BRC Extension To Scope - Position Statement PDF
BRC Extension To Scope - Position Statement PDF
BRC Extension To Scope - Position Statement PDF
1. Principles
Once certification has been granted, any additional significant products manufactured or processes
undertaken by the site, which are required to be included in the scope of certification, must be
communicated to the Certification Body. The Certification Body shall obtain information to evaluate the
significance of these additional products or processes to assess the impact on scope of certification.
2. Revisit
A revisit is required before granting a scope extension in the following circumstances:
Where an extension to scope is required shortly before the certificate is due to expire, it may be more
appropriate to undertake a full audit and issue a new certificate. This option should be agreed between
the Certification Body and their client prior to undertaking the extension to scope audit.
3. Visit Logistics
When a revisit is considered necessary, the duration of this visit will vary depending on the aspects to be
examined for the required extension to scope. The site visit should be conducted along the same
principles as the original audit (i.e. including an opening meeting, inspection of the operation of the
process, documentation trails and closing meeting).
The revisit should be announced, irrespective of whether the site is certificated to the announced or
unannounced scheme. .
4. Non-conformities
Identified non-conformities should be documented and actioned within the normal protocol of the
Standard (ie the company has 28 days to provide appropriate evidence of close out and the Certification
Body should review the information and confirm the certification decision in the normal manner). The
additional non-conformities raised at the site visit will affect neither the current certificated grade nor
continued certification. However, if practices are seen that give the Certification Body cause to doubt
continued certification (eg the identification of a critical non-conformity) then the Certification Body shall
arrange a full re-audit of the site. In these circumstances the current certificate shall be withdrawn.
5. Visit Report
A visit report should be documented, but shall NOT be in the format of a standard BRC audit report. A
short explanation of the nature of the visit, what was audited and the conclusions should be given. The
visit report should document what controls are in place and confirm the effectiveness of these controls. It
should be clear in the report what aspects were looked at and what was excluded. Refer to F017b visit
report template.
6. Certificate
The sites current certificate will be superseded by any new certificate issued. The certificate must use
the same expiry date as detailed on the original certificate. The due date of the next full audit will
therefore remain the same and this should be made clear to the supplier by the Certification Body when
arranging extension to scope visits. The grade shall also remain the same.
FO17 Issue 1 Revision 2 Extension to Scope
Released 30/1/2012 Responsible Karen Betts Compliance Manager
Replaces FO17 Issue 1 Revision 1
dated 19/12/2011
Page 1
The certificate should include reissued after extension to scope as well as an additional date that of
the original audit plus the revisit date.
3. Under the audit report tab, manually change the wording in scope of audit and exclusions to scope
4. Ensure the visit report is clearly labeled eg scope extension visit report of x supplier and attach to the