FAST Special A320 Full

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Dear Customer,

An in-flight interruption is not a regular event. None the less, F L I G H T


as airlines strive to further optimize aircraft utilisation and minimize A I R W O R T H I N E S S

costs, it is inevitable that the effect of such event will become

more significant for any given operation. M A Y 2 0 0 5


Herein you will find briefings on the most significant opportunities

currently available to minimize in-flight interruptions. The aim is to

A320 Family

share A320 Family fleet experience between all operators.

This FAST Special provides an analysis of in-flight interruptions

recorded for the A320 Family fleet over the last 4 years. The A practical guide to reducing
main contributors have been identified and consequently in-flight interruptions

proposals defined that may allow your airline to further reduce its

in-flight interruption rate.

Overall analysis 2
The proposals range from relatively simple enhancements

that are easy to implement to those that are more complex, ATA 21 Air conditioning

consequently requiring more time and effort to introduce. Franois Gheur 4
However, all are effective means of reducing in-flight interruptions
and in addition offer the possibility to further enhance operational ATA 27 Flight controls
efficiency. Joan Rendu 6

ATA 29 Hydraulic system

Information is provided to allow the benefits applicable to Cdric Turroque 8
your organisation to be easily identified. We now invite you to
consider each proposal in the context of your fleet and its Publisher: Bruno Piquet ATA 32 Landing gear systems
Editor: Kenneth Johnson
operation. Should you need further information to support you, Graphic Designer: Agns Massol-Lacombe
Jrme Lesage 12
please feel free to contact us.
Customer Services Marketing ATA 36 Engine bleed air system
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 93 43 88 Patrick Grave 15
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 93 47 73
E-mail: [email protected]
Printer Escourbiac
ATA 52 Doors
Arnaud Blanc-Nikolaitchouk 18
FAST may be read on Internet
under Customer Services/Publications
ATA 70-80 Propulsion system
ISSN 1293-5476 Raquel Sanchez-Garcia 21

Airbus Customer Services Conclusion

Antoine Vieillard 24
AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. All rights reserved
Vice President A320 Family Programme No other intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this Magazine than the right
to read it, for the sole purpose of information. This Magazine and its content shall not be
Customer Services modified and its images shall not be reproduced without prior written consent of Airbus.
This Magazine and the material it contains shall not, in whole or in part, be sold, rented,
distributed or licensed to any third party. The information contained in this Magazine may vary
over time because of future factors that may affect the accuracy of information herein. Airbus
assumes no obligation to update any information contained in this Magazine. When additional
information is required, Airbus S.A.S. can be contacted to provide further details. Airbus, its
logo and product names are registered trademarks. Airbus S.A.S. shall assume no liability for

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even if Airbus S.A.S. has been advised of the likelihood of such damages
produced without using chlorine, to reduce
waste and help conserve natural resources.
Photographs by Herv Brenger, Herv Gouss and Philippe Masclet Every little helps!

- Air conditioning

The cost of an in-flight interrup- Flight Crew replacement (due to

tion can vary significantly from maximum flying hours The data collection
one operation to another. Costs are regulations) process starts with a
greatly influenced by the nature of The aircraft out of service for a Pilot Report which
the event and the support available lengthy period (replacement to will lead the operator to raise
at the aircrafts location. be sourced) an Air Safety Report
(or equivalent) that must be
The immediate operational impact By attributing the in-flight inter- sent to its airworthiness
ruption events shown in the chart authority. Airbus either
of an in-flight interruption could be:
collects a copy of this ASR,
below to their appropriate ATA
receives the details in the
Flying to a runway long enough chapters the ATA drivers are identi-
airlines monthly reliability
to accept the aircraft (in cases fied. That is, the ATA chapters
report, or more frequently,
such as flap locks) against which the majority of root
receives the contents of the
Overweight landing causes have been attributed. For reliability report plus the
Single engine landing each ATA chapter a specific sec- incident report text in
following an in-flight engine tion in this FAST Special has been electronic format and this is
shutdown produced. Each of these sections then loaded directly into the
Passenger discomfort in the presents a further breakdown of the Airbus database in Toulouse
case of excessive cabin altitude events and based on this, proposals using the following

Overall analysis Further consequences could be:

are made that will allow in-flight
interruptions to be minimized. It
should be noted that not all propos-

Definition of
Men and materials sent to the als are applicable to all aircraft in In-Flight Turn-Back (IFTB):
It is essential to minimise the delays Most passengers, even frequent In-flight interruptions typically diverted aircraft to repair it the fleet, but information to allow The return of an aircraft to the
and cancellations that accompany the flyers, have never experienced an follow specific warnings to the and/or ferry it back to base the applicability to be determined airport of origin as a result of the
operation of commercial aircraft. Airbus in-flight interruption, such as an In pilot indicating: Cancellation of following flights has been provided in all cases. malfunction or suspected
continues to develop and deliver efficient, Flight Turn Back (IFTB) or a diver- for the aircraft. malfunction of any item on the
proven solutions to reduce technical sion (DV). They are very rare. Landing gear retracted Lack of spares leading to an The issues causing in-flight inter- aircraft (Note: also called
delays and cancellations for every aircraft Nevertheless, airline Fleet and uplocked not confirmed AOG situation ruptions can equally result in Airturnback).
in the A320 Family fleet. Managers know that there is a need electrically Passengers booked onto another delays at the departure gate.
to consider technical delay reduc- Excessive cabin altitude flight and/or hotel, meal and Therefore, when considering the Definition of
An in-flight interruption such as a tion and in-flight interruption event warning added value the proposals made in Flight Diversion (DV):
compensation costs
turn-back or diversion places the aircraft, limitation when looking at aircraft Flight control surface not The landing of an aircraft at an
Aircraft, baggage, and freight this FAST Special will bring to a
its passengers, freight and crew in the or procedures enhancements. responding airport other than the airport of
checked by the emergency given operation, their effects
wrong place and in need of maintenance origin or destination as a result
Engine shutdown following services (following smoke should be considered not only in
crew attention. Furthermore, these events of the malfunction or suspected
Global analysis of in-flight inter- excessive vibration or exhaust warning, for example) the context of minimizing in-flight
malfunction of any item on the
can have a major impact throughout ruptions for the A320 Family gas temperature Other aircraft and crews interruptions but in overall opera- aircraft.
schedules. The trend for A320 Family shows that there has been a steadi- Hydraulic low level warning rescheduled at short notice tional efficiency.
in-flight interruptions is steadily declining ly improving trend in the rate over due to leakage
Throughout this document
and today the in-service fleet experiences the last few years. Smoke warning In-flight turnbacks for year 2004 the term in-flight interruption
an in-flight interruption for technical % contribution pere ATA
is used when describing
reasons about once every 7000 flights. either an IFTB or DV.
To ensure that all operators of A320 A320 world fleet
In-flight interruptions rate per Airbus computes:
Family aircraft are briefed on the
100 revenue takeoffs Flight interruption rate per
opportunities for minimising in-flight 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
100 revenue takeoffs as
interruptions within their operation, (IFTB+DV)* 100/revenue take
Airbus Customer Services has produced offs.
this FAST Special. It aims to share fleet- (2001-2004) ATA 21 AIR CONDITIONING 14%
wide experience with all operators. ATA 70-80 PROP. SYSTEM 14%
To do this it focuses on the principle root
causes of in-flight interruptions and 0.04
consequently identifies proposals that are ATA 36 PNEUMATICS 8%
widely applicable and that have ATA 27 FLIGHT CONTROLS 6%
demonstrated their value in terms of not
only minimizing in-flight interruptions

but also in reducing delays and 0.00 Others 29%
cancellations. 2001 2002 2003 2004

2 3
ATA 21 - AIR
Air conditioning
21 -21AIR- Air

Proposal 2

ATA 21
ATA 21-50-00

Rupture of clamps Proposal 1

has caused pack bel- ATA 21-26-00 ENHANCED AEVC
lows to break open,
Air conditioning leading to cabin pres-
surisation difficul-
New AEVC PN 87292325V06
VSB 87292325-21-008
ties. Replacing these Rev. 02 24-Jul-02
clamps by corrosion- AIR CONDITIONING
resistant and welded AVIONICS EQUIPMENT
ones will minimize VENTILATION COMPUTER
Franois Gheur 87292325 IMPROVEMENT OF
such occurrences. THE AEVC ADAPTATION TO ALL
Environmental Control System
Customer Services Engineering VALVES AND FANS, IMPROVEMENT
Example of a
+ Cheap - Quick - Easy failed clamp
Modification 31678
- Embodiment Rank MSN 1856
VSB 87292325-21-011
Rev. 00 05-Apr-04
Avionics ventilation (63%) ATA 21-50-00 VENTILATION COMPUTER
Between 2001 and 2004, Air cooling (15%) CONDENSER 87292325 REDUCTION OF
14% of in-flight interruptions have 21-00-00 SMOKE WARNINGS (STANDARD
Pressurization (9%)
21-31-00 12% V06)
been attributed to ATA 21 chapter, Miscellaneous (12%) Some pressurisation difficulties
9% have been linked to rupture of the Modifications 33967
environmental control system. Embodiment Rank MSN 2290
They can be further divided as condenser (see example of rup-
21-50-00 21-26-00
tured condenser below) of one air SB 21-1147 Rev. 00 05-Apr-04
shown in the pie chart to the right. 15% 63%
conditioning pack. The affected AIR CONDITIONING
pack will then no longer supply air AVIONICS EQUIPMENT
The main reason for in-flight to the cabin due to the significant AEVC STANDARD V06
interruptions linked to the Proposal 1 leak at the rupture. The solution
environmental control system is the ATA 21-26-00 AEVC and circuit board has been to increase the thickness TFUs and
ENHANCED AEVC of the wall that exhibited this Example of a ruptured
inability to pressurise the aircraft. condenser
failure mode.
The avionics equipment ventilation The latest Avionics Equipment Proposal 2
computer can cause inability to Ventilation Computer (AEVC) stan- ATA 21-50-00 - PACK BELLOWS
pressurise by leaving the vent skin dard clears two major issues. It can New clamp PN NSA5532C612
air valves open. This is addressed by now deal with disruption of the elec-
trical signals from the skin air valves, SB 21-1155 planned for Sep-05
proposal 1. Another cause of AIR CONDITIONING
which previously caused AEVC and
pressurisation problems is major INSTALL IMPROVED CLAMP ON
skin air valve faults, which could BELLOWS AT PACK OUTLET AND
leaks at pack level. Two pack result in an in-flight interruption. BETWEEN PACK OUTLET CHECK
components have been reinforced in This new controller also prevents VALVE AND MIXER UNIT
that respect. These are proposals 2 spurious avionics smoke warnings in Modification 35038
flight triggered by a pin crack at the Embodiment Rank MSN 2538
and 3.
level of the Random Access Memory
Proposal 3
module. With this latest AEVC stan-
Miscellaneous events (21-00-00) are ATA 21-50-00 - CONDENSER
dard, shock absorption has also been
mainly smell or smoke reports with improved and the smoke detector test Crack New condenser PN 756A0000-06
various origins not linked to the air inhibited in flight. + Cheap modification Contact
VSB 756A-21-04 Rev. 00 15 - Feb 05
conditioning. For example, an oil Franois Gheur AIR CONDITIONING
smell due to an APU oil leak will be + Resolves large portion of - Weight increase: approx. Environmental Control System STRENGTH IMPROVEMENT OF
intermittent system failures. 250gr/unit Customer Services Engineering SIDE PLATE
logged under ATA 21 as a first step Improves dispatch reliability Tel: +33 (0)5 61 93 44 67

instead of ATA 49. Fax : +33 (0)5 61 93 44 38 TFU
- [email protected]

4 5
ATA 27
21 - Air
conditioning ATAATA
- Air conditioning

Flap rotary actuators filled with Note that the vibration reporting

ATA 27
grease pre mod 28898 or pre mod sheet also allows isolation of vibra-
28899 need removal for re-greas- tion/noise from any source (e.g.
ing approximately every 5 years flight controls, belly fairing seals,
(Refer to MPD task 275449-05-1). engines, doors etc).
A new type of actuator post mod
28898 or 28899 (post SB 27-1138)
Flight controls embodied since MSN 1256 are
filled with semi fluid and are ser-
viceable on wing. This eases main-
tenance and avoids removal/instal-
lation of the actuators.

Joan Rendu + Reduced maintenance

Engineer Flight Control Systems
Customer Services Engineering - Need to replace greased
actuator with semi-fluid one

Proposal 2
ATA 27 distribution
(129 events Jan. 01 - Sept. 04) Airbus has adressed the majority of
In 2004, 6% of all in-flight airframe vibration sources.
interruptions have been attributed elac (9%) However, vibration related events
to ATA chapter 27. Constributors spoiler (8%) 9% can still occur and comprehensive
22% 8% advice for addressing them effec-
are multiple but, as the chart flap (37%) tively is provided in the Trouble
shows, the two most significant are
yaw damper (5%) 7% Shooting Manual (TSM).
flaps and vibration.
vibration (12%)
When the aircraft is on ground it is
aileron (7%) 12% difficult for maintenance to identi-
The flap category represents the 37%
other (22%) 5% fy the vibration source.
biggest contributor to operational
interruptions with 37% of the total Effective troubleshooting of in
for flight controls. This includes Proposal 1 flap rotary actuators had recently flight vibration avoids vibration re-
FLAP ROTARY ACTUATOR been removed for re-greasing. occurrence and associated poten-
faults that range from single SFCC
tial operational interruptions.
(Slat and Flap Control Computer) There are 4 rotary actuators on Investigation revealed that during
faults with no effect on flap and each wing. The function of these accomplishment of removal Rapid and efficient troubleshoot-
actuators is to translate the rotary or installation of the flap rotary
slat availability, to faults that lead ing requires accurate pilot report-
motion of the flap drive shaft into actuators a slight mis-rigging in the ing using the vibration reporting
to flap/slat lock. Flap or slat lock movement of the flaps. flap transmission had been sheet (entry point for TSM task 05-
has a direct impact on landing induced. This was found as a con- 50-00-810-801).
distance (defined in the Flight Further to flap lock events, it was tributing factor in the reported flap
reported in several cases that the locks.
Crew Operating Manual). It is important to note that for opti-
mum troubleshooting efficiency,
the flight crew should attempt to
Vibration is the second most isolate the vibration source during
significant operational interruption flight by modifying the flight para-
contributor with 12%. It should be meters (e.g. pitch, yaw, speed, etc.).
noted that vibration has no effect Contact
on handling or performance Joan Rendu
Flap rotary actuator + Minimum cost, improves
efficiency: concerned surfaces and Engineer Flight Control Systems
communication between flight Customer Services Engineering
systems remain fully efficient crew and maintenance

Tel: +33 (0)5 62 11 01 42
during vibration events. Fax: + 33 (0)5 61 93 44 25
- None [email protected]

6 7
ATA 29
21 - Air
conditioning ATA 29
21 - Air conditioning

Example of an illustration displayed on the

Visual inspection Guide CD-Rom
condition parts, Airbus recom-

ATA 29
mends to carry out visual inspec-
tions of these flexible hoses, and
more particularly those in specific
and sensitive areas, such as the land-
ing gear, landing gear doors, flight
controls and the hydraulic bay.
Hydraulic system During such an inspection, the
installation of the line must be
checked (routing, clearances,
clamp position/integrity), as well
as the integrity of the flexible hoses
Cdric Turroque themselves (see rejection criteria in
Engineer Hydraulic Systems the following paragraph).
Customer Services Engineering
Wire-braided hoses/conduits have
to be replaced when:

Two or more wires in one plait

or several wires are broken in a
concentrated area
ATA 29 distribution (Green, Yellow and Blue
10% or more of a given braided
area exhibits wear from chafing systems), as well as at the outlet
A hydraulic system is usually False low level (4%) Pressure Switch shape change
Braid is protected by a neoprene port of the Blue Electric Motor
considered lost when one of the False low pressure (6%) overlay and wear or chafing into Pump (EMP).
10% 5% 4% 6%
following cockpit messages is triggered: 2% the braid has occurred.
False/other (2%)
fluid quantity loss, fluid/pump overheat Both types of switches have the
Low level (57%) To ease the operators integration of same general design, the main dif-
or air/hydraulic low pressure (or 16%
overpressure in a few cases). These can Low pressure (16%) such visual inspection in their ference being the warning thresh-
Overheat (10%) scheduled maintenance pro- old value, which is higher for the
either be the result of a spurious/false
grammes, Airbus has developed a engine switch.
fault message, or generated by a 57% Other (5%)
CD-Rom, called Hydraulic
confirmed system failure. Systems Visual Inspection Guide. As shown in the main leak drivers
It covers all the areas and equipment pie chart, the pressure switches
Main leak drivers for
Hydraulic system loss alone does the 57% low level items that could be checked and has been currently installed can give some
not necessarily lead to in-flight developed in conjunction with oper- spurious low-pressure messages. In
interruption, as some operators (crews), ators of the A320 Family. addition, hydraulic leakage from
in this situation, can choose to continue Miscellaneous (56%) the switch itself was reported in
'old' shape 'new' shape
3% 5% past years. It is estimated that over-
the flight or not. Unknown (15%) +
15% Can be done during aircraft all pressure switch failures have
Ground Service and maintenance check led to 8.4% (for ATA 29) of the in-
In 2004, 9% of in-flight interruptions PTU Manifolds (8%) flight interruptions since 2001.
8% -
were attributable to ATA 29. For our Hoses (15%) Additional maintenance
review, we have divided the causes into Check Valve It has therefore been decided to
two main categories: 15% 56% in Manifold (3%) Proposal 2 develop an enhanced design for
Pressure Switch (5%) HYDRAULIC PRESSURE both pressure switch types to cure
Interruptions due to hydraulic system SWITCHES these issues. For this purpose:
malfunctions (i.e. false fault messages, Proposal 2
Proposal 1 in the hose. In addition, some flex- Two types of pressure switch are PN 450-1-3100-00 will replace
overheat, low pressure, etc.). These HYDRAULIC PRESSURE SWITCHES
FLEXIBLE HOSE INSPECTION ible hoses are subject to difficult installed on A320 Family aircraft: PN 50-1-3100-00 on the EDP
Airbus Service Bulletin 29-1096:
represent approximately 40% of the environmental conditions, such as outlet ports INSTALL MODIFIED EDP SENSE LINE ON V2500
total in-flight interruptions for ATA29. Flexible hoses are installed in the temperature variation, foreign Engine pressure switches, PN 450-2-3100-00 will replace ENGINES
Interruptions due to hydraulic hydraulic distribution system object damage, or chemical attacks located at the outlet port of both PN 50-2-3100-00 on the TFU
leakages, which account for the where movement is required and to (carbon burst, de-icing fluid etc.). Green and Yellow Engine manifolds and EMP outlet ports. EDP PRESS SWITCH FAILURE ON IAE V2500
ease removal/installation of com- If not replaced, damage to a hose or ENGINE
remaining 60%. Driven Pumps (EDPs)

ponents. Pressure fluctuations, pul- its wire braid, can lead to hydraulic And manifold pressure These units are still under the vali- HYDRAULIC PRESSURE SWITCH LOW
sations of the system and bending leakage, and possibly system loss. switches, located on the High dation process and will be avail- RELIABILITY
cycles impose a high level of stress Although flexible hoses are on Pressure (HP) Manifolds able for procurement mid-2005.
8 9
ATA 29
21 - Air
conditioning ATA 29
21 - Air conditioning

Typical pipe installation Breakdown of ZCV66 Check-valve

For further information on their some recommendations, detailed embodying SB A320-29-1113.

availability and to follow up Airbus in SIL 29-080, that describe the This requires some
actions, please refer to TFU preventive replacement of these modifications to the plumbing manifolds. installation surrounding the
Please also refer to closed TFU PTU and Ground Service (EDP Pressure Manifolds leakages represent 19% + Reduces leakage
Switch failure on IAE Engines), of in-flight interruptions due to
which introduces a new pressure hydraulic leakage for aircraft prior
switch installation on IAE Engines to MSN 972.
- Scheduled replacement
through Airbus SB 29-1096 and
PRE-MOD 25159 Proposal 4
+ Prevents spurious message and Airbus recommends that pre-mod CHECK-VALVES IN HP/PTU
leakage 25159 Green and Blue Ground MANIFOLD
Service Manifolds, PN S4- Retainer ring
- 3500272, are replaced by post-mod Check-Valves PN ZCV66 and
25159 Manifolds, PN S4-3500711, ZCV67 are located in the HP and
S4-3500712 or PN S4-350071L PTU Manifold pre-mod 27490, i.e.
Proposal 3 before reaching 19,000 flight before MSN 972 (FINs 1059GM,
GROUND SERVICE AND cycles (refer to SIL 29-077). 1094GM, 2059GM, 3059GM &
PRE-MOD 27490 Further to several operator reports Proposal 4
Ground Service Manifold PN Airbus recommends that the pre- of hydraulic leakage from check- CHECK-VALVES IN HP/PTU
S4-3500272 is originally installed mod 27490 Yellow PTU manifolds valve ZCV66 / ZCV67, Airbus has MANIFOLD
on aircraft pre-mod 25159 are replaced before reaching launched investigations to deter- Airbus Service Bulletin
(MSN<632). 15,000 flight cycles: mine the root cause. Each time, it 29-1107:
was found that a retainer ring was INSTALL MODIFIED CHECK-
The Power Transfer Unit Manifold Either by the same model PN missing on the leaking units, lead- Airbus Service Bulletin
PN D2907019000200/400/600 are D2907019000X00 with further ing to the cap loosening and subse- 29-1109:
originally installed on aircraft pre- replacements scheduled within quent O-ring damage. CHECK AND RE-INSTALL
mod 27490 (MSN before 972). 15,000 flight cycles RETAINER RING ON CHECK-
Or by an improved PTU Two solutions are available to oper- VALVE PN ZCV66/67
Proposal 3 The investigations carried out on manifold PN 1556A9900-01 ators:
GROUND SERVICE AND several returned units of the above that has demonstrated enhanced
POWER TRANSFER UNIT PNs have led Airbus to publish fatigue endurance properties, by The preferred solution is to
MANIFOLDS install a new check-valve,
Airbus Service Bulletin 29-1113: PN ZCV66-1/ZCV67-1, by
INTRODUCE LIEBHERR PTU Airbus SB 29-1107 (covering
MANIFOLD PTU Manifold cracked Circle Seal Controls SB
Airbus Service Information Letter
29-077: ZCV66-29-1 & ZCV67-29-1)
INTRODUCTION OF IMPROVED Otherwise, inspect, as per
GROUND SERVICE MANIFOLD SB 29-1109, the already
(GSM) IN THE GREEN (FIN installed check-valves and
1146GM) AND BLUE (2146GM)
verify that the retainer rings are
MOD 25159 AIRCRAFT correctly fitted. If not, VSB
Airbus Service Information Letter ZCV66-29-2/ZCV67-29-2 must
29-080: be carried out to replace and
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR safety (Loctite) the retainer ring.
+ Two solutions available
TFU Ease of implementation Cdric Turroque
YELLOW SYSTEM GROUND Engineer Hydraulic Systems
Customer Services Engineering
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 11 82 51

YELLOW SYSTEM PTU Fax : +33 (0)5 61 93 32 73
MANIFOLD BODY CRACKS [email protected]

10 11
ATA 32
21 - Air
conditioning ATA 32 - LANDING
Air conditioning

Proposal 1

ATA 32

Installation of the landing gear

safety devices (ground lock pins
and collars), when the aircraft is
Landing gear systems towed or pushed-back during
flight operation is optional. Airbus
do not intend to make recommen-
dations to favour one way or the
other as some airlines require
installation of ground lock pins
Jrme Lesage and collars, whereas some do not
Engineer A380 & A320 Family Landing gear want to do this.
Customer Services Engineering
The rationale behind this optional
statement is that during the A320
Family operation, green hydraulic
power supply is generally ON, giv-
Landing gear safety devices:
ing two different means to physi- ground lock pins and collars
ATA 32 IFTB number per FH and % cally achieve the landing gear
down and locked position:
Landing gear non-retraction during ATA32% Nbr per FH (Log)
take-off phase is a key factor in in-flight Gear architecture (nose landing
20.0 ATA32 rate per FH 1.0E-04
interruptions. It represents roughly 14% of gear over-centred position and
fleet reports. Although significant decrease downlock springs),
Green power supply at the
in rate has been demonstrated on ATA 32, 15.0
downlock actuators.
the large number of equipments involved in
the landing gear extension/retraction However, under towing operation
sequence still gives a remote, but wide, for maintenance, when the hydraulic
spread of failure modes. power supply is not available, one
downlock means is removed. Under
The proposals given provide simple and such circumstances, Airbus recom-
proven advice to significantly reduce ATA mends usage of the ground lock pins
and collars which are 100% reliable
32 related flight interruptions. 0.0 1.0E-05
to ensure physical downlocking of
2001 2002 2003 2004
the landing gear.
The first one, related to ground lock pins
and ground lock sleeves, commonly called With regard to the above, Airbus
safety devices, or safety pins, may ATA 32 distribution Two ATA32 key contributing factors would like to highlight the follow- Some airlines who fit ground
appear obvious. However, the increase of have been identified. ing: lock pins and collars during
flight interruptions reported due to safety turnaround have particular
devices forgotten on the landing gear prior 32-40/32-50 Systems Installation of the devices is check-lists requesting their
18% 27% optional. It is not a requirement flight crew to ask ground crew
to take off, combined with an increase of
for operational pushback (i.e. to show, in their hands, removed
queries on the subject led us to make during turnaround) pins and collars prior to final
Safety Pin
known Airbus operator experiences. The devices are made visible dispatch. This may be an
(with a red flag for the pins) to effective way to avoid
The other one relates to the nose landing the ground crew. It remains the interruptions, if you wish to
gear (NLG) flight/ground indication MLG operators responsibility to install those pins during short
system. This item aims to address 3% check they do not hang turn arounds.
improvements and thus to correct one of underneath the aircraft prior to
departure + Ease of implementation
the main contributing factors to landing 5% It remains the airlines Low cost

gear retraction failure. 11%
Hyd. Leaks maintenance staff responsibility
6% 22%
to ensure the red paint/flags are - None
in good condition
12 13
ATA 21
32 - Air conditioning

Two rod links configuration Single rod links configuration

Target lever

ATA 36
Engine bleed air system

Rod link Patrick Grave

Pneumatics, Ice and Fire Protection
Customer Services Engineering

Proposal 2 Rod links reinforcement

NOSE LANDING GEAR (Messier-Dowty -Vendor Service
FLIGHT/GROUND Bulletin 580-32-3157) ATA 36 Distribution
INDICATING SYSTEM Target lever modification to add
a greasing path and then allow
During 2004, 8% of all in-flight 11%
The NLG flight/ground indicat- its lubrication (Messier-Dowty
interruputions have been attributed 36%
ing system consists of a mechani- -Vendor- Service Bulletin 11%
cal mechanism driving two sensors 580-32-3155). to ATA chapter 36. Analysis of these
(FIN 24GA and 25GA) see figure
interrruptions clearly shows that the
above. It indicates whether the air- Both Vendor Service Bulletin 11%
craft is in flight and straight 580-32-3155 and 580-32-3157 are main causes are either bleed air duct
(shock absorber extended and cen- covered by Airbus Service Bulletin leak detection or bleed air over-
tred) or on ground (shock A320-32-1288.
temperature regulation (leading to 15% 17%
absorber compressed or not
straight). Pending embodiment of these single or double bleed loss). These Over pressure (11%)
Overtemp (36%)
modifications, some maintenance two main reasons are driving more Bleed leak (17%) Low pressure (11%)
Three failure modes have been may be applied to prevent the fail-
than 60% of ATA chapter 36 Bleed fault (15%) Other (11%)
identified that induce bending or ure mode of the rod eye end and
fatigue break of the sensors target lever axle (refer to TFU 32- interruptions.
24/25GA rod links, which can lead 21-11-012): Cleaning of the inter-
to flight interruptions: face rod link axle as well as the
Contact The main contributors
target lever axle. If the target lever
Jrme Lesage Looseness of the NLG cover or the axles are removed, ensure to these failure modes are well The new
Engineer A380 & A320 Family Seizure/jamming of the rod links the axle lever torque value is identified and have fixes already Proposal 1 technology
Landing gear Corrosion/seizure of the target between 4 and 5nm (2.949 to BLEED AIR DUCTS LEAKS developed
Customer Services Engineering available:
lever eye end bearings. 3.687lbf). for the bleed air duct
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 11 86 11 Investigation revealed that bleed seals is also available
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 93 32 73 air ducts leaks represent 17% of in-
[email protected] The following modifications have Temperature Control Thermostat for the air conditioning
been defined to address these fail- + Long term effectiveness
flight interruptions. For this type of packs through SB A320-
Cost effective
(TCT) failure is one major failure mode there are two possible 21-1153 (available
ure modes:
contributor to the over-temperature solutions. second quarter of
Cover fastening reinforcement - One grease point added to the regulation (either TCT failure or 2005). It should be
(Messier-Dowty -Vendor NLG. The first solution (considered as a noted that bleed air
Modification point of embodiment TCT filter clogging) preventive action) is the applica- leaks in the pack bay
in production (MSN) Service Bulletin 580-32-3133)
Bleed air duct seal leakage for tion of the MPD tasks for preven- will trigger a wing leak
tive seals replacement (ABS0737 warning and as such
bleed air leaks. contribute to ATA36
A320 (Std 1) A321 (Std 2) A319 (Std 3) A318 (Std 4) considered as the best reliable seal

from previous design). These rec- reliability performance.
VSB 580-32-3133 856 864 860 1660
ommendations are also described
SB A320-32-1288 2336 2363 2355 2358
in SIL 36-047.
14 15

Temperature Control Thermostat (TCT) Location

Typical installation Proposal 2
Bleed air duct seal installation

Part of 51% of in flight interrup-

tions (combined bleed fault and
over-temperature). For informa-
tion: bleed fault warnings can be
due to either an over-temperature
or an over-pressure. From experi-
ence, it is considered that a large
Previous seals designs
part of bleed faults are due over-
temperature and consequently
Flange "A" Flange "B" linked to TCT behaviour.
ABS 0605 type
The type of failure is known to be
"X" Flanges must be parallel TCT Filter
due to a particular TCT Part
(+-2mm / 0.078in.)
Number (PN). An improved PN is
available to address this issue and Proposal 3
Peri-seal application of a one-time TCT BLEED OVER-TEMPERATURE
The second solution offers a far inspection, as per SB A320-36- DUE TO TCT FILTER
greater service life and is consid- 1049, will allow the TCT PN to be CONTAMINATION
NSA 8054 type ered the final fix. It incorporates a identified and replaced if required.
new design of bleed air duct seal,
Part of 51% of in flight interrup-
ABS1040, and is available through
+ tions (combined bleed fault and
SB A320-36-1043 (Modification Ease of implementation
Low cost over-temperature).
32027, Embodiment rank MSN
peri-seal Peri-airseal 1830).
- Another well known possibility for
bleed air over-temperature is the
+ Ease of implementation TCT filter clogging. To address
ABS 0632 type Low cost this issue regular filter cleaning is
recommended and is available
- None through the application of the cor-
Examples of TCT
clogged filters responding MPD task. Todays rec-
ommended interval is 20 months.
peri-seal Nevertheless, depending on oper-
ating environment and operators
ABS 0737 type experience, a less or a more fre-
quent initial interval may be used.
For example, it has been well
established that Middle East opera-
tors were more affected than oth-
Male duct peri-seal ers. This recommendation is also
described in SIL 36-055.

New seal design

+ Ease of implementation
Low cost

- None
Patrick Grave
2 Pneumatics, Ice and Fire Protection
Group Manager
Customer Services Engineering
Ambient air Bleed air Tel: +33 (0)5 61 93 43 13

Fax : +33 (0)5 61 93 44 38
[email protected]

16 17
ATA 52
21 - Air
conditioning ATA 21 -ATA
Air 52 - DOORS

28WV/34WV that monitors the

Old/new handle distribution Detail of door handle

ATA 52
position of the handle can generate a mechanism
68% 32%
This issue was initially addressed
by mod 23213 that introduces a switch
reinforced handle on MSN 455, 28WV/34WV

Doors 471, 513 to 516, 524 and subse-

quent (SB A320-52-1039).
A/C with old handle (32%) Handle Target
Cases were reported where a rein-
A/C with new handle (68%)
forced handle is installed on a pre-
mod 23213 aircraft as a replace-
Arnaud Blanc-Nikolatchouk Old/new handle
ment without full embodiment of
Structure Engineer Support Events distribution SB A320-52-1039. This SB con-
Customer Services Engineering sists of installing a reinforced han-
dle and handle fitting, and rework-
24% 76.% ing the handle mechanism. If a
post-mod handle is installed on a
pre-mod aircraft without the mech-
anism rework, interference may
ATA 52 Distribution occur causing the handle to move
Overall, for the year 2004, 6% of in- out of its recess, resulting in a
flight interruptions were attributed to Reports on old handles (76%) warning being generated.
ATA chapter 52. Reports on new handles (24%)
7% 13% It is recommended to fully embody
1% Pax doors (13%)
As far as doors are concerned, cargo 16% 10% SB A320-52-1039 on pre-mod
door false open warnings were Emergency exits (10%)
Proposal 1 23213 aircraft. TFU
identified as the main contributor to Cargo doors (53%) CARGO DOOR HANDLE also contains details on this point.
reported in-flight interruptions or Access/service doors (16%)
rejected take off. In addition, analysis On pre-mod 26213 (old design) air-
shows that, in most cases identified MLG doors (1%)
craft, the cargo door handle can be + Long term effectiveness
preventive actions could have avoided 53% Other (7%) deformed or cracked due to over-
these events. loading or impact damage. In these - None
cases, the proximity switch
In all cases, doors were confirmed
closed and locked afterwards.

Since the introduction of a new Old standard door handle New standard door handle
Cargo door distribution from MSN001 from production aircraft
standard of cargo door handle
mechanism, the number of events has
been drastically reduced. Handle recycled
or reajusted (28%)
13% 28% Sensor replaced (26%)
The major causes identified are: 3%
3% Adjustment of switch (16%)
Cargo door handle deformed or Connector loose (11%)
cracked (old standard) 11%
Partial embodiment of Mechanism readjusted (3%)
SB A320-52-1039 (old standard) Other (3%)
Proximity switch 28WV/34WV or 16%
26% No info (13%)
Handle hook mechanism jammed
(old standard) Two types of cargo door handle can Although two thirds of aircraft in
be found on A319/A320/A321 air- service at the end of 2004 are fitted
More detailed information on these craft. Mod 26213 introduced a new with the new cargo door standard,
issues is provided in SIL 52-055. cargo door improved design, start- reports on old standard handles

Trouble shooting information is given ing with MSN 759. From this MSN, represent more than 75% of the
in Trouble Shooting Manual 52-31-00. a completely new design of handle cases as you can see on the pie
was introduced. chart on the following page.
18 19
ATA 21
52 - Air conditioning
21 - Air conditioning

Proximity switch
30WV/32WV Proposal 2

ATA 70-80
Door sill /34WV or 30WV/32WV

The proximity switches 28WV

/34WV and/or 30WV/32WV can
become incorrectly adjusted or

Proximity switch
faulty. AMM procedure 52-71-00
describes the cargo door proximity
Propulsion system
switch adjustment procedures.

As a preventive action, some opera-

Target tors have introduced a proximity
switch adjustment check, as per Raquel Sanchez-Garcia
Cargo door A320 Family Propulsion System Engineer
AMM 52-71-00, every C-check.
Customer Services Engineering
Door sill Proximity switch
Introduction of an all metal sensor
PN 8-933-01 improved the reliabil-
ity of the sensors. The new all metal
sensor is fully interchangeable with
the previous standard and is now the
preferred spare part. ATA 70-80 distribution

Cargo door Inductance check of the proximity

sensors is covered by AMM task
32-31-73 and allows their condition V2500-A5 CFM56-5A
to be assessed.
Over the last four years the 35% 23%
Handle hook number of events attributed to the
mechanism + Cheap and simple
Propulsion System has regularly
- None decreased. In 2004, 14% of in-flight
interruptions were attributed to the
V2500-A1 6%
ATA chapters concerned (ATA 70 to 36% CFM56-5B
Proposal 3
HANDLE HOOK MECHANISM 80). During these four years, well
over 900 aircraft have been The review of each propulsion Generic proposals
Cases of the handle hook mecha- system reveals two common con-
nism (IPC 52-31-21) being stiff or delivered (a fleet growth of amost tributors to in-flight interrup- The first generic proposal is to
jammed have been found. In these 70%). tions, which are Exhaust Gas implement an engine trend monitor-
Cargo door handle cases, the hook does not engage Temperature (EGT) and vibra- ing system. Low EGT margin con-
Handle flap
correctly on the handle. Should tion. ditions, as well as possible drift in
such a situation occur, the handle These events were reviewed for engine behaviour can be monitored
Cargo door handle flap will not be flush with the door Several causes were identified, and actions initiated before possible
outer skin contour and generate a each of the propulsion systems events occur.
amongst them bird strike and EGT
warning. employed in the A320 Family overlimit are the most numerous. Secondly, in order to monitor fleet
Hook reliability and follow related engine
(breakdown shown in the pie-chart) Whereas bird strikes are hard to
It is recommended to clean/lubri- prevent, some EGT driven events reliability initiatives, we suggest
cate the handle locking linkage to identify the main contributors contacting Airbus Customer
may be avoided through close
every C-check as per MPD Services Powerplant or your engine
and proposals are provided trend monitoring.
Contact 523000-03-1 and AMM task 12- representative.
22-52-640-009. accordingly.
Arnaud Blanc-Nikolatchouk More engine information is also
Structure Engineer Support available on:
Customer Services Engineering +
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 93 29 74 Easy to implement

Fax : +33 (0)5 61 93 36 14
[email protected] - None

20 21
ATA 70-80
21 - Air- conditioning
21 - Air conditioning

CFM56-5B in-flight interruptions ATA 70-80 CFM56-5A in-flight V2500-A1 IFTB and DV ATA 70-80 V2500-A5 IFTB and DV
(98 events Jan 01 - Sep 04) interruptions ATA 70-80 (56 events Jan 01 - Sep 04) (142 events Jan 01 - Sep 04)

13% Engineering test- V2500-A1 & A5

44% 27% 4% 11% ing on-engine 37% 27% 31% 19%
10% has confirmed ENGINE
7% the need for har- For V2500-A1, EGT and
ness bracket vibration are the biggest
9% 2%
6% 8.2% modification. contributors to in-flight
interruptions with 27% 13% 16%
10% 6% 10% 6% 6%
2% 8% 15% 6% A new bracket and 13.4% respectively. 12%
3% 4% 5% (see illustration With the exception of for- 3%
on the left) will eign object related damage
Vibration Oil quantity loss CFM56-5A & 5B ENGINES be added to better support the har- the evolution in these parameters INTERIM MEASURES
nesses and the current bracket, made can be monitored with a trend Although VSV actuator replace- EGT
N1 Fluctuations Oil filter For CFM56-5A engines during the of aluminium alloy, will be replaced monitoring system (see Generic ment and/or VSV system lubrica-
EGT Surge last four years Full Authority by a stainless steel one. The modifi- Proposals on page 21). tion may reduce the occurrence
Digital Electronic Control cations may be done on wing and a rate of the events, these actions are Compressor vane
Smoke Reverser (FADEC) faults are the biggest Service Bulletin and kit will be avail- For V2500-A5, EGT and engine not expected to fully clear the Engine stall and
Compressor vane contributor to in-flight interrup- able from the second quarter of 2005. stalls are the biggest contributors issue. Since warnings occurring in Compressor vane
tions (14.6%). Normally, this with 20% and 16% respectively. the above conditions have no EPR
Oil pressure Others includes faults in the Electronic + Ease of implementation impact on engine parameters, no
Control Unit system (ECU). Low cost Regarding stall events, two main specific maintenance is required Oil pressure
Oil leak
drivers were identified: when this issue is experienced.
- Oil clog
Vibration is the second biggest con- None Until recently, such alleviation of
tributor with 10.8%. In the majority HP Compressor 6: Fleet maintenance action had to be cov- Oil quantity loss
of cases this is attributed to Low Proposal 2 Management Plan completed ered on a case by case basis via
Pressure Turbine (LPT) and High IAE One Time Concession (OTC). Others
Compressor vane successfully (IAE NMSB 72-
Pressure Compressor (HPC) blade Air System VBV Stop Mechanism 0445 - Airbus SB 72-1023) The Airbus TSM was updated to
Foreign Object Damage (FOD). CFM56-5A & CFM56-5B Variable Stator Vane system cover this for the Nov 04 revision
(VSV). to reduce the maintenance burden.
Current bracket (aluminium
alloy) & new bracket For CFM56-5B during the last four A numbers of events were reported
(stainless steel years vibration (13%), N1 (Low to be due to seized VBV stop Proposal 1 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS
Pressure System Speed) fluctua- mechanism. Investigation revealed Compressor Vane VSV IAE has identified an area of mar-
New additional brackets tions (8%) and compressor vane that a defined population of units V2500-A5 ginality in fuel servo pressure ver-
(8%) faults are the biggest contrib- were assembled with insufficient sus required VSV load at certain
utors to in-flight interruptions. The quantity of lubricant. The following Several cases of transitory ENG ambient conditions and engine Contact
event causes are the T12 tempera- corrective actions have been imple- COMPRESSOR VANE warnings power change conditions. Further
ture sensor and the air system mented: have been reported at Take Off (TO) investigation eventually led IAE to Raquel Sanchez-Garcia
Variable Bleed Valve (VBV). to Climb (CLB) thrust transition, on review the following possible soft- Propulsion System Engineer
Production assembly manual hot days, on recently delivered air- ware fixes for this issue: Customer Services Engineering
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 93 25 53
Proposal 1 revised (Apr 04) craft, with no impact observed on Fax : +33 (0)5 93 44 38
N1 fluctuations Component Maintenance Manual main engine parameters. In these Improvement of TO to CLB [email protected]
T12 sensor temperature 75-31-22 TR 75-05 (Oct 04) circumstances, the warning is asso- engine deceleration schedule, or
CFM56-5B issued ciated with CHA(B) VSV Refinement of fault triggering
Affected population ACT/HC/EEC1(2) failure message conditions, or
The dual T12 temperature sensor identification: 1867 parts are in the Post Flight Report, and Improvement of VSV control
measures the engine inlet total air affected SVATK in FADEC troubleshoot- schedule
temperature and the ECU in the CFM Service Bulletin SB75- ing data. This issue was initially
engine power management logic 0062 (5A), & SB75-0030 (5B) to identified on engines below 2500 Three possible FADEC software
uses this temperature value. The improve VBV System reliability. flight hours since new, when the changes are currently being evalu-
T12 dual temperature sensor is Mobil 28 grease is introduced in outside air temperature was more ated by IAE. One of these changes,
installed on the fan inlet cowl and the VBV ballscrew actuators, than 30C. However, deeper under- or a combination of these changes
is connected to the ECU by branch- replacing the Tribolube 2 grease. standing proved that the issue is will be incorporated in FADEC
es of the harness HJ8 and HJ10. These SBs will be issued second more linked to flight cycles (FC) software SCN19 that is scheduled
quarter 2005. than flight hours and that: for the beginning of 2006.
Investigation has shown that vibra-
Current bracket
tion can cause the wiring harness + Occurrence rate should +
Ease of implementation Ease of implementation
and T12 sensor connectors to wear drastically decrease after
Minimum cost Low cost

heavily. Connector wear generates 1,500FC,
particle liberation and contamination - Occurrence rate should -
and degrades the T12 sensor signal. None None
drastically decrease below 25C.
22 23


A graphical assessment is provided for those proposals

with a particularly wide interest. Hydraulic distribution System
Hose inspection
There is one chart for each proposal and each assesses
the relative merits of each proposal against the five criteria 5 Cost
as follows: 4
Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 = Low 1 = High 3
Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 = Wide 1 = Limited 2
Ease of implementation . . . . 5 = Easy 1 = Complex ROI Applicability
Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 = High 1 = Low
ROI (Return On Investment) . 5 = Short period 1 = Long term 0

In short, the greater the area covered

the higher the overall interest.
Ease of
Effectiveness implementation

Air conditioning Nose Landing Gear

Pack bellow clamps Flight/Ground indicating system

5 Cost 5 Cost

Conclusion ROI
Applicability ROI
0 0

As this FAST Special has explained, For this FAST Special, analysis of Other proposals that are considered
the events recorded during the last to be of particular interest are: Ease of
an in-flight interruption is a rare Ease of
four years has been carried out. Effectiveness implementation Effectiveness
event and, for the A320 Family, the implementation
This has allowed proposals that Nose Landing Gear
rate continues to fall. Nonetheless, will be applicable to the greatest Ground/Flight Indicating
these events are unquestionably number of operators to be identi- System (page 14) Air conditioning Pack Bleed air duct seals
fied. However, as might be expect- Bleed Air Duct seals Condenser reinforcement
significant for any aircraft operator.
ed for a mature aircraft family, the (page 15 and 16)
5 Cost 5 Cost
root causes are widely spread. Air Conditioning Pack
The ongoing process of identifying Nonetheless, some proposals stand Bellows clamps (page 5) 4 4
out as having a wide applicability Air Conditioning Pack 3 3
reliability drivers continues. Airbus 2
and offer a significant contribution Condenser reinforcement ROI Applicability ROI 2 Applicability
and its vendors will also continue to 1 1
to further in-flight interruption (page 5) 0
offer new enhancements as needs 0
reduction. In addition, most pro- Hydraulic Hose inspection
and opportunities appear. posals offer an intrinsic improve- (page 8 and 9)
ment in overall system reliability
that should not be forgotten when Implementation of any one of the Ease of Ease of
The current fleet of the A320 Family Effectiveness implementation
considering their implementation. proposals in this FAST Special Effectiveness implementation
is operated by approximately 150 applicable to your airline and its
different organizations. Today, on The recently available standard fleet will reduce the number of in-
AEVC V06 Temperature Control Thermostat
average, an aircraft of the A320 V06 of the Avionic Equipment flight interruptions.
Ventilation Computer, (AEVC),
Family experiences an in-flight
described on page 4, addresses a Should there be any questions con- 5 Cost 5 Cost
interruption approximately once number of issues that have been at cerning the contents of this docu- 4 4
every 7000 flights. For an operator of the root of a relatively high per- ment please do not hesitate to con- 3 3
six aircraft with average utilisation centage of in-flight interruptions. tact the author of the relevant ATA 2 2
ROI Applicability ROI Applicability
chapter, your Regional Customer 1 1
this suggests one in-flight 0 0
Similarly, the Temperature Control Services Manager (RCSM) or your
interruption event every four or five Thermostat (TCT), described on Customer Services Director
months. page 17, has also been identified as (CSD).
being the cause of a relatively high Ease of Ease of

number of events, particularly when Effectiveness implementation Effectiveness implementation
operating in dusty environments.

24 25

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