Ripped Workout Breakdown

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#1 Get Ripped _54_ Minutes

Jari Love

Simple Exercises
NO Pulses

Jari & Crew Barb

Length Type Detail Weight Range Reps Equipment Wgt Wgt Wgt

5:00 Warm-Up Dead Lifts, Dead Rows 15 / 20 / 30 Barbell 15

Biceps Curls, Shoulder Press --- or
Squats & STRETCH 14 (2x7)
3:45 Lower Glutes/Quads: Squats 15 / 20 / 30 36 Barbell 25
Inner Thighs: Plie Squats 14
Glutes/Quads: Squats 21
4:10 Upper Chest: Push Ups --- 8 N/A
Chest: Chest Press (2 Sets: 36 + 18) 10 / 20 54 14 (2x7)
3:25 Upper Back: Pullovers 1x 5 / 10 / 15 39 Single 8
INSERT Lower Leg Press w/ Weights & Tall Box Climb N/A 75 Single 12
3:25 Upper Triceps (Skull Crushers) 10 / 15 / 20 8 14 (2x7)
Triceps (Triceps Press) 6
Triceps (COMBO: Skull Crushers & Tri. Press) 16
INSERT Upper Triceps Kickbacks N/A 32 Single 10
7:30 Lower Adducter - Inner Thigh Lifts (32 Each Leg) Body 64 N/A
Abductor - Outer Thigh Lifts & Shootouts (42 Each Leg) or Ankle Wgt. 84
8:15 Upper Back: Dead Lifts 15 / 20 12 Barbell 25
Back: Dead Rows 25
Back: (COMBO: Dead Lifts & Dead Rows) 17
INSERT Upper Back: Single Rows N/A 24 Single 15
3:15 Lower Quads: Dips (18 Each Leg) Body / 20 36 Barbell 25
4:10 Upper Biceps: Biceps Curls 15 / 20 42 12 (2x6)
6:00 Upper Shoulders: Side (Bent Arm) Delt Lifts (2 Sets: 18 + 22) 10 / 20 40 8 (2x4)
Shoulders: Anterior Delt Lifts (2 Sets: 16 + 18) 36 6 (2x3)
ABS - Lower Feet to Floor (Bent Knee), Crunches, Oblique
4:25 --- ---
ABS Crunches
3:50 Stretch STRETCH --- ---

Date Ex. Time In Zone Zone Range Avg. HR Cal.s Burned % Fat
#2 Slim & Lean _65_ Minutes
Jari Love


Simple Exercises

Jari & Crew Barb

Length Type Detail Equipment Weight Range Reps Equipment Wgt Wgt Wgt

4:52 Warm-Up Squats, Single Row, Combo, Triple Row, 5 / 10 8 (2 x 4)

Anterior Raise, Shoulder Press, Biceps
Squats, Lunges & STRETCH
5:43 Lower Squats w/ PULSES 10 / 20 76 Barbell 20
5:37 Lower Lunges & Dips w/ PULSES 10 / 16 / 20 94 Barbell 20
5:40 Upper Chest Press w/ PULSES Bench 15 / 16 / 20 64 14 (2 x 7)
5:45 Lower Squats (AKA Bent Leg Deadlifts) - NO Pulses 16 / 20 / 24 30 20 (2 x 10)
Upper Dead Rows w/ PULSES 54
5:23 Upper Push Ups (16 + 16 + 12) --- 45
Upper Rotator Cuffs - NO Pulses (16 each side) Single 2.5 / 3 / 5 32 Single 3
5:50 Upper Triceps (Dips or 1-Arm Kickbacks) Seated on Single 5 24 Single 7
Upper French Press (AKA Overhead Extensions) Ball or Bench Single 5 / 8 56 Single 7/5/3
5:32 Upper Biceps - Hammer Curls - NO Pulses 5 / 10 / 16 / 20 36 12 (2 x 6)
Upper Biceps Curls w/ PULSES 8 / 15 / 16 / 20 48 14 (2 x 7)
5:48 Lower One-Legged Squats w/ PULSES (22 each side) --- 44
Lower Plie' Squats w/ PULSES 10 / 20 38 Barbell 20
5:15 Upper Shoulder Press - NO Pulses Alternating Sets 10 / 16 / 20 34 10/6/4 (2 x 5/3/2)
Upper Bent Lateral Raise - NO Pulses 28

4:30 ABS - Dead Bug, Reach for Ankles, Reach through

ABS Frog Legs, Side Wood Choppers, REPEAT --- ---
4:45 Stretch STRETCH ---
Date Ex. Time In Zone Zone Range Avg. HR Cal.s Burned % Fat
#3 Ripped to the Core _63_ Minutes
Jari Love


Compound Moves (4-LIMB)
NO Pulses (Except on Squat/Row Combo)

Jari & Crew Barb

Length Type Detail Cals./Min. Equipment Weight Range Reps Equipment Wgt Wgt Wgt

5:36 Warm-Up Squats, Dips, Biceps 5 / 10 8 (2x4)

Shoulder Press, Lateral Raise

Deadlift & STRETCH

5:11 Lower Reverse Lunge 11.4 Body / 16 / 20 / 40 120 8 (2x4)

Side Squats - Moving 10.2 or Body Bar
5:11 Upper Spider - 3 Sets of 8 ALTERNATING 11.5 --- 24
Push Ups - 3 Sets of 12 5.8 --- 36
5:26 COMBO Chest Press (w/ Optional Hip Raise) 5.8 8" Bench 16 / 20 / 40 80 14 (2x7)
5:10 COMBO Bent Leg Dead Lift 6.2 10 / 16 / 20 / 30 80 14 (2x7)
Biceps Curls

5:16 COMBO Wide Plie' Squats w/ PULSES 10.0 10 / 16 / 20 / 24 52 10 (2x5)

Upright Row

5:25 COMBO Straight Leg Dead Lifts 7.4 16 / 20 / 24 112 14 (2x7)

Lateral Row

5:17 COMBO Side Squats off Step w/ Lateral Raises (24 each) 11.2 6" - 8" 10 / 20 96 8 (2x4)
Narrow Squats w/ Anterior Raises (On Floor) Step 8
5:07 COMBO Step-Ups & Overhead Presses (S-L-O-W Pace) 11.5 6" - 8" Body / 16 / 20 / 40 68 8 (2x4)
5:15 Upper Triceps Push Ups OR French Press 6.0 Step Single 8 (OR) Body 16 Single 6
Upper/Core Triceps Kick-Backs (On 1 Knee) (32 Each) 5.9 3 / 5/ 10 64 Single 6
5:21 ABS Planks, Supermans, Traditional Crunches 4.2 ---
4:53 Stretch ---

Date Ex. Time In Zone Zone Range Avg. HR Cal.s Burned % Fat
#4 Ripped 1000 _55_ Minutes
Jari Love


Intense CARDIO +
Simple & Compound Moves w/ PULSES

Jari & Crew Barb

Chap. Length Type Detail Cals./Min. Equipment Weight Range Reps Equipment Wgt Wgt

1 4:35 Warm-Up Squats, Side Squats, Straight Leg Dead Lifts 10 / 20 10 (2x5)
Lat. Rows, Biceps, Shoulder Presses ---
Stepping & STRETCH Step ---
2 1:44 CARDIO 1 Over board sideways and JACK 14.7 Step --- --- ---
3 3:58 COMBO Side Squats & Dip Backs w/ 14.7 Step Body / 6 / 10 / 16 52 10 (2x5)
Anterior Raises (26 each Leg w/ PULSES)
4 1:34 CARDIO 2 Side Lunges off Step 15.3 Step --- --- ---
5 3:49 Lower Stiff Legged Dead Lifts 8.9 --- 20 / 24 20 20 (2x10)
Upper Reverse Fly 10 / 20 32 8 (2x4)
6 1:33 CARDIO 3 Fast Feet (Taps) onto Step 14.9 Step --- --- ---
7 4:02 Lower Pulse Squats on Top of Step 11.2 Step Body / 6 / 20 64 8 (2x4)
Pulse Dips off Step (32 each Leg w/ PULSES) H. Step if No Wgt
8 1:39 CARDIO 4 VERY FAST Basics onto Step 14.7 Step --- --- ---
9 Upper Push Up Party - 70 REPS (16+14+12+10+8+6+4) 5.7 --- --- 70 ---
10 1:32 CARDIO 5 VERY FAST Basics onto Step 14.7 Step --- --- ---
11 3:58 Upper Clean & Press 13.9 --- 10 / 16 / 20 32 12 (2x6)
12 1:32 CARDIO 6 Skiers - Fast Feet Side Taps onto Step 14.1 Step --- --- ---
13 3:59 COMBO Wide Plie' Squats & Biceps Curls 9.9 --- 16 / 20 62 12 (2x6)
14 1:20 CARDIO 7 Down Jack/Up Jack Straddling Step 14.2 Step --- --- ---
15 3:59 COMBO French Press (AKA Triceps Ext.) W/ Leg 9.0 Step Single 5 96 Single 3
Abduction & Side Squats off Step (48 Each Side)
16 1:23 CARDIO 8 Football Run - Side Straddle off Step 14.8 Step --- --- ---
17 3:58 Upper Chest Press & Chest Fly w/ PULSES 5.7 16 / 20 56 12 (2x6)
18 1:31 CARDIO 9 Football Run - Side Straddle off Step 5.7 Step --- --- ---
19 3:59 ABS Curl Ups and Stand to Feet off 8-10" Bench 14.8 8" - 10" Bench 6 / 10 50
20 4:53 Stretch ---
Date Ex. Time In Zone Zone Range Avg. HR Cal.s Burned % Fat
#5 Ripped & Chiseled _63_ Minutes
Jari Love


Supersets - Simple Moves w/ PULSES

No Abs, but Slim & Limber's Abs are a Bonus Track

Jari & Crew Barb
Length Type Detail Equipment Weight Range Reps Equipment Wgt Wgt Wgt
4:31 Warm-Up Squats, Dead Lifts, Dead Rows 6 / 10 / 20
Biceps Curls, Shoulder Press DBs/2 --- 12 - (2 x 6)
Lunges & STRETCH
4:24 Lower Glutes/Quads: Lunges 4" Step 6 / 10 / 20 56 12 - (2 x 6)
(Performed with back foot on step if desired) DBs/2
4:34 Lower Glutes/Quads: Squats (WITH PULSES) Body Bar or 6 / 10 / 20 / 30 88 12 - Body
4:30 Lower Hamstrings/Back: Stiff-Legged & Bent Knee Dead Lifts BB or DBs/2 16 / 20 / 30 28+28 16 (2x8) or Bar
3:27 Upper Chest: Chest Press Incline Step 16 / 20 62 12 - (2 x 6)
3:00 Upper Chest: Push Ups (WITH PULSES) --- --- 36 ---
4:43 Upper Chest: Chest Flies 8" Step 16 / 20 / 24 62 10 (2 x 5)
4:55 Upper Back: Double Arm Bent Over Rows (WITH PULSES) BB or DBs/2 6 / 10 / 15 32 12 - (2 x 6)
1:54 Upper Triceps: Dips (SUBSTITUTE KICKBACKS) Single DB Single 16+16 Single 6
3:37 Upper Triceps: Skull Crushers 8" Step 10 / 15 38 6 - (2 x 3)
BB or DBs/2
4:20 Upper Back: Pullovers 8" Step 1x 10 / 12 / 15 52 Single 6
Single DB
4:44 Upper Shoulders: Overhead Press DBs/2 10 / 16 40+20 6 (2 x 3)
Shoulders: Combination Anterior & Lateral Lifts (Drop Wgts) 6 / 10 6 4 (2 x 2)
4:44 Upper Biceps: Biceps Curls with high & low end BB or DBs/2 10 / 15 / 16 120 8 (2x4) or Bar
4:46 Upper Biceps: Hammer Curls DBs/2 16 / 20 88 12 - (2 x 6)
4:33 Stretch STRETCH --- --- ---
Date Ex. Time In Zone Zone Range Avg. HR Cal.s Burned % Fat
#6 Get Extremely Ripped _____ Minutes
Jari Love


Compound Moves (4-LIMB)
Repeats each set two times Weights are for ONE SINGLE Dumbbell

Jari & Crew Barb

Length Type Detail Equipment Weight Range Reps Equipment Wgt Wgt Wgt
4:12 Warm-Up Squats, Alternating Lunges w/ Hammer Curls 6 / 10 / 20
Biceps Curls, Shoulder Raise, Shoulder Press, DBs/2 --- 10 - (2 x 5)
Upright Rows & STRETCH
6:12 COMBO Glutes/Back: Lunge Row & Stiff Legged Dead-lift Medium 8 / 10 / 12 10 - (2 x 5)
(Reverse lunges w/ simult. Back row) DBs/2
6:04 COMBO Quads / Biceps: Pulse Quickie Squarts with Medium 8 / 10 / 12 10 - (2 x 5)
Knee Lift Bicep Curls DBs/2
6:07 COMBO Glutes/Chest: Pulse Wide Squats & Light 5 / 10 8 - (2 x 4)
Step-up Pec Presses, Step up w/ shoulder press DBs/2
6:09 COMBO Triceps/Legs/Shoulders: Curtsey Squat off Side Light 5 / 10 8 - (2 x 4)
of step, with leg lift to back & triceps press. DBs/2
Squat off side and combine w/ shoulder
raise to the front
6:03 COMBO Legs/Shoulders: Balance & lift knee or kick, w/ Light 5 / 8 / 10 8 - (2 x 4)
reversed lunge DBs/2
Squat to side while doing shoulder raise
6:02 COMBO Legs/Biceps: Clean & Press: Squat with shoulder Heavy 8 / 10 / 12 12 - (2 x 6)
press DBs/2
Dip with Hammer Curls
5:48 COMBO Legs/Shoulders: Moving side Squat, dip back Light 5 / 10 8 - (2 x 4)
with shoulder press. DBs/2

6:21 COMBO Legs/Back: Horizontal Rows and Narrow Heavy 5 / 8 / 10 / 12 12 - (2 x 6)

Squat. Back Row w/ narrow squats, then DBs/2
add knee raise
6:07 COMBO Back/Triceps w/ Legs: Reverse Flies Light 5 / 10 8 - (2 x 4)
while lifting legs to back DBs/2
Overhead Triceps Extensions
8:42 ABS Push-Ups & Planks/Abs

2:51 Stretch STRETCH --- --- ---

Date Ex. Time In Zone Zone Range Avg. HR Cal.s Burned % Fat

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