Impression Making
Impression Making
Impression Making
Alginate impression.
1. Full dentulous stock Impression tray
2. Periphery wax
3. Adhesive (spray or paint on).
4. Alginate powder.
5. Water gauge.
6. Scoop.
7. Rubber bawl (flexible and not stiff).
8. Spatula for mixing with good handle, with a firm, and flexible
blade with average measurement of 3cm width and 15 cm
9. Dental napkins.
10. Plaster nipper.
Impression tray
Impression tray, is the instrument into which the impression material
will be loaded, and inserted in the patient mouth, to obtain an
impression of the teeth and the surrounding tissue structure. How ever,
The retention of the impression in the tray during removal from the
patient after complete set of the impression material, is very important
since any dislodgment of the impression from the tray, may will set an
error in the resulting print, thus securing of the impression into the tray
should be carefully achieved, by selecting a tray provided by one