Beginners Polish

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Beginner's POLISH Wanasz-Biatasiewicz OF EUROLINGUA, To my children Luiza and Seweryn _ ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Induction Geography istry and Plies Beonomics ans E Practical Advice foe Everyday Life “Transporation and Commaniestons Money a Shopping Restaurants Recreation snd Tours Intodetions / Farewells ising Cleaners Holidays “Time / Calendar “The Polish Language Language Lessons Pronunciation Guide [Lesson One: Inoduetons : Leston Two: Arrival at Aiport / Renting a Cat Lesson Thee: Local Tanspottion Lesson Four Hotel a Lesson Five: Asking forDireeons << Leston Six: Atte Restaurant a [Ceson Seven: Shopping Leson Eight Pst Office LLeson Nine: Being a Gest esson Ten: Medial Cae [Leson Eleven: Cocktail Party Key tothe Exercises Vocabulary Expressions Polish English 4 Expressions: English-Polish 1 fs INTRODUCTION ‘Te sich oltre and language of Cental and Eason ‘nie nicl and sue steped ination by hs ‘of history. Yet since the Esser a fesse closed societies for over 40 yea under Tiles know about them, boa ‘Win fl of te rom Cua, ae Gouge Eater Eau by te dae ei foots and ee mae Comele, a Cipieng bic opens Sod expt eee Setupped mate” heh an ena ld peer ‘Sci chagts oe ep op Sp [BUROLINGUA was stated in September 1990 0 mee demand for Central and Easter Europea languages a Inston. Our goal isto primarily eve tats ad ‘who deal inintemationa ade Insight ito the people and customs of & county is enjoyment of a tip for mast Comunale travelers Successful ineraticnal vansactons neessiate Know fules of conduct in varios business stations. Bit basic information about the geography. story ad ‘county to be visited, long with rudimentary language ‘make anyone fee moze a home 11s the above consideration hat have brought about this hope tat i will become your fad and gude da Knowledge of customs, manners and some basis of help you enjoy your vit the fale while Bling and conte among te leas. ‘The book has two parts The fst gives you country (geography. istry, ene, eal ‘hile th second pa consists of language Sons. ‘The language lessons are designed for a !smateur. You wil ear useful phrases aad ss well as baie grammar hints The ‘tammaical problems, oe will hey Pepi ey wl each you cough fot caCGRIER domes Srstons ich Jou wl ind dese ‘ Pn sy nd in etl Eaop_ eS Sta. kn 120727 les) an W has wih pl ot ok owl vot ition bans. Admiral Pande ae ‘of bits of information, sufficient to carry out ‘voivodeships (provinces). its border is 3,538 km (2,198 n a collsatons with tc people of the cOunY you Vs, i Ting $24 em 26 mika) ofc an Meith ele many hors of nok reste 2 Heese ste aces snd vcs who ih Joy land ie Jowln ou, seas igh ae al er yas won mf), A chaste ete of Rend a pele geet of popes oh on oy Gene eer ‘Copan be Sey Lie Fond nd atin Genal Pls lovin he Pomcasan Sa Manan inthe Tara Mountains, 2499 m (6119 10. The lo Poland are the Wisla (Vistula) which 187 km (51 the Osa (Oder) of whieh 742 km (461 miles) Dow ‘These rivers averse Poland (rom south (0 ortho Jakes he Snirdy and Mamey, are Heated in the Region ‘The capial of The Republic of Poland @asez ‘Warszaa (Warsaw) isa cy of oer 1S mon nha the Vistula riser The counts 38 milion isbn Polish ntionahiy. 2/3 of he population Hives ia 830 te Poland is you country: 30 per cet of it reached working age. 50 percent of Poles delet Cahois Major cies: Warsaw (1,532,000 inhabit Krak (715,000, Wroclaw ($93,000), Poza (534 (4,000, Szcascin (381,000) and Katowice 350000), Cimate, Poland ies in a temperate climate falfvay between ocean aed continental, A inte lass from the mile of December 10 Shangeable and. capricious prespring "rough the first Rall of Apel when it sal Soring during which tosis iy oetor a n6a8 Mi cccurs during the suany and ry mons of September and Een ot the presi, which precedes the Serpe average anal tmpertues range between $ and Seca sponge prt the coun, te Sed 30 does Ces nthe sha, me ae thy rarely fal bow -20 depres Celso HISTORY AND POLITICS. TEP he’ simone vibe vik Rasta aa Pee tent le oa eee er ae ‘Aer the death of the last member of the dynasty Poland b flectve monarchy. Kings were elected by the genty andthe [th centry was » pedo of wars which sapped the owas inspite of number of pret victories. Ademps at rermig thes Undertaken bythe last king inthe second half the 18h wovght to an end by the partons of Poland between Ati and Russia. Aer the final pation, Poland king Sania Poniiowski abdiated and Poland ceased 1 exist a6 a0 Poles didnot give up hope of regaining independence, They lange army which fought alongside Napoleon tok part inthe S Nations of 1848 and twice rebelled aguas Rus ‘eting defeat in both cass. The independent Repoble of Sialyreboen (fra bret period of 21 yar) in 1918 the partioning powers. ts borders, the esl of Wars Ursainians and’ Soviet Russa, were confirmed by th Versailles and Riga Jn 1939 olan soo up 10 Hier and as le Sgnle and Soviet invasion from the Bas ‘esa, Pole reed the tse 8 felsanee movement. A governments xe Pah sles fog on anos lo i ott ven betwen 1989 scons signed ty the ali powers imposed new fone ovpled with Soviet domination and tbe commnist system, Mooney id ot accep the new, Waliarian ort. A series of ermine in 1980 with anaionwide wave of strikes which She way fe crest of the independent trate union nea the imposition of marl law in December 1981 Poot ble to sop the press of change and atest the decay of the "Gormuniat system. AMierclctions held asa esl of the round table Tittein 1989 the epposton ener Parliament, and in September 1989, ‘the it nn communist goverment was formed ECONOMICS Hct ron st cnet Oa ea cae ca Se Ra ausd tae eee ee cab oral eet Se to oo ar oe fares vot ac i ee a rin oe ol rer oe te ee aarp ee eee eS cael re er a ae ee Se ee Fe Major Indasttes. Poland is one ofthe lags podem of aupeous nds goods nthe word Te count fs numer fourm Earp a the pct of mining machitery and equipment. Slr and pyrite ‘ores hve become the ba forthe evelopment be rdton sult ck and quien wih wich made. Copper, wich tas only fecenly bee decvered in Poland, has been gly ‘ponble for » podctonsneease ithe eect egieing Inds Some of Pounds most sucess expos ae rlleg sock ars and electrical locomotives The achievements of te posta ‘Bonin indy a ale woh ong Te ayn nia and Soren produce se. demanding exsomers Pic yckiag cat vessel sale ‘ound he word and iunphed in Alan ae Natural Resources. Natu bas genera endowed Pld wih ll the bake neesary rescues fra modem economy. Mia col ‘ours (7,000 lon fos pf a depth of 100m, Bo a fd gas bane cnbled Poland (a take second place ia Europe scion of energy fav mein spt of an ot compete ask {petroleum The abundance a ich depois of apt ead andi Solr reek salt potion and Be wean Of 1 mates (Oe “gonsircton purposes (Limestone, marl, gypsum, granite, and Fhe epic Poland not only t sts her own ness foe SSS he ae emitter seer geanier ce mca. Maas ipod ~arge quantities include petroleum, iron ore and phosphorites ARTS Major monuments of the past include the Wawel Royal Case in Krak othe Renaissance town of Zamodé in the east of the eu, [But I is the spiritual hestage tht is primarily responsible foe he ison contnuty and universal relevance of Poh ult ‘The composer Frederic Chopin was bom in Poland; he began composing while sill in Poland and Polish fk susie motifs permeate his Work. Chopin piano competitions are organized in Warsaw eeny five years, stacting (lene Young mucins fom all or the word Polish contemporary music Douishes as wel, with compar sch a. Kraysvot Penderecki, Andre) Panunik, Witold Luteslawski and Henryk Gsrecki Poland also has a vibrant jazz commnity Gee came immensely popu in the 1950s just afer the end of the Sialinit period). Leading Polish jazz musicians inclide Michal Urbaniak or the late Kreysato Komeda, who has seored a numberof Roman Polask's films Poi im scureny in an evolving pid, which may til come to atch the gear days of Polsh cinema in he Nae SO “Te Desslogi’s serie of ins by Krzr Kieowsk, won the Btrocan Cear Awards, Andrej Wajdss‘Man of Io fil aoa. {601970 and 1980 worker sien a Gals won the Glen Palm at the Cannes Fm Fesinal a 198, wile a he 1990 Canes Fl. Festal the Poi cess Kigty lands was avard is for et mam ole Rzard Dugas Itai Polish experimental theater Ias also won a permanent place on the stages of he word hanks 0 te wok of Tes Kates rots Slawonit Mok isthe bet ko ote playrigh Tiree oleh writers were avated the Noel pie foe Tita the novelist Henk Senki, the autora Quo Vai ‘Wasa Reyne (otha he ist quar of is cet) 8 "scaly, the poet Caesaw Mise (19 “Tolsy, Poland is a counry at a Buropean esr Of cultures and cultural spheres eoeTEe

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