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Unit- I

Air pollution Classification and properties of Air pollutants-Pollution sources- Control of air pollution
Gravitational settling chambers-Cyclone separators, ESP, Wet scrubber.

Dispersion of Air pollutants-Plume behavior-Control of gaseous pollutants, sulphur dioxides, nitrogen

oxides, Carbon monoxide and Hydrocarbons. Air pollution laws and Standards.

Unit- II

Water pollution- Classification of water pollutant and their effects on receiving bodies. Advanced
wastewater treatments by physical, chemical, biological and thermal methods- Effluent quality standards.

Solid waste management- methods of collection Disposal of solid waste, land filling, Handling of toxic
and radioactive wastes Incineration and vitrification. Pollution control in process industries Cement,
paper, petroleum, fertilizer and petrochemical.

Unit- III

Evolution of EIA Concepts Methodologies Screening Scoping Mitigation Matrices Checklist.

Rapid and Comprehensive EIA Legislative and Environmental Clearance procedure in India
Prediction tools for EIA.

Unit- IV

Assessment of Impact Air Water Soil Noise- Biological.Socio cultural environment Public
Participation Resettlement and Rehabilitation. Documentation of EIA Environmental management
plan Post project monitoring Environmental Audit- Life cycle assessment EMS case studies in

Unit- V

Air Act 1981 and Water Act 1974: Central and state boards for the prevention and control of air pollution
powers and functions of boards prevention and control of air pollution and water pollution fund
accounts and audit, penalties and procedures.

Text Books:

1. Canter. R. L., Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill.

2. John G. Rau and David. C. Wooten (Ed)., Environmental Impact analysis hand book, McGraw
Hill Book Company.


1. Rao, C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1992.
2. S.P.Mahajan, Pollution control in process industries, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
New Delhi, 1993.
3. Varma and Braner, Air pollution equipment, Springer Publishers, Second Edition.


Multi-disciplinary nature of environmental studies and natural resources - Definition, scope and
importance, need for public awareness - Renewable and non- renewable resources - Natural resources and
associated problems - Forest resources - Use and over-exploitation, Deforestation, Case studies and timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects and tribal people - Water resources: Use and over-utilization of
surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflict over water, dams- benefits and problems - Mineral
resources: Use and exploitation environmental effects of extracting and using minerals resources, case
studies - Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture, fertilizers pesticides
problems, water logging, salinity, cause studies - Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable
and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources, case studies - Land resources: Land as
a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification - Role of an
individual in conservation of natural resources equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles.

Unit 2 Ecosystem

Bio-diversity and its conservation - Concept of an ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem -
producers, consumers and decomposers. Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, food chain,
food webs and Ecological pyramids - Introduction - Types - Characteristic Features - Structure and
function of the following ecosystems - Forest ecosystem - Grass land ecosystem - Aquatic ecosystem -
Ponds - Streams - Lakes - Rivers - Oceans Estuaries - Bio-diversity Introduction Definition
Genetic - Species and ecosystem diversity - Biogeographically classification of India - Value of diversity -
Consumptive use - Productive use Social - Ethical aesthetic and option values Biodiversity - Threats to
biodiversity - Habitat loss - Poaching of wildlife - Man wildlife conflicts - Endangered and endemic
species of India - Conservation of biodiversity - In situ and ex situ conservation of biodiversity.

Unit 3 Environmental pollution

Definition - Causes - Effects - Control measures for Air pollution - Water pollution - Soil pollution -
Noise pollution - Thermal pollution - Nuclear Pollution - Solid Waste Management - Causes - Effect -
Control measures of urban and industrial wastes - Role of individual in prevention of pollution - Pollution
case studies - Disaster management Floods Earthquake - Cyclone - Landslides - Social issues and the

Unit 4 Social issues and the environment

From unsustainable to sustainable development; urban problems related to energy - Water conservation,
rain water harvesting, watershed management - Resettlement and rehabilitation of people - Its problem
and concerns - Case studies - Environmental ethics - Issues and possible solution - Climate changes -
Global warming - Acid rain - Ozone layer depletion - Nuclear accidents and holocaust - Case studies
wasteland reclamation - Consumerism and waste products - Air (prevention and control of pollution) - Air
Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act - Wildlife protection act - Forest conservation act - Issue
involved in enforcement of environmental legislation - Public awareness.

Unit 5 Human population and environment

Population growth - Variation among nations - Population explosion - Family welfare programme -
nvironment and human health - Human rights; value education - HIV/AIDS, Women and child welfare -
Role of information technology in environment and human health - Case studies.


1. Environmental studies (for under graduate classes) by R.J. Sharma Laxmi publications (p) Ltd
New Delhi.


ILO Convention and Recommendation concerning Occupational Health & Safety - Relevant Conventions
and Recommendation of ILO in the furtherance of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE). SHE a human
right issue. Trade Policy affecting OHS.

Year Convention Recommendation

1985 161 OHS 171 OHS
1988 167 Safety & Health in 175 Safety & Health in
construction construction
1990 170 Chemicals 177 Chemicals
1993 174 Prevention of major 181 Prevention of major
industrial accidents industrial accidents


The Factories Act, 1948 (Amended) and Rules & Tamilnadu Factories Rules 1950 - Factories Act.
Provisions under the Act and Rules made there under with Amendments Case Laws under the Factories


Social Security Legislations - Workmens Compensation Act and Rules. - ESI Act and Rules. Contract
Labour (Abolition and Regulation) Act. - Public Liability Insurance Act.


Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) related Important Legislation - Salient feature Sections pertaining
to SHE. - Indian Boilers Act, 1923 - Indian Electricity Act, 2000 and Rules, Indian Explosives Act, 1984
and Rules. Petroleum Act and Rules. Gas Cylinders Rules.- The Insecticides Act and Rules. - Radiation
Protection Rules. Hazardous Material Transportation Rules. - Static and Mobile (Unfired) Pressure Vessel
Rules,1981 as amended in 2000. - The Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) Act 1996 and Rules and


Environmental Protection Legislations: -Water ( Prevention & Control of Pollution ) Act, 1974 and Rules.
Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and 1982 and Rules. Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 as
amended in 2000. The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 as amended in 2000. The Tamilnadu Motor
Vehicles Rules, 1989 and Transport of Hazardous Goods Rules. - Environment Protection Act, 1986 and
Rules. Noise Pollution Act, 1998. BioMedical Waste, Hazardous Waste Management Rules.


1. The Factories Act 1948, Madras Book Agency, Chennai, 2000

2. The Environment Act (Protection) 1986, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Water (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1974, Commercial Law publishers (India) Pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi.
4. Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1981, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi.
5. The Indian boilers act 1923, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt.Ltd., Allahabad.
6. The Mines Act 1952, Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt.Ltd., Allahabad.
7. The manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemical rules 1989, Madras Book Agency,


Unit- I Introduction to Petrol & Petroleum Products

Petroleum and Petroleum products Classifications Fuels- Petroleum solvents Lubricating oils
Petroleum wax, greases Miscellaneous product


On and off shore oil operation Construction and Installation Pipe line Construction Maintenance and
repair Safety and associated hazards


Drilling oil Technique and equipment- Work position Working condition safety and associated
hazards- lighting and its effects


Petroleum Extraction and transport by sea Oil field products Operation Transport of crude by sea
Crude oil hazards.


Petroleum product storage and transport Tank cleaning- static and mobile pressure vessel rules (SMPV),
Petroleum rules, Gas cylinder rules-Explosives Act 1983-Pesticides Act.


1. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I & II, International Labour Organization,
Geneva, 1985.
2. D.A. Ardus and C.D. Green, Safety in Offshore Drilling: The Role of Shallow Gas Surveys
(Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering), Springer, 1st
edition, 1990.
3. Jan-Erik Vinnem, Offshore Risk Assessment: Principles, Modelling and Applications of QRA
Studies, Springer, 1st edition, 2010.


Unit I Fire Prevention and Protection

Introduction - fire triangle - principles of fire extinguishing various classes of fires A, B, C, D, E

types of fire extinguishers hoses pumps

Unit II Industrial Fire Protection Systems

Sprinkler-hydrants - Other suppression systems CO2 system, foam system, dry chemical powder (DCP)
system, halon system

Unit III- Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) Ladders Ropes & Knots Breathing Apparatus Fire Protection
Clothing Fire Safety requirements for high rise buildings.

Unit IV Building Fire Safety

Objectives of fire safe building design, Fire load, fire resistant material - structural fire protection
concept of egress design exists

Unit V

Case Studies

Text Book

1. Derek, James, Fire Prevention Hand Book, Butter Worths and Company, London, 1986.


1. Gupta, R.S., Hand Book of Fire Technology Orient Longman, Bombay 1977.
2. Accident Prevention manual for industrial operations N.S.C., Chicago, 1982.
3. Dinko Tuhtar, Fire and explosion protection
4. Davis Daniel et al, Hand Book of fire technology
5. Fire fighters hazardous materials reference book Fire Prevention in Factories, an Nostrand Rein
Hold, New York, 1991.
6. Fire Prevention and fire fighting, Loss prevention Association, India.
7. Lees F.P, Loss prevention in process industries, Butterworth Publication London.

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