Model Application of Learning Cooperative Learning Type Jigsaw For Increase Learning Outcomes Social Studies

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2nd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE 2013)

Model Application Of Learning Cooperative Learning Type Jigsaw For

Increase Learning Outcomes Social Studies
Endang Sri Rahayu*

Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan angkatan 2011

*Corresponding author:


This study aims to obtain empirical data on the application of cooperative learning model type jigsaw learning to improve learning
outcomes and skills in other aspects. The method used in this research is a classroom action research method is performed in three
cycles, each cycle consisting of four phases: 1) planning, 2) action 3). Observation 4) reflection. The sample was 39 students of
class VIII in the subject of IPS ( Social Studies ) , in SMPN 3 (Junior high school ) Central Jakarta, conducted by three cycles used
to measure cognitive assessment test results, while the other is used to measure aspects nontest assessment. The terms of the plan to
prepare teacher learning, quiz, student worksheets, observation sheet. Results collaborators response data, the activity of students,
in Cycle I 64.81; Cycle II 83.33; cycle III 83.33. Results of students' affective value; Cycle I 68.47; Cycle II 72.36; cycle III 75.
Improved student learning outcomes can be seen from the increased average value, of the cycle I is 71.28 cycle II is 73.84, and the
cycle III is 78.20. As for the group discussions, cycle I of cooperation value 78.71, Cycle II 78.84; cycle III 78.84; Furthermore,
cycle I to the value of the content of the discussion is 77.05; Cycle II 71.92; cycle III 76.28. Value statements, the average cycle I;
73.84; Cycle II 75; cycle III 74.35. At each cycle was carried out as a form of reflection and triangulation of data verification on
each cycle. Based on the results, it can be concluded that with the implementation of learning model Cooperative learning jigsaw
type, was able to improve learning outcomes of students in the subject of IPS (Social Studies) cognitive and affective.

Keywords: classroom action research, cooperative learning type Jigsaw

Education is a conscious effort and aims to develop human qualities as an activity that is aware of the
purpose. National education goals under the Act of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 Year 2003 on National
Education System stated that: "The national education serves to develop skills and character development and a
dignified civilization in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of
students to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, morals noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled,
creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable ". (National Education RI UU No.
20/2003). The educational objectives implied the existence of values formation Indonesia fully human, as being
integral, productive, creative and have a scientific attitude and insightful leadership as a responsible citizen.
Social Sciences Studies is an integration of the various branches of the social sciences such as sociology,
history, geography, economics, politics, law and culture. Social Sciences formulated on the basis of reality and social
phenomena that embody the interdisciplinary approach of the aspects and branches of the social sciences (sociology,
history, geography, economics, politics, law and culture). IPS or social studies that are part of the school curriculum
content of the material derived from branches of the social sciences: sociology, history, geography, economics,
politics, anthropology, philosophy and social psychology. (National Standardization of education/ BSNP, 2007).
The learning objectives of Social Sciences is to develop the potential of learners to be sensitive to social
problems that occur in the community, having a positive mental attitude towards any repairs inequality, and
skillfully solve every problem that occurs daily either upon itself or the public override. These objectives can be
achieved when learning programs (IPS) in schools is well organized (BSNP). Learning IPS ( Social Studies) in the
SMP include the integration of the science of history, geography, sociology and economics, from the observations
and the results of previous studies found that the method of teaching adopted by teachers tend to be varied, the
teacher did not use the right method, so that the study results did not achieve the results optimal, penilaiaan only
from cognitive aspects, other aspects should also affective and psychomotor. Generally indicate learners /
students lack the ability to formulate their own ideas, not used to compete in the expression with another friend.
Achievement of learning outcomes in general is influenced by intelligence, personality, achievement
motivation, family environment, school environment. One of the factors that have affected the study results is that
the learning strategies used by a teacher in teaching. According to A. Malik Fajar, as quoted by Mujammil
Qomar, saying that the method is more important than the material, but the teacher is more important than the
material. Therefore, a learning strategy is' an aspect that determines the success or failure of learning activities

2nd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE 2013)

(Imam Gozali, 2010: 255). In the teaching-learning process in schools teachers are the main factors that play a
role in teaching and learning to achieve the level of success of student learning in the classroom. Role of the
teacher in teaching and learning in schools is very important in achieving the learning objectives.
Cooperative learning implies attitudes and behaviors as a collective work or assist in amongst the regular
structure of cooperation in groups of two or more people, which is strongly influenced by the success of the work
involved in each of the group itself. Cooperative learning is more than just learning the working group, as studied
in this model there should be encouragement and structure of cooperative tasks that allow terjadinta interactions
and relationships that are effective interdependence among group members (Slavin, 1983:85).
Are included in this structure there are five (5) basic elements, namely: positive interdependence, individual
responsibility, personal interaction, collaboration skills, and group processing (Johnson & Johnson, 1993) and to
achieve optimal results these five elements must be applied.
Advantage gained in teaching cooperative learning is positive interdependence, the recognition of individual
differences in response, the students involved in the planning of classroom management, classroom atmosphere is
relaxed and fun, the warm and friendly relations between the teachers and learners have many opportunities to
express the experience of pleasant emotions.
Cooperative learning is supported by constructive theory and social learning theory, to achieve the learning
objectives should be aligned with classroom management methods of learning, and to achieve the expected
results in this teaching include: heterogeneous grouping, the spirit of togetherness, classroom setting.
Constructive theory clearly states that students must actively construct knowledge. Learning is something
students do, not something that is done to the student (Anderson and Ambruster, 1982, Piaget). In general,
learning theory kontruktive (constuctive Theories of Learning) states that learners/students themselves must
personally find and apply complex information, checking new information compared to the old rules and fix it if
it does not fit the rules again (Muhammad Nur and Prima Wikandari (2000:38).
In the learning process the teacher's role as facilitator is important, because education is essentially a
personal interaction between students and between the instructor / teacher and the student (Johnson and Johnson,
Smith, 1991), the teacher serves as a facilitator teaching to develop students' competencies and capabilities
(Maslow , 1962, Roger, 1982).
Many ideas based on the constructivist theory of Vygotsky (Karpov and Brandsford, 1995:66), which is
used to support the teaching methods that emphasize cooperative learning, ang emphasis on principles, among
others: that students learn social interaction with man, woman and peers more capable, that students learn
concepts, concepts are best when it is in their nearest development zone. Another concept that reduced emphasis
on both, the social nature of learning and the nearest zone is cognitive development (Gardner, 1991: 30). Further
emphasis on mediated learning or support step by step to learn to solve problems (Kozulin & Presseisen, 1995;
30) as an important issue in the construction of modern thought.
Basic principles of cooperative teaching include: formulation of learning objectives should be clear,
thorough acceptance by students about learning goals, dependencies are positive, open-ended interaction,
individual responsibility, the group is heterogeneous, interaction dn attitude positive social behavior, follow-up,
satisfaction in learning. (Sthal, 1994:68). There are several types in Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw Type / Team of
Experts has been developed and tested by Aroson Elliot et al from the University of Texas and was adopted by
Slavin at Johns Hopkins University.
Specifically this study conducted to improve learning outcomes and other aspects of teaching and to obtain
empirical evidence about the effect of the application of learning methods cooperatif with Jigsaw type on teaching
IPS is oriented to the achievement of learning objectives IPS in particular and the national education goals in
general, so that this research can be used as the basis for the application of learning models IPS for teachers.

The research method used was action research model of Hopkins pictured in the cycle (I, II, and III) include in
each cycle of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The purpose of this class is action research to improve
learning outcomes (IPS) through the application of learning cooperative learning jigsaw type. The timing of the
March of s / d in May 2011, in class VIII-2 SMPN 3 South Jakarta. Subjects were students of class VIII-2 are 39
students. The beginning conditions studied subject, general teaching IPS is not optimal, the interaction of teachers
and students are less active and the average value of daily tests is low (63.66). Classroom Action Research
instruments include: 1) Learning outcomes IPS (about through the grille, instrument validation, the results of the mean),
2) Observation sheet Questionnaire . Triangulation is done at the end of each cycle to verify . Data collection techniques,
since the pre-study, baseline, and end of the study include : (1) Quantitative data (value of student learning outcomes) that
can be analyzed descriptively. In this case the researchers used a descriptive statistical analysis. For example, look for
average value, the percentage of success in learning, and others. (2) Qualitative data is data that contains information on the
form of the sentence that gives an idea of the level of expression of the students' understanding of a subject (cognitive),
views or attitudes of the students towards the new learning method (affective), students follow the lesson activity, attention,

2nd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE 2013)

enthusiasm in learning, self-confidence, motivation and the like, and analyzed qualitatively. Analysis data method in this
research is descriptive method that describe / explain the research process from beginning to end. The data is calculated by
the following steps: (1) Calculating the value of daily tests before action is taken and the value of the test cycle I, II and III,
(2) Calculate the average value or percentage of student learning outcomes prior to action on the cycle I, II, and III, to
investigate the improvement of learning outcomes.

Based on the results of this action research is done into three cycles, assisted by Mrs. Lusy Dianawati collaborators,
test results at cycle I showed an average value of 71.28, Cycle II of 73.84,cycle III 78.20. While the results of the response
data collaborators student activity cycle I 64.81, Cycle II 83.33, cycle III 83.33. Similarly to the results of cycle I the
affective value of 68.47; Cycle II 72.36, cycle III 75.00. As for the results of the group, including the cycle I Cooperation
78.71. Cycle II 78.83 and cycle III 78.84. Assessment with indicators of Contents discussion 77.05 cycle I, Cycle II 71.92,
and cycle III 76.28 and preparation of reports value 73.84 in the cycle I, Cycle II 75.00 and cycle III 74.35.
In addition to improved student learning outcomes can also be seen in the teaching behavior such as an increase in
active learners, group collaboration, discussion and attitudes of learners in teaching.

Based on the results of data analysis indicate that: (1) The application of the model types Jigsaw cooperative
learning can improve learning outcomes (IPS) students, although the increase is not too high percentage (2) The
results are not high due to lack of application of five basic elements maximum on Cooperative teaching Lewarning
namely: positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal interaction, collaboration skills, and group
processing (Johnson & Johnson, 1993). (3) The ability to discuss the rate has increased, this indicates that there has
been a very positive change in the study group. (4) Students are individuals who did not complete the first cycle and
second cycle turns in group discussions is able to gain value over the minimal grade (KKM). This is in accordance
opinion (Maslow, 1962, Roger, 1982) that teachers serve as facilitators of learning to develop the competence and
ability of the students indicated that the type of teaching cooperative learning jigsaw models able to explore the
potential of learners. (5) The results of this study indicate that by applying the method on teaching (IPS) is the
interaction between the student goes on, as well as teachers' interactions with students, learning objectives achieved
so that needs to be developed in the social studies learning.

Based on the results obtained during the teaching Cooperative Learning Model IPS, the student SMP it can be
concluded that (1) learning model was shown to improve student learning outcomes. Scores obtained include
individual and group results, meaning the application of this model to improve learning outcomes for individuals and
groups. (2) With this model untapped potential students, with the advent of the ability to discuss, cooperation, group
prepared a report, responsibility and other skills that observed collaborator . (3) Cooperative learning Model in the
learning IPS, can make students learn independently and responsibly with the group as well as individually.

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