Refactoring To Collection Loop
Refactoring To Collection Loop
Refactoring To Collection Loop
A Bit of Theory 4
Noticing Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
A Lot of Practice 14
Associative Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
A Bit of Theory
For example, here's a higher order function that wraps a block of code in a
database transaction:
try {
$result = $func();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $result
try {
$databaseConnection->transaction(function () use ($comment) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
5 Part 1. A Bit of Theory
Noticing Patterns
Higher order functions are powerful because they let us create abstractions
around common programming patterns that couldn't otherwise be reused.
Say we have a list of customers and we need to get a list of their email
addresses. We can implement that without any higher order functions like this:
$customerEmails = [];
return $customerEmails;
Now say we also have a list of product inventory and we want to know the total
value of our stock of each item. We might write something like this:
$stockTotals = [];
return $stockTotals;
At Crst glance it might not look like there's much to abstract here, but if you
look carefully you'll notice there's only one real diBerence between these two
Chapter 1. Higher Order Functions 6
In both cases, all we're doing is building a new array of items by applying some
operation to every item in the existing list. The only diBerence between the
two examples is the actual operation that we apply.
In the Crst example we're just extracting the email Celd from the item:
$customerEmails = [];
return $customerEmails;
In the second example, we create a new associative array from several of the
item's Celds:
$stockTotals = [];
return $stockTotals;
If we generalize the names of everything except the two chunks of code that
are diBerent, we get this:
$results = [];
$results[] = $result;
return $results;
$results = [];
return $results;
We're close to an abstraction here, but those two pesky chunks of code in the
middle are preventing us from getting there. We need to get those pieces out
and replace them with something that can stay the same for both examples.
$results = [];
return $results;
$results = [];
return $results;
Now there's a big block of identical code in both examples that we can extract
into something reusable. If we bundle that up into its own function, we've
implemented a higher order function called map!
return $results;
Each is no more than a foreach loop wrapped inside of a higher order function:
You're probably asking yourself, "why would anyone bother to do this?" Well for
one, it hides the implementation details of the loop (and we hate loops.)
Imagine a world where PHP didn't have a foreach loop. Our implementation of
each would look something like this:
In that world, having an abstraction around "do this with every item in the
array" seems pretty reasonable. It would let us take code that looks like this:
Each also becomes an obvious improvement over using foreach directly as soon
as you get into chaining functional operations, which we'll cover later in the
If you're tempted to use any sort of collecting variable, each is not the
function you should be using.
// Good!
$emails = map($customers, function ($customer) {
return $customer->email;
11 Part 1. A Bit of Theory
Unlike the other basic array operations, each doesn't return anything.
That's a clue that it should be reserved for performing actions, like deleting
products, shipping orders, sending emails, etc.
We've talked about map a bit already, but it's an important one and deserves its
own reference.
Map is used to transform each item in an array into something else. Given some
array of items and a function, map will apply that function to every item and
spit out a new array of the same size.
return $result;
Remember, every item in the new array has a relationship with the
corresponding item in the original array. A good way to remember how map
works is to think of there being a mapping between each item in the old array
and the new array.
Chapter 2. Functional Building Blocks 12
A common mistake I see people make is using map when they should have used
Consider our each example from before where we were deleting products. You
could implement the same thing using map and it would technically have the
same eBect:
Although this code works, it's semantically incorrect. We didn't map anything
here. This code is going to go through all the trouble of creating a new array
for us where every element is null and we aren't going to do anything with it.
Map is about transforming one array into another array. If you aren't
transforming anything, you shouldn't be using map.
As a general rule, you should be using each instead of map if any of the following
are true:
GitHub provides a public API endpoint that returns all of a user's recent public
activity. The JSON response it gives you is an array of objects shaped generally
like this (simpliCed a bit for brevity):
"id": "3898913063",
"type": "PushEvent",
"public": true,
"actor": "adamwathan",
"repo": "tightenco/jigsaw",
"payload": { /* ... */ }
// ...
The interview task was to take these events and determine a user's "GitHub
Score", based on the following rules:
function githubScore($username)
// Grab the events from the API, in the real world you'd probably use
// Guzzle or similar here, but keeping it simple for the sake of brevity.
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
// Loop over the event types and add up the corresponding scores
$score = 0;
case 'CommitCommentEvent':
$score += 2;
$score += 1;
return $score;
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
- $events = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
+ $events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
// ...
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
$eventTypes = [];
$eventTypes[] = $event['type'];
$score = 0;
return $score;
We know by know that any time we're transforming each item in an array into
something new we can use map right? In this case, the transformation is so
simple that we can even use pluck, so let's swap that out:
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
$eventTypes = $events->pluck('type');
$score = 0;
return $score;
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
$eventTypes = $events->pluck('type');
$score = 0;
return $score;
We're trying to sum up a bunch of scores here, but we're doing it using a
collection of event types.
Maybe this would be simpler if we could just sum a collection of scores instead?
Let's convert the event types to scores using map, then just return the sum of that
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
$eventTypes = $events->pluck('type');
return $scores->sum();
This is a little bit better, but that nasty switch statement is really cramping our
style. Let's tackle that next.
Chapter 3. What's Your GitHub Score? 20
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
$eventTypes = $events->pluck('type');
return $eventScores[$eventType];
return $scores->sum();
This feels cleaner to me because looking up the score for an event seems like a
much more natural model of what we're trying to do vs. a conditional structure
like switch.
The problem is we've lost the default case, where all other events are given a
score of 1.
To get that behavior back, we need to check if our event exists in the lookup
table before trying to access it:
function githubScore($username)
// ...
21 Part 2. A Lot of Practice
if (! isset($eventScores[$eventType])) {
return 1;
return $eventScores[$eventType];
return $scores->sum();
All of a sudden this doesn't really seem better than the switch statement, but
fear not, there's still hope!
Associative Collections
Everything is better as a collection, remember?
So far we've only used collections for traditional numeric arrays, but
collections oBer us a lot of power when working with associative arrays as well.
Have you ever heard of the "Tell, Don't Ask" principle? The general idea is
that you should avoid asking an object a question about itself to make another
decision about something you are going to do with that object. Instead, you
should push that responsibility into that object, so you can just tell it what you
need without asking questions Crst.
How is that relevant in this example? I'm glad you asked! Let's take a look at
that if statement again:
Chapter 3. What's Your GitHub Score? 22
$eventScores = [
'PushEvent' => 5,
'CreateEvent' => 4,
'IssuesEvent' => 3,
'CommitCommentEvent' => 2,
if (! isset($eventScores[$eventType])) {
return 1;
return $eventScores[$eventType];
Here we are asking the lookup table if it has a value for a certain key, and if it
doesn't we return a default value.
Collections let us apply the "Tell, Don't Ask" principle in this situation with the
get method, which takes a key to look up and a default value to return if that key
doesn't exist!
If we wrap $eventScores in a collection, we can refactor the above code like so:
$eventScores = collect([
'PushEvent' => 5,
'CreateEvent' => 4,
'IssuesEvent' => 3,
'CommitCommentEvent' => 2,
Collapsing that down and putting it back into context of the entire function
gives us this:
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));
23 Part 2. A Lot of Practice
$eventTypes = $events->pluck('type');
return $scores->sum();
Now we can collapse that entire thing down into a single pipeline:
function githubScore($username)
$url = "{$username}/events";
$events = collect(json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true));