Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Saidu Sharif Swat Travelling Allowance
Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Saidu Sharif Swat Travelling Allowance
Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Saidu Sharif Swat Travelling Allowance
Instructions: Prepare your bill in light of TA/ DA rules. Rates given on next page.
Name: ________________ Desig:__________ BPS: _____ Running Basic Pay: _______ Account No.:______ Duties verified
Bank Name: ___________________ Bank Code:_________ Cheque No. ________________ Dated:_______
Purpose of Journey:________________________________________________________________________
Dates of Journey Mileage by Road Daily Allowance Total Asstt. Supdt. Asstt. Controller
Nature of
Departure Arrival Journey No. D.A
Distance Amount Amount Amount
Bus/car Rate of per
Station Date Hour Station Date Hour (km) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Days day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Signature: __________________________
Address: ___________________________
Grand Total:
N.B. 1. Gazetted staff claiming T.A by own car must submit car registration and pay slip.
Certified that Mr. ______________________ is drawing Basic Pay Rs. _____________ (excluding allowances) in BPS__________
Received Payment
Signature and Seal of the Head of Institution
1. Daily Allowance Rates 1. Travel Allowance Rates