Ri Gru60104 10 Sept m171 Eng

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The key takeaways are that this course introduces concepts, theories and processes in research including identifying research topics and objectives, formulating research questions, literature review, data collection and analysis methods, conclusion and report writing. The course aims to expose students to ways of conducting research.

The learning outcomes of the course are to evaluate concepts and types of research, justify the use of theories and research designs, select appropriate data analysis methods, and write a research proposal critically.

The different assessment methods used in the course include a research proposal (60%), assignments (30%), and a final examination (40%).

GRU 60104

Research Methods
for Education
Institute of Graduate Studies
Sultan Idris Education University

2017/2018 SESSION

Pindaan 00

Head of Departments
Pengesahan Ketua Jabatan:


Faculty : Institute of Graduate Studies
Department :-
Semester :1
Session : 2017/2018
Name of Course : Research Methods
Course Code : GRU 60104
Credit Hours : 4 credits
Prerequisite : Nil



This course introduces concepts, theories and processes in research. Aspects

which are dealt with include identifying area and topic of research, research
objectives; problem statement, formulating research questions/hypotheses;
theories and models; literature review; methods of data collection and analysis;
conclusion and recommendation; report writing and ethics in research.


To expose students to ways of conducting research.


1. Evaluate concepts and types of research and process of conducting

research. (C6) (CTPSS5)
2. Justify the use of theories, literature review and research designs.(C6)
(CS8) (TWS5)
3. Select method of data analysis judiciously to suit research design. (C6)
4. Write a research proposal critically. (C6) (A5) (CLIM3) (PEM2)


Critical and creative thinking.

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Ary. D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A., & Sorenson, C. K. (2013). Introduction to research
in education (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Chua, Y. P. (2012). Mastering Research Methods. McGraw-Hill.

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Educational research (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice

Jackson, S.L (2015). Research Methods (3rd ed.) Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Louis, C., Lawrence, M., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research methods in education (7th
ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Maria Salih (2016). Bagaimana Menjalankan kajian Tindakan (Edisi ke2). Penerbit
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative Research A Guide to Design and Implementation

(3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Noraini Idris. (2013). Penyelidikan dalam pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw-Hill.

Othman Lebar (2005). Penyelidikan Kualitatif : Pengenalan kepada Teori dan Metod.
Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

Stringer, E.T. (2014). Action research (4th Ed.). Curtin University of Technology.


Coursework Percentage
Details LO %
Research Proposal LO4 30 60
Assignment LO1, LO2, LO3 30
Final Examination LO1, LO2, LO3 40 40
Total 100%



Research Proposal / / / / /
Assignment / / / /

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Abbreviation Skill
CS Communication Skills
CTPSS Critical and Problem Solving Skills
CLIM Continuous Learning and Information Management
TWS Team Work Skills
ES Entrepreneurial Skills
LS Leadership Skill
PEM Professional Ethics and Moral



80-100 A 4.00
75- 79 A- 3.75
70-74 B+ 3.45
65-69 B 3.00
60-64 C+ 2.75
59 and below F 0.00


4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Weak
Rubrics are as in the Soft Skills book

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*Abbreviation Activity Abbreviation Assessment


Week Chapter/Topic Learning outcomes Soft Learning & Assessment

At the end of each week, the skills Teaching
students should be able to: Activities
Explanation of the instructional plan, mode of
1 assessment and attendance rules and Lecture, Assignment
requirements CS, Discussion. (individual)
Introduction to the course and course Identify importance and purpose of
evaluation conducting educational research.
Explain the procedure of scientific
Inquiry methods in Educational Research inquiry in educational research.
Compare and contrast quantitative
Importance and purpose of conducting and qualitative research.
Educational Research Discuss the advantages and
Research Epistemology disadvantages of quantitative and
Scientific Inquiry qualitative research.
Features of Quantitative and Distinguish between Applied
Qualitative Research Research, Basic Research and
Types of Research Action Research.
Process of conducting Research

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2 Planning Educational Research Describe features of a good CS, Lecture and Research
Identify research problem research. BKMM, discussion proposal
Formulate research questions Discuss the guidelines for EM
Features of good research conducting research
questions systematically
Characteristic of good research Identify suitable and relevant
research titles
Write correctly the research
problem for a particular
Write research objectives and
research questions/hypothesis
Discuss features of good
research questions.

Ethics in educational research Discuss ethics in conducting

educational research.
Ethical principles and practice in
educational research

3 Literature review Discuss the Importance of CLIM, Lecture and Individual

literature review CTPSS, discussion assignment
Importance of literature review Identify the different sources to TWS
Types of sources obtain literature
Steps in conducting review of Identify the steps in conducting a
literature critical review of literature
Critical analysis of literature Write correctly the
Write references/bibliography references/bibliography according
according to APA format to the latest APA format.

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4 Conceptual study Construct a theoretical and CS, Lecture and Proposal,
conceptual framework of the CTPSS discussion individual
Relevant theories in a study study. assignment
Relevant concepts in a study Distinguish between the different
Different types of variables type of variables.
(Independent and dependent Distinguish between the different
variables) types of hypotheses.
Types of hypotheses

5&6 Quantitative Research Methods/ Design Describe the main characteristics of CS, Lecture and Research
the different types of quantitative CTPSS, discussion Proposal
Survey method research method/design. TWS
Cause-Effect Comparative study Interpret the theoretical bases of the
Correlation study different types of quantitative
Experimental study (True, Quasi- research method/design.
experimental and factorial analysis) Compare and contrast between the
different types of quantitative
research methods/designs.
Evaluate the research problem to
determine the appropriate research
Write a research proposal using the
appropriate quantitative research

7&8 Qualitative Research Methods/Design Describe the main characteristics of CS, Lecture and Research
the different types of qualitative CTPSS, discussion Proposal
Ethnography research method/design. TWS

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Case Study Interpret the theoretical bases of the

Historical Study different types of qualitative
Narrative Inquiry research method/design.
Compare and contrast between the
different types of qualitative
research methods/designs.
Evaluate the research problem to
determine the appropriate research
Write a research proposal using the
appropriate qualitative research

9 Other research design: Describe the main characteristics of CS,

Mixed Method each of the other research CTPSS
Action research method/design
Policy research Interpret the theoretical basis of
Developmental research each of the other research
To determine the appropriate
research method/design
Compare and contrast between the
different research methods/designs
Evaluate problems to determine the
appropriate research design
Design a research proposal using
the appropriate research

10 Sampling Compare and contrast the concept CTPSS, Lecture and Research
of population and sample. CS discussion Proposal
Determine population

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Probability and non-probability Determine appropriate sampling

sampling methods based on the context
Sample size given
Generalizing from sampling

11 Instrumentation Compare and contrast between CTPSS Lecture and Research

different types of instrument in data discussion Proposal
Types of instrument for data collection
collection Compare and contrast between
Construction of instrument types of score and measurement
Pilot study scales
Types of score and measurement Determine the appropriate
scale instrument based on the context
Validity and Reliability given.
Explain the process of constructing
valid and reliable instruments.

12 Data Analysis (Quantitative) Explain the concepts related to CS, Lecture and
quantitative data analysis. CTPSS discussion
Basic Statistics in analysing data Compare and contrast between the
Descriptive Statistics different methods of quantitative
Inferential Statistics data analysis.
Determine the appropriate data
Data Analysis (Qualitative) analysis based on the types of data
Triangulation given.
Thematic Analysis
Constant Comparative method

13 Interpretation of Data and Report Writing CS, Lecture and Group

CTPSS, discussion presentation

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Interpretation of quantitative data Interprete quantitative data.

analysis. Interprete qualitative data
Interpretation of qualitative data

Quantitative research report Writing quantitative research

Qualitative research report report
Writing qualitative research report

14 Presentation and evaluation of research Present and evaluate research PEM, Presentation Research
proposal proposal CTPSS proposal


No. Topic Learning Outcomes Soft Skills TnL Activities Assessment


1. Students are required to attend all lectures, tutorials, or laboratory work related to the course and attendance is compulsory. (Item 14.1
Coursework Mode and Item 15.1 Research and Coursework Mode)
2. Students who fail to satisfy the requirements above for any of the courses without reasons acceptable by the Senate, will not be allowed to sit
for the examination for the related course. (Item 14.2 Coursework Mode and Item 15.2 Research and Coursework Mode)
3. Students who fail to fulfil the 80% attendance of the lecture/tutorial/practical session will be barred from taking the examination for the related
course. (Item 14.3 Coursework Mode and Item 15.3 Research and Coursework Mode)
4. The above items are waived for students who experience health problems as certified by a government medical officer or students who represent
the country in activities directed by the government or university for a specified period of time and approved by the Dean of Faculty and have
obtained permission from the Institute of Graduate Studies.

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