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Name /bks_53161_deglins_md_disk/bisoprolol 02/11/2014 09:16AM Plate # 0-Composite pg 1 # 1

1 tory of severe allergic reactions (intensity of reactions may beq); OB, Lactation,
Pedi: Safety not established; crosses the placenta and may cause fetal/neonatal
PDF Page #1
bisoprolol (bis-oh-proe-lol) bradycardia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, or respiratory depression; Geri:qsensitiv-
Zebeta ity to beta blockers; initial dosageprecommended.
Classification Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
Therapeutic: antihypertensives CNS: fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, mem-
Pharmacologic: beta blockers ory loss, mental status changes, nervousness, nightmares. EENT: blurred vision,
Pregnancy Category C stuffy nose. Resp: bronchospasm, wheezing. CV: BRADYCARDIA, HF, PULMONARY
EDEMA, hypotension, peripheral vasoconstriction. GI: constipation, diarrhea,qliver
Indications function tests, nausea, vomiting. GU: erectile dysfunction,p libido, urinary fre-
Management of hypertension. quency. Derm: rash. Endo: hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia. MS: arthralgia, back
pain, joint pain. Misc: drug-induced lupus syndrome.
Blocks stimulation of beta1(myocardial)-adrenergic receptors. Does not usually af- Interactions
fect beta2(pulmonary, vascular, uterine)-receptor sites. Therapeutic Effects: Drug-Drug: General anesthetics, IV phenytoin, and verapamil may cause ad-
Decreased BP and heart rate. ditive myocardial depression. Additive bradycardia may occur with digoxin, dilti-
Pharmacokinetics azem, verapamil, or clonidine. Additive hypotension may occur with other anti-
Absorption: Well absorbed after oral administration, but 20% undergoes first- hypertensives, acute ingestion of alcohol, or nitrates. Concurrent use with
pass hepatic metabolism. amphetamine, cocaine, ephedrine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, phenyl-
Distribution: Unknown. ephrine, or pseudoephedrine may result in unopposed alpha-adrenergic stimula-
tion (excessive hypertension, bradycardia). Concurrent thyroid preparation admin-
Metabolism and Excretion: 50% excreted unchanged by the kidneys; remain-
der renally excreted as metabolites; 2% excreted in feces. istration may p effectiveness. May alter the effectiveness of insulins or oral
hypoglycemic agents (dose adjustments may be necessary). Maypthe effective-
Half-life: 9 12 hr.
ness of theophylline. Maypthe beta1-cardiovascular effects of dopamine or do-
TIME/ACTION PROFILE (antihypertensive effect) butamine. Use cautiously within 14 days of MAO inhibitor therapy (may result in
PO unknown 14 hr 24 hr
Contraindications/Precautions PO (Adults): 5 mg once daily, may beqto 10 mg once daily (range 2.5 20 mg/
Contraindicated in: Uncompensated HF; Pulmonary edema; Cardiogenic shock; day).
Bradycardia or heart block. Renal Impairment
Use Cautiously in: Renal impairment (dosageprecommended); Hepatic impair-
ment (dosageprecommended); Pulmonary disease (including asthma; beta1 selec- Hepatic Impairment
tivity may be lost at higher doses); avoid use if possible; Diabetes mellitus (may mask PO (Adults): CCr 40 mL/min Initiate therapy with 2.5 mg/day, titrate cau-
signs of hypoglycemia); Thyrotoxicosis (may mask symptoms); Patients with a his- tiously.
Canadian drug name. Genetic Implication. CAPITALS indicate life-threatening, underlines indicate most frequent. Strikethrough Discontinued.
Name /bks_53161_deglins_md_disk/bisoprolol 02/11/2014 09:16AM Plate # 0-Composite pg 2 # 2

2 Caution patient that this medication may increase sensitivity to cold.

Instruct patient to notify health care professional of all Rx or OTC medications, vi-
NURSING IMPLICATIONS tamins, or herbal products being taken and to consult health care professional be- PDF Page #2

Assessment fore taking any Rx, OTC, or herbal products, especially cold preparations, concur-
Monitor BP, ECG, and pulse frequently during dosage adjustment period rently with this medication. Patients on antihypertensive therapy should also avoid
and periodically throughout therapy. excessive amounts of coffee, tea, and cola.
Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weights. Assess routinely for Diabetics should closely monitor blood glucose, especially if weakness, malaise,
signs and symptoms of HF (dyspnea, rales/crackles, weight gain, peripheral irritability, or fatigue occurs. Medication does not block dizziness or sweating as
edema, jugular venous distention). signs of hypoglycemia.
Monitor frequency of prescription refills to determine adherence. Advise patient to notify health care professional if slow pulse, difficulty
Lab Test Considerations: May cause increased BUN, serum lipoprotein, po- breathing, wheezing, cold hands and feet, dizziness, light-headedness,
tassium, triglyceride, and uric acid levels. confusion, depression, rash, fever, sore throat, unusual bleeding, or
May cause increased ANA titers. bruising occurs.
May cause increase in blood glucose levels. Instruct patient to inform health care professional of medication regimen before
treatment or surgery.
Potential Nursing Diagnoses Advise patient to carry identification describing disease process and medication
Decreased cardiac output (Side Effects) regimen at all times.
Noncompliance (Patient/Family Teaching) Hypertension: Reinforce the need to continue additional therapies for hyperten-
sion (weight loss, sodium restriction, stress reduction, regular exercise, modera-
Implementation tion of alcohol consumption, and smoking cessation). Medication controls but
Do not confuse Zebeta with Diabeta or Zetia. does not cure hypertension.
PO: Take apical pulse before administering. If 50 bpm or if arrhythmia occurs,
withhold medication and notify physician or other health care professional. Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
May be administered without regard to meals. Decrease in BP.

Patient/Family Teaching Why was this drug prescribed for your patient?
Instruct patient to take medication exactly as directed, at the same time each day,
even if feeling well; do not skip or double up on missed doses. If a dose is missed,
it should be taken as soon as possible up to 4 hr before next dose. Abrupt with-
drawal may precipitate life-threatening arrhythmias, hypertension, or
myocardial ischemia.
Teach patient and family how to check pulse and BP. Instruct them to check pulse
daily and BP biweekly and to report significant changes to health care profes-
May cause drowsiness. Caution patients to avoid driving or other activities that re-
quire alertness until response to the drug is known.
Advise patients to change positions slowly to minimize orthostatic hypotension.
2015 F.A. Davis Company

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