Inter Company - Cross Company in SAP - SAP SIMPLE Docs
Inter Company - Cross Company in SAP - SAP SIMPLE Docs
Inter Company - Cross Company in SAP - SAP SIMPLE Docs
Several company codes are involved in a cross-company code transaction. In a cross-company code
transaction, the system posts a separate document with its own document number in each of the
company codes.
Individual documents are linked by a common cross-company code number. The system generates line
items automatically (receivables and payables arising between company codes) in order to balance the
debits and credits in each document.
You may use only one company code for ose ing entries. That is to say, regardless of the number of
company codes involved, you must make one of the following entries:
Only one company code on the debit side and the rest on the credit side.
Only one company code on the credit side and the rest on the debit side.
In central purchasing, the invoice item is entered in one company code, and ose ing entries are made
in dierent company codes. The system generates a separate document for each company code. These
documents are marked as related by a shared transaction number.
company codes). If you enter a cross-company code transaction, the system posts a separate document
with its own document number in each of the company codes. Although the document numbers are
dierent, documents in both company codes have the same number for the cross-company code
transaction, the same posting date, the same document date, and the same document type.
Postings for clearing between the company codes involved are made automatically. These clearing
entries identify the receivables or payables that arise between the company codes. Each company code-
specic document states a zero balance.
A Cross Company Code transaction involves two or more company codes in a single transaction in SAP
R3 FICO. This means that a cross company code transaction posts to accounts in two company codes.
The way SAP FICO works is that it posts a accounting document in each company code rather than one
single posting document. This is because in SAP FICO, one accounting document is always assigned to
one company code. A question naturally comes to mind as to how do the debits and credits match i.e.
how do accounts balance. To balance accounts, SAP FICO automatically generates line item entries
which are posted to a clearing account. Such clearing accounts are normally payables or receivable
accounts within company codes. SAP FICO tags cross company code transactions with a common cross
company code transaction number for reference. Some examples of cross company code transactions are:
1. Goods are sold by one company code to the another company code.
2. Goods are purchased by one company code from the other company code.
When we transfer balances from one company to another company then system will consider the gl
accounts in T.code OBYA for intercompany code postings. These accounts have debit balance in
company code will equal to credit balance in another company code. In a simple words
Transfering 1000 of vendor A balance to XYZ company code from ABC company code.
this entry passess in company code ABC(here vendor balance will be zero after passing the above entry 2/10
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When the user pass the entry he will give one vendor (ABC company) Dr and vendor (XYZ company)
Cr. Back ground system will bring the intercompany clearing accounts.
Finally the balance of intercompany clearing Cr of ABC Company will get nullify by the intercompany
clearing Dr of XYZ Company.
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(Sales and Distribution Billing Intercompany Billing Dene Internal Customer Number By
Sales Organization).
Note: The cutomer has been created in the supplying company code. The organizational
Data in this case is:-
Supplying Company Code: 1180
Supplying Plant: 1180
Supplying Sales Organization: 1180
Supplying Distribution Channel: 01
Supplying Division: 00
Receiving Company Code: 3100
Customer representing the receiving Company Code: P3100
You enter the Customer that represents the supplying Sales Organization and not the one that represents
the receiving Sales Organization.
3. Creating a Port:
Tools Business Communication IDoc Basis Idoc Port Denition
(T. Code: WE21)
Maintain Transactional RFC: (Choose Transactional RFC and press the create icon). A dialog box will
open asking whether you want the system to generate an automatic name or whether you wish to use
your own name.
Port name: Automatically generated
Version: 4.x
RFC destination: PLD (This was dened by the basis people). 4/10
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Img: Sales and Distribution Basic functions Output control Output Determination Output
Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for Billing
Documents Maintain Output
Types (T. Code V/40). 5/10
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11/16/2017 Inter Company / Cross Company in SAP SAP SIMPLE Docs
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Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output
Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for Billing
Assign Output Types To Partner Functions
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