Old To New Cubist Sculpture Docx 4

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Old to New Cubist Sculpture

Artists have a responsibility to their environment, culture and society.

Create a cubist inspired assemblage sculpture using a combination of plaster and found objects. For an
extra challenge turn a man-made object into a natural object while sending a message to the viewer
about the object used. To help form these connections, think about human ingenuity and the purpose or
function of the object (ie. Using speakers to create the mouth of a bird to provoke your viewer to think
about man made sounds versus natural sounds).

Developmental Workbook
Step 1
Artist Reflection: Pick an assemblage sculpture from Pablo Picasso,
Louise Nevelson, Robert Rauschenberg or Meret Oppenheim to analyze.
Print the artwork and citation and add them to your Process Journal. Use
two pages in your Process Journal to answers to the questions on the
artist reflection sheet (the citations can be printed out but all other
information should be handwritten and in complete sentences).

Step 2
Idea development: Sketch a collection of manmade and natural objects.
Look at similarities in lines, shapes, patterns, textures and elements of design. Add a few creative
drawings, transforming man-made objects into natural object.

Step 3
Ideas Development continues: Fill in one page of ideas your sculpture. The page should contain the
o 3-5 ideas for your project. A reflection answering these questions
What message are you trying to convey in your final project and what images/symbols
are you using to communicate your ideas?
What aspects did you change in each sketch and how do they enhance or change the
final outcome of your project?
What materials will you use for the construction of
each of your ideas? What will you add to make it
complete (paint, fabric, sand, etc.)?
o Pick your final idea
Create a final sketch of the idea you plan to use.
Your final sketch needs to show all 4 sides of your
sculpture. Include a detailed description of your
final idea (include details about how you plan to
construct it, what found objects you will use, and
what the scale of the project will be). Color your final

Studio Work
Your final sculpture should show inspiration from both man-made objects. Your sculpture
should be created with a combination of plaster and found objects. Paper, tape, glue and
other resources might be used and your sculpture should be able to stand on its own so
people can view it from different angles.
Criterion A: Knowledge & Understanding
Evidence of knowledge and understanding will be assessed through idea sketches and reflections that are
submitted in the students Process Journal.
Level 4/5 Descriptor Task Specific Clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard described by The student does not reach a standard described by any of
any of the descriptors below. the descriptors below.

1-2 The student is able to communicate a limited critical The student communicated a limited critical understanding
understanding of the art form studied, in the context of sculpture, with limited understanding of the study of
of his or her own work. sculpture and how it may influence or inspire them.

3-4 The student is able to communicate satisfactory The student is able to communicate a satisfactory critical
critical understanding of the art form studied, in the understanding of sculpture, demonstrating some
context of his or her own work although some understanding of the study of sculpture and how it may
opportunities are not pursued. influence or inspire them.

5-6 The student is able to communicate a good level of The student is able to communicate a good level of critical
critical understanding of the art form studied, in the understanding of sculpture, demonstrating clear
context of his or her own work. understanding of the study of sculpture and how it may
influence or inspire them.

7-8 The student is able to communicate a The student is able to communicate an well-developed
well-developed critical understanding of the art critical understanding of sculpture, demonstrating clear
form studied, in the context of his or her own work. understanding of the study of sculpture and how it may
influence or inspire them.

Criterion B: Developing Skills

Evidence of acquisition of skills will be assessed through students media test and reflection submitted as well as
their final artwork.
Evidence of application of skills will be assessed in the final sculpture submitted.
Level 4/5 Descriptor Task Specific Clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any The student does not reach a standard described by any
of the descriptors below. of the descriptors below.

1-2 The student demonstrates limited acquisition and The student demonstrates limited acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques of the art form development of the skills and techniques in 3D.
The student demonstrates limited application of skills
The student demonstrates limited application of skills and techniques to create a final piece of work developed
and techniques to create, perform and/or present art. from research and manipulation of materials.

3-4 The student demonstrates adequate acquisition and The student demonstrates adequate acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques of the art form development of the skills and techniques in 3D .
The student demonstrates adequate application of skills
The student demonstrates adequate application of skills and techniques to create a final piece of work developed
and techniques to create, perform and/or present art. from research and manipulation of materials.

5-6 The student demonstrates substantial acquisition and The student demonstrates substantial acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques of the art form development of the skills and techniques in 3D.
The student demonstrates substantial application of
The student demonstrates substantial application of skills and techniques to create a successful final piece of
skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present work developed from research and manipulation of
art. materials.

7-8 The student demonstrates excellent acquisition and The student demonstrates excellent acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques of the art form development of the skills and techniques in 3D.
The student demonstrates excellent application of skills
The student demonstrates excellent application of skills and techniques to create a successful final piece of work
and techniques to create, perform and/or present art. developed from research and manipulation of materials.
Criterion C: Creative Thinking
Evidence of creative thinking is assessed through ideas sketches, reflections and a description of the final artwork.
Evidence of creative intentions is assessed in the final sketch and reflection as well as the final sculpture.
Level 4/5 Descriptor Task Specific Clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any The student does not reach a standard described by any of
of the descriptors below. the descriptors below.

1-2 The student demonstrates a limited range or depth of The student demonstrates limited creative-thinking from
creative-thinking behaviours initial idea, inspiration and process development.

The student demonstrates limited exploration of ideas The student demonstrates limited exploration of ideas to
to shape artistic intention that may reach a point of shape intended proposals through to final making of
realization. planned 3D work.

3-4 The student demonstrates an adequate range and depth The student demonstrates adequate creative-thinking
of creative-thinking behaviours from initial idea, inspiration and process development.

The student demonstrates adequate exploration of ideas The student demonstrates adequate exploration of ideas
to shape artistic intention through to a point of to shape intended proposals through to final making of
realization. planned 3D work.

5-6 The student demonstrates a substantial range and The student demonstrates a substantial range and depth
depth of creative-thinking behaviours of creative-thinking from initial idea, inspiration and
process development.
The student demonstrates substantial exploration of
ideas to purposefully shape artistic intention through to The student demonstrates substantial exploration of
a point of realization. ideas to effectively shape intended proposals through to
final making of planned 3D work.

7-8 The student demonstrates an excellent range and The student demonstrates an excellent range and depth
depth of creative-thinking behaviours of creative-thinking from initial idea, inspiration and
process development.
The student demonstrates excellent exploration of
ideas to effectively shape artistic intention through to a The student demonstrates excellent exploration of ideas
point of realization to effectively shape intended proposals through to final
making of planned 3D work.
Criterion D: Responding
Evidence of responding is assessed through ideas sketches, reflections and a description of the final artwork.
Level 4/5 Descriptor Task Specific Clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any The student does not reach a standard described by any of
of the descriptors below. the descriptors below.

1-2 The student constructs limited meaning and may The student constructs limited meaning and some transfer
transfer learning to new settings of what they have learned into their own development and

3-4 The student constructs adequate meaning and The student constructs adequate meaning and some
occasionally transfers learning to new settings transfer of what they have learned into their own
development and processes.

5-6 The student constructs appropriate meaning and The student constructs appropriate meaning and
regularly transfers learning to new settings transfers what they have learned into their own
development and processes.

7-8 The student constructs meaning with depth and The student constructs meaning with depth and insight.
insight and effectively transfers learning to new The student effectively transfers what they have learned:
settings. integrating new discoveries into their own development
and processes.

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