FSA Sheet
FSA Sheet
FSA Sheet
Profitability Analysis
Sales Basis
Gross Profit Margin
OperatingProfit Margin
EBIT Margin
Pre-tax Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin
Contribution Margin
Investment Basis
Return on Assets (Pre-tax basis)
Return on Assets (Post-tax basis)
Return On Total Capital (Pre-tax basis)
Return On Total Capital (Post-tax basis)
Return On Equity (Pre-tax basis)
Retunr On Equity (Post-tax basis)
Return on Common Equity
Basic EPS (common Equity)
Diluted EPS (Common Equity)
Cash Flows Per Share
EBIDTA Per Share
Book Value Per Share
Avg. Inventory
Inventory Turnover Ratio
Avg. Receivables
Receivables Turnover Ratio
Avg. Payables
Paybles Turnover Ratio
Avg. Working Capital
agement can attempt to correct it or address it with shareholders. Some normal operations lower ROE naturally and are not a reason for
accelerated depreciation artificially lowers ROE in the beginning periods. This paper entry can be pointed out with the Dupont analysis
and shouldnt sway an investors opinion of the company.
e ROE and the effects different business performance measures have on this ratio. So investors are not looking for large or small output
ey are looking to analyze what is causing the current ROE. For instance, if investors are unsatisfied with a low ROE, the management can
ula to pinpoint the problem area whether it is a lower profit margin, asset turnover, or poor financial leveraging.
agement can attempt to correct it or address it with shareholders. Some normal operations lower ROE naturally and are not a reason for
accelerated depreciation artificially lowers ROE in the beginning periods. This paper entry can be pointed out with the Dupont analysis
and shouldnt sway an investors opinion of the company.
el is a method for determining a company's worth that is based on book value and earnings. Also known as the residual income model, it
isions cause a company to perform better or worse than anticipated. The model says that investors should pay more than book value if
earnings are higher than expected and less than book value if earnings are lower than expected
Numerator Denominator