Javascript Interview

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Consider the following code snippet :

var grand_Total=eval("10*10+5");
The output for the above statement would be :
a. 10*10+5
b. 105 as a string
c. 105 as an integer value
d. Exception is thrown
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Answer : c
Explanation : Even if the string value passed as a parameter to eval does repres
ent a numeric value the use of eval() results in an error being generated.
2. Do functions in JavaScript necessarily return a value ?
a. It is mandatory
b. Not necessary
c. Few functions return values by default
d. All of the above
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Answer : c
Explanation : None.
3. Consider the following code snippet :
var tensquared = (function(x) {return x*x;}(10));
Will the above code work ?
a. Yes, perfectly
b. Error
c. Exception will be thrown
d. Memory leak
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Answer : a
Explanation : Function name is optional for functions defined as expressions. Fu
nction expressions are sometimes defined and immediately invoked.
4. Consider the following code snippet :
var string2Num=parseInt("123xyz");
The result for the above code snippet would be :
a. 123
b. 123xyz
c. Exception
d. NaN
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Answer : b
Explanation : The parseInt() function returns the first integer contained in the
string or 0 if the string does not begin with an integer.
5. The one-liner code that concatenates all strings passed into a function is
a. function concatenate()
return String.prototype.concat('', arguments);
b. function concatenate()
return String.prototype.apply('', arguments);
c. function concatenate()

return String.concat.apply('', arguments);

d. function concatenate()
return String.prototype.concat.apply('', arguments);
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Answer : d
Explanation : None
6. If you have a function f and an object o, you can define a method named m of
o with
a. o.m=m.f;
b. o.m=f;
c. o=f.m;
d. o=f;
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Answer : a
Explanation : A method is nothing more than a JavaScript function that is stored
in a property of an object. If you have a function f and an object o, you can d
efine a method named m of o with the following line:
o.m = f;
7. For the below mentioned code snippet:
var o = new Object();
The equivalent statement is:
a. var o = Object();
b. var o;
c. var o= new Object;
d. Object o=new Object();
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Answer : c
Explanation : You can always omit a pair of empty parentheses in a constructor i
8. What is the difference between the two lines given below ?
!!(obj1 && obj2);
(obj1 && obj2);
a. Both the lines result in a boolean value True
b. Both the lines result in a boolean value False
c. Both the lines checks just for the existence of the object alone
d. The first line results in a real boolean value whereas the second line merely
checks for the existence of the objects
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Answer : d
Explanation : None.
9. Consider the following code snippet :
var c = counter(), d = counter();
The state stored in d is :
a. 1
b. 0
c. Null
d. Undefined

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Answer : a
Explanation : The state stored in d is 1 because d was not reset.
10. Consider the following code snippet :
function constfuncs()
var funcs = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
funcs[i] = function() { return i; };
return funcs;
var funcs = constfuncs();
What does the last statement return ?
a. 9
b. 0
c. 10
d. None of the above
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Answer : c
Explanation : The code above creates 10 closures, and stores them in an array. T
he closures are all defined within the same invocation of the function, so they
share access to the variable i. When constfuncs() returns, the value of the vari
able i is 10, and all 10 closures share this value. Therefore, all the functions
in the returned array of functions return the same value.
1.What will be result of following javascipt function
<script type="text/javascript">
var name = "CareerWebHelper";
function DisplayName () {
var name = "Sagar";
D.None of above
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2.What will be result of following javascipt function
<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "WCF MCQs";
function DisplayName () {
var name2 = " Online";
A.WCF MCQsOnline
B.WCF MCQs Online
C.Object required error
D.Javascript Error
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B.WCF MCQs Online

3.What will be result of following javascipt function?

<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "WCF quiz";
function DisplayName () {
var name2 = "ASP.NET MCQs";
if(name1 != "")
A.Javascript Error at else statement
C.WCF quiz
D.Javascript Error in if condition
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C.WCF quiz
4.What will be result of following javascipt function?
<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "WCF quiz";
function DisplayName () {
var name2 = "ASP.NET MCQs";
(name1 != ""?document.write(name2):document.write(name1));
A.WCF quiz
C.Javascript Error near conditional statement
D.Nothing will happen
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5.What will be result of following javascipt function?
<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "";
function DisplayName () {
var name2 = "ASP.NET MCQs";
if(name1 = "")
document.write("name1 is null");
A.name1 is null
B.Error near name1 declaration
C.No result
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6.What will be result of following javascipt function?
<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "WPF Quiz";

function DisplayName () {
var name2 = "ASP.NET MCQs";
if(name1 = "WPF Quiz")
document.write("name1 is not null");
B.Error near if statement
C.name1 is not null
D.None of above
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C.name1 is not null
7.What will be result of following javascipt function?
<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "WPF Quiz";
function DisplayName () {
var name2 = "ASP.NET MCQs";
(name1.replace('P','C')=="WCF Quiz"?document.write(name1):document.write(name2)
A.WPF Quiz
B.WCF Quiz
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A.WPF Quiz
8.What will be result of following javascipt function?
<script type="text/javascript">
var name1 = "WPF Quiz";
function DisplayName () {
var name2 = "ASP.NET MCQs";
A.WCF Quiz
B.WPF Quiz
D.Error in statement near replace()
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A.WCF Quiz

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