive oil supply by means of a shaftdriven pump is

only possible if during the starting phase the bearings can be
supplied with lubricating oil by an oil ring/disc.

For plants operated solely on circulating oil ist must be assured

that the lubricating oil pumps do not cut the supply off until the
rotating masses come finally to a stop (this particularly applies
to great mass inertia moments with prolonged slowdown
Figure 36 Finned bearing housing

tank ventilation gear pump nonreturn valve

level control pressure limiting valve otil pressure gauge

contact pressure gauge flow switch filter

oillevel gauge tank heater twin filter

shutoff valve flow regulating valve

Figure 37 Oil supply system switch diagram for fluid media

Also take into account that directly coupled pumps deliver oil The difference in level between the bearings and the container
only up to a certain minimum speed. In this case the electric should be such that the recycling pipelines can be laind at an
motor driven pump must be switched on again for the slow inclination of approx. 15 (approx. height difference of 25 cm in
down or, if possible, the lubrication must be guaranteed by oil 100 cm length).
Also, it is advantageous to begin the recycling pipeline with a
Especially for highly loaded bearings see that the circulating oil greater inclination directly at the bearing.
system comes into operation before the plant starts up. This will
avoid the danger of dry running. If the oil supply system is placed outofdoor, it must be pro
tected against atmospheric influences (heat, frost, rain, wind) in
order to avoid fluctuations in temperature which could lead to
7.6 Installation of the Oil Supply System (fig. 38) failure of the equipment.

The oil supply system should be installed in such a way that the
pipelines to and from the bearings are of equal or nearly equal 7.7 Pipelines
lengths. For inlet pipelines use precision steel tubes to DIN 2391 or steel
tubes to DIN 2448 and for connection use dutting rings or
The pipe bends, Tpieces etc. in the piping must be measured annealed cast iron fittings. The pipelines may be bent and weld
and added to make the total pipelength. The viscosity of the oil ed if required by the working conditions (vibrations which could
must be noted in the calculation of pipeline resistances. The oil cause leakage, safety rules and regulations etc.) The crosssec
quantities must also be delivered in the case of a cold start (see tion should be such that the flow speed does not exeed
V/TGraph, page 18 for appropriate viscosity). 1,5 m/s.

For the return lines steel piping to DIN 2448 is practically exclu Never leave the slide bearing in rinsingoil circulation otherwise
sively used due to the required large crosssection. Instead of dissolved particles of undesirable matter could enter the bearing
pipe fittings use pipe bends of as greatest possible radii in order and settle as a deposit in front of jets and pockets causing
to reduce pipeline resistance. Junctions in return lines are to be irreparable damage to the plant.
tangential to the flow (fig. 38). The crosssections should be
selected in such a way that the flow speeds do not exceed After rinsing clean the filters.
0,15 m/s, based on the full pipe cross section.

When the slope in the return lines, for design or constructional

reasons, cannot be laid at an angle of inclination of 15 the 7.8 Oil Pumps
crosssections must be selected correspondingly greater (larger
cross section just behind the bearing connection). Too slight a The oil supply systems are in nearly every case equipped with
slope or/and to small a crosssection causes a dammingup gear pumps. The direction of rotation of the motor generally
effect which in turn can cause overflowing of the bearing and determines the conveying direction of the pump, therefore
leakages. check the electrical connections to the motor in order to obtain
the desired direction of rotation. The direction of rotation is indi
It is inappropriate only to lay pipes vertically and horizontally for cated by an arrow.
aesthetic reasons. Not only the difference in level of the pipe but
also the actual angle of the pipe is to be regarded as the gradi Before initial setting into operation fill the pump with oil. It must
ent. never be allowed to run in dry state.
Heattreated (welded and hot bent) and/or internally rusted pip Some pumps are fitted with overflow valves which return small
ing and/or piping very dirty on the inside must be pickled before excess quantities to the suction end. The maximum pressure
pipeline laying. can be set with these valves. Large quantities of oil should not
be allowed to flow through these valves because the oil entering
Attention! the circuit heats up considerably.
Wear protective clothing (rubber apron, rubber boots, rubber
gloves) ! Wear eyeshielding glasses ! If the suction of the pump ceases, inspect all seals and gaskets
of the pump and replace by new ones where necessary.
Check the current regulations governing the allowed concentra
tion of alkalis and acids in drainwater. Before releasing any Suction heights of over 1,5 m are to be avoided (in long hori
residue of either of the above solutions take steps to ensure zontally laid suction lines the pipeline resistance has to be
that the valid Environmental Regulations are observed. added to the suction height).
After installing the pipelines, rinse the whole of the oil circulation Suction pipes of pumps placed at a distance from the bearings
system to prevent dirt or impurities penetrating into the bearing must be executed as short as possible and with minimum pipe
and the pipefittings, using kerozene or rinsing oil. It is essential resistance. Information about it will be furnished by the supplier
to remove all measuring gauges and fitments (e.g. pressure of the pump.
monitors, flowmeters) and to closeup the connections for them.

flow regulating valve

flow meter
inlet line
outlet line flow regulating valve
large crosssection

control valve
thermometer for oil
contact for heating

pressure switch
pressure gauge

oillevel gauge immersion heater

Figure 38 Diagramm of an oil supply system

7.9 Oil Coolers, Oil Filters 8. Protection against External Influences
Oil coolers and oil filters causing pressure losses must always
be fitted to the pressure end. Because of the large number of 8.1 Heat of radiation
different types, only basic rules can be given here; otherwise
please refer to the special fitting and operating instructions of Protection against heat of radiation is nearly always possible. In
the particular manufacturer. most cases an asbestos layered screen placed between the
heat source and the bearing will be found to be sufficient. Heat
The water is to be connected to the oil cooler so that it cannot of radiation can heat the housing considerably and will prevent
freeze, even with the water circulation shut of (fit drainage dissipation of friction heat into the surrounding air.
pipes). It is not possible to maintain the circulation of the water
because of the low oil temperature existing in this case.

Where hard water is used for oil cooling, the water system of 8.2 HeatTransfer through the Shaft
the cooler must be decalcified from time to time. Heat transfer through the shaft must be avoided as far as possi
ble. Therefore, cooling discs (fig. 39) which will prevent heat
In line with the operating conditions (degree of contamination of transfer into the bearing through the shaft have to be arranged
the oil) filters must be cleaned according to the instructions of in the shaft section between the area of heat absorption and the
the manufacturer. bearing area.
In the majority of installations, twin changeover filters are used Attention: If the cooling disc is placed too close to the bearing,
so that whilst one filter is in operation, the second filter can be negative pressure is created in front of the shaft outlet which
cleaned without interrupting operation. may lead to oil leakage.
Mesh size of the filters to be 15 ... 25 m. For this reason fig. 39 shows a bolton baffle as per fig. 45
arranged on the side towards the cooling disc.

7.10 Fittings and Monitoring Gauges

Fittings and monitoring gauges should be mounted according to
manufacturers instructions and (where applicable) incorporated
into the electrical system as indicated in the circuit diagram.

Attention should be paid to the correct mounting position and

flow direction, where rules for these are given.

Never incorporate into the line between pump and bearing any
valves, taps or stopcocks which are not secured against unau
thorised operation.

A good system should be equipped with the following monitor

ing devices:

1. Pressure switches or contact pressure gauges in front of fil

ters and coolers.

2. Contamination indicator or differential pressure gauge on the


3. Good temperature measuring systems with sensors incorpo

rated into the bearing; (e.g. RENK screwin probe Pt 100,
RENK Pt 100 with flexible connections or embedded resist
ance thermometer Pt 100). Figure 39 Arrangement of a cooling disc
4. Temperature measuring equipment in the oil tank for meas
uring the oil temperature (not essential, can however be 8.3 Cold
applied for controlling a heater and water cooler built into Protection from cold is necessary, if the bearings are exposed
the tank). to very low ambient temperatures because the viscosity of oil
increases significantly.
5. Flowmeters (e.g. RENK flow meters NJMI) upline of each
bearing represent an important assembly aid. The normal Frequently it is necessary to start up machines with slide bear
methods used up to now of gauging the capacity with a ings in the open air or in unheated rooms at low ambient tem
measuring vessel (bucket) when the installation is stationary peratures.
and cold, is no longer required. When using flowmeters, the
installation is adjusted when cold and can then be readjust Heater bars can be installed in the oil reservoirs of slide bear
ed without any problem once the operating temperature has ings with oil circulating systems or in the sump of the slide
been reached. The flowmeters subsequently serve to moni bearing housings. Depending on their power, the oil will be
tor the situation on the site and then indicate unauthorized heated up within a given period of time to a level at which it can
changes in valve settings, etc., immediately. be recirculated for example by means of a gear pump.
With an additional switching unit they can be used as flow The specific heater loading depends on the type of oil and
switches. should not exceed 1.5 W/cm2. With highly viscous and additive
treated oils this value needs to be reduced further, to avoid cok

Depending on the distance of the oil supply system from the
slide bearings, the feed and return lines need to be insulated,
heating may possibly be required.

The installation of a heater in the bearing housing of explosion

protected machinery not only requires the use of expensive spe
cial heater bars.

Temperature regulator and the necessary oil level control system

need to be of an explosionprotected design and are therefore
very elaborate.

Bearings with loose oil rings (Ebearings), aftermost and inter

mediate bearings of ships, trunnion bearings and idler bearings
can be operated safely up to a viscosity of 1000 mPas,
whereas disc lubricated bearings (M bearings, I bearings) can
be operated only at viscosities up to = 800 mPas.

In the case of selflubricated bearings with a loose oil ring it is

important to prevent the oil ring from being braked too much.
This risk only arises with viscosities above 1000 mPas. Fixed oil
rings are not at risk through braking, but here the lubricating oil
needs to penetrate to the oil pockets of the bearing through
bores. When the viscosity is in excess of 800 mPas, this can no
longer be ensured.

It is possible to avoid malfunctions through oil changes at the

beginning of the cold and at the beginning of the hot season
respectively (summer oil and winter oil). Thinner oils in a
given range of oils generally have a lower pour point. (The pour
point of a mineral oil is the temperature at which a sample, after
cooling under specified conditions, no longer flows [DIN 51

Example 1
Oil ISO VG 100, pour point = 18C
Lowest permissible temperature for the oil:
Tamb = 18C + 10 K = 8C
Lowest permissible temperature for the oil disc bearing (min =
800 mPas)
= + 10C
Permitted minimum startup temperature:
= + 10C

Example 2
Oil ISO VG 22, pour point = 28C
Lowest permissible temperature for the oil:
Tamb = 28C + 10 K = 18C
Lowest permissible temperature for the bearing with loose oil
ring (min = 1000 mPas)
= 25C
Permitted minimum startup temperatures:
= 18C

If, in certain cases, the temperature is below the admissible

minimum startup temperature, then it is necessary to contact

8.4 Weather Protection The bolton baffle as well as the dust flinger will counteract the
emission of oil mist.
It is possible to design the bearing in such a way that the hous
ing is sealed against influences of the weather. In order to The labyrinth groove of the seal carrier for the dust flinger can
achieve this, special measures are necessary which vary also be filled with grease, so that the sealing gap is reduced to
according to the type of bearing and also the speed of the a minimum. The grease and in particular the grease collar thus
shaft. However, due to fluctuations in temperature, these meas formed can also trap dust.
ures cannot prevent the formation of consideration inside the
bearing. After some time, especially with selflubricated bear The following table shows the values of admissible negative
ings, this may cause the oil to emulsify if, for example, the bear pressures in mm head of water which may occur in front of a
ing is exposed to solar irradation during the day and cools specific type of seal or seal combination without causing undue
down considerably at night. The loading capacity of the oil film leakages.
is reduced as a result. type 10 floating labyrinth seal 5 mm head
Bright parts (shaft) may rust during down times. (fig. 41) of water

Therefore, slide bearings which are operated outdoor should at type 11 floating labyrinth seal 25 mm head
least have a protective roof. (fig. 44) combined with dust flinger of water
type 12 floating labyrinth seal 15 mm head
(fig. 45) combined with bolton baffle of water
9. Shaft Seals type 20 rigid labyrinth seal 10 mm head
(fig. 43) of water
9.1 General
type 21 rigid labyrinth seal 30 mm head
Shaft seals fitted to slide bearings are intended to + dust flinger of water
prevent or limit to the least possible extent the leakage of oil type 22 rigid labyrinth seal 20 mm head
or oil mist + bolton baffle of water
prevent the penetration of harmful quantities of impurities floating labyrinth seal 25 mm head
(sand, dust) and water + machine seal with smooth bore of water
The seal type is selected by RENK Werk Hannover taking into (fig. 47) floating labyrinth seal 100 mm head
consideration the oil throughput, i.e. the strain applied to the + machine seal with of water
seal. With low oil throughput and low oil turbulences a simple inserted hemp packing
sealing system may be adopted while high oil throughput and
strong turbulences require a more elaborate sealing system. floating labyrinth seal 250 mm head
+ machine air seal of water
Depending on site conditions, shaft seals have to respond to (sealing air pressure =
different requirements with regard to the penetration of impuri 300 mm head of water)
ties and water. If such data are known, RENKHannover is in a
position to select the appropriate sealing system. In most of the
cases, the user will indicate the required grade of protection
(according to DIN 40050 or IECPublication 529).
The following types of seals are available standard items: 9.3 Types
1. Labyrinth seal 9.3.1 Labyrinth Seals
1.1 Floating labyrinth seal (fig. 41) Labyrinth seals are nonrubbing seals which can be used at
1.2 Floating oil sealing rings (fig. 42) high and highest speeds (over 100 m/s circumferential speed).
They consist of a fiber reinforced, highly heat resistant material
1.3 Rigid labyrinth seal (fig. 43)
RENKplastic therm P 50 or aluminium alloy.
1.4 Labyrinth seal combined with dust flinger (fig. 44)
1.5 Labyrinth seal combined with bolton baffle (fig. 45) 9.3.2 Floating Labyrinth Seals
2. Windback seal (fig. 46) Their freely movable arrangement in the carrier (1) or in the
3. Soft packing (fig. 47) bearing housing make them insensitive to radial shaft displace
4. Felt seal (DIN 5419)
5. Grease seal (fig. 48)
6. Flinger seal (fig. 49)

Special seals, such as air seals and contact seals are available
for special requirements. Details on request.
The type of protection of the seal in accordance with DIN
40 050 is indicated underneath each figure.

9.2 Negative Pressure

Where negativ pressures occur at the seal, oil mist will be
sucked out of the bearing. Such a local vacuum will also occur
in case of strong air turbulences at the bearing (e.g. created by Figure 41 Floating labyrinth seal, type 10
a coupling). protection IP 44

After the bearing housing has been installed and aligned on the Figure 43 illustrates a seal with two separate labyrinth systems.
base frame or foundation, the seal carrier can be fitted using If there is only slight axial displacement, a small oil flinger can
nonhardening sealing compound (e.g. Curil T). be arranged on the shaft between the two labyrinth systems.
Afterwards, place garter spring (2), which is opened by twisting
the lock, round the shaft at the sealing point and twist together
again to close. The bottom half of the seal (recognisable by the
oil recirculation bores), with the garter spring in position, can
now be screwed into the bottom half of the carrier. When the
top half of the seal and the garter spring have been fitted, turn
the seal on the shaft. In this way it can be checked that there is
no jamming as the result of distorsion and no subsequent over
heating. Carefully eliminate any pressure points where neces
After this test, thinly coat the sides of the outer web (guide) of
the bottom half of the seal with a nonhardening selaing com
pound (e.g. Curil T). When fitting the top half, make sure that the
antirotation stopper (3) is always located in the upper locking
groove. Figure 43 Rigid labyrinth seal, type 20
Please take particular care when fitting the seal to ensure that it protection IP 44
is not jammed, as this could ultimately result in its destruction. As the shaft is jacked by the oil film during operation, a rigid
labyrinth seal also works without contact so that there is no
However, the seals must be removed before bearings are fitted
9.3.3 Floating Oil Sealing Rings as otherwise they may be damaged by tilting.

Same as with floating labyrinth seals they are mobilely mounted 9.3.5 Labyrinth Seal combined with Dust Flinger
in a seal carrier or in the housing.

Figure 44 Labyrinth seal combined with dust flinger,

type 11, protection IP 54
A flinger (1) is clamped on the shaft which engages in a groove
Figure 42 Floating oil sealing ring (2) in the carrier. The purpose of this arrangement is to keep any
protection IP 44 negative pressure, which could draw oil mist out of the bear
ings, away from the actual seal. This also prevents dust, sand or
water from penetrating into the bearing. The groove can also be
a) radial installation filled with grease if necessary. The flinger which is clamped on
must be aligned so that it does not touch the bottom of the
Radial installation (e.g. in the DUOtype seal) to be done groove in the carrier under any circumstances (consider the
according to the instructions given for floating labyrinth axial movement of the shaft).
b) axial installation 9.3.6 Labyrinth Seal combined with Bolton Baffle
The twopiece oil sealing ring (1) is placed round the shaft
with the garter spring (2) in the groove at the outer diameter.
Then the seal is pushed into the annular groove (3) (paying
attention to the correct position of the antirotation pin) and
is secured by the annular cover fastened with crews.
When using the seal on vertical shafts the sealing compound
has not to be applied.

9.3.4 Rigid Labyrinth Seals

These seals directly mounted on the bearing housing with inter
posed sealing compound. When fitting, push lightly on the shaft Figure 45 Floating labyrinth seal combined with bolton
from underneath and tighten the bolts. baffle, type 12, protection IP 55

The baffle is used both in cunjunction with the floating labyrinth 9.3.10 Grease Seal
seal ( and the rigid labyrinth seal ( if, for example,
protection IP 55 is to be achieved. Sealing systems, grade of
protection IP 56 are available in many diameter ranges, upon

9.3.7 Wind Back Seals

Figure 48 Grease seal

protection IP 54
These seals are used in extremely dusty or sandcharged envi
Grease is injected through a lubricating nipple between two felt
seals to form a collar around the shaft outlet which collects dirt
Figure 46 Wind back seal or particles of dust and prevents the later from penetrating
protection IP 44 inside the bearing.
Wind back seals are graphitic synthetic tissue seals (6). The The grease has to be topped up according to the operating
divided rings are placed in the carrier with the joint facing conditions. Under no circumstances must so much grease be
upwards. The spiral (7) woven into the sealing surface ensures injected that it penetrates inside the bearing and interferes with
that the oil is transported inwards when the shaft rotates. lubrication oil.

9.3.11 Flinger Seal

9.3.8 Soft Packings

Figure 49 Flinger seal

Figure 47 Soft packings
protection IP 22
protection IP 44
These seals are mainly used in propeller shaft bearings.
They make no contact whatsoever. An oil return chamber (1)
In this context, soft packings are plaited sealing cords contain
houses a flinger (2) of an oil resistant elastomer mounted on the
ing tallow, graphite and PTFE. These seals are ready for use.
shaft. Oil creeping along the shaft into the chamber is deflexted
After inserting into the circular groove, the sealing cord is driven
by the flinger and returned to the bearing through the large drain
into the groove by means of a hammer of synthetic material. In
connection with nonsplit seals (EF machine seals for example)
the joints of the sealing cord must be located above the shaft. Material for the flinger (2) is supplied in approximate length.
With split seals (EM machine for example), the sealing cord is During assembly it has to be put around the shaft and cut to
driven into each half and cut to length with a sharp knife (at the length assuring its correct fit. Both ends have to be joined by an
joint). adhesive which should preferably be a cyanoacrylate adhesive,
i.e. of quicksetting type.
Please consider our Technical Information No. 64.
The flinger is kept on the shaft by a garter spring (3) with twist
9.3.9 Felt Seals (DIN 5419) When fixing the seal, the mounting flanges have to be sealed
with nonhardening sealing compound (e.g. Curil T).
Felt seals are used in connection with shafts with low circumfer
ential speeds and if the demands concerning leaktightness are The length of the chambers was chosen to permit normal shaft
not too high. Prior to installation, the halves of the seal have to extension. The flinger (2) has to be positioned in such a way
be soaked in oil Please make sure that they are clean and not that enough space is left between either side of the flinger and
twisted. the walls of the chamber (1) (in order to prevent any contact) in
case of axial shaft movement.

10. Mounting of Slide Bearings on Steel Structures c) Fixation of slide bearings by means of anchor bolts;
(frames, motor shields, brackets) (Foundation bolts) reaching through a groutedin intermedi
ate plate (same size as bearing pedestal) or base plate into
10.1 Construction the concrete foundations. The module of elasticity of con
crete compared to that of steel is very small such support
The construction of steelwork supporting the slide bearing
may be of undue weakness. This can be compensated by
greatly influences the operational safety of the bearings as well
intermediate plates or brackets larger than the bearing
as the vibration stability of the machine. The steelwork should
pedestal and by a greater number of bolts used for the fixa
be of nearly the same stiffness as the bearing housing. The
tion in the concrete foundation (see fig. 52).
errors mentioned hereunder lead to devitations from the rule:
a) Insufficient sheetmetal thickness (or wall thickness of the
rolled steel). In the past, the plates used underneath
pedestal bearings for instance, only had a thickness of 20 %
of the bearing foot (see fig. 50).
The stiffness of such a structure is very low as the thin
sheets bulge specially in the area of the fixing bolts of the
bearing foot. This reduction of the total stiffness for the
bearing system is lowering the critical speeds considerably.
Thrust loads lead to heave tilting of the bearing housing and
thus affect operational safety. Improvements can be
achieved by simply chosing thicker plates.

Figure 52
It may possibly happen that vibration excitation causes a
steel structure to resonate. This can be corrected by chang
ing the natural vibratons, by for instance arranging struts,
gusset plates and other reinforcements.

10.2 Mounting of Insulated Bearings

Slide bearings on electrical machines should be insulated in
order to prevent bearing currents. Under some circumstances,
these bearing currents can result in the destruction of the
whitemetal or cause the ignition of combustible gases and
Figure 50 vapours through sparking.
b) Support of slide bearings on thin high intermediate stands Normally, it is only necessary to insulate one bearing.
(possibly on concrete stands). The horizontal stiffness fo this
type of intermediate stands is also very low, if not of truncat If two bearings are insulated, one of them has to be equipped
ed pyramid shape, i.e. base plates much larger than the with an insulation checking device (please consider our
bearing pedestal. Too small supports reduce stability and Technical Information No. 65).
operational safety (see fig. 51).


measuring plate

Figure 53 Foundation bolt, insulated for

pedestal bearing
Generally, a pedestal bearing is insulated by means of insulating
washers or insulating bushes (fig. 53). The graduated arrange
ment of the insulating washers makes it easier to keep clean
Figure 51 and lengthens the creepage path.

During assembly, care must be taken to ensure that the insula 11.1 Installing the Shaft in the Bearing
tion is not bridged by other parts. This applies in particular to
pipes for circulating oil lubrication, metal conduits for electric The shaft must never be installed dry. According to the existing
cables, thermometers, etc. It must also be ensured that no runningin conditions the following measures are recommended:
bridging can take place during operation. The working surfaces of the shaft must be coated with an oil
Flangemounted bearings can be secured on the machine plate film.
with the aid of an insulating intermediate flange. Care must also If there are to be long runningin periods and/or hard operating
be taken here to ensure that the insulation is not bridged by the conditions we recommend a mixture of lubricating oil and
screws or pipes. molybdenumdisulphide (MoS2) or treatment of the shaft with
molybdenumdisulphide to the instructions of the suppliers.

11.2 Alignment of the Bearings

For aligment the requirements relating to the particular plant or
machine are the first consideration. The spherically seated or
tilting shells of our bearings can compensate assembly inaccu
racies within limits but it is still advisable to align the bearing
housing to the shaft in such a way that there is an even spacing
to the end bore.
Gear coupling with limited end float

Motor Driven machine

Figure 54 Insulation of the spherical seating

s = 2 (a + b) + c + k [mm]
Upon request insulated E bearings can be supplied. In this case
a + b = normal to 2 mm
the spherical seating which accomodates the bearing shell is
covered with a nonconductive plastic foil (fig. 54). The floating
shaft seal consist of nonconductive material (see chapter
9.3.2). ELCO coupling with limited end float
Plate to limit the end float
Insulating screw connections are available for thermometers.
With this feature it is no longer necessary to insulate pipes, etc.

11. Assembly and Initial Starting

The most important principle applying to any assembly work in
connection with slide bearings is cleanliness!
Despite the attention given to careful packing, impurities cannot
be prevented from entering the bearing during transportation to
site. Therefore it is essential that all slide bearings should be
thoroughly cleaned before mounting. Never use cotton or fibre
rags because any threads left in could enter the oil circuit caus Motor Driven machine
ing overheating and in extreme cases leading to destruction of
the bearing. s = 2 a + c + k [mm]
Due to the manufacturing accuracy of RENK Slide Bearings
spotgrinding or scraping of the working surface is no longer
required. The former practise of scraping would destroy the s = end float iof motor bearing at drive end
bearing geometry which was calculated for safe operation. s/2 = up to maximum of 6 mm possible (enquiry necessary)
Only minor corrections of the working surfaces are admissible a, b = maximum possible end float of coupling
(see chapter 11.8 Checks after initial starting).
c = maximum possible end float of locating bearing of driven
The Special Instructions for Assembly, Operation and machine
Maintenance issued for the individual types of bearing must be
observed. k 1 mm = safety margin
This safety margin should include elongation of the shaft
The check lists in which all important points are listed are a between the locating bearing of the motor and the locat
great help and must be checked by the fitter. ing bearing of the machine or gearbox through heating to
If for any reason the special instructions and check lists are not operating temperature.
available contact RENK Hannover by letter or telephone.
Here we can give only general rules. Figure 55 Axial alignment of coupled machines

If couplings with limited end float are provided between a motor 11.7.3 Starting
with locating bearing with considerable end float and a
machine, then the axial alignment must be carried out very After the initial start the installation should be continuously
carefully (fig. 55). checked during several hours of operation.
Checks to include:
The safety margin k of at least 1 mm is to be provided in order
to compensate for elongation of the shaft between the locating a) Bearing Temperature
bearing of the motor and the locating bearing of the machine or This should rise evenly up to the settled permanent operat
gearbox through heating to operating temperature. ing temperature. If the temperature does not stabilise below
the bearing temperatures stated in chapter 6, the installation
In this case one locating bearing acts as a guide for the whole must be stopped and the cause be found.
shaft. It should be taken into consideration that thrust loads will
be transmitted to this locating bearing via the coupling with lim If RENK Werk Hannover have stated operating temperatures
ited end float. and these cannot be reached (cold bearing), investigate for
the reasons. A possible cause for instance may be a defec
tive thermometer.
11.3 Seals b) OilTightness
Check end seals for quality before fitting. For details of fitting The bearings should not loose oil at end bores, assembly
the different seals see chapter 9 Shaft Seals. joints, oillevel gauges, plugs etc. See that unused connec
tion holes are closed the plastic stoppers in these are not
oiltight! In bearings with selfcontained lubrication, any oil
11.4 Lubrication Rings loss can soon lead to destruction of the working surfaces.
Lubrication rings are not secondary but vital machine parts c) Stability
which are carefully manufactured and require care in handling. Stability depends on many influences. If the bearing does
They must be protected against damage and deformation. The not run quietly during initial starting it must be stopped
assembly joint screws of loose oil rings are to be firmly tight immediately and the cause be found. Unbalance above a
ened using tools which fit exactly. certain limit is admissible only, if already stated in the plan
ning stage and duly considered in the design of the bearing.

11.5 Oil Filling

Fill with an oil of the prescribed viscosity (see chapter 5
Lubrication). Follow the instructions with regard to oil level for 11.8 Checks after Initial Starting
each type of bearing. It is advisable to remove the bearing shells after a running peri
od of 5 to 10 hours (test run at the manufacturer) for an inspec
tion of the working surfaces for signs of damage (edge loading,
11.6 Oil Supply System striae, pressure marks). Remove these spots by careful scrap
ing, taking care to remove only so much white metal that the
Before setting the system into initial operation a functioning test geometry of the surfaces is not destroyed.
of the oil supply must be carried out.

This to include:

Check of the pumps (flow and pressure); simulation of the 11.9 Oil Change Schedule (for mineral oils)
failure of one pump for testing the necessary switchover to
the standby pump. For selflubricated bearings cleaning intervals with oil changes
of approx. 8 000 operating hours are recommended (approx.
Check of all monitors and meters; function testing of electri 20 000 operating hours for bearings with oil circulating sys
cal interlocking. tems).
Shorter intervals may be necessary in case of frequentstart
Check of the oil quantities fed to the bearing. (Compare with
ups, high oil temperatures or excessively high contamination
the Operating Instructions).
due to external influences.
For additional information see chapter 7.5 External Oil Supply.

11.7 Checks before Starting

11.7.1 Bearings with SelfContained Lubrication
Before starting check that the bearing is filled with oil according
to instructions and that the oillevel is right. Check that lubrica
tion ring and (where applicable) oil scraper have been incorpo
12. Corrosion and Transport Protection of Slide
rated. Bearings
Retighten bearing base bolts and bearing cover bolts.
12.1 Corrosion protection
Prior to despatch RENK applies corrosion protection to slide
11.7.2 Bearing with Circulating Oil Lubrication and/or bearings.
Hydrostatic Jacking Device
The grade of protection depends on the duration and the loca
Switch on oil supply system. Check to see that the bearings are tion of storage. Approximate values may be taken from the
properly supplied with oil. table 9.

12.2 Transport Protection
Location of storage Duration Grade of When transporting fully assembled machinery, care should be
protection taken to prevent movement between shafts and bearing shells.
18 months 1 As an example we quote electrical machinery here. If other
machines are involved, a similar procedure should be adopted.
indoors 24 months 2
12.2.1 In the case of a machine with flanged bearings (fig. 56)
48 months 3 the shaft is axially pressed against the locating bearings so that
it abuts against it, using a clamping strap (or a cap) and a com
6 months 1 pression screw.
in a shed 12 months 2
36 months 3
6 months 2
12 months 3

Table 9
fix here
The corrosion inhibitors used are the following:
a) grade 1:
Tectyl 511 M, nonhardening protective film.
b) grade 2:
Tectyl 846, dry film thickness approx. 0,04 bis 0,06 mm.
c) grade 3:
Tectyl 164, dry film thickness approx. 0,10 bis 0,15 mm. Figure 56 Transport of a machine with flanged bearings
If not otherwise stated in purchase orders, slide bearings will be
supplied with grade of protection 1. 12.2.2 In the case of a machine with pedestal bearings (fig. 57)
Though Tectyl 511 M is compatible with lubricants, it is recom the rotor is pulled against the subframe using (for example) tim
mended, however, to remove it prior to installation. Dirt particles bers placed across the shaft and pressed firmly into the bear
may settle in the protective film, even if utmost care is taken ings in this way.
during packing and transportation which would possibly affect
the operational safety.
In case of grades of protection 2 and 3 Tectyl 511 M is applied
to the spherical seating in the housing. All other surfaces sus
ceptible to corrosion are protected with Tectyl 846 or Tectyl 164.
For the protection of machines with bearings and shafts in
place, we recommend the following measures: fix here fix here
apply or spray shells with Tectyl 511 M prior to installation
apply or spray shaft in way of the bearings with Tectyl 511 M
seal the bearing
seal tapped holes with plugs, connecting flanges with blank
flanges and gap between seal and shaft or between shaft
and housing respectively with selfadhesive tape
remove plexiglass cover or top sight glass and spray corro
sion inhibitor which needs not to be removed (e.g. Tectyl
511 M or Valvoline) through the opening in the housing using
a compressed air spray gun. Figure 57 Transport of a machine with pedestal bearings
Airless injectors are not suitable since they do not ensure
adequate atomisation of the corrosion inhibitor.
12.2.3 In the case of vertical machines with bearings with jour
fit a bag with dessiccant (e.g. silica gel) below the plexiglass nal tilting pads (fig. 58), the radial pads firmly tightened onto the
cover or the sight glass in order to prevent condensation shaft. If no radial pads are provided, then proceed in accor
seal the bearing again dance with 12.2.1 und 12.2.2 above.
If a period of six months is exceeded calculated from the time Before transport, the working surfaces of the bearings must be
of conservation to the time of commissioning, then conservation well lubricated and a corrosion inhibitor should be applied in
must be repeated and a new bag of dessiccant needs to be accordance with chapter 12.1.
introduced. Solid lubricants such as for example MoS2 are not recommend
If it is known that a unit is to be stored for several years before ed, since under certain circumstances despite the safety
being commissioned, dismantling of the bearing shells and con measures adopted micro movements might lead to damage of
servation of individual components may be advisable. the working surfaces which have a high grade finish.

These recommendations apply to normal transport conditions.
fix here by tightening During extended transport overland (e.g. in developing coun
on the radial tilting tries), additional measures might be required. These might
include the removal and separate packing of oil rings and, in the
case of horizontal machines, the axial and radial fixing of the

How is it possible to check whether the above instructions have

also been observed by the assembly personnel and by fitters
who may have been brought in from outside the company?

All the important points which have to be checked by the fitter

are indicated on the check list (pages 35 bis 38).

Signatures not only of the fitter provide some confirmation

that the assembly work has been properly carried out.

On the other hand, a check list which has been properly filled in
gives considerable assistance in tracing faults when damage
fix here by tightening
on the radial tilting These check lists are available to our customers in
pads German/English and German/French and are normally included
in our consignments.
Figure 58 Transport of a vertical machine Additional lists are available at any time on request.

For the transport of machinery the eye bolts fixed to the bear
ings must not be used. These are exclusively provided for the
installation and dismantling of the bearings.

fr GleitlagerMontagen for the Installation of Slide Bearings

Auftr.Nr. / JobNo.
Besteller / Customer:

Montage bei Firma: / Installation effected at:

Montiert von Firma: /Installation effected by:

Name des verantwortlichen Monteurs: / Name of responsible fitter:

Lagertype (Bauart, Gre) Pos.

Type and size of bearing: Item

1 Kontrollen vor dem Einbau Checks prior to installation

1.1 Ist die Lieferung vollstndig Completeness of the supply?

1.2 Ist die Lieferung ohne erkennbare Schden? Is the supply free of visible faults? (In the negative,
(Wenn nein, 1.2.1 bis 1.2.4 beantworten, ge please answer points 1.2.1 to 1.2.4;
gebenenfalls Nachricht an RENK Hannover). if necessary, report to RENK Hannover).

1.2.1 Transportschaden Defect caused during transport

1.2.2 Korrosionsschaden Defect due to corrosion

1.2.3 Schaden durch Lagerung an Baustelle Defect caused during storage on the site

1.2.4 Beschdigung whrend der Montage Defect caused during installation

1.3 Lager sind mit Waschbenzin o.. gesubert Bearings have been cleaned with cleaning petrol
(Fasernde Lappen und Putzwolle wurden nicht (or the like)
verwendet). (fuzzy rags or cotton waste have not been used)

1.4 Prfung der Wellen und Bunde Checking of shafts and collars

1.4.1 Keine Beschdigungen und fhlbare Riefen No defects nor palpable striae

Welle shaft

Bunde collar

1.4.2 Wellen im Bereich der Lagerschale Shaft diameter in way of the bearing shell
(IstMae) (actual size)

von bis mm
from , to ,
von bis mm
from , to
1.4.3 Bundabstand Spacing of collars mm

1.4.4 Ebenheit der Bunde mit Haarlineal geprft: Flatness of collars (checked by means of
In Ordnung a hair line ruler): all right

1.4.5 Rechtwinkligkeit der Bunde zur Welle mit Haar Perpendicularity of collars to shaft (checked by
winkel geprft: In Ordnung means of a hair line try square): all right

1.4.6 Die Welle ist im Bereich der Dichtungen frei von The shaft is free of striae (also grinding striae)
Riefen (auch Schleifriefen) mit erkennbarem with perceptible longitudinal feed,
Lngenvorschub in way of the seals

2 Montage der Lager Installation of the bearings

2.1 Die Laufflche des Lagers ist vor dem Einlegen Prior to installing the shaft the working surface of
der Welle durch Einreiben, Einstreichen oder the bearing has been coated or sprayed with:
Einsprhen berzogen mit:

Schmierstoff lubeoil

SchmierstoffGraphitGemisch oilgraphite mixture

MoS2SchmierstoffGemisch MoS2oil mixture

2.2 Ausrichten des Lagerkrpers zur Welle. Pos.
Spalt zwischen Welle und Gehusebohrung Item
a , a ,
b , b ,
linke Seite
, ,
on the left
c c

d , d ,
a , a ,
b , b ,
rechte Seite
, ,

on the right c c
Alignment of bearing housing and shaft.
Control of the gap between shaft and bore of d , d ,

2.3 Seitendichtungen sind gem Anweisung Installation of end seals according to

eingebaut instruction

2.4 Schmierstoffabstreifer bei Schmierung mit Installation of the oil scraper according to
Festschmierring gem Anweisung eingebaut. instruction (in case of lubrication with fixed oil ring

2.5 Schmierstofffllung: Oil filling (not applicable for circulating oil

(Nicht ausfllen bei externer Schmierstoff lubrication)

Viskositt / Viscosity: ISO VG bzw. / or ISO VG

Bezeichnung / Dennomination: Fabrikat / Make:

Von RENK Hannover vorgeschriebene Viskositt:

Viscosity prescribed by RENK Hannover:

2.8 Nur bei wassergekhlten Lagern: To be stated for water cooled bearings only:

Wasserkhlung angeschlossen Water cooling has been connected

Druck vor dem Lager (bar) Pressure in front of the bearing (bar) ,
Durchflussmenge (l/min) Rate of flow (l/min)

Wassereintrittstemperatur (C) Temperature at cooling water inlet (C)

Wasseraustrittstemperatur (C) Temperature at cooling water outlet (C)

3 Inbetriebnahme Putting into operation

3.1 Drehzahl (U/min) Speed (R. P. M.)
gemessen / nach Angabe measured / to indication / /
3.2 Lagertemperatur (Beharrung) (C) Bearing temperature (during operation) (C)

gemessen in Schalenunterteil taken in bottom half of the shell

gemessen in Schalenoberteil taken in top half of the shell

gemessen im Schmierstoffsumpf taken in oil sump

wenn keine Thermometer eingebaut sind: if no thermometer is provided:

am Gehuse auen gemessen / geschtzt taken on outside of housing / estimated / /
3.3 Umgebungstemperatur des Lagers Ambient temperature of bearing
gemessen / geschtzt measured / estimated
/ /
3.4 Lager sind schmierstoffdicht Bearings are oil tight
(wenn nicht gesonderten Bericht mit Angaben (if not, report separately and state place
wo Schmierstoffaustritt ist und welche Mengen) and amount of leakage)

3.5 Die Anlage luft ruhig. The installation is operating without vibration.
(wenn nicht, Ursache angeben) (if not, state reason)

Fr Anlagen mit externer Schmierstoffversorgung If plants with circulating oil lubrication are concerned,
Blatt 2 ausfllen. please fill in sheet 2.

Montageort / Place of fitting Datum / Date

Unterschriften / Signatures Monteur / Fitter

Montageleiter / Responsible on the site Firma / Name of Company

Endabnehmer / Utilizer Firma / Name of Company

Schmierstoffanlage Oil circulation system

4. Montage der Schmierstoffanlage Fitting of system

4.1 Der Schmierstoffbehlter ist gesubert. The oil container has been cleaned.

4.2 Druckleitungen verschraubt (Fittings, Pressure pipes have been tightened up

Schneidringverschraubung usw.) (fittings, taperbush type pipe union, etc.)

Druckleitungen verschweit. Pressure pipes have been welded.

Lager 1: Liter/min bearing 1: litres/min

Lager 2: l/min bearing 2: l/min

z.B. Motor: Liter/min
bearing of foreign make
(e.g. motor): l/min

Leitung Innen gestreckte Lnge Anzahl der Winkelverschrbg. Rohrbogen Anfang  Ende
Piping Inside diameter stretched length Number of Difference of level
angle pipe unions bends start  end

4.3 Rcklaufleitungen verschraubt (Fittings o..) Return pipes have been tightened up (fittings, etc.)

Rcklaufleitungen verschweit Return pipes have been welded

vom Lager 1 vom Lager 2

from bearing 1 from bearing 2

bearing of foreign make

Leitung Innen gestreckte Lnge Anzahl der Winkelverschrbg. Rohrbogen Anfang  Ende
Piping Inside diameter stretched length Number of Difference of level
angle pipe unions bends start  end


In Strmungsrichtung steigen = + Direction of flow ascending = +

In Strmungsrichtung fallend = Direction of flow descending =

4.4 Die Rohrleitungen sind vor dem Einbau gesubert The pipings have been cleaned prior to their
(geschweite Leitungen gebeizt). installation (welded pipings have been pickled).

4.5 Das gesamte Rohrleitungssystem is mindestens The piping system has been scavenged with mineral oil
1 Stunde mit Petroleum gesplt. for at least one hour.
Lager war dabei nicht im Splkreislauf, The bearings were not in the scavenging circuit,
Instrumente waren nicht angebaut. instruments were not fitted.

4.6 Nach dem Splen wurden die Filter gesubert. After scavenging, the filters have been cleaned.

4.7 Behlterheizung ist vorhanden und angeschlossen. Container heating, if existing, has been connected.

4.8 Wasserkhlung ist vorhanden und angeschlossen. Water cooling, if existing, has been connected.

4.9 berwachungsinstrumente sind angeschlossen. Monitoring instruments have been connected.

Welche: Druckwchter Pressure switch

Kontaktmanometer Contact pressure gauge

Durchflusswchter Flow rate indicator with warning switch

4.10 Schmierstofffllung des Behlters: Oil charge container:

Menge Liter Quantity litres

Viskositt: ISO VG bzw. Viscosity: ISO VG bzw.

Bezeichnung: Denomination:

Fabrikat: Make:

5. Inbetriebnahme Putting into operation

5.1 Funktionsprfung der Pumpen bei stehender Functioning test of the pumps when machine
Anlage stationary

5.2 Betriebswerte: Operating data:

Lager 1 Lager 2
Schmierstoff Festlager Loslager
Oil bearing 1 bearing 2
locating bearing nonlocating bearing

Schmierstoffmenge (l/min)
Rate of flow (l/min)
Schmierstoffdruck (bar)
Oil pressure (bar)
Schmierstoffeintrittstemperatur (C)
Oil inlet temperature (C)

5.2.2 Khlwasser Cooling water

Druck vor dem Khler: bar Pressure in front of the cooler: bar

Wassermenge: l/min Rate of water flow: l/min

Eintrittstemperatur: C Water inlet temperature: C

Austrittstemperatur: C Water outlet temperature: C

Bemerkungen: Remarks:

Die Angaben auf Blatt 2 werden durch die Unterschrift auf Blatt 1 besttigt.
The statements made on this Check List are confirmed by the signatures on Check List for the installation of Slide Bearings.

Example of application

Horizontal spirally shaped Francis turbine

for water powerstation with RENK slide
bearing EMZLA 18180

(Photo: Sulzer Escher Wyss, Ravensburg, Zrich)

RENK Etype bearing

in a standby power generating set

(Photo: JeumontSchneider, Jeumont)

Asynchronous motor equipped with

RENK slide bearing EFWLB 11110

(Photo: AEGTelefunken, Berlin)

Group Diesel engine/generator with

RENK Etype bearings EF 18

(Photo: A. van Kaick, Ingolstadt)

Product Range

Plain bearings

Type E for electrical machinery, fans, compressors, turbines Catalogue no. RH1009
Type ZM for electrical machinery Catalogue no. RH1175
Type SC Radial bearing, e.g. mounted to Diesel generators and rolling mill drives Catalogue no. RH1149
Type SN aftermost bearings and intermediate bearings for shipbuilding applications Catalogue no. RH1202
Type HG for hydrogenerators and electrical motors Catalogue no. RH1189
Type WG fabricated type for rolling mill drives Catalogue no. RH1155
Type DN marine thrust blocks Catalogue no. RH1073
Type I for tube mill (e.g. cement manufacture) transmission units Catalogue no. RH1120
Type M for general mechanical engineering applications Catalogue no. RH1065
Type ROTRIX trunnion bearing Catalogue no. RH1089
Type SH trunnion bearings tube mills Catalogue no. RH1147

Vertical slide bearings and vertical bearing inserts

Type VT and VG as complete thrust and guide bearings and guide bearings only Catalogue no. RH1153
Type EV vertical bearing inserts for electrical machinery, fans and pumps Catalogue no. RH1021
Type G Plain bearing shells Catalogue no. RH1102
RD Thrust Bearing Catalogue no. RH1025
RS Thrust pads Catalogue no. RH1198

Special bearings for all branches of industry also to customers drawings.

Couplings and clutches

ELCO flexible compression sleeve coupling Catalogue no. RH1008

ELBI flexible coupling for general mechanical engineering applications Catalogue no. RH 076
AERO pneumatically shifted friction clutch Catalogue no. RH1118
Centrifugal clutch Catalogue no. RH1014
Overrunning clutch Catalogue no. RH1013
Diaphragm coupling Catalogue no. RH1224
Special couplings and clutches

Computer calculations available for plain bearings and couplings.

Sales Organisation

Headquarters and Sales Agencies

Manufacturing Plant Manufacturing Plant Australia Liechtenstein
Austria Luxembourg
Belgium Mexico
Brazil Netherlands
Canada Norway
OMEGA RENK BEARINGS PVT. LTD. Croatia Slovak Republic
Werk Hannover Anand Nagar, Raisen Road
Weltausstellungsallee 21 Finland Slovenia Republic
Bhopal  462 021 France South Africa
D30539 Hannover India
Phone: +49 (5 11) 86 010 G.B. and Ireland South Korea
Phone: (91 7 55) 5 28 45 61 Hungary Spain
Fax: +49 (5 11) 86 01288 Fax: (91 7 55) 2 75 16 26
Email: [email protected] India Switzerland
Email: [email protected] Italy USA
Internet: Internet: Japan
Assembly and Distribution Centers
with Sales and Engineering Support
RH2001 (08.05) Printed in Germany

304, Tucapau Road Rodovia BR280, RH Division;
29334 Duncan S.C. km 54  Em frente ao Parque Municipal de Fuji Building (Room 121)
Exposies 323 Marunouchi
USA Chiyodaku, Tokyo 1000005
Phone: (18 64) 4 33 00 69 CEP 89270000  Guaramirim  SC  Brasil Japan
Fax: (18 64) 4 33 06 36 Phone: (554) 737 36 400 Phone: (813) 3215 1310
Fax: (554) 737 36 499 Fax: (813) 3284 0867
We reserve the right to changes made in the interests of technical improvement.

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