A Level Outline

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Section A: News
This unit consists of two linked in-depth
studies that focus on contemporary Media Messages
news in the UK, requiring learners to (01)
explore how and why newspapers and
their online counterparts are evolving as 70 marks 35% of total A level
media products and the relationship
between both online and offline news. 2 hours

Written paper
Section B: Media Language and Repre-
Learners will explore media language
and representation through case study
products in the following media forms:
magazines; advertising and marketing;
and music videos.

Section A: Media Industries and Audi-

Learners will explore media industries
and audiences, through case study me- Evolving Media
dia products for: radio; videos games; (02)
and film.
70 marks
Section B: Long Form Television Drama 35% of total A level
Learners will engage in one in-depth 2 hours
study of television as an evolving, global
media form. Learners must study one Written paper
complete episode of Stranger Things, a
contemporary English language long
form TV drama, and The Killing, a non-
English language long form TV drama.

Learners will create a cross-media prod- Making Media

uct in response to a set brief. There will (03/04)
be opportunities to develop a range of 30% of total A level
production skills including: photography; 60 marks
lighting techniques; Photoshop editing;
InDesign; Final Cut; and Garageband. Non-exam assessment

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