Hate Speech Publication ENG
Hate Speech Publication ENG
Hate Speech Publication ENG
Hate Speech
and Discrimination
The Media Development Foundation (MDF) implements a project Monitoring Hate Speech and Discrimina-
tion in Georgian Media within the framework of program, Project Advancing National Integration in Georgia,
carried out by the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) and the Open Society Georgia Foundation
(OSGF) with the financial assistance of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The project is aimed at encouraging professionnal coverage of minorities in Georgian media through
public discussions of problems identified during the monitoring.
Before releasing the final report and recommendations envisaged by the project, the MDF was providing me-
dia outlets, civil society and other interested parties with weekly electronic bulletins of monitoring results.
The project involves the monitoring of six newspapers (Asaval-Dasavali, Rezonansi, 24 Saati, Chronika,
Alia, Kviris Palitra), evening news programs and talk shows of six TV channels (Georgian Public Broad-
caster, or GPB, Imedi, Rustavi 2, Kavkasia, Maestro and Channel 9), as well as an evening talk show of
Media Union Obiektivi.
The project also envisages monitoring of reaction of non-governmental organizations and other institu-
tions to intolerance and hate speech in the public domain, as well as their responses on particular dis-
crimination cases.
The report covers key findings of monitoring for the time span from April 15 to August 15.
An overall document on professional standards which would be treated as a guiding manual by all types
of media print and electronic, does not exist in Georgia at present. Nor has the tradition of considering
complaints been developed in the country, which took decades all traditional democracies to form.
For broadcast media, the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters was drawn up, which, among other issues,
regulate the coverage of minorities as well. The Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB) has its own in-house
Code of Conduct, whilst members of the Charter of Journalistic Ethics must abide to provisions of the
Charter of Journalistic Ethics (see, Appendix No 1)
It must be noted that both the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters and that of the GPB include detailed
regulations regarding the coverage of minorities, which reflect the experience of the democratic media.
Therefore, it is desirable that they are applied as a professional and civil principle not only by electronic
media representatives but those of print and online media too.
The methodology is based on separate indicators of the Media Diversity Institute (MDI), Code of Conduct
for Broadcasters and international standards, concerning the unacceptability of discrimination and hate
speech on ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, gender or any other grounds; observation of principles of
accuracy and impartiality.
The study was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative analysis. A distinguished approach
was applied towards TV news bulletins and reports and print articles. In this case, those materials which
essentially violated the principle of accuracy or facts and context were not fully reported; also in which
discrimination on the part of journalists was observed or in case of discrimination on the part of respon-
dents, journalists failed to react to it, i.e. did not follow the relevant professional standard were assessed
as negative coverage. In contrast, those materials which were essentially accurate in terms of factual
data and anti-discriminatory standards were observed; as well as materials reporting ethnic or religious
holidays of minorities, problems of minorities, were evaluated as a positive coverage. The neutral cover-
age included those materials which more or less fully provide the essence of an issue, journalists are not
sources of discrimination themselves and they only cover public attitudes.
In case of interviews published in print media as well as TV talk shows, instances of discrimination on the
grounds of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender and hate speech were identified and typology of
violations were defined. It was also observed how journalists react to expressions of such discrimination
and hate speech whether they express such a position or challenge the respondents.
The study separated unsubstantiated parallels often drawn by journalists or respondents with the minori-
ties, thereby facilitating the spread of incorrect facts and various speculations about minorities.
The aim of the study also was to detect sources of hate speech and discrimination on various grounds
the media itself or respondents. Consequently, the report separated such expressions made by the media
from those of respondents and classified respondents by groups.
1.1. Ethnic minorities 12
1.2. Religious minorities 13
1.3. Sexual minorities 17
1.4. Gender issues 21
2.1. Ethnic minorities 26
2.2. Religious minorities 29
2.3. Sexual minorities 30
2.4. Sexism, discrimination on gender ground 35
3.1. Ethnic minorities 40
3.2. Religious minorities 43
3.3. Sexual Minorities 47
3.4. Discrimination on gender ground 55
4.1. Ethnic minorities 60
4.2. Religious minorities 66
4.3. Sexual minorities 70
4.4. Sexism, discrimination on gender ground 88
5.1. Journalists 90
5.2. Politicians 93
5.3. Representatives of society 93
6.1. Ethnic and religious minorities 101
6.2. Sexual minorities 102
Appendix 1. Professional Standards 115
Appendix 2. Definition of terminology 122
1. TV News
In the reporting period, 194 reports of the news programs under monitoring were analyzed. Of these 67
reports were examples of positive coverage, 105 of neutral coverage and the remaining 22 of negative
The highest number of reports on minority topics was produced by the prime time news program of the
GPB, Moambe. By the production of reports on independent topics, the GPB and TV company Maestro
were in the lead.
Property Disputes
The ethnic discrimination in TV news and current affairs programs has been mostly coupled with the issues
related to social problems concerning the land property rights. It is worth noting that these topics were
covered in light of dissatisfaction of local population with foreign land owners and the government and
lacked proper balance in terms of providing foreign investors positions or the position of a relevant state
entity (Ministry of Economy). Such incidents require comprehensive journalistic investigation, which was
not carried out by any of media outlets to shed more light on the issue, during the monitoring period.
Conflict of the population of the Artsevi village in the region of Gori with the Indian investors has
been covered in a considerably balanced manner by TV Imedi (Qronika, April 26)1. Although the report
does not reflect comprehensive picture, it presents position of all sides including the foreign investor,
the positive message of the Prime Minister and underlines that the representatives of the Ministry of
Economy declined to provide the on-camera comment.
Rustavi 2 (June 22)2 violated Article 31 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters when it used a quote
of one of the respondent3 in the report about land ownership, containing hate speech. The media
outlet could have refrained from using that comments it did not represent a necessity for describing
the essence of the social problem covered in the report. The report itself incorrectly conveys the
essence of the problem and contains factual inaccuracies. The journalist cites other examples of
similar conflict and in the case of Samtaskaro says that this village is the last Georgian settlement at
the border with Azerbaijan, thereby dramatizing the situation.
In spite of containing the positions of different sides, the stories of the weekly program Post Scriptum,
Rustavi 2 (April 28)4 are blended with the xenophobic, discriminatory expressions of the local residents
towards the foreigners5, and contain groundless comparisons6 as well.
The report of Imedi TV (June 22)7 on the same subject property dispute in the village of Karaleti
provides neutral comments of respondents, in which the emphasis is placed on social issues and not
on the origin of the investor.
The report of Maestro TV news program (19 April)8 on a conflict between locals and a foreign investor
in the Kvemo Artsevi village was one sided, covered from the perspective of locals alone. It contained
four comments of which two were made by local residents, one by local governor and the remaining one
by a machine operator hired by the investor to perform works. A position of the Indian investor was not
represented at all in the report. The journalists did not even note whether she undertake any attempt
to contact the investor and why his position was not represented in the report. Nor had the journalist
double checked the factual data with official agencies (Public Registry) to find out what size of land
Anzor Chukhrukidze, a resident of the Shindisi village: In the past, those Muslims waged war against us, invading and killing Georgians
with swords. Who are they now? Do they not have seniors or juniors, or do we not have the government? On which government should one
hope for getting rid of those Muslims?
Giorgi Mdzinarishvili, resident of the village of Ditsi: Tatars, those infidels were here. They captured our lands.
Resident of Ditsi village (no title): Georgians died in Tskhinvali for these lands. Every gauge of this land is precious for us. Indians are
coming. Oh man, what do they want here?!
Shota Vazarashvili, resident of Ditsi: These Indians will get the Russian passports, since they have good relations. Then Russians will
grant them the Russian citizenship and tanks will come to Georgia and stay here and there is no one seen to counter them.
was allocated for local residents as pastures, what size of land was privatized and how sufficient was
the remaining size of land for locals. Even a representative of Gori municipality, Giorgi Khidasheli, spoke
by assumptions: It is leased but I have a feeling that it is sold. The problem was reported through
emotional assessments of respondents which added to aggressive sentiments of locals.
The most qualified coverage of the moratorium on sale of lands introduced by the Parliament was
presented by the Georgian Public Broadcaster GPB (July 22)9 and TV company Maestro (July 19)10.
Topic of Chinese
The story by Post Scriptum, Rustavi 2 (28 April) is positive in terms of echoing the widely spread
rumors that there is a plan to resettle 126 000 Chinese to Tbilisi, Vazisubani. The story explains the
commercial aspect of the project aimed at building a new district and Olympic village for the 2015
Youth Olympic Games. At the same time, report reflects the phobias and in certain cases the hatred of
the locals11 towards the Chinese.
It might be considered as positive that the TV Company Maestro news service (July 7) produced a
story about the teaching process at public schools of ethnic minorities and the issue of translation of
the textbooks. As a rule, media mainly covers ongoing issues which are largely of negative nature, or
covers official events. The above mentioned report is thus important because the TV channel showed
interest towards this issue itself and produced an independent report on that.
Save for few exceptions, the religious topic was basically topical in relations to negative events.
Tsikhisdziri Incident
All media outlets reported a legal assessment of the Incident of April 14 in the village Tsikhisdziri,
Kobuleti district, in which Senaki police officer, on religious grounds, manhandled local residents and
threatened them with weapons, based solely on an official qualification given by the investigation
(premeditated injury to a person).
The exception in this regard was the GPB (Moambe, 15 and 19 April), which emphasized the necessity
of qualifying the crime as an offense committed on religious grounds12.
Even though TV company Imedi, in its report on 18 April, did not qualify the incident as a religious
crime, it was the only TV channel which covered the incident in the context of religious intolerance
and contained comments of representatives of religious minorities13.
Local residents: Nobody wants these Chinese here. If one speaks out the others follow, even with sticks or whatever.
We should kick them away, all of them! How can be compared the work done by a Georgian for his homeland to that of some Chinese, of
course Georgians will do better.
It should be noted that by indicating religious denominations of victims of this crime media outlets
did not violate professional standards as the crime was committed on religious grounds and therefore
religious denominations were relevant to the topic covered.
Samtatskaro incident
The TV media extensively covered separate incidents of infringing the right to pray to local Muslims
of the village of Samtatskaro, Dedoplistskaro district. Save few exceptions, the most professional and
consistent coverage of these incidents were provided by the GPB, whilet Rustavi 2 and Maestro TV
companies most comprehensively reported certain incidents.
Factual inaccuracies were observed in reports produced by Imedi TV (31 May, 29 June)14 and Rustavi 2
(29 June)15 in which they cited the construction of a mosque as a main reason of the conflict instead
of the infringement on the right to pray in a praying house, which is a misleading information and
violates Articles 12 and 13 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters (Due Accuracy).
Reports of the TV company Channel 9 included editorial interpretation and instead of reporting factual
circumstances, the emphasis was placed on provoking the conflict by outside forces, although the
reports did not specify who these forces were and nature of their provocative action. Based on a
general, unspecified opinion of a single expert, the reporter makes unjustified assessment which does
not match even the statement of the mentioned expert (May 30)16.
An emphasis on artificial incitement of the conflict was also made in 7 June17 report of the Channel
9. It was indicated that actual reason of the disruption of the prayer was the absence of perish and
the strangers pressure on cleric rather than the fact that the police took away the Muslim cleric
for several hours, as reported by other news bulletins. Comparison of this report with the reports of
other TV companies provides the ground to assume that the report manipulated with video shots.
The report violates Articles 12 and 13 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters (Due Accuracy), also
Article 18(2) (Impartiality) and Article 14(9) of the same Code. According to the Article 14 (9), When
editing interviews, recorded material, including an archive material, broadcasters should not distort
a respondents words or mislead the audience in any other way by video or audio manipulations, by
changing the meaning of the questions asked, or using shots out of context.
Public Broadcaster and Rustavi 2 offered the most comprehensive coverage of the incident when the
Muslim cleric was taken away by the police for several hours during the prayer18 .
Among media outlets monitored within the framework of the project Rustavi 2 was the only TV
company showing how governor of Samtatskaro village Gulo Nadirashvili did not allow representatives
of the Muslim Administration to enter the village. The footage of Rustavi 2 (Kurieri, May 31)19 report
clearly shows how the representative of village self-government tells representatives of Muslim
Administration sitting in a mini-bus that the village is against and go away, whilst the addressee
of these words says that a physical violence and threats were also used against him. Contrary to Rustavi 2,
GPB (May 27) presented the discriminative position of local self-government representatives20 as an
attempt to regulate the situation between two conflicting sides.
TV Company Maestro (June 29)21 provided the most professional coverage of the incident, when about
200 local residents invaded the house of Khoja Suliko Khozrevanidze, basing mainly on the report of
the Information Center of Kakheti and presenting the case in terms of legal responsibility.
Journalist in the story of Imedi (July 5)22 periphrases the position of Dedoplistskaro Governor Irakli
Shiolashvili stating that speculations with religious issues have become frequent in the village lately.
Following this assessment concerning speculations, there is a comment by Tsiuri Takidze accusing Irakli
Shiolashvili in firing her husband on religious grounds. Such order of the soundbites in the story and the
entire context create perception that Takidzes accusations in certain ways are also speculative.
There is an irrelevant generalization on the part of the journalist (Moambe, GPB, July 5)23 interpreting
one of the comments of the village resident as the position of the entire population of the village.
Namely, as an evidence of the fact that the population of the village firmly retains its position,
the journalist brings the soundbite of Samtatskaro resident24 who, on his part, speaks about the
compromise, which makes the journalists assessment irrelevant.
Thought the report of P.S., Rustavi 2 (July 7)25 is positive in general since it explains essense of the
conflict, however xenophobic quote26 of one of the local resident having negative conotation was not
necessary and journalist could avoided it.
Media outlets27 covered the meeting of the Patriarch with representatives of Samtaskaro more
extensively than the Muslim clerics exit from the village in the same period.
It is important that Maestro followed the topic of Muslims prayer in Samtatskaro not only during
the incidents but thereafter too. It produced a short actuality (August 10)28, based on the Kakheti
Information Center, about the fact that after 9 August the prayers were not conducted in the village.
In the actuality a deputy mufti of the Muslim Administration, Adam Shantadzem says that because of
pressure and threats Samtatskaro Muslims no longer go to the praying house to pray.
The GPB was the only broadcaster which showed the interest towards the confrontation over the
minaret in the village fo Chela, Adigeni district, earlier (Moambe, 26 July)29 than any other TV company
which covered the topic only after the minaret was dismantled by state authorities.
Gulo Nadirashvili, Governer of Samtaskaro: We offered them, if the local population agrees to the praying house, no one will impede them...
Their mufti, Jemal Adadze, entered that building without the consent of the population and started a prayer.
Avto Shanidze, member of local council: People are very aggressive for one thing: officially, a mosque must not be built; there is one
common opinion that it must not be officially.
One cannot prevent this. However, it is better for all sides to negotiate, and for all forces to back down. We should do whatever is necessary
for the village.
Resident of Samtatskaro (no title): Wouldnt they tell to my grandson, fuck your Tatar mother [when they learn that he is from Samtatskaro]?
Thats what we are trying to avoid, thats why we do not want this.
Disputable Cult Buildings
A positive example is GPBs interest towards the restoration works of Norasheni cathedral and the
topic of disputable cult buildings between Armenian and Georgian Orthodox Churches, which was
provided in the report in a balanced way (Moambe, 3 June).30
TV story aired on August 1 by the Imedi TV31 concerning the murder of Mariam Kochalidze in Batumi
presents religious ground as a motivation of this murder. Without verifying the information, the editorial
aired the statement of victims mother made on emotional background and stating that the alleged
Iranian murderer conducted the ritual of sacrifice. In the brief news of Qronika the anchor of the news
program announced without indicating the source: The ritual of sacrifices and conflict on religious
background. New details in the crime story from Batumi. By this statement, the editorial assessed the
incident which is being investigated, as a religious conflict and offered sacrifice as a confirmed fact. TV
company violated the regulations of the articles 13 (1,2) and 14 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasting
obliging broadcasters to ensure the reliability of sources and accuracy of facts, to prevent airing of
incorrect or misleading information; Also there was the violation of the regulation 2 of Article 18,
which states: The program or report will be considered biased if it lacks comprehensive information
on important facts, is based on minor facts, misleads the audience intentionally or unintentionally, or
conveys biased views of a person in a hidden form. The editorial did not take reasonable steps to verify
the accuracy of the facts reported. The crime committed on religious backgrounds is an aggravating
circumstance by the Georgian legislation, however the journalist had not rechecked with official
investigation the version provided by the victims parent and addressed for the comment the victims
godmother. The Code of Conduct for Broadcasters obliges a broadcaster to recheck information with
at least two separate sources: Broadcasters, as far as practicable, should rely on first hand sources
and gather information themselves. As a rule, broadcasters should not rely on a single source but seek
to obtain information from other sources. In addition the news program of TV Imedi violated Article 31
of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters, stating that Broadcasters shall refrain from publishing any
material likely to incite hatred or intolerance on the grounds of religious convictions, as well as the
Article 33. According to the regulation 1 of Article 33, Broadcasters should avoid drawing unjustified
parallels between ethnic or religious origin and negative events, including associating activities of
specific individuals with the entire group. In case of Imedi TV the incident was qualified as a religious
conflict in a completely unjustified manner.
Reports on an initiative of the Patriarch Ilia II to ban abortion did not reflect full diversity of opinions, since
journalists failed to provide approaches of different religious minorities of the country on the same subject.
Religious Holidays
Examples of positive coverage were the materials about a religious holiday of Muslims, Ramadan
(Georgian Public Broadcaster, GPB July 1032; Maestro TV, July 2133).
http://imedi.ge/index.php?pg=prs&id_pr=619&id=20; http://www.myvideo.ge/?video_id=2106416
Events of May 17
TV media news programs on raiding of the rally against homophobia and transphobia on May 17 were
generally more balanced than the print press.
Even though the prime time news broadly covered the post May 17 developments such as citizens
protest statement, legal proceedings on the case, protest rally No to Theocracy, and certain violent
incidents following the raiding of May 17 rally, TV media failed to provide the audiences with the
thorough and in-depth analysis;
Terminological inaccuracy was one of the main problems revealed during the May 17 events. Throughout
the day34, the majority of TV Companies including Rustavi 2, Imedi TV, and Channel 9 referred to the
organizers of the rally against homophobia as representatives of sexual minorities. Later, the host of
the Rustavi 2 apologized. However, in some cases journalists in their live reports continued to describe
the participants of the rally as LGBT representatives. The same could be said concerning Imedi TV. The
hosts of the Channel 9 news program at 9 continued referring to the organizers of the demonstration
as the representatives of sexual minorities while one of the journalists report described them as
gays35. Imedi TV identified LGBT rights defenders as LGBT representatives, in the news program at 8,
on May 18. In this regard, TV Company Kavkasia, Maestro, and Rustavi 2 prime-time news programs,
P.S. were exceptional, against the general background.
It should be noted here that the sexual orientation, as well as the religious faith, ethnic and political
identity etc. represent the sphere of a persons self-identification. Therefore, describing organizers of
the demonstration as sexual minorities if they themselves do not identify their sexual orientation is
wrong and constitutes the violation of the professional standard of media.
The host of the TV Company Imedi has also made a terminological mistake, saying that the rally was
sanctioned, as the Georgian law on assembly and manifestation does not require any official sanction.
In this case, we are dealing with the violation of the norm requiring accuracy and preventing the
spread of misleading information.
In Moambe at 8 on GPB36, the balance in the selection of respondents has been violated in favor of the
counter demonstration participants. Though interviewing participants of the rally against homophobia
was rather difficult due to their safety reasons, but in the evening news, the TV Company could have
equally presented the position of the human rights defenders talking about the constitutional rights of
the victims of the violence.
Channel 9 and Imedi TV were in breach of the Broadcasters Code of Conduct (Article 12-13), requiring
the accuracy of facts in reporting. Namely, Channel 9 aired the information at 13.00 that the police
used the tear gas to break up the demonstration. The information was refuted at 14.00, however, there
was no apology offered by editorial staff. The story aired by the TV Imedi37, on May 17 was notable
in terms of inaccuracy _ it was related to the gay parade of May 17, 2012 in Batumi, and even though
the conduct of the parade has never been confirmed, the story presented it as an objective fact.
Since media outlets provided live coverage of May 17 events, as an exception MDF was monitoring not only prime-time news programs
during this day.
The story contained an entirely unjustifiable generalization that the clergy, members of the orthodox
congregation, and non-governmental organizations usually unite annually, on May 17, and therefore,
the violence against LGBT rights defenders on that day is regular and customary.
The cases of respondents describing homosexuality as a disease were revealed. Only Maestro TV, on
May 17 noted that the homosexuality has been removed from the list of diseases.
The identification of the persons targeted by the counter demonstration participants was made
possible in some cases. For instance, (Rustavi 2) aired the video recorded from inside the bus full of
participants of the rally against homophobia, evacuated by the police from the scene of the violence.
The destination of the bus was openly noted, which could not be justified, especially against the
background of the counter rally participants still chasing the members and organizers of the rally, all
over the city.
News story by Qronika (May 10)38 focusing on the preparation for the rally to mark the Day against
Homophobia and Transphobia, though presents the positions of all sides, however, the journalists
phrase large part of the society agrees, and almost all of them states that marking May 17 in front
of the parliament building is unacceptable promotes the negative social attitudes. The vox pop
conducted in the street neither methodologically nor professionally allows the journalist to extrapolate
from and present the results of survey, as a position of the majority of the society.
Reporting on after May 17th development media was less focused on the adequacy of the legal charges
presented and the penalty for the alleged criminal actions. Only Rustavi 2 noted that the charges were
presented based on article that belongs to the category of the minor crime. Furthermore, the host
of the Channel 9 news at 9 (May 23)39 framed the question in a way implying that the state had to
choose between theocracy and the secular approach: Who is supposed to make a final decision on
the punishment the court or the church?
TV Imedi dedicated three stories to the statements of the Archimandrite Antimoz Bichinashvili, claiming
that the video reflecting him swearing (Ill kill you all, fuck your mothers...) was edited and falsified.
Respondents denial of the fact of using a bad language was accentuated rather than his call for
violence (Ill kill you). On their side, none of the media outlets attempted to provide audiences with
information on how and to what extent the video could have been edited, and what exactly proved
the falsification of the sound. Furthermore, Channel 9 has not shown the above-mentioned video, and
Imedi TV aired the shots partly (swearing was aired, but call for violence omitted). Showing the
full video could have given the viewers possibility to independently assess the adequacy of charges
presented. TV Imedi aired the interview (May 20)40 with Archimandrite stating that the sound of him
swearing was heard in the shot where he was standing with his back to the camera. Rustavi 2 (May
23)41, instead of showing the back to the camera shots, aired the front and profile shots, evidently
showing that Archimandrite uses the curse language and calls for a violence. It should be noted that
TV channels except for Rustavi 2 did not prepare reports reflecting comprehensive picture on the
incident which is the violation of articles 12 and 13 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters obliging
them to provide audiences with unbiased and accurate information.
Two petitions were presented as equal ones by the TV Companies Imedi and Maestro: first the petition
of the members of the society demanding the government to adequately punish participants of a violent
raiding of May 17 action (12 000 signatures as of April 22), and the second an alternative petition demanding
the legal ban of propaganda of homosexuality. Despite noting that the signatories of the second petition
were unknown (Imedi TV, Qronika, May 20), the host of Qronika directly quoted the text of the petition (The
other petition published today demands the legal prohibition of propaganda of perverse sexual life)42;
It should be noted that media outlets paid less attention initially to the content of the review of the
draft opinion of the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights and Civil Integration regarding the 17
May events that unfolded on the International Day of Fight against Homophobia and Transphobia and
only in the light of protest voiced by the civil society journalist focused more on the wording of that
document; A positive fact was that in its prime-time news program, Maestro TV (June 21)43 offered a
position of a representative of religious minority on that draft opinion;
Homophobic statement44 made by a representative of the ruling party (Tamaz Mechiauri of the Geor
gian Dream) at the committee meeting was reported by Rustavi 2 alone;
Media coverage of the trial of clerics involved in the break up of the May 17 rally was one-sided in
presenting the position just of the defense side and clergymens supporters, while comments of the
prosecutor have not been represented at all. To some extent this position was balanced by several
media outlets (Public Broadcaster, Moambe; Rustavi 2, Kurieri)45 by presenting background of the
events of May 17. However, during the coverage of following events (29 July, 1 August), the prehistory
of the happening was not reported by the above mentioned TV companies either. None of media
outlets have provided footage featuring the episode of acquittal of one of religious servants, whilst
some media outlets (Channel 9, Kavkasia TV, August 1)46 described this episode in a text incompletely,
focusing on swearing by the priest alone and not threats made by him (I will kill you) which was
featured in a video released via social networks.
Media covered the surreptitious video featuring sexual scenes of a human rights defender Girogi
Paresishvili aimed to compromise him and depicting homosexual scenes as delicately as possible, in
the context of a protest rally staged to demand the protection of privacy, and basically avoided directly
identifying that the video contained homosexual scenes.
The most balanced report on the mentioned topic was produced by the Kavkasia TV (May 4)47 channel.
It only reported that the video of sexual intercourse among three persons was released against
Paresishvili, without identifying the gender of persons concerned, which would have hinted about the
type of sexual relationship. The source of that footage www.kvercxebi.com, which was blocked some
time later of the release of the video, was identified visually in the report. The report did not contain
that episode of the incident that occurred during the protest rally, in which several citizens verbally
abused participants in the rally demanding the protection of privacy, by calling them pederasts. The
fact of verbal abuse was only mentioned in the text of the author of the report.
The report of news program of Channel 9 (May 3)48 almost entirely beeped swear words of several
citizens abusing human rights defenders during the protest rally on privacy, except one episode in
which one of the citizens inquired about a religious belief of one of participants in the rally: Are you
Christian? Go and at least read treatises of John Chrysostomto. You...
http://www.myvideo.ge/?video_id=2044942; http://www.myvideo.ge/?video_id=2044634
Tamaz Mechiauri, Georgian Dream: I think, we will be wrong if we are supposed to protect the rights of only those in Georgia, who want to
boast about a bit widened functions of one part of their body and propagate that for others too.
It should be noted that this episode in which Christianity is pitted against the right to protect sexual life
of a person was not broadcast by any other TV channel. It is desirable for media to avoid establishing
such stereotypes.
Imedis news (May 4)49 program unjustifiably linked the rally protesting against surreptitious filming
of private to a religious topic. The presenter of the news program explained the dissatisfaction of
several citizens with the rally of human rights defenders in the following way: The dissatisfaction
was caused by the fact that the rally was held just days before the Easter. It is worth noting that
none of respondents in the report made such a comment and even if they did, it would have been
irrelevant and speculative in light of the main topic which concerned the protection of privacy, on the
one hand, and blackmailing of that person who accused senior officials for corruption, on the other.
The report of Imedi news program also included the episode where rally participants were called
Legal dispute
It was positive that Moambe news program (GPB, June 25)50 covered the Constitutional suit of the
organization Identoba demanding the acknowledgement of two orders of the Ministry of Health as
anti-Constituional. According to these orders, homosexuality is included in the list of the risk-groups
for blood donation along with the drug addiction, persons infected with AIDS and other categories.
Despite the fact that Tamar Kordzaia, majoritarian candidate of the Georgian Dream at midterm
Parliamentary elections expressed her negative position on the same sex marriage on Imedi TV, April 27,
a day later in Qronika news program at 8 , while covering the results of the midterm elections, journalist
of the same TV Imedi aired the quote by Shalva Natelashvili claiming that Kordzaia was planning to
legalize same-sex marriage51, without even noting the actual position of the Georgian Dream candidate
Tamar Kordzaia. Thus news program contributed to dissemination of inaccurate information.
An initiative of the leader of Christian-Democratic Movement, Giorgi Targamadze, to collect signatures
for a constitutional amendment for legalizing traditional marriages and, as Targamadze declared,
preventing same-sex marriages, was covered by news programs in an identical manner. The only
exception was a report in the Imedi TV news program on 6 August52, which along with the positions
of the initiator of the issue and politicians, provided the positions of the Georgian Young Lawyers
Association and the defender of LGBT rights, the Identoba NGO.
None of media outlets has noted in the background information that the legalization of same-sex
marriage has never been put on the agenda in Georgia and no group has ever made such a demand.
Journalists have not even put a question on this hypothetical issues to initiators of the prohibition of
same-sex marriage either, which is an example illustrating that media spreads information on any
issue which it is offered without any criticism.
Shalva Natelashvili: I congratulate Nakhalovka, in the supreme legislature you will be represented by Ivanishvilis candidate - the defender
of homosexuals. http://www.myvideo.ge/?video_id=2023407
TV news programs covered Gender topic mainly as part of reporting official events and events of
various non-governmental organizations. However, in terms of reporting independent stories, the GPB
as well as Imedi TV could be distinguished.
A positive example was the report of Maombe (GPB, August 6)53 about problems faced by women
living on occupied territories, produced in the villages of Ergneti and Khurcha.
The story (July 23)54 on womens participation into politics of Public Broadcaster was positive itself,
however scenes of make-up in the repot dedicated to overcoming of stereotypes promotes deeper
The story of Imedi news program (July 22)55 covers the discriminative action itself when future
husbands and mothers-in-laws take young ladies to the experts to exercise their virginity. Such acts
are assessed as negative and insulting by NGOs as well as by those questioned during street Vox-pop.
A protest of an independent feminists group against the issuance of certificates by Levan Samkharauli
Bureau of Expertise for the aim of detecting a virginity of a woman, was covered in news programs
of Maestro, Imedi and Channel 9 widely (July 30)56. The group was voicing its protest against the
institutionalization of the breach of womens right. Reports aired by Imedi TV and Channel 9, included,
among others, a comment by the chairman of the Georgian Dream parliamentary faction which is
discriminatory in terms of gender.
2. TV Talk-Shows
Talk shows in which presenters discussed the topic of minorities and covered it in a professional manner,
as well as when presenters challenged respondents for their discriminatory statements, were evaluated
as a positive coverage. The coverage in which presenters moderated in a more or less neutral manner was
evaluated as neutral; whereas instances in which journalists themselves were sources of discrimination
or shared discriminatory positions of respondents and did not challenge their respondents for spreading
misleading information and discriminatory statements, were qualified as negative coverage.
A general picture, in which the largest share of negative coverage accounts for the media union Obiektivi
whereas the largest share of positive coverage accounts for the GPB looks as follows:
By topics, the picture is the following: Ethnic minorities _ positive _ 4, neutral _ 9, negative _ 21; Religious
minorities _ neutral _ 3, negative _ 12; Sexual minorities _ positive _ 8, neutral _ 12, negative _ 39; Gender
topics _ negative _ 3.
Armenophobic statements made in regard with the 19 April rally became a topic of discussion of TV
talk shows too.
When Nino Shervashidze, a guest to Maestro TV channels a talk show Kviris Argumentebi, on 19 April57,
raised the issue of Jansug Charkvianis Armenophobic poem, the host of the talk show declared that
the program was dedicated to the opposition rally (abovementioned poem was dedicated to the rally)
and not creative works of the poet and changed the topic of discussion on the premises that Jansug
Charkviani was not among guests of the talks show. Thus she has avoided to discuss a problem of
xenophobia in political discourse.
A problem of xenophobia was widely discussed by talk show Aktsentebi, GPB (April 19)58 in context
of the opposition rally. At the same time, however, when one of the guests, Natia Megrelishvili,
started speaking about the threat of Armenian separatism and mentioned Vahagn Chakhalyan as a
leader of that separatism, the host of the talk show mistakenly announced that Vahagn Chakhalyan
died. However, minutes later she corrected the mistake, based on the information provided by the
producer. Information about the death of Vahagn Chakhalyan was released by news agencies but
the information proved to be wrong. The host of the talk show should not have repeated unverified
Anti-Chinese Sentimets
Anti-Chinese attitudes which was expressed both by media and respondents, were mainly expressed
with relation to social and economic situation and the issue of ownership.
In this regard a topic of much speculation was construction works performed by a Chinese company in
the territory adjacent to Tbilisi Sea, which some media outlets described to society as the construction
of China Town and a Chinese settlement.
Anti-Chinese campaign was also topical in a discussions during the interim parliamentary elections
too. The only case when host of the program adequately responded to the Labours majoritarian
candidates remark on resettlement of Chinese in Tbilisi was talk show Dialogue (April 24). The host
clarified that the construction ongoing at Tbilisi Sea does not imply the resettlement of Chinese to
Georgia and called on the respondent to focus on the problems of the voters living in Nadzaladevi
Kavkasia, Spektri, 3 May
Davit Akubardia: If we do not assist one another, a foreign force will indeed seize Georgia; I often go
to the Tbilisi sea and seeing an intensive construction works breaks my heart what on earth we need
Chinese here, the entire city is full of unemployed.
Obiektivi, Night Studio, 2, 10 May
Nino Ratishvili: The issue of Adjara, the issue of lands, very many problems are accumulated. It may
be too late then. If the Chinatown is built
Soon, there will be no place for us here.
Anti-Turkish Sentiments
Anti-Turkish attitudes in talk shows were mainly fanned by the media union Obiektivi which,
considering the selection of respondent as well as expressed positions of journalists, pursued a clear
cut anti-Turkish editorial policy.
Presenters and respondents of Obiektivi constantly tried to show Turkey as occupant drawing
unsubstantiated parallels with the Russian current occupation.
The only exception when a journalist reacted to a respondent spreading misinformation on the above
topic happened in the GPBs talk show Dialogue (24 April)60.
...Adjaras population is best of all aware of that threat, as well as Batumi residents where very many
Turks have appeared after Saakashvili said Aslan [Aslan Abashidze, former Chairman of the Supreme
Council of the Autonomous Republic of Ajaria] has fled, Batumi is free. It is precisely after Aslan fled
that Turks came there and we may soon face yet another threat.
The Davit Aghmashenebeli Avenue houses very many bars, restaurants, hotels, etcetera, belonging
to Turks and this is not incidental.
Obiektivi, Night Studio, 22 April
Ilia Chacibaia: The Foreign Minister of Turkey stated that they are going to seize Batumi, though,
An obligation of the state assumed to the European Council on the ratification of the charter on
minority languages, which implies the protection of languages of minorities, was topical during the
period of interim parliamentary elections as well as in relation to Prime Ministers statements on 23
April in the European Council.
Media union Obiektivi was distinguished for xenophobic statements on this topic.
There are some Africans nowadays here, should they be asking us to save the language they speak? The
whole Africa speaks that language, and they should stay there and speak their language. Why should
I be saving their mother tongue over there? Let them leave for where their mothers are and save their
native languages there.
Rasist Expression
Deported Mesketians
The topic of repatriation of Meskhetians whom the Soviet regime forcefully resettled from Georgia
in the 1940s was covered in the media only in the context of political speculations on this issue. The
exception was Maestros talks show Politmetri which dedicated a special program to the topic of
repatriation. However, none of media outlets showed consistency in covering this process.
Often journalists are not well informed on the issue, including the lack of information on the process
of repatriation. Consequently, media reproduces incorrect facts circulated by the respondents.
The use of term Meskhetian Turks by journalists and respondents is controversial because ethnic
belonging is a sphare of self-identification. Incomparably more acceptable term to be used is
Meskhetians or deported Meskhetians. The presenter of GPBs talk show Aktsentebi (19 April)61
correctly reacted to the respondents assessment who portrayed Meskhetians as the threat to the
country and refers to them as Meskhetian Turks, thereby identifying their ethnicity incorrectly.
The presenter of Politmetri (Maestro, April 29) correctly argues with the opponent of repatriation, Jondi
Baghaturia, about the injustice conducted against Meskhetians though, at the same time, identifying human
rights defenders by their ethnic origin (Georgian), also referring to ethnic origin of Stalin62 is problematic.
There was discrimination on religious ground revealed during monitoring by the presenter of Spektri,
TV Kavkasia. In one case the presenter names criteria for testing judges trustworthiness, such as their
level of religiosity and their attitudes towards Jehovahs witnesses, thereby establishing a stereotype
that judges must necessarily be a congregation of Orthodox Christian Church and have established
attitudes towards religious minorities. In another case anchor of the program unjustifiably linked
social problems with religious issues.
Media union Obiektivi was distinguished for its anti-campaign against the construction of the mosque
in Batumi.
Phone call of TV viewer expressing a critical point of view towards some clergyman and the events
of May 17, was quite unusual for Media-union Obiektivi (July 18)63. Usually, most of the phone calls
of audience are similar, that makes impression of manipulation with public opinion and represents
violation of the article 18.4 of the Code of Conduct. It should be also noted that the anchor tried to
interrupt viewer to express his opinion.
Nino Zhizhilashvili: That is why, human rights defenders in this country, ethnically Georgian human rights defenders say that the stopping
of this process will be unfair towards concrete persons ethnic Georgians also contributed to this process.
TV viewer, phone call in Live: Today, when 85% of the population states that they are Orthodox Christians, not only an ordinary part of the
population, but majority of religious servants dont understand deeply and conceptually what Christianity is... Im sorry, but bishops like
Jacob and Iobi...
Bondo Mdzinarishvili, Anchor: (tries to interrupt) I have to apologize, now we address Mr. Gela...
TV viewer: People are beating others with crosses, rushing into TV stations, who organized May 17... How do you want to announce
Orthodoxy as the state religion in these circumstances? http://obieqtivi.net/tv1.php?id=12918
Kavkasia, Spektri, 31 May
Davit Akubardia: There are no factories in Georgia any longer. A pity people. If this continues for
another 15 or 20 years, we will have a Muslim country. Look to the East, more and more are coming.
Among TV talk shows, media union Obiektivi was distinguished for its clear cut homophobic and
discriminatory editorial policy which largely coincided with and shared political speculations on the
topic of minorities.
Media union Obiektivi constantly manipulated with public opinion and violated paragraph 2 of Article
17 and paragraph 4 of Article 18 of the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters. Article 18 (4) requires that
Phone-ins during live broadcasts should be screened in a fair manner; the prominence of only one
particular view should not be allowed to avoid the manipulation of public opinion by phone calls.
Night Studio (Obiektivi) allows not only the phone calls of listeners with similar opinions but also these
opinions, which are discriminatory towards various minority groups, are always in full conformity with
the positions of respondents as well as the presenters. In this respect, Obiektivi breaches paragraph 3
of Article 18 of the same Code, which reads that If broadcasters choose to invite a single concerned
party to a programme to explore its particular view, the invitee should not be allowed to use its own
position for attacking other parties not participating in the programme. It also breaches paragraph 2
of Article 17 which requires that Presenters of authored programmes should not use their position to
report opinions in a way that may violate the impartiality of the programme.
In assessments of 17 May events, both presenters of Obiektivi and phone-in viewers expressed anti-
Western attitudes and spread misleading facts.
On certain occasions it was difficult to draw a clear line between the discrimination on the grounds of
ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation.
Except for media union Obiektivi, other TV talk shows being monitored covered this topic in a neutral
manner, whilst the GPB (Aktsentebi, Dialogue) _ in a positive manner. In certain instances, present-
ers (Channel 9s Pirdapiri Saubari, Maestros Politmetri) were opposing the respondents discriminatory
statements in a professional manner, while in another instances (Imedi, Gia Eteri; Rustavi 2, Posicia) pre-
senters left unchallenged spread of such misinformation and discriminative statements by respondents,
as portraying homosexuality as a disease.
The presenter of the talk show Barieri aired by Kavkasia TV (21 May) agreed to President Saakashvilis
speculative statement concerning the 17 May events in which he questioned the righteousness of
staging this rally during the days of mourning in Georgia64.
Sexual minorities was one the most topical issue in election discourse framed as an allegation against
opponents and having the negative context: Media showed no effort to clarify position of Tamar
Kordzaia, Georgian Dreams majoritarian candidate at midterm Parliamentary elections whether
information spread that she was in favour of legalization of same sex marriage regarding was correct.
The host of the Imedi TV program Gia Eteri (April 26)65 was the only one to ask Tamar Kordzaia about
her position on the issue. However Journalist does not elaborate on the topic and fails to ask other
candidates opinions towards the discussed issue. The fact that the host discusses the sensitive topic
with the one respondent only and does not address others is the violation of the professional standard
of media. The only program in which the journalist refuted the incorrect information concerning the
Tamar Kordzaias attitude towards the same sex marriage was the Public Broadcastings Dialogue
(April 24)66, while host of Position (Rustavi2, April 23)67 failed to respond adequately on false accusation
of Labour Party candidate against Tamar Kordzaia.
Similar allegation that the Georgian Dream presidential candidate, Giorgi Margvelashvili was planning
to legalize same sex marriage after presidential elections was made by Kakha Kukava, Free Georgia.
The presenter of Subiekturi Azri (Maestro, May 28)68 argues with the guest on this subject quite
rightly, however she refers not over the factual circumstances (whetehr Margvelashvili made such a
statement), but cites MP Zviad Dzidziguri as saying that Kakha Kukava, in contrast to Margvelashvili,
is not a religious person. This is discriminatory towards Kakha Kukava because no one, especially
journalist has the right to judge the degree of religiousnesss of this or that person.
Obiektivi, Night Studio, 20 April
Nino Jgarkava: We have not demised the homeland, nation and language as you [Giga Bokeria,
Aleko Elisashvili, host: I agreed with Saakashvili on a single thing: he said, it would have been good to respect the sol diers killed in
Afghanistan and not to gather at the same place the next day.
Secretary of the Nationa Security Council] did... Nor are we as happy as you are about marriage
between women or about marriage between men.
Do you think that international organizations take into account the scarce food and water resources
around the world? If a man does not marry a woman, i.e. the same sex marriage is legalized, this
means that they wont have children, and therefore the world society will shrink.
I dont like things like this happening in Georgia, I wont shake their hand, wont allow them into my
house, I will never be friends with people like that, not a chance!
the first Satanic Church was established in America in 1925. Now, let the people make their own
conclusions on the rest.
Youve seen a kiss of two homosexuals, right? Is anything more disgusting than this? This cohabitation
reminds me right a kiss of homosexuals.
live with these values and in general, a political party which says that our path is towards the West,
is doomed to failure.
There were instances of sexism, gender discrimination by the presenters of talk shows.
The host of the talk-show Postion (May 10)69 discriminated on the basis of gender, while announcing
the guests of the talk-show in Kurieri at 9, referring to the studio guests as the representatives of
the weak sex. This is a clear demonstration of sexism by journalist and reproduction of certain
stereotypes as well.
The presenter of Spekrti (Kavkasia, June 27) shared sexist expressions of the respondent (Koki
Ionatamashvili) with regard to the head of the press-service of the investigative agency of the Ministry
of Finance70.
Nino Shubladze: Today, the representative of the weak sex [i.e. females] will face each other our guests will be Eliso Chapidze from the
majority and Irma Nadirashvili from the minority.
David Akubardia: As you said rightly, beautiful girl from the Ministry of Finance. You could have also assigned such a beautiful girl.
3. Print Media
Materials in print media were evaluated not by space allocated to topics but by instances of violations/
observance of standards, which implies discrimination on various grounds as well as spread of worng and
misleading information about minorities and also such instances when journalists share discriminative
opinions of respondents or are source of discrimination themselves.
A share of negative coverage in print media sharply exceeded those of neutral and positive coverage.
Negative coverage was abundant in Asaval-Dasavali, followed by Alia and Kviris Palitra newspapers.
In 24 Saati and Rezonansi, the topic of minorities was mainly covered in a positive or neutral manner. In
the case of Rezonansi, the exception from this general trend was the topic of land ownership which was
mainly reported discriminatively.
By topics, the largest share of negative reporting accounts for the topic of sexual minorities (98), followed
by ethnic minorities (37), religious minorities (22); hate speech on various grounds (12) and gender
discrimination (7):
Armenophobic statements were mainly used in political context in relation to the former government
and current opposition [UNM], also in regards of President Saakashvili. Naming addresses as
Armenians and people with changed surnames usually had negative connotation;
In an article of Zaza Davitaia (Asaval-Dasavali, May 13-19), Saakov, do not bite off anyones nipple!,
the surname of the President of Georgia is transformed so that to hint as if he is not Georgian by origin
and is Armenian in a negative sense;
Topic of representatives of the government with changed names was further extended by journalis
of Alia (April 19)71 as well.
Journalist Dali Barabadze in an interview with Kviris Qronika (June 24-30)72 discriminates Mitropolit
of Kutaisi, Kalistrate on ethnic grounds and segregates human beings on the basis of biological
Georgians and non-Georgians. The journalist, basing on the facts stated by her, offers entirely personal
interpretation of the canonical law. As a rule, reference to the opponents as Armenians with changed
surnames in a negative context takes place despite whether or not the person openly declares his/
her ethnicity, which is a matter of a self-identification;
Journalist of Kviris Qronika (April 22-28) shares the spirit of the respondents (Jansug Charkviani)
Armenophobic approaches73;
Newspepr Rezonansi (May 7) published the information by the news agency Interpressnews concerning
the accident in Batumi. Identification of ethnicity of the person who died in an accident as Armenian
was entirely irrelevant; There was irrelevant identification of ethnicity in the article Brave Armenian
of Tbilisi, who refused to put up with the regime of Saakashvili and Akhalaia of Asaval-Dasavali
(June 17-23) as well.
Anti-Chinese Stance
Anti-Chinese topic in print media was also covered in relations to social problems and misinformation
was spread about ongoing construction works in the territory adjacent to the Tbilisi Sea, which is
conducted with Chinese investments.
In one case, a journalist openly expressed his readiness to join an anti-Chinese rally with the
respondent (Kviris Qhronika newspaper, 3-12 May)74. In another case, migration of Chinese to Georgia
was portrayed as a threat to the country75.
Gela Zedelashvili: I wish the problem of those with changed surnames were the only one.
Dali Barabadze: My surname is purely Georgian, while Mitropolit Kalistrate has a changed last name. Even though he is Margaritashvili,
he is Margaritov he has a changed surname. The root of his last name is not Georgian. According to a Canonical Law, a person with a
non-Georgian surname by no means can be a Mitropolit, but unfortunately everything is allowed here. Father Giorgi, as well as other holly
clergy, used to say about priests with changed surnames stay away from people like this, they declined their own surnames, what kind of
good will they do for you.
They want a lot of things that we dont want, thats why we are the way we are.
Journalist Gela Zedelashvili about an anti-Chinese rally to be staged by the respondent: We will go together to that rally.
Gela Zedelashvili: Mr. Temur what our ancestors fought for if one fine day we would waste everything?
Jaba Khubua: What can be better than a healthy way of living, Mr. Bidzina, but I do not think that a
compact settlement of 126,000 Chinese in Tbilisi poses any lesser threat to Georgian demography than
tobacco and alcohol consumption.
In discussing the issue of sale of lands to foreign citizens, xenophobic attitudes, along with respondents,
were displayed by journalists too.
In contrast to other materials published in Alia when a respondent and a journalist share common
positions, interview with the Minister of Agriculture by that time [David Kirvalidze] was exception in this
regard. In this particular case discriminative attitudes are manifested by the journalist is not shared by
respondent. A discriminative spirit of the interview, manifested in the editorial position of the journalist,
is reinforced by photos featuring two men of Asian appearance, including one wearing turban.
A clear cut editorial stance in regard of sale of lands to foreigners was revealed by Rezonansi newspaper
in which the vision favoring the restriction of the sale of lands to foreign citizens dominated the materials
published on this topic be they articles, columns or comments of separate persons, with the opposing
view rarely provided. Disputes over land ownership was reported in an unbalanced way, based on
emotional assessments and political speculations of only one side, without double-checking the facts
and thorough study of the issue, thus whipping up negative sentiments towards foreign investors.
Besides Rezonansi, xenophobic approaches and unjustified parallels were observed in editorial article
of Kviris Palitra, titled Indians are taking over the scorched Ditsi.
Rezonansi, July 17
There are a number of professional standards violated in the article on the land alienation topic
prepared by Rezonansi.
First of all, it concerns the results of the survey on this topic and entire article is dedicated to it.
Such essential elements of a survey methodology is omitted in the report, as criteria of selection of
respondents, geographical area where the survey was conducted, what type of research is presented,
etc. Without telling audience all these details of methodology, journalists generalization in the
headline 100% of interviewers are against of land alienation to foreigners might be misleading.
As it evident from the headline, the article presents just one side position that creates the opportunity
for manipulation with public opinion.
Its also problematic that the journalist in the editorial text speaks about groundless risks concerning
land alienation to foreigners in the same manner as its done by the respondents.
Mariam Aptsiauri: Georgia is a small country, where approximately 4 million people are living. The
intensive migration of foreigners and alienation of lands to them might create threat for Georgians to
be divided as an ethnic group, to become the ethnic minority.
Rezonansi, 5 August
Under the title Land is the property of the Georgian nation the newspaper published an address
of the chairperson of the Foundation for the Revival of Georgian Village, Elene Kakhniashvili, to the
government, in which she demands that the land be nationalized and draws unjustified parallels
between the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the sale of land to foreigners.
Racist Expressions
Discrimination for religious minorities by journalists, referring to them as torturers and sectants, mainly
took place in the context of unacceptability of Saakashvili and the politics pursued by his government.
An article in Kviris Qhronika (13-19 May) is the example of how a journalist can engage in developing a
conspiracy theory, without providing any substantiation and citing facts, about the plans of US special
services to fight against the Christian Orthodox Church and incite religious conflict, which instills anti-
American attitudes.
An article in Kviris Palitra newspaper about an allegation that an Azerbaijani employer fired an
employee on religious grounds lacks balance. The allegation is provided as an undeniable fact on the
basis of which an experts engages in unsubstantiated generalizations.
In an article on the topic of Norasheni church, published in Rezonansi newspaper, positions of both
sides are provided but the publication contained unverified facts and the essence of the dispute over
the cult building was not provided comprehensively.
The topic of dispute over cult buildings between Armenia and Georgia was covered in an unbalanced
ways by the Kviris palitra newspaper.
An article in Kviris Palitra about a religious motive in a killing was based on an emotional statement
of a respondent, which was not double checked, and incited hatred towards Iranians.
Among the monitored media outlets Newspaper Rezonansi offered the most comprehensive and qual-
ified coverage of a traditional Muslim Friday prayer of June 14. Events which unfolded in Samtastkaro
were most consistently covered by Rezonansi and 24 Saati newspapers.
Notably, newspaper 24 Hours published the academic analytical article concerning the church in the
context of May 17 events;
Example of positive coverage was the materials about a religious holiday of Muslims, Ramadan (24
Saati, July 9);
The only positive assessment on the essence of a secular state and the equality of rights of believers
in the Kviris Kronika newspaper was published in the form of paid advertisement alone.
Orthodox priest sentences for pogroms of religious minorities], destroy the churches and terrorize the
Orthodox perish. However, there is nothing surprising here Witnesses of Jehovah went beyond any
bounds since then in Georgia. Pentecostals, other sectants and Giga Bokeria, within a month after
that, managed that Tbilisi City Court registered Jehovahs sect as a religion and a legal entity.
Giorgi Gigauri: Nor should we turn a blind eye to the fact that our neighbor Turkey does not spare
power or money for a religious expansion in Georgia. As you see our neighbors have already started
up a rather useful and profitable business of portable minarets!
who speaks about that being under emotional stress, also includes a xenophobic statement towards
Iranians in general.
Nato Kvintradze, Mariam Kochaladzes godmother: We demand that no Iranian enter Georgia Mari-
am was a pure Christian. I think the murdered sacrificed her.
Journalist took no reasonable precautions to verify such emotional assumptions, including, by ap-
proaching investigative bodies.
Rezonansi, June 3
Newspapers interest to cover property dispute between Georgian and Armenian Orthodox Churches is
positive. Even though the formal balance is observed, journalist word-by-word transcripts the positions
of the sides and does not even try to inform readers on the accuracy of facts and arguments, and verify
the information spread by the sides. For instance, representative of the Georgian Patriarchy states that
Armenians claim the ownership of 600 churches in Georgia. The journalist could have checked this
information with the Armenian side. Information concerning the 6 disputed religious buildings was given
by the Public Broadcaster as a backgrounder of the same story. On his part, Mikael Botkoveli makes
incorrect generalization basing on the inaccurate information and promotes stereotypes.
Mikael Botkoveli, Georgian Patriarchy: According to Armenians, they have 600 churches in Georgia,
this is not serious. It turns out to be Armenia rather than Georgia then. They make so many unserious
statements, that one doubts even when they speak truth.
Naturally, in given circumstances journalists function goes beyond the mere reflection of the hearsay,
and implies providing the readers with the exact number of the disputed cult buildings, which could
have shed light to the issue.
At the same time, there are other factual inaccuracies in the information provided by the sides. Namely,
Levon Isakhanian says that the church was built in the 15th century, while Mikael Botkoveli ascribes
it to the period of Armenization of the Georgian churches in the 17th and 18th centuries. The journalist
could have clarified the origins of the architecture with an independent expert, could have checked
the information concerning the erasure of the inscriptions on the graves and frescos, and then basing
on that information she could raise relevant questions with the representative of the Patriarchy.
Rezonansi, June 15
Journalist Eka Basilaia comprehensively reported that Muslims were able to conduct a prayer on
June 14 following the arrival in the village of the State Minister for Reintegration Paata Zakareishvili.
In addition, she offered the readers the complete background of the emerged problem including the
earlier developments in Nigvziani and Tsintskaro.
The journalist also accentuated that the prayer was held but most likely, due to the immense
psychological pressure and that local Muslims did not take part.
On the one hand, the editorial reflected the position of the village Governor Gulo Nadirashvili stating
that Muslims have a guaranteed right to pray and nobody can hinder it, while on the other, in difference
with the rest of media outlets, basing on Kakheti Information center, the journalist recalled the earlier
position of the local authorities. By bringing up the previous statements of Dedoplistskaro Governor
Irakli Shiolashvili and village Governor Gulo Nadirashvili (stating that they were committed to protect
the interests of majority which is against the opening of the Muslim prayer chapel), newspaper
provided readers with the opportunity to assess the shift in the point of view of one of the local
authorities (Gulo Nadirashvili), following the arrival of the State Minister to Samtatskaro.
A clear line between discriminations on the grounds of ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation was
often difficult to draw as all these forms of discrimination were mainly applied intermittently, by
respondents and sometimes journalists, in a political discourse;
The editorial policies of newspaper Asaval-Dasavali, Kviris Qhronika and Alia is explicitly homopho-
bic and contain discriminatory statements and hate speech as well as various political speculations
with regard to sexual minorities, denigrating terminology and unsubstantiated parallels. These emdia
outlets portray minorities as objects of publications and not subjects, because opinions of sexual mi-
norities are totally ignored.
Homosexuality was presented as being artificially imposed by the West; anti-Western attitudes were
incited, the United Naitonal Movement was linked to sexual minorities and new government was
portrayed as anti-National force.
Journalists often express theocratic approaches while reporting on rights of sexual minorities (Kviris
Qronika, May 20-26)77. For example, journalist from Alia (May 17-20) tries to shift the emphasis from
a legal context and to view the issue from the angle of moral esteem of the religious leader while
posing a question78 to the organizers of May 17 rally against homophobia and transphobia.
Khatuna Elbakidze: Policeman is a Christian first, and only then a policeman.
Shorena Gogoladze: Only police? Is the Patriarchs call not important for you?
Asaval-Dasavali discusses the issue of sexual orientation of a concrete person, the leader of the orga-
nization, Patriots, Giorgi Mazmaniania in the context of a rally held by the United National movement
and pejoratively refers to him as a hen and a female name Anjela.
Asaval-Dasavali links the law against discrimination drafted by the government and the introduction
of the institution of inspector for equality only with the protection of sexual minorities (Gay-Ombuds-
man) and as an initiative imposed by the West.
Kviris Qronika was permanently drawing unjustified parallels between either the April 19 rally orga-
nized by the United National Movement with sexual minorities or May 17 rally against homophobia
and transphobia with the UNM.
Newspaper Kviris Palitra, without any editorial comment, reprinted from the facebook page Tamar Iv-
eris statement containing hate speech. The newspaper also incompletely covered the developments
following the statement made.
Only positive column of Kviris Palitras journalist, Merab Metreveli, touching upon the 17 May events,
does not condone the violence and stresses the importance of peacefully expressing different opin-
ions. However, a passage in the column Does anyone prohibit you to voice protest against propa-
ganda of homosexuality? introduces an absolutely vague notion propaganda of homosexuality,
which the journalist does not try to explain and specify.
Newspapers 24 Hours and Rezonansi dedicated substancial space to the coverage of May 17 events.
22-28 April
Giorgi Gigauri: The true national movement has nothing to do with somebody coquettishly standing
next to Saakov at the disgraceful show of April 19, with Giorgi (Anjela) Mazmaniani known as a
pederast-chicken brigadier of the prison!
29 April-12 May
Tea Asatiani: It is an old and popular anecdote... If you have an aquarium at home... you love nature,
picnic and like to drink, this means that you also like women and you are not a pederast. Consequently,
if you do not have an aquarium at home it logically means that you are a pederast... I cannot say exactly
why was aquarium replaced by the ABC, but if we consider that the main criterion in education today is
skills and also recall that with the help of Saakashvilis government, people with non-traditional sexual
orientation conducted gay parties right in front of schools, some logical conclusion may be drawn.
29 April-12 May
Zaza Davitaia: Saakov-Mazmanians National Movement with its non-traditional orientation takes
the country towards the abyss!
People with non-traditional sexual orientation conduct demonstrations, under the veil of democracy
and human rights in Georgia, in the country of real men...
Such rumors circulate about Anjelika that a decent person would find it shameful to repeat... Upon
entering the prison he settled not in an ordinary ward but in a henhouse because he is a representative
of non-traditional orientation... Hen is also a person and has rights too, but he was called that name
in due time because he turned his back to the society, traditions and revealed his non-traditional
sexual orientation.
13-19 May
Zaza Davitaia: Georgia is a paradoxical country in which a rally of representatives of non-traditional
sexual orientation may be joined by EU ambassadors who protect them as shields whereas a fair
protest of former political prisoners against the regime, which killed own citizens and committed
numerous crimes, can be qualified as hooliganism and crime
The material also notes that the newspaper ahs got blessing from Father Job.
27 May-2 June
Tea Asatiani: One cannot exclude that the Georgian LGBT intended to repeat the action of Pussy Riot
and thanks god that the rally planned on Rustaveli avenue on 17 May was thwarted or had this herd of
sexual perverts stormed into Kashueti Church and started their antics there, neither the clergy nor the
police would have been able to do anything and the blood would have been spilt...
[Addresses human rights defenders]: Leave alone those diseased persons in their sin and do not
encourage them towards blasphemy and perversion Especially today, when Saakashvili and the
UNM have turned into political corpses, they are left with this crowd of mutants alone and now use
them for staging provocations, stirring up disorder and conflict.
27 May-2 June
Giorgi Gigauri: The conflict which broke out between the Orthodox Christian Georgians and the
promoters of sexual perverts on the Rustaveli Avenue on 17 May, has once again gave an opportunity
to a hollow person called Lasha Bakradze to resurface! Yes, Lasha Bakradze has emerged as one of
the leaders of that movement which can be openly called an anti-Georgian, anti-Orthodox and anti-
clerical front!
27 May-2 June
Giorgi Gigauri: And how dare those scoundrels speak to me about hate speech and homophobia, who
are fed for years by those who killed tens of thousands of civilians, including thousands of children, in
Iraq and Afghanistan?!
They say either become sexual perverts or forget NATO!.. If our degree of democracy is gauged by the
number of gay prides conducted and the number of sexual perverts getting married to a man of his
dream, then Georgians will say out loud that they do not want such democracy!
27 May-2 June
Salome Gogiashvili, presenter: If democracy means having many sexual perverts around, men not
desiring women, Georgian nation degrading and men wearing skirts, I do not want such a democracy.
27 May-2 June
Giorgi Gigauri: Thus, this means that this disease is really contagious!
3-9 June
Giorgi Gigauri: Lasha, my friend, we can go and consider pidarmon as a pet name of pederast. If
you ask me, it better suits you than the rude and blatant pederast or sodomite!.. this degenerate
Lasha Bugadze (a clinical case, really) feels great affection to pederasts and pidarmons and hates
our Mother Church, Catholicos-Patriarch and hundred thousands of believers.
3-9 June
Giorgi Gigauri: So, if a fly lands on some pederasts butt without warning the US State Department
glaring angrily is almost ready to declare the high alert of its nuclear forces
10-16 June
Giorgi Gigauri: Of course, the liberast elite of the civilized world would have loved Maia Panjikidzes
barren historic education and her squint-eyed political world _ view, but this lady is a Foreign Minister
of Georgia and not of Germany, for instance! This country already has Guido Westerwelle as a chief
diplomat and openly gay who just two years ago married a man like him and now has a happy LGBT
17-23 June
Giorgi Gigauri: I will say outright; those who planned 17 May rally in Georgia and staged a huge
provocation, are sexual perverts! They are even worse _ spiritual perverts and ideological homosexuals!..
Thus, the den of uncle Soros is the headquarter of LGBT propaganda in Georgia and anti-Georgian,
pervert subversive activity!..
Indeed, this is the dirtiest, the most wicked ideology which will stealthily start with gay prides, then
will legalize same sex marriages and thereafter, demand the adoption of children and if they achieve
all that, then, like it is in Holland, will make us write in the law that the age of sexual life of children
shall be 12 years (i.e. legalize pedophilia!) and that such perversions as incest, zoophilia, necrophilia,
etcetera, become an ordinary and harmless thing!..
Those are blatant liars who claim from actually every TV that homosexuality is an ordinary phenomenon
and we must put up with that!
1-7 July
Giorgi Gigauri: It seems that for the representatives of Appathurais country rape of men and kids
does not count as a crime!
Now, dear reader, tell me what is the difference between being raped and being Appathuraid? Yes,
rape of people, with arms and legs tied, by the Saakashvili regime is equal to being Appathuraid!
15-21 July
George Gigauri: Liberal government of Moldova had been directly opposed by the Orthodox church of
the country, considering the anti-discriminative law as a perverted western order and the attempt of
establishment of sexual minoritys dictate on majority!.. Moldova is being tested like Georgia: If you
wish closer integration with the west, take special care of sexual minorities!
15-21 July
Giorgi Gigauri: In America gays beaten up Christians who came to protest gay parades! In short, in
very civilized and democratic America gays and their supporters represent majority and Christians
Thus we have to do with purposeful and well planned scheme as a result of which... Orthodox people
may be announced to be mentally diseased and those come to protest gay parades are going to be
well beaten up as minorities by our muscled pederasts!
22-28 July
Giorgi Gigauri: Does it mean, that besides the Ombudsman protecting sexual minorities, we will have
a specialized Gay-Ombudsman [meaning equality inspector] as well?
22-28 July
Aleko Aslanishvili, editor of newspaper Saqartvelos Respublica: I dont know how many pederasts
are there in Georgia today, but its clear, there are much more than in the times when I was younger...
there is at least one non-governmental organization assigned for protection and patronage of each of
them. Ass of each pederast has given the national value, watching its pulse soberly and carefully.
29 July-4 August
Arno Khidirbegishvili, editor-in-chief of Sakinformi: All these [ re:the translation of the MTVs pro-
gram Room Riders broadcast by Rustavi 2] was accompanied with their [homosexuals] appalling nat-
uralistic gestures.
29 July-4 August
Giorgi Gigauri: Yes, It was exactly Saakashvilis UNM that organized the 17 May provocation which was
designed so that to have indignant and offended Georgians kill a homosexual and then the UNM would
shout loud for the entire world to hear that a homophobic government came to power in the country!..
I hope Lesbians will not feel offended if a letter in the acronym denominating them will be replaced
by National Movement and will be read as Naitonals, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual!
29 July-4 August
Giorgi Gigauri: Up to 100,000 Georgians that took to the Rustaveli avenue on 17 May to protest against
homosexualism and at least 20 times as many Georgians who remained at home, await a response
from Bidzina Ivanishvili to one simple question: How will he make the Georgian Dream come true
alongside with anti-Georgian Republican Party which hates Georgians?!
Every patriot of Georgia must principally stand up to a targeted and well-organized campaign pursuing
the aim of transforming our country into homosexuals!... If we allow and put up with the wanton march
of homosexuals and lesbians on the Rustaveli avenue; if we turn a blind eye to an open propagation
of homosexuality then we will be promoted to an upper step of legalizing same-sex marriages and
allowing gay families to adopt children!
15 April
Gela Zedelashvili: A large segment of people supports me saying we must jointly fight against an
aggressive campaign of gays and lesbians, otherwise we do not know what kind of persons our
children will become... According to them, homosexuality is not a perverted life but a political fight. I
have always wondered why there were so many gays in various governments.
Khatuna Elbakhidze: Support of 19 April rally means that you support the UNM and the policy of their
American partners the legalization of rights of gays, lesbians, transsexuals and other similar cursed
13-19 May
Khatuna Elbakidze: Does one necessarily have to be a pederast or a lesbian [meaning release of
hidden video tapes against Giorgi Paresishvili] in order to demand the guaranteed protection of the
right to privacy and gain the Nationals [National Movement] support?
20-26 May
Khatuna Elbakidze: Non-governmental organizations enthused by the National Movement and with
their efforts financed by the foreign grants mobilized the sexual minorities of all Georgia and aspired
to hold a parade on the Rustaveli Avenue. Those, against the gay parade, moral people planned the
counter demonstration against this perverse, immoral rally Giga Bokeria and other members of this
caste of the faithless aspire for the bloodshed, at any demonstration, whether political or apolitical.
20-26 May
Nino Samkharadze: Why did the protection of a homosexuals butt become a national tragedy, or why
did the world and the civilized Europe go blind and unjust failing to see the interests of the majority
and elite corruption of the previous government, defending the rights of minorities while ignoring the
will of the majority? Sorry, but if the asses of these tenish pederasts are so important, we dont need
either NATO or EU.
27 May-2 June
Nino Samkharadze: The Georgian Church showed strength [on May 17 events], defended Christian
traditions but many people wonder where were you when Saakashvilis regime was spilling blood,
killing people? Why did the Church not show such a unanimous protest back then?
10-16 June
Nino Samkharadze: Are the sexual minorities more important for them [the West] than the lives of
soldiers fighting against terrorism who, by the way, sacrifice their lives to their operations?
17-23 June
Neli Vardiashvili: In case of developed perversion [homosexuality], people are inclined towards an
opposite sex as well, do they not? I have heard that a certain segment of men with such sexual
orientation are even married; should such people be still considered as diseased people?..
And still, what should pregnant women do in order to prevent fetuses from developing such a disease?
Let us not scare women with this article and provide them with some advice.
12-18 August
Giorgi Korkotashvili, radio anchor: I cant understand why they deal with LGBT?! The law must prohibit
them from conducting a parade. How is it possible that members of the government promote them?!...
If you allow me, I will go to the Mayors office and ask Gigi Ugulava to allocate a territory for LGBT on
the Gladi waste dumping ground, where they can conduct their parades
12-18 August
Gela Zedelashvilis article Why LGBT defenders sue the minister of health care? is about a claim
filed with the constitutional court, in which they demand the annulment of the order of the health
minister which restricts the blood donation from homosexuals. The article is entirely homophobic and
portrays homosexuals as diseased people.
16 May
Nino Samkharadze: Mr. Elizbar, the new government came into conflict with the national and religious
lines. There is a gay parade planned on May 17 and the Prime Minister fails to avert it. How do you
think, are we going to have a civil confrontation on that day?
4 July
Nino Samkharadze: Taking some iodine would not be bad for the NATO secretary General Rasmussen...
For Rasmussen protecting the butts of LGBT persons turned out to be more important than the army
of victims of the violent government. When in the 21st century you show the facts of torture of people,
rape and murder to the Secretary General and he continues referring to chief Jako as a democrat, then
you are a cretin or simply, bribed!
18 July
Journalist Nino Samkharadze presents unconfirmed information, spread by lawyer Shalva Khacha-
puridze as a real fact, that the First Lady Sandra Roelofs is involved in withdrawal and adoption of
children by homosexuals who were born by artificial insemination.
Nino Samkharadze: Well done, Sandra! You are not betraying traditions of your home country [Neth-
erland] and help homosexual couples, while thousands of families in Georgia are suffering from in-
fertility and the adoption procedure is so complicated and expensive, that people are aging childless
and you are taking care so hardly about homosexual and lesbian couples, about tadoption of Georgian
children abroad.
24 July
Nino Samkharadze: It turned out that security of Georgian pederasts buttocks and pink sex of
lesbians was as important for Rasmussen as antiterrorist missions for NATO. One part of Rasmussen
visit in July was dedicated to the security of those engaged in immoral sex and he shook his fingers
pointing out to be careful... If your NATO means protecting pederasts and lesbians, many will refuse
such alliance.
31 July
Gela Zedelashvili: The May 17th rally had been really planned in his [Giga Bokeria, Secretary of the
Security Council] office. Its well known even in the Prime Ministers circle that he [Bidzina Ivanishvili]
cant stand pederasts and it should be so, but the official status forces him to take a balanced position.
3-9 June
Newspaper Kviris Palitra fully and without editorial comment published the appeal to the President
of the renowned Georgian singer Tamar Iveri performing in leading European opera theatres, initial-
ly published in the social network. The article titled with the quote by Iveri, Mr. Ambassador [US
Ambassador in Georgia], this way you cannot make the whole nation bend over for the accession to
NATO reflects the editorial position of the newspaper. It should be noted that the editorial of the
newspaper does not present singers such expressions as problematic, neither offers apology for
her homophobic expressions and hate speech as internet portal Netgazeti did earlier because of the
similar expressions made by the majority leader David Saganelidze. Netgazeti then explained the fact
of publication of Saganelidzes expressions by high social interest toward the position of the public
figure. Instead, Kviris Palitra peremptorily replicated such expression.
The only valuable information is given in the end of the article as a post-scriptum, which notes that
following the publication of Iveris appeal Paris National Opera announced on its website that Tamar
Iveris concert planned for June 1 was cancelled due to her health condition, as officially stated. Jour-
nalist also notes that according to the information spread, the actual reason of the cancellation of the
concert was the appeal translated by the organization Identoba into French and sent to the partner
organizations in Paris. Journalist in her post-scriptum notes that they have tried to contact Tamar
Iveri in order to verify the information, however they could not reach her. It should be noted that the
newspaper did not try to contact organization Identity. Therefore, the article does not mention the
information published on Identitys website concerning the apologies offered by the singer on June 1,
and received by the organization via e-mail.
4. Respondents
In case of respondents discrimination was most often observed with regard to sexual minorities
(political parties and public organizations 56; representatives of society of various fields 41); Data
on discrimination by topics looks as follows: ethnic minorities 20/15; religious minorities 8/3; gender,
sexism 2/3; hate speech 2/9.
At present the Minister of Culture and Education of Abkhazia
Asaval-Dasavali, 15-21 April
Aleko Shalamberidze, Free Georgia: Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan plan to seize Georgias territories.
Why should one care about the prohibition of condoms when Georgians in Georgia are being left
without land?!
Alia, 19 June
Temur Shashiahvili, Tetrebi party: The United National Movement took native population of Georgia
out and brought in instead people from Arab countries, Iran, China, India and Turkey. This is the change
of Georgian mentality. Million and a half people have now left the country and live in indigence! A lot
of Georgians are in mad-houses and prisons of Europe...
Alia, June 6
Khatuna Bokuchava, actor: Stop granting the lands to Negroes, Chinese, Arabs, and Hindu. They
should let us live where our fathers shed their blood so the Georgian nation could survive until today...
If we shave their [supporters of the former government] heads, I am sure well see the sign of 666
on their sculls, because they deprived us, Christians of the right to live in our motherland.
Anti-Turkish Sentimets
Obiektivi, Night Studio, 15 June
David Tarkhan-Mouravi: Obviously, in Georgia and especially in Adjara, Adjarians should be appointed
to high positions and not Turks... The Georgian should be masters in Georgia, while the rest should
remain guests, and not vice versa Adjarians have suffered enough from these Turks.
caste raised by Turkish ideology, carriers of Turkish interests, was trained in Georgia!
Alia, 19 April
Temur Shashiashvili, Tetrebi party: Take a look, 80 percent of people in the Georgian government
are those who have changed surnames. I am not against Armenians, they are our brothers, but will
Armenians allow their country to be run by people with changed surnames?
Kviris Palitra, 8-14 July
Kakha Targamadze, former Interior Minister of Shevardnadze government: Do you know why
I beat up Givi Targamadze? He is of Armenian descent, his real surname is Osipov and when I
learned that he changed his name, it made me angry.
Deported Mesketians
Charter of Regional Languages
Vice Speaker of the Parliament from the Georgian Dream refers to the members of the National
Movement as demolishers of churches and links the arrest of the radical Orthodox group members
for the physical assault of the guests and associates of the TV Company Kavkasia to their Orthodox
Christian faith.
Discriminative approach (Zaza Papuashvili, Georgian Dream) that the rights of ethnic Georgians are
more important than those of religious minorities was revealed;
Political opponents (Shalva Natelashvili of the Labor Party, Temur Shashiashvili from the political
movement Tetrebi) tried to portray the new ruling force, the Georgian Dream, its leader and the
presidential candidate as forces fighting against orthodox Christianity.
Maestro, Politmeter, May 10
Zaza Papuashvili, Georgian Dream: ...Where on earth is the country they [UNM] do care for? You come
about pretending to protect other congregations rights [Georgian Muslims facing problems to pray in
Samtaskaro, Tsintkaro, Nigvziani]. You slam your own [country], tearing it down and spitting on it while
claiming to care about others prayers. How come their prayer was impeded? Lets help them promptly,
or otherwise they wont be able to perform prayers. You mind your own affairs, and they will take care
of themselves.
Alia, 26 June
Zaza Nanobashvili, Orthodox Christians Assembly: As you are aware, the previous government
opened up an era of building up Mosques in Georgia. In essence it was propaganda of Islam rather
than the response to the violation of religious minorities rights. The state does not take into account
the rights of indigenous population of the state and cares more for the interests of minority...
How dare this torturer speak about Georgian ethnicity? Malkhaz Songulashvili [Archbishop of the The
Evangelical Baptist Church] is as much Georgian as I am a native of Burkina Faso!
Construction of Mosque in Batumi
Anti-Turkish attitudes are, inter alia, connected with the issue of construction of a mosque in Batumi,
which was discussed by respondents not as a cult building intended for Muslim citizens of Georgia
but as an element of Turkish expansion.
Construction of a Mosque in Batumi was discussed in the light of the survey conducted by the Alliance
of Patriots and will of majority.
Obiektivi, Night Studio, 2 July
Viewer phone-in call: Nobody takes into account that people are very religious... for instance,
concerning the marking procedure. There was a big stir over the inking of the right hand. People were
saying that according to the Bible it could be a mark of the Satan and many voters refuse to participate
in elections because they do not want such stamp on their right hands. They did not change the rule,
what difference does it make whether its the right hand or...
It is significant that positive statements were made by high level officials Prime-Minister80, Minister
of Justice81 and some representatives of majority in media re: equal rights of sexual minorities in
light of May 17 events. However, messages of other representatives of he Georgian Dream were
complicated and were in line with the position of radical extremist groups.
There was a cultivation of the opinion by representatives of the Georgian Dream, other political groups
and society representatives that the freedom of expression of sexual minorities and their rights
defenders is nothing but the propaganda of homosexuality and it should be legally regulated.
In line with some politicians and representatives of society, President Saakashvili also speculatively
linked the appropriateness of holding the rally against homophobia to the funeral ceremony of the
soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
Monitoring of the media coverage of May 17 events reveals that neither journalists nor the members
of the ruling party understand the core essence of a secular state82.
Political speculations on provocative nature of May 17 events was expressed by representatives of
the Government (Prime-Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, leader of the Parliament majority and
members of fraction Georgian Dream), non-parliamentary opposition, as well as representatives of
Along with the National Movement the Republican Party became a target for criticism and hatred for
defending the rights of minorities.
Homosexuality was portrayed as imposed by the West and anti-Western sentiments were incited84.
Many respondents unjustifiably linked the topic of sexual minorities with the destruction of the archive
of surreptitious recordings discovered in the Interior Ministry. In one particular case (Alia, May 14)
Bidzina Ivanishvili: Sexual minorities enjoy equal rights with other citizens and the society will gradually get used to that I know that a
segment of society cannot accept that. Therefore, the law enforcement bodies operate in the state and we will do everything for the protection
of any minority. The police will stand in between them and protect the rights of every person. http://24saati.ge/index.php/category/news/2013-
Tea Tsulukiani: Civilzed people should not snoop each others private lives and who sleeps with whom. This is the foundation of a civilized
society. Things like this do exist and these people does not make this up. When a person wakes up with a thought and acknowledgement
that ok, I am a minority, he/she should not be beaten up or attacked for this. This is Barbaric... Concerning the rally, right of assembly is
guranteed for everybody, unless they violate the law. http://www.myvideo.ge/?video_id=2034178
David Saganelidze, GD: The church has its own laws and makes decisions, who am I to judge the laws of the church. If one is to be judged
by the church, the church will judge him... Concerning the violent offenders, let the prosecutor use this term, I would use the term rebels, in
this case. (TV 9, Main Question, May 20).
Kakhi Kakhishvili: Aggression toward the people of non-traditional orientation is especially strong, because at some point they are
associated with the National Movement which for years has been defending its own and their rights only...
Valeri Chkheidze, Lieutenant-General of the Security Services: Why do they impose gay parades on us saying that if gays are not allowed
to stroll down the Rustaveli Avenue, they will not accept us to NATO. Fine, dont accept us. I personally do not need such NATO... NATO is a
terrorist organization that breaks all UN resolutions and makes arbitrary decisions.
respondents hint regarding footage featuring scenes of torture and LGBT rights defender organization
Identoba, go beyond any boundaries of ethics86.
Unsubstantiated facts were unjustifiably linked with the topic of sexual minorities87.
Political speculation
GPB, Moambe, 3 June
Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia: Naturally, everybody has the right to rally. However,
whether it is appropriate holding the rally in a close proximity to the place where the funeral
ceremony of soldiers killed in Afghanistan was being held is a different issue and a separate topic,
as far as I know... and I am not touching upon it. (May 24)
Alia, 3 June
Soso Jachvliani: Lets raise a very simple question: will we tolerate the propaganda of homosexuality? During
the Soviet times, when homosexuals were being imprisoned, one renowned director whom I do not identify
[here journalist clarifies that the respondent is talking about Sergo Parajanov convicted for homosexuality
during the Soviet times] used to work at one of the studios... However, they did not use to organize gay
parades and ask for recognition either. Whatever happened on May 17 stinks like 30 silver coins.
It is understandable that the society could not accept the ideology of this small group and was
outraged I do not even want to mention the name of this organization since its members have not
done anything good for the country, for the family, for the future, for the traditions or for anything good
in this world. Obviously, these people are not for good, rather to make money. Thats why they will try
to escalate the situation.
Channel 9, May 17
Eka Beselia: Nobody has absolute freedom We must also consider that it was the day of mourning
yesterday. The Patriarchy made a statement, there was the Patriarchs statement But if the task is
to create a provocative environment and to have injured people, bloodied police officers, etc. as a
Imedi, May 17
Giorgi Tsagareishvili: They started marching towards the place of the mass gathering from Kolmeur-
neobis Moedani [square of collective farming]; among them were organizers of the rally who acted
rather provocatively. There were provocative actions on the side of minorities and we should acknowl-
edge it. By the way, this was followed with the reaction of the society gathered there.
Political speculation
Imedi TV, May 17
Shalva Natelashvili: The yesterdays rally was provoked and organized by the Prime Minister
Ivanishvili, candidate for Presidency Margvelashvili, and Speaker of the Parliament Usupashvili, in
concent with the National Movement. Moreover, according to Prime Ministers statement it turns out
that we should be getting ready for the same-sex marriage.
Imedi, 17 May
Kakha Kukava: The entire responsibility for the violence rests with the LGBT activists, who sought to
hold their rally exactly in three meters from the place where 20 thousand believers were gathered. I
will tell you about the responsibility of the government and particularly of Bidzina Ivanishvili - as far as
I know, Irakli Garibashvili yesterday night has been begging Bidzina Ivanishvili to allow him to arrange
the second safety cordon near the Pushkin Square.
Maestro, May 17
Dimitri Lortkipanidze: An attempt of establishing immorality should not be tolerated, and above all if
it has a concrete patrons and subsidizers.
Rezonansi, May 22
Giorgi Targamadze: Perverse sexual way of life is abnormal. We are talking about the propaganda in
public spaces only as no one breaks into their houses. Therefore, we should fight against this by all
means, if we do not want gay parades being held in the center of Tbilisi.
Sandro Bregadze: ... No one ahs the right to propagate perversion... Why should a rally of lesbians,
gays, bisexuals and transsexuals be held here in front of Kashveti Church?! If it is necessary to
conduct such a rally, let them conduct it in the outskirts of the city.
Alia, 19 June
Temur Shashiashvili: 17 May was a serious watershed for Georgia. I was warned from the outside to
be aware of huge flows of money that have been directed towards us. Yes, money and propaganda of
perversion have been directed towards us!.. I cannot understand, is it that they want our mentality to
be changed? Is it how they want to undermine Orthodox Christianity?
Homosexuals are gravest patients and they need to be treated and not promoted.... Homosexuality is like
a cancer when cancer cells penetrate into a healthy organ, if not treated tiemly, they will spread all over
the body, first, and then kill! The same holds true for a virus of homosexualism if it finds a stronghold
in the society, it will then infect the entire society and this will end in the death of the society!
Alia, 14 May
Elizbar Diakonidze, Deacon: One should not come close to homosexuals but should not give way to
them either!.. I will quote words of John Chrysostom in which he says that when your lord is offended
and cursed, you must beat those who do that. It means that you must bring them to their senses with
even by a slap in the face and point them towards the correct path.
Alia, 11 July
Elizbar Diakonidze: What does this Rasmussen want? What do we want in that organization where
homosexuals are respected more? This new government has time for that because it does not care for
my country....
Alia, July 24
Elizbar Diakonidze: The church says that existence of faith degenerated and sexually perverted persons
is unacceptable in Georgian Orthodox world. Imagine, the testament law prohibits sitting together
with them at lunch, their communion is prohibited, because they desecrate same vessels, where
Christs flesh and blood is... The Patriarch performed one cleaning in church and had excommunicated
diseased with this Sodom sin. Unfortunately, the increase of their number within the church is vivid...
Maestro, 14 July
Archbishop Jacob: You are lucky that we, Orthodox Christians, are tolerant. You would never dare to
do that in case of other religions You are our flesh and blood and thats why we forgive you hoping
that you would indeed think over it. And I ask you very much to start doing good and make a single
concrete benefit for the country and you may like it then and change to become like people.
Alia, May 23
Rezo Amashukeli: The Russian never demanded from me to marry my nephew, or any other man. Hell
with both Russia and America if my country is not doing well!
Rezonansi, May 20
Zaza Khutsishvili, singer: I think, we have to urgently adopt legal amendments guaranteeing their
rights but prohibiting propaganda. Last year, men were kissing each other right in the streets... They
should not be allowed to do this.
Alia, 29 May
Manana Nikolaishvili, expert: The government set the course that we want to be in the European
structure. In order to be allowed to enter the European educational space, there must be a 12-year
school education and the same-sex marriage.
Rezonansi, 20 May
Nugzar Kvashali, singer: This is not Europe where they have a lot of such filth, Hell with them! This
is the Orthodox Christian country. The whole nation should not be stressed out because of some 50
persons. Thats why I justify the actions of every single person, who adequately responded to them.
Channel 9, 30 July
Zakaria Kutsnashvili, Georgian Dream: I think that the main certificate of virginity is that issued by a
husband. The husband is the key person issuing this certificate and therefore, if the husband, as the
main issuer of the certificate, is interested to involve lawyers and experts [in establishing this], we
cannot prevent him from doing that. Thus, let us look at this issue less seriously.
Alia, 14 May
Gela Nikolaisvhili, HR defender: Should anyone believe that Vashadze, Sakvarelidze and Gorozia
became so humble that allowed women to beat them up?
5. Hate Speech
Hate speech applied both by respondents and journalists mainly stemmed from unacceptability of
opinions and actions rather than ethnic origin and/or religious belief or sexual orientation of address-
ees; in this regard the Asaval-Dasavali newspaper was again in the lead. For instance, in one case
the subject of hate speech from an Asaval-Dasavali newspaper journalist was the historian Lasha
Bakradze because of his criticism of the phenomenon of Stalinism; in another case the cause of hate
expression of the actor Dima Jaiani was the United National Movement (UNM) because of the pres-
ident vetoing the amendment to the Law on Common Law Courts;
Hate speech was mainly applied towards sexual minorities in discussions about the 17 May events,
political processes connected with the UNM and its separate representatives and discussions about
footage depicting torture which was discovered by the Interior Ministry.
The Chair of Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Georgian Parliament has been pro-
moting hatred and indirectly encouraging violence on political grounds while assessing the facts of
physical incident directed against the political opponents of the ruling party.
If before 17 May the main target of criticism or hatred for protecting the rights of minorities was the
UNM, in the context of the 17 May events, the Republican party was also added to the UNM.
Inciting anti-Western, anti-American sentiments in this context and drawing unsubstantiated paral-
lels with Western values makes it clear that the basis of hate speech is not as much related to the
sexual orientation but rather to the modernization and liberal values.
Even though the examples of hate speech are given in other chapters too, the report includes a separate
section to especially acute expressions of hate speech largely in regard with the sexual minorities and
the UNM and examples when the cause of hatred is opinions unacceptable for people.
An article For money they will do anything regarding the information of the Interior Ministry about a
crime in which a 45-year mother forcefully engaged her 11-year daughter in pornography, unjustifiably
links this incident with American values and portrays criminal behavior as a mode of Western life:
Giorgi Gigauri: Indeed, such a thing has already become an ordinary event in the United States
because the transformation of people into cattle there, i.e. degeneration, has reached the peak.
Kviris Palitra, 15 April
Journalist Gia Beridze concerns President Saakashvilis bicycle incident in Turkey in which, according to
rumors, Saakashvili collided with a truck. It involves hate speech:
Giorgi Beridze: A large segment of our society was basically angry at the trucks driver that he did not
do his job well...
The journalist of Asaval-Dasavali paper, Giorgi Gigauri, used derogatory words immoral primitive,
hopeless cretin, villain, degenerate - when referring to the historian Lasha Bakradze thus inciting
hatred towards him.
Giorgi Gigauri: Yes, Lasha Bakradze and degenerates like him hate Georgian farmers... Yes Lasha
Bakradze is one of those moaners who continues the business which started in Khrushchevs era and
with its small snout tries to dig a grave for great Stalin!
Giorgi Gigauri: How he [Bidzina Ivanishvili] can fulfill the Georgian Dream while standing by the an-
ti-Georgian, haters of Georgians _ the Republican Party?! If the domination of pederasts, Liberty In-
stitute, and Republican Party continues in Georgia, I would like to ensure everybody, that millions of
Georgians rather than just 100 000 will come out into the streets. Republican Party is a cancer that has
been sucking life out of Georgian national body since 1990, for 23 years now. It should be cut off from the
political reality of Georgia, together with the NatMo [United National Movement].
Giorgi Gigauri: Mr. Bidzina [Ivanishvili], had it not been for a high political culture of Georgians, the
henchmen of [Mikheil] Saakashvilis party would have been hanged on trees upside down all over the
country, with their flesh peeled off and salt sprinkled on wounds!
Giorgi Gigauri: Right of Suicide for Vano Merabishvili! should be their slogan instead of Freedom to
Vano Merabishvili!
How can you talk to the killers of innocent youth, rapers of tied up men and their lackeys other than
with the hate speech, of course, if you do not have the Soross excrements circulating in your veins
instead of blood.
Kviris Qronika, 22-28 April
Unidentified respondent: When Turks, Chinese and monkeys wearing turbans are humiliating us,
when we are scratching Americans asses and they keep ruling us, does that mean that Georgians
have died out in Georgia?
Bidzina Gujabidze, Georgian Dream: Our boys died heroically in Afghanistan, and whoever shows
disrespect and says so impertinently and cynically that some rights are being violated, will get the
social rage in response.
Alia, 30 May
Luka Kurtanidze, vice-rector of the Police Academy, GD: Yes, Chiora Taktakishvili, Ako Minashvili,
Goka Gabashvili [UNM members] and others represent a rotten segment of society; these people
created a system under the leadership of Saakov.
Gela Zedelashvili, journalist: That means that you no longer intend to remove their skin and have
entrusted all this to courts?
Eka Beselia, Chair of the HR parliamentary Committee: Government will act in response to the inci-
dent at La Truffe restaurant yesterday and the investigation will be conducted. However, I would like
to remind the former high rank officials from the National Movement that they should have thought
earlier that one day, when they stepped down from their positions they would meet people treated by
them inhumanely and with exceptional brutality. These people, victims of their actions, would natu-
rally express certain aggression and protest against them. ... And is this our governments fault?
Dima Jaiani, actor: How long can this fake physiognomy of that Giorgi Kandelaki be watched?! Tell
me folks, how long should we watch that Akuki [mocking name _ Akaki] Minashvili of unidentified
origin and sex?!.. They not only deserve to be sent to prison but also deserve to be raped there with
brooms! But the problem is that many of them will even enjoy that very much!
Dima Jaiani: I know that 98% of the policemen deep inside were against the people conducting the
parade. Despite this, they jumped above their heads and defended them. I know they hated them
while seating them in those buses.
Asaval-Dasavali, 1-7 July
Levan Vasadze, businessman: I do not think that I confronted a lesser filth on May 17 than the Soviet
army that came and has been killing us on April 9 on Rustaveli Avenue.
People were angry, because perverse way of life was imposed on them.
Tamaz Tamazashvili, General: Generally, nationals are not human beings. They are the mobs of devils
apostles. They are deprived of the inner intellect i.e. the divine grace.
Elizbar Diakonidze, Deacon of the Sameba Cathedral: This is not a sect of heretics! This is a group
of lechers! One should not kill them washing away their crime with blood but drive them all into the
reservation and lock the door at them.
Elizbar Diakonidze: The only proper punishment for them [UNM] is to make them rot in jail till the end
of days!
Tamaz Tsivtsivadze, writer: Personally, I am for pulling up the Nazis tale and shoving up a broom
into the exposed body parts.
Kviris Qronika, 24-30 June
Jansug Charkviani, poet: If they wanted to commit such crimes they should have engaged with their
pederasts, it would have been easier... Fuck them all, I cannot stand this anymore, sometimes I think
we should catch them and rape with brooms and sticks!
Jansug Charkviani: Now I think that those who are guilty the President and his men should not be
imprisoned but subjected to the same things as in torture videos. This would be the best for them to
see how it feels... one should not be shy to have a broom shoved in...
Rezo Amashukeli, poet: Lets not follow these sick people, these handicapped, let them talk as much
as they want! I am saying directly: because of these mankurts, stinky sons of bitches, the Georgian
people hate America! I was a dedicated US fan myself, I cannot stand them now.
Rezo Amashukeli: I hate America! I hate it so much that I might stop listening to and playing Jazz!..
These Mankurts [UNM] seeded such hatred in me... this interview might be fatal for me. I am sure that
Americans have their hand in the murder of Guram Sharadze and killing me wont be hard for them,
but I dont care!
...ok, lets join NATO, but why would you either America or the west wish to cripple my soul and
then turn me into a part of your dirty life? I will say directly, Americans should take care of their
own stinky mentality and stop lecturing us! Let Americans first manage to stop maniacs killing 20-25
people every other day, school children planting bombs in the classrooms and killing their classmates,
sons cutting their fathers throats and only then talk to us because they have perverse, damaged
Americans want to spoil, degenerate Georgians and these people should change us? This
hermaphrodite, ugly with body and soul, Akaki Minashvili should change me?
Asaval-dasavali, 22-28 July
Rezo Amashukeli: I regret that death penalty had been abolished in Georgia, otherwise they all should
be hanged up, all of them, starting with Saakashvili and ended with Kublashvili!
Rezo Amashukeli: If a man comes out showing me the hips and lipstick, I will hit him so hard that
even his mother will fail to recognize him.... Some day these people will really rush in rage.
Rezo Amashukeli: I am not sorry at all that these pederasts and their rights defenders were beaten up.
Now these so called human rights defender ladies with their horny butts may go and raise complaints
against me wherever they want.
Rezo Amashukeli: I was ready to publicly smash against the wall these grant seeking ladies striving
for justice and greedy for money. They will soon jump on their parents publicly in order to please their
liberast [combination of liberal and pederast] conductors... Then I will take care of those women
and guys, I will show them clearly the hate speech they seeded themselves... those growing mustard
on their parents graves, freaks tattooed on the devils ass can go and complain to their stinky bosses
and well see where Georgia stands with those pants down mankurts without motherland, or with
those striving to save the homeland, family, nation, and Mother Church!
Naira Gelashvili, writer: I, personally, being supportive to any type of tolerance in this country and
cannot put up with any violence and discrimination, have never seen anything disgusting as a gay
pride. Gay prides which I have watched on TV is something nauseous! And no one is obliged to like
that and tolerate that! Am I not right?
Kviris Palitra, 3-9 June
Tamar Iveri, singer: ...Please, stop vigorous attempts to bring Wests fecal masses in the mental-
ity of the people by means of propaganda. Do not try to wrap this mass in beautiful packages, pour
Chanel perfume on it and present it to people as if it was something of medical, recreational qualities.
No matter how unhappy friendly West might become, fortunately, the Georgian people are well
aware of what fruits, offered by the West in their menu, to eat and what to discard. Just like my small
dog guesses it
Even today, U.S. ambassador said that the people who raided the rally yesterday were against NATO.
No, Mr. Ambassador: those, who yesterday raided the rally, are Georgian youth of pure blood, still
unspoiled by you From my side I would tell you, Mr. Ambassador _ I spat at your NATO, which tells
me that first, I have to put up with and permit all these and then I will be accepted [in NATO]. There
might be 20, 30, or even 100 people like this to please you, but you wont be able to stoop [the term
that is used in the original version means bending down for anal sex] the whole nation to get into
Irakli Petriashvili, trade union: I know how in one of Tbilisi entities the manager sexually abuses
females... In this regard, well, hard to say but, the society must burn that person, at least, in the
6. Unjustified
Giorgi Gugava, Labour Party Repatriation of Deported Problems of IDPs and bank
Mesketians debtors facing evictions
Mirza Davitaia, United National Ratification of the Charter of Release of Russian spies,
Movement Regional Languages Vaughan Chakhaliani
Tamar Kordzaia, Georgian Dream Ratification of the Charter of Threat of territorial integrity
Regional Languages
Soso Manjavidze, Alliance of Ratification of the Charter of The law initiated by the Republi-
Patriots Regional Languages cans that implies granting self-
governing rights to the municipali-
ties dominated by ethnic minorities
Nino Burjanadze, Democratic Propaganda of homosexuality Lost control over a 2/3 of territory
Movement of Georgia, problem of poverty
Manuchar Machaidze, Alliance Restriction to employ sexual Cases of torture and rape in
of Patriots minorities in prisons and other law prisons
enforcement institutions
Jondi Bagaturia, Georgian Troup Rights of sexual minorities United National Movement and
President Saakashvili
Giorgi Targamadze, Christian- Ban on same-sex marriage War in Abkhazia and Shida Kartli
Democrats for national identity
Levan Vasadze, businessman Confront participants of May 17 Confront the Soviet army that
rally against homophobia and killed protest rally participants on
transphobia April 9, 1989.
Source Minority topics Unjustified parallels
Imedi Tv Protest rally on protection of The fact that the rally was held
privacy re: release of footage on just days before the Easter
homosexual scenes
7. Civil Sector
In the reporting period, non-governmental organizations, the office of the Public Defender and religious
organizations actively reacted to hate speech and discrimination on various grounds used both in media
and political discourse; separate demonstration of the infringement of fundamental human rights,
including incidents on religious ground, violent break up of a rally against homophobia planned on 17
May, facts of infringement of the rights of sexual minorities, privacy; also to instances of discrimination
of minorities on various grounds by media.
Georgian Democracy Initiative (GDI), Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC)), Media
Development Foundation (MDF), Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA), Identoba, Article 42 of
Georgian Constitution, Transparency Inetrnational Georgia (TI), ALPE Foundation, Charter of Journalsitic
Special statements on above mentioned topics were released by the Public Defenders Office of Georgia
as well as the following religious associations: the Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia, Muslim
Administration, Eparchy of Batumi and Lazeti.
8. Recommendations
To media, professional organizations and non-governmental organization:
To effectively implement the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters and other existing media regulations,
it is important for media outlets to conduct in-house training and in this area, cooperate with those
NGOs which will provide them training as well as media studies. It is desirable for media outlets to
analyze the results of the monitoring and to avoid detected shortcomings in their future activities;
A cooperation between media and governmental entities, media and minority groups as well as NGOs
for the aim of ensuring that media coverage of the topic of diversity is done in a professional and
informed manner;
It should be favorable for print media to use the provisions in the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters
as guiding principles or to develop, like the GPB did, their in-house editorial codes the observance of
which will be made mandatory in employment contracts signed with journalists;
It should be favorable for media outlets to establish internal monitoring mechanisms for the aim of
timely and effectively responding to detected violations or incase of need, cooperate in this area with
NGOs working on media issues;
In order to raise the awareness of society about the self-regulation mechanisms, it is necessary
to inform the society about complaint mechanisms in order to enable consumers enjoy the right
guaranteed by the law.
On 16 June, the Media Development Foundation (MDF) and Georgian Democracy Initiative put forward
a joint initiative to the civil sector and political parties:
To fight xenophobia, it is important to establish a unified civil platform within the framework of which,
on the one hand, an effective monitoring will be conducted on each and every fact of use of such
rhetoric (and in case of need, reaction will be made) and on the other hand, proper formation of public
opinion will be facilitated.
It is necessary for political associations in Georgia to create or strengthen inter-party mechanisms
which ensure the elimination of any expression of xenophobia in the political activity.
Chapter XIV. Protection from harm and offence
Article 56. Guidelines for the protection from potential harm and offence
1. To avoid causing any offence to audience, broadcasters should make careful judgments about the use
of offensive language.
5. Broadcasters should not exploit violence for sensational effect. It may be necessary to broadcast
shocking images, but the decision to do so should be made only after very careful consideration.
6. When deciding on portraying violence, broadcasters should consider a number of factors which, in
combination, can increase the impact of violence on audience:
a) Violence in daily life: domestic violence, brawls in amusement and catering places, hooliganism,
road rage and mugging;
b) Violence in places normally regarded as safe such as the family home, hospitals and schools;
c) Unusual or sadistic methods of inflicting pain, injury or death;
d) Incidents where elderly, disabled people, women and children are the victims;
e) Verbal and physical aggression;
f) Broadcast of reactions of others to violence, especially that against children.
7. Sexual or any other violence should not be condoned.
The law on Broadcasting of Georgia imposes content obligations on the Public Broadcaster.
Diversity To cover issues related to minorities and social groups living in the country in a fair manner.
Equality Not to allow disrimination on the grounds fo ethnicity, religion, race, gender or sexual orientation.
GPB must reflect in its programmes representatives of all minorities and social groups living in Georgia
and their real life.
The GPB aims at comprehensive and fair covering of all peoples living in Georgia and their cultures, pay
respect for the right of ethnic and religious minorities and contribute to their development.
When preparing reports and programmes on ethnic and religious minorities, we should:
treat minorities without discrimination of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinion, cultural or social origin, family, property, birth or other status, residence, state of
health, age, as well as any other sign;
not use such words, statements or pictures that might lead to discrimination of an individual or a part
of community by any of the signs listed above;
name ethnic and religion background of a suspect or accused individual only when its of essential
significance for the plot;
not describe such physical data which might fully erroneously link criminal behaviour to ethnic origin;
not draw ungrounded parallels between minorities and social problems;
differentiate activities of an individual representative of minority from those of the minority; not
identify an individual with a minority as a whole;
facilitate societal integration of minorities.
We should bear in mind that by reflecting in programmes of viewpoints and opinions of minority
representatives we facilitate their integration into society and the raising of a level of tolerance in the
take interviews from minority representatives and report their opinions. Otherwise they will be
objects rather than subjects of the plot. Criticism of any one group in the plot is inadmissible
unless members of the groups are provided with an opportunity to state own viewpoints and respond
to questions asked;
ensure invitation to a programme of a minority representative with an appropriate qualification,
together with other guests;
respond to negative statements with regard to minorities even when their authors are representatives
of the administrative, political or cultural elite;
report opinions of minority representatives not only in connection with matters related to minorities,
but also in case of covering other subjects.
We should avoid too frequent presentation of a religious or ethnic group in criminal chronicles, for this
will be conducive to the establishment of a negative stereotype.
15.4 Religious programmes
The Broadcaster should respect the fundamental human right to practice any religion or faith, propagate
it and follow devotions.
When preparing programmes or plots on religious subjects, we shoud be know what can offend
audicences. The programme authors and presenters, as well as journalists, should take account of opinion
and peculiar features of religious groups existing in Georgia, What is acceptable for representatives of
one religion or faith might be unacceptable for others.
Where a religion or religious denomination is the central subject of a religious programme, then the
identity of religion and/or denomination must be clear to the audience. Contributors should not be allowed
to undermine or denigrate the religious beliefs of others. We should not present views of a representative
of a specific religion or denomination as views of all the followers of this religion; neither shall we allow
any religious group to speak on behalf of all believers.
Religious programmes must not seek to promote religious views or beliefs by stealth. They must not
improperly exploit any susceptibilities of the audience.
We should pay special attention to information that contains claims that a living person (or group) has
special powers or abilities. such programmes must treat such claims with due objectivity and must
not broadcast such claims when significant numbers of children may be expected to be watching or
Special care should be given when such information or claims are broadcast in a religious programme.
We should avoid reporting a material that might offend any religion or religious denomination.
When replicating horoscopes on air (or generally in information), we should indicate the country where
the horoscope in popular. When replicating astrological forecasts, we should name its author (or more
or less qualified source) and avoid mentioning non-academic degrees, where available, of the author
(source). At least, indicate that such degrees are non-academic.
We will ensure that the beliefs and practices of the great world faiths are described in programmes.
Identification of peoples and states on the basis of religion is inadmissible, especially when it is not
related to the subject matter of a programme.
When a programme guest or contributor unreasonably claims ethnic origin or religious belief as a causative
factor of any event, we should necessarily inform the audience about the actual causes of the event and
underline that the ethnic origin and religion have no relation whatsoever to the matter in question.
We should not disregard racist or xenophobic statements of a programme guest/ contributor. WE should
criticize such statements. Our audience need to be confident that the Broadcaster does not share racist
and xenophobic statements.
15.6 Terminology
We should avoid such terminology that may be offensive for representatives of a specific ethnic or
religious minority.
We should react to words which belittle and offend an individual because of its ethnic origin and
religious belief. We should make it clear to contributors who directly use such words on air that the public
broadcaster disagrees with the statements made by them and the way of their expression.
Since other believers of various faiths living in Georgia also use the word Church, we should not
identify it with the Orthodox Church only. WE should mention in a programme which Church is being
discussed: Orthodox, Catholic or other. If a programme deals with a single faith (e.g. Orthodox), which is
quite obvious to the audience, the word Church may be used as a synonym of Orthodoxy without further
We should not liberally use terms such as, for example, fundamentalist, Islamite. What is appropriate
for describing one group might prove quite inappropriate for the other.
We should not name an individuals ethnic origin with a word having a negative colouring. For example,
we should not say kike instead of Jew, Tatar instead of Azeri, etc.
15.7 Women
Notwithstanding recent dramatic changes in the attitude towards women and the fact that the present-
day Georgian women lead rather an active life, there have been still preserved stereotypes that are
offensive for many women. When speaking about women, we should avoid the use of sexist expressions,
the making sexist assessments or comparisons.
Sexism means a discriminatory opinion, statement, behaviour, and attitude of one sex to the other.
For example, such characterization of a woman as: she is not inferior to man, she has a mans mind,
etc. some women might take as an offence.
Article 7. A journalist shall be aware of the danger of encouraging discrimination by the media, and shall
do the utmost to avoid facilitating such discrimination based on, among other things, race, sex, sexual
orientation, language, religion, political or other opinions, and national or social origins;
Explanation of the article: In considering this article, the context has a decisive importance. Journalists
must distance themselves from discriminatory statements made by respondents during a live program
and must challenge them during the program. If a program is recorded, it must be clear that intolerant
statements do not express journalists positions. A discriminatory statement made by a public person
must be reported by a journalist whilst that made by a private person may be edited if the aim of
material is not to show the environment of intolerance.
In general, the European tendency is that journalists must fight against discriminatory statements.
Anti-Semitism _ Discrimination against Jews on the basis of stereotypes existing about their religion
and traditions or on the ground of ethnicity.
Making a scapegoat _ Putting a blame on an entire group of people, or members of this group, for social,
economic and other problems when, in reality, these problems are caused by numerous and very dif-
ficult reasons.
Discrimination _ Refusal to fairly or equally treat representatives of other cultural, ethnic societies and
groups in a whole set of spheres. This concerns employment, place of residence, political rights and
places of public service.
Dogmatism _ Blind and unfounded adherence to own opinions, mode of life and belief and stubbornly
resisting different opinions and their follower.
Ethnocentrism _ A persons conscious or unconscious assessment of other ethnic groups in accordance
with the values, standards and criteria dominating that persons ethnic group and the neglect of al-
ternative opinions and attitudes.
Ageism _ Discrimination of a person on the ground of age or on the basis of stereotypes existing about
Manifestation of hatred _ Attack on a person or his/her property, oppression or any other aggerssive,
violent act because of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or any other quality.
Equality _ A condition when a person enjoys equal dignity, is granted equal rank or privilege with others.
Classizm _ Discrimination of a person on the ground of social and economic standing.
Multiculturalism _ Existence of different characteristics and qualities between persons or groups re-
gardless of whether this results from a personal choice of a person [education, geographic place,
family status, religious belief] or from reasons independent of a person [age, sex, sexual orientation,
Racism _ Discrimination and prejudice on the ground of race based on the assumption that one ethnic
group is naturally superior to another by its intellect, moral qualities, belief, mode of life and other
Sexism Discriminatory opinions, statements, behavior, attitudes on the basis of sex.
Hate speech Any form of expression that incites and justifies discriminaion of an individual or group
based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or other grounds.
Stereotype _ A widely generalized opinion about an entire group, which excludes a possibility of individ-
ual difference existing among memebrs of the group.
Tolerance _ Acknowledging traditions and beliefs of cultures, social groups or ethnic societies, treating
them with common sense and patience.
Xenophobia _ Deep antipathy, fear or hatred towards foreigners, representatives of other cultures or
ethnic groups.
Prejudice _ Irrational doubt or hatred towards an entire category of people. Negative assessment of other
people only and mainly because of their belonging in ethnic, religious or social groups .