Bernart de Ventadorn (?ga. Li3o-Ca. 1200) : Canso (Troubadour Song)

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Bernart de Ventadorn (?ga. li3o-ca.

Can vei la lauzeta mover

Canso (troubadour song)

CA. 1170-80

CD 1 36 CD 115

1. Can vei la lau - ze - ta mo ivr I)e joi sas a - las con tral rai,

Que s'o-blid' es lais - sa cha - zer. I'er la dous-sor- c*al cor li vai,

Ai! tans grans en - vey - a m'en ve De cui qu'eu vey - a jau - zi

Me - ra - vil - ai. car de Lo cor de de - zi - rer no*m ton.

Can vei la lauzeta mover When I see the lark beating

de joi sas alsas contral rai. its wingsjoyfullyagainst the sun's rays.
que s'oblid' e s laissa chazer which then swoons and swoops down
per la doussor c'al cor li vai. because of the joy in its heart.
ai! tan grans enveya m'en ve oh! I feel such jealousy
de cui qu'eu veyajauzion. for all those who have the joy of love.
meravilhas ai. car desse that I am astonished
lo cor de dezirer no m fon. that myheart does not immediately melt with desire!

Ai. las! tan cuidava saber Alas! I thought I knew so much

* d'amor, e tan petit en sai. of love, and I know so little:
car eu d'amar no m pose tener for I cannot help loving a lady
celeis don ja pro non aurai. from whom I shall never obtain any favor.
Tout m'a mo cor. e tout m'a me. She has taken away my heart and myself.
e se mezeis e tot lo mom and herself and the whole world:
e can se m tolc. no m laisset re and when she left me. I had nothing left
mas dezirer e cor volon. but desire and a yearning heart.

Anc non agui de me poder I have no power over myself,

ni no fui meus de lor' en sai and have not had possession of myself

Music adapted from and text and translation taken from Hendrik van der Werf, TheChansons of the
Troubadours and Trouveres (Utrecht, 1972), 91-95, where versions of the melody appearing in five differ
ent sources are given, showing surprising consistency among readings. The dot splitting two letters of a
word, as in e s, indicates a contraction.

Adam de la Halle (ca. i24o-?i288)
feu de Robin et de Marion-. Rondeau, Robins m'aime

Musical play
CA. 1284

CD 1138


Ro - bins tn'ai me, Ro-bitts m'a, Ro - bins m 'a tic - man - de - c,
Oil , I I 1 j"*-!
V *Si m'a - ra. R.0 - bins m'a - ca - ta co - CC - li D'es-car - la - te

1 r.
^nie 5^
bonne et be - le, Sous-ka - et chain-1 u rele A - leu -

SI ,: 3EE
8 Ro-bins m'al-me, Ro-bins m'a. Ro-bins m'a de - </< - e, Si m'a - ra.

Robins m'aime. Robin loves me.

Robins m'a. Robin has me,
Robins m'a demandee Robin asked me
Si m'ara. if he can have me.
Robins m'acata cotele Robin bought me a skirt
D'escarlate bonne et belle of scarlet, good and pretty,
Souskanie et chainturele. a bodice and belt.
Aleuriva! Hurray!
Robins m'aime. Robin loves me.
Robins m'a. Robin has me.
Robins m'a demandee Robin asked me
Si m'ara. if he can have me.

From Friedrich Gennrich, Troubadours, Trouveres, Minne- undMeistergesang (Cologne, 1951), 38.


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