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Day 8 Reading

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Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

English Language Arts (ELA) Lesson Overview and Plan | Monster by Walter Dean Myers
Goal: Fostering Strong Readers and Flexible Communicators, Teaching Students how to know, think, justify, and explain

PREPARATION: Read the selection of text and use your objective and the following reflective questions to plan your lesson.
Text Selection & Day Monster by Walter Dean Myers, Day
As you plan your ultimate learning goal for the story, pick 2-3 of these overarching questions to guide students thinking throughout the lesson:
What is the text mostly about? What is the author trying to convey?
(Consider: What is the plot flow? What does the text say?) (Consider: What is the theme? What does the text mean? What does the text inspire you to do?)
Monster, by Walter Dean Myers, is about a 16 year old boy named Steve In Monster, Walter Dean Myers conveys the theme that the criminal justice
who is on trial for taking part in a robbery that results in murder in New system (including jail and court), dehumanizes people so much that it can cause
York City. During the first day of his trial Steve begins to write them to question their own identity and humanity.
everything the experiences he has while held in jail in his journal and
shares his experiences during the trial through a screenplay that he
How does the author create meaning? What must a reader do to get meaning?
(Consider: How does the text work? How are literary devices used?) (Consider: What reading strategy will help us decipher this text?)
Theme: Monster has central messages about the criminal justice system As students are reading, students will need to analyze details in order to uncover
and its impact on peoples humanity that students can apply to the real theme and the central message of the book and interpret the meaning of the text.
As students are reading, students will need to analyze how the structure of the
Structure: Monster has a very unique structure that visually changes book changes especially the timeline and how that makes them feel about
and skips around in time, creating a non-chronological narrative. This Steves innocence in order to understand the authors thematic message.
narrative adds suspense to the story and just as Steve himself questions
whether he is a person or a monster, so too does the reader because the
author does not tell them if Steve is guilty or innocent.
Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or
absent in each treatment

Objective/Learning Target (s):

I CAN analyze quantitatively, as well as in words analyze the representation of a topic in two different mediums, including what is emphasized or missing in each.

1 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16


Text-Dependent Question and Evidence-Based Claims Sample Student Response
What question(s) will students answer to show that they have reached the daily objective and If students master the objective, what would a high-level written response actually look like?
understood the text? Lower-level Question(s):
What will students do to show they have mastered the basic knowledge/skills within the 1. What are four different types of artistic mediums?
Lower-level Question(s): 2. Four different types of artistic mediums include commercials, tweets, newspaper
1. What are four different types of artistic mediums? articles, and billboards

2. Compare and contrast the article and chart above. In column 1. put three Objective-Assessment Question(s):
similarities in information provided. In column 2 put three differences in Reuse and Answer:
information provided. In Monster, Walter Dean Myers uses many different types of artistic mediums.
Cite Textual Reference/Evidence:
Objective-Assessment Question(s): Examples could include journal entries, photographs, film directions, and
In Monster, the author uses many different types of artistic mediums. Why dialogue.
does the author incorporate these types of mediums? How does the Explain:
inclusion of these artistic mediums relate the the theme of the text (the The inclusion of many different mediums helps the reader to see things
dehumanization of the prison system)? through many different lenses along with showing the diverse range of
In your answer, be sure to opinions in each character in the novel
What specific directions will students need to answer the text-dependent question? Elaborate:
Choose an important example from the text and explain, in your own Ultimately, the reader is filled with many types of information coming from
words, what it means. many different angles. This both humanizes Steve while also showing that he
Explain how these mediums relate to the theme of the text? is one of many prisoners who has no voice in most film scenes.

Key Lesson Knowledge Vocabulary

WHAT (literary devices and student friendly definitions) What words will you pre-teach (if any) and
1. Artistic Medium: the material an artist uses to create their art. what words will you clarify during reading
to increase student access to meaning?
Include the word and student-friendly
2 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade
Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

HOW (reading strategies) (create an anchor chart for HOW key points) definition.
1. Identify multiple types of artistic mediums
2. Analyze what similar information is being portrayed in each medium 3-Part Chart
3. Analyze what information is left out of one or both items.

WHY (connect to academic goals)

Sometimes authors choose to include multiple types of media within their text. Students must know how to compare
and contrast the different information obtained by each type of media along with comparing this information to the
overall theme of the text. Students must understand that there are many sources of media and each source emphasize
different things. Students must understand how these different different sources of media portray who they are, and
the world around them.

Lesson Summary (Complete at the end of planning)
How would you describe this lesson to a classroom observer?
During this lesson, students will understand the many type of artistic mediums. They will be able to compare and contrast the information provided in
different types of media. Students will be able to apply this concept to their analysis of the theme of a text.
Materials and Handouts
What materials do you need to prepare to teach this objective (dont forget to add copies of the text!)
Class set of Monster, guided notes hand out with Do now, exit ticket, anchor chart of HOW key points, anchor chart or PowerPoint of WHAT key points, anchor
chart of character names and roles, post-its, chart paper with venn diagram.

3 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

Pre-Reading (Prepare and Introduce) - (10 MIN) Planning Notes

A. Do Now & Objective ( 3 MIN)

4 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

Teacher Actions Student Actions Choose 1-2 ways to open the

What will the teacher do and say to push students towards mastery? What will the teacher see students doing and learning for the day:
1. Give directions for completing the Do Now and go circulate while students finish. Then saying? Activate prior knowledge
go over Do Now question 1. Students sit in their desks silently or build background
writing their answers to the Do Now. knowledge to help
students comprehend
Your Do Now today is going to help you understand some key words and ideas that key ideas
were going to talk about before you read today. You should be sitting in your seat, Pre-teach unfamiliar
vocabulary or big words
silently writing your answer on your reading roadmap for today. You have 2 minutes to
that are important to
answer the Do Now. If you have a question, do your best to answer but I will not be the texts meaning
answering questions at this time. Connect students to
important ideas from a
previous lesson
Do Now
"I never thought he would ask me to go to the dance, but he finally did!" is an example of what point
of view?
a. Third person omniscient
b. Third person limited
c. Narrative
d. First person

In which point of view is this paragraph written? How do you know? Students turn and talk with their
Jill was scared to admit that she liked Jack, but little did she know, he liked her too. In fact, as she
partner about their answer. They start
spent her days trying to think up creative ways to avoid him, Jack was planning out creative ways talking right away.
to ask her to the school dance.
Students raise their hands. When
called on, one student reads the
whole definition of the word.

2. Facilitate a quick review of question 1 of the Do Now.

When I say go, youll have 30 seconds going to turn to your turn and talk partner and
5 |share
Page your answer for number 1. If you got the same answer, discuss what clues in the Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade
Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

B. Launch Learning (7 MIN)

6 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

Teacher Actions Student Actions

What will the teacher do and say to push students towards mastery? What will the teacher see students doing and
1. Introduce the objective for the day saying?
Students sit in their desks silently with
their eyes on the teacher.
Good morning/afternoon class. Todays topic is Diverse Media. I am going to show
you a video of a recent incident that occurred in Texas involving police officers and
teens. We will discuss video afterwards.

Show video and ask reflection questions (provided on slide).

2. Introduce OBJECTIVE: I CAN analyze quantitatively, as well as in words analyze the

representation of a topic in two different mediums, including what is emphasized or missing
in each.
Students silently fill in the blanks on
their worksheet when prompted to do
3. Show next clip: FOX4 on Texas Incident
so by the teacher.
So now I am going to show you another clip and afterwards we are going to discuss the

4. Instruct students to analyze the next slide. Give students an opportunity to think about this slide.
Share out.
What is this? (Possible answers: picture, comic)
What message is this picture conveying to us?

5. Define Artistic mediums--the material an author uses to create their art.

6. Activity: Who Am I?
Instructions: Students are given a notecard with the name of an artistic medium. Students must
circulate throughout class asking yes or no questions to fellow students to guess which artistic
medium is written on their card.

*KEY POINTS: All of these are mediums. Now that you know what mediums are, compare and
contrast the next two mediums and think about why an author may choose to use a picture, an
7 | Pagea graph, a poem, etc. Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade
Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

During Reading (Read and Discuss) - ( 45 MIN)

As you plan the during reading: (use as many stops as you need to accomplish the objective) 1. 76-88
Define and describe the different artistic mediums that occur in the text. Identify each change in medium. Discuss what purpose this has in moving the story forward
along with the link to the theme of the text. 2.


Reading Pages 57-88 Planning Notes

Teacher Actions Student Actions What must students

What will the teacher do and say to push students towards mastery? What will the teacher see students doing and know and be able to
1. Read Pages 57-88 taking time to discuss the format of this section of the text. Why is saying? do with the text to
the format similar to a movie script? How does this compare to other portions of the Students silently follow along in the reach the days
reading with eyes and a tracking objective and how will
text previously read? you support them?
How will you model
what a reader must do
to get meaning from
Students listen to teacher think aloud.
the text?

Planning Notes

Post-Reading (Assess and Reflect) - ( 10 MIN) Planning Notes

8 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

A. Responding to Todays Question ( 9 MIN) Consider:

What ideas or parts of
Teacher Actions Student Actions the text should
What will the teacher do and say to push students towards mastery? What will the teacher see students doing and students focus on to
1. Pass out and introduce exit ticket saying? clarify, summarize,
This exit ticket is a chance for you to show what you have learned today. Answer the questions and Students silently complete the exit and extend their
be sure to follow the instructions for the last question. You will think of the structure and ticket. understanding after
find evidence that supports the purpose of the structure, write that evidence in the form of How will this prepare
a quote and then explain how it shows the connection to the theme. them to answer the
daily focus question
B. Summarize/Reflect ( 1 MIN) (and, if applicable, set
them up for
Teacher Actions Student Actions tomorrows lesson)?
What will the teacher do and say to push students towards mastery? What will the teacher see students doing and When will students
1. Summarize the day saying? complete their daily
Today we thought a lot about the many types of artistic mediums. We can see in the text Students raise hands to answer assessment and how
questions long will this take?
Monster that many different types of media are used to prove the theme. Who can tell us
the theme?
What do you think will happen tomorrow?

9 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

The Workshop Model Pre During Post GUIDANCE

Pre-Reading (~7 MIN) During Reading (~40 MIN) Post-Reading (~12 MIN)
Review Learning Targets (2 MIN) Prepping students for text Modeling and Connecting (5 MIN) Write: Text-Dependent Questions
Launch the Learning (5 MIN) Read/Think/Annotate: Understand, Make Claims AND Text-Centered Discussion Summarize and Reflect
Review Learning Targets

Set the stage for learning: What are students learning? Why are they learning it?
Establish the agenda: How will students learn?
Launch the learning: How can you help students get oriented to the work?
o Set the Context
o Generate interest and excitement
o Build Intrigue
o Orient students to the topic or skill
o Front-load big ideas or key terms
o Explore ideas and feelings
o Build bridges/connections that facilitate comprehension
o Assess student knowledge and background

During Reading: Reading Strategies and Learning Tools Teacher Models Skill and Guides Thinking
Analyzing details
Questioning the text
Annotating the text
Making Claims and Defending Claims

I understand what I read. I can effectively communicate my ideas.

Masterful Reading and Thinking Facilitating Text-Centered Discussions Developing Effective Communicators
Read for the GIST and to focus learning Independently preview texts to prepare for supported Determine a central idea and
Read closely for textual details. analysis. arguments/counterarguments.
Annotate texts to support comprehension and analysis. Engage in Productive evidence-based discussion about Provide objective summary of a text.
Develop factual, interpretative, and evaluative questions; texts. Determine theme or central message of a text.
Seek answers. Draw Evidence from literary or informational texts to Make claims about texts and use specific textual
Collect & organize evidence to support analysis in writing. support analysis, reflection, and research. details.

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Teacher Name Edith Filomeo Grade/Content 9th ELA Lesson Title Diverse Media Date 06/16

Analyze the word choice and author craft. Determine How the text works and What does the Paraphrase and quote relevant evidence from
text mean? texts.

11 | Page Preparing and Planning Critical Reading Instruction 3 rd 12th Grade

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