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Money – It’s Only Energy

By Elma Mayer

This article was updated on 2-16-2010.

Scroll down for simple Energetic Alignments that you can do right now, to instantly shift
your energy!

It’s Only Money

We all know a lot about money. We know that money doesn’t matter, in the larger
scheme. We know you can’t take it with you. We know that love, health and fulfillment are
more important in the long run. We know that a healthy detachment towards money is best.
But none of those platitudes are really helpful in terms of actually achieving that
detachment. Thinking about them may even add more stress to an already stressful financial
situation: “If money’s not supposed to matter, then why does it matter so much? I really better
get more detached, and quick! But I don’t know how.”
Shift Energy, Not Matter
Money may not matter, but it is energy! And we can work with its energetic component
directly. It’s much easier and more effective to change the energy of your finances first,
before you try anything else!
This is not just a matter of changing your thoughts. Many manifestation techniques fail,
because they rely solely on working with thoughts and emotions. But thinking, and the
conscious mind, are just tiny fractions of reality. There are many more levels of existence that
influence your finances.
It’s almost impossible to detach on a conscious level, if you’re unaware of what you need
to detach from! And that’s hardly ever obvious to the conscious mind.
Non-Conscious Resonance
Your assumptions about your financial condition, your rationale for why you have
particular money problems, and your interpretations of your experience of money… are often
not actually yours. They may feel like your thoughts, but you might just be resonating with
somebody else’s thoughts!
How immune are you, energetically, to this financial climate change? Whether or not
you’re currently affected by a real, physical shortage of money, you are very likely
resonating, on some level, with the weakness of the global economy. Even if you avoid
reading the news or talking about it with others, the energy of collective thoughtforms still
influences you – if not financially, then perhaps emotionally, spiritually, or in your
relationships, goals or daily habits.
You may also unknowingly resonate with other, more subtle collective patterns – like
your culture’s thoughts about work, gender, morality, religion, class and nationality. Here are
some examples: “Real men bring home the bacon. Women who stay at home with the kids are
not living to full potential. Money makes people powerful and important. The only
appropriate work for a woman is nurse, teacher, ballerina or prostitute. Hard work is the only
good work. My people are good with money. People who want money cannot be spiritual” …
and so on.
Even if you don’t believe these statements, or even if you emphatically disagree with
them, your energy field can still be affected, either in resonance or reaction. Other people’s
past or present beliefs create a morphic field, whether or not you are conscious of it.
What Kinds of Energies can Affect your Finances?
It’s not just collective thinking that affects you. Individuals, family and ancestral patterns,
can all entangle with the patterns of your finances. Not all of them are “bad” – for instance,
you might resonate with your Great-Uncle Chuck’s gift for lucky investments. But you might
simultaneously be a carrier for Great-Aunt Betty’s little gambling problem, unbeknownst to
Family behaviors and attitudes can hover in your energy field, even if you’ve “dealt” with
them consciously. Your mother’s fear or your father’s overspending, and your own old
suppressed emotions and thoughts, can shape your current finances.
Ancestral assumptions from a hundred generations ago, can affect you unknowingly, as
DNA or cellular memory. A single traumatic experience from a single ancestor can form a
karmic field in your life. Even the feng shui of your home can inform your finances. But
rather than divorcing your ancestors or moving your furniture, first try changing your own
energy patterns.
The Now Healing Disentangle Command
There’s a simple, easy and powerful way to unravel all the energies that are entangled
with your financial energy: the Disentangle command. Like the Align command, it creates
change on many levels of existence, and multiple dimensions, simultaneously. And there’s no
need to consciously control or be aware of each element that gets disentangled. (Stay tuned
for more info about the Now Healing Align and Disentangle commands, coming soon in a
Now Healing E-course.)
Let’s do some alignment and disentangling – right now! The simple Energetic Alignments
below will actually shift your energy, instantly.
First, let’s get a baseline calibration of your current condition. Tune in to yourself. On a
scale of 0-10, with 0 = really bad, and 10 = no problem, how do you feel about finances? I’m
not asking how much money you have, I’m asking how you experience it. Fear? Or feeling
fine? Somewhere between? Choose the first number that pops into your mind. Or use
whatever form of energetic testing that works for you to find your number.
Now, say each phrase below to yourself, and at the same time, sweep your attention up
your Center – move your mental focus up from the base of your spine, out the top of your
head. This should take no more than 2 seconds for each phrase.

• Disentangle from collective financial fear.

• Disentangle from collective financial expectations… beliefs... and assumptions.
• Disentangle from fear of loss.
• Disentangle from fear of poverty… and collective memory of poverty.
• Disentangle from ancestral and family patterns that weaken my finances.
• Disentangle from financial traumatic experiences.
• Disentangle from my past inappropriate financial patterns.
• Neutral to whether I have money or not.
• Neutral to the natural ebb and flow of money.
• Disentangle finances from emotions… thoughts… relationships… health… home...
• Re-integrate finances with emotions... thoughts... relationships... health... home...
• Disentangle from needing.
• Align with a better relationship with money.
• Align with abundance.
• Align with gratitude.
• Align with appreciation.
• Align with Infinite Self.
• Align my finances with Infinite Self.
• Align global finances with Infinite Self, highest expression and highest good.
• Evolve my finances to their highest expression
• Align my ideal situation with 100% possibility of manifestation
• Align my personality self with being non-attached to what is.
• Align past, present, future, and other spacetimes with the highest expression of my
finances and abundance.

Take a deep breath. Tune in to how you feel about money right at this moment. Does it
feel different from before? Where are you now, on a scale of 0-10? Don’t be surprised if your
number is higher – you’ve just strengthened your energy field around money. This change in
energy may manifest into real, tangible change in your life.
If you’re like most people, your energy was pretty easy to shift – at least a little bit. After
all, it’s only energy!

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