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001 12/06/2017

DevOps Testing

Overview of DevOps ; how is it covered in

DevOps : Introduction
>What is DevOps?

DevOps as the name stands is the

integration of activities from
Development to Operation in the same

>>How is DevOps born and why is it so


Agile methodology eliminated the

communication barrier until
deployment, however the barrier still
remained with operations and DevOps
is born to rectify that. DevOps brings
more flexibility on top of the Agile

Withcontinuous integration
(CI)andcontinuous delivery
(CD)pipelines, companies can make
sure that they can release often and
the releases actually work and meet
the customer needs. With the
effective tools, repetitive work can be
automated and transparency is

DevOps - solution to this integration
One Team: Capable of playing all the roles Ensuring the
fastest path to deployment ready code

One Team: Capable of playing all the roles Ensuring the

fastest path to deployment ready code

Different to Agile with this one word - Our highest priority is

to satisfy the customer through Early and continuous
delivery of valuable software - Agile Manifesto1

14/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

DevOps vs Agile

DevOps Agile

Testing is Continuous process Test as often as possible

Automation is strongly advised
Automation is a mandate
CI is a recommended/ forward
thinking activity (nice to have) CI and testing is mandatory

Potentially shippable code at Code is shipped after every

the end of every sprint

12/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Who is going/ not going for the change?

IT services, retail, finance, and healthcare have been the front runners
(Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, Groupon, Etsy, Flickr, etc.)
Unsurprisingly there are lower levels of adoption in the Government,
education, and non-profit sectors, where a higher number of
respondents also thought it unlikely they would adopt this new way of
working within the next two years.

13/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Tools used

Overall, Chef, Puppet, and Docker are the top 3 DevOps tools (32
percent, 32 percent, and 27 percent, respectively).

Docker is the fastest growing DevOps tool, with adoption more than
doubling year-over-year from 13 percent in 2015 to 27 percent in 2016.

Less than half (43 percent) of companies are using a configuration tool
such as Chef, Puppet,Ansible, or Salt.

Use of multiple configuration tools is more common (25 percent) than a

single configuration tool (18 percent).

67 percent of companies using Chef or Puppet also use the other tool.

Configuration tools are often used with Docker; 80 percent of Docker

users also leverage at least one configuration tool.

13/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Impact of our everyday Roles

What could change?

People how it affects testers as individual?

Process what process related changes we need to embrace?

Technology - which technology is right?

Manageability how to govern these projects?

13/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence


Focus on Knowledge Management.

Information access to increase re-usability(includes people).

Testers need to learn development languages rise of user

friendly tools like Python and Cucumber.

Testers need to learn deployment process and tools.

Train Developers & Ops team on test processes, design

techniques, tools.

13/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence


Continuous Integration becomes mandatory

Test Driven Development

Single source code repository

Automate the build process

Fast Build - What is my zero release time?

Everyone should know what is going on - transparency

13/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Process -ctd

Automation becomes critical

Change your approach to testing. Heavy reliance on

innovative automation embedded early into the life cycle

increased defect capture through Unit and Service Layer

Testing (layerfor automated APItests, automated
componenttests, or acceptancetests)

13/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Process - ctd

Optimal mix of automation across lifecycle Unit Testing

Service Layer Testing Regression Testing

Manual testing

Plus Automated and reusable Unit tests, Service layer tests

&& Regression tests

Release Management Automation facilitating Continuous


Ops testing like Operational Readiness Testing ; Failover &

Disaster Recovery Testing

14/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Management Changes

Teams works better in smaller groups, and co-ordination between

the groups becomes ever more critical here

Central co-ordination needed a rotating position?

Identifying the key specialist and involving them in the tasks that
groups could not handle

Identifying the repetitive tasks and automating them and groups

use them/ execute them to perform efficiently

Ensure Executive & Stakeholder buy-in on the change

Establish a communication channel for regular updates and


14/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Technology Changes

User friendly tools that helps to draw a conclusion (between

the development and ops world) and could be used by anyont
in the team

Greater focus on automation and re-usability

Being/ becoming cost-conscious by use of open-source/

custom built tools

14/06/2017 Commercial in Confidence

Thank you
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