2005 PurenGeochemical Study
2005 PurenGeochemical Study
2005 PurenGeochemical Study
discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319272950
1 65
6 authors, including:
Antonio Arribas
Akita University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Antonio Arribas on 25 August 2017.
Overall, the setting of the Puren deposit is similar to that of the Coipa Norte orebody,
which is characterized by Ag-Au mineralization in silicic and advanced argillically
altered volcanic and basement rocks overlain by volcanic rocks affected by steam-heated
alteration. Silver-Au mineralization at Puren is blind and occurs under an average of
~100 m of colluvial soil and lithologic cover. The lithologic cover consists of pre-
mineralization, hydrothermally altered volcanic rock or post-mineralization ignimbrite.
The hydrothermal alteration, in part, has a steam-heated origin. The principal objective of
this study was to identify geochemical anomalies within the steam-heated cap at Puren in
order to develop a tool to aid basic geological mapping aimed at defining drill targets for
discovery of other blind, Puren-style orebodies in the La Coipa district.
Three composite samples from 31 representative RC and core holes located above and
around the Puren deposit were selected. The first composite sample consisted of colluvial
or soil cover between a drilled depth of 2 and 4 m. The second composite consisted of the
upper 8 meters of bedrock, which in all cases is composed of steam-heated alteration of
volcanic rocks. The third composite was collected within the steam-heated alteration zone
8 to 18 m below the top of bedrock. Economic Au and Ag grades occur about 40 m
below the deepest interval sampled for this study. Rock samples were analyzed by X-ray
fluorescence (whole-rock and trace elements), aqua regia ICP/MS and LOI.
The results obtained in bedrock samples indicate that silver, and to a lesser degree
tungsten and molybdenum, show a correlation (positive for Ag and W and negative for
Mo) with the general location and trend of the Puren orebody. Although only a few
elements showed a correlation, this was strong enough to be useful in identifying both the
location of the buried orebody as well as the trend of the mineralization and cross-cutting
structures. Colluvium samples also proved remarkably effective in identifying buried
ore, with clear Pb and Zn anomalies, among other elements such as Cu and In, above the
Puren deposit.
- Alteration
Steam heated, vuggy silica, advanced
argillic, argillic
- Mineralization Styles
Disseminated, breccia, veins and mantos
- Hypogene mineralization
Native gold and silver, argentite, electrum,
proustyte, pyrargyrite, pyrite, enargite,
tetrahedrite, tennantite, chalcopyrite, bornite,
galena and sphalerite
- Supergene overprint
Native gold and silver, cerargyrite, embolyte,
iodargyrite, argento-jarosite
View Of La Coipa Mine
Maricunga Belt
Deposits And Alteration
View Of Puren
North Target
South Target
Puren Discovery Facts
Estimated mineral reserves and mineral resources as at December 31. Full details and important related information are contained in
Placer Domes press release dated February 26, 2004 and February 23, 2005 and available on our website at www.placerdome.com
Puren 1050NE Section: Lithology
Puren 1050NE Section: Alteration
Puren 1050NE Section: Silver
Methodology Of The Study