TABLE 4-1 Minimum Plumbing Facilities
TABLE 4-1 Minimum Plumbing Facilities
TABLE 4-1 Minimum Plumbing Facilities
Whenever urinals are provided, one (1) water closet is subtracted from the number specified on the table,
except that the number of water closets in such cases shall not be reduced to less than two-thirds (2/3) of
the minimum specified.
1. The figures shown are based upon one (1) fixture being the minimum required for the number or persons
indicated or any faction thereof.
2. Building categories not shown on this table shall be considered separately by the Administrative Authority.
3. Dringking fountains shall not be installed in toilet rooms.
4. Laundry trays. One (1) laundry tray or one (1) automatic washer standpipe for each dwelling unit or two (2)
laudry trays or two automatic washer standpipes, or combination thereof, for each ten (10) apartments.
Kitchen sinks, one (1) for each dwelling or appartment unit
5. As required by ANSI Z4. 1 , Sanitation in Places of Employment.
6. Where there is exposure to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious, or irritating materials, provide one
(1) lavatory foe each five (5) persons.
7. Wide 609.6mm or wash sink 457.2mm diameter a circular basin, when provided with water outlets for such
space, shall be considered equivalent to one (1) lavatory.
8. Laundry trays. One (1) for each fifty (50) persons. Slop sinks, one (1) for each 100 persons.
9. General. In applying this schedule of facilities, consideration must be given to the accessibility of the
fixtures. Conformity purely on a numerical basis may not result in an installation suited to the need of the
individual establishment. For example, school should be provided with toilet facilities on each floor having
classrooms. Temporary workingmen facilities, one (1) water closet and one (1) urinal for each thirty (30)
a. Surrounding materials, wall ample floor space to a point 0.6 meter in front of urinal lip and 1.2m
above the floor and at least 0.6m to each side of the urinal shall be lined with non-absorbent materials
b. Trough urinal are prohibited.
10. A restaurant is defined as a business, which sells food to be consumed on the premises.
a. The number of occupants for a drive-in restaurant shall be considered as equal to the number or
parking stalls.
b. Employee toilet facilities are not be included in the above restaurant requirements. Hand washing
facilities must be available in the kitchen employees.
11. When food is consumed indoors, water stations may be substituted for drinking fountains. Theaters,
auditoriums, dormitories, offices, or public buildings for use by more than six (6) persons shall have one (1)
dringking fountain for the first seventy-five (75) persons and one (1) additional fountain for each one hundred
and fifty (150) persons thereafter.
12. There shall be a minimum of one (1) dringking fountain per occupied floor in school, theaters, auditoriums,
dormitories, offices or public building.
13. The total number of water closets for females shall be at least equal to the total number of water closet and
urinals required for males.