Entrepreneur Challenge Rubric

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Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur?


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Collaboration Group did Limited (1) Some (2+) Most (3-4) All group
not group group group members
complete members members members contributed to
task. contributed contributed contributed task to the best
to task to to task to the to task to the of their ability.
the best of best of their best of their Group was
their ability. ability. ability. Group able to
was able to independently
solve solve
problems problems.
with some
Research Skills All work was Some Research was Most of the Group wrote
copy and research was mostly in the research was all research in
pasted. in the groups groups own put into their own
own words, words, but groups own words.
some was not words.
clearly copy cohesively
and pasted. put together.
Challenge No A challenge A clear A clear A clear
challenge. was posed. challenge was challenge was challenge was
posed and a presented presented with
possible with facts and facts and data
solution data to to support and
presented. support and a a creative
possible solution
solution presented that
presented is realistic. A
that is creative
realistic. prototype was
Final No final The final The final The final The final
Presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
presented. was was was was
informative informative informative, informative
and some and was entertaining and
group presented in and entertaining
members a persuasive presented in and presented
presented. way most a persuasive with a variety
group way. of props and
members Presentation prompts.
presented. included Including
props and a digital and
prototype. All hard copy. The
group final
members presentation
presented. resembled
Shark Tank and
all members
had a part in
Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur? FINAL PRESENTATION


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