Bone Ash Project 1-3 On Progress Qa
Bone Ash Project 1-3 On Progress Qa
Bone Ash Project 1-3 On Progress Qa
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Aim ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Content of this Thesis ................................................................................................................... 4
2 Literature Review .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Alternative materials for substituting Portland Cement Mixture ................................................. 5
2.1.1 Pozzolanic Materials ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Factors that influences the strength and durability of Cement Mix proportion ........................ 14
2.3 Laboratory tests on to determine the relative compressive strength of cube mortar. ............. 14
2.3.1 NON destructive test UPV ................................................................................................... 14
3 Medothology....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Description of Laboratory Tests .................................................................................................. 15
3.1.1 Mixtures .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.2 Flow test .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.1.3 Molding and Curing test...................................................................................................... 18
3.1.4 Laboratory Test to determine the homogeneity of the Cube Mortar Using UPV .............. 20
3.1.5 Laboratory Test on the Crushing Strength .......................................................................... 23
4 Presentation and Discussion of Result ................................................................................................ 24
References .................................................................................................................................................. 25
In regards to the fast growing and massive construction in the industry, the cost of cement
production is of high demand due to its main constituent. Additionally, the high demand of
conventional aggregates for cement or concrete mixture has adversely caused an ecological
imbalance to the earth. This prompts the necessity for research for alternative material which
could be substitute for cement. Moreover several researchers have contributed to this area of
research by proposing substitute materials which meets the suitable strength and durability of
cement paste or concrete mixtures (Adaba et al, 2012). Most of these researchers focused their
research on maximum economy of the substitute material in terms of volume stability, cost and
reduction of energy dissipation during cement or concrete raw mix production (Jackson et al,
Cement is considers as a bonding agents when mixed with water and other additive liquid to
produce a paste termed cement paste or mortar. In every production of 1 ton of cement, a certain
quantity of CO2 is dissipated into the atmosphere which is indirectly causes pollution in the
sense that, the ozone layers are depleted and the oxygen is reduced in the environment. Still
much adverse effect observed from cement production to the ecosystem is seen considering
about 1.6 ton of natural resources are consumed. This requires a large amount of energy for the
The application of substitute materials such as bone ash, rice husk, recycled concrete, Palm oil,
wood ash are seen to be adequate substitute for cement mixture. Though as much benefit is
obtain in production terms integrity of the cement mixture is diminish. This fact is valid
considering law of diminishing return. Most of these suitable binders substitute are pozzolanic
materials. Pozzolans material are cementing material with siliceous, aluminous of both has its
main constituent. These main proves better integrity of cement mixture in considering
segregation, reducing bleeding in all adequate workability of the mixtures (Uwe, 2015). . Palm
oil fuel ash, rice husk ash and wood ash contains pozzolanic material thus; they can be used as
cement replacement material since; their chemical composition meets the standard of ASTM.
Adding pozzolans as cement replacement material to concrete would reduce the slump and
increase the water demand due to the high neness of these replacement materials According to
However, this thesis work was on bone ash which is rich in calcium carbonate which is an
important content for Ordinary Portland cement. Bone ash is commonly used in industries for
ceramic production a common product is the China porcelain. This is in concern to the strength
and reduction in weight of its product compared to full Portland cement mixtures. Some
researchers have proven from results obtained from the strength and cost analysis of the various
types of cement replacement materials showed that the bone powder ash had the highest
compressive strength due to its large amount of C3S while, rice husks ash had the highest value
of C2S (Adaba et al, 2012).
As it is expected that the primary function of the substituting material is the strength of the
concrete, the most influential factor to determine the full strength if the cement is curing despite
the cement mixture invariable affects the strength. The strength of the cement mixture increase
as the days of curing increases. The variable factor is the extent of hydration of the cement
mixture while place inside a deep clean water having a normal temperature. Thus, hydration of
the bone ash mixture in the concrete is relevant in this thesis which indirectly affects the cement
On other hand, the mixture of the bone ash- cement paste homogeneity would varies which
affects the elastic modulus, density, void and that account for the strength of the its mixture. The
Ultrasound Pulse velocity apparatus is a commonly used to examine the density and voids. Its
other application measures structural engineering parameters which are detecting defects and
assess deterioration. Ultrasonic wave propagation characteristics that can be used for these
purposes are: velocity attenuation, frequency, and energy (Udegbunam et al. 1999). These test
evaluates were presented in relative to the curing days of the cement paste in this thesis.
Obviously, the strength of the BA cement mixtures is expected to vary to amount of the BA
percentage substitutes for the cement. Hence, this concern to the relative increase in strength of
the BA cement mixture to UPV measured properties and curing days.
1.2 Objectives
Prepare three cube mould of the Portland cement mixture with percentage substitute of
0%, 20%, 30% and 40% of bone ash
Determination of the workability of the different mixtures focusing more on the
consistency of the mixture through flow test.
Carryout curing test which is necessary in determine the difference in the cube mortars
Determination and homogeneity (elastic modulus, void) of the cube mortar a non-
destructive test (UPV)
Establish a relative equation between the UPV and crushing compressive strength of the
cube mortar to determine the actual compressive strength relative to curing days.
The following subjects where review In order to acquire a good understanding of this research
topic and establish a logic methodology in attaining the aim and objectives, the following
subjects were reviewed;
Alternative materials for substituting Portland Cement Mixture; Pozzolans and Bone ash
properties and performance with Portland Cement mixture.
Factors that influences the strength and durability of Cement Mix proportion
Pozzolans are powder like materials that reacts with lime powder, commonly ordinary Portland
cement which releases CO2 by hydration of the cement, to form compound to strengthen or bind
other properties of the concrete or mortar mixtures (B, King, 2000). Pozzolans are siliceous or
in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture will chemically react with calcium
hydroxide (CH) to form a compound with cementitious value according to this general equation:
Pozzolans + CH = C-S-H
Calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) is the strength-forming products of cement hydration (Yilmaz,
They are different approach for the usage of pozzolans mortar that is well recommended for lime
preparation of the pozzolans material by control the dampening down to modest suction, use of
small volumes of mortar, regulate the rate of curing and protection from the harsh weather
The hardened process of an ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is by drying and carbonation. This
transition is achieved by the conversion of the calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) to calcium
carbonate by reacting with the atmospheric carbon dioxide. Other other hand, an hydraulic
mortar becomes hardened by chemical reactions between calcium hydroxide and reactive
silicates aluminates in the presence of water. In natural hydraulic lime, the reacting minerals,
that is, silicates and aluminates are supplied by the clay minerals. Where hydraulic setting of
pozzolan mixture are required, the minerals for not in sufficient quantities to reach the setting
Where pozzolan are used as additive for any lime mortar, regardless of hydraulic and non-
hydraulic modifies the characteristics. Their reaction assist to form stable reaction compound in
compressive strength hand density of the mortar varies with the types of pozzolan material, also
increases as the porosity reduces. Moreover, the softer the pozzolanic material, less
impermeable and flexible the mortar mixture. Likewise, the harder the pozzolanic material which
are usually hard-burned materials, such as fly ash would react to produce a harder mortar closer
to the hardness of ordinary Portland cement. An example of a softer pozzolan is a brick dust
Past research have argued that early setting and increased in durability of lime mortar can be
achieved by addition of small ratio of cement to the pozzolan material. However, research have
proven that the pozzolan gauge for lime mortar are not durable unless in a relative ratio of
pozzolan cement are around 1:1. The ratio produces a very hard and brittle mortar that may not
be conservative enough for usage. Similar situation could also occur in some modern high fired
15 million tons used in concrete, concrete production and grout in the U.S in 2005 (ACAA20
06). The average percentage usage of fly ash in concrete ranges from 15% to 25% by mass of the
climate. Higher percentage are of ranges of 30% to 50% applicable for massive structures such
as foundation and dams to modest temperature rise. Recent research have demonstrated high
percentage proportion of 40% to 60% can be adopted for structural applications with good
expected for the use of higher percentage such as slow setting times and strength development
which causes early-age strength, thus slow down the rate of construction.
These shortcomings are observed particularly in cold weather concreting. In additional, the
durability of the concrete may be affected with regards to resistance to deicer-salt scaling and
Nevertheless, they is an optimum quantity of fly ash required to optimised the technical
performance of the mixture relative to the environmental and economic benefits without
affecting the rate of construction and long term performance of the finished product. The
maximum quantity of fly ash will be a subjective to the wide range of parameters and must be
that of a full Portland cement mixture. The other words, the workability of the cement mixture
would be reduces compared to the Portland cement mixture. But, the variant of the water content
is relative to the nature of the fly ash and other mix material. It is estimated that, there about
10% of the fly ash reduces 3% of the actual water content for Portland cement mixture.
A good ratio of fly ash to Portland cement would increase the workability of the mortar
compared to a Portland full fixture of the same slump. This indicates the flowability for fly ash
cement mixture is better than that of Portland cement mixture when vibrated. Cohesiveness and
segregation is improved with the fly ash use in the mixture. The fly ash cement mix is lubricated
the spherical particles which ease flow when pumping the mixture and wearing of the equipment.
The provision for fly ash to be added to a cement of about 50% should be satisfactory but
precaution should be considered for the required early strength for the project and adequate moist
curing. However, the necessary fly ash provision may be determine by the finishing
requirement. Where proper curing cannot be provided for the mortar or concrete mixtures, the
amount of fly ash should be limited to about less than 25% ratio of the Portland cement.
Slag material
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag GGBS are also commonly known as slag cement. It was
first developed in Germany in 1853 (Malhotra 1996). It began to be use as a cementitious
material in the early 1900s (Abram 1925). They are by-products form discharge in large amount
by the production process of iron and steel. The necessity of recycling slag in order to promote
sustainability in the ecosystem as per reducing environmental pollution. This pozzolan material
requires certain properties that as quite difficult to obtain form natural material. Though the
relevance of attaining a friendly ecosystem in this 21st century has prompt the necessity of saving
energy and reduction of carbon dioxide. In North America region, the commonly concrete or
mortar mixture constitute a partial replacement between 30% and 70% (PCA, 2000).
Lime (CaO) and silica (SiO2) are the primary minerals which constitute a slag and similar
minerals are contains in an ordinary Portland cement. This means that a slag is soluble in pure
water and exhibits alkalinity. When heated to a high temperature of 1,200C or greater, the
The rapid quenching facilitate the formation of the granulated slag and when properly done,
expected hydraulic property. Hence, this hydraulic property makes it effective for slag to be used
as pozzolan material preferred for cement replacement. In the case, when the hydraulic material
is slowly cool, then the hydraulic inert cannot provide the required effectiveness to be used as
pozzolanic material. Although, the application of GGBS in form of Portland slag cement is not
common in some places (India) and experiences of adopting it as a partial replacement of cement
or mortar mixture.
As similar to the case of fly ash, the water to cement ratio content is reduced as the percentage of
GGBS is increased. The affects the workability of the cement mixture, likewise the delay in
construction and finish. However, the hydration during curing is controlled which might be
preferable for required early strength of the concrete or cement mixture. The limitation is that the
retardation of the hydration heat slows the setting time of the mixture.
Bone ash is a produce of animal bone commonly used for china ceramics, up to 50% of the
ceramic weight. Its process of production is done by removing any meat articulated to the bone.
The bones is then treated to remove organic material by heating the bones to about 1000C or
more. During the process of heating, the bones are sterilised as well. Afterward they are grind
A research conducted at Universit Paul Sabatier in Castres, France in to determine the physical
and chemical properties if an incinerated bone or pulverised bones. The result showed that
pulverised bones are rich in calcium were calcium (30.7%) and phosphate (56.3%), that a rich
compounds, mainly a mixture of Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 and Ca3(PO4)2. A significant amount of
sodium (2.7%), potassium (2.5%) and magnesium (0.8%) were also observed. The prompt of this
research was the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis in the European beef industry
as an effect of importing of waste products have been banned by the European community. Thus
the need for alternative disposal or recycling of the meat or bone meal waste product was
established (Deydier E., et al. 2005).
Moreover, the use of bone ash would be very applicable in developing country where livestock is
staple food production and relative to the fact for limitation of cement materials. The use of one
incinerated or pulverised bone can be considered as artificial pozzolanic material. Bone ash are
force to constitute the hydraulic property by calculating them are higher temperatures (Yilmaz,
The composition of a pulverised bone ash was compared to that of a Portland cement
composition. Table 2 presents the differences in percentage. The similarity between these
materials is of minimal differences for most of the minerals yet, pulverised bine bone cannot be a
cementitious material without the present of cement (BS 12, 1996). The reason for this
ambiguity is that unlike during cement production, the pulverise bones, do not go through much
Table 2-2 Comparison of chemical composition of Portland cement and pulverised bone (aggregate form of
bone ash) (Falade, 2012)
The loss of ignition is limited is measured by considering the extent of carbonation and hydration
of free lime and free magnesium due to atmospheric exposure of the pulverised bone (1.14%).
The alkaline property cause by the combination of K2O and Na2O for pulverised bone is 2.18%
which is low. This is beneficial considering the possible reduction of the destructive alkali
aggregate reaction (Neville, A. M. 2003). Also, the limits pulverise bone alkalinity is free from
cyanide which is an agent of corrosion of reinforcement. In addition, the specific gravity is
lower than that of Portland cement which indicate the applicability of pulverised bone ash
mixture to be a light weight cement or concrete mixture.
A research study was done (Falade et al, 2012), that the partial replacement of pulverised bone
ash to cement paste and mortar. It was concluded that the replacement of 20% cement with
pulverised bone have no significant effect for a 28 days compressive strength of a full Portland
cement mixture (control specimen without pulverised bone).
Afterward, the workability of the mortar mixtures was examined before placing them into the moulds.
The necessary full Portland or BA mixtures was mixed as described in section (Mixture)
Then the mortar mixture was poured into the truncated cone and then flush
Next, the mortar mixture is tap 20 -25 times with a tamp rod to prevent air entrapment
and void
The filled truncated cone is vibrated as well
Top of the truncated cone filled with the mortar mixture is flushed with a trowel
Afterward, the truncated cone filled with mortar mixture is lifted and instantly dropping
the truncated cone 20 times in a circular manner at the ends of the poured mortar mixture
less than 15 second.
Allow the mortar mixture to flow freely and settle
Lastly the average diameter of the spread is estimated as the difference between the
diameter (25cm) initial base of the truncated cone and the maximum diameter of the
spread for both perpendicular directions was sum up and then divided by diameter of
initial cone base. The result is represented
Example 3.1
For 0% BA mixtures consistency is evaluated as below:
BA %Mixtures 0 20 30 40
Diameters (cm) 17.7 17.5 1 2
Flow % 70.8 70 4 8
The result 70.8% from the full Portland cement mixture indicates the relative high degree
of wetness compared to others as the BA% mixture is increased to 40%. This explains the
reduction in consistency of the mortar mixture as more volume of bone ash are
substituted for the Portland cement. In practical terms, the mortar mixture, the lesser the
workability rate the mortar which thus gives difficulty of to site men. The setting time
and hardening time of the concrete is quicker. Therefore, if a higher percentage of bone
ash is to be used, then the mixtures is to be made of use immediately on site. The
conventional acceptable flow percent value for a good workability mortar in terms of
consistency is estimated to be 100 5% (Masonry construction world, 2015). In making
comparison of the flow test result to 100 5%, implies the water to cement ratio of the
mortar is quite minimal to improve the consistency ignoring the high cohesion, that poor
resistance to segregation observed as the BA proportion to Portland cement is increased.
The main variable which influences the aim of this research is the curing period of the
cube mortar mixtures. This influences the water absorption, homogeneity properties
(density, elastic modulus, capillarity a) of the cube material and likewise the compressive
strength of the cube mortar. A sequence of moulding and curing the cube mortar
The moulds were well assembled and oiled with lubricant to allow ease in
releasing the mortar after hardening
After evaluating the workability of each of the BA mixtures, they were poured
into cubic moulds to form the cube BA mix mortars
At this time the mortars had hardened which was then labelled accordingly to the
batch mixtures.
The delay in transition of the sound wave estimates the relative porosity of the cube mortar to its
density or volume. Also the elastic property of the influences the velocity of the sound waves
Example 2 Evaluation the modulus of elasticity for 10% BA mixture where UPV was measured
2874 m/s after 24 hours of curing
Mortar density
It was observed as the curing days increased which influence the compressive strength of the
concrete, the modulus of elasticity increases. This effect is shown graphically in figure 3 where
the was observed that the modulus of elasticity , E of BA 0% (full Portland cement mixture)
stands to have a higher modulus of elasticity which depicts a better homogeneity properties, that
per se adequate durability for construction. Hence, it could be agreed that the substitution of
bone ashes reducing the durability of the mortar mixtures. Table 3 summarizes the UPV in
respect to their expected durability for construction in respect to the curing days .
BA 0%
BA 20%
BA 30%
BA 40%
3145.00 3827.67
UPV value m/s
Figure 5 Relationship between Modulus of elasticity and UPV in respect to the adopted curing sequence days (day 1 and day
Table 3-3 Summary and remark of estimated modulus of elasticity E in respect to the curing days and UPV
UPV Modulus of Remark on Mortar in respect to
Curing day
m/s elasticity, E UPV
Adequate, but durability
3145.00 14.19 1
condition is uncertain
BA 0%
3827.67 17.27 7 Very Adequate
Inadequate for construction, poor
2990.67 13.50 1
BA 20% Tagged good - very good, but
3686.33 16.63 7
slight possibly of porosity
Inadequate for construction, poor
2930.67 13.22 1
BA 30% Tagged good - very good, but
3686.33 16.63 7
slight possibly of porosity
Inadequate for construction, poor
2555.67 11.53 1
BA 40% Adequate, but durability
3433.33 15.49 7
condition is uncertain
After the homogeneity content of the cube are determined, the cube mortar is taken to the
uni-axial compressive machine.
The sitting platform for the concrete is cleaned thoroughly before plating the cube mortar
The cube is arrange properly with I side facing the compressive hammer. The hammer is
rest on the upward side of the cube mortar.
Next, the blind screen was used to cover the crushing machine to take caution while the
cube mortar is crushed.
The compressive mortar was set to application of load at
C3S and C2S are two important compounds responsible for strength. Together they constitute 70 to 80%
of cement (Neville and Brooks, 2003).
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Association,, 2006.
Marceau, M.L., Gajda, J., and VanGeem, M.G., Use of Fly Ash in Concrete: Normal and High
Volume Ranges, PCA R&D Serial No. 2604, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 2002.
Malhotra, V.M. and Mehta, P.K., High-Performance, High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete.
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[20] Neville, A. M. (2003). Properties of Concrete. Pearson Education, 4th Edition.
Chavan, et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249
8974 Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies /II/IV/July-Sept., 2013/95-98 Research Paper PERFORMANCE