Tri-City Times: New App Offers Public Safety Info
Tri-City Times: New App Offers Public Safety Info
Tri-City Times: New App Offers Public Safety Info
Photo provided
last week during a press come statement from
conference. McKenna and the depart-
Available in both the ments mission statement;
iOS and Android plat- a listing of Most Wanted
forms, the new Lapeer Tom and Annette Reynolds of Capac pose for a photo after winning $500,000 playing Triple
individuals and links to the
County Sheriff app is Bonus Cashword. Annette purchased her ticket from Doves Corner Market in Imlay City.
departments social media
Lessons in compassion
...see page 3-A
nym ROCK, which total of $650 collected for helped pack the items dur-
encourages all middle hurricane relief efforts. ing a packing party at
school students to embrace The kids have been the Romeo Masonic
the qualities of Respect, making an outstanding Lodge.
Ownership, Compassion effort this year, said Ferman noted that the Clerk Bonnie Rumley administers oath to
and Knowledge. Ferman. Its nice to see Ryan Wilburn (top) and Adam Chesnutt (bot-
Angela Ferman, fifth- the kids and staff come Lessons page 16-A tom) as Chief Larry Pack looks on.
28-year-old Yale man, with the departments K-9 er in hopes of finding and He added that a war-
were awakened. unit. arresting him. rant has been requested for
Upon confronting the They brought the dog They found both resi- the suspects arrest.
Busy weekend busy for Mussey FD
By Maria Brown 25th, they responded to to 10 hours while a clean up helped fuel the flames. The
Happy [email protected]
Mussey Township firefight-
ers didnt get much of a
break over the holiday
multiple incidents.
Just before 7 a.m. on
Nov. 24 they were called to
the scene of a truck accident
on I-69.
Chief Jeff Kegler said
the Canadian trash hauler
crew collected trash from
the roadside.
Firefighters were on
scene for more than 11
Shortly after clearing
that scenearound 7:45
home was in the process of
being remodeled.
Brown City, Brockway and
Berlin townships assisted
on scene.
Fire crews were on
weekend. On Friday,
November 24 and into the overturned along the west- p.m.they responded to a scene for eight hours during
bound lanes near Burt Road structure fire in the 14000 the initial call. Later, on the
in Emmett Twp., spilling the block of Sullivan Rd. The 25th, Mussey firefighters
contents of the trailer and house was fully engulfed responded to the scene
severely damaging the cab. when they arrived on scene, when the fire rekindled.
The driver was injured Kegler said. The home is considered
but managed to remove No one was home at the a complete loss and the
Be sure to look for us at the himself from the wreckage.
The truck struck and dam-
time and its believed the
blaze had been burning for
cause is still under investi-
Christmas Parade this Friday! STADIUM SEATING aged a camera pole along some time before it was Kegler said the resi-
For Showtimes & the freeway. noticed by a passerby. dents had made their own
Traffic was restricted to Kegler said windy con- arrangements for temporary
Ticket Information one lane in the area for close ditions and exposed walls housing.
or call
1650 DeMille
Assisted living facility
Tuesday $5.00 All Day
For Most Movies
needs planners okay
DeShano Properties seeks to develop property
By Tom Wearing take place in December to
[email protected] "It's necessary consider the developers
request for a 10-foot set-
for the
Saturday December 2, 2017
IMLAYCITY back variance.
Plans are proceeding for
construction of a 40-unit
developer to Youatt said the pro-
posed $3 million project
meet all of the
assisted living facility on will feature 40 residential
the east side of Almont units and as many as 20
O Avenue, north of Newark
full-time and 20 part-time
W On Monday, Nov. 27,
Imlay Citys Zoning Board --Tom Youatt,
In conjunction with the
project, the Imlay City
N of Appeals (ZBA) granted
city manager
Commission voted 5-0 in
winter playground
FRI DEC 1 5 PM - 8:30 PM
Lakestone Bank & Trust
Authors Moods
become poetry
Roxann Gulick to sign books of the book. The hurt and pain of
The poems I write losing the one you love
at Castle in the Sky on Dec. 2 reflect the moods I was in never goes awayuntil it
By Tom Wearing 1994 and becoming an when I wrote thembut does, she writes.
[email protected] English, Drama and sociolo- usually when I feel inspired. Pointing out that she
gy teacher in Imlay City. I never know when Ill dabbles in photography,
IMLAYCITY In the 1970s, she wrote be inspired, but I cant write Gulick incorporates some of
When Sarah Graver opened a regular column for the when under pressure, her photos into the book,
Castle in the Sky bookstore Tri-City Times, entitled Gulick says. It has to come which are complemented by
at @150 Pop on Bancroft Country Roads. naturally and must be some- pencil drawings and illustra-
Street in early November, Like the John Denver thing that is meaningful to tions by her brother-in-law,
she wanted to provide a song, she says. me. Dennis Brandt.
place for fledgling authors Gulicks teaching career Sometimes, Ill wake She acknowledges oth-
to introduce their literary also took her to Flint up in the middle of the night ers for their contributions to
works to the public. schools, where her experi- with a thought or an idea, Moods, including sister-in-
Graver makes good on ences led to some intensely she says. Ill write them law Kathy Brandt, who
that promise on Saturday, sobering and sometimes down in my journal, which served as a mentor and edi- Cover of Roxann Gulicks compilation of poet-
Dec. 2, when Imlay City tragic fodder for her poetry. is right next to my favorite tor of the self-published col- ry called Moods.
poet Roxann (Vlad) Gulick After retiring in 2006, chair. lection of poems.
visits from 1-5 p.m. to read Gulick began writing poetry Her 76-page book of Gulick recalls that earli- submitted to Cosmopolitan hard- and soft-cover copies
excerpts from Moods, her as a creative outlet and to poems is divided into 11 er in her writing career, she magazine. She notes that the of Moods for purchase and
newly-published book of share her thoughts and chapters ranging from tended to be philosophical, magazine did not publish signing when she visits
poetry. observations of life. observations of the chang- but no longer. the story. Castle in the Sky on Dec. 2.
In addition to selected Gulick says Moods is a ing seasons to poignant I dont do that any- Gulick adds that she is In addition to writing
readings, Gulick will make compilation of poems that reflections of her personal more, she says. The older currently in the process of and photography, Gulick
herself available for book run the gamut of her per- life. I get, the more I realize I writing an auto-biographical spends her leisure time
signings. sonal experiences and The final chapter of have fewer answers and a novel she describes as a scrapbooking and watching
Gulick, 73, is no strang- observations. Moods is dedicated to the lot more questions. mothers story. old movies.
er to Imlay City. A resident I can only write when memory of her late hus- A poet and more She hopes to have the She resides locally in
for 45 years, she worked as Im in the mood, she says. band, George Gordon In addition to poetry, book finished by mid-2018. her country home with her
a library aide before earning I have to take advantage of Gulick, whose absence from Gulick has written three Gulick says she will eldest son Scott and her dog
a degree from U-M Flint in the moment. Hence, the title her life remains profound. plays and a short story she Photo by Tom Wearing have an ample supply of Gracie.
Imlay City writer Roxann Gulick with her recently published book of poetry Moods.
Christmas Trees
File photo
Wagon Rides & Santa!
OPEN: November 24th, 25th & 26th 9am - 5pm Santa and Mrs. Claus wave to the crowd during the parade at last years Winter Playground in
Fridays: December 1st, 8th, 15th 12 noon - 5pm Imlay City. The couple is scheduled to make a return visit this Friday, December 1.
Saturdays & Sundays, until December 17th 9am - 5pm ACCEPTED!
Imlay hosts Winter Playground
Parade, crafts, activities and treats in store on Dec. 1
By Catherine Minolli The annual lighted In addition, children Warming Station will be
[email protected] parade will make its way are welcome to create a located at Doug
through town at 6 p.m. craft at Creations Floral, Halabicky- State Farm
IMLAY CITY Immediately following the Imlay City Police office, and everyone is
Trust your car Celebrate the holiday sea- the parade, a Community Station, Lakestone Bank welcome to stop in the
insurance with a son this Friday as the city Tree Lighting Ceremony and Trust, Imlay City Ruth Hughes library for
company named transforms into a Winter will take place in front of Florist, and the Print Shop. the Hot Cocoa
for those it serves. Playground that offers the Police Station on Third Kids are also welcome to Hullabaloo from 5-7 p.m.
family fun for all. Street. Santa and Mrs. stop by the law offices of If you need something
Trust your
Weve been carcare of
taking Sponsored by the Claus will visit with chil- Barbara Yockey, where to go with that hot cocoa,
insurance with
auto owners since 1916.a Imlay City Downtown dren right after the cere- kids 12 and under will stop by the police station
Why trust yournamed
insurance Development Authority mony. receive complimentary for some cookies.
with anyone else? and Chamber of
for those it serves. Be on the lookout for glow necklaces. The complimentary
Commerce, the event a Roaming Gifting The indoor Farmers horse-drawn wagon rides
Weve been taking care of includes childrens crafts, Reindeer, who will be Market will be held at will depart from the
auto owners since 1916. an indoor Farmers handing out goodies. Lakestone Bank and Trust, Farmers Market and will
Why trust your insurance Market, complimentary Stop in and shop at and visitors will be able to take a tour around town.
with anyone else? horse-drawn wagon rides local businesses, as sever- roast marshmallows there For more information
BEST LOCAL and of course, the arrival al will be offering extend- as well. visit or
INSURANCE AGENCY of Santa and Mrs. Claus. ed hours on Friday. To take off the chill, a
CITY 000-000-0000
Dryden to light
(810) 724-8600
up this Friday!
CITY 000-000-0000
172 N. Cedar (M-53), Imlay City
80 Anniversary
th p.m. and Mrs. Claus who will friendly hospitality. about the Dryden
Local groups and be transported to the Lighted entries sought Christmas Light Parade,
organizations are invited Dryden Fire Hall down- Barger said all partici- visit the Dryden Fire
to sign up for the parade town, where the couple pating parade entries are Departments web site or
by visiting the website will pose for photos with encouraged to include fes- call 810-796-3050.
File photo
equivalent jobs as part of commissioners
the grant agreement. In the accepted a grant agreement
Santa and Mrs. Claus will greet kids at the Capac Library this Saturday from 2-4 p.m. as part of end, more than four jobs between the Michigan
the Cranberry Christmas festivities. were created as a result. State Police, Thumb
The other hearings Narcotics Unit and county
were related to two Lapeer for funding of the Thumb
Good news:
and raffle tickets will be a Cranberry Christmas be present to win.
sold for a chance to win Craft Show at the Capac The Cranberry Cookoff
themed gift baskets and Historical Society and a Contest returns to the
decorated Christmas trees. Winter Berry Bazaar at the Conrad Community Center
On Saturday, December Conrad Community Center. from 2-3 p.m. For a $1
2, the Capac Chamber of Both events run from 10 donation, guests can taste
Commerce will host their
Cranberry Christmas event
a.m. to 3 p.m. Local arti-
sans will be selling their
and vote for the tastiest
entries. New, faster Frontier
$9.99 broadband processing fee upon disconnection of service applies. Taxes, governmental and other Frontier-imposed
surcharges apply. Frontier reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time. Other restrictions apply.
2017 Frontier Communications Corporation.
FAX 810.724.8552
[email protected]
File photo
board granted business members approved a
owner Steve Franciss rezoning recommendation
request that the Michigan by the planning commis- Santa and special guest flip the switch to light up the community Christmas tree in downtown
Bureau of Construction sion to change its designa- Almont during last years Holly Day Light Parade.
Codes assist in the inspec- tion from ag/residential to
in Almont Dec. 2
plans to move forward with Shelby Meyer as a proba- drive host on WYCD and
the next phases of his con- tionary medical first recently earned an
struction project which responder. Academy of Country
Music Award for Major
Market Personality of the
Subscribe online to the Tri-City Times Santa, Mrs. Claus to arrive for 20th annual event
By Tom Wearing Organization categories. Southeastern Heatmor
Year. His current radio
partner is Holly Hutton.
A 2004 graduate of
TRI-CITY AREA Readers can now get all Almont High School,
access to local news with just one click of the [email protected] To win a prize, parade from 4-6 p.m.
entries must meet the fol- Refreshments will be Stone and his wife, Katie,
mouse. have known one another
The Tri-City Times offers an Online Edition sub- ALMONT Feeling lowing criteria. served and Mrs. Claus will
a wee-bit jolly? Keep with the season- again assist Santa. since elementary school.
scription program and for half the print price, you
can access a digital edition of every weeks newspa- Then join the crowd on al theme of the parade. At 6:30 p.m., gather at The couple now resides
per no matter where you are. Saturday, Dec. 2, as the Include holiday light- Fountain Park at the four in St. Clair Shores with
For just $15 for 52 weeks, readers can head to Almont Downtown ing. corners where the Almont their rescue puppy,
the Tri-City Times Web site, Development Authority Focus on originality High School choir leads a Layla., log into their account (DDA) presents its 2017 and the innovative use of community sing featuring Stone earned his bach-
and read complete issues dating back to March 2010. Holly Day Light Parade. materials. Christmas music. elors degree at Michigan
To take advantage of this great deal, visit our The parade lineup DDA Director Kim If its cold, visitors and State University, studying
website and in the left navigation bar, select begins at 6 p.m. along Schall says the fun for parade attendees are wel- Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ,
Subscribe now. Youll be prompted to select a user Centennial Street, near the families begins at Santas come gather around the Information Studies and
name and password and enter your payment informa- Almont Car Wash. Workshop inside the downtown warming fire Media.
tion. He also plays guitar,
For more information, call our offices at 724-
Scheduled to start at 7 Almont Historical and enjoy warm seasonal
p.m., the 20th annual Light Museum from 4:30-6:30 refreshments. sings karaoke and is
2615 or email [email protected].
Parade will feature a spe- p.m. At the parades conclu- involved in the music
cial visit from Santa and Youngsters are invited sion, Santa will be joined community from Detroit
all the way to Nashville.
awarded the best entries in deliver their letters to Schall says this years Detroit-area events includ-
the Business, Student Santa before the parade Holly Day Light Parade ing Detroits North
Group and Community during his visit to announcer will be Rob American Auto Show.
By Maria Brown
[email protected]
Donations are being
sought for the family of a
GASS-BECKER INSURANCE four month-old Imlay City
girl whos currently hos-
According to family
Bring your family, friends or furry loved ones and take your picture with
Santa. There is no cost to sit with Santa, but a donation is welcome.
Family members are looking to raise funds for the family of four month-
old Symphony, whos currently hospitalized.
Campbells Local Harvest is helping St. Pauls Lutheran Church in Imlay City
with Food for Families and we are also helping one local family with gifts members, Symphony seizures during her hospi- spiritually and emotional-
and assistance for the holiday season. All proceeds will be helping those in Rose, the daughter of talization too. ly. We will be eternally
Katie Tillett and Nathon Pearson is looking to grateful to anyone who
need. We hope you will join Santa and Campbells Local Harvest with food Hascoll, was rushed to the help raise funds on her can reach out, anything
and gift donations to help others have a Merry Christmas. hospital on Wednesday, sisters behalf now that will help.
Nov. 22 after suffering Katie is at her daughters Pearson created a
from a seizure. bedside around the clock. Saving Symphony at
Katies sister, Jess This leaves no
Pearson, said Symphony income coming in to help As of Tuesday, close
was taken to Hurley with medical bills, rent to $400 of the $5,000 goal
Medical Center in Flint and daily necessities for has been raised.
where shes undergone a them, Pearson said. A GoFundMe account
battery of tests but doctors Her family and has also been created. It
have yet to zero in on a friends are doing whatev- can be found at https://
622 N. Van Dyke Rd diagnosis. The infant has er they possibly can to www.gofundme.
Imlay City 810-721-1515 experienced subsequent support her financially, com/4qya960.
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Honor Rolls
Imlay City Patrick, Zoe Rose Marie
Redd, Braydon Michael
Jones, Annabelle Nicole
Judd, Aisha Marie
Cloud, Davis Mark
Audrey Napolitano
Sophia Peter
Hannah Peyerk
Dalton Raymond
Middle School Rekowski, Jenna Leigh Kline, Andrew Joseph Conklin, Grace Rose- Noah Sobek Cylie Reside
Riker, Alicia Mae Lewis, Dorian Kegan Hanna Hope Wilcox Maria Ryan
Honor Roll Ruiz, Alexis Marie Locher, Joshua Robert Cremeans, Natasha Delaney Wolle Lexi Seitz
Ruiz, Guadalupe Lopez, Andrea Destany 7th grade: Andrew Sisler
Imlay City Middle Santana-Granados, Ashley Mehl, Logan Matthew Deltoro, Nataly Lauren Abromaitis McKay Stroman-Haynes
School has released its Stanford, Miranda Ann Milana, Vincenza Marie Douglas, Natalie Marie Isaiah Evans Joseph Thomson
honor roll for the first Thompson, Dominic Arden Monville, Brendan Eagle, Taylor Jo Perry Feierabend Jacob Vallad
marking period of the VanderPloeg, Kade Aaron William Mutch, Gwendolyn Evely, Aaron Joseph Thomas Giles Annabella Weeden
2017-2018 school year. Vermeesch, Morgan Ann Reese Nava, Christopher Ferguson, Ava Nicole Skylar Graham Jessica West
6th grade: Villalpando, Jaden Grace Antonio Nelden, Forti, Jaya Claire Gabriel Hofmann Justin Wheeler
All As Welch, Emily Marina Cooper Jeffrey Nowak, Friedenstab, Isabella Gayle Abigail Johnson Hannah Wilcox
Barragan, Lisbet Wetzel, Karter Alpha Alison Jo Parks Jr., Gill, Lucas Ryan Gillian Kaltz 11th grade:
Blevins, Robert Merc Wood, Bianca Marie Brian Donald Pries, Gray, Gabrielle Elayne Megan Larkin Theresa Abbott
Brock Zandarski, Samyrna Louise Tyler James Puentes, Hedgcock, Alexis Sierra Rilynn Lindsay Paige Abromaitis
Chind, Nicholas Paul 7th grade: Charlie Randolph, Heeke, Hannah Shea Gavin Louwsma Jodie Adams
DAmbrosio, Dominic All As Mackenzie Grace Herrera, Mia Elizabeth Connor Nascivera Vincent Angel
Michael Auger, Evan Joseph Rivera, Emely Michelle Hollenbeck, Avery Robert Hunter Niehaus
Dupont, Travis Charles Joselyn Carpenter
Barragan, Tanya Rodriguez, Katie Rocio Houston, Shane Bradley- Jessica Peters
Ericson, Aiden Timothy Virginia Cronkright
Barron, Alexia Leon Rodriguez-Kelley, Briana Lewi Colten Reside
Erman, Luke Joseph Brady Czape
Barth, Amanda Rae Susanne Kaminski, Mary Elle Logan Rozanski
Forti, Lexa Grayce Belisle, Faith Marie Rodriguez-Torres, Rafael Keeley, Ashley Ann Gabriel Schultz Laura Ellis
Graver, Vivian Elizabeth Belisle, Grace Lynn Rojas, Yesenia Lucero Kelly, Gracie Mae Jackson Spencer Marc Embree
Hernandez, Monica Brown, Julia Marie Rosillo, Liliana Francis King, Haliegh Lorayne Hunter Stayton Brenden Fleming
Hughes, Ethan Scott Clark, Kayleigh Anne Ross, Brooklyn Juliana Klebba, Jacek Kenneth Adeline Tresnak Kelsey Hempstead
Johnson, Alice Rose Czapiewski, Liliana Jean Salcedo, Asia Konarski, Angelene Jessica Voss Caitlyn Hill
Johnson, Lily Grace DAmbrosio, Anthony Santana, Mayra Kathryn Jordan West Cody Hultquist
Kasprzyk, Ana Grace Jiovanni Schapman, Lucas LaCommare, Andrew 8th grade: Alissa Hurd
Keesler, Audrey Isabelle Evans, Alyssa Noel Timmothy Riley Conner Fleming Abigail Kage
Kolasa, Caleb Joseph Galat, Sara Isabel Schmidt, Kaitlynn Marie Landerschier, Dillan Robert Fliedner II Faith Kaltz
Kovacik, Lindsey Marie Granz, Mandy Marie Schriber, Hope Olivia Richard Charles Fliedner Brenden Knuth
Krahn, Andrea Lucero Hoblet, Monique Rose Seitz, Belle Marie McEwan, Jacob Gene Leta Garretson Nevaeh Kritzman
Makedonsky, Lily Miranda Keesler, William Lee Shafer, Ethan Patrick Mow, Carl Zahner Avery Grondin Andrew Lapeer
McEwan, Joshua Joseph Kent, Emma Logan Smith, Logan Nickalus Muehleisen, Benjamin Ashley Hickmott Jaylen Ledee-Rodriguez
Metter, Julia Grace LaCommare, Emmerson Smith, Roman Alexander Michael Isabela Hill Brandon Lemke
Muehleisen, Margaret Rose Stone, Natalie Marie Nally, Amanda Elizabeth Ethan Knuth John Lynch
Constance Ju Lauwers, Elizabeth Ann Thrasher, Lucas Arthur Nerkowski, John Willard Brianna Lentini Jordan Peters
Rottman, Addison Lengemann, Lilian Patricia Vanderploeg, Brady Scott Ocasio Carrasquillo, Dylan Joanna Livingston Natalie Poirier
Elizabeth Lenz, Alexis Lorraine Vettraino, Nathan Anthony Arian Wyatt Mento Jesse Prososki
Sapp, Hannah Elizabeth Livingston, Sydney Marie Visner, Riley Paul Ousley, Trent Michael Abbey Nascivera Alea Purdue
Stadelbauer, Brook Marie McMurray, Kelsea Ann Wendorf, Kemper Anthony Pena, Melanie Alaina Penn Ethan Rozanski
Stapleton, Abby Joslyn Melendez, Jacob Joel David Powers, Rylan William Jenna Peters Kelli Schenkel
Wampler, Micah James Mitchell, Kennedy Noelle Wetzel, Drew Lynn Redd, Holden Michael Evan Purdue Olivia Schornak
Weingartz, Kaden James Morse, Gabrielle Ann Yoas, Calvin Marshall Rios, Ashley Lizbeth Lillian Stevens Alison Sobek
Whitney, Elliot Xavier Pawlaczyk, Gregory Zepeda, Edson Abram Roberts, Harley Jean Rebecca Weiss Samuel Tisch
Whitsett, Kylie Elizabeth Thomas 8th grade: Rodriguez, Alexander 9th grade: Emerson Waite
Wilcox, Zander William Rekowski, Brooke All As Vincent Jackson Abromaitis Marc Williams
Wildie, Conner James Elizabeth Bigger, Melanie Grace Rodriguez, Samantha Harry Atkinson 12th grade:
Zepeda, Emily Roszczewski, Clayton Brandt, Collin Orien Salcedo, Andrea Caitlin Belleville Maryanna Allegro
Honor Roll Richard Deitz, Tess Louise Scese, Claire Marguerite Erin Boettcher Troy Antushevich
Babcock, Chloe Elaine Roszczewski, Kendall Delong, Tyler Steven Schefke, Mahkaylah AnnaMaria Cronkright Cameron Bores
Barragan, Angel Renae Dudek, Jwell Diana Nicole Alyssa Daoud Liam Burke
Behm, Kyle David Salomon Martinez, Angela Elder, Alyssa Julia Shevnock, Scott Garret Natalie Embree Logan Carpenter
Benge, Caylee Ava Shirling, Evan Beau Flores, Yadira Lee Smith, Joseph Earl Gavin Fisher Tessanna Clairmont
Capizzo-Moultrie, Cora Sills, Abbigail Michele Galindo, Isay Smith, Nathan James Reed Hall Mark Cronkright
Dream Stapleton, Ellie Joy Georges, Charbel Phillip Spudowski, Zachary David Abrielle Hurd Jared Czape
Colon, Sarah Marie Vaubel, Veronica Madeline Hall, Madison Elizabeth Stanford, Katrina Marie Ella Kage
Cremeans, Gabrielle Byron Daniels
Webb, Sophia Alaine Hayes, Joshua Warren Stoldt, Trinity Leeann Jack Kaplan
Mariesa Lacey Davis
Honor Roll Hernandez, Camila Swain, Ty Michael Riley Knox
Deel, Dakota Jade John DelCampo
Alessandrini, Nevaeh Joseline Torres, Leslie Olivia Miller
Deltoro, Fernanda Nichol Kanai, Brendan Urbaniak, Emma Hope Ashley Niehaus Ina Dever
Dillon, Cody Jakob Antos, Grace Patrice Christopher Vincent, Reina Jo Teagan OBryan Delaney Finley
Douglas, Gabrielle Renee Arreguin, Lesly Knezevich, John Savo Wagester, Griffin Martin Jenna Pagano Carl (Austin) Grondin
Edson, Zachary Shawn Awwad, Sarah Joy Lamb, Madelyn Christine Wampler, Mason Paul Erin Paton Jordan Hartzman
Felix, Favian Manuel Barragan, Luis Lauwers, Rachel Marie Ward, Aidan James Lauren Pease Sydney Hempstead
Ferguson, Morgan Kay Belbeck, Katelyn Faith Lengemann, Ana Luise Ward, Joslynn Rose Madison Purdue Hunter Hofmann
Gass, Joseph Charles Brandt, Carter Mathew Lengemann, Mary Grace Wetherford, Shelby Ann Nathan Schenkel Kayleigh Hudson
Gilbert, Michelle Louise Breiholz, Natalia Ann Livingston, Olivia Marie Whelan, Jenna Elizabeth Joshua Schornak Delaney Hull
Giles, Jaden Anthony Cardenas Barajas, Ana Lord, Hayley Grace Zepeda, Pahola Alexis Schuhrke Elizabeth Irla
Gray, Alexander Dean Karen McAvoy, Scott Alan Cole Seidell Miranda Kottke
Gray, Dylan Tyler Carrera-Martinez, Silvia Miller, Natalie Patricia Claire Sobek Cameron Latulippe
Grone, Emma Lynn Cassandra Nolin, Xander James Dryden Morgan Voss Amanda Lemke
Cynthia Lentini
Guerrero, Aalyiah Ann
Harrington, Caiden
Denver, Jenna Ashley
Duckworth, Ryan Jesse
Perreault, Angelique James
Rojas, Cristian Rene
High School Lauren Weeder
Miya Wolff Jon Niehaus
Hartman, Hayden Arik
Eades, Jayden Alexander Sarka, Travis Robert Honor Roll 10th grade: Kaylin Norman
Caelan OByran
Finch, Carter Shamus Wagner, Hannah Marie Brendan Biggs
Henderson, Robert Fultz, Kalie Marie Whitis, Austin Tyler Dryden High School Kaitlyn Carter Baylee Otlewski
Dawane Galindo, Edwin Wimpari, Olivia Marie has released its honor roll Angelina DeBellis Forrest (Trevor) Pease
Herbert, Riley Tarin Grubb, Daniel David Wolford, Lance Jeffrey for the first quarter of the Kylie DeVlaminck Samuel Peyerk
Hernandez, Ayleen Guerrero, Tiffany Lynn Zepeda, Karina 2017-2018 school year. Sebastian Durst Blake Porter
Hill, Tavin Kristopher Guzman, Henry Matthew Honor Roll Bold Names = All As Reilly Finley Megan Rinke
Hoban, Jaelynn Marie Harmon, Melvin Oakley Alden, Joseph Romain 6th grade: Tyler Hart Autumn Rosink
Hood, Jacob Thunder Hartman, Noah Isaac Glen Nathan Baughman Kyle Hickmott Gerardo Santiago
Juarez, Adrianna Amiyah Hernandez, Alondra Ruby Almanza Cervantes, Klaudia Belleville Daniela Hill Alexander Sattler
Kinzer, Myranda Ann Hill, Hunter Glen Ximena Tyler Biggs Ronald Hudson Noah Smith
Kosenko, Justice R Hood, Timothy James Aune, Dean Kristopher Jacob Burgess Kylie Kuligowski Colette Socrates
Kreiner, Daniel Francis Howard, Gingerrose Barajas, Abril Madeline Carpenter Ivy Lewis Kyle Tagaro
Leon, Angie Jasmin Michele Hund, Barrett, Paige Lee Ava DeVlaminck Jacob Livingston Lauren Trieloff
Logan, Ahnia Mya Beau Thomas Irish, Benge Jr., Christopher Lily Finnigan Marin Luxgrant Carmen Trupiano
Newell, Kasey Edward Fayth Marie Jacobsen, James Aiden Fitchett Teagan Norman Rachel Vallad
Newsom, Daniel Ray Summer Michelle Cardenas Orozco, Valeria Owen Lasher Kaemen Otlewski Zachary Van Hooser
Osborn, Grace Elizabeth Jennings, Olivia Marie Casillas-Espino, Ceciley Madison Maday Jacqueline Perry Hannah Weiss
Give us a try on your next digital job!
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else when all they want to say welcome to the family decided what to do with Branch and takes time for
do is farm. This ends up business! surplus funds in their town- things to be done correctly
removing good, hardwork- Windmills will allow our ships. and carefully to make sure
ing people from our com- farming families to be Burnside Township all opinions are heard.
Gateway Assembly Youth Director Josh munity and further away secure and build their lives wants to pass a new wind- Chris Swoish,
Thompson, and GWA volunteer artists Lyn from the things they love in our communities. They mill ordinance and, as a Property owner, farmer
McLeod, and Artist Miranda Sanborn. the most. Unfortunately, I will also benefit our local landowner and farmer, I am in Burnside, Burlington,
had to follow this path to economy, because more concerned that they are and North Branch and
Sexual harassment, in any maybe, in a sense, that is a engage in such behavior? are shunned and marriage,
andalism. Never pretty. Always form, is wrong. A problem good thing. There may be Well, it seems that people, instead of shacking up,
destructive. Difficult to unearth is defining what consti- far less hook-ups or particularly men, who are becomes the norm may
the culprits, and often a big thorn tutes sexual harassment. casual sexual encounters in positions of power seem have a positive impact on
in the side of law enforcement personnel Clearly the actions when one possesses the to have little qualms about behavior that we now find
described in the media in knowledge that morning engaging in such behavior. abhorrent.
and the good folks at local departments of recent weeks involving after regrets may morph (Witness Congressman It is unfortunate that
public works who are tasked with clean- politicians, business per- into complaints of sexual Anthony Weiner. On sec- hypocrisy reigns as so
ing it up. sons and Hollywood types harassment or even worse, ond thought, dont.) many in public life, the
Vandalism had become a big problem would constitute sexual criminal complaints. Perhaps it is because media, politicians and oth-
on the old railroad bridges located along harassment. But, what Society is going to have to they have experienced suc- ers make it a political mat-
about a young man invit- come to grips that there are cessful results in the past ter. Those who defended
the Polly Ann Trail in Imlay City. Despite ing a young woman to no defined boundary lines. or because they just believe Bill Clinton are after the
the best efforts by Imlay City police, and spend the weekend with That being said, dont that due to their positions scalp of Alabama senatori-
diligent volunteers who frequented the him at his condo? Is that you wonder what is there the laws and mores of soci- al candidate, Judge Roy
trail, vandals repeatedly spray painted sexual harassment? There about persons in positions ety dont apply to them. I Moore. Those who defend
messages and imagesmany of them are many who claim that it of power that makes them tend to believe it is more Judge Moore call for
It seems the line of believe that the shoddy, skewed to the latter than Senator Al Franken and
obscene and inappropriatealong the demarcation between what and downright disgusting, the former, but may well Representative John
cement walls and walkways on the trail. is truly sexual harassment behavior of displaying of be a combination of both. Conyers to resign. Those
When word started spreading in the and plain old persuasive body parts to members of A return to the values critical of Judge Moore
local paper and on social media sites seduction has been blurred the opposite sex is an where courtship is prac-
such that no one really acceptable method to ticed, members of the
about the problems and the frustrations Letters page 17-A
created by the vandals, a group of young
people decided it was time to step up and
do something about it. Youths from Imlay Super support seen for Superhero 5K
Citys Gateway Assembly contacted The We s t o n Sponsors: Midwest JEM Electric, Lapeer City High School, Imlay
Imlay City Police Chief Scott Pike with a Elementary PTO would Commercial Construction, County Vision Center, City Christian School,
plan. They offered to transform the van- like to sincerely thank the Indigo Lavender Farms, Imlay City Dental-Dr. Kroger, McDonalds, ABC
following for the support Davco Heating & Cooling Aaron Fisher; our Bronze Warehouse, Auto Zone,
dalism into works of art. The unsightly shown for our first annual and William Cilk Concrete; Sponsors: First Generation Country Smoke House and
scrawlings of random images and words Superhero 5K and Fun our Silver Sponsors: Cross Fit, Morrice, Hallmark, as well as all of
have become murals with messages for all Run, which was a great Havens Orthodontics, Lengemann & Miller, Muir the volunteers that helped
to enjoy. success! Noffert Dental, Security Funeral Home, Napa Auto to make this fun day a suc-
The GWA artists bundled up against Wed like thank our Credit Union, Clendenan Parts, Oakwood Cabinets, cessful one as well!
Premier Sponsors: Homer Chiropractic, Warnars Rickard, Denney, Garno & Sincerely,
the damp and cold of a typical Michigan Concrete Products and Chiropractic, Calvary Associates. Wed also like Weston Elementary
fall and volunteered their time to take Venture Global Construction, Tri-City to thank the Imlay City PTO
back the trail, so to speak, and make the Engineering; our Gold Times/Page One Printing, Police Department, Imlay Imlay City
Polly Ann a pleasant and interesting place
to visit and enjoy.
Were tempted to say its not often that Conversation with a cautionary twist
stories about young people solving prob-
lems and doing good deeds make the
headlines, but as community newspaper
I m at the kitchen table
working on a Yoga in
Session sign for the stu-
what I said so much.
For those who havent
seen my boss lately, let me
mendation, was inappro-
priate and sexist. Would I
like it if someone com-
people, we know thats not true. Every dio door when something just say that Randy has mented on my new svelte
starts to niggle at my lost a lot of weight. I frame, that is if Ihad
week, this one included, youll find sto- brain. would say at least 50 one...
ries highlighting the many amazing, self- Im irritated by the pounds, maybe more. Its Wouldnt that be con-
less and uplifting things area youths are niggling, but know Ihave hard to say because hes sidered sexist, and perhaps
doing to make the community a better to pay attention as when- Observations in ink... always been a sturdy look- even sexual harassment?
ever something like this ing guy. I notice the differ- I cringe at the thought
place. As the volunteers from GWA dem- happens it generally Catherine Minolli ence not because Im siz- that my well-intentioned,
onstrate, we think thats the best kind of means Im on the edge of ing him up or Im a lecher off-the-cuff comment may
news there is. some sort of revelation. says, making a circle or anything like that. I have been insulting or
Im thinking about all where the thumb and fore- notice because I KNOW inappropriate. While I
of the headlines about sex- fingers of each hand meet. what it takes to accom- know that Randys likely
ual harassment in the Randy tells me that plish that sort of goal. As not losing any sleep over
workplace, and the con- last year the wind was so one who has restricted cal- it, I do feel like Ive
versation I had with my bad, Joe lashed a couple ories since puberty hit, I crossed a line in my
boss a couple of weeks of trees together just to am intimately aware of the attempt to be complimen-
ago. I was on my way out keep from being shot out discipline, the persever- tary and perhaps even flat-
the door and wanted to of the stand like a reluc- ance, the commitment, the tering. As one who has
catch him up on a couple tant arrow by the strong, denial, and did I mention been the subject of many
of staff/office related sustaining winds. the discipline it takes to unwanted solicitations,
things, and find out more I hope the trees are drop that kind of weight comments and critiques
about the hunting trip he big enough to hold me, and keep coasting along over the years, the last
was about to embark on in Randy says with a grin. at the new level. thing I ever want to do is
the coming week. I jump right in and say I know how dreadful make someone feel
One thing led to With your new svelte and daunting it can be, yet uncomfortable or under
another and while were frame thatll be no prob- how theres sweet libera- the microscope about their
were talking about the lem at all. Youll be tion to be found in that appearance. I know all
hunting trip, my boss climbing up those trees kind of self-control. I about that, too.
starts explaining how his like its nothing, in no know all about it, and Lightbulb moment.
upcoming days hunting in time. admire what it takes to Words have power, and
the wind-tunnel of the Record scratch. Full make a plan and stick to it. even with the best inten-
Nebraska flatlands would stop. Heres the little thing And so I felt free in the tions, I need to make sure
Facebook photo
go. thats niggling my brain. knowing. Free to com- to choose them carefully.
Were going to spend That seemingly innocent, ment, thinking it perfectly If I dont, I could end up
all day up in a tree, and meant-to-be compli- fine and acceptable. as one of my own head-
Randy says. Joe was tell- mentary comment. Was Complimentary even. thats some-
Gateway Assembly volunteers tackle the ing us that some of the that Harvey Weinstein-like And then it hits me thing to cringe about.
vandalism problem along the Polly Ann trees arent that big of me? Am I a closeted while Im making the yoga Email Catherine at
Trail. some of them are only GHW Bush? Ugh! In sign. Maybe my comment, cminolli@pageone-inc.
about this big around, he hindsight Im not liking meant as a tribute, a com- com.
Photo provided
ry. Empire at the time and ents were Franz and Anna collaboration with the
All the Liblong day... ple,
For exam-
today its location, or the
land it once occupied, is in
Kaiser Lieblang and great-
Nazis. That was never
proven but the entire vil-
Rick Liblong friend Rick northeast Serbia. The were Kaspar and Katharina lage became a prison
This sign indicates where Molin was.
Hinton can Banat Region, and Molin, Brenner Lieblang. All lived where many were shot or
trace his consisted mostly of people in Molin. Kaspar was born
mothers family back to who spoke German. in 1801 but thats as far
Thomas Jefferson and Intrigued now, I found back as Ive been able to
before. Former colleague a website named molidorf. trace thus far.
Jim Welton has researched com which was a treasure There were many
his maternal side to about trove of history of the vil- Lieblangs in the village. I
the year 1100 and his lage and its residents and assume they were all relat-
fathers side to about 1600. obtained a book with ed in some manner.
Since America is a nation names of Molin residents Because of the constant
of immigrants, most of us taken from church records. turmoil in the area over
descended from people In 1900, Molin had a pop- ethnicity; German,
who came from some- ulation of about 1,200 Hungarian and Serbian;
where else. which was the size of my grandfathers family
I have to admit I didnt Almont when I was grow- decided to send him to
get caught up in the craze ing up there. America to avoid the war
but did remember many of My grandfather was that was certainly coming
the stories that my paternal born there on August 23, at some point. He never
grandfather, Nick J. 1890. He was one of six went back nor saw his par-
Liblong, had told me. Oh, children born to Nikolous ents again. His brother,
how I wish I had recorded and Katharina Weber Joe, came to the U.S. in
or kept notes of those con- Lieblang, my great-grand- 1921.
versations. parents. The name was Grandfather arrived at
He had come from changed to Liblong when Ellis Island on October 14,
Photo provided
Austria-Hungary, born in
1890, and emigrated to the
United States in 1906 to
Cincinnati, married my Ruins are all that is left in Grandfathers hometown.
grandmother, Emma to a once vibrant village. And so it is with many
Kempf in 1910 and moved starved to death. This last- Molidorf (Molin), once a of us. My story is like so
to Berville and then ed until 1948. There were thriving community, has many of yours. The memo-
Almont, Michigan. They 11 Lieblangs who died in vanished. Its people, so ries and stories will stay
had two sons, Joseph J. the prison camp. proud of their homes, their with us and our descen-
born in 1911 and Nick A., On the website it says: horses and their fertile dants. Have you traced
my dad, born in 1915. No trace of it can be fields are gone as well. your roots yet? The
Grandfather told me that found on modern maps and The fallow land has been Internet makes it much
he came from a village no road sign points in its reclaimed by nature once easier. Make sure you
named Molin but I never direction. The church stee- again. These diligent and record as much of your
could find it on a map. ple no longer graces the gentle people, who held a familys history as you can
Thats because it doesnt horizon, and the lanes have deep and abiding love for so that your descendants
exist anymore. fallen silent. No childrens their Molidorf community, will know from whence
After the Internet came laughter is drifting on the have been scattered as dry they came. After all, what
along I typed in Molin and gentle breeze. No song to leaves in the wind. is America except for her
Wikipedia told me: Molin ease the work of the fur- Molidorf and all that it people?
Photo provided
was a village in Banat, rowed fields. Once tidy once was, all that it meant, In Part 2, Ill examine my
Serbia. The village was homes reduced to mounds all that has taken place mothers roots as a
founded in 1832 and exist- of rubble, are covered now here, both good and bad, Carpenter.
ed until 1961. It was locat- in weeds and tangled bri- will live on in our thoughts Email Rick at
ed in the Nova Crnja Nick and Emma Liblong, my grandparents. ars, bearing silent witness and in our hearts. [email protected].
Best seat on farm: A farm fable of Lem and Lees five hens
H ur-ry! hollered
Blondie from her
dust bath under the hen-
the sky.
What a doozy!
Goldie whispered.
chute. They took one last
drink of water and flew up
to roost.
Well be all cooped up for
months! No dust baths
under the house!
Silver, Blackie, Goldie,
and Brownie blushed.
Blondie hung her head
Silver, Blackie, and Goldie.
The sisters turned their
toes to the east window and
house. The sun is at the Magnificent! Blackie Thank you, Blondie, Just then, they heard in shame. We were unkind. roosted.
top of the pine cove! agreed. said Blackie. We would've Lems voice and the house Lem and Lee thank us for Errrrr, Blondie
Lickety-split, Silver, This is the best seat in missed the show without door opened. Hello Girls! every egg we lay. They hummed, the weight of
Blackie, Goldie, and the house for your alert. Getting down to thirty bring us oatmeal almost guilt lifted from her breast.
Brownie left their pecking the days Blondie didnt answer. degrees tonight, so Im every day. I feel aaawful we Next morning, they
and scratching and rushed grand fina- Matter of fact, she wasnt turning on your heat lamp. turned our backs on them. cracked their eyes open to
to Blondies side. le, Silver in her usual spot on the top Lem furrowed his I feel aaawful, too, days first sunbeam.
The five hens huddled said. pole. And she faced the brows when he saw the said Brownie. Email Iris at
and gazed upward, their Bock, wall instead of the window! hens facing the wall. So do I, chimed [email protected].
beaks apart in awe of the agreed Clearly, Blondie was not Whats up? Dont you
red, sinking sun.
Brownie couldnt con-
tain her absolute pleasure.
Honest Living... Goldie.
Theres no
Iris Lee Underwood other place I
her usual bossy self.
Blackie turned around
on the post and caught the
girls know you have the
best seat on the farm to
watch the sunrise? Lem
Venture Global treats
Devonshire residents
Errrrrr, she trilled. Red prefer, said gleam of a tear in Blondies glanced at their water and
is my favorite color. Blackie. eye. What's wrong, grain and closed the door.
The sisters sang their Me neither, Brownie Blondie? You look saaad. See what I mean!
humming song, for every replied. There she Bock, Blondie nod- Blondie blurted.
hen is fond of red. All is goooes! ded. Lee pulled up her red Her sisters shrugged By Tom Wearing Retirement Village at 101
well on the farm. The sun vanished and geraniums today from her their wings in exasperation. [email protected] Devonshire Drive in Lapeer
The sun slid behind the provoked a long stretch of black cauldron in the pine Please, Blondie, offers multiple care options
pines and set them afire. legs amongst the clutch. cove. Blackie said. Compose IMLAYCITY On including: independent liv-
Clouds the colors of Lees Goldie led the way up the The hens heard yourself and tell us what Dec. 1, The Venture Global ing, assisted living, memo-
heirloom tomatoes streaked ramp and through the Blondies tear fall onto the you mean. Engineering Foundation of ry care, day care and short-
straw. With a great deal of The hens waited Imlay City and Sterling term care.
toe and wing maneuvering, patiently without a scratch
Living in freedom
Heights will present an The all-volunteer
Brownie, Silver, and Goldie here and there. evening of dining and Foundation was established
also turned around. Well, remember when entertainment for more to support local community
We all miss Lees red Lem and Lee went on vaca- than 50 residents of the organizations and non-
Make an effort to not going to say about all of geraniums, Blondie, said tion? Blondie asked. Devonshire Retirement profit charities.
let your actions or words this. I stand in the shadow Silver. They were beauuu- Her sisters nodded. Village. The annual golf outing
be an offense to others. of the cross, having laid tiful this summer, weren't Blondie took a deep Record fundraiser takes place at two golf
I try to live by that maxim.
I try also, though, to not
be quick to take offense.
my bag of burdens on The
Burdenbearer who willing-
ly carried it all the way to
Buuuook, Blondie
said with a sniffle. And
breath. Remember how
nice our critter sitters were,
and I said Lets give Lem
Venture Global held its
4th annual Fundraising
Golf Outing in July, raising
courses; Wyndgate Country
Club and the Westwynd
Golf Course in Oakland
Or, in the the cross. The sins Ive its going to be a looong and Lee the cooold shoul- record funds enabling the Township.
words of my committed (as well as winter. I feel it in my toes. der when they return? foundation to distribute The beneficiaries
sweet, and those I still will); the sins more than $300,000 to Charities and groups to
others have committed
against me. And I will say Raise your voice in song! local groups, charities and
benefit from this years
outing include: The Believe
friend, Get this. Probably the most DRYDEN Spread some holiday cheer on The Dec. 1 event will Foundation, Chippewa
the log outta precious letter I ever Friday, December 15! All are welcome to join in with feature a three-course din- Valley Football, The New
your keister Perspectives... received was the one from a group of holiday carollers as they meet at the ner, a gift and musical Day Foundation for
already! someone admitting wrong Farmers Insurance building at the corner of Mill and entertainment from the Families, Romeo High
I dont Willene Tanis and asking forgiveness. Main streets downtown at 6:30 p.m. The group will Sterling Heights Stevenson School Class of 2018,
say all this Its no longer on my walk through the community singing carols. High School marching Stevenson High School
lightly, ledger. Neither are things band. Band Boosters and the
because sometimes even Ive done for which God Because of the size of Romeo Foundation for
Subscribe Today!
the gospel is offensive. has shown me mercy and the retirement village, Educational Excellence.
And sometimes its just forgiveness. There is free- meals and entertainment For further information
plain time to have the con- dom. And I choose to live will be provided in three on the Foundation, visit the
versation about wrongs in that freedom. Tri-City Times separate areas encompass- Facebook page or visit our
which happened. Email Willene at ing two buildings.
But heres what I am [email protected]. (810) 724-2615 The Devonshire
web site at vgefoundation.
Town Talk
Editors note: Due to space every month. Bring a sack Methodist Church. the month at 7 p.m. For more City Christian School, Mon.-
constraints announcements lunch, beverages provided. info call 810-796-3355. Fri. 8-4, 810-724-5695.
will be posted one week in Senior stretch exercise on Free meals for people in need Widowed Friends invites all
advance of the event. Notices
must be received in writing by
Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. Potluck
luncheons will be served the
are offered at the North
Branch Senior Center on Youth Events widowed to join us for break-
fast and friendship in a safe
Womans Life Chapter 855
will continue its Bottle & Can
noon Monday prior to the pub- 4th Tuesday of every month at Monday and Thursday eve- setting every 2nd and 4th Drive, to help those in need,
nings from 5:30-7 p.m. Call Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. Monday of the month at 9 throughout the year of 2017.
lication date. noon. Call 810-395-4518 for This is a FREE workshop for
details. 810-441-0322 for more info. a.m. at Seros, 925 Gratiot in Call for the nearest drop off
3-5 year olds & parents/care- Marysville. For more info, call location. For large donations
For Senior Citizens Ryan Smith, a certified alco-
hol and drug counselor will be
Orchards Cupboard Food
Pantry is open the 3rd
givers! Enjoy fun projects
that will develop your childs
Julie at 810-388-0868. a pickup service is available.
available at the Imlay City Saturday of every month 9 skills and prepare them for Grief Share, a 7/14 series for
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from a.m.-noon. Food distributed school! Children also enjoy a those that have lost loved ones
9-10 a.m. at
Congregational Church in
First Seniors Center on the 4th
Thursday of every month at 74903 McKay Rd., Bruce snack, story time, and a free support group will begin Sept. Craft Shows/Bazaars
Twp., 586-336-4673. www. book! Call the Family Literacy 7 at the Imlay City Senior
Almont. Practice led by Dina
Miramonti, RYT.
from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Center today to reserve your Center located in the Lamb- Rummage Sales
seat at 810-664-2737 and for Steele building on Third
Imlay City Senior Center
Texas Hold Em 12:30 p.m.
Free Meals, Food Museums more info on dates and times. Street. Pre-register by calling
Tracy at 810-724-6030 or
First Annual Sale of the
Seasons. St. Pauls Lutheran
Play groups available. Free 6 Ginger Miller at 810-724-
For info 810-724-6030. St. Pauls Lutheran Church week sessions. At these FREE Church, Imlay City. Fri., Dec.
The Dryden Historical Society 5772. 1, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., Dec. 2, 9
Dinner and an evening of card Food for Families kitchen is meets at 7 p.m. the first 90-minute playgroups, chil-
open to the public for free, hot dren will participate in story- For those that have experi- a.m.-2 p.m. Light lunch 11
playing with friends, 50/50 Wednesday of the month and a.m.-2 p.m. each day. Come
raffle and prizes of high and meals every Monday and the museum opens every time, developmentally appro- enced the death of a loved one,
Wednesday from 4-5:30 p.m. priate games and crafts, learn a support group is available see the seasons, silent auction,
low for each table every 3rd Monday from 5:30-7 p.m. and enjoy the bake sale.
Monday at the Washington new skills, and enjoy a snack facilitated by a trained United
This Heart Loves Food Pantry The Capac Historical Society and social time with other Hospice Service (UHS)
Medical Care
Senior Center, 57880 Van is open the 1st Saturday of
Dyke, Washington Twp., MI is open to visitors daily from children. Parents will have the bereavement volunteer.
each month from 9 a.m.-3 1-3 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. on chance to talk to other adults Marlette Regional Hospital,
48094, from 4-8 p.m. Call for p.m. at Gateway Assembly
further details, 586-752-6543. Sundays. Call 810-395-2859 with same-age children. 2770 Main Street in Marlette, Lapeer County Health
Church, 2796 S. Van Dyke for more info. Register now for the next ses- hosts this support group the Department, 1800 Imlay City
Swing Dance Lessons offered Rd., Imlay City. sion! Numerous locations and 1st Tuesday of each month in Rd., Lapeer - Regular
at the Port Huron Senior The Attica United Methodist Presenting dates available. For more info the Administration Immunization Clinic Hours:
Center, 600 Grand Avenue in
Port Huron, every Tues. from
Church will be holding a free
community meal on the 2nd The Sound and to sign up call the Family
Literacy Center at 810-664-
Conference Room. For time
and more info, call 800-635-
(held in 2nd floor clinic area)
Mondays 1-3:30 p.m. Walk-
7:30-9 p.m. and the 1st and and 4th Tuesday of each (Fka The Rob Mills Family) 2737. 7490 or visit www.marlettere- In, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-
3rd Thurs. of the month from month from 4:30-6:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. By Appointment
Support Groups
7:30-9 p.m. with instructors For more info please call 810- Only, Thursdays 1-3:45 p.m.
TOPS 620 Lapeer weight- loss
Lyle Malaski & Kristina
Morton. Call 810-984-5061
724-0690 or visit www.atti-
CONCERT group meets Tuesday nights at
the Hunters Creek Mobile
By Appointment
Additional Immunization
for more info. 6 pm - Friday, Dec. 8th Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Clinics Offered: By
The Attica Food Bank at the meetings are held every Home Park Club House, 725 Appointment Only (held in
Council on Aging Membership Attica United Methodist Goodland Monday night at 8 p.m. at St. DeMille Rd. in Lapeer. Weigh- 2nd floor clinic area). Walk-In
is open to individuals 18 and Church, 27 Elk Lake Rd., is Community Church Pauls Lutheran Church in in from 6-6:30 p.m., meeting (held in lower level). For addi-
older. The Capac Senior open from 2-4 p.m. the 2nd In Imlay City Imlay City. from 6:30-7:30 p.m. For more tional info, to check if we
Center is open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 and 4th Monday of each info call 810-664-7579. accept your insurance, or to
p.m. weekdays. We offer a month. Proof of residency and Spreading Christmas Joy! Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) schedule an appointment
variety of activities such as fit- Love Offerings will be taken and Al-Anon meetings are
ness and craft classes, a book
need required.
held every Wednesday night Cookie Walk please call 810-667-0448.
review group, cards and bus The Capac Community Food More info? 724-8064 at 8 p.m. at the Capac United December 9, 2017 9am Free hearing and vision
trips. Call Lori at 395-7889 Pantry, 112 S. Main Street, is Methodist Church, Capac, screens for children of pre-
for more info. open each Wednesday from The Imlay City Historical MI. St. Nicholas school age are available at the
1-3 p.m. Please call LOVE, Museum welcomes visitors Catholic Church Hall Lapeer County Health
Almont and Dryden area INC. at 810-245-2414 in and is open on Saturdays Lapeer Area Citizens Against 4331 Capac Rd Capac, Michigan Department. To schedule an
senior citizens meet the 2nd advance to ensure your food from 1-4 p.m. Our museum Domestic Assault meets 1-3 Info: 810-395-2049 appointment please call 810-
Tuesday of the month at 12 voucher will be received features period rooms that p.m. every Wednesday in the 667-0448 or 810-245-5549.
p.m. at the Almont Lions Hall, before you stop in to shop. appear as they would have Lapeer Court House for per- Purchase a large tin for $9.00
222 Water St., for a potluck Any questions, please call been prior to the turn of the sonal protection order clinic. and fill it with your choice Capac Pharmacy is teaming
and program. Call 798-8210 Joyce Kaufman at 810-395- 20th Century and into the For info 810-246-0632. of delicious homemade with Support Million Hearts
for more info. 7532. 1930s. Fabulous artifacts and Christmas cookies. by offering in-pharmacy
10A Friday AFG Family blood pressure screenings, 136
Adults 55 and over are invited antiques greet guests in every Groups meeting. Imlay City Come early for best selection!
The Capac Kitchen serves room and transport them North Main St. in Capac,
to Berlin Twp. Senior Center free meals every Tuesday from FOC Lutheran Church, 7191 Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
to play cards from noon-3 back to when life was a sim- Imlay City Rd, Imlay City.
4:30-6 p.m. at Zion United pler time. Visitors will find TOPS 888 (Take Off Pounds Everyone is invited to come
p.m. the 2nd Wednesday of Contact Ginger Miller at 810- Sensibly) meets Wednesdays and have their blood pressure
exhibits relating to railroad- 724-5772 for more informa-
ing, military, and Imlay City at the 25 Pine Ridge Dr. in read for free.
tion. Lapeer. Weigh-in at 8:30 a.m.,
business of the pastand
much more. In addition, the 9:30 a.m. meeting. Call Linda
museum features exhibits of
influential and famous home-
WOMEN: Lunch-Cards-
Friendship. Join us every 3rd
at 810-245-3955 or Phyllis
810-395-7035 for more info. Events
town people Stop by and take Tuesday of each month from Goodland Community
a look! 11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at Cavis
Pioneer Restaurant, 5600
Fundraisers Church in Imlay City is pre-
senting The Sound (aka The
3 Nutritious Meals Daily Light Housekeeping The Almont Community Lapeer Rd. in Kimball Twp. Rob Mills Family) Christmas
Complimentary Satellite TV Health Services Historical Society Museum is 48074. No RSVP necessary. The Imlay City Christian Concert Fri., Dec. 8 at 6 p.m.
Life-enriching Activities open Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. For more info call Joanne K. School has discount cards Spreading Christmas Joy!
Please stop by and learn about at 810-324-2304. This activity available for sale. Proceeds Love offerings will be taken.
your community. Society is sponsored by Widowed benefit the schools athletic, Questions? 810-724-8064.
meetings are held at the muse- Friends, a peer support group music and PE programs. For um on the second Monday of more information call Imlay Cookie Walk. Dec. 9. 9 a.m. St.
Nicholas Catholic Church
Hall, 4331 Capac Rd. Purchase
a large tin at the church and
fill it with your choice of
Christmas cookies. Call 810-
395-2049 for more informa-
Cookie/Candy Walk Sat., Dec.
St. Pauls 9. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Goodland
Community Church, 2008 N.
Lutheran Church VanDyke Rd., Imlay City (cor-
(ELCA) ner of M-53 and Armstrong
200 North Cedar (M-53) 859 N. Van Dyke Road Rd.) For more information:
4411 Newark Road Call 810-441-4855.
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 Imlay City, Michigan 48444
810-724-1200 810-724-2702
Sunday 2:30 pm
email: [email protected] Tuesday 7:00 pm
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Friday Youth 7:00 pm
Pastor Tim Martin
Pastor Alan Casillas Free tutor training for people
17 Sunday 10 a.m. Service 17 17 who would like to help others
Attica Capac Imlay City Almont Light of Christ
17 in our community improve
English skills. Volunteer basis.
U.M.C. U.M.C. C.R.C.
First Baptist Church Please call for orientation
14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53) before training at 810-664-
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI
(810) 724-0690 Church 810-395-2112
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Wayne Boyd, Pastor Church 2737.
Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am 2720 Winslow Road Volunteer for the Habitat for
Attica Food Bank: Serving those Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services Imlay City, MI 48444 Humanity of Lapeer County
MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm at the office. Interested parties
in need in Attica Twp, 2-4 pm, Bible Studies Every
Community Mens & Womens Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass
2nd and 4th Monday Monday and Tuesday Evenings [email protected] can call 810-664-7111 and
Tuesday Morning
Bible Studies
Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services Sunday Worship 10:30 am speak to Carolyn, Cheryl or
Rev. Ron Rouse 810-724-4315 over 17
Come as you are - everyone is welcome!
17 17
Come Grow With Us! 17 Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God Phone: 810-724-6999 17
Pete at 810-660-7823.
Club News
U.M.C. U.M.C. Catholic Church
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court Capac, MI
(810) 395-7557
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 700 Maple Vista, Imlay City
Veterans of Foreign Wars
5394 Main Street - Dryden (Across from the Library) 810-724-1135 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City (VFW) of Imlay City, Post 74903 McKay Rd., Romeo Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
810-796-3341 Like Us On Weekday Masses
Morning Worship - 8:45 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. 2492, 598 N. Almont Ave.
10:30 a.m. Worship Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri 8 am Wed. 10 am Evening Service - 5:00 p.m. (Fairgrounds Rd.) Overseas
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth First Sat. 8 am
Sunday Mornings
Nursery Available
Weekend Masses
Wednesday Family Night - 6:45 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Veterans Meetings 2nd
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade 10:30 am
Youth Group 6th-12th grade Sat. Vigil Mass 5 pm Adult & Children's Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Supervised child care during all services Thursday, every other month,
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. 5pm-6:30pm Sundays Sun. 9 am - English Children's Church during service. Sunday School 7 p.m.; Post Meetings 1st
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
11 am - Spanish
Confessions 1/2 hr. before each Mass &4pm Sat. COME & MAKE A Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May Thursday every month, 7
810-724-0687 17 Father Paul Ward DIFFERENCE WITH US! 17 Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist Staffed Nursery During Worship 17
17 17 17 p.m.; Auxiliary Meetings 1st
Saturday of every month, 10
West Berlin Imlay City Christ Evangelical First Congregational Church a.m.
Church of Christ Lutheran Church United Church of Christ
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke 1970 S. Almont Ave., Imlay City 275 Bancroft - Imlay City
Almont/Dryden Masons meets
Imlay City, MI 48444 7 p.m. every 2nd Thursday of
201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service
at corner of Newark Rd.
(Corner of 5th Street) 810-798-8855 the month at Masonic Center
Corner of Almont Road Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am
Morning Worship 11:00am Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 810-724-6207 Sr. Pastor: Keith Langley in Almont.
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Thursday Worship 7:00 p.m.
Sunday School &Morning Adult Group 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service at 10:15 a.m.
Nursery available and Jr. Church The Imlay City American
Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Legion Post 135 meets the 2nd
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Pastor Rev. Dr. Renee C. Jackson
for ages 3 thru 5th grade
810-724-3306 Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sundays 6-8pm and last Wednesdays of the
Rev. Curtis Clarke COME WORSHIP WITH US!
Ralph O. Stuebs
Cell-(567) 674-0438 No matter who you are or where you are Kidz 4 Christ ~ Wednesdays 6-7:30pm month at 7:30 p.m. The post is
John Barker, Minister Come to the WELS on lifes journey, you are welcome here!
17 17 17 Pre-School - 5th grade 17 located at 212 E. Third Street.
Goodland 17
Family of St. Cornelius St. Nicholas St. John The Holy Redeemer Contact them at 724-1450 or
Community Christ Catholic Church Catholic Church Evangelist
Lutheran Church - Catholic Church Lutheran Church
Church Missouri Synod
3834 N. Mill Street, P.O. Box 208
Dryden MI 48428
4331 Capac Road 872 Capac Rd. 4538 Dryden Rd. Dryden, MI The Evening Star Quilt Guild
2008 N. Van Dyke
Capac, MI 48014 Allenton, MI 48002
810-395-7074 810-796-3951 meets the last Wednesday of
Box 82 7191 Imlay City Road
Imlay City Weekday Masses: 810-395-7572 each month at the Davison
Senior Center, 10135 Lapeer
Imlay City, MI 48444 Bible Study - 9:00 am Wed. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: 8:00 am - BIBLE CLASS; 9:30 am - WORSHIP
810.724.1747 Worship Time - 10:30 am Weekend Masses: Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. 11:00 am - SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS Rd. in Davison. Meetings start
Childrens Church - 10:30 am Saturday - 4:30 p.m. Weekend Masses: Weekend Masses: ALL WELCOME!!! at 6:30 p.m. and doors open at
Worship Service: 10:00 am Phone 810-724-2620 Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Saturday - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Pastor Steven Helms 6 p.m. For more info call Lisa,
Pastor Chad Hampton 17 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 17 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 17 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 17 Christian Preschool Available 17 810-358-7294.
~ Elaine Babcock, 89 ~ ~ Patricia Gabbard, 76 ~
Elaine Babcock, age She is survived by her Elaine was preceded Patricia Gabbard, age and Mark (Annie)
89, of Imlay City, husband, Philip Babcock; in death by a granddaugh- 76, of Attica, Michigan, Gabbard of Lake Orion,
Michigan died Saturday, two daughters, Denise ter, Sarah Lynn Babcock; died Tuesday, November MI; one sister, Pauline
November 25, 2017 at her Babcock of Brown City, a grandson, Adam 21, 2017 at McLaren Rommel of Wakefield,
home in Imlay City. MI and Tina (Allen) Babcock; and a sister, Lapeer Region of Lapeer, MI; one brother, Frank
Elaine Mildred Herbert Gingerich of Bonneville, Hazel Zuhlke. MI. Butch (Susie) Kurta of
was born October 4, 1928 KY; four sons, Larry Graveside services Patricia Ann Kurta was Wakefield, MI; eight
in Almont, MI. She is the (Diane) Babcock of were held Monday, born December 2, 1940 in grandchildren, Jessica
daughter of the late Lapeer, MI, Allen (Jenny) November 27 at Imlay Wakefield, MI. She grew (Ryan) Hinman, Tricia
George and the late Edith Babcock of Washington, Township Cemetery. up in Wakefield and grad- (John) McDowell, Megan
(Slater) Herbert. Elaine MI, Dennis (Barb) Reverend Timothy uated from Wakefield Gabbard, Michael
grew up in Almont and Babcock of Ypsilanti, MI Ericson, pastor of the High School. Patricia went (Shannon Grigg) Hintz,
she was a 1946 graduate and Rick (Jan) Babcock Trinity Baptist Church in on to receive her LPN Miranda Hintz, Randi
of Almont High School. the first couple to be mar- of Royston, GA; three Imlay City, officiated. Nursing degree from Gabbard, Taylor Gabbard,
She married Philip Olin ried in the new church in brothers, Dave (Evie) Funeral arrangements Marquette Nursing School and Autumn Gabbard; and
Babcock on November 1948. She was employed Herbert of Davison, MI, were been entrusted to the in Marquette, MI. She four great-grandchildren,
26, 1948 in Imlay City, as a sales clerk at several Donald (June) Herbert of Muir Brothers Funeral married Clennie Garland Kaylee, Julie, Aubrey and
Michigan. They have stores in downtown Imlay Imlay City, MI and Home of Imlay City, 225 Gabbard on July 14, 1962 Alana.
lived in Imlay City for City: Brownites Ronald (Faith) Herbert of N. Main Street, Imlay in Wakefield, Michigan. Patricia was preceded
over 60 years. Elaine was Department Store, Kehoe Hadley, MI. She is also City, MI. Patricia was preceded in in death by her parents
a member of the Trinity Shoes Store (also as a part survived by sixteen grand- Please be sure to sign death by her husband, and her husband, Clennie
Baptist Church in Imlay owner), and Murrys children and thirteen our online register book at Clennie Gabbard on June Gabbard.
City; she and Philip were Womens Clothing Store. great-grandchildren. 23, 2015. The funeral was held
She was employed as Saturday, November 25,
~ Robert Bob Gillespie, 79 ~ a nurse at McLaren Lapeer
Region (Lapeer General /
2017 at St. Cornelius
Catholic Church, 3834 N.
Robert Bob in Texas and in North Gillespie, Robert Lapeer Regional) in Mill St., Dryden, MI. Rev.
Gillespie, age 79, of Imlay Africa. Gillespie, and Markie Lapeer, MI for 30+ years Fr. Mike Gawlowski offi-
City, Michigan, died He married Donna Gillespie; and nine great- before retiring in 2000. ciated. Interment followed
Wednesday, November 22, Jean Vaughn on December grandchildren, Owen, Patricia was always on at Arcadia Township
2017 at United Hospice 23, 1961 in Lebanon, Isabella, Elden, Ulston, the go. She loved to deco- Cemetery in Lum, MI.
Residence of Marlette, MI. Virginia. They lived in the Ava, Alba, Tysen, Maggie, rate for the holidays; and A Rosary service was
Robert Harold Imlay City, Michigan area and Ryder. was very involved with held Friday, November 24,
Gillespie was born January for 47 years. He was preceded in Seven Ponds Nature 2017 at Muir Brothers
10, 1938 in Marytown, Bob was employed by death by his son, Kenneth Center, volunteering and Funeral Home of Imlay
West Virginia. He was the the Chrysler Corporation, Gillespie, Sr.; and two sis- cooking for various fund- City.
son of the late Kelly and at the 9 Mile and Mound ters, Theda Brumfield and raisers there. Funeral arrangements
the late Ethel (Amburn) plant in Warren, as a weld- Margaret Brumfield. She is survived by one were made by Muir
Gillespie. He grew up in er repairman for 31 years. daughter, Deborah (Mike) Brothers Funeral Home of
Welch, West Virginia and He spent a lot of his A memorial service Hintz of Attica, MI; two Imlay City.
attended Welch High free time hunting and fish- has not been planned at sons, Tim (Miranda) Please be sure to sign
School. ing this time. Gabbard of Lapeer, MI our online register.
Bob proudly served in Bob is survived by his Arrangements were
the United States Air
Force from 1955 to 1960.
wife, Donna (Jeannie)
Gillespie; one son, Mark
Sandy, WV and Carol
Arrant Beckley of WV;
made by Muir Brothers
Funeral Home of Imlay ~ Edna Stoldt, 91 ~
He was a mechanic in the (Angie) Gillespie of four grandchildren, City. Please be sure to sign
Air Force and stationed at Brown City, MI; two sis- Kenneth (Jana) Gillespie, our online register muir- Edna Stoldt, age 91, of and Peggy (Ysedro)
Sheppard Air Force Base ters, Shirley Hall of Big Jr., Michael (Bobbie) Imlay City, Michigan, died Medrano of Imlay City,
at her home Thursday, MI; one son, Alan L.
November 23, 2017. (Gina) Stoldt of
~ Richard Allen Jurn, 89 ~ Edna Lorraine Stoldt
was born October 14, 1926
Davenport, Iowa; one sis-
ter, Louise Schmitz of
Richard Allen Jurn, Board of Directors (he of Imlay City, MI; also in Thomas, Washington. Bastrop, TX; 16 grandchil-
age 89, of Imlay City, died always was a strong advo- surviving are his grand- She is the daughter of the dren; and several great-
Wednesday, November 22, cate for the needs of sons, Zachary Spryszak late Lewis and the late grandchildren and great-
2017 at Brookdale of Troy Senior Citizens). and Joshua Spryszak. Margaret (Leiter) Brown. great-grandchildren.
Assisted Living Residence Dick loved to hunt Dick was preceded in She grew up in Vaughn, Edna was preceded in
in Troy, MI. Dick was (trips up north and out death by brothers, George WA and was a graduate of death by her husband,
born September 9, 1928 in west) and fish (for walleye Jurn Jr., William Jurn, Vaughn High School. Gordon Stoldt; grandson,
Imlay City, MI. He was in the St. Clair River); he Robert Jurn; and brother- She married Gordon Kyle; two great-grand-
the son of the late George kept up his membership in in-law, James Lahr. Merle Stoldt on December daughters, Denise and
and the late Edna the Jurn family In or The funeral was held 22, 1945 in San Diego, Justine; and her brother,
(Lindstead) Jurn. He mar- Out Hunting Club. Tuesday, November 28 at CA. Edna and Gordon Richard Brown.
ried Ellen Louise Rathka Dick was especially Muir Brothers Funeral moved to Imlay City, The memorial service
on October 24, 1953 in proud of his beloved Home of Imlay City, 225 Michigan in 1947 and will be held 11 a.m.,
Imlay City, MI; his wife, grandsons Zachary and N. Main Street, Imlay have lived here since then. Saturday, December 2,
Ellen, died on September Joshua, who are both City, MI. Rev. Dr. Marcel Edna was employed by 2017 at St. Pauls Lutheran
27, 2009. attending Grand Valley A. Lamb, pastor of the Vlasic Foods as a food Church, 200 N. Cedar St.,
He was employed by He participated in the State University in Grand Imlay City United packager for 10+ years. Imlay City, MI. Pastor
Consolidated Trucking of Imlay City and West Rapids. Methodist Church officiat- Earlier in her career, she Alan Casillas will offici-
Troy as an Over-the-Road Goodland United Dick is survived by ed. Burial followed in was a cook at Bill Greens ate. Interment of ashes will
Truck Driver. He retired Methodist Churches. Dick two daughters, Norma Lee Imlay Township Cemetery, restaurant. She worked in follow at Imlay Township
from Consolidated was very civic-minded, he (Ron) Spryszak of Troy, Imlay City. the Navy yard in Cemetery.
Trucking of Troy in 1990. was elected to the Imlay MI and Sue Anne (Warren) For those wishing to Bremerton, WA during The family will be
He was an over-the-road City - City Commissioner Lake of Chicago, IL; sis- make memorial contribu- World War II. available for visitation
trucker for all of his work- (for several terms), Lapeer ter, Irene Lahr of Harbor tions, we suggest dona- She was a member of 10-11 a.m., December 2 at
ing career. Dick had been County Health Department Beach, MI; sisters-in-law, tions be made to Troy St. Pauls Lutheran Church St. Pauls Lutheran
a member of the Imlay Board of Directors, Lamb- Margaret Jurn of Imlay Beaumont 5 - West and the VFW Ladies Church.
City First Baptist Church. Steele Senior Center City, MI and Phyllis Jurn Oncology Unit. Auxiliary. For a few Those wishing to make
years, Edna was a Girl memorial contributions
~ William Pemberton, 78 ~ Scout Leader.
Edna loved to play
may direct them to The
Leukemia Foundation.
William Pemberton, March 23, 1961 in San (Ron) Ornelas of Wednesday, November Bingo. Funeral arrangements
age 78, of Imlay City, Diego, California. They Littleton, CO and 29, 2017 at Muir Brothers She is survived by four were made by Muir
Michigan, formerly of lived in Plymouth, Jamesena (Lynn) Ingram Funeral Home of Imlay daughters, Lorraine Brothers Funeral Home,
Warren, MI, died Ypsilanti, and Detroit, of Plymouth, MI; three City, 225 N. Main Street, (Daniel) Filer of Imlay 225 N. Main Street, Imlay
Wednesday, November Michigan for short peri- sons: Richard Garduno of Imlay City, MI. Reverend City, MI, Janet (Larry) City, MI.
22, 2017 at McLaren ods of time before moving Denver, CO, Robert Marcel Lamb will offici- Schalau of Imlay City, MI, Please be sure to sign
Lapeer Region of Lapeer, to Warren, MI where they (Janalyn) Pemberton of ate. Interment will follow Marilyn (DeWayne) our online register at muir-
MI. lived for 48 years. He Imlay City, MI, and at Cadillac Memorial Schalau of Howell, MI,
William David was preceded in death by William Pemberton of Gardens, 38425 Garfield,
Pemberton was born May his wife, Elvinia on Chesterfield Twp., MI; 19 Clinton Twp., MI.
11, 1939 in West August 6, 2009. grandchildren; and 7 The family will be
Frankfort, Illinois. He is He was employed as a great-grandchildren. available for visitation If you want to know it all...
Youve got to read it all!
the son of the late Robert heavy equipment operator He was preceded in 10-11 am, Wednesday,
and the late Fern at the Chrysler Stamping death wife: Elvinia November 29 at Muir
(Wasson) Pemberton. He Plant for 37 years before Pemberton; step-father; Brothers Funeral Home of
grew up in West retiring in 2002. While Jim Moorehouse; father: Imlay City.
Frankfort, IL and attended employed at Chrysler, Robert Pemberton; moth- Funeral arrangements TRI-CITY
McKenzie High School. William had also worked er: Fern Pemberton- were made by Muir
He proudly served in as a hi-low driver, crane Moorehouse; and his Brothers Funeral Home of TIMES
the United States Marine operator, and a supply brother: Robert "Bud" Imlay City.
Corps from 1956 - 1958. purchaser. Pemberton. Please be sure to sign (810)
William married William is survived by The funeral will be our online register muir- 724-2615
Elvinia Garduno on two daughters: Stella held 11:00 am,
Photo provided
for others melds perfectly
with the schools
A new free app from the Lapeer County
Sheriffs Department aims to deliver a range of
By working together, Almont sixth-graders Samantha Leid and Julian Flores-Sinka model
information to county residents.
we can ensure that every favorite hats as part of their Hats for Harveys Heroes fundraiser.
student achieves academic
New App: Public safety and personal success, said
VonHiltmayer. We are a
development of the whole
child in a positive and car-
Our school collabo-
rates with all school stake-
sustain a strong, supportive
school community.
info for community school committed to the ing environment. holders to establish and
Photo provided
grandkids for inspiration. children and their pets as and dance around on the A little older now, Payton
Harley will be at the characters. walls. does the illustrations for
Ruth Hughes Library on The inspiration for the A magic potion under- Harleys books.
Saturday, December 2, first bookMagic neath the childs bed holds She says she also Childrens book author Lindy Harley will be at
with copies of her books Monster Drinkcame the key to making the enjoys visiting classrooms the Ruth Hughes Library on Dec. 2.
Magic Monster Drink, when her granddaughter monsters disappear. to read her books, and has
and Vince and Leopold. Payton was little. The In Vince & Leopold, donated her stories to area tions, she says. more information visit
Writing has just story is centered around a the story unfolds with schools and libraries. Harley will be at the www.vinceandleopold.
always been a passion of child whos afraid to go to Vince playing in the back- I like to encourage Ruth Hughes Library com or call the library at
mine, Harley says. In bed at night, believing yard with his two pet kids to use their imagina- beginning at 11 a.m. For 810-724-8043.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017
i r d N ow e s
E a r l l e Fo r L o u g h
Av a i n a t i n g 1 8 !
Term a rch 2
Spartans M
Lathrop helps
coach team to eighth
$1,500 Conquest Cash on 2017 Ford Edge, Explorer, Escape and 2017/2018 Flex (Program 30266). Customers that currently own or lease a 1995 or newer non-Ford/Lincoln/Mercury Car,
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See Dealer for details. Take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 11/30/17
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Eventgrad contributes
Select Vehicles
down, search
Military Cash 0% for
for football strong showing 72
2018 FORD F150
coach begins By Kevin Kissane
The meet was contest-
ed Saturday, November 11
By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
at Lakeside Golf Course in
Livingston, 24done.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor MONTH LEASE the rest of the way, closing
Quarter two would see out a 63-39 win. 24 MONTH LEASE
Imlay City manage 14
mo. returning
Katelyn Seibert (20
Battani on
Imlay City wound up on points and Lake Fenton points, including a trifecta) mo. returning
the losing side of a 63-39 a/z plan lease
generate 13, closing the paced Lake Fentons scor- a/z plan lease
outcome versus visiting gapFord Credit
to 27-17 at the half- ing attack.
Ford Credit Red Carpet Lease
Photo provided
Tri-City Times Sports Editor It was the season-open- Aided by a 24-12 third ers to stop. They were
er for both combatants. quarter edge, they went up backed by Haley Medrano
TRI-CITY AREA In Mondays encoun- 51-29 with 24 minutes (five points), Emma Waatti
Imlay Citys Carly ter, Imlay City spotted gone. (two) and Ashlyn Vamvas Imlay City grad Ericka Lathrop (#1361) picks
Livingston and Almonts Lake Fenton a 14-3 advan- Lake Fenton then out- (one). up the pace in a meet this season.
Aubrey Battani appear on
the roster
Almont and Dryden have four each named to squad
2018 FORD
t n evF150
E s e lXLT
a S y4x4
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M-53 (1 Mile North of I-69) ESAEL HTNOM 42
The following athletes
earned a spot on the All-
Blue Water Area
Conference girls golf team
which was announced
First team- Grace
Zimmerman, Almont;
Gabrielle Locke, Armada;
Tyler Kautz, Almont;
Brandi Kautz, Almont;
Photo provided
Lindsey Albrecht, Almont;
Auto Glass
719 N. Van Dyke - Imlay City
Life Home Car Business
810-724-2480 CHRIS S. WAGNER Almont grad Aubrey Battani competes in the Churchill Insurance Agency pole vault last spring at the Div. 3 state finals.
Macomb County squads) School-based Blue Water
Wheel Alignments I Steering I Suspension hosted by Macomb Area Meet of Champions
Noise I Vibration Diagnosis AUTO-TRUCK County Community
College, Marlette
Friday, May 26.
She also furnished a
Ring & Pinion I Brakes I ABS SERVICE CENTER Invitational, North first among Division 3/4
Electrical I Nitrous Refill Service Branch-based Lapeer contestants at the SVSU
(Division 2 schools), at a School-based Lapeer
Clio-based Division 2 County Press Invitational
Imlay City regional and at the Blue
Water Area Meet of
and Blue Water Area
Conference League Meet
13th Annual Dakota Rust Invitational in
Cougar Invitational; plus Davison; plus added a
obtained a fourth at the 10th at the Division 3
$ 00 Shake Off the Rust
Invitational in Davison.
Her performances
state finals hosted by
Comstock Park High
COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE / full-service landed Livingston a spot
on the Tri-City Times All-
Those efforts gained
Battani Tri-City Times
TRUCK / RV / TRAILER oil change Area lineup at seasons
end in the event.
All-Area accolades at sea-
sons end.
Services Parts Accessories She also ran a leg on She also earned Tri-
Computer Systems and Electrical/Electronics Specialist
Imlay City Imlay Citys 800 relay City Times All-Area first
team that claimed Tri-City team plaudits on Almonts
Tires Brakes Alignments Tune Ups Diesel Repairs Lube Center Times All-Area first team 400 relay and was a Tri-
Custom Exhaust Car Audio/Video Remote Starters 1824 South Cedar Street
recognition and was a Tri- City Times All-Area sec-
Trailer Hitches Trailer Parts Metal Fabrication (M-53) Imlay City
City Times All-Area sec- ond team selection as a
Quality Personal Service Since 1992 Coupon Required
ond team pick as a mem- member of Almonts 800
ber of Imlay Citys 400 relay.
relay lineup. Grand Valley State Battani brings solid University gets their 2017-
pole vaulting credentials
with her to the Grand
18 campaign underway
this Friday when it hosts
OWNED 810-796-3223 HOURS: Valley State University the GVSU Holiday Open.
program as well. That meet is slated to get
OPERATED HOURS: MWF 8-5 TUE & THUR 8-7 Monday-Friday 8:30am-6:15pm & Saturday 8:30am-3:15pm As a high school underway at 2:45 p.m.
Photo by ?????????
for Dryden during the 2017 campaign as an All-Blue Husovsky, Capac; Sam
campaign. Water Area Conference Hull, Capac; Ally Dean,
The 5-6 junior middle honorable mention choice. Capac; Erin Boettcher,
hitter also supplied 40 ser- Erika Vanderploeg, Dryden; Kaylee Rucker,
vice points, including 13 Imlay City. Imlay City; Nadia Manko,
last Monday. for seventh place).
We appreciate the No successors to fill
commitment Steve has the vacated positions have
made made during his time
as the varsity head football
been named as of yet. The
job openings will be posted Your hometown newspaper serving:
coach, Gauthier comment-
ed. Steve brought a lot of
soon, according to
Imlay City Almont Capac Dryden
Township board and planning com-
mission meetings scheduled for 2018
as presented, pay the November bills,
Section 5. Penalty.
Section 6. Repeal of Ordinance
Nos. 160 and 160.1.
Accounting &
Tax Preparation Excavating
NOVEMBER 8, 2017 accept the treasurers report as pre- BOARD Section 7. Effective Date
Trustee Downey called the meet- sented, adjourn the meeting at 8:05 SPECIAL MEETING The undersigned President and
Call 810-724-2615
and Monica Standel (Trustee) were Hoffner at 8:00 a.m. at 819 N. Main
present. Mike Lauwers (Supervisor) ness hours or at St., Almont, MI. Members present of November 2017 and was published 122 W. Washington, Downtown Romeo
Sheila McDonald, Clerk in the Tri-City Times on the 29th of Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm,
was absent. No guests were present.
were Clerk Hoffner, Treasurer Kudsin,
November 2017. Saturday & 586-752-2682
Motions were passed to: approve and Trustees Groesbeck and Clay Evenings By Appt.
Stroup. Absent were Supervisor Kimberly Keesler
Village Clerk
Bowman, and Trustees Streeter and
Scott Stroup. The following actions Steve Schneider
were taken: 1)approved hiring of dep- Village President
of Record as a Publication of Record, that STUART AUTOMOTIVE
EVERETTE BRAZELLE now does business as a charitable MIRRORS & MORE
organization and a private membership association. LYNN BRAKES Frame & Frameless Shower Enclosures
BOARD OF REVIEW vehicles; to prescribe penalties for ship property at 13995 Yale Road. ELECTRICAL
Heating &
The Imlay Township 2016 December Board of Review will meet
violations thereof; and to repeal
Ordinance Nos. 160 and 160.1
Contact Supervisor at 810-346-2605
for specifications or with questions. TIRES Cooling
THE VILLAGE OF ALMONT Bids are due by December 11, 2017 to COMPUTER BALANCING
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 2:30pm at the Imlay Township Hall, 682
ORDAINS: Supervisor Steve Kalbfleisch, 13995 FUEL INJECTION SERVICE
N. Fairgrounds Road. Commercial & Residential
Section 1. Definitions. Yale Rd, Lynn, MI 48097. Lynn
The Imlay Township Board of Review will review Principle Resi-
Section 2. Operational Township reserves the right to reject
dence Exemptions, Qualified Agricultural Exemptions, Poverty and Vet-
Restrictions. any and all bids.
erans Exemptions that have not been denied by the March and July Boards
Section 3. Parking Restrictions. Annette Ferrett, Clerk
of Review, and qualified errors of fact. The Poverty and Veterans Exemp- HEATING & COOLING SPECIALISTS
Section 4. Unattached trailer and 48-1
tions can be obtained at the Imlay Township Offices. Service & Install, Financing Licensed & Insured
48-2 Yale Location 810-387-4452
Renovations Siding Decks Windows
Family Owned Since 1973 Licensed & Insured
FREE 810-724-8060 - Imlay City
Tree Service
Service LLC
Dan Weingartz
Residential & Commercial
Licensed & Insured
& RESIDENTIAL Located Between Imlay City
Licensed and Almont on M-53
& & Insured
3620 Van Dyke Almont, MI
ROOFING 810-798-8533
We cant give you magic beans or promises of Tear Offs Recovers Parts c&e E-Z
Metal Roofing Pole Barns Servi Fax 810-798-3738 Financing
new cars to banking - our readers are the driving Professional Directory
force behind their communities and can bring
business your way. That will make your bean coun-
ters very happy . . . Store Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm;
Friday & Saturday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm; Sunday 12Noon to 5:00 pm
Pharmacy Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9:00 am to 9:00 pm;
Closed Sunday
Classif ieds
Tri-City Times Classifieds also Online!
Buy, Sell or Trade at
810-724-2615 [email protected]
Happy Help Wanted Help Wanted
NEEDED: If you would like a
job where you dont work
TIME Weekends and nights.
Must be 18 years or older.
DECEMBER 5th weekends and holidays then Apply at Capac Pharmacy.
Mary King!
Capac Community Schools
has the job for you. Capac
One Week - 20 Words $12.00
Love your family,
Transportation is now accept-
ing applications for substitute Subscribe Today! Two Weeks - 20 Words $18.00
Three Weeks - 20 Words $22.00
Dan, Cathy, Rich & Morgan school bus drivers. Criminal
background checks and DOT
physical and drug testing is ................................................
1 Bedroom...........Starting at $580
ING WINDOWS. Must have
tunities for qualified persons.
Looking for experienced
Mailing Address:
DBA. 586-623-8193. HW-48-4
P.O. Box 278
2 Bedrooms.........Starting at $630 person/s with knowledge of
SALE: Used only on 4 deer,
................................................ Brake press set up & develop-
works excellent. Has all parts.
3 Bedrooms.........Starting at $830 HICKORY SQUARE ment, secondary operations,
$250 firm. Call 810-417-1829.
Call Us Today!
APARTMENTS IS CURRENT- and all aspects of prototype Imlay City, MI 48444
LY HIRING FOR A PART- and short run production pro-
810-724-0266 TIME BUILDING cesses. Opportunity for work-
1/2 hp motor, 120V, larger
MAINTENANCE POSITION. ing program /project manage- Advertising Deadlines:
Help Wanted surer. Under the direction of the City Manager, the Clerk/Treasurer is
responsible for the maintenance and custody of official City records, reg- only for the first weeks incor-
istration of voters, conduction of elections and custody of monies, funds
and securities of the City. Also functions as financial director, performing rect ad. Liability for error shall
~Newly Remodeled~ and/or directing all financial accounting tasks and systems. A Bachelors
Full & Half-day Rental
MEMBER with experience in
Maintenance, Electrical,
Degree In Accounting, Business, Finance or a related field is required.
Five or more years supervising a finance department, business office or not exceed the cost of space in
related enterprise, preferably in a municipal environment, is required.
which the error or omission
Plumbing, HVAC, and
Salary range for this position is $56,000 to $ 59,500 DOQ with excellent
Carpentry and willing to travel
benefits. Applications including a resume and cover letter are due by no
Subscribe Today!
to various rental locations. Fax
Resume 810 798 8285.
later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 8, 2017 to Tom Youatt, City
Manager, City of Imlay City, 150 N. Main Street, Imlay City, MI 48444. occurred.
810-724-2615 HW-46-4
The City of Imlay City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Business Directory:
Published every week, 3 months
The best place to find it, - $7.00 per week, 6 months -
sell it, buy it, $6.50 per week, 1 year - $6.00
per week. Deadline Monday
and announce it. 12:00 noon, for 1x1 ad.
Abbreviations make your ad
difficult to read and hard to
understand. We use only the
most widely understood abbre-
viations in classified ads.
One Week - 20 Words - $12.00 CLASSIFIED Monday through Friday,
Two Weeks - 20 Words - $18.00 DISPLAY RATE: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Saturdays and
Four Weeks - 20 Words - $24.00 $7.00 per column inch Sundays
25 extra per word over 20 words
Birthday Ads:
Call to place an item in the Classifieds today: $7.00 per column inch. Monday
Subscribe Today!
Team High Series Castaways, 2413 Womens High Series Lynn Swoish, 583 Womens High Series Lori Wilkialis, 498 1st Place: GYB Imlay City; Reid Bannister,
Team High Series I.C. Fireballs, 2344 Team High Series Crazy Ones, 2041 Mens High Game Shayne Malecki, 254 wide receiver/defensive
back, Imlay City; Chase
Thursday 50 Plus
1st Place: Charlies Angels Thursday 50 Plus Hollys Angels
Mens High Series Shayne Malecki, 720
Womens High Game Michele Malecki, 198 Churchill, quarterback; 724-2615
Richmond; Matthew
Mens High Game Golden Shore, 227 1st Place: Charlies Angels 1st Place: The mary Janes Womens High Series Michele Malecki, 455
Mens High Series Joe Gavlinski, 626 Mens High Game Hoyt Showler, 231 Womens High Game Marge Apastolos, 222 Team High Series Hollenbeck/Jurn, 1996 Weidner, offensive tackle,
Every Bite
Every Sip Join us for our
Every Moment
Every Memory
[email protected] Seating Capacity 200