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Geothermal Energy: Utilization As A Heat Pump: Mr. A. M. Vibhute, Prof. S.M.Shaikh, Prof. A. M. Patil

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IOSR Journal of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

ISSN: 2278-1684, PP: 21-25

Geothermal Energy: Utilization as a Heat Pump
Mr. A. M. Vibhute 1, Prof. S.M.Shaikh2, Prof. A. M. Patil3
(Mechanical, G.P. Miraj/ DTE Mumbai, India)
2( Mechanical, ,Dr.J.J. Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur, India)
3(Mechanical, Pvpit Budhgaon/ Shivaji University, India)

ABSTRACT : Geothermal (or Geo-exchange) is a type of HVAC System (Heating, Venting, and Air-
Conditioning).The earth absorbs almost 50% of all solar energy and remains a nearly constant temperature of
10C (50F) depending on geographic location. Working with an underground loop system, a geothermal unit
utilizes this constant temperature to exchange energy between the building and the earth as needed for heating
and cooling. Geothermal is the most efficient Air-conditioning system because the ground temperature stays
stable and has no regard for the above ground ambient temperature. A geothermal heat pump simply takes
advantage of this low temperature energy source and pumps it up to a usable level to cool/heat the building.
Geothermal Heat Pumps draw energy out of the ground which stays relatively constant year round. According
to the Environmental Protection Agency , geothermal heat pumps can reduce energy consumptionand
corresponding emissionsup to 44% compared to air source heat pumps and up to 72% compared to electric
resistance heating with standard air-conditioning equipment. GHP systems have relatively few moving parts,
and because those parts are sheltered inside a building, they are durable and highly reliable. The underground
piping often carries warranties of 2550 years, and the heat pumps often last 20 years or more

Keywords Energy efficiency ratio, Geocool , Geothermal , Geothermal Heat pump , HVAC

Geothermal (or Geo-exchange) is a type of HVAC System (Heating, Venting, and Air-Conditioning).The earth
absorbs almost 50% of all solar energy and remains a nearly constant temperature of 10C (50F) depending on
geographic location[1]. Working with an underground loop system, a geothermal unit utilizes this constant
temperature to exchange energy between the building and the earth as needed for heating and cooling, [4]. In the
summer, the system expels heat from buildings to the cooler earth via the loop system. This heat exchange
process is natural and a highly efficient way to create a comfortable climate in buildings. In winter, the system
reverses and water circulating inside a sealed loop absorbs heat from the earth and carries it to the unit. Here it is
compressed to a higher temperature and sent as warm air to the indoor system for distribution throughout the
building. Geothermal is the most efficient Air-conditioning system because the ground temperature stays stable
and has no regard for the above ground ambient temperature. Geothermal Heat Pumps draw energy out of the
ground which stays relatively constant year round.


A closed loop is one in which both ends of the loop's piping are closed[2]. The water or other fluid is
recirculated over and over and no new water is introduced to the loop. The heat is transferred thru the walls of
the piping to or from the source, which could be ground, ground water, or surface water. As heat is extracted
from the water in the loop the temperature of the loop falls and the heat from the source flows toward the loop.
While there are several loop configurations used in closed loop operation, generally two types of closed loops
are utilized by the industry - vertical and horizontal.
Vertical loops utilize bore holes drilled to an aver-age depth of 250 feet. Once the loop pipe is inserted into the
bore, it is grouted using a Bentonite mixture for maximum thermal conductivity. When space is a limited,
vertical loops are the most common type of geothermal loop installed.
Horizontal loops utilize trenches dug to an average depth of four to six feet. As one of the more cost effective
loops to install, horizontal loops are commonly found in open fields, parks or under parking lots.
Lake loops utilize a "slinky" assembly of geothermal loop piping placed at the bottom of a pond, lake, or
other large body of water. An extremely cost effective loop system, lake loops are an easy alternative if the
option is available.
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Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
Geothermal Energy: Utilization As A Heat Pump

2.2 Well (Open) Loops:

Most commonly known as "Open Loop", well systems pump water out of a nearby body of water or water well,
and then discharge the water into an-other body of water or water well. Well systems usually employ a plate
heat exchanger inside the building to keep the building water loop separated from the well water. This prevents
any contaminates from affecting unit performance and extends system life. Well systems are often the most
efficient as the well water is always at the same temperature year-round.



A typical "Air Conditioner" operates as follows. Heat is transferred from the enclosure components by
circulating air around and through them, the air is then cooled, dehumidified and returned to the enclosure
without the admission of air from the outdoors[6]. The heat is removed from this air within the air conditioner
and discharged by means of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. This takes place in a hermetically sealed
system, utilizing either an air-cooled or water-cooled condenser coil. A schematic diagram of a typical Air
Conditioner is illustrated (Fig.1) energy prices and in the load demands resulting in frequent power crisis,
Geothermal Space conditioning system finds itself as a solution. The specialty of a geothermal system when
compared to a normal Air conditioning system is: It gives a more cooling area than the normal system; there by
reducing the tonnage required which in turn reduces the capacity installed providing benefit economically in the
capital cost to the client(Fig.2 , Fig.3). The run time system of the system reduces considerably, thereby
reducing the power consumption by the system and reducing the energy bills thus resulting in savings in the
client behalf as well as on the Power supply companies.


Comparisons between Geothermal and conventional air source units are convoluted because of the sharp
decrease in efficiency of air source equipment as a function of outside air temperature(Table 1). Manufacturers
of air source equipment are quick to post impressive EER and SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios)
numbers on their "high efficiency" models, but a closer examination of the actual performance data shows that
these lofty numbers do not correlate well under realistic installed conditions(Chart 1). A typical example of a 3-
ton air source unit shows manufacturer's EER as 12.0. However, a closer look at performance values yields a
calculated EER value of 10.5, at rated conditions. This would represent a daytime temperature of about 32.2 C.
When the outside temperature rises to 37.7C, the air source EER drops to 9.2, which represents a reduction in
efficiency of 12%. If outside temperature rises to 43.3 C, the air source EER drops even further to 7.7, which
represents a reduction in efficiency of 27%. This means that the unit is requiring 27% more electricity to yield
the same cooling [7]. As indicated in the table 1, Geothermal systems for air conditioning are considerably more
efficient than the conventional air source units. Simple calculations show that energy costs for a Geothermal are
nominally 40% less than air source; 50% less than air source at 100 degrees; and can be as much as 55% less
than air source as temperatures rise further


1. High Efficiency and Stable Capacity

2. Comfort and Air Quality
3. Simple controls and Equipment
4. Low Maintenance Cost
5. Low Cost Water Heating
6. No Outdoor Equipment
7. Packaged Refrigeration Equipment
9. An earth-coupled heat pump can be applied practically anywhere for residential, commercial and industrial
heating & cooling systems.
10. An earth-coupled heat pump system has the lowest operating cost of any space heating or cooling system.
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Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
Geothermal Energy: Utilization As A Heat Pump

11.GHPs are safe and clean because there are no combustion flames, no flues, and no odors; just safe, reliable
operation year after year. And compared to most conventional HVAC systems, GHPs deliver constant comfort
and improved humidity benefits
1. High initial investment for a water supply or loop system.
2. Coordination of trades can be a problem during installation as two or more additional contractors are involved
for well driller-trenching- plumbing.
3. Public education. Many consumers are distrustful of heat pumps due to past bad experiences with air-to-air
heat pumps. Consumers need to be made aware of the fact that a geothermal unit does not have a defrost cycle
and that the compressor sits inside.
4.Most people are afraid to get involved in a new technology.


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Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
Geothermal Energy: Utilization As A Heat Pump

TABLE 1 :EER Comparison Geothermal v. Air

Source Cooling
32.2C 37.7C 43.3C
Geothermal 17 17 17
Air Source 10.5 9 8



The biggest benefit of GHPs is that they use 25%50% less electricity than conventional heating or
cooling systems. This translates into a GHP using one unit of electricity to move three units of heat from the
earth. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), geothermal heat pumps can reduce energy
consumptionand corresponding emissionsup to 44% compared to air source heat pumps and up to 72%
compared to electric resistance heating with standard air-conditioning equipment. GHPs also improve humidity

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Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
Geothermal Energy: Utilization As A Heat Pump

control by maintaining about 50% relative indoor humidity, making GHPs very effective in humid areas.
Geothermal heat pump systems allow for design flexibility and can be installed in both new and retrofit
situations. Because the hardware requires less space than that needed by conventional HVAC systems, the
equipment rooms can be greatly scaled down in size, freeing space for productive use. GHP systems also
provide excellent "zone" space conditioning, allowing different parts of your home to be heated or cooled to
different temperatures. Because GHP systems have relatively few moving parts, and because those parts are
sheltered inside a building, they are durable and highly reliable. The underground piping often carries warranties
of 2550 years, and the heat pumps often last 20 years or more. Since they usually have no outdoor
compressors, GHPs are not susceptible to vandalism On the other hand, the components in the living space are
easily accessible, which increases the convenience factor and helps ensure that the upkeep is done on a timely
basis. Because they have no outside condensing units like air conditioners, there's no concern about noise
outside the home. A two-speed GHP system is so quiet inside a house that users do not know it is operating:
there are no tell-tale blasts of cold or hot air.

[1] Geothermal India cooling India from Ground Up How Geothermal Cooling works 5 may 2012, pp1-
5 , http://www.geothermalindia.com/how_it_works.html
[2] The Geothermal Concept Climatemasters a homeowners guide to geothermal heating and cooling
comfort systems 29 March 2007 D , http://www.climatemaster.com / downloads / geothermal-
[3] GeoCool Geothermal Heat Pump for Cooling-and Heating along European Coastal Areas
Coordinated by Javier Urchuegua in the name of the Co-ordinator Institution Final Report February 2,
2003 to February 2, 2006
[4] Clauser, C., 2006. Geothermal Energy, In: K. Heinloth (ed), Landolt-Brnstein, Group VIII: Advanced
Materials and Technologies, Vol. 3: Energy Technologies,Subvol. C: Renewable Energies, Springer
Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 493-604.
[5] Rafferty, K. (February 2001). "An Information Survival Kit for the Geothermal Heat Pump Owner."
Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology.
[6] "Geothermal Heat Pumps Make Sense for Homeowners." (PDF 224 KB). (1998).DOE Geothermal
Technologies Program.
[7] "Heat from the Earth: Geothermal Heat Pumps." (October 1996). The Family
[8] Braud, "Harry Braud on the Water-source Heat Pump."Ground Water Age19-7(1985) pp. 40-42.
[9] Aldred, William H. Research Proposal, Pilot Study of Heating and Cooling Residences with Closed
Loop Water Source Heat Pumps. 1984.
[10] Energy efficient appliances:www.energystar.gov/ or www.aceee.org/consumerguide/
[11] Bose, Dr. Jim. Earth-Coupled Heat Pump Manual. Oklahoma State University, 1983.
[12] Fact sheets:www.eere.energy.gov/consumerinfo www.earthsourcegeothermal.com

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Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur

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