BBCM FRF-DRF-TRF Spreadsheet For Regulation 20120111
BBCM FRF-DRF-TRF Spreadsheet For Regulation 20120111
BBCM FRF-DRF-TRF Spreadsheet For Regulation 20120111
11 January 2012
Jens Hjslev Petersen, Eddo J. Hoekstra
This spreadsheet is prepared in the framework of the Task Force on the Fourth Amendment of Directiv
Directive 2002/72/EC has been repealed by Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. According to the Regulation
specific migration in mg/kg, with the Specific Migration Limit (SML) for checking compliance. As usual,
experimental surface-to-volume ratio and the one for the real food application. Furthermore, for certain
simulant D reduction factor (DRF) before you compare your result with the SML.
If you are testing the release of a lipophilic substance that is listed in Annex IVa (which is the new poss
higher, you shall divide your experimentally result by a fat reduction factor (FRF). In cases where both
(TRF=DRF*FRF) cannot exceed 5. Since the application of the DRF and FRF is rather complex, a calc
calculate from the SML a maximum acceptable specific migration in your experimental set-up before y
your corrected experimentally obtained result with the SML and see if your material or article is in com
Detailed information about this calulator can be read in chapter 2 of the "Guidance document on the fa
aromatic amines":
11 January 2012
Jens Hjslev Petersen, Eddo J. Hoekstra
Note this calculator is not valid for: 1. substances behind the functional barrier
2. caps, gaskets, stoppers and similar sealing articles if the intended use of the article is not known
Food in contact with FCM Simulant D Reduction Factor (DRF) click and select until 31/12/2012 DRF according to Council Directive 85/572/EEC; from 1/1/2013 DRF according to
Regulation 10/2011; you should fill DRF = 1 in the specific case where the SML=ND
Fat content (%) According to the food declaration obligatory value only when FRF is used
Fat reduction factor (FRF) 1 range 1-5
Allowed total reduction factor TRF (always 5) #VALUE! According to "4th amendment"
Surface-to-volume ratio (dm2/kg) By convention: 1 liter of food simulant = 1 kg
food or simulant click and select until 31/12/2012 food simulants according to Council Directive 85/572/EEC (D1=D and D2=50%
Migration Test Conditions
ethanol); from 1/1/2013 food simulants according to Regulation 10/2011
Specific migration (mg/kg)
Migration Test Results fill in only one result, i.e. specific migration in mg/kg or mg/dm 2.
Specific migration (mg/dm2)
mg/kg 0
Calculated maximum acceptable The calculator specifies both a maximum acceptable migration under the given test conditions
concentration in test
mg/dm2 #DIV/0!
11 January 2012
Jens Hjslev Petersen, Eddo J. Hoekstra
Note this calculator is not valid for: 1. substances behind the functional barrier
2. caps, gaskets, stoppers and similar sealing articles if the intended use of the article is not known
Food in contact with FCM Simulant D Reduction Factor (DRF) 1 until 31/12/2012 DRF according to Council Directive 85/572/EEC; from 1/1/2013 DRF according to
Regulation 10/2011; you should fill DRF = 1 in the specific case where the SML=ND
Fat content (%) 5 According to the food declaration obligatory value only when FRF is used
Fat reduction factor (FRF) 1 range 1-5
food or simulant D2 until 31/12/2012 food simulants according to Council Directive 85/572/EEC (D1=D and D2=50%
Migration Test Conditions
ethanol); from 1/1/2013 food simulants according to Regulation 10/2011
Specific migration (mg/kg) 14
Migration Test Results fill in only one result, i.e. specific migration in mg/kg or mg/dm 2.
Specific migration (mg/dm2)
mg/kg 18
Calculated maximum acceptable The calculator specifies both a maximum acceptable migration under the given test conditions
concentration in test
mg/dm 2
11 January 2012
Jens Hjslev Petersen, Eddo J. Hoekstra
Note this calculator is not valid for: 1. substances behind the functional barrier
2. caps, gaskets, stoppers and similar sealing articles if the intended use of the article is not known
Polymer type
Lot no.
Fat content (%) According to the food declaration obligatory value only when FRF is used
Fat reduction factor (FRF) 1 range 1-5
food or simulant B
Migration Test Conditions
Specific migration (mg/kg)
Migration Test Results fill in only one result, i.e. specific migration in mg/kg or mg/dm2.
Specific migration (mg/dm2)
mg/kg 0
Calculated maximum acceptable
concentration in test The calculator specifies both a maximum acceptable migration under the given test conditions
mg/dm2 #DIV/0!
11 January 2012
Jens Hjslev Petersen, Eddo J. Hoekstra
Note this calculator is not valid for: 1. substances behind the functional barrier
2. caps, gaskets, stoppers and similar sealing articles if the intended use of the article is not known
Polymer type
Lot no.
Fat content (%) According to the food declaration obligatory value only when FRF is used
Fat reduction factor (FRF) 1 range 1-5
food or simulant B
Migration Test Conditions
Specific migration (mg/kg)
Migration Test Results fill in only one result, i.e. specific migration in mg/kg or mg/dm2.
Specific migration (mg/dm2)
mg/kg 0
Calculated maximum acceptable
concentration in test The calculator specifies both a maximum acceptable migration under the given test conditions
mg/dm2 #DIV/0!
ISSN 1018-5593
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
European Communities, 2010
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged
The mission of the JRC-IHCP is to protect the interests and health of the
consumer in the framework of EU legislation on chemicals, food, and
consumer products by providing scientific and technical support including
risk-benefit assessment and analysis of traceability.
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