Upper Ks2 Football Reading Comprehension

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Education: Football Reading Comprehension

The Beautiful Game

In 2014, more than one billion people watched the FIFA (football) World
Cup Final between Argentina and Germany on television. Football (also
known as soccer) is the worlds most popular sport. There are football
leagues in 208 countries of the world and billions of people play football
worldwide each day. Some professional footballers are amongst the
highest paid sports people in the world, receiving hundreds of thousands
of pounds a week just for playing a game! How did this simple sport
become so popular?

The Origins of Football

Nobody is entirely certain where football began, but examples of ball

games that are a bit like football date back as early as the 3rd century BC
in China. It was actually a way of training soldiers, using a ball filled with
feathers, which was kicked between a net made of bamboo canes.

Later on, in Britain, football was associated with violence and

drunkenness and some kings, such as James I of Scotland in 1424, tried
to ban people from playing it! However, football was a very popular
game and people ignored these laws. Football was extremely rough
back then and it did not have any official rules like it does now.

The Modern Game

Football as we know it today

began in England in 1863. This is
why Britain is known as the
home of football. The Football
Association (FA) was formed.
This was footballs first ever
governing body. Football started
to have official rules and it was
played in famous schools such as
Eton. Soon there were 50
professional football teams and in 1872, the first ever FA cup was
played. Football soon became popular all over the world, particularly in
countries that were part of the British Empire. The first World Cup was
played in 1930.

Sometimes football is still associated with violence and unruly behaviour.

However, it also brings people together, teaching them how to play by
Elliott Education: Football Reading Comprehension

the rules, to be part of a team and helping them to stay fit and healthy.
During the First World War, in 1914, British and German soldiers were
said to have had a 24-hour ceasefire on
Christmas day and even played a game of Glossary
football in No-Mans Land.
Governing Body An
It is estimated that 2.65 billion people, both men organisation that make
and women, girls and boys, play football each rules and decisions about
how something should be
year. Most play for enjoyment. Some of the
popularity of football is probably down to the fact
that you dont need much equipment to play it: No-Mans Land An area
just a ball, something to mark out goals (even a between the two fighting
coat or a jumper will do!) and a surface to play trenches in the First
on. Once you have these things, youre ready to World War.
go and have fun!

Questions: Answer in full sentences.

1. Which teams played each other in the 2014 World Cup final?

2. Why is the phrase (also known as soccer) in brackets?

3. Why did they play a game like football in 3rd century China?

4. What equipment did the Ancient Chinese use in their game?

5. Why did James I of Scotland try to ban football?

6. Why is Britain known as the home of football?

7. Copy out and complete this table

Fact Opinion
There were 50 professional
football teams.
Football brings people together.

The first World Cup was played

in 1930.

8. What helped football become popular in other parts of the world?

9. What 3 benefits of football are mentioned in paragraph 5?

10. What 3 things do you need to play football, according to paragraph 6?

Elliott Education: Football Reading Comprehension


1. Argentina and Germany played each other in the 2014 World

Cup Final.
2. The phrase is in brackets as it is extra information.
3. They played football to train their soldiers.
4. They used a ball filled with feathers and nets made of bamboo
5. He tried to ban it because it was causing violence and
6. Britain is called the home of football because the first ever
football association was set up here.

7. Fact Opinion
There were 50 professional x
football teams.
Football brings people together. x

The first World Cup was played x

in 1930.

8. The British Empire helped football to become popular around

the world.
9. A) Teaches you to play be the rules B) Teaches you to play as
part of a team C) Keeps you fit and healthy.
10. You need a ball, something to mark out the goals and a
surface to play on.

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