Organic Evolution Theories
Organic Evolution Theories
Organic Evolution Theories
The theory of Organic evolution explains convincing the origin of life. It also explains how the wide
variety of the plants and animals came into existence in the world. According to this theory, the world has
Life originated spontaneously in the remote past from non-living inorganic substances. These substances
reacted to organic compounds. The organic compounds developed into colloidal systems capable of
In the organic evolutions, there are Contents [hide]
Different theories of evolution. But Five
1 Basic Theories of Organic Evolution:
theories are accepted universally. They are
1.1 1. Theory of Inheritance of acquired characters (lamarckism):
1. Theory of inheritance of acquired 1.1.1 Neo-lamarkists:
characters (lamarckisam) 1.2 2. The theory of natural selection (Darwinism)(in 1859) 1/8
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Internal forces of life tend to increase the size of the organism because of an inner want new
structures appear.
Use of disuse
2. Aquatic birds they had to go to water due to lack of food etc; some structures web between the toes
developed in them wings for fly gradually reduced.
5. The Wanding birds (eg:-jacana) developed its long legs through generations of sustained stretching to
keep the body above the water level.
The evolutionists who support the Lamarckian theory of inheritance of acquired characters come under 2/8
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Cope (1840-1897)
Charles Darwin explain natural selection in his book the origin of species (full title on the origin of
species by means of natural selection (or) the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life)
1. Every species, in the absence of environmental check, tends to increase in a geometrical manner.
3. Female rabbit gives birth to six young ones in one litter and produces 4 litters in a year (6 months old
4. Elephants ,in the absence of any checks have 21 million descendants of the end of 800 years
3. Environmental struggle due to earthquakes, tidal waves, bursting of volcanoes are all causes for
killing large populations.
4. Survival of the fittest: in the struggle for existence, majority die out due to fact those few survival
have necessary advantageous variations. This idea of the survival of the fittest is the core theory of
natural selection.
5. inheritance of useful variations: The organisms after getting fitted to the surroundings transmit their
useful variations to the next generation, while non-useful variations are eliminated. 3/8
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2. Neo-Darwinist are:
1. H.huxely,
2. S.A.Geray,
3. Herbert Spencer,
This theory is the result of the work of no. of scientists, namely T.Dobzhansky, R.A.Fisher, J.B.S.Haldan,
Swall wright, Earnst mayr & G.L.Stebbins. Stebbins in his book Process of organic evolution discussed
1. Mutation,
3. Heredity,
4. Natural selection,
5. Isolation
Due to gene mutation (or) point mutation, the chemistry of gen (DNA) alter & able to change its
phenotypic effect.
Most of the mutant genes are recessive to normal gene and these are able to express phenotypically
only in homozygous condition thus, gene mutation tend to produce variations in the offspring.
The production of gene combination containing the same individual, produce heterozygous individuals 4/8
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Random mixing of chromosomes from two parents during sexual reproduction to produce a new
The exchange b/w chromosomal pairs of particular alleles during meiosis, called crossing over, to
Chromosomal mutations such as deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation and polyploidy also
result in variation.
The transmission of variation from parent to offspring is an imp mechanism of evolution, favored in the
struggle for existence, to benefit from the advantageous characteristics of their parents.
Natural selection does not produce genetic change, but once it has occurred it acts to encourage some
genes over others. Further natural selection creates new adaptive relations b/w population and
environment by favoring some gene combinations, rejecting other and constantly modifying and
Isolation of organism of a species into several populations (or) groups under psychic, physiological (or)
geographical factors is supposed to be one of the most significant factors is supposed to be one of the
August Weismam(1834-1914) was a neo-Darwinian biologist who proposed the germplasm theory in his
book Das Keimplasm
1. Theory based on two kinds of living bodies they are Germplasm (protoplasm of germ cells such as
Shares sperms and ova) and the somatoplasm (Protoplasm of somatic (or) body cells). The Germplasm is
responsible for the development of reproductive ports and remains in the organism, the development of
reproductive parts and remains in the organism, the development of reproductive parts and remains in
the organism, sealed and secluded form the somatoplasm which develops out of the Germplasm.
2. Somatoplasm is discontinuous entity and so any variation in it cant be inherited. The somatoplasm
doesnt influence the Germplasm. So, Germplasm is immortal (perpetuated from generation to
generation through meiosis) & Somatoplasm is mortal, it perishes with the death of an organisms.
3. In 1904, Weizmann proposed a special particle the idioplasm (or) determinant , which is distinct part
of an organism is represented in the sec cells. Each determinant to be made up of still smaller units 5/8
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called biophores. These determinants are localized in the chromosomes of the nucleus.
4. .In apposition of Lamarcks inheritance of acquired characters, Weismann introduced in the idea of
parallel induction According to this concept, the stimulus affects simultaneously the germ &
5. Polymorphism, Weismann developed hypothesis of germinal selection. He said that. There are many
no. of determiners struggling for expression within the Gemplasm and finally one set is selected out by
the environment.
Proposes the division of Germplasm & Somatoplasm during cleavage of the zygote
Hugo de vries in his book Die mutation theovie (1901) proposed the mutation theory-
He observed on evening primrose Oenothera lamarkiana . He studied this plant in wild forms for
many years continuously and observed cartain spontaneous changes in some of these wild plants.
Devries (1901), his theory states that evolution is a jerky process where new varieties and species are
Mutations do not revolve around the mean or normal character of these species.
Useful mutations are selected by nature, lethal mutation from a single mutation. 6/8
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De-Vries stressed on the randomness of variation, where as Darwin considered the adaptiveness of the
variation in evolution.
De Vries stated that new species arise by sudden jump, called mutation, where as Darwin considered
that new species arise by the cumulation of gradual fluctuating variations in a series of generations.
H. Morgan observed mutations in Drosophila melanogaster and confirmed the mutation theory.
Devise described about certain numerical & structural changes in the chromosomes, but in O.Gigas
mutant was found later to be due to polyploidy.
It was not satisfied explanation of the development of mimicry, mutual dependence of flowers and
pollinating insects.
This Quiz section is prepared from Evolutionary Biology chapter, From the Unit-11. Try to solve the
problems. All the Best
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