Important Considerations When Design Protection System.: B - Over Current and Earth Fault
Important Considerations When Design Protection System.: B - Over Current and Earth Fault
Important Considerations When Design Protection System.: B - Over Current and Earth Fault
For feeders, Bus-bars, Transformers, Generators etc
1. High Impedance
2. Low Impedance
3. Restricted E/F
4. Biased
5. Pilot Wire
D - Distance
For transmission and sub-transmission lines and distribution feeders, also
used as back-up protection for transformers and generators without signaling
with signaling to provide unit protection e.g.:
E - Miscellaneous:
1. Under and over voltage
2. Under and over frequency
3. A special relay for generators, transformers, motors etc.
4. Control relays: auto-reclose, tap change control, etc.
5. tripping and auxiliary relays
Fast operation: minimizes damage and danger
Very fast operation: minimizes system instability discrimination and
security can be costly to achieve.
1. differential protection
2. differential protection with digital signaling
3. distance protection with signaling
4. directional comparison with signaling
Dependability / reliability
Protection must operate when required to Failure to operate can be
extremely damaging and disruptive Faults are rare. Protection must operate
even after years of inactivity Improved by use of:
1. Back-up Protection and
2. duplicate Protection
Security / Stability
Protection must not operate when not required to e.g. due to:
1. Load Switching
2. Faults on other parts of the system
3. Recoverable Power Swings
Overlap of protections
1. No blind spots
2. Where possible use overlapping CTs
Phase discrimination / selectivity
Correct indication of phases involved in the fault Important for Single Phase
Tripping and auto-Reclosing applications
Current and voltage transformers
These are an essential part of the Protection Scheme. They must be suitably
specified to meet the requirements of the protective relays.
1A and 5A secondary current ratings, Saturation of current transformers
during heavy fault conditions should not exceed the limits laid down by the
relay manufacturer.
Current transformers for fast operating protections must allow for any offset
in the current waveform. Output rating under fault conditions must allow for
maximum transient offset. This is a function of the system X/R ratio.
Current Transformer Standards/Classes:
British Standards: 10P, 5P, X
American: C, T.
Location of CTs should, if possible, provide for overlap of protections.
Correct connection of CTs to the protection is important. In particular for
directional, distance, phase comparison and differential protections. VTs
may be Electromagnetic or Capacitor types. Busbar VTs: Special
consideration needed when used for Line Protection.
Auxiliary supplies
Required for:
1. Tripping circuit breakers
2. Closing circuit breakers
3. Protection and trip relays
AC. auxiliary supplies are only used on LV and MV systems.
DC. auxiliary supplies are more secure than ac supplies.
Separately fused supplies used for each protection.
Duplicate batteries are occasionally provided for extra security.
Modern protection relays need a continuous auxiliary supply.
During operation, they draw a large current which increases
due to operation of output elements.
Relays are given a rated auxiliary voltage and an operative auxiliary voltage
the rated value is marked on the relay. Refer to relay documentation for
details of operative range. it is important to make sure that the range of
voltages which can appear at the relay auxiliary supply terminals is within
the operative range.
IEC recommended values (IEC 255-6):
Rated battery voltages:
12, 24, 48, 60, 11 0, 125, 220, 250, 440
Preferred operative range of relays:
80 to 10% of voltage rated
AC. component ripple in the dc supply:
<10% of voltage rated
The cost of protection is equivalent to insurance policy against damage to
plant, and loss of supply and customer goodwill.
Acceptable cost is based on a balance of economics and technical factors.
Cost of protection should be balanced against the cost of potential hazards
there is an economic limit on what can be spent.
Minimum cost:
Must ensure that all faulty equipment is isolated by protection
Other factors:
1. Speed
2. Security/Stability
3. Sensitivity:
Degree of risk in allowing a low level fault to develop into a more
severe fault
4. Reliability
Distribution systems
1. Large number of switching and distribution points, transformers and
2. Economics often overrides technical issues
3. Protection may be the minimum consistent with - statutory safety
4. Speed less important than on transmission systems
5. Back-up protection can be simple and is often inherent in the main
6. Although important, the consequences of maloperation or failure to
operate are less
serious than for transmission systems.
Transmission systems
1. Emphasis is on technical considerations rather than economics
2. Economics cannot be ignored but is of secondary importance
compared with the need for highly reliable, fully discriminative high
speed protection
3. Higher protection costs justifiable by high capital cost of power
system elements protected.
4. Risk of security of supply should be reduced to the lowest practical
5. High speed protection requires unit protection
6. Duplicate protections used to improve reliability
7. Single phase tripping and auto-reclose may be required to maintain
system stability
The purpose of an electrical power generation system is to distribute
energy to a multiplicity of points for diverse applications.
This is a collective term which covers all the equipment used for
detecting, locating and initiating the removal of a fault from the power
system. Relays are extensively used for major protective functions, But
the term also covers direct-acting A.C. trips and fuses.
a. Incorrect design.
b. Incorrect installation.
c. Deterioration.
d. Protection performance
1. Design
This is of the highest importance. The nature of the power system
condition which is being guarded against must be thoroughly
understood in order to make an adequate design. Comprehensive
testing is just as important, and this testing should cover all aspects of
the protection, as well as reproducing operational and environmental
conditions as closely as possible. For many protective systems, it is
necessary to test the complete assembly of relays, current transformers
and other ancillary items, and the tests must simulate fault conditions
2. Installation.
The need for correct installation of protective equipment is obvious,
but the complexity of the interconnections of many systems and their
relation-ship to the remainder of the station may make.
3. Deterioration in service.
After a piece of equipment has been installed in perfect condition,
deterioration may take place which, in time, could interfere with
correct functioning. For example, contacts may become rough or burnt
owing to frequent operation, or tarnished owing to atmospheric
contamination; coils and other circuits may be open-circuited, auxiliary
components may fail, and mechanical parts may become clogged with
dirt or corroded to an extent that may interfere with movement.
4. Protection performance
The performance of the protection applied to large power systems is
frequently assessed numerically. For this purpose each system fault is
classed as an incident and those which are cleared by the tripping of
the correct circuit breakers and only those are classed as 'correct'.
The percentage of correct clearances can then be determined.
This principle of assessment gives an accurate evaluation of the
protection of the system as a whole, but it is severe in its judgment of
relay performance, in that many relays are called into operation for
each system fault, and all must behave correctly for a correct clearance
to be recorded.
Protection is arranged in zones, which should cover the power system
completely, leaving no part unprotected. When a fault occurs the
protection is required to select and trip only the nearest circuit
breakers. This property of selective tripping is also called
'discrimination' and is achieved by two general methods:
2. Unit systems.
It is possible to design protective systems which respond only to fault
conditions lying within a clearly defined zone. This 'unit protection' or
'restricted Protection' can be applied throughout a power system and,
since it does not involve time grading, can be relatively fast in
Zones of protection
Ideally, the zones of protection should overlap across the circuit
breaker as shown in Figure 2, the circuit breaker being included in both
Figure 2. Location of current
on both sides of the circuit
This term, applied to protection as distinct from power networks, refers
to the ability of the system to remain inert to all load conditions and
faults external to the relevant zone. It is essentially a term which is
applicable to unit systems; the term 'discrimination' is the equivalent
expression applicable to non-unit systems.
The function of automatic protection is to isolate faults from the power
system in a very much shorter time than could be achieved manually,
even with a great deal of personal supervision. The object is to
safeguard continuity of supply by removing each disturbance before it
leads to widespread loss of synchronism, which would necessitate the
shutting down of plant.