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Analele Universitii de Vest din Timioara

Vol. XLIX, 2006

Seria Fizic



P. Barvinschi1, D.Tamas1, R. Baies2

West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Physics, Bvd. V.Parvan 4, 300223, Timisoara, Romania
National Institute of Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, P.Andronescu 1, Timisoara, Romania

A very precise knowledge of the lattice parameters of materials is important in solid-state
investigations. In order to achieve high precision in lattice parameters measurements one can use the
popular methods based on plotting the lattice parameter as a function of some extrapolation functions
(Bradley-Jay, Nelson-Riley, etc) or applying the analytical Cohen method. Some new methods based on
the Rietveld-type pattern-fitting approaches can also be used. In this paper we present a comparative
study of these lattice parameter evaluation procedures. Diffraction data was recorded by Bragg-
Brentano X-ray diffractometry, using a set of MgAl2O4 powder samples presenting different
crystallinities. For the Rietveld-type analysis we used the FullProf programs package. Our results are
important for the studies involving systems of particles in the medium range diffraction angles (2
between 10o 90o).
Keywords: lattice parameter, powder diffraction.

1. Introduction
In the last few years, the continuously growing demand for new and advanced
materials with well-defined structures and properties has brought into light new and improved
methods for quantitative analysis of X-Ray diffraction patterns.
The subject of the present work is the precise determination of the lattice parameter
for the cubic spinel structure of MgAl2O4 using different methods: one using an extrapolation
function, another using the Cohen method and the third is the Rietveld method for whole
pattern fitting.

2. Lattice parameter determination methods

For the extrapolation method [1] the lattice parameter, ao, is computed for each line of
the pattern and is plotted against a so called extrapolation function. A straight line should

result and the true value of the lattice parameter can be found by extrapolating this line to
=90. This so called extrapolation functions are functions of , like cos2, sin2, cos2/sin,
The Cohen method [1] consist from two sets of equations,
A 2 + C = sin 2
A + C 2 = sin 2

where A = 2 / 4a 02 , = (h 2 + k 2 + l 2 ) and = 10 sin 2 2 . With the two sets of equations we

can find the A and C values. Once the value of A is found, ao can be calculated. The constant
C is related to the amount of systematic error involved.
The Rietveld method [2] is more complicated and sometimes difficult to use but, as
our comparative study is about to show, it yields the best results. The method is a profile
fitting technique involving the simulation of the diffraction pattern, based on a structural
model. The calculated intensities are fitted to the observed intensities, which is achieved by
minimization of the sum of the squares

[( I )
i obs ( I i ) calc
( I i ) b ]2 (2)

Although the principles behind the Rietveld profile refinement method are rather simple, the
use of the technique requires some expertise.

3. Experimental and results

Diffraction data were recorded in the medium range diffraction angles (2 between 10o
90o) by Bragg-Brentano X-Ray diffractometry, using a Bruker D8 Advance equipment
(CuK radiation, 40 kV, 30 mA, Ni filter or graphite monocromator).
The DiffracPlus software package was used for data acquisition and peak search. Two
home-made computer programs were used for the determination of the lattice parameter by
the extrapolation and Cohen methods, respectively. For the Rietveld-type analysis we used the
FullProf programs package [4].
A set of MgAl2O4 powder samples presenting different crystallinities was used. They
were prepared by three different methods [3]: sol-gel, combustion, and thermal conversion,
The average size of the cell parameter for these samples is presented in Table 1.
Although the calculated values are quite similar to those from the references for well
crystallized spinel (ao=8.0831 , JCPDS file 21-1152), it is obvious that the extrapolation and

Rietveld methods give better results, with a plus of reproducibility and precision for the last

Table 1. Lattice parameter calculated for the MgAl2O4 powders, using different methods
Lattice parameter amed ()
Sample Cohen Extrapolation
amed C cos2/sin
1a 8,121 0,003 8,086 0,002 8,0939 0,0005
2 8,112 0,000165 8,101 0,037 8,0772 0,0021
3 8,097 0,000054 8,086 0,004 8,0909 0,0007
3bis 8,088 0,000095 8,092 0,002 8,0935 0,0005
4 8,054 0,000262 8,093 0,020 8,0972 0,0026
6 8,093 0,000033 8,082 0,005 8,0951 0,0008
52 8,124 0,0003 8,089 0,001 8,0926 0,0004

(a) (b)
Fig. 1 Rietveld refinement results for samples 6 (a) and 52 (b) respectively (see text and
Table 1 for details).

As an example of the Rietveld method, in the figures 1.a-b we present the graphics
resulted after refinement with Fullprof software package of the powder diffraction patterns for
the samples 6 and 52. In these figures the grey dots represent the experimental data points, the
black line between those points represents the calculated pattern using a model provided by
user, the black lines under the peaks represent the calculated Bragg positions and the dark-
grey line under the two patterns represents the difference between calculated and observed

The correlation between the synthesis method and the lattice parameter for the spinel
samples will be presented elsewhere.

4. Conclusions
Using the Rietveld method in the medium range diffraction angles (2 between 10
and 90) the results obtained for the lattice parameter determination are the best. The error
calculated is lower and, as we have observed, the reproducibility of the results is also
increased using the Rietveld method. Good results are also obtained using the extrapolation

[1] H.P.Klug, L.E.Alexander, X-ray Diffraction Procedures, 2nd ed., New York (1974)
[2] L.S.Zevin, G.Kimmel, Quantitative X-Ray Diffractometry, Springer-Verlag, New York
[3] C.Pacurariu, I.Lazau, Z.Ecsedi, R.Lazau, P.Barvinschi, G.Marginean, The IX-th
Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, June 19-23, 2005, Portoroz,
[4] http://www-llb.cea.fr/fullweb/fp2k/fp2k.htm


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