Physiological Integrity Oxygenation RN Resp
Physiological Integrity Oxygenation RN Resp
Physiological Integrity Oxygenation RN Resp
1 The nurse has received change-of-shift report about these four patients. Which
one will the nurse plan to assess first?
A. A 23-year-year-old patient with cystic fibrosis who has pulmonary function testing scheduled
in 30 minutes.
B. A 35-year-old patient with bacterial pneumonia and has a temperature of 100.2 F
C. A 46-year-old patient who is complaining of dyspnea after having a thoracentesis an hour ago.
D. A 77-year-old patient with TB who has three antitubercular medications due in 15 minutes.
A. Chest expansion.
B. Tactile fremitus.
C. Accessory muscle use.
D. Barrel chest.
A. Chest x-ray.
B. Spiral CT scan.
C. Bronchoscopy.
D. PET scan.
5. The nurse evaluates a patient with an acute asthma attack. Which
statement by the patient may be of concern regarding medication use?
A. The patient has been using the albuterol inhaler more frequently over the last 4 days.
B. The patient became very short of breath an hour before coming to the hospital.
C. The patient has been taking acetaminophen 650 mg every 6 hours for chest-wall pain.
D. The patient says there have been no acute asthma attacks during the last year.
6. The nurse admits a newborn male baby admitted to the nursery and notes
a family history of cystic fibrosis. The nurse should be alert for which of the
following conditions?
A. Poor thermoregulation.
B. Phenylketonuria.
C. Meconium ileus.
D. Cryptorchidism.
7. A patient who has sleep apnea has been using CPAP for 2 weeks returns
to the sleep clinic and tells the nurse, My sleep has not improved at all.
Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?
A. CPAP takes more than a few weeks to achieve the maximum effect.
B. Have you been using the CPAP every night?
C. Do you want to talk to the doctor about surgery?
D. Perhaps the CPAP pressure should be increased to a higher level.
A. The student pre oxygenates the patient for 2 minutes before suctioning.
B. The student applies suction for 10 seconds while withdrawing the catheter.
C. The student puts on clean gloves and uses a sterile catheter to suction.
D. The student inserts the catheter about 5 inches into the tracheostomy tube.
A. Suction the patients mouth and trachea before deflation of the cuff.
B. Measure the amount of air removed from the cuff during deflation.
C. Deflate the cuff during the inhalation phase of the respiratory cycle.
D. Clean the inner cannula of the tracheostomy tube before deflation.
10. A patient with an un-cuffed tracheostomy tube coughs violently during
suctioning and dislodges the tracheostomy tube. The nurses first action
should be to
A. Assess the patients oxygen saturation and call the health care provider.
B. Ventilate the patient with a manual bag mask until the health care provider arrives.
C. Insert the obturator and attempt to reinsert the tracheostomy tube.
D. Position the patient in an upright position with the neck extended.
11. A patient with laryngeal cancer has received teaching about radiation
therapy. Which statement by the patient indicates that the teaching has
been effective?
A. Azithromycin
B. Acetaminophen
C. Guaifenesin
D. Codeine phosphate
13. The nurse is caring for a client with cystic fibrosis who has difficulty
coughing up phlegm. What should you do?
14. A patient with active TB has just been started on drug therapy for TB.
The nurse informs the patient that isolation will end when:
15. A patient is receiving Isoniazid (INH). Which information will the nurse
include in the patient teaching plan?
16. A client has a TB skin test of 16-mm induration. Chest X-ray is negative
and no symptoms of TB. The community health nurse will plan on teaching
about the:
17. The nurse is performing TB screening in a clinic that has many patients
who have immigrated to the United States. Before doing a TB skin test on a
patient, which question is most important for the nurse to ask?
18. One hour post op left upper lobectomy, a patient rates incisional pain
level 7 out of 10 and has decreased left-sided breath sounds. The pleural
drainage system has 100 ml of bloody drainage and a continuous air leak.
Which action should the nurse take first?
20. Which clinical manifestation noted by the nurse is consistent with the
cor pulmonale diagnosis for a 68-year-old mans history of COPD?
22. The nurse who is caring for a patient receiving subcutaneous heparin
injections to treat a pulmonary embolus. Which assessment data is most
important to communicate to the health care provider?
A. Hand hygiene.
B. Ventilator bundle sets.
C. Hourly blood gases.
D. Head of bed elevation______.
E. Oral care_________when_________with________
F. Pulmonary hygiene/chest physiotherapy/turning
24. The high pressure alarm goes off on a client who is on mechanical
ventilation. What is the first action by the nurse?
A. Disconnect the client from the ventilator and use manual resuscitation.
B. Perform a quick assessment of the client's condition.
C. Call the respiratory therapist for help.
D. Press the alarm reset button on the ventilator
25. A client returns from the PACU with chest tube drainage. What would
you do first if there are no fluctuations in the water seal?
26. Which of the following vitamins will you teach the parent of a child with
cystic fibrosis to supplement in the childs daily diet?
A. Folic acid.
B. Biotin.
C. Niacin.
D. Vitamin A.
27. You are caring for an 8 year old who had a tonsillectomy. Which of the
following interventions should you question? Select all that apply:
A. Assist the client to cough and use the incentive spirometer hourly.
B. Place the client semi prone position to facilitate drainage.
C. Offer fluids that a child likes: chocolate milk and red ice pops.
D. Administer the prescribed antibiotic on time.
E. Use a straw to give cool fluids, like apple juice.
28. Pedro is brought to the urgent care with a recent onset fever and sore
throat. His voice is muffled with drooling and nasal flaring as he leans
forward. Select from the following your priority nursing actions if ordered
by the physician :( First, second and third)
29. A client is receiving oxygen via a non-rebreather mask. You know that
the equipment is functioning properly when:
30. You are evaluating the homecare aide who cares for a client with active
TB. The reports are negative for three sputum tests for AFB. You know the
aide understood your directions when:
31. After the physician intubated the client with an endotracheal tube, the
nurse should first check for tube placement by:
33. The nurse would document which of the following as positive finding in
a client with AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) who had a TB
skin test 2 days ago?
A. An induration of 6mm.
B. An erythema of 10mm
C. Small, purple, brown lesions 4mm.
D. Blister like vesicles of 3mm.
34. Which of the following statements during a conference on physical
appraisal would a nurse expect the student nurse to identify as correct
sequence for a focused thoracic assessment?
A. ___Auscultate the anterior/posterior chest
B. ___Percuss for tympani
C. ___Palpate for tactile/vocal fremitus
D. ___Inspect for symmetry
E. ___Perform a pulse oximetry
35. After a care conference with student nurses during their pediatric
rotation on epiglottitis, LTB-croup, RSV, bronchitis, the students noted that
a common treatment modality is:
36. A 36 year old female comes to the ED with chest pain. She has a Pa02 of
60 mm Hg and a PaC02 of 35 mm Hg. Meds used: Ibuprofen & Depo Provera,
tobacco. You should anticipate treatment for?
A. Pleural effusion.
B. Emphysema.
C. Gastro esophageal reflux.
D. Pulmonary emboli.
E. Pneumonia
37. The nurse receives a telephone report on four clients. Which client
should be of immediate concern?
A. TB client who was diagnosed four weeks ago and has not received treatment.
B. TB client who has three negative sputum cultures.
C. TB client who is an alcoholic and last had a drink six hours ago.
D. TB client who has been treated for laryngeal cancer.
38. A client who has COPD is concerned about getting a flu shot and the
pneumonia vaccine. Which statement by the nurse is accurate?
A. "If you got the flu shot last year, you will not need one this year."
B. "Because the flu shot is good for five years you will not need one this year."
C. "You should receive the flu shot annually; the pneumonia vaccine is good for five years."
D. "We will give you both injections in the same arm to minimize discomfort."
39. Which of the following clients is most at risk for developing community
acquired pneumonia?
40. How does the expected course of treatment for TB differ for children and
pregnant women compared to an adult client with tuberculosis?
41. Which of these nursing priorities should the nurse perform on a 34 week
gestation who is on Terbutaline for pre term labor?
42. Albuterol and Fluticasone are prescribed via MDI (metered dose
inhaler). How will the nurse instruct the client on the correct
A. "Take the medications when your chest feels tight and you have difficulty breathing."
B. "Take the Fluticasone first, rinse your mouth and wait three minutes and take the 2 puffs of
Proventil as prescribed"
C. "Take one puff of the Albuterol wait at least one minute, take the second puff, and wait again
, take the Fluticasone one puff and rinse out your mouth and the mouthpiece."
D. "Shake both your inhalers, remove the cap, attach the spacer, and inhale deeply with your
lips on the spacer mouthpiece at the same time press down on the inhaler and exhale slowly."
43. The nurse measures the head circumference and chest circumference of
an 18 month-old infant. The nurse compares the two measurements to each
other and notes they are approximately the same. What action should the
nurse take?
45. A patient has been instructed in pursed-lip breathing. The patient asks
the nurse the purpose behind this breathing pattern. The nurse's best
response to this question would be:
46. The nurse is caring for a client whose chest tube is accidentally
disconnected, what should the nurse plan to do first?
47. Which of the following would be most appropriate for a client with an
arterial blood gas (ABG) of pH 7.5, PaCO2 26 mm Hg, O2 saturation 96%,
HCO3 24 mEq/L, and PaO2 94 mm Hg?
48. At 11 p.m., a male client is admitted to the emergency department. He
has a respiratory rate of 44 breaths/minute. Hes anxious, and wheezes are
audible. The client is immediately given oxygen by face mask and
Methylprednisolone (Depo-Medrol) I.V. At 11:30 p.m., the clients arterial
blood oxygen saturation is 86% and hes still wheezing. The nurse should
plan to administer:
A. alprazolam (Xanax).
B. propranolol (Inderal)
C. morphine.
D. albuterol (Proventil).
50. A black male client with asthma seeks emergency care for acute
respiratory distress. Because of this clients dark skin, the nurse should
assess for cyanosis by inspecting the:
A. Lips.
B. Mucous membranes.
C. Nail beds.
D. Earlobes.
52. The client has been receiving Garamycin 65 mg IVPB every 8 hours for
the past 6 days. Which lab result indicates an adverse reaction to the
A. WBC 7500
B. Serum glucose 98
C. Protein 3.5
D. Serum creatinine 2.0
53. The morning meds for a client with cystic fibrosis are about to be
administered. The client ask if it can be mixed with applesauce. You will:
54. A client who weighs 175 lbs. (79.4 kg) is receiving aminophylline (400
mg in 500 ml) at 50 ml/hour. The aminophylline level is reported as 6
mcg/ml. The nurse calls the physician orders the nurse to change the
dosage to 0.45 mg/kg/hour. The nurse should:
A. Bronchitis
C. Epiglottitis
D. Pneumothorax
A. Hand washing
B. Keeping the door closed
C. Contact precautions
D. Upon leaving the room, remove goggles, gown, mask and then gloves
E. Patient does not need to wear a mask when leaving room
57. A nurse is gathering data on a client with a diagnosis of TB. The nurse
reviews the results of which diagnostic test is most sensitive and rapid that
will confirm tuberculosis?
A. 30ml/hour
B. 40mllhr
C. 50mllhr
D. 60ml/hr
60. You just finished suctioning a client with MRSA. When/where do you
Take off your gloves?