Fourier Optics - 2f Arrangement
Fourier Optics - 2f Arrangement
Fourier Optics - 2f Arrangement
The electric field distribution of light
in a specific plane (object plane) is
Fourier transformed into the 2 f con-
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D - 37070 Gttingen Laboratory Experiments Physics 119
Fourier optics 2 f Arrangement 2.6.11
The electric field distribution of light in a specific plane (object Set-up and procedure
plane) is Fourier transformed into the 2 f configuration.
In the following, the pairs of numbers in brackets refer to
the coordinates on the optical base plate in accordance
Equipment with Fig. 1b. These coordinates are intended to help with
Optical base plate w. rubber ft. 08700.00 1 coarse adjustment.
Laser, He-Ne 0.2/1.0 mW, 220 VAC* 08180.93 1
Adjusting support 3535 mm 08711.00 2 Perform the experimental set-up according to fig. 1a or 1b.
Surface mirror 3030 mm 08711.01 2 The recommended set-up height (beam path height) is
Magnetic foot f. opt. base plt. 08710.00 7 130 mm.
Holder f. diaphr./beam splitter 08719.00 1
Lens, mounted, f = +150 mm 08022.01 1 The E25x beam expansion system (magnetic foot at [1,6])
Lens, mounted, f = +100 mm 08021.01 1 and the lens L0 [1,3] are not to be used for the first beam
Lensholder f. optical base plate 08723.00 2 adjustment.
Screen, white, 150 150 mm 09826.00 1
Diffraction grating, 50 lines/mm 08543.00 1 When adjusting the beam path with the adjustable mirrors
Screen, with diffracting elements 08577.02 1 M1 [1,8] and M2 [1,1], the beam is set along the 1. x and
Achromatic objective 20 N.A. 0.45 62174.20 1 1. y coordinates of the base plate.
Sliding device, horizontal 08713.00 1
xy shifting device 08714.00 2 Now place the E25x [1,6] beam expansion system without
Adapter ring device 08714.01 1 its objective and pinhole, but equipped instead only with
Pin hole 30 mm 08743.00 1 the adjustment diaphragm, in the beam path. Orient it such
Rule, plastic, l = 200 mm 09937.01 1 that the beam passes through the circular stops without
obstruction. Now replace these diaphragms with the
*Alternative objective and the pinhole diaphragm. Move the pinhole
He/Ne Laser, 5 mW with holder 08701.00 1 diaphragm toward the focus of the objective. In the pro-
Power supply f. laser head 5 mW 08702.93 1 cess, first ensure that a maximum of diffuse light strikes
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 22611-00 1
2.6.11 Fourier optics 2 f Arrangement
Fig.1b: Experimental set-up for the fundamental principles of Fig.2: A plane wave Ee(x,y) is diffracted in the plane with
Fourier optic (2 f set-up). U (x,y) for z = 0.
*only required for the 5 mW laser!
2 22611-00 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Fourier optics 2 f Arrangement 2.6.11
Fig. 3: Relationships between spatial frequencies and the dif- Fig. 4: Experimental set-up with supplement for direct meas-
fraction angle. urement of the initial velocity of the ball.
cannot be performed as easily since even small changes in r Through the making of a photographic recording or through
result in large phase changes. To achieve this, the roots in observation of the diffraction image with one eye, the intensity
formation disappears due to the phase information of the light
r 2 1x'x2 2 1y'y2 2 z2 in the plane ( x,y,z ). As a consequence, only the intensity dis-
tribution (this corresponds to the power spectrum) can be
1x'x2 2 1y'y 2 2 observed. As a result the phase factor C (Equation 6) drops
z # 1 out of the operation. Therefore, the following results:
B z 2
are expanded into a series and one obtains: (7)
I 1nx ,ny 2 = ` F 3E (x,y)4 (nx,ny) ` 2 .
1x'-x2 2 1y'-y 2 2
2 2
r=z + +
2z 2z
Fourier transform by a lens
This results in the Fresnel approximation of the diffraction inte-
gral A biconvex lens exactly performs a two-dimensional Fourier
transform from the front to the rear focal plane if the diffract-
11x'y'22 2 1y'y2 2 2
eikz # E1x,y 2e 2z
ing structure (entry field strength distribution) lies in the front
E1x',y'z2 dxdy (3) focal plane (see Fig. 4). In this process, the coordinates v and
u correspond to the angles C and B with the following correla-
For long distances from the diffracting plane with concurrent tions:
finite expansion of the diffracting structure, one obtains the x' a u
Fraunhofer approximation: nx = = = (8)
lz l lfB
E1x',y',z2 C 1x',y',z2
x' y'
E1x,y2e2pi 1lz lz 2
x y
# dxdy (4) y' b v
ny = = =
lz l lfB
E 1u,v2
with the spatial frequencies as new coordinates:
y' (5)
x' 1
A1u,v,fB 2
u v
x y2
nx = ; ny = , # E1x,y2e2pi lfB lfB dxdy
lz lz
Consequently, the field distribution in the plane of observation The phase factor A becomes independent of u and v, if the
( x,y,z ) is shown by the following: entry field distribution is positioned exactly in the front focal
plane. Thus, the complex amplitude spectrum results:
E (x',y', z)
E 1u,v2 F 3E 1x,y2 4 1u,v2
C 1lznx,lzny,z2 F 3 E 1x,y 2 4 1nx,ny 2 E 1nx,ny 2
Again the power spectrum is recorded or observed:
The electric field distribution in the plane ( x,y) for z = const is
I 1u,v2 0E 1u,v2 0 2 0 F 3E 1x,y2 4 0 2
thus established by a Fourier transform of the field strength (10)
distribution in the diffracting plane after multiplication with a
quadratic phase factor exp (( iQ/M z) (x2+ y2)). It, too, is independent of the phase factor A and thus
The spatial frequencies are proportional to the corresponding becomes independent of the position of the diffraction struc-
diffraction angles (see Fig. 3), where: ture in the front focal plane.
Additionally, equation 8 shows that the larger the focal length
x' tan a a ; y' tan b b
nx = = ny = = of the lens is, the more extensive the diffraction image in the
lz l l lz l l ( u,v ) plane is.
PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 22611-00 3
2.6.11 Fourier optics 2 f Arrangement
Fig. 5: Spectra of a plane wave. Fig. 6: Infinitely long slit with the width a and its Fourier spec-
(a) for the direction of light propagation parallel to the trum.
optical axis.
(b) for slanted incidence of the plane wave with refer-
ence to the optical axis.
Examples of Fourier spectra The grid consists of M slits having a width a and a slit sepa-
(a) Plane wave: ration d ( >a ) in the x direction. As a result, the field strength
A plane wave which propagates itself in the direction of the distribution can be in the front focal plane can be represented
optical axis (z axis) (Fig. 5) is distinguished in the object plane as follows:
( x,y ) plane by a constant amplitude. Thus, the following
results for the Fourier transform: M
m #d
E1x,y2 E0 a rect a b
E(x,y) = E0 (11) m1 a a
and F [E (x,y)]
2p i 1nxxnyy2
E0 c a d 1x m # d 2 d * rect a b
pnx m1
E 1x,y2 = rect a b = E0
sin 1p # M # dnx 2
1 for |x | <a /2
sin 1p # nx a2 In Fig. 7, a grid with its corresponding spectrum (and the cor-
= E0 d 1ny 2 = E0 # a d 1ny 2 sin c 1a nx 2 responding intensity distributions) is presented.
p nx
with the definition of the slit function sinc: One sees on the spectrum that the envelope curve is formed
sin 1p # x2 by the spectrum of the individual slit which has a width a. The
sin c 1x2 = finer structure is produced by the periodicity, which is deter-
p #x
mined by the grid constant Md.
For infinitely long extension of the slit, one obtains on exten-
sion in the slit direction in the spectrum. This changes for a
finite length of the slit.
The zero points of the Sinc function are located at
2/a, 1/a, 1/a, 2/a, ...(see Fig. 6).
(c) Grid:
A grid is a composite diffracting structure. It consists of a peri-
odic sequence (to be represented by a so-called comb func-
tion comb ) of individual identical slit functions sinc. Fig. 7: Grating consisting of M slits and its Fourier spectrum.
4 22611-00 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen