Strength Calculation STR-2002

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The document describes strength calculations for a strainer used in an LPG depot project. It includes dimensional data, design pressures, material properties and calculation methods.

This document describes the Strength Calculation for Strainer STR-2002 used in Project Penyediaan Jasa Depot Mini LPG Pressurized di Donggala Sulawesi Tengah.

The following industry codes, standards and references are used for line sizing: ASME Sec. VIII Div.1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Fittings, ASME IID Material Properties, ASME V Nondestructive Methods Examination, ASME IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, ASTM A105 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Installations, ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel, ASTM A106 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service



TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................... 2

1. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 3
2. ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................. 3
3. REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 3
3.1. Code, Standard & Reference ...................................................................... 3
4. CALCULATION METHOD ..................................................................................... 4
4.1. Thickness of Cylindrical and Spherical Shells ........................................ 4
4.2. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) ..................................... 4
5. DIMENSIONAL DATA ............................................................................................ 5
6. PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN DATA ................................................................... 6
7. CALCULATION RESULT....................................................................................... 6
8. LOAD ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... 7
9. ATTACHMENT ....................................................................................................... 8

This document describes the Strength Calculation for Strainer STR-2002 used in
Project Penyediaan Jasa Depot Mini LPG Pressurized di Donggala Sulawesi Tengah.

ANSI : American National Standard Institute
ASME : American Society Mechanical Engineering
E : Joint Efficiency for, or the efficiency of, appropriate joint
in cylindrical or spherical shells
P : Internal design pressure
R : Inside radius of the shell course
S : Maximum allowable stress value
t : Minimum required thickness of the shell

3.1. Code, Standard & Reference
The following industry codes, standards and references are used for line sizing.
1. ASME Sec. VIII Div.1
Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
2. ASME B16.5
Pipe Flanges and Fittings
Material Properties
Nondestructive Methods Examination
Welding and Brazing Qualifications
6. ASTM A105
Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Installations
7. ASTM A36
Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
8. ASTM A106
Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature

4.1. Thickness of Cylindrical and Spherical Shells
Refer to ASME Sec.VIII Div.1 :

SE 0.4 P

Ro = Outside radius of the shell course under consideration

4.2. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)

MAWP calculation is based on the following equations:

Ro 0.4t

Ro = Outside radius of the shell course under consideration

5.1 Sketch Drawing


No Description Data Unit Remarks

1 Design Pressure 18 bar

2 Design Temperature 37.8 C

3 Joint Efficiency 1 Full Radiography

4 Size

- Outside Diameter 10 inch

- Length 4980 mm S/F

5 Nominal Thickness 9.27 mm SCH 40

6 Material

- Shell ASTM A-106 Gr B

- Top Head ASTM A-105

- Bottom Head ASTM A-105

- Nozzle ASTM A-106 Gr B

Calculation Result Summary :
a. Thickness Verfication
Required Thickness Nominal Thickness
Part Remarks
(mm) (mm)
Shell 3.5 9.26 OK
Top Head N/A 47.8 OK
Bottom Head 3.6 9.26 OK

b. MAWP Verification
Design Pressure Calculated MAWP
Part Remarks
(bar) (bar)
Shell 18 82.24 OK
Top Head 18 51.10 OK
Bottom Head 18 82.23 OK

c. Estimated Weight
Condition Weight Unit
Empty 296 Kg
Operating 317 Kg
Test 356 kg

NP No Pressure
IP Internal Pressure
EP External Pressure
HP Hydrotest Pressure
EW Empty Weight
OW Operating Weight
HW Hydrotest Weight
WI Wind Load
EQ Earthquake Load
HE Hydrotest Earthquake
HI Hydrotest Wind
BW Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Wind Case, Corroded
BS Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Seismic Case, Corroded
BN Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Wind Case, Uncorroded
BU Bending Stress due to Lat. Forces for the Seismic Case, Uncorroded
CW Axial Weight Stress, New and Cold (no corrosion allowance, CA)
WE Wind Bending Moment, New and Cold (Empty) (no CA)
WF Wind Bending Moment, New and Cold (Filled) (no CA)
FS Axial Stress due to Applied Axial Forces in Seismic Cases
FW Axial Stress due to applied forces in Wind Cases
VO Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads (Operating)
VE Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads (Empty)
VF Bending Stress due to Vortex Shedding Loads (Test, no CA.)

- Attachment 1 - Calculation Report PVElite 2014


Table of Contents

Cover Sheet ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

Title Page ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Input Echo :......................................................................................................................................................... 6
XY Coordinate Calculations : ................................................................................................................. 13
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE ................................................................................................................. 14
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE ................................................................................................................. 20
Internal Pressure Calculations : ....................................................................................................... 26
External Pressure Calculations : ....................................................................................................... 31
Element and Detail Weights : ................................................................................................................. 34
Nozzle Flange MAWP : .................................................................................................................................... 38
Center of Gravity Calculation : .......................................................................................................... 39
Nozzle Calcs. : Noz N1 Fr20 ................................................................................................................... 40
Nozzle Calcs. : Noz N2 Fr20 ................................................................................................................... 54
Nozzle Schedule : ........................................................................................................................................... 68
Nozzle Summary : ............................................................................................................................................. 70
MDMT Summary : .................................................................................................................................................. 71
Vessel Design Summary :............................................................................................................................. 73
Cover Page 2




In Accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1

ASME Code Version : 2013

Analysis Performed by : SPLM Licensed User


Date of Analysis : Nov 7,2017

Cover Page 3

PV Elite 2014, January 2014

Title Page 4



Title Page 5

Note: PV Elite performs all calculations internally in Imperial Units

to remain compliant with the ASME Code and any built in assumptions

in the ASME Code formulas. The customary Imperial database is

used for consistency. The finalized results are reflected to show

the users set of selected units.

STR-2001-1 6
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Input Echo : Step: 1 10:17a Nov 7,2017

PV Elite Vessel Analysis Program: Input Data



Design Internal Pressure (for Hydrotest) 10.000 bars

Design Internal Temperature 38 C

Type of Hydrotest UG-99(b)

Hydrotest Position Vertical

Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Top 0.0000 mm.

Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Bottom 0.0000 mm.

Minimum Design Metal Temperature -29 C

Type of Construction Welded

Special Service None

Degree of Radiography RT 1

Miscellaneous Weight Percent 0.0

Use Higher Longitudinal Stresses (Flag) Y

Select t for Internal Pressure (Flag) N

Select t for External Pressure (Flag) N

Select t for Axial Stress (Flag) N

Select Location for Stiff. Rings (Flag) N

Consider Vortex Shedding N

Perform a Corroded Hydrotest N

Is this a Heat Exchanger No

User Defined Hydro. Press. (Used if > 0) 0.0000 bars

User defined MAWP 0.0000 bars

User defined MAPnc 0.0000 bars

Load Case 1 NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 2 NP+EW+EE+FS+BS

Load Case 3 NP+OW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 4 NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

Load Case 5 NP+HW+HI

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Input Echo : Step: 1 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Load Case 6 NP+HW+HE

Load Case 7 IP+OW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 8 IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

Load Case 9 EP+OW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 10 EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS

Load Case 11 HP+HW+HI

Load Case 12 HP+HW+HE

Load Case 13 IP+WE+EW

Load Case 14 IP+WF+CW

Load Case 15 IP+VO+OW

Load Case 16 IP+VE+EW

Load Case 17 NP+VO+OW

Load Case 18 FS+BS+IP+OW

Load Case 19 FS+BS+EP+OW

Wind Design Code ASCE-7 93

Basic Wind Speed [V] 112.65 Km/hr

Surface Roughness Category C: Open Terrain

Importance Factor 1.0

Type of Surface Moderately Smooth

Base Elevation 0.0000 mm.

Percent Wind for Hydrotest 33.0

Using User defined Wind Press. Vs Elev. N

Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Ope) 0.0100

Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Empty) 0.0000

Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Filled) 0.0000

Seismic Design Code UBC 94

UBC Seismic Zone (1=1,2=2a,3=2b,4=3,5=4) 0.000

UBC Importance Factor 1.000

UBC Soil Type S1

UBC Horizontal Force Factor 3.000

UBC Percent Seismic for Hydrotest 0.000

STR-2001-1 8
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Input Echo : Step: 1 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Design Nozzle for Des. Press. + St. Head Y

Consider MAP New and Cold in Noz. Design N

Consider External Loads for Nozzle Des. Y

Use ASME VIII-1 Appendix 1-9 N

Material Database Year Current w/Addenda or Code Year

Configuration Directives:

Do not use Nozzle MDMT Interpretation VIII-1 01-37 No

Use Table G instead of exact equation for "A" Yes

Shell Head Joints are Tapered Yes

Compute "K" in corroded condition Yes

Use Code Case 2286 No

Use the MAWP to compute the MDMT Yes

Using Metric Material Databases, ASME II D No

Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

Element From Node 10

Element To Node 20

Element Type Elliptical

Description Bottom Head

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 50.800 mm.

Element Outside Diameter 323.90 mm.

Element Thickness 10.310 mm.

Internal Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Nominal Thickness 10.310 mm.

External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Design Internal Pressure 10.000 bars

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 38 C

Design External Pressure 1.0342 bars

Design Temperature External Pressure 93 C

Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2

STR-2001-1 9
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Input Echo : Step: 1 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Material Name SA-106 B

Allowable Stress, Ambient 117.90 N./mm

Allowable Stress, Operating 117.90 N./mm

Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 153.30 N./mm

Material Density 0.007750 kg./cm

P Number Thickness 30.988 mm.

Yield Stress, Operating 241.30 N./mm

UCS-66 Chart Curve Designation B

External Pressure Chart Name CS-2

UNS Number K03006

Product Form Smls. pipe

Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.0

Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 1.0

Elliptical Head Factor 2.0

Element From Node 10

Detail Type Liquid

Detail ID LPG

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist -63.640 mm.

Height/Length of Liquid 114.44 mm.

Liquid Density 0.0005098 kg./cm


Element From Node 20

Element To Node 30

Element Type Cylinder

Description Shell

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 889.00 mm.

Element Outside Diameter 323.90 mm.

Element Thickness 10.310 mm.

Internal Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Nominal Thickness 10.310 mm.

External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

STR-2001-1 10
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FileName : STR-2001-1
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Design Internal Pressure 10.000 bars

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 38 C

Design External Pressure 1.0342 bars

Design Temperature External Pressure 93 C

Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2

Material Name SA-106 B

Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 1.0

Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 1.0

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Liquid

Detail ID LPG

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0.0000 mm.

Height/Length of Liquid 711.20 mm.

Liquid Density 0.0005098 kg./cm

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle

Detail ID Noz N1 Fr20

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 500.00 mm.

Nozzle Diameter 6.0 in.

Nozzle Schedule 40

Nozzle Class 300

Layout Angle 0.0

Blind Flange (Y/N) N

Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 Kgf

Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1

Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle

Detail ID Noz N2 Fr20

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 500.00 mm.

Nozzle Diameter 6.0 in.

STR-2001-1 11
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FileName : STR-2001-1
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Nozzle Schedule 40

Nozzle Class 300

Layout Angle 180.0

Blind Flange (Y/N) N

Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 Kgf

Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1

Nozzle Matl SA-106 B


Element From Node 30

Element To Node 40

Element Type Flange

Description Top Flange

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 130.05 mm.

Flange Inside Diameter 304.80 mm.

Element Thickness 50.800 mm.

Internal Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Nominal Thickness 9.2700 mm.

External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Design Internal Pressure 10.000 bars

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 38 C

Design External Pressure 1.0342 bars

Design Temperature External Pressure 93 C

Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2

Material Name SA-106 B

Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y

Weight of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange 0.0000 Kgf

Class of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange

Grade of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange


Element From Node 40

STR-2001-1 12
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FileName : STR-2001-1
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Element To Node 50

Element Type Flange

Description Top Cover

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 130.05 mm.

Flange Outside Diameter 304.80 mm.

Element Thickness 50.800 mm.

Internal Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Nominal Thickness 9.2700 mm.

External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm.

Design Internal Pressure 10.000 bars

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 38 C

Design External Pressure 1.0342 bars

Design Temperature External Pressure 93 C

Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2

Material Name SA-106 B

Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y

Weight of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange 0.0000 Kgf

Class of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange

Grade of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2014

STR-2001-1 13
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FileName : STR-2001-1
XY Coordinate Calculations : Step: 2 10:17a Nov 7,2017

XY Coordinate Calculations

| | | | | |

From| To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) |DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |

| | mm. | mm. | mm. | mm. |


Bottom Hea| ... | 50.8000 | ... | 50.8000 |

Shell| ... | 939.800 | ... | 889.000 |

Top Flange| ... | 1069.85 | ... | 130.048 |

Top Cover| ... | 1199.90 | ... | 130.048 |

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2014

STR-2001-1 14
PV Elite 2014 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User
FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Flange Input Data Values Description: FLANGE :

Top Flange

Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 10.00 bars

Design Temperature 38 C

Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.0000 mm.

External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm.

Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 304.800 mm.

Flange Outside Diameter A 520.700 mm.

Flange Thickness t 50.8000 mm.

Thickness of Hub at Small End go 10.3100 mm.

Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 35.7100 mm.

Length of Hub h 79.2480 mm.

Flange Material SA-106 B

Flange Material UNS number K03006

Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 117.90 N./mm

Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 117.90 N./mm

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 172.38 N./mm

Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 172.38 N./mm

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 450.850 mm.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 28.5750 mm.

Type of Threads UNC Thread Series

Number of Bolts 16

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 381.000 mm.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 304.800 mm.

STR-2001-1 15
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 374.650 mm.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 339.852 mm.

Gasket Factor m 0.0000

Gasket Design Seating Stress y 0.00 N./mm

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 3.1750 mm.

Flange Class 300

Flange Grade GR 1.1

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2013

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (10.00*(304.8000/2+0.0000))/(117.90*1.00-0.6*10.00)+Ca

= 1.2993 mm.

Hub Small End Hub MAWP:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (117.90 * 1.00 * 10.3100 )/(152.4000 + 0.6 * 10.3100 )

= 76.648 bars

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 304.800 mm.

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 35.710 mm.

Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 10.310 mm.

Code R Dimension, R = (C-B)/2 - g1 37.315 mm.

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 17.399 mm.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 8.699 mm.

Effective Gasket Width, b = Cb sqrt(bo) 7.432 mm.

Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go (Self-Energizing) 374.650 mm.

STR-2001-1 16
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G * Peq

= 0.785 * 374.6500 * 10.000

= 11241.854 Kgf

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * Pi * G * m * P

= 2 * 7.4325 * 3.1416 * 374.6500 * 0.0000 * 10.00

= 0.000 Kgf

Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:

= Pi * Bcor * P / 4

= 3.1416 * 304.8000 *10.0000/4

= 7440.744 Kgf

Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:

= H - Hd

= 11241 - 7440

= 3801.109 Kgf

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )

= max( 11241 + 0 + 0 , 0 )

= 11241.854 Kgf

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * Pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp

= 0.00*7.4325*3.141*374.650+0.00*0.0000*0.00

= 0.000 Kgf

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= Maximum of Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa

= Maximum of 11241/172 , 0/172

= 6.396 cm

ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:

= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
STR-2001-1 17
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

= 2 * 28.575 + 6 * 50.800/(0.00 + 0.5)

= 666.750 mm.

Actual Circumferential Bolt Spacing [Bs]:

= C * sin( pi / n )

= 450.850 * sin( 3.142/16 )

= 87.956 mm.

ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:

= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )

= max( sqrt( 87.956/( 2 * 28.575 + 50.800 )), 1 )

= 1.0000

Bolting Information for UNC Thread Series (Non Mandatory):


Minimum Actual Maximum


Bolt Area, cm 6.396 71.535

Radial distance bet. hub and bolts 38.100 37.315

Radial distance bet. bolts and the edge 28.575 34.925

Circumferential spacing between bolts 63.500 87.956 666.750


Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * ( Am + Ab ) / 2

= 172.38 * ( 6.3958 + 71.5353 )/2

= 68489.88 Kgf

Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:

= Wm1 - H

= 11241 - 11241

= 0.00 Kgf

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

STR-2001-1 18
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

= (C - G ) / 2

= ( 450.8500 - 374.6500 )/2

= 38.1000 mm.

Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:

= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2

= ( 37.3150 + 35.7100 + 38.1000 )/2

= 55.5625 mm.

Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:

= R + ( g1 / 2 )

= 37.3150 + ( 35.7100/2.0 )

= 55.1700 mm.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure:

Loading Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment

End Pressure, Md 7441. 55.1700 1.0000 411. Kg-m.

Face Pressure, Mt 3801. 55.5625 1.0000 211. Kg-m.

Gasket Load, Mg 0. 38.1000 1.0000 0. Kg-m.

Gasket Seating, Matm 68490. 38.1000 1.0000 2610. Kg-m.

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 622. Kg-m.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 2610. Kg-m.

Note: User choose not to perform Stress Calculations on this Standard Flange.

Pressure rating of the flange will be used to check code compliance.

Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 69.7 kg.

Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 141.1 kg.

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -29 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) -104 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(c) -104 C

STR-2001-1 19
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 10.00/51.10 = 0.196

Note: Using the minimum value from (b)(1)(b) and (b)(1)(c) above

as the calculated nozzle flange MDMT.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2014

STR-2001-1 20
PV Elite 2014 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User
FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Flange Input Data Values Description: FLANGE :

Top Cover

Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 10.00 bars

Design Temperature 38 C

Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.0000 mm.

External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm.

Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 304.800 mm.

Flange Outside Diameter A 520.700 mm.

Flange Thickness t 50.8000 mm.

Thickness of Hub at Small End go 9.5250 mm.

Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 34.9250 mm.

Length of Hub h 79.2480 mm.

Flange Material SA-106 B

Flange Material UNS number K03006

Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 117.90 N./mm

Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 117.90 N./mm

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 172.38 N./mm

Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 172.38 N./mm

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 450.850 mm.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 28.5750 mm.

Type of Threads UNC Thread Series

Number of Bolts 16

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 381.000 mm.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 304.800 mm.

STR-2001-1 21
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 374.650 mm.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 339.852 mm.

Gasket Factor m 0.0000

Gasket Design Seating Stress y 0.00 N./mm

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 3.1750 mm.

Flange Class 300

Flange Grade GR 1.1

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2013

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (10.00*(304.8000/2+0.0000))/(117.90*1.00-0.6*10.00)+Ca

= 1.2993 mm.

Hub Small End Hub MAWP:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (117.90 * 1.00 * 9.5250 )/(152.4000 + 0.6 * 9.5250 )

= 71.023 bars

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 304.800 mm.

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 34.925 mm.

Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 9.525 mm.

Code R Dimension, R = (C-B)/2 - g1 38.100 mm.

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 17.399 mm.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 8.699 mm.

Effective Gasket Width, b = Cb sqrt(bo) 7.432 mm.

Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go (Self-Energizing) 374.650 mm.

STR-2001-1 22
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G * Peq

= 0.785 * 374.6500 * 10.000

= 11241.854 Kgf

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * Pi * G * m * P

= 2 * 7.4325 * 3.1416 * 374.6500 * 0.0000 * 10.00

= 0.000 Kgf

Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:

= Pi * Bcor * P / 4

= 3.1416 * 304.8000 *10.0000/4

= 7440.744 Kgf

Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:

= H - Hd

= 11241 - 7440

= 3801.109 Kgf

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )

= max( 11241 + 0 + 0 , 0 )

= 11241.854 Kgf

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * Pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp

= 0.00*7.4325*3.141*374.650+0.00*0.0000*0.00

= 0.000 Kgf

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= Maximum of Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa

= Maximum of 11241/172 , 0/172

= 6.396 cm

ASME Maximum Circumferential Spacing between Bolts per App. 2 eq. (3) [Bsmax]:

= 2a + 6t/(m + 0.5)
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Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

= 2 * 28.575 + 6 * 50.800/(0.00 + 0.5)

= 666.750 mm.

Actual Circumferential Bolt Spacing [Bs]:

= C * sin( pi / n )

= 450.850 * sin( 3.142/16 )

= 87.956 mm.

ASME Moment Multiplier for Bolt Spacing per App. 2 eq. (7) [Bsc]:

= max( sqrt( Bs/( 2a + t )), 1 )

= max( sqrt( 87.956/( 2 * 28.575 + 50.800 )), 1 )

= 1.0000

Bolting Information for UNC Thread Series (Non Mandatory):


Minimum Actual Maximum


Bolt Area, cm 6.396 71.535

Radial distance bet. hub and bolts 38.100 38.100

Radial distance bet. bolts and the edge 28.575 34.925

Circumferential spacing between bolts 63.500 87.956 666.750


Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * ( Am + Ab ) / 2

= 172.38 * ( 6.3958 + 71.5353 )/2

= 68489.88 Kgf

Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:

= Wm1 - H

= 11241 - 11241

= 0.00 Kgf

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

STR-2001-1 24
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

= (C - G ) / 2

= ( 450.8500 - 374.6500 )/2

= 38.1000 mm.

Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:

= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2

= ( 38.1000 + 34.9250 + 38.1000 )/2

= 55.5625 mm.

Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:

= R + ( g1 / 2 )

= 38.1000 + ( 34.9250/2.0 )

= 55.5625 mm.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure:

Loading Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment

End Pressure, Md 7441. 55.5625 1.0000 413. Kg-m.

Face Pressure, Mt 3801. 55.5625 1.0000 211. Kg-m.

Gasket Load, Mg 0. 38.1000 1.0000 0. Kg-m.

Gasket Seating, Matm 68490. 38.1000 1.0000 2610. Kg-m.

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 625. Kg-m.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 2610. Kg-m.

Note: User choose not to perform Stress Calculations on this Standard Flange.

Pressure rating of the flange will be used to check code compliance.

Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 69.1 kg.

Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 141.1 kg.

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -29 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) -104 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(c) -104 C

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Flg Calc [Int P] : FLANGE Flng: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 10.00/51.10 = 0.196

Note: Using the minimum value from (b)(1)(b) and (b)(1)(c) above

as the calculated nozzle flange MDMT.

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Internal Pressure Calculations : Step: 5 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Nominal | Total Corr| Element | Allowable |

From| To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|

| | bars | mm. | mm. | mm. | N./mm |


Bottom Hea| 10.041 | 10.310 | ... | 323.90 | 117.90 |

Shell| 10.036 | 10.310 | ... | 323.90 | 117.90 |

Top Flange| 10.000 | 9.2700 | ... | 304.80 | 117.90 |

Top Cover| 10.000 | 9.2700 | ... | 304.80 | 117.90 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Minimum | Required |

From| To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |

| | bars | bars | bars | mm. | mm. |


Bottom Hea| 10.0000 | 76.9726 | 79.6142 | 10.3100 | 1.50000 |

Shell| 10.0000 | 76.9812 | 77.0168 | 10.3100 | 1.50000 |

Top Flange| 10.0000 | 51.1000 | 51.1000 | 50.8000 | No Calc |

Top Cover| 10.0000 | 51.1000 | 51.1000 | 50.8000 | No Calc |

Minimum 51.089 51.100

Note : The M.A.W.P is Governed by a Standard Flange !

Flange MAWP including Static Pressure: 51.089 = 51.100 - 0.011 bars

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2013

Elliptical Head From 10 To 20 SA-106 B , UCS-66 Crv. B at 38 C

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Internal Pressure Calculations : Step: 5 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Bottom Head

Material UNS Number: K03006

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Do*Kcor)/(2*S*E+2*P*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)

= (10.041*323.9000*1.000)/(2*117.90*1.00+2*10.041*(1.000-0.1))

= 1.3689 + 0.0000 = 1.3689 mm.

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore

the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm. per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.041 bars

= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)

= (2*117.90*1.00*10.3100)/(1.000*323.9000-2*10.3100*(1.00-0.1))

= 79.614 - 0.041 = 79.573 bars

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*Do-2*t*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)

= (2*117.90*1.00*10.3100)/(1.000*323.9000-2*10.3100*(1.000-0.1))

= 79.614 bars

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)))/(2*E*t)

= (10.041*(1.000*323.9000-2*10.3100*(1.000-0.1)))/(2*1.00*10.3100)

= 14.870 N./mm

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*Ro)/(S*E+0.4*P) + ca per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)

= (10.041*161.9500)/(117.90*1.00+0.4*10.041)+0.000

= 1.375 mm.

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

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Internal Pressure Calculations : Step: 5 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.041 bars

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)

= (117.90 * 1.00 * 10.3100 )/(161.9500 - 0.4 * 10.3100 )

= 77.014 - 0.041 = 76.973 bars

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 10.310 , tr = 6.760 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.656 , Temp. Reduction = 19 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -28 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -47 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 10.310 , tr = 6.904 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.670 , Temp. Reduction = 18 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -28 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -46 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Cylindrical Shell From 20 To 30 SA-106 B , UCS-66 Crv. B at 38 C


Material UNS Number: K03006

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Ro) / (S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)

= (10.036*161.9500)/(117.90*1.00+0.4*10.036)

= 1.3739 + 0.0000 = 1.3739 mm.

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Internal Pressure Calculations : Step: 5 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore

the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm. per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Less Operating Hydrostatic Head Pressure of 0.036 bars

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)

= (117.90*1.00*10.3100)/(161.9500-0.4*10.3100)

= 77.017 - 0.036 = 76.981 bars

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)

= (117.90*1.00*10.3100)/(161.9500-0.4*10.3100)

= 77.017 bars

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Ro-0.4*t))/(E*t)

= (10.036*((161.9500-0.4*10.3100))/(1.00*10.3100)

= 15.363 N./mm

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 10.310 , tr = 6.903 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.670 , Temp. Reduction = 18 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -28 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -46 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -29 C

Note: Heads and Shells Exempted to -20F (-29C) by paragraph UG-20F

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Results:

Pressure per UG99b = 1.3 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 66.416 bars

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Internal Pressure Calculations : Step: 5 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Pressure per UG99b[34] = 1.3 * Design Pres * Sa/S 13.000 bars

Pressure per UG99c = 1.3 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 66.404 bars

Pressure per UG100 = 1.1 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 56.198 bars

Pressure per PED = 1.43 * MAWP 73.058 bars

UG-99(b), Test Pressure Calculation:

= Test Factor * MAWP * Stress Ratio

= 1.3 * 51.059 * 1.000

= 66.416 bars

Vertical Test performed per: UG-99b

Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered

when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based

on the MAWP of the vessel.

Stresses on Elements due to Test Pressure:

From To Stress Allowable Ratio Pressure


Bottom Head 98.5 153.3 0.643 66.54

Shell 101.8 153.3 0.664 66.53


Elements Suitable for Internal Pressure.

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External Pressure Calculations : Step: 6 10:17a Nov 7,2017

External Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2013

Elliptical Head From 10 to 20 Ext. Chart: CS-2 at 93 C

Bottom Head

Elastic Modulus from Chart: CS-2 at 93 C : 0.200E+09 KPa.

Results for Maximum Allowable External Pressure (MAEP):

Tca OD D/t Factor A B

10.310 323.90 31.42 0.0044209 117.87

EMAP = B/(K0*D/t) = 117.8719/(0.9000 *31.4161 ) = 41.6860 bars

Results for Required Thickness (Tca):

Tca OD D/t Factor A B

0.839 323.90 386.22 0.0003596 35.95

EMAP = B/(K0*D/t) = 35.9531/(0.9000 *386.2191 ) = 1.0343 bars

Check the requirements of UG-33(a)(1) using P = 1.67 * External Design

pressure for this head.

Material UNS Number: K03006

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*D*Kcor)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c)

= (1.727*303.2800*1.000)/(2*117.90*1.00-0.2*1.727)

= 0.2222 + 0.0000 = 0.2222 mm.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= ((2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*D+0.2*t))/1.67 per Appendix 1-4 (c)

= ((2*117.90*1.00*10.3100)/(1.000*303.2800+0.2*10.3100))/1.67
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External Pressure Calculations : Step: 6 10:17a Nov 7,2017

= 47.675 bars

Maximum Allowable External Pressure [MAEP]:

= min( MAEP, MAWP )

= min( 41.69 , 47.6750 )

= 41.686 bars

Thickness requirements per UG-33(a)(1) govern the required

thickness of this head.

Cylindrical Shell From 20 to 30 Ext. Chart: CS-2 at 93 C


Elastic Modulus from Chart: CS-2 at 93 C : 0.200E+09 KPa.

Results for Maximum Allowable External Pressure (MAEP):

Tca OD SLEN D/t L/D Factor A B

10.310 323.90 965.07 31.42 2.9795 0.0023366 107.11

EMAP = (4*B)/(3*(D/t)) = (4*107.1139 )/(3*31.4161 ) = 45.4576 bars

Results for Required Thickness (Tca):

Tca OD SLEN D/t L/D Factor A B

1.641 323.90 965.07 197.41 2.9795 0.0001532 15.31

EMAP = (4*B)/(3*(D/t)) = (4*15.3138 )/(3*197.4101 ) = 1.0343 bars

Results for Maximum Stiffened Length (Slen):

Tca OD SLEN D/t L/D Factor A B

10.310 323.90 38708.34 31.42 50.0000 0.0011288 88.94

EMAP = (4*B)/(3*(D/t)) = (4*88.9378 )/(3*31.4161 ) = 37.7440 bars

External Pressure Calculations

| | Section | Outside | Corroded | Factor | Factor |

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FileName : STR-2001-1
External Pressure Calculations : Step: 6 10:17a Nov 7,2017

From| To | Length | Diameter | Thickness | A | B |

| | mm. | mm. | mm. | | N./mm |


10| 20| No Calc | 323.900 | 10.3100 | 0.0044209 | 117.872 |

20| 30| 965.073 | 323.900 | 10.3100 | 0.0023366 | 107.114 |

30| 40| No Calc | ... | 50.8000 | No Calc | No Calc |

40| 50| No Calc | ... | 50.8000 | No Calc | No Calc |

External Pressure Calculations

| | External | External | External | External |

From| To | Actual T. | Required T.|Des. Press. | M.A.W.P. |

| | mm. | mm. | bars | bars |


10| 20| 10.3100 | 1.50000 | 1.03419 | 41.6860 |

20| 30| 10.3100 | 1.64075 | 1.03419 | 45.4576 |

30| 40| 50.8000 | No Calc | 1.03419 | No Calc |

40| 50| 50.8000 | No Calc | 1.03419 | No Calc |

Minimum 41.686

External Pressure Calculations

| | Actual Len.| Allow. Len.| Ring Inertia | Ring Inertia |

From| To | Bet. Stiff.| Bet. Stiff.| Required | Available |

| | mm. | mm. | cm**4 | cm**4 |


10| 20| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

20| 30| 965.073 | 38708.3 | No Calc | No Calc |

30| 40| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

40| 50| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

Elements Suitable for External Pressure.

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STR-2001-1 34
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Element and Detail Weights : Step: 7 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Element and Detail Weights

| | Element | Element | Corroded | Corroded | Extra due |

From| To | Metal Wgt. | ID Volume |Metal Wgt. | ID Volume | Misc % |

| | kg. | Cm. | kg. | Cm. | kg. |


10| 20| 13.4040 | 7322.59 | 13.4040 | 7322.59 | 2.68080 |

20| 30| 69.9847 | 64232.8 | 69.9847 | 64232.8 | 13.9969 |

30| 40| 69.6677 | 9490.77 | 69.6677 | 9490.77 | 13.9335 |

40| 50| 69.1375 | 9490.77 | 69.1375 | 9490.77 | 13.8275 |


Total 222 90536.93 222 90536.93 44

Weight of Details

| | Weight of | X Offset, | Y Offset, |

From|Type| Detail | Dtl. Cent. |Dtl. Cent. | Description

| | kg. | mm. | mm. |


10|Liqd| 3.66404 | ... | -31.8200 | LPG

20|Liqd| 26.1910 | ... | 355.600 | LPG

20|Nozl| 34.1711 | 228.665 | 500.000 | Noz N1 Fr20

20|Nozl| 34.1711 | 228.665 | 500.000 | Noz N2 Fr20

Total Weight of Each Detail Type

Total Weight of Liquid 29.9

Total Weight of Nozzles 68.3


Sum of the Detail Weights 98.2 kg.

Weight Summation
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FileName : STR-2001-1
Element and Detail Weights : Step: 7 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Fabricated Shop Test Shipping Erected Empty Operating


266.6 335.0 266.6 335.0 266.6 335.0

... 90.5 ... ... ... 29.9

68.3 ... 68.3 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 68.3 ...


335.0 425.5 335.0 335.0 335.0 364.8 kg.

Miscellaneous Weight Percent: 20.0 %

Note that the above value for the miscellaneous weight percent has

been applied to the shells/heads/flange/tubesheets/tubes etc. in the

weight calculations for metallic components.

Note: The shipping total has been modified because some items have

been specified as being installed in the shop.

Weight Summary

Fabricated Wt. - Bare Weight W/O Removable Internals 335.0 kg.

Shop Test Wt. - Fabricated Weight + Water ( Full ) 425.5 kg.

Shipping Wt. - Fab. Wt + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 335.0 kg.

Erected Wt. - Fab. Wt + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 335.0 kg.

Ope. Wt. no Liq - Fab. Wt + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 335.0 kg.

Operating Wt. - Empty Wt + Operating Liq. Uncorroded 364.8 kg.

Field Test Wt. - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 425.5 kg.

Mass of the Upper 1/3 of the Vertical Vessel 179.8 kg.

Outside Surface Areas of Elements

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Element and Detail Weights : Step: 7 10:17a Nov 7,2017

| | Surface |

From| To | Area |

| | cm |


10| 20| 1654.14 |

20| 30| 9046.12 |

30| 40| 3167.44 |

40| 50| 3163.53 |


Total 17031.232 cm

Element and Detail Weights

| To | Total Ele.| Total. Ele.|Total. Ele.| Total Dtl.| Oper. Wgt. |

From| To | Empty Wgt.| Oper. Wgt.|Hydro. Wgt.| Offset Mom.| No Liquid |

| | kg. | kg. | kg. | Kg-m. | kg. |


10| 20| 16.0848 | 19.7489 | 23.4029 | ... | 16.0848 |

20| 30| 152.324 | 178.515 | 216.517 | 15.6278 | 152.324 |

30| 40| 83.6013 | 83.6013 | 93.0863 | ... | 83.6013 |

40| 50| 82.9650 | 82.9650 | 92.4500 | ... | 82.9650 |

Cumulative Vessel Weight

| | Cumulative Ope | Cumulative | Cumulative |

From| To | Wgt. No Liquid | Oper. Wgt. | Hydro. Wgt. |

| | kg. | kg. | kg. |


10| 20| 334.975 | 364.830 | 425.457 |

20| 30| 318.890 | 345.081 | 402.054 |

30| 40| 166.566 | 166.566 | 185.536 |

40| 50| 82.9650 | 82.9650 | 92.4500 |

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Element and Detail Weights : Step: 7 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Note: The cumulative operating weights no liquid in the column above

are the cumulative operating weights minus the operating liquid

weight minus any weights absent in the empty condition.

Cumulative Vessel Moment

| | Cumulative | Cumulative |Cumulative |

From| To | Empty Mom. | Oper. Mom. |Hydro. Mom.|

| | Kg-m. | Kg-m. | Kg-m. |


10| 20| 15.6278 | 15.6278 | 15.6278 |

20| 30| 15.6278 | 15.6278 | 15.6278 |

30| 40| ... | ... | ... |

40| 50| ... | ... | ... |

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Nozzle Flange MAWP : Step: 8 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Nozzle Flange MAWP Results :

Nozzle ----- Flange Rating

Description Operating Ambient Temperature Class Grade|Group

bars bars C


Noz N1 Fr20 51.1 51.1 38 300 GR 1.1

Noz N2 Fr20 51.1 51.1 38 300 GR 1.1


Minimum Rating 51.1 51.1 bars (for Core Elements)

Note: ANSI Ratings are per ANSI/ASME B16.5 2009 Metric Edition

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Center of Gravity Calculation : Step: 9 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Shop/Field Installation Options :

Note : The CG is computed from the first Element From Node

Center of Gravity of Liquid 352.618 mm.

Center of Gravity of Nozzles 550.800 mm.

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell New and Cold 823.472 mm.

Center of Gravity of Bare Shell Corroded 823.472 mm.

Vessel CG in the Operating Condition 733.862 mm.

Vessel CG in the Fabricated (Shop/Empty) Condition 767.841 mm.

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FileName : STR-2001-1
Nozzle Calcs. : Noz N1 Fr20 Nozl: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: Noz N1 Fr20 From : 20

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 10.011 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 38 C

Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars

Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 93 C

Shell Material SA-106 B

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 117.90 N./mm

Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 117.90 N./mm

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 303.28 mm.

Design Length of Section L 965.0734 mm.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 10.3100 mm.

Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.

Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 550.8000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B

Material UNS Number K03006

Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe

Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm

Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg

Diameter 6.0000 in.

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FileName : STR-2001-1
Nozzle Calcs. : Noz N1 Fr20 Nozl: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 40

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00

Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 150.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 10.0000 mm.

Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.2700 mm.

Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.

Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-106 B

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 117.90 N./mm

Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 117.90 N./mm

Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 270.0000 mm.

Thickness of Pad te 8.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 6.0000 mm.

Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 8.0000 mm.

Reinforcing Pad Width 50.8625 mm.

ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

| |

| |
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Nozzle Calcs. : Noz N1 Fr20 Nozl: 3 10:17a Nov 7,2017

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Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: Noz N1 Fr20

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2013, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 6.065 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.280 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (10.01*151.6400)/(117*1.00-0.6*10.01)

= 1.2942 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (10.01*77.03)/(117*1.00-0.6*10.01)

= 0.6574 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.5132 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [External Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 308.1020 mm.

Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 154.0510 mm.

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Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 25.7750 mm.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/S )

= min( 1, 117.9/117.9 )

= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/S )

= min( 1, 117.9/117.9 )

= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/S )

= min( 1, 117.9/117.9 )

= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )

= min( 1.0 , 1.0 )

= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc

Area Required Ar NA 1.264 NA cm

Area in Shell A1 NA 13.355 NA cm

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 NA 3.402 NA cm

Area in Inward Nozzle A3 NA 0.000 NA cm

Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 NA 1.360 NA cm

Area in Element A5 NA 6.103 NA cm


Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

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The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Area Required [A]:

= 0.5( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) per UG-37(d) or UG-39

= 0.5(154.0510*1.6407*1+2*7.1120*1.6407*1*(1-1.00))

= 1.264 cm

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )

= 154.051 ( 1.00 * 10.3100 - 1.0 * 1.641 ) - 2 * 7.112

( 1.00 * 10.3100 - 1.0 * 1.6407 ) * ( 1 - 1.000 )

= 13.355 cm

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2

= ( 2 * 25.77 ) * ( 7.11 - 0.51 ) * 1.0000

= 3.402 cm

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= Wo*fr3+(Wi-can/0.707)*fr2+Wp*fr4

= 10.0000 *1.00 + (0.0000 ) *1.00 + 6.0000 * 1.00

= 1.360 cm

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te))*fr4

= ( 270.0000 - 168.2750 ) * 8.0000 * 1.0000

= 6.103 cm

Note: Per user request, A5 multiplied by 0.75, see UG-37(h).

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

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Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.6574 mm.

Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.

Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 1.2942 mm.

Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.

Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.

Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 6.2200 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]

= min[ 6.220 , max( 1.5000 , 1.5000 ) ]

= 1.5000 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )

= max( 0.6574 , 1.5000 )

= 1.5000 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 7.112 = 6.223 mm. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

MDMT of the Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

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Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Shell to Pad Weld at Pad OD for pad, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 8.000 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.126 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Pad governing, Conservatively assuming Pad stress = Shell stress(Div. 1 L-9.3)

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld for the Nozzle (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

Governing MDMT of the Nozzle : -104 C

Governing MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -104 C

Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -104 C

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

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Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -29 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) -104 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(c) -104 C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 10.01/51.10 = 0.196

Note: Using the minimum value from (b)(1)(b) and (b)(1)(c) above

as the calculated nozzle flange MDMT.

Nozzle Calculations per App. 1-10: Internal Pressure Case:

Thickness of Nozzle [tn]:

= thickness - corrosion allowance

= 7.112 - 0.000

= 7.112 mm.

Effective Pressure Radius [Reff]:

= Di/2 + corrosion allowance

= 303.280/2 + 0.000

= 151.640 mm.

Effective Length of Vessel Wall [LR]:

Note : Pad Thk >= 0.5T and Pad Width < 8(Shell Thk + Pad Thk)

= 10 * t

= 10 * 10.310

= 103.100 mm.

Thickness Limit Candidate [LH1]:

= t + 0.78 * sqrt( Rn * tn )

= 10.310 + 0.78 * sqrt( 77.025 * 7.112 )

= 28.566 mm.
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Thickness Limit Candidate [LH2]:

= Lpr1 + T

= 150.000 + 10.310

= 160.310 mm.

Thickness Limit Candidate [LH3]:

= 8( t + te )

= 8( 10.310 + 8.000 )

= 146.480 mm.

Effective Nozzle Wall Length Outside the Vessel [LH]:

= min[ LH1, LH2, LH3 ]

= min[ 28.566 , 160.310 , 146.480 )

= 28.566 mm.

Effective Vessel Thickness [teff]:

= t

= 10.310 mm.

Determine Parameter [Lamda]:

= min( 10, ( Dn + Tn )/( sqrt( ( Di + teff ) * teff )) )

= min( 10, (154.05 + 7.112 )/( sqrt((303.28 + 10.310 ) * 10.310 )) )

= 2.834

Compute Areas A1-A43 (No Pad) or A1-A5 (With Pad) :

Area Contributed by the Vessel Wall [A1]:

= t * LR * max( Lamda/4, 1 )

= 10.310 * 103.100 * max( 2.834/4, 1 )

= 10.630 cm

Area Contributed by the Nozzle Outside the Vessel Wall [A2]:

= tn * LH

= 7.112 * 28.566
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= 2.032 cm

Area Contributed by the Pad Fillet Weld [A42]:

= 0.5 * Leg422

= 0.5 * 6.0002

= 0.180 cm

Area Contributed by the Outside Fillet Weld [A41]:

= 0.5 * Leg412

= 0.5 * 10.0002

= 0.500 cm

Area Contributed by the Reinforcing Pad [A5]:

= min( W * te , LR * te )

= min( 50.862 * 8.000 , 103.100 * 8.000 )

= 4.069 cm

The total area contributed by A1 through A5 [AT]:

= A1 + frn( A2 + A3 ) + A41 + A42 + A43 + frp( A5 )

= 10.630+1.000(2.032+0.000)+0.500+0.180+0.000+1.000(4.069)

= 17.410 cm

Allowable Local Primary Membrane Stress [Sallow]:

= 1.5 * S * E

= 1.5 * 117.905 * 1.000

= 176.9 N./mm

Determine Force acting on the Nozzle [fN]:

= P * Rn( LH - t )

= 10.011 * 77.025 ( 28.566 - 10.310 )

= 143.5 Kgf

Determine Force acting on the Shell [fS]:

= P * Reff( LR + tn )
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= 10.011 * 151.640 ( 103.100 + 7.112 )

= 1706.1 Kgf

Discontinuity Force from Internal Pressure [fY]:

= P * Reff * Rnc

= 10.011 * 151.640 * 77.025

= 1192.3 Kgf

Area Resisting Internal Pressure [Ap]:

= Rn( LH - t ) + Reff( LR + tn + Rnc )

= 77.025 ( 28.566 - 10.310 ) + 151.640 ( 103.100 + 7.112 + 77.025 )

= 298.0 cm

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Candidate [Pmax1]:

= Sallow /( 2 * Ap/AT - Rxs/teff )

= 176.857/( 2 * 297.989/17.410 - 151.640/10.310 )

= 90.6 bars

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Candidate [Pmax2]:

= S[t/Reff]

= 117.905 [10.310/151.640 ]

= 80.2 bars

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure [Pmax]:

= min( Pmax1, Pmax2 )

= min( 90.582 , 80.159 )

= 80.159 bars

Average Primary Membrane Stress [SigmaAvg]:

= ( fN + fS + fY ) / AT

= ( 143.548 + 1706.073 + 1192.348 )/17.410

= 17.135 N./mm

General Primary Membrane Stress [SigmaCirc]:

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= P * Reff / teff

= 10.011 * 151.640/10.310

= 14.7 N./mm

Maximum Local Primary Membrane Stress [PL]:

= max( 2 * SigmaAvg - SigmaCirc, SigmaCirc )

= max( 2 * 17.135 - 14.724 , 14.724 )

= 19.5 N./mm

Summary of Nozzle Pressure/Stress Results:

Allowed Local Primary Membrane Stress Sallow 176.86 N./mm

Local Primary Membrane Stress PL 19.55 N./mm

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Pmax 80.16 bars

Strength of Nozzle Attachment Welds per 1-10 and U-2(g)

Discontinuity Force Factor [ky]:

= ( Rnc + tn ) / Rnc

= ( 77.025 + 7.112 )/77.025

= 1.092 For set-in Nozzles

Weld Length of Nozzle to Shell Weld [Ltau]:

= pi/2 * ( Rn + tn )

= pi/2 * ( 77.025 + 7.112 )

= 132.163 mm.

Weld Length of Pad to Shell Weld [LtauP]:

= pi/2 * ( Rn + tn + W )

= pi/2 * ( 77.025 + 7.112 + 50.862 )

= 212.057 mm.

Weld Throat Dimensions, (0.7071*Leg Dimensions) [L41T, L42T, L43T]:

= 7.071, 4.243, 0.000, mm.

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Weld Load Value [fwelds]:

= min( fy * ky, 1.5 * Sn( A2 + A3 ), pi/4*P*Rn^2*ky^2 )

= min(1192*1.09,1.5*117.9(2.032+0.000),pi/4*10.0*77.03^2*1.09^2)

= 567.576 Kgf

Discontinuity Force [fws]:

= fwelds * t * S/( t * S + te * Sp )

= 567.6*10.31*117/(10.310*117+8.000*117)

= 319.591 Kgf

Discontinuity Force [fwp]:

= fwelds * te * Sp / ( t * S + te * Sp )

= 567.6*8.00*117/(10.310*117+8.000*117)

= 247.985 Kgf

Shear Stress [tau1]:

= fws / ( Ltau * ( 0.6 * tw1 + 0.49 * L43T ) )

= 319.591/( 132.163 * ( 0.6 * 9.270 + 0.49 * 0.000 ) )

= 4.264 N./mm

Shear Stress [tau2]:

= fwp / ( Ltau * ( 0.6 * tw2 + 0.49 * L41T ) )

= 247.985/( 132.163 * ( 0.6 * 8.000 + 0.49 * 7.071 ) )

= 2.226 N./mm

Shear Stress [tau3]:

= fwp / ( Ltau * ( 0.49 * L42T ) )

= 247.985/( 212.057 * ( 0.49 * 4.243 ) )

= 5.517 N./mm

Maximum Shear Stress in the Welds:

= max( tau1, tau2, tau3 )

= max( 4.264 , 2.226 , 5.517 )

= 5.5 must be less than or equal to 117.9 N./mm

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Weld Size Calculations, Description: Noz N1 Fr20

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.1120 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 8.0000 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.9784 = 0.7 * tmin. 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Pad Weld 4.0000 = 0.5*TminPad 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wp mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 76.992 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

Nozzle is O.K. for the External Pressure 1.034 bars

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 25.4831 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 185.7931 mm.

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Nozzle Calcs. : Noz N2 Fr20 Nozl: 4 10:17a Nov 7,2017

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: Noz N2 Fr20 From : 20

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 10.011 bars

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 38 C

Design External Pressure Pext 1.03 bars

Temperature for External Pressure Tempex 93 C

Shell Material SA-106 B

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature S 117.90 N./mm

Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 117.90 N./mm

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 303.28 mm.

Design Length of Section L 965.0734 mm.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 10.3100 mm.

Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.0000 mm.

Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 mm.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 550.8000 mm.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -28.89 C

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B

Material UNS Number K03006

Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe

Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 117.90 N./mm

Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 117.90 N./mm

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg

Diameter 6.0000 in.

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Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 40

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.0000 mm.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00

Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 150.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 10.0000 mm.

Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 9.2700 mm.

Inside Projection h 0.0000 mm.

Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 mm.

Pad Material SA-106 B

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 117.90 N./mm

Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 117.90 N./mm

Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 270.0000 mm.

Thickness of Pad te 8.0000 mm.

Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 6.0000 mm.

Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 8.0000 mm.

Reinforcing Pad Width 50.8625 mm.

ASME Code Weld Type per UW-16 None

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

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Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: Noz N2 Fr20

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 2013, UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 6.065 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.280 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (10.01*151.6400)/(117*1.00-0.6*10.01)

= 1.2942 mm.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (10.01*77.03)/(117*1.00-0.6*10.01)

= 0.6574 mm.

Required Nozzle thickness under External Pressure per UG-28 : 0.5132 mm.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [External Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 308.1020 mm.

Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 154.0510 mm.

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Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 25.7750 mm.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/S )

= min( 1, 117.9/117.9 )

= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/S )

= min( 1, 117.9/117.9 )

= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/S )

= min( 1, 117.9/117.9 )

= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )

= min( 1.0 , 1.0 )

= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations:

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 Design External Mapnc

Area Required Ar NA 1.264 NA cm

Area in Shell A1 NA 13.355 NA cm

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 NA 3.402 NA cm

Area in Inward Nozzle A3 NA 0.000 NA cm

Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 NA 1.360 NA cm

Area in Element A5 NA 6.103 NA cm


Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

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The area available without a pad is Sufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.

Area Required [A]:

= 0.5( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) per UG-37(d) or UG-39

= 0.5(154.0510*1.6407*1+2*7.1120*1.6407*1*(1-1.00))

= 1.264 cm

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )

= 154.051 ( 1.00 * 10.3100 - 1.0 * 1.641 ) - 2 * 7.112

( 1.00 * 10.3100 - 1.0 * 1.6407 ) * ( 1 - 1.000 )

= 13.355 cm

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2

= ( 2 * 25.77 ) * ( 7.11 - 0.51 ) * 1.0000

= 3.402 cm

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= Wo*fr3+(Wi-can/0.707)*fr2+Wp*fr4

= 10.0000 *1.00 + (0.0000 ) *1.00 + 6.0000 * 1.00

= 1.360 cm

Area Available in Element [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))*(min(tp,Tlwp,te))*fr4

= ( 270.0000 - 168.2750 ) * 8.0000 * 1.0000

= 6.103 cm

Note: Per user request, A5 multiplied by 0.75, see UG-37(h).

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

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Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.6574 mm.

Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 1.5000 mm.

Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 1.2942 mm.

Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.

Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 1.5000 mm.

Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 6.2200 mm.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]

= min[ 6.220 , max( 1.5000 , 1.5000 ) ]

= 1.5000 mm.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )

= max( 0.6574 , 1.5000 )

= 1.5000 mm.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 7.112 = 6.223 mm. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

MDMT of the Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

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Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Shell to Pad Weld at Pad OD for pad, Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 8.000 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.126 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Pad governing, Conservatively assuming Pad stress = Shell stress(Div. 1 L-9.3)

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

MDMT of Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld for the Nozzle (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B


Govrn. thk, tg = 6.223 , tr = 0.657 , c = 0.0000 mm. , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -29 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -104 C

Governing MDMT of the Nozzle : -104 C

Governing MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -104 C

Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -104 C

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

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Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -29 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) -104 C

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(c) -104 C

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 10.01/51.10 = 0.196

Note: Using the minimum value from (b)(1)(b) and (b)(1)(c) above

as the calculated nozzle flange MDMT.

Nozzle Calculations per App. 1-10: Internal Pressure Case:

Thickness of Nozzle [tn]:

= thickness - corrosion allowance

= 7.112 - 0.000

= 7.112 mm.

Effective Pressure Radius [Reff]:

= Di/2 + corrosion allowance

= 303.280/2 + 0.000

= 151.640 mm.

Effective Length of Vessel Wall [LR]:

Note : Pad Thk >= 0.5T and Pad Width < 8(Shell Thk + Pad Thk)

= 10 * t

= 10 * 10.310

= 103.100 mm.

Thickness Limit Candidate [LH1]:

= t + 0.78 * sqrt( Rn * tn )

= 10.310 + 0.78 * sqrt( 77.025 * 7.112 )

= 28.566 mm.
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Thickness Limit Candidate [LH2]:

= Lpr1 + T

= 150.000 + 10.310

= 160.310 mm.

Thickness Limit Candidate [LH3]:

= 8( t + te )

= 8( 10.310 + 8.000 )

= 146.480 mm.

Effective Nozzle Wall Length Outside the Vessel [LH]:

= min[ LH1, LH2, LH3 ]

= min[ 28.566 , 160.310 , 146.480 )

= 28.566 mm.

Effective Vessel Thickness [teff]:

= t

= 10.310 mm.

Determine Parameter [Lamda]:

= min( 10, ( Dn + Tn )/( sqrt( ( Di + teff ) * teff )) )

= min( 10, (154.05 + 7.112 )/( sqrt((303.28 + 10.310 ) * 10.310 )) )

= 2.834

Compute Areas A1-A43 (No Pad) or A1-A5 (With Pad) :

Area Contributed by the Vessel Wall [A1]:

= t * LR * max( Lamda/4, 1 )

= 10.310 * 103.100 * max( 2.834/4, 1 )

= 10.630 cm

Area Contributed by the Nozzle Outside the Vessel Wall [A2]:

= tn * LH

= 7.112 * 28.566
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= 2.032 cm

Area Contributed by the Pad Fillet Weld [A42]:

= 0.5 * Leg422

= 0.5 * 6.0002

= 0.180 cm

Area Contributed by the Outside Fillet Weld [A41]:

= 0.5 * Leg412

= 0.5 * 10.0002

= 0.500 cm

Area Contributed by the Reinforcing Pad [A5]:

= min( W * te , LR * te )

= min( 50.862 * 8.000 , 103.100 * 8.000 )

= 4.069 cm

The total area contributed by A1 through A5 [AT]:

= A1 + frn( A2 + A3 ) + A41 + A42 + A43 + frp( A5 )

= 10.630+1.000(2.032+0.000)+0.500+0.180+0.000+1.000(4.069)

= 17.410 cm

Allowable Local Primary Membrane Stress [Sallow]:

= 1.5 * S * E

= 1.5 * 117.905 * 1.000

= 176.9 N./mm

Determine Force acting on the Nozzle [fN]:

= P * Rn( LH - t )

= 10.011 * 77.025 ( 28.566 - 10.310 )

= 143.5 Kgf

Determine Force acting on the Shell [fS]:

= P * Reff( LR + tn )
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= 10.011 * 151.640 ( 103.100 + 7.112 )

= 1706.1 Kgf

Discontinuity Force from Internal Pressure [fY]:

= P * Reff * Rnc

= 10.011 * 151.640 * 77.025

= 1192.3 Kgf

Area Resisting Internal Pressure [Ap]:

= Rn( LH - t ) + Reff( LR + tn + Rnc )

= 77.025 ( 28.566 - 10.310 ) + 151.640 ( 103.100 + 7.112 + 77.025 )

= 298.0 cm

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Candidate [Pmax1]:

= Sallow /( 2 * Ap/AT - Rxs/teff )

= 176.857/( 2 * 297.989/17.410 - 151.640/10.310 )

= 90.6 bars

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Candidate [Pmax2]:

= S[t/Reff]

= 117.905 [10.310/151.640 ]

= 80.2 bars

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure [Pmax]:

= min( Pmax1, Pmax2 )

= min( 90.582 , 80.159 )

= 80.159 bars

Average Primary Membrane Stress [SigmaAvg]:

= ( fN + fS + fY ) / AT

= ( 143.548 + 1706.073 + 1192.348 )/17.410

= 17.135 N./mm

General Primary Membrane Stress [SigmaCirc]:

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= P * Reff / teff

= 10.011 * 151.640/10.310

= 14.7 N./mm

Maximum Local Primary Membrane Stress [PL]:

= max( 2 * SigmaAvg - SigmaCirc, SigmaCirc )

= max( 2 * 17.135 - 14.724 , 14.724 )

= 19.5 N./mm

Summary of Nozzle Pressure/Stress Results:

Allowed Local Primary Membrane Stress Sallow 176.86 N./mm

Local Primary Membrane Stress PL 19.55 N./mm

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Pmax 80.16 bars

Strength of Nozzle Attachment Welds per 1-10 and U-2(g)

Discontinuity Force Factor [ky]:

= ( Rnc + tn ) / Rnc

= ( 77.025 + 7.112 )/77.025

= 1.092 For set-in Nozzles

Weld Length of Nozzle to Shell Weld [Ltau]:

= pi/2 * ( Rn + tn )

= pi/2 * ( 77.025 + 7.112 )

= 132.163 mm.

Weld Length of Pad to Shell Weld [LtauP]:

= pi/2 * ( Rn + tn + W )

= pi/2 * ( 77.025 + 7.112 + 50.862 )

= 212.057 mm.

Weld Throat Dimensions, (0.7071*Leg Dimensions) [L41T, L42T, L43T]:

= 7.071, 4.243, 0.000, mm.

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Weld Load Value [fwelds]:

= min( fy * ky, 1.5 * Sn( A2 + A3 ), pi/4*P*Rn^2*ky^2 )

= min(1192*1.09,1.5*117.9(2.032+0.000),pi/4*10.0*77.03^2*1.09^2)

= 567.576 Kgf

Discontinuity Force [fws]:

= fwelds * t * S/( t * S + te * Sp )

= 567.6*10.31*117/(10.310*117+8.000*117)

= 319.591 Kgf

Discontinuity Force [fwp]:

= fwelds * te * Sp / ( t * S + te * Sp )

= 567.6*8.00*117/(10.310*117+8.000*117)

= 247.985 Kgf

Shear Stress [tau1]:

= fws / ( Ltau * ( 0.6 * tw1 + 0.49 * L43T ) )

= 319.591/( 132.163 * ( 0.6 * 9.270 + 0.49 * 0.000 ) )

= 4.264 N./mm

Shear Stress [tau2]:

= fwp / ( Ltau * ( 0.6 * tw2 + 0.49 * L41T ) )

= 247.985/( 132.163 * ( 0.6 * 8.000 + 0.49 * 7.071 ) )

= 2.226 N./mm

Shear Stress [tau3]:

= fwp / ( Ltau * ( 0.49 * L42T ) )

= 247.985/( 212.057 * ( 0.49 * 4.243 ) )

= 5.517 N./mm

Maximum Shear Stress in the Welds:

= max( tau1, tau2, tau3 )

= max( 4.264 , 2.226 , 5.517 )

= 5.5 must be less than or equal to 117.9 N./mm

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Weld Size Calculations, Description: Noz N2 Fr20

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 7.1120 mm.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 8.0000 mm.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness

Nozzle Weld 4.9784 = 0.7 * tmin. 7.0700 = 0.7 * Wo mm.

Pad Weld 4.0000 = 0.5*TminPad 4.2420 = 0.7 * Wp mm.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 76.992 bars

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

Nozzle is O.K. for the External Pressure 1.034 bars

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 25.4831 mm.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 185.7931 mm.

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Nozzle Schedule : Step: 12 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Nozzle Schedule:

Nominal Flange Noz. Wall Re-Pad Cut

Description Size Sch/Type O/Dia Thk ODia Thick Length

in. Cls in. mm. mm. mm. mm.


Noz N1 Fr20 6.000 40 WNF 6.625 7.112 270.00 8.000 185.79

Noz N2 Fr20 6.000 40 WNF 6.625 7.112 270.00 8.000 185.79

General Notes for the above table:

The Cut Length is the Outside Projection + Inside Projection + Drop +

In Plane Shell Thickness. This value does not include weld gaps,

nor does it account for shrinkage.

In the case of Oblique Nozzles, the Outside Diameter must

be increased. The Re-Pad WIDTH around the nozzle is calculated as follows:

Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2

For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller

and thinner section.

Nozzle Material and Weld Fillet Leg Size Details:

Shl Grve Noz Shl/Pad Pad OD Pad Grve Inside

Nozzle Material Weld Weld Weld Weld Weld

mm. mm. mm. mm. mm.


Noz N1 SA-106 B 9.270 10.000 6.000 8.000 -

Noz N2 SA-106 B 9.270 10.000 6.000 8.000 -

Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.

Nozzle Miscellaneous Data:

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Elevation/Distance Layout Projection Installed In

Nozzle From Datum Angle Outside Inside Component

mm. deg. mm. mm.


Noz N1 Fr20 500.000 0.00 150.00 0.00 Shell

Noz N2 Fr20 500.000 180.00 150.00 0.00 Shell

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Nozzle Summary : Step: 13 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Nozzle Calculation Summary:

Description MAWP Ext MAPNC UG45 [tr] Weld Areas or

bars bars Path Stresses


Noz N1 Fr20 76.98 OK 0.00 OK 1.50 OK Passed

Noz N2 Fr20 76.98 OK 0.00 OK 1.50 OK Passed


Min. - Nozzles 76.98 Noz N2 Fr2 0.00 Noz N2 Fr20

Min. Shell&Flgs 51.09

Computed Vessel M.A.W.P. 51.09 bars

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles

From Node Nozzle Description Y Coordinate, Layout Angle, Dia. Limit

20 Noz N1 Fr20 550.800 0.000 374.475

20 Noz N2 Fr20 550.800 180.000 374.475

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= Sqrt( ll + lc ) where

ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.

lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected !

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MDMT Summary : Step: 14 10:17a Nov 7,2017

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results Summary :

Curve Basic Reduced UG-20(f) Thickness Gov E*

Description MDMT MDMT MDMT ratio Thk

Notes C C C mm.


Nozzle Flg [4] -29 -104 0.000

Nozzle Flg [4] -29 -104 0.000

Bottom Head [10] B -28 -47 -29 0.656 10.310 1.000

Bottom Head [7] B -28 -46 -29 0.670 10.310 1.000

Shell [8] B -28 -46 -29 0.670 10.310 1.000

Noz N1 Fr20 [1] B -29 -104 0.106 6.223 1.000

Nozzle Flg [4] -29 -104 0.106

Noz N2 Fr20 [1] B -29 -104 0.106 6.223 1.000

Nozzle Flg [4] -29 -104 0.106


Required Minimum Design Metal Temperature -29 C

Warmest Computed Minimum Design Metal Temperature -46 C


[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.

[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.

[ 4] - ANSI Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(c).

[ 5] - ANSI Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(b).

[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.

[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.

[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.

[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.

[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.

[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.

[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3

[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable

[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable

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[15] - Nozzle Material

[16] - Shell or Head Material

UG-84(b)(2) was not considered.

UCS-66(g) was not considered.

UCS-66(i) was not considered.


Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.

UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and

UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).

The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.

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Vessel Design Summary : Step: 15 10:17a Nov 7,2017

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2013

Diameter Spec : 323.900 mm. OD

Vessel Design Length, Tangent to Tangent 1199.90 mm.

Distance of Bottom Tangent above Grade 0.00 mm.

Distance of Base above Grade 0.00 mm.

Specified Datum Line Distance 50.80 mm.

Shell Material SA-106 B

Re-Pad Material SA-106 B

Internal Design Temperature 38 C

Internal Design Pressure 10.000 bars

External Design Temperature 93 C

External Design Pressure 1.034 bars

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 51.089 bars

External Max. Allowable Working Pressure 41.686 bars

Hydrostatic Test Pressure 66.416 bars

Required Minimum Design Metal Temperature -29 C

Warmest Computed Minimum Design Metal Temperature -46 C

Wind Design Code ASCE-93

Earthquake Design Code UBC-94

Element Pressures and MAWP: bars

Element Desc | Design Pres. | External | M.A.W.P | Corrosion

| + Stat. head | Pressure | | Allowance


Bottom Head 10.041 1.034 76.973 0.0000

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Shell 10.036 1.034 76.981 0.0000

Top Flange 10.000 1.034 51.100 0.0000

Top Cover 10.000 1.034 51.100 0.0000

Liquid Level: 825.64 mm. Dens.: 0.001 kg./cm Sp. Gr.: 0.510

Element "To" Elev Length Element Thk R e q d T h k Joint Eff

Type mm. mm. mm. Int. Ext. Long Circ


Ellipse 0.0 50.8 10.3 1.5 1.5 1.00 1.00

Cylinder 889.0 889.0 10.3 1.5 1.6 1.00 1.00

Body Flg 1019.0 130.0 50.8 No Calc No Calc 1.00 1.00

Body Flg 1149.1 130.0 50.8 No Calc No Calc 1.00 1.00

Element thicknesses are shown as Nominal if specified, otherwise are Minimum

Note: Wind and Earthquake moments include the effects of user defined

forces and moments if any exist in the job and were specified

to act (compute loads and stresses) during these cases. Also

included are moment effects due to eccentric weights if any are

present in the input.


Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 335.0 kg.

Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 425.5 kg.

Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 335.0 kg.

Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 335.0 kg.

Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 335.0 kg.

Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 364.8 kg.

Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 425.5 kg.

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