L32: Blood Cells: Learning Objectives
L32: Blood Cells: Learning Objectives
L32: Blood Cells: Learning Objectives
Learning objectives
Blood is a specialized liquid connective tissue made out of ECM and cells
o Extracellular matrix plasma : Clear, light yellow fluid over 50% of blood volume
o Water 92%
o Solutes nutrients, wastes, ions, hormones, gases
o Proteins
Albumin (60%) Most abundant, major contributor to viscosity and
osmolarity ( [] significantly affect blood volume and flow), transport lipids,
hormones, calcium and buffer pH
Globulins (36%) , , subclasses by weight
Solute transport, clotting and immunity
Fibronogen (4%) Clotting protein
All made by liver except by plasma cells
o Cells and cell fragments: Formed elements
o WBC Granulocytes or agranulocytes
o Platelets
Viscosity Osmolarity
Sequential site
Yolk sack Fetal liver Red bone marrow and lymphatic tissues
o Erythrocytes
syn Blood
Commit Nucleus
o Haematopoietic stem cell differentiates into erythrocyte CFU, through a series of precursors to
mature cell
o Entire process~ 3, 5 days, require amino acids, Iron, folic acid, vitamin B12
o Four major development:
1. Cell number 2. Cell size 3. Hemoglobin syn 4. Loss of organelles
o Controlled by blood oxygen level: Hypoxemialiver secretes erythropoietin
o Average lifespan: 120 days / 4 months
o Disposed by liver and spleen
o External glycolipids on RBCblood type
4 types: A, B, AB(universal recipient), O (universal donor)
Rh +/-
Genetically determined
Chemical composition of glycolipids on RBC antigens to activate immune response
if incompatible
Folate/vitamin B12
DNA x replicated