950H-962H Marketing Bulletin
950H-962H Marketing Bulletin
950H-962H Marketing Bulletin
October 2005
Powertrain Updates
Improved Serviceability
Grease fittings have been grouped into two spots on the right side of
the machine for convenient ground level servicing
Remote pressure taps have been grouped behind an access panel
just below the right side service panel.
Hydraulic Service Center located below the right side access platform
houses the transmission and hydraulic filters and a hydraulic oil
tank drain
Electronic Service Center located under the left side access platform
houses the batteries, relay panel, and an optional toolbox.
Fluid level sight glasses have been relocated for easier checking from
ground level.
Optional Windshield Cleaning Arrangement eases access to the
windshield for easier cleaning.
Optional Quicklube Automatic greasing system is now a price list
Other Changes
Spec comparison chart These specs are for the standard machine with the
standard general-purpose bucket with bolt on cutting edges.
Work Tool Compatibility All work tools for the 950G II and 962G II will fit the
H-series machines. There are no expected changes to the work tool lineup at
this time.
Ordering Guide
Serial Number Prefix The new serial number prefix for the 950H is K5K.
The new serial number prefix for the 962H is K6K.
Production - The 950H and 962H will be manufactured in the Aurora, IL, and
CBL, Brazil. Initial production begins in December 2005, with first shipment
expected in January 2006.
Pricing The price lists of the 950H and 962H will be available in October 2005.
Other Information
LACD / Product Group contacts For availability or other order related
questions, please contact your LACD MWL Account Coordinator, Melanie
Monje 305-476-6852.
For production or application questions, the following contacts can help answer
your questions regarding the new 950H/962H