GR 10 PAT IT Marking - Rubric - 2024
GR 10 PAT IT Marking - Rubric - 2024
GR 10 PAT IT Marking - Rubric - 2024
Phase 1 Learner name: Add your name and surname on the left of this note. Dele
Task 1: User requirements 4 3 2 1 0 Mark Moderation
Define Topic/ task definition: An excellent presentation of All FOUR points were THREE points were TWO points were presented Totally inadequate or not
• Topic is clearly stated all FOUR points listed presented with presented with with shortcomings applicable
• Thorough description of what shortcomings shortcomings
the problem/task involves OR Poor or no coverage of the
(purpose) OR OR aspects
• Describe a possible solution for A good attempt to present
the problem/task A good presentation of A good presentation of ONE of the points No scope or extremely 4 0
• A description of the scope of the THREE points TWO points vague and unclear
project is provided.
Use Case diagram OR table Role, activity, value of all Role, activity, value of all Many shortcomings in Major shortcomings in Not done or incorrect or
format) users (at least 2 different users (at least 2 different discussion of role, activity, discussion of role, activity, irrelevant
Role, activity, value types of users) of the types of users) of the value of users, e.g. two value of users, e.g. many
(who, what, why) system thoroughly and system described but minor instances where goal is not parts left out or incorrect
• Who will use the system? correctly described. shortcomings e.g. one clear, value not clear, etc. information
• What are the goals/ activities Well documented, clear and instance where goal is not Only 1 type of user of the Poorly documented – not
that user will perform? to the point. clear, value not clear, etc. system discussed. acceptable
• Why do they want/need it? Well documented, but minor Not well documented but
4 0
shortcomings. still acceptable
Acceptance test for the users: An excellent presentation of All FOUR instructions were THREE instructions were TWO instructions were Totally inadequate or not
To complete the sentence with at all FOUR instructions presented with presented with presented with applicable
least FOUR instructions: shortcomings shortcomings shortcomings
"the system shall … " Poor or no coverage of the
OR OR OR any instructions
4 0
A good presentation of A good presentation of A good attempt to present
THREE instructions TWO instructions ONE of the instructions
Screen design - planning tab All FOUR principles applied All FOUR principles applied THREE principles applied TWO principles applied GUI design not functional
sheet 1 + 2 appropriately with minor errors appropriately appropriately OR
• Design fits to program's intended Does not support the
use intended use at all
• Appropriate components 4 0
• Clearly marked navigation
• Friendly dialogue / Help
Data Dictionary Excellent – All four aspects Good – Three aspects Satisfactory – Two aspects Limited – One aspect Totally inappropriate or
Variables and Components: applied correctly applied correctly applied correctly applied correctly incorrectly applied
• Variety of and correct use of
appropriate variable types and
• Correct use of local and global
• Proper naming convention of
4 0
variables for example iNumber,
sName etc.
• Correct prefix for components
e.g. edt, red, cmb etc.
Input interfaces (at least TWO Clearly describes all inputs Minor shortcomings in Major shortcomings in Poor attempt to describe No inputs described
interfaces) according to all THREE describing all inputs describing all inputs input values
• Data type (At least THREE points listed for THREE according to all THREE according to THREE data OR
overall) data types points listed for TWO data types
• Format of the input, e.g. date, types Incorrect 4 0
gender (M/F)
• Most suitable input component ✘
Data output interfaces (at least Clearly describes all Minor shortcomings in Clearly describes all Poor attempt to describe No output described
TWO) outputs by addressing all describing all outputs by outputs by addressing TWO outputs
• Data to output FOUR points listed addressing THREE points points listed OR
• Format of the output, e.g. listed
currency, date OR Incorrect
• Most suitable Output 4 0
component, such as panel, rich Limited outputs described
edit, label, etc.
Minimum TWO output
components ✘
Total 40 0 0
Declaration of Authenticity
I hereby declare that the work assessed is solely that of the learner (except where there is clear acknowledgement and record of any substantive
advice/assistance given to the learner) concerned and was conducted under supervised/controlled conditions to ensure that the work has not been plagiarised,
copied from someone else or previously submitted for assessment by anyone
Task 8 - Coding 4 3 2 1 0
Variables Excellent – all four aspects Good – one aspect omitted Satisfactory – two aspects Limited – more than two Totally inappropriate or
• Variety of appropriate variable types applied correctly in all or not used well omitted or not used well aspects omitted or not used incorrectly applied
• Correct use of local and global instances well
• Proper naming convention of 4 0
variables, e.g. iNumber, sName ✘
Process Excellent – all four aspects Good – one aspect omitted Satisfactory – two aspects Limited – more than two Totally inappropriate or
Use the following: applied correctly in all or not used well omitted or not used well aspects omitted or not used incorrectly applied
* Built-in Function instances well
* Nested-If statement 4 0
* IN operator
* Loops ✘
Algorithm correctness/Processing All algorithms used are Appropriate algorithms that 50% of the algorithms used Algorithms are mostly Totally inadequate
• Correct implementation of Input and appropriate, work correctly work correctly but ONE are appropriate, work inadequate/mostly not OR
Output accordingly and meet all processing processing requirement not correctly and meets most working correctly, Not working correctly
• Correct implementation of using requirements met processing requirements processing requirements
Processing accordingly not all met
• Outside curriculum data structures 4 0
correctly applied
• Excellent use of outside curriculum
data structures
Output Excellent – all four aspects Good – one aspect omitted Satisfactory – two aspects Limited – more than two Totally inappropriate or
• Layout applied correctly in all or not used well omitted or not used well aspects omitted or not used incorrectly applied
• Readability/Clarity, eg. columns, instances well
• Formatted, eg. currency 4 0
• Most appropriate component/ data
structure used for output
Task 9 - Verification and
4 3 2 1 0
Data validation A variety of validation/error limited validation/error Limited validation/error Validation/error catching No effort at
catching for relevant input catching for relevant input catching poorly done or validation/error catching
Clear and appropriate error OR Mostly clear and Error messages and inappropriate/not
messages and exception appropriate error messages exception handling meaningful
handling mechanisms and exception handling sometimes inappropriate/ 4 0
mechanisms not meaningful
Testing Excellent – all three aspects Good – mostly meaningful Satisfactory – two aspects Limited – more than two Totally inappropriate or
- Test for valid data applied correctly in all for all three aspects with omitted or not used well aspects omitted or not used incorrectly applied
- Test for extreme data instances minor shortcomings well 4 0
- Test for invalid data
- Test for valid data
- Test for extreme data 4 0
- Test for invalid data FALSE
Task 10 - Documentation 4 3 2 1 0
Comments/Notes All Variable, constant and All Variable, constant and Some variable, constant Less than 50% of variable, No comments or no
(Explanation of program and code) component names well component names well and component names well constant and component project notes
• Good programming techniques chosen to make for chosen to make for chosen names well chosen
• Comments to explain al readable code readable code, some AND /OR AND /OR Code not readable
necessary parts Comments explain all the shortcomings Comments explain some of Less than 50% of And no comments
necessary parts Comments explain all the the necessary parts comments explain some the
4 0
necessary parts, some necessary parts
Total 40 0 0
Declaration of Authenticity
I hereby declare that the work assessed is solely that of the learner (except where there is clear acknowledgement and record of any substantive advice/assistance given
to the learner) concerned and was conducted under supervised/controlled conditions to ensure that the work has not been plagiarised, copied from someone else or
previously submitted for assessment by anyone
Professional product Useful and can be Useful as real-life Useful as real-life Not ready to be Not ready to be
implemented as a real-life application with minor application with major implemented as real-life implemented as real-life
application adjustments adjustments application, but has some application
Well-designed and user- Good design and user- Good design and user- potential Poor design
friendly friendly friendly 4 0
Contains no errors Contains minimal errors Contains several errors
Attitude and Kept to due dates. Well- Kept to due dates. Phases Kept to the due date for Both phases not handed in Phase 1 and Phase 2 was
commitment designed phases. Showed designed at an acceptable one of the phases. One of on time/poorly designed. not handed in. Showed no
exceptional commitment level. Showed the phases not developed Displayed a lack of commitment.
and pride in work done. commitment and pride in at an acceptable level. commitment.
work done. Show some commitment. 4 0
Interview 8 6 4 2 0
Ability to explain code Explained all selected Explained the selected Unable to explain some of Unable to explain most of Unable to explain any
code clearly and with code with minor the selected code the selected codeLimited selected code, no insight
confidenceShows shortcomingsShows some adequatelyShows some insight
excellent insight. insight insight 8 0
Declaration of Authenticity
I hereby declare that the work assessed is solely that of the learner (except where there is clear acknowledgement and record of any substantive
advice/assistance given to the learner) concerned and was conducted under supervised/controlled conditions to ensure that the work has not been plagiarised,
copied from someone else or previously submitted for assessment by anyone
Learner name: 0
Assessment Summary
Task Focus Maximum Mark Mark Obtained Moderation
Task 1 - 5 Requirements and design 40 0 0
Task 6 - 10 Implementation 40 0 0
General Finale product and impression 20 0 0
Total 100 0 0
Final mark ( 100%) 0 0
Final mark ( 20%) 0 0
Declaration of Authenticity
I hereby declare that the work assessed is solely that of the learner (except where there is clear acknowledgement and record of any substantive
advice/assistance given to the learner) concerned and was conducted under supervised/controlled conditions to ensure that the work has not been plagiarised,
copied from someone else or previously submitted for assessment by anyone