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Ehv Q1

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Reg, No.


FiftI Semester


(For the cahdidates admitted duling the acade ic feat 2013 - 2014)
(, P.rt - A should be answercd in OMR sheet withh frst 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be haDded
over to hall invigilator at the end of45d minute.
(iD Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklel

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks; 100

Answer ALL Questiotrs
1. is the vehicle key componeDt lor power txansfer from po\er plant to wheels
(A) Propeller shaft @) Transmission
(c) Power shaft (D) Differential
is used in power clectonic drives for motor controller.
(c) Amplifie! (D) Filters
3. The is the vartical rise per horizontal distance ofroadway
(A) Arc distance @) Tangential slope
(c) Percentage roadway gmde (D) Tangential road distance
4. co-ordiDate the eoers/ conversion of multiple device and powar transmission
*uough electrical and mecbanical patls
(A) InYerter (B) Power splitter
(C) Supervisory control @) Differential
5. is unit ofspecific power
(A) Watt-hour (B) Watt/kg
(c) wh,,lg (D) Joules-sec

6. The is a measure of charge that has been dmwn from a battsry

(A) State of Charge (SOC) (B) State ofDischarge (SOD)
(c) Discharge mte (D) Depth of Discharge @OD)
7. Thc intemal open cilcuit voltage of a battery depends on _ and
(A) Battery capacity and discharge mte @) Battery capacity and temperatue
(C) State ofcharge and tmperature (D) Disaharge rate and temperature

8. A. specific ercrry of lead acid battery is greater than Li - Po battery

B. specific enerry ofgasoline is geater than lead-acid battery
(A) A is tue, B is true (B) A is tue, B is false
(C) A is false, B is true @) A is false, B is false
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20. The vehicle should be opelated off its engine or batiery or both, until the battery is at a
9. A. The cotrtol induction motor is less complex tlnn D.C motols
B. Vector control techniques are developed for A'C machine (B) Minimum SOC
(A) A is true, B is false (B) A is false, B is true (A) Maximum, SOC
(c) Minimum, endurance (D) Minimum, Endurance
(C) Both A and B Are false @) Boti A and B are truc
10. The greatest adYantage of is very high starting torque and PART-B(5x4=20Marks)
motor is not self staded.
Arswer ANY FfVE Questions
(A) AC machines, DC moto$ (B) DC machines, synchonous AC motors 21. List the factoN tlat led to the disappeamnce ofEv after its short period of success
(C) DC motor, AC induction motor (D) DC moto! , AC motor
22. Compare Ni-Cd batteries with Nilvlh batteries.
. In DC machines the almatule winding carry f}Ie cunent, while tle fiald carry a
23. Draw and explain the equivalent circuit representation ofDC motor.
1 1

fi eld excitation current

(A) Buft large (B) Negligible, larye 24. Briefthe working principle of regenerative braking.
(c) Bulk small (D) Large,leakage
25. Explain the working of series hybrid vehicle.
12. bl the armature circuit is tocated in stationary piece ofstructure and the second
omf required for torque Foductiou in AC machine comes ftom circuis. 26. Derive the expression for roadway percent grade.
(A) DC machine, rotor (B) AC machine, stator 27. Define the following battery palameters (i) battery capacity (ii) SOC (iii) discharge rate'
(C) DC Barhine, stator (D) AC machine, rotor
PART-C (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
13, The transmission, drive shaft, differential and final drive are combined to form Answer ALL Questions
(A) Ddve train systm (B) Tractive system
(C) Transaxle (D) TraDsmission system
28. a. An electoic vehicle has following parameters M:800 kg cf0.2, At2'2m2, Co= 0 008,
cr=1.6xlo{s2/m2 air density is l.l8 kg/ccm. The vehicle on the level road accelerates from
4. Clutch can be eliminated in vehicle because the can start from
o io 65 mph in 10s, velocity prcfile is given by V(t)=0.29055f for 0 < t < 10s' Calculate the
zero speed and operate all the way to max speed. fo[owing; G) tuctive force and tractive power for t = o and t = 10s. (ii) calculate the energr
(A) Electric, engine (B) Hybd4 motor loss and tractive enerry.
(C) Electric, motor @) Hybrid engine
have &iction pods controlled by caliper arangement
b. Derive thc expression for tractive power and total enerry rcquired for ar electric vehicle'
(A) Clutch plate (B) Disc brake
(c) Differential @) Gear level
29. a- Defrne specific energi and compare the specific energr of various enerry sources and
explain ragone plot in detail.
16. is one in ur'hich only one enerry converter can provide propulsion power
(A) Series hybrid @) Series-parallel hybrid
(c) Parallel hybrid (D) Multi hybrid b. Explain the construction and working of lead-acid batteries and also list its merits and
17. Ir mode the generator is rolating freely and motor is being driven by the kinetic 30. a. Discuss the construction and working of a switched reluctanca motor with neat diagram'
energr of the vehicle. (oR)
(A) Regeneration mode (B) Series-parallel mode
(C) Parallel mode (D) Power split mode
their respective speed contol techniques.

18. A. Inverter is bi-diectional 31. a. Describe about the various compoDents in an electric vehicle power train in detail'
B. H-bridge is uni-directional (oR)
(A) A is aue, B is false (B) A is false, B is tlue
b. Explain the working ofa planetary gear set and differential in a electdc vehicle'
(C) Both A and B are true (D) Both A and B are false
32. a. Explain the parallel hybrid vehicle architectule in detail.
19. system is used to achieve fixed set ofgear ratios, wilhout gear box (oR)
(A) Differential (B) Ftuid clutches b. Write in detail about the Yarious conhol statS/ used in series - parallel hybrid vehicle'
(c) CVT (continuously variable (D) Dog clutch
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