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Research Proposal TI
Research Proposal TI
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Research Proposa
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Table of Contents
..................................................... 6
4.0 Previous Work .....................................................................................................................
........................... 8
5.0 Gaps Identified in the literature ...........................................................................................
.............................................. 9
7.0 Aim and Objectives..............................................................................................................
References ................................................................................................................................
................................................................ 12
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governance as a concept and as a problem area was first discussed in the United States; later,
the European debate started in the United Kingdom. From there the issue of corporate
governance began its pervasive course through all the modern industrial stat
states, including
Australia, China and Jap
ap Addams et al., 2010).
a an (A Corporate
2010) Corpor
orpor governance
a govovernancee is a se
sset of procedures
of pro
nd policies
pol adopted
adopte company
ompanyy iin
dopted by a compa
dopted ompa order
n orde
err ttoo provide internal
pr vide intern
inter al and extern
rn external
r al stakeholders
al stakeholde
stak holde with
Private capi
ca tal is nece
capital necessary
neces ry for economic
onomi development, but capi
ca tal does not flow to
dangerous neighbourhoods.
urho In estors,
stors, wh
whether purchasers of equityy oorr lenders, will not invest
and pprivate
ri and
nd stat
statee own
d enterprises seeking to attract local or global capital must
develop a ffr
worrkk that assures public investors that the assets they provide will be
ec rities and company law is necessary, but it is not sufficient (Millstein et
protected. Strong securities
al., 2005). The prevailing reported cases of unethical practices in corpor
r ate entities,
able to poor governance and weak enfor
f cement led to many corpor
enforcement r ate fa
corporate ffailures;
regulations and instituting more proactive steps to strengthening compliance with accounting
and governance rules (Okereke, 2009). Though countries may differ in establishing their
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corporate statutory frameworks, the general pattern has been the government regulations and
professional bodies (Ibadin & Dabor, 2015).
The impact
pac of rul
ruless an
and norms on Corporate Governance practices is the focus of
many stud ca e off bbenefits on firm value, minority shareholders protection and
studies because
ficiency off codes
efficiency des
es ((Dharm
Dh rmap
a ala & Khanna, 2013; Cai, 2007; Zattoni & Cuomo, 2008). The
conclusions foundd in the rresearch of La Porta et al.
al (1998) pointed
poin out that the laws for
how much the law enforcement modifies or influences the Corporate Governance model and
disclosure in each country. Cross-countries studies, such as some related to the BRICS
(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries, were realized in order to find how
the institutional setting as values, laws and recommendations of each country should
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influence the Corporate Governance practices (Majumder et al., 2012; Oliveira et al., 2014;
Salvioni et al., 2013). Over the last twenty years, the BRICS countries have undertaken
numerous economic refo
f rms. Beginning in the 1990s, each country has more or less opened
jurisdictions are also significant sources of outward investment (Wilkins & Papa,
p 2012).
is complex,
ompllex, as w
omp well
el ass vvarious
arious institutions could be decisive to the establishment of the legal
and norm mewo in each nation related to the adoption and disclosure of Corporate
normative framework
Governance practices
tices (E differences
(Estrin & Prevezer, 2011). These radical diff
differences of social legal and
economic context
ontext ca captured
can be captur
ca ed only by means of highly interdisciplinary tools of analysis
requires of course the contribution of many other scholarly tools within a genuine effort to
make disciplinary frontiers crumble to be replaced by a more holistic social science (Mattei &
Monti, 2003).
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The relationship between comparative law and the field of economics is increasingly
important, but controversial. Economists have drawn from comparative law scholarship to
suggest that common law systems may be more conducive to financial and economic
development than civil law systems (Garoupa & Pargendler, 2014). Comparative law and
economics, by contrast, tr
eats the legal aand institutional backgrounds as dyn
y amic variables
dynamic a
luded that aall
ll the BRICS nations have a formal written code of corporate governance.
While they cover ccommon
omm governance aspects, and are similar in many respects, each has its
own distinctt and uniqu
unique provisions.
on reports fr references
om 33 countries and with refe After
f rences to economic literature may help. Afte
fe f r
dealing with the concepts,
pts, instruments (including soft law) and sources of corporate
Olivei et
Oliveira e al
al. ((2016) made an analysis on corpo
r rate governance disclosure which is a
study through BRICS
ICS countries. The previous study analysed the practices disclosed by a
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cultural difference in each BRICS country, which leads to major changes in each legal
Becht et al. (2007) conducted a survey on the main mechanisms of corporate law and
governance, discussed the main legal and regulatory institutions in different countries, and
examined the comparative governance literature. Corporate governance is concerned with the
reconciliation of conflicts of interest between various corporate claimholders and the
ment dilemma
resolution of collective action problems among dispersed investors. A fundamental
of corporate governance emerges from this overview: large shareholder interv
nt needs to
be regulated to guarantee better small investor protection; but this may inc
increase managerial
ase manag
discretion and scope for abuse. Alternative methods of limiting buse have yet to be pproven
g abuse
This research has identified several gaps previous. Those are as follows:
ps based on the previou
The present study aimed at performing a Comparative Law and Economics Analysis
of corporate governance enforcement mechanism in BRICS nations. The study will be an
analysis of economic as well as legal policies pertaining to the BRICS nations with respect to
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corporate governance and enforcement mechanism in the countries. The study will analyse
the various legal frameworks adopted by different regulatory bodies of the BRICS nations so
as to provide valuable insights about the topic of research. Furthermore, the study will be
based on the analysis of corporate governance in the viewpoint of comparative law and
economic analysis. The study will utilise data collected from various governmental reports
and previous literature so as to comparatively analyse the enforcement practices for corporate
governance adopted by the different BRICS nations. The role of BRICS nation in the global
scenario as emerging economies induces economic changes and hence,, these nations are
selected for the present research.
8.0 Chapterisation
ntrod c
Chapter I: Introduction: thi
this section will contain the introduction to the topic along with the
round of the study, the problem statement, research objectives, research questions,
pothesis, the statistic
hypothesis, statistical methods of analysis and the scope and significance of the study.
lso contain
The chapter also contains a note on the chapter divisions of the study.
Chapter II: Literature Review: the chapter discusses all the previous literature that has been
presented by different authors within the context of corporate governance and enforcement
mechanism in different countries.
Chapter III: Corporate Governance in BRICS nations: an overview: This chapter presents a
detailed overview of corporate governance and the policies and regulations adopted by
different BRICS countries.
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Chapter IV: Data and Methodology: this chapter details the research design and strategy
adopted. In addition, the research philosophy is also included through which the nature and
type of data collected are determined. The chapter also encloses the manner in which the data
is analysed and how the findings may be derived.
Chapter V: Results: This chapter very specifically encloses the results of the data collected.
The results will be presented in tabular and graphical format along with the interpretation of
Chapter VI: Conclusion and Recommendation: this chapter discusses the findings of the
present study in comparison with the previous studies. From the findings, conclusions are
drawn and recommendations are discerned.
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Preparation of research
Preparation of literature
Description of research
Collecting primary data
Analyzing data
Comparing findings
Conclusion and
Finalizing and submission
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