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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Developed under the JnNURM scheme for Hyderabad

Santhanm Kumar1, Malakapalli Venkata Janardhan Rao2

Professor, Dept. of Architecture, SPA, JNAFA University, Hyderabad, India
[email protected]
Assoc. Prof. School of Architecture, Dayanandasagar Academy of Technology & Management, Bangalore, India.
[email protected]

This work is focused on studying the adaptation policies required to planning of neighborhood at local scale of Hyderabad
Metropolitan Region. The objectives include 1) Study, understand and establish if climate change is happening at all in the
context of Hyderabad Metropolitan Region and its impact on the Neighborhood planning. 2) If at all climate change happening,
identify the factors/Phenomena causing climate change. 3) Estimating the effects of climate change with respect to neighborhood
planning, and proposing Viable solutions acceptable by the Existing neighborhood/community.

Keywords: Climate; Neighbourhood Planning; Building Byelaws; Urban Heat Islands.


INTRODUCTION understand the possible change in temperature and extreme

events for the region of Hyderabad.
Scientific opinion is now unanimous that global temperatures
are likely to continue to rise with concomitant extreme
weather patterns and events. There is a protean body of
scientific literature available on global warming and climate These data sets are used to explore the shortcomings and
change, which is affecting urban living in every respect from possibilities in the JnNURM housing scheme proposed
heat islands, continuous light and sea level changes as well project at Abdulapurmet, adjacent to NH 9, Hayatnagar
as severe droughts and floods paralyzing urban areas. It has mandal, Rangareddy district, Hyderabad.
emerged as the biggest developmental challenge for the
planet, particularly on the poor. Urban planning implications ANALYSIS
are reflected in buildings, street and community design for
Hyderabads Climate data for the last 60 years (1951-2009,
more environmentally sustainable cities. As these changes
from Begum pet Weather Station) had been analysed to
cannot be anticipated and need to be examined with a new
understand if there is a change in the parameters like, mean
paradigm for urban problem solving. Communities
maximum/minimum temperatures, wind speed, relative
developed under schemes like JnNURM offers a scope to
humidity, rainfall etc. Then these were compared to the
develop a synergetic approach to building resilience to tackle
global mean temperatures and highest temperatures recorded
climate change at Neighborhood level.
in the last 130 years, published by NASA-GISS.
1. It was found out that the global temperatures were
METHODOLOGY increasing by about 1C to 2C in a decade (source:
Quantitative data from Meteorological station at regional NASA- GISS), whereas comparative study of climate of
level are collected done for two weather stations of Hyderabad based on (1951-80, base period and 1980-
Begumpet located in the Metropolitan region of Hyderabad 2009) of averaged mean Maximum temperature during
and Medak which is located in the periphery of Metropolitan period showed that temperature has risen by 4C, in the
Region for a period of 30 years to identify & understand the month of March and 1C in December and January.
climate changes at regional level by comparative analysis. Mean Minimum Temperatures have increased by 1.4C
Qualitative data in the form of Perception studies are in January and 1C in December. Evening Humidity
conducted to understand the socio- economic in terms of has increased by 6% in the month of March and May.
distance to work place & physical comforts in terms of Average wind speed had decreased by 6km/hr. in the
space requirements, thermal comforts of the residents month of June and July causing much discomfort and
living in settlements built under slum development program increasing Energy Requirements. This data was also
were studied. The climate change projections from various compared against the nearby rural area called Medaks
sources viz IPCC A1, A2, scenarios were studied to

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 14 | NCGCT-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.esatjournals.org 6
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

temperature recordings. But there was no such huge advantage of Air movements. All this is at Building
increase in temperatures in the Medak rural area. level.
2. The increase in mean maximum temperatures, evening
humidity and decrease in wind speed, and marginal RECOMMENDATIONS
increase in rainfall (Hyderabads rainfall follows the 132
year cycle of southwest monsoon, study of this data A minimum built up area of 45 square meters
reveals that the change in rainfall is cyclical phenomena Balconies provided on the West side to cut of direct
) establishes that the reasons for Hyderabads increase in radiation on the western walls.
temperature is because of Urban Heat Islands, which are Orient the Long side of the Building on North-South
a result of not only because of density and built form but Cardinal Points at 12 degrees angle towards South.
also because of planning of new developments without At Site planning level, Trees are suggested @ one for
taking into consideration, the topography, prevailing every 100 SQ.M, also, trees like Azardiracta Indica,
wind directions, and preservation of water bodies. Saeiamia saman, have been suggested which will help in
3. With the aim of studying and understanding Climate evapotranspiration and with its evergreen thick foliage
Change to Adapt at neighbourhood level, a socio- gives much need relief in the sun during summers.
economic survey was conducted with 286 households, Rainwater Harvesting, Cool Roofs, Buildings orientation
near Khairatabad. This is because of the similarity of to proper solar angles, increasing the evapotranspiration
neighbourhood to that of the neighbourhoods being through planting specific species of trees, Providing a
developed under JnNURM scheme to understand their minimum of 45 Sq.M of built up area, Planning of
perception to climate change, identify the problems in Settlements close to work rather than gentrification of
the existing neighbourhood. Two important findings City cores, are some of the technical solutions these
form the survey was that the average size of the family thesis purposes.
was about 6 people, were living in Mere 30 Sq. M Neighborhood planning must consider likely increase in
area and the place of work from where the quarters were heat waves.
allotted is too far and sometimes takes about 1 hour to Geometric variables and construction variables should be
travel. considered in planning and designing buildings in the
4. To Estimate the effects of Climate Change Predictions neighborhood.
by four reputed institutes/Universities across the Globe Passive methods of cooling should be adopted.
have been used. They are 1) National Climate Change
Policy, India. (Based on IPCC A2[1] Scenarios). 2) However more than technical solutions, Climate Change
IPCC Climate Change projections. 3) Climate Change Adaptation Measures have to be taken by both, structured
projections of Hadley Centre, U.K. 4) United Nations and not-structured forms of Planning especially when
University, Bonn climate change projections specifically dealing with the economically weak and climate vulnerable
for Hyderabad. The outcome of all these societies. Policies need to be framed incorporating Climate
projections/Predictions indicated that there will be Change/ Climate Responsive designs in BUSP(Basic
extreme events like more than 160mm of precipitation services for Urban Poor) when taking up Urban Renewal
per day (like for example, August 2010). Average through JnNURM(Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal
Number of days with night temperatures with more than Mission).
27C will triple by 2050. Mean annual temperature may
go up by +5C, for Hyderabad By 2010. All this would CONCLUSIONS
result in Heat Waves, Stress on Water Availability, and Study found some adaptation measures such as forest
Increased Extreme Events (for both Heat & Cool protection, utilization of marginal lands by planting trees
Temperature.) and grasses, crop diversifications in their farming practices.
5. Urbanisation had led to the drastic changes in Land use However, poor and marginalized groups were unaware
and Land cover changes over the past thirty years in regarding climate change impacts and adaptation measures.
many cities across the world. As a result water bodies Thus, these measures were found to be event specific based
are lost and traditional methods of cooling the city by on local knowledge and innovations, and not actually to
evaporation from water bodies and evapotranspiration cope with the impacts of climate change.
from tree cover and changes in albedo have led to the
formation of Heat islands and urban canyons. India is a developing nation with technological and
6. Auto Cad Ecotect Analysis software was used to monetary constraints, also the Ecological, Carbon and Food
simulate the year around shadows, incident solar print of India is very low when compared against developed
radiation, to arrive at best possible orientation of countries. So adaptation to climate change is the best
buildings, with respect to Sun Angles. It was found out strategy for a developing country like India.
that the best orientation would be to orient the Long side
of the Building on North-South Cardinal Points. It was ACKNOWLEDGMENT
further found out that most of the wind direction in
Hyderabad was in East-West Axis; hence most of the I thank all my colleagues, friends, teachers and consultants
openings are suggested in these cardinal points to take who helped me throughout my endeavor.

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 14 | NCGCT-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.esatjournals.org 7
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

[1] IPCC Climate Change Report.
[2] UN-Habitat, Cities and Climate Change:Global Report
on Human Settlements, 2011
[3] UN-Habitat, Planning for Climate Change, A Strategic
value based approach for urban Planners
[4] UN-Habitat, Local leadership for climate change action
[5] UNEP, Mainstreaming Climate change adaptation into
Development Planning: A guide for practitioner
[6] Lamb, H, Changing Climate, Routledge, 2011
[7] Dam, Jan C. Van. Impacts of Climate Change and
Climate variability. Cambridge University Press
[8] Dubash, Navroz K, Hanbook of Climate Change and
India, Development, Politics and ?governance, Routledge,

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 14 | NCGCT-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.esatjournals.org 8

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