ACS 2018 Khemani Original June2018
ACS 2018 Khemani Original June2018
ACS 2018 Khemani Original June2018
One by one over the last twenty odd years computer programs have become better than humans
at many games. And yet the citadel of Contract Bridge remains. The authors argue that bridge is
significantly and qualitatively different. So far, in the games where AI has done well, it was one
on one, man versus machine. But bridge is a team game, and with incomplete information to boot.
Partners in bridge need to communicate, and where there is communication there is interception,
and where there is interception there is the possibility of deception. A bridge player has to be an
epistemic agent that needs to reason with knowledge, belief, plans, and probabilities. We argue
that bridge is the final frontier for human level AI, survey the cognitive landscape, and chart out
strategies for human like performance.
c 20XX Cognitive Systems Foundation. All rights reserved.
et al., 2016). These programs were able to do this, not by searching the entire game tree, but, by
searching it selectively aided in the process by an evaluation function. The evaluation function itself
is a product of human expert knowledge, encoded by humans and fine tuned by machine learning
algorithms. Then in 2017 the program AlphaGo Zero (Silver et al., 2017b) was able to learn Chess
and Go entirely from scratch without the aid of human knowledge, simply by repeatedly playing
against itself, and the self learnt versions are much stronger than their predecessors (Silver et al.,
Scrabble and Backgammon are also board games, but they have an element of chance. There is
uncertainty about the options available for the opponent. In Scrabble each player draws tiles from a
fixed set of alphabet tiles, and the tiles drawn are hidden from the opponent. In Backgammon a pair
of dice determines what moves a player can make. And yet computer algorithms have been devised
that are much better than the best humans (Sheppard, 2002; Tesauro, 1995).
In 2017, the program Libratus from CMU (Brown & Sandholm, 2017) beat four leading players
at a two player limited version of Poker. Poker is an incomplete information game, and among other
things one is required to bluff effectively, and also call opponent’s bluffs. Libratus employs a notion
of card abstraction that is cognitively similar to the way bridge players think about cards. Given
that, cognitive activity is limited only to evaluate your own hand in the context of the bets made by
other players, and decide whether to continue betting or not.
On the table, Contract Bridge is a four-person game with opposing teams of two each. When an
individual player is dealt a hand, the holdings of the other three players are unknown to her. The first
task is to communicate information of her hand to partner, and in turn receive information from the
partner, to try and jointly estimate the combined worth of the two hands, and bid for an appropriate
contract. The opponents are also trying to do the same at the same time. In the process some amount
of information about the four hands becomes common knowledge amongst the four players. After
a contract has been won, the task is to fulfill it, and the opponents have the goal of defeating it.
The battle that ensues involves many forms of reasoning. In one sense the task undertaken by each
player is to cut through the fog of uncertainty so that the one knows the other players’ cards as much
as is needed to succeed. In another sense the task is to plan for all possible worlds that remain in
contention, so that one succeeds in as many of them as possible. In the midst of all this activity an
opponent may try to obfuscate matters by creating the possibility of imaginary worlds to lead you
astray. Above all bridge is a game of imagination, as much as it involves the traditional AI tools
of deploying search, knowledge and memory. An early article (Khemani & Ramakrishna, 1989)
espoused bridge as a game to be targeted by AI.
In the following sections we describe the game with its complexities, and chart out how different
kinds of reasoning have to be combined to play it well.
2. Contract Bridge
We treat Contract Bridge as a concrete instance of a multi-agent game scenario where the players
attempt to maximize their payoffs in resource bounded incomplete information epistemic situations.
Such games can also be models for protracted negotiations in different scenarios, like financial
contracts, and for adversarial scenarios like troop movements during a war. The salient points
that make Contract Bridge a manageable domain to model many real world complexities are given
Contract bridge is a bounded horizon game played by multiple players with limited private
resources. A team in a bridge game is composed either of two players, in a pairs event, or four,
in a team-of-four-duplicate event. In a tournament many teams participate, and the goal is to win
the tournament. In all cases the final payoff for the players depends upon a series of matches, and
the score for each match depends upon the score of each deal played on the table. On each deal on
the table the general strategy is generally to maximize the payoff. This is not as straightforward as
winning a chess game, because while there is the notion of a par score for each deal, the name of the
game is to try and consistently beat the par. This is possible because of the incomplete information
of the game. As a result the payoff is determined not just what happens on that table, but also on
what happens on other table (or tables in a Pairs format). A bridge player, unlike in other games, is
not competing with opponents on the table, but other players at other tables holding the same cards.
Furthermore, since the final payoff is a non-linear function of all matches (except when it is knock
out format), and the match score a non-linear function of the score on each deal, players have to
often formulate deal level goals in a context dependent manner, based on their estimate of how the
tournament has gone so far. This makes tournament play complex enough. Playing a single deal
has its own unique complexities as we observe below.
In this paper we will focus on the reasoning needed on one table, assuming that it is context
independent (of what may happen on the other table(s)), or what may have happened in the past.
This is a reasonable delimitation of scope because there is no active communication or interaction
with the other table(s), and the past cannot be altered anyway.
On the table, the one that is in our scope, a team of two players, which we will call South (S)
and North (N), competes against the opposing team whose players we call West (W) and East (E).
The game proceeds in a sequential manner in the clockwise direction. The game is played with a
standard pack of 52 cards, which the dealer deals clockwise to the 4 players, 13 cards each. The
4 players become dealer turn by turn. The pack is made up of 4 suits, each of which is an ordered
set. The Ace is the highest card with rank 1, followed by the King, Queen, Jack, and the rest in
decreasing numeric value, the 2 being the lowest.
The play constitutes of 13 rounds, in each of which the players play a card on their turn. The
first player can play any card, and the rest three have to follow suit, playing a card of the same suit,
unless they do not have one in which case they can play any card. Each round is called a trick. The
card with the highest rank wins the trick, and the player who played it gets to start the next round.
The general objective is for each team/side to win as many tricks as possible, since the payoff
is proportional. What makes the game complex and interesting is the notion of a contract. The
contract is a declaration by one side to make a certain number of tricks. It is decided by an auction
described below. The contract may notify a suit as the trump suit, in which case even the smallest
card of the trump suit becomes higher than any card of any other suit. Further complexity is added
by tailoring the payoff to the final contract bid. Certain landmark contracts - a game, a small slam,
and a grand slam, with increasing number of tricks contracted - have additional bonus payoffs.
This makes them attractive goals to bid. But the payoffs are received only when the contract is
fulfilled, which is generally dependent on the number of high cards a side has. If the contract fails,
the opposing side, called defenders, get a (different) payoff determined by the number of tricks the
contract fails by.
The contract is decided by an auction or bidding phase of the game that precedes the play. Thus
the game is a two-stage game. In the first stage, the auction, each player makes a bid in turn, and
bidding ends when three players pass consecutively. This is followed by the play phase, in which
one of the declaring side players exposes her cards, thus making more information available to each
of the other three players to reason with.
The auction begins with the dealer making the first bid. The minimum bid that one can make
is for 7 tricks and the maximum is for 13. Given the 5 denominations made up of the 4 suits and
a No Trump bid, there are 35 different possible contracts to bid for. This number is doubled to 70
by having it challenged by a bid called Double, and further doubled to 140 by a counter challenge
called a Redouble. In addition a player can make a Pass bid. Since 2 Pass bids may precede each of
the 140 bids, the length of the auction can be about 420 bids in the longest case (and 4 bids in the
shortest case). This space allows considerable opportunity for conveying useful information, as we
shall describe below.
This brief description of the general structure of the contract bridge game can give us some hints
on the different kinds of reasoning that may be involved.
3. Related Work
As the game of bridge proceeds in two stages- bidding and playing, different AI techniques have
been applied to solve the two parts individually. Earlier work shows that the latter is relatively
easy for the computers to solve than the former. This is because more information is available
to all players during the play phase, since the cards of the dummy are now open. Most bidding
programs use a rule-based approach (Carley, 1962; Lindelof, 1983; Wasserman, 1970) in which
a certain bidding decision is made if the condition of the corresponding bidding rule match with
auction patterns and constraints on the possible hands of the other players. A combined approach of
rule-based system and lookahead search was used (Gambäck et al., 1993; Ginsberg, 2001) in order
to make decision in states that matched either two or more rules or no rules at all.
One of the earliest attempts at declarer play employed knowledge of specialized play techniques,
called Thematic Acts, were stored in the form of rules and a planner attempted to retrieve relevant
‘plays’ and string them together (Khemani, 1989, 1994). Bridge Baron used expert rules to decide
on play actions. Smith et. al (Smith et al., 1996, 1998a) used Hierarchial Task Network (HTN) plan-
ning techniques to approach declarer play by generating and evaluating game trees whose branches
represent the number of tactical schemes that an agent can use, and not the number of moves that
agent can make as in converntional game trees, in the current state of play. Bridge Baron augmented
with Smith et. al’s HTN techniques won the 1997 World Computer Bridge Championships (Smith
et al., 1998b), nonetheless, its performance was worse than that of an amateur bridge player.
Ginsberg’s Intelligent Bridge player (GIB) (Ginsberg, 1999) used search based techniques-
Monte-Carlo simulations in card playing and Borel simulations (Monte-Carlo like simulations) in
bidding. Multiple instances of bridge’s perfect information variant, Double Dummy, consistent
with bidding and previous card plays are analysed to suggest next play (first introduced by Levy
(1989). Search reduction techniques such as alpha-beta pruning, transposition tables and move or-
dering heuristic brought down the branching factor of search trees from 4 to 1.3, and partition search
(Ginsberg, 1996) further reduced the search space to approx 18,000 nodes per deal. GIB also used
Iterative broadening (Ginsberg & Harvey, 1992) to return a low width answer if a high width search
fails to terminate in time.
However, Monte-Carlo approaches, as shown by Frank and Basin (Frank & Basin, 1998), do
not encourage information gathering actions such as discovery play and tend to defer decisions
until next round of play. To solve the problem of strategy-fusion and non-locality in sampling
algorithms like MC simulations, (Frank et al., 1998) formalised vector minimaxing and payoff-
reduction minimaxing algorithms. Frank demonstrated that prm algorithm outperforms the other
two on finding optimal strategies.
A slightly differnt approach for decision making and cooperation in bridge bidding was pro-
posed (Amit & Markovitch, 2006) which employed model-based Monte Carlo sampling method to
model partner(s)/opponents(s) information states and presented a learning framework that allows
co-training of partners on a training set of various classes of states with conflicting actions. (De-
Looze & Downey, 2007) used a combination of two self-organizing maps (SOMs) to find an optimal
bidding strategy for no trump bridge hands.
All the above work exploits human designed features for human bidding system but a recent
attempt (Yeh & Lin, 2016) to automatically learn the bidding system directly from raw data was
made using deep reinforcement learning. The proposed framework, based on Q-learning along with
UCB algrothms, enables learning complex rules of bidding by nonlinear functions on raw data to
avoid ambiguity of the bids. The work demonstrates that the proposed model exhibits comparable
performance with that of champion-winning programs.
The currently successful bridge playing programs are written using a customization of the Monte
Carlo and double-dummy techniques proposed by Ginsberg (1999) and most of them are regular
entrants in the WCBCs.
Since 1996 the American Contract Bridge League has been organising the official World Com-
puter Bridge Championships anually, held along with international bridge events like ACBL NABCs,
World Bridge Federation World Championships, and the first European Bridge Federation Open
Championship. The 2017 event, the 21st World Computer-Bridge Championship, was held, August
19th - 24th, at the 43rd World Team Championship, Lyon, France and witnessed the participation of
Wbridge5 1 , Shark Bridge 2 , Micro Bridge 3 , Q-Plus Bridge 4 , Bridge Baron 5 , RoboBridge 6 and
Synrey Bridge 7 .
3. mcbridge/
cation, interception of communication along with deliberate disinformation and deception, reason-
ing with probabilities, counter planning, abduction and reasoning about intentions, reasoning about
knowledge, opportunistic planning, and recognizing Pareto like optimal scenarios - all in the face
of incomplete information.
The score of a deal is a function only of (a) the contract reached and (b) the number of tricks
made during play. Of this the first is decided in the bidding phase, while the second is decided
during play. Both stages of play happen with incomplete information, and hence the par score may
not always be achieved. In any case the payoff depends upon what happens on the other table or
5. Bidding
The epistemic battle begins with bidding. The goal of each side in bidding is to try and discover
the playing strength of the given deal, and try and arrive at the best contract from each side’s point
of view. As bidding proceeds, the level of the contract becomes higher and higher. One side has
to eventually let the other win the final contract, because bidding higher would entail losses greater
than the payoff the other side is likely to get.
The side with better cards is expected to get a positive score. A side may get a positive score
either by bidding and making a contract or by defeating the opponents’ contract wherein they extract
a penalty. The magnitude is determined by the rules of the game. Often a player has to decide which
one, the bonus or penalty is better, and decide to bid on or double the opponents’ bid. Contrariwise
the side with the weaker hands has to decide whether to let the opponents play in what they have
bid, or to make a sacrifice bid (bidding higher even when likely to fail) yielding a penalty lower
than what the opponents would otherwise get. Thus at the top level a bidding program should be
controlled by such reasoning - whether to bid for a contract or to double opponents’ contract. The
former is the default decision and is the subject of the bidding approaches described below. The
latter decision is often taken opportunistically, since in the first place the other (weaker) side has to
The nY type bids are ordered as 1C, 1D, 1H, 1S, 1N, 2C, 2D, ..., 7H, 7S, 7N, with 1C being the
lowest and 7N the highest. Given a bid nY, only higher bids can be made in the future. A Pass bid
can me made anytime, and Double and Redouble only as defined above. Bidding ends when three
players pass in sequence.
The scoring system defines the payoff. For a side successfully bidding and making a contract
there are increasing bonuses for part scores, games, small slams (12 tricks) and grand slams (13
tricks). The primary goal of the bidders is to first identify the band in which the deal falls, and then
the actual contract (suit and denomination) that is the goal during play.
Figure 1. (a) A tenace is a pattern made up of rank 1 card and a rank 3 card, with the rank 2 card hidden with
one of the opponents. (b) A finesse is a card combination play associated with a tenace
A finesse can be played whenever a tenace exists. The play succeeds only if West has the
king. One can compute the probability of success of this play, and use the value to compare with
competing plans. With no other information the probability that either player has the king is 50%.
But as one gets more information this probability can be revised aposteriori. For example if West
has indicated that she has many HCPs then it is more that she holds the king. Likewise if East is
known to have more spades than West, then the king is more likely to be one of those cards.
If the high level planner requires 5 tricks from the given card combination in Figure 1(a), then
the finesse would be the right play. But in addition the suit must break 2-2. This requirement will
reduce the probability of success. If on the other hand only 4 tricks are required then a safety play is
best, in which first the ace must be cashed, and then one must play small to the queen. This succeeds
when the king is with West, and it also works when East has the king singleton and West has J 10
9. Planning in bridge is replete with such context dependent choices, balancing risk and reward.
A bridge player has many such thematic plays in her repository, and the more expert a player
is the larger the repository. A specialized class of plays called squeezes has been implemented in
a logic program called Python (Sterling & Nygate, 1990). The high level algorithm is to evaluate
the situation; investigate different thematic plays; construct a set of feasible plans with associated
probabilities of success; select the best plan and execute it; keep monitoring the plan to spot an
opportunistic situation or signs of failure. Some of features used to evaluate the situation are as
• Count of winners. Each hand has a certain number T of top tricks that can be cashed uncondi-
tionally. If N is the number of contracted tricks, then (N-T) is the deficit, the number of tricks
that need to be developed.
• Count of losers. How many top tricks do opponents have? How many do they need to develop?
• Control. Who is winning the first trick. Remember the winner gets to choose the suit to play in
the next trick.
• Tempo. Related to Control. If both sides are trying to develop tricks, how often do they have to
relinquish control.
Assuming that the top tricks are not sufficient to fulfill the contract, or defeat it from the opponents
perspective, then both sides try and develop tricks to overcome the deficit, before the other one does.
This involves complex reasoning involving Control and Tempo, because the side which develops
tricks faster, and can regain control, will succeed. The repertoire of thematic plays is a large one.
Some of the names of such plays found in literature are finesse, simple squeeze, double squeeze,
criss-cross squeeze, dummy reversal, cross-ruff, end-play, elopement, and so on. A TA is like a high
level or a macro action that needs a pattern of cards, and some preconditions. The preconditions are
about the hidden hands. They have probabilities associated with them. However these probabilities
vary dynamically as more information becomes available. The following section illustrates the plan
generation process from the program reported in (Khemani, 1989). The program was written in the
forward chaining rule-based language OPS5.
A sample deal
The deal given to the program is given below. The suits are listed top to down in the order Spades,
Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs. Following that is a trace of the program, generated by canned text
snippets associated with the decision-making rules. We underline some words and phrases to high-
light the terms used by bridge players for patterns and plays.
North South
a42 65
a93 k j 10 6 5
aj73 k 10 2
k75 a42
the contract is for 9 tricks in no trumps... ...let’s look at the hand ... ... k - 10 of diamonds ..a
tenace over east ... a - j of diamonds ..a tenace over west ...there is a two way tenace in diamonds
...there is a major tenace in hearts over west ... k - 10 of hearts ..a tenace over east ...there is a two
way tenace in hearts ... a - 9 of hearts ..a tenace over west ... k - j of hearts ..a tenace over east
..can afford to lose 4 more tricks.. ..can stand 5 - 3 break in spades .. ..there is danger if spades
break 6 and 2 .. ..can stand 6 - 1 break in clubs .. ..there is danger if clubs break 7 and 0..
...okay lets look at the lead.. ... west has led the k of spades .. honour lead.. west should
have the q and j as well.. that case spades should be safe.. ..can win this one. lets plan a little..
...starting plan 1010 ... ..we have 7 tricks.. need 2 more .. tempo available is 0 ...losers not more
than 4.. ... no direct approach ... ... no direct approach ... ..may lose 1 tricks in hearts ..assuming
spades break 4 and 4 ...will lose only 3 tricks in spades ... so...
...starting plan 1012 ... ..we have 7 tricks.. need 2 more .. tempo available is 2 ...losers not more
than 1... ...can get 2 tricks from hearts if they break 5 - 0 ...losing 1 ... ..may need 3 entries to cash
long cards.. ..actually only 2 since there are only 1 outstanding cards... entry in hearts to be
used last... entry in diamonds .. ...since west is the dangerous opponent in spades ..ducking 2
round and finessing the q of hearts against him will cut him off .. if he has more than 4 spades.. ..
in that case there are 2 less losers.. and as much more leeway.. the j .. ...small to 9 .. ...check
entries.. entry in clubs .. ..and it looks okay... lets hope west has the q less tempo..
..that plan looks workable... ....and the detailed plan is...
trick 1 : play the 5 of spades to the 2 ... assuming opponents play spades next ...
trick 2 : play the 6 of spades to the 4 ... assuming opponents play spades next ...
Figure 2. A 3 no trump contract after East has made a bid showing long spades and West has dutifully led the
spade 9.
King of Spade. South won trick 3 with the Ace of Spades and was surprised to see West jettisoning
the Ace of Diamonds!
South now made the following epistemic inferences - “West has understood South’s plan, and is
trying to counteract it by creating an entry for East. He does this by jettisoning the Ace of Diamonds
so that in the layout (e) South cannot develop diamond tricks without letting East win a trick with
the queen, who would then cash all his spades”. Consequently, inferring that it must be layout (e),
he abandoned the plan for developing diamond tricks, discarded the Diamond 6, and attempted to
try the alternate plan of developing club tricks.
When the smoke cleared he discovered that the layout was actually (b)! Sitting West Maurice
Gray had spun a web of deception leading South astray from the original plan that would have
worked. Gray imagined the layout (e) and played as if that was the true layout, and succeeded in
deceiving South.
8. Concluding Remarks
When a bridge playing program can execute a play like the one above we would surely have to
concede that it is intelligent. The key to such plays is the ability to imagine. The complexity arises
because an agent has to imagine another agent thinking about possible worlds, and reason with
imaginary worlds. The epistemic logic community has started investigating lying and deception, and
contract bridge should be an ideal testing ground for doing so. An added challenge is to somehow
circumvent the complexities of model checking with humongous Kripke structures, and alternate
ways of representations have to be found. One human like approach is to abstract away insignificant
cards into variables called ‘x’ as is done in the analysis above. This would compact the possible
worlds for reasoning, even when we do not construct explicit Kripke structures.
But this has to be done carefully, because the ranks of cards change dynamically. If the A, K, Q
and J have been played on trick 1, then the 10 would become the new ‘ace’! Consequently smaller
cards also gain in stature.
Apart from that there are situations when small cards have importance due to their low rank.
One such situation is when one is trying to execute an end-play called a throw-in. To make it work
the declarer may have have to carefully preserve small cards so that an opponent is compelled to
win when the suit is played. Thus they cannot be abstracted away. Thus considerable work needs
to be done in knowledge representation, but unless we do so, there is little hope of reasoning with
models of the agent’s environment in an informed manner.
Contract bridge, then, is a multiplayer incomplete information game that relies heavily on prob-
abilistic reasoning and contingent planning employing knowledge of how to tackle card combina-
tions. An important aspect of the game is communication between partners trying to achieve a
shared goal. This communication is not secret, but visible to opponents, who try to make use of the
intercepted information, thus opening up the possibility of deception. The game rises to a new level
when players players start reasoning about the intentions and plans of other players. This makes it
the secret goal of AI.
Our understanding of the Monte Carlo methods and current approaches to bidding greatly benefitted
from discussions with Arun Bahulkar and his team at TRDDC Pune. We also thank R Ramanujam
and Hans Ditmarsch of IMSc Chennai for insights into dynamic epistemic logic and deception.
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