Daily Lesson Plan

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Date / Day 4/09/2017 Monday

Time 1040-1140

Focus Listening and Speaking

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic In School

Content 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen
Standard and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety
of purposes.

Learning 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow :

standard (b) simple directions.
1.2.3 Able to give:
(b) simple directions to places in school

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a) Use simple words of directions e.g. turn left, turn right, walk along.
b) Give 3 simple instructions.
Teaching Aids Activity book, flash cards, treasure

Assessment Observe pupils who can give simple instructions.


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher introduces simple directions.

2. Teacher brings the pupils to tour the school.
3. Teacher gives simple instructions to pupils.
4. In groups, pupils follow instructions assigned to them to find
the secret treasure
5. In groups, pupils instruct other groups to another location
6. Pupils do activities pg. 69 (AB)
7. LINUS reading screening
Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 5/09/2017 Tuesday

Time 1140-1240

Focus Reading

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic In School

Content 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
Standard demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in
the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.

Learning 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and

standard sentences in linear and non- linear texts.
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with
simple and compound sentences.
Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(a) read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts.
(b) read and understand a paragraph of simple and compound
Teaching Aids Textbook, activity book, passage, picture cards.

Assessment Observe pupils can understand the passage.


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher introduces the sign and its meaning.

2. Teacher explains about the sign to pupils.
3. Teacher asks pupils a few questions about the signage to
4. Teacher asks pupils to read a passage.
5. Teacher drills pupils with the passage.
6. Pupils complete the passage in pg. 70 (AB)
7. LINUS reading screening
Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.



Date / Day 6/09/2017 Wednesday

Time 0720-0820

Focus Writing

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic In School

Content 3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils

Standard will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range
of purposes.

Learning 3.2.1 Able to complete :

standard (a) linear texts

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

(a) Rearrange the words based on the pictures.
(b) Write the sentences neatly.
Teaching Aids Textbook, worksheet, word cards, sentence strips

Assessment Writing exercises


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher shows picture cards and word cards.

2. Teacher asks pupils to rearrange the words according to
pictures using the word cards.
3. Teacher explains the proper sentence structure.
4. In groups, pupils rearrange sentence strips given in the
correct order.
5. Teacher asks pupils to answer the given worksheet.
6. LINUS reading screening
Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 7/09/2017 Thursday

Time 0720-0820

Focus Grammar

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic In School

Content 5.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to use
Standard different word classes correctly and appropriately.

Learning 5.1.5 Able to use prepositions correctly and

standard appropriately:
(a) on (b) up (c) at
Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(c) Apply at least 2 prepositions correctly
Teaching Aids Textbook, worksheet, word cards, sentence strips

Assessment Writing exercises


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher leads a student to demonstrate each prepositions.

2. Teacher explains each preposition.
3. In groups, pupils prepare examples of the use of each
preposition with their pencil case.
4. Teacher drills pupils with the prepositions.
5. Teacher given some exercise in the worksheet.
6. Pupils do the exercise independently.
7. LINUS reading screening
Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 8/09/2017 Friday

Time 1040-1140

Focus Language Art

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic In School

Content 4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy
Standard and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs, through performance.

Learning 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct
standard pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
4.3.2 Able to perform with guidance based on:
a) poems
Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a) recite poem with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
b) take part with guidance in a performance based on poem
Teaching Aids Textbook, manila card, coloured paper

Assessment Poem recital


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher demonstrates how to recite poem using passage in the

2. Teacher explains how to make a simple poem.
3. In groups, pupils to make their own poem based on school
4. Teacher asks pupils to recite their poem creatively.
5. LINUS reading screening

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 11/09/2017 Monday

Time 1040-1140

Focus Listening and Speaking

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be ablepronounce
Standard words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation

Learning 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:

a. simple instructions.

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. Identify at least 3 fruits.

b. Follow simple instruction.

Teaching Aids Fruits PowerPoint presentation and worksheet.

Assessment The pupils complete the Worksheet based on the instructions read by

Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher and the pupils sing the song Fruit Salad together.

2. Pupils are asked to list down all the fruits in the song within 5

3. Teacher then shows the PowerPoint presentation of fruits and

drills the kids using CGI (class, group and individual) method.

4. Then, teacher will choose 3 pupils to identify the local and

imported fruits from the picture.

5. Teacher distributes Worksheet to the pupils and they complete it

based on the instructions read by the teacher.

6. The pupils are given 15 minutes to complete it.

7. Once done, pupils and teacher will discuss it and pupils will do
immediate corrections.

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.



Date / Day 12/09/2017 Tuesday

Time 1140-1240

Focus Listening and Speaking

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content 1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
Standard understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts

Learning 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
a. asking simple Wh-Questions.

b. answering simple Wh-Questions.

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. Talk about their favourite fruits by answering simple Wh-Questions.

b. Ask simple Wh-Questions to get information about their friends

favourite fruit.

Teaching Aids Fruits PowerPoint presentation and worksheet.

Assessment Observing on how the pupils ask and answer the questions with their


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher asks pupils to name few fruits based on yesterdays


2. Teacher used the same picture (PowerPoint presentation of

fruits) and drills the pupils using the CGI method.

3. Teacher will choose few pupils to answer few simple


4. Teacher will accept any given answers and then discuss it with
the pupils.

5. Pupils are given guideline on how to answer the above questions

and teacher drills them.

6. Based on the given script, the pupils will work in pairs. They will
take turns asking their friends according to the script given.
7. Pupils complete the given worksheet given by teacher.

8. Two pairs will call forward to present their work.

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 13/09/2017 Wednesday

Time 0720-0820

Focus Reading

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety linear and non-linear texts in
the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.

Learning 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and

standard sentences in linear and non- linear texts.

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

objectives a. Know the steps of preparing the fruit salad.

b. Rearrange the steps of preparing fruit jelly accordingly.

c. Able to follow simple instructions.

Teaching Aids PDF presentation (making fruit salad and fruit jelly) and worksheets (making
fruit jelly PDF).

Assessment The pupils act as they repeat the instructions after the teacher.


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher shows to pupils the PDF presentation of preparing the

fruit salad.

2. Teacher reads the instructions one by one and pupils repeat and
act it out.

3. Pupils are shown the second PDF presentation on how to prepare

the fruit jelly.

4. Pupils and teacher read the steps accordingly.

5. They are given 5 minutes to memorize the steps.

6. Then they are given a set of pictures of steps preparing the fruit

7. The pupils have to arrange it correctly and paste it in their

exercise book.

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 14/09/2017 Thursday

Time 0720-0820

Focus Reading

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety linear and non-linear texts in
the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.

Learning 2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by:

c. identifying word opposite in meaning.

2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and
non-linear texts.

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a. Identify at least 5 words with their opposite meanings (antonyms)

Teaching Aids Worksheet

Assessment Teacher explains that words with opposite meaning are also known as


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher asks pupils to write down the ingredients to make their own
fruit salad on a piece of paper given by teacher.

2. Then, 2 pupils are call to write down their answers.

3. The pupils and teacher will discuss both answers and choose the best

4. Pupils read the ingredients with correct pronunciations and intonations.

5. Teacher highlights the words small and big and explains that they are
opposite meaning for each other (antonyms).

6. Pupils are given a minute to get a word with their opposite meaning.

7. The pupils take turns to give their answer and teacher writes it on the

8. Then teacher and pupils discuss the answers given and choose the
correct ones.

9. Pupils write down the list of antonyms words in their exercise book with
clear legible print.

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 15/09/2017 Friday

Time 1040-1140

Focus Reading

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety linear and non-linear texts in
the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.

2.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment.

Learning 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
standard sentences.

2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:

(b) non fiction

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a. Read a simple passage related to a fruit.

b. Able to transfer the information.

Teaching Aids Worksheet, Powerpoint presentation of Fruit Salad story

Assessment Comprehension of Fruit Salad story


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Pupils are asked to read the simple text in the sheet given to

2. They are given 5 minutes to do silent reading.

3. Each pupil read a line in the passage.

4. Pupils read the same passage with correct pronunciations and


5. Teacher corrects them while reading.

6. Then pupils are given a worksheet related to the passage read.

7. Teacher reads and explains the instruction.

8. Pupils are given 10 minutes to complete it.

9. Once done, pupils and teacher checked the answers.

10. Pupils do immediate corrections.

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.




Date / Day 25/09/2017 Monday

Time 1040-1140

Focus Writing

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:
3.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.2 Write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purposes.

Learning 3.1.1. Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:

(a)simple sentences

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a. Write in clear legible print.

b. Write correctly 3 simple sentences

Teaching Aids Picture cards with phrases.

Assessment Observe pupils who can write sentences


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher reads a description about a fruit.

2. Pupils will guess the answer.

3. Then, pupils are shown two pictures of fruits with simple phrases.

4. Two pupils are picked to form simple sentences from the given phrases.

5. Teacher accepts all the answers.

6. Teacher and pupils discuss the given answer and correct it.

7. Pupils are seated in groups of three.

8. They are given two different pictures of fruit with different phrases.

9. They are asked to form sentences based on the material given.

10. After 15 minutes, few pupils are called to present their answers.

11. Teacher and the others correct the answers given

12. LINUS writing screening.

Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.



Date / Day 26/09/2017 Tuesday

Time 1140-1240

Focus Language Arts

Theme World Of Knowledge

Topic Fresh Fruits

Content By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:
4.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.

Learning 4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants and poems through non-verbal

4.1.2 Able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a. Give response to the song they read non-verbally.

b. Sing aloud the lyrics of the song with correct pronunciation, rhythm and

Teaching Aids Lyrics of the song.

Assessment Observe the way pupils work in a group to be the best performers.


Lesson Development Remarks

1. Teacher reads the lyrics of Im A Juicy Orange Song lyric:

2. Pupils listen to it attentively. Tune: Im A Little Teapot
3. Pupils are given the lyrics and read it together with teacher. Im a juicy orange
Round as can be.
4. Then, teacher will sing it together with pupils based on the tune
A big juicy orange
of Im A Little Teapot for few times. Hanging on a tree.
5. Pupils are divided into three groups. They are given 5 minutes to If you want some juice
Just pick me,
practice the song with the actions and perform in front of the class. Poke in a straw
6. LINUS writing screening. And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!

Im a juicy apple
Round as can be.
A big juicy apple
Hanging on a tree.
If you want some juice
Just pick me.
Poke a straw
And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!
Reflection Attendance:____/____

_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly.

_____ pupils need extra guidance.

_____ pupils were able to master todays lesson.

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.

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